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World of Warcraft

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Who's alliance and not playing on a pvp server? I might join a server with some peeps I know. My friends refuse to start an alliance char with me, horde whores :(


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Why? The human racials don't help a priest at all. Dwarf priest for Fear Ward is all that matters.

Well there's +10% spirit... but fear ward is much better, and makes the dwarf priest almost a class unto itself.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Why? The human racials don't help a priest at all. Dwarf priest for Fear Ward is all that matters.
I don't care much about racial abilities, I care about playing a toon I like and dwarves are ugly as hell.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
In 1.10 they are adding racials for all classes, like priests have. So a human warrior will have different abilities then a dwarf warrior and so on.



I meant dwarves, I hate them and will never play one, it was the same in EQ.

And I want change, not playing another horde race for the 1000th time.


Well it's installed, maybe tomorrow night I'll hop on and start a new toon. I'm looking at some servers populations and found a server with a big guild from Quebec, 200+ members and they can do some high end zones so I could always try to join them as a priest.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:


Dorfs > Humans + NE combined. Similar to UD > Troll. Sucks, really; it's just that one deal-breaking racial that seals it.

Ever since we've started managing ZG and bringing in quality people, the game has lept in quality for me. However, BG's are a pain; it's tough going when half your team is just interested in random ganks or is /laying at the starting spot, (The Defiler's Den is not a resource node); this makes most progress slow if any faction or honor-wise.

It makes it damn tough to land TUF and Don Julio's from AV, or the shoulders/belt/boots from AB for a character that hit 60 in October.


dave is ok said:
In 1.10 they are adding racials for all classes, like priests have. So a human warrior will have different abilities then a dwarf warrior and so on.

Where did you read that? Got a link?


Son of Godzilla said:
They've given up on creating new five man content, the classes are far too imbalanced for each to have a spot in a difficult instance.

Isn't the Tower of Medvih going to be a five man? I'm sure there will be others.
Ikse said:
Where did you read that? Got a link?
The community managers have talked a lot about it on the general forum, but that's about it. Hopefully Human/NE priests will offer something worthwhile instead of nothing at all.

Also, I got Spineshatter last night. I wasn't even aware this existed. I'm not too concerned about getting a Quel'Serrar book drop anymore.


xabre said:
Isn't the Tower of Medvih going to be a five man? I'm sure there will be others.

It's gone up to 10 (or was misreported as 5 to begin with). There's a couple of other ten-mans too, which makes me wonder if ten is the new five.

Oh well, there's always MICRODUNGEONS!
I have Alliance characters on Feathermoon and on Suramar.

I have a Horde character on Maelstrom.

Any gaffers match up with that at all?
I think that whole revamping racial class abilities is actually limited to revamping just the priests abilities, but cool if otherwise.

And Medivh is probably going to be capped at 10, 15 maybe. It's supposed to be a new UBRS, which I guess is ok.


To whoever it is that's in The Afflicted on Greymane, how close are you to downing Rag? We just did it this weekend, second on the server. I'm pretty sure you guys are right on our tail. Hopefully you beat Dreadnaught to be first on the Horde side :)


It's done... :(

I've started playing again and my priest is level 10 so far, joined a guild on Eonar that is made up of Quebecers only, we're about 160+ players and are Onyxia, Ragnaros and + capable wich is fun fun fun.


Hmm. I thought they were rehauling the Paladin class to make them more fun. Looking at the talent trees now and it doesn't seem like they did much of anything but nerf them even further.

That's too bad. I was looking at getting back into WoW to play one.


Should have finished yer Orc on CR, Mala :(

One of the major "problems" with WoW when it first came out was the fact that its character models looked very "toon-ish." I was always convinced that THAT was why WoW "characters" are called "toons." Besides... I think "toon" is funny!

As far as the 5-man/10-man debate goes... I totally agree. Raiding for me is hard enough due to my guild's... interesting Raid schedule (8:30 on a Monday night?! C'mon guys... I play poker on Monday's and MNF is on!). ZG has been easy for me to get on with (we have a rather large guild) but 5-10 man instances would be an absolute joy. I'm close with 5-10 guys in my guild and raiding with them exclusively for 1337 gear would really be nice. Besides... Vent gets weird with 40 people in it... especially since only a select few are allowed to speak. I want freedom to talk ;)

I'm sure it is entirely possible to make a couple of 5-10 man instances that you can only get into when "keyed." Long chains of quests to open these instances would keep the amount of "instancers" down is that is what they are worried about.

Thing is tho... who would want to do MC or BWL if these 5-10 mans existed? Loot cannot be the same :(


Guild mate made GM today!


Boomer said:
To whoever it is that's in The Afflicted on Greymane, how close are you to downing Rag? We just did it this weekend, second on the server. I'm pretty sure you guys are right on our tail. Hopefully you beat Dreadnaught to be first on the Horde side :)

We already beat them on Domo and Onyxia. We're much further ahead of them in the Rag race (we've actually managed to kill some sons, unlike dread who are having problems with Domo now). I think next week we get Rag down. We got the uber deep breath version of Onyxia yesterday so we're going again today.

Edit: Oh yeah, earlier this week Dreadnaught trained us on Azuregos. Quite assy to say the least.
Apple Jax said:
Thing is tho... who would want to do MC or BWL if these 5-10 mans existed? Loot cannot be the same :(
Then Blizzard should take the hint that no one does raiding for the fun of it, they only do it for the loot. Remove raids entirely, imo.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Then Blizzard should take the hint that no one does raiding for the fun of it, they only do it for the loot. Remove raids entirely, imo.

This is actually a good point.

