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World of Warcraft

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border said:
Level 60 folks know what they're doing, and the matches are harder and longer. 40-49 is a bunch of Alliance goofballs that are usually a pushover. Since you get the same amount of AB reputation no matter what tier you win in, I'd like to pull in the majority of it while wins are in an easier tier. If I feel like it, I'll try for Exalted when I get to level 60 so I can get some of the Defiler's epic gear.

Plus staying at 49 lets me solo some of the low-level dungeons I never bothered with, and gives me time to level up blacksmithing skills that I'd previously neglected in favor of questing.

Of course turning in wins actually gives you experience, so doing nothing but AB will eventually level you up!
New Update:

World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.8.3 (2005-11-08)

New Blizzard Launcher

A new launch utility has been created to enhance your entry into World of Warcraft! The Blizzard Launcher will provide up-to-date news and important event- and support-related updates. In some regions, the Blizzard Launcher also scans for Trojan viruses and third-party cheat programs and notifies you if it has located any on your machine. In addition to providing you with the benefits of additional anti-virus protection, the scan that the launcher conducts represents another security measure to protect your World of Warcraft account information and gameplay experience. For further details, please go to http://www.blizzard.com/support/wow/?id=aww01907p1.


The AddOn button should now properly show on the character selection screen for players using custom interfaces.
I've always tried to get in to battlegrounds and finally last night got in around 9pm, and didn't get done until 2am. I'm lvl 39 so just at the top of the cap, and i racked up 320 kills last night. Man that was so fun i'm gonna go back like everynight to get more kills before i lvl again.


What's up with this ridiculous patch? It's going to take forever to install....
Zaptruder said:
Of course turning in wins actually gives you experience, so doing nothing but AB will eventually level you up!
The point is that I can make it to Revered by the time I reach 50, but I can't do anything besides turning in AB Marks of Honor. You get half your rep from just winning AB, so if you don't turn in the quest you can stay at your current level forever (it'll just take twice as long to increase rep).
border said:
Level 60 folks know what they're doing, and the matches are harder and longer. 40-49 is a bunch of Alliance goofballs that are usually a pushover. Since you get the same amount of AB reputation no matter what tier you win in, I'd like to pull in the majority of it while wins are in an easier tier. If I feel like it, I'll try for Exalted when I get to level 60 so I can get some of the Defiler's epic gear.

Plus staying at 49 lets me solo some of the low-level dungeons I never bothered with, and gives me time to level up blacksmithing skills that I'd previously neglected in favor of questing.

My Server Am Teh Suck!

The alliance NEVER wins AV well not since pre-AB BG's we get as far a Ice Blood and it goes all down hill. It seems on my server the horde get these skill that apperently the alliance doesn't have like Healing, Reading, and Fearing. The horde constantly sends a sheilded caster into a group of us who does a suicide run to do Arcane Explosion or Fear...I have yet to see the alliance do that on my server.


Helped a guildie get his Epic pally mount tonight. Three Pallies and me (warrior) pwnd Scholo, up to, and including, rattlegore for the quest. Wasn't sure if we were going to able to do it ... but we did. Pretty neat quest, though not as cool as the Warlock epic mount one.





A couple more random questions:

On blacksmithing....should I go Armorsmith or Weaponsmith? Overall the profession has been pretty disappointing. I think I've only made 1-2 things that I actually wanted to use, and most stuff that you can make has an equivalent that you can easily buy at AH. Even if you get a good recipe as a drop, they always require a bunch of expensive/rare ingredients. Does it get any better?

How do you go about getting an epic mount (for Horde warrior)? Is the epic mount just as good as the special PVP mount you get? Is there a difference?
border said:
A couple more random questions:

On blacksmithing....should I go Armorsmith or Weaponsmith? Overall the profession has been pretty disappointing. I think I've only made 1-2 things that I actually wanted to use, and most stuff that you can make has an equivalent that you can easily buy at AH. Even if you get a good recipe as a drop, they always require a bunch of expensive/rare ingredients. Does it get any better?

How do you go about getting an epic mount (for Horde warrior)? Is the epic mount just as good as the special PVP mount you get? Is there a difference?

I've just found that getting to 300 Ax/Hammer/Sword/Armorsmith is good just so you can say "OMG! Arcanite Reaper recipe! I'm Master Axsmith! N!" if that ever goes down in Scholo.

But yeah, Silvered Bronze Breastplate, Green Iron Hauberk, and Thorium Belt is the only things I've made I've wore; although the D/E and gifts for lowbie recruits/alts have been plentiful. "60 Warrior LFG for 5-man Scholo PST" :p

Epic for warrior? Hand 800g to the dude you got your 80g for your first Kodo/Raptor/Zombie Horse/Wolf from. I myself am getting Honored with TB just so I don't have to see my Warrior's monster plate-wearing ass crush the back of yet another wee little doggie anymore. I believe the AV wolf is just as fast as the one from Orgimmar, (and is actually sized to fit the rider).


One good thing about armorsmith on a warrior is that the Dark Iron Chestpiece is BOP. So if you're planning on being a tank in MC one day....


Great Wasabi Man said:
The alliance NEVER wins AV well not since pre-AB BG's we get as far a Ice Blood and it goes all down hill. It seems on my server the horde get these skill that apperently the alliance doesn't have like Healing, Reading, and Fearing. The horde constantly sends a sheilded caster into a group of us who does a suicide run to do Arcane Explosion or Fear...I have yet to see the alliance do that on my server.
On my server, it's the opposite. It's so hard for the Horde to win AV if we're not tightly organized. The removal of "Join as Group" hurt our side more than it did the Alliance. Plus the lack of healers who PVP on the Horde side make it difficult to get far, meanwhile I was in an AV instance once where the Alliance had EIGHT priests on their side.
Today on my server (Greymane), we get a [Bindings of the Windseeker] drop off Baron Geddon, and my guild decides to give it to a rogue over a warrior (we're merit mind you).

Keep in mind we aren't an alliance guild which could benefit from BoS so the rogue doesn't overaggro due to the Thunderfury proc. I've been playing mmorpgs for a long time, and to me, this loot call was just absurd. The kind of call which shatters any belief you have in the officers to make a good loot call.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Yeah, that's a tank weapon if there ever was one.

On my server, theres probably about 10 legendaries floating around Alliance side and 6 or