For as much fun as raiding is (and it can be), I can't help but think of the more NEGATIVES surrounding it. Guild drama... ninja looting... DKP... wipes...

I really think that PvP and low-man instances are where I've had most of my fun. I won't lie, however, I've enjoyed my time in ZG.

But between all the planning and all the gear and shit you need for BWL/MC... it's A LOT. This is supposedly end-game and I'm not enjoying that aspect of it so much right now.

...I am, however, enjoying the massive amounts of BG I've been playing. Lotta fun. I think I'd rather gain rep with the different BGs and Rank up then bother with Guild Raiding right now... we'll see... maybe something will change my mind. At least I know that if I keep at PvPing... I'll be getting some pretty nice gear in the meantime... you know?


I don't know, if blizzard keeps it up with instances like ZG I won't mind. Instances that are actually fun, require a bit of outside the box thinking ect.
Ferrio said:
I don't know, if blizzard keeps it up with instances like ZG I won't mind. Instances that are actually fun, require a bit of outside the box thinking ect.
I don't think they necessarily need to be a raid though. I'd really like to see a 10-man instance that isn't just full of brainless bosses and enemies and couldn't be done with a pick-up group. Blizzard hasn't even attempted to try this yet, however.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I don't think they necessarily need to be a raid though. I'd really like to see a 10-man instance that isn't just full of brainless bosses and enemies and couldn't be done with a pick-up group. Blizzard hasn't even attempted to try this yet, however.


Having a similar boss to those seen in MC and ZG scaled down for a 10-man is certainly possible.

Give a boss "sections" and an assload of HP and we're on. Actually create a situation where EVERY class can be used and we're really cooking. I'd seriously eat this shit up.

Did Blizzard really intend for end-game to be so "group-heavy?" See, I loved soloing. Absolutely loved being able to spend hours on my own... questing and grinding and exploring new environments. Since turning 60... I've lost it. I can't quest for significant loot w/o a massive amount of people... I can't find myself yearning to farm reputation...

The closest I can come to "soloing" (or at least playing w/o the need for grouping) is through PvP... and even then I need to wait in between matches unless I (and by I... I mean a group of us) find a group worthy of sticking around with.

Seriously... if I wasn't in a big guild I'd be fucked. I stepped in shit and I know it. Being friendly to people in-game has its perks... I'm living proof.


I'd like an instance where a 5-man group has a certain task and the other 5-man group has another task, and they start at opposite ends and somehow meet in the middile and finish the instance where each side can be easy depending on the class balance or really difficult otherwise. I dunno, just a thought.

Or perhaps even an instance designed similarly like a BG where two teams, one 5-man horde, one 5-man alliance, race through the PvE content and the speed in which you progress can somehow sabotage the other teams speed of advance like blocking an easy path through or forcing the other team to head in a much more difficult direction. The goal, of course, nets the winning team with the easier encounter with better drops and the losing teams gets the harder encounter with lesser drops. Like one drops one epic 30% of the time and one drops none at all.


Ryu said:
I'd like an instance where a 5-man group has a certain task and the other 5-man group has another task, and they start at opposite ends and somehow meet in the middile and finish the instance where each side can be easy depending on the class balance or really difficult otherwise. I dunno, just a thought.

I've been waiting for an end game raiding encounter with a similar structure. The 40 man group is broken into smaller "teams" who head off to accomplish specific tasks that when completed do somethign for the greater good of the 40 man raid. An eight winged dungeon where 5 man groups have to go - and each wing is significantly different. It'd create a time sink to solve the 8 wings and then ultimately to kill the boss or whatever at the end.
Scoot said:
I've been waiting for an end game raiding encounter with a similar structure. The 40 man group is broken into smaller "teams" who head off to accomplish specific tasks that when completed do somethign for the greater good of the 40 man raid. An eight winged dungeon where 5 man groups have to go - and each wing is significantly different. It'd create a time sink to solve the 8 wings and then ultimately to kill the boss or whatever at the end.
I posted about this on the main forums and it got ignored, of course. I'd really like a giant, open-ended dungeon that guilds could hang out in for about a week and put it on a weekly timer. Make it all 5-man, but with all the different places to go, it could either be completed super fast with 8 5-man groups or take a full week by 1 5-man group. Same rewards but much, much slower and with way more work if you do it with a smaller amount of people.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
I posted about this on the main forums and it got ignored, of course. I'd really like a giant, open-ended dungeon that guilds could hang out in for about a week and put it on a weekly timer. Make it all 5-man, but with all the different places to go, it could either be completed super fast with 8 5-man groups or take a full week by 1 5-man group. Same rewards but much, much slower and with way more work if you do it with a smaller amount of people.

That's an end game I'd be interested in.


Scoot said:
That's an end game I'd be interested in.

And... this solves the problem of having too many Epics available at once... it could still be hard enough to accomplish... and certainly take long enough to farm.

Aside from the loot... I think it'd be pretty fun as well. I think "loot" will always be the end-all be-all of incentives for any instancer/raider... but with an instance with "wings" I think having fun will be BACK.

Good idea. We've recently recruited a GM into our guild.. so... I guess it wouldn't hurt to bring up ideas to him... at the very least he could tell me to shut up.


Finally got into this game about a month and a half ago. Don't know what took me so long, but I'm loving it. Shenanigans the Night Elf Druid tearing ass all over Shadow Council.

I can't seem to get out of Stranglethorn Vale though... GRIND GRIND GRIND! NEED MORE LEATHER! KILL 16 MORE RAPTORS! 84 MORE TIGERS! 67 PANTHERS! 9000 SAILORS!
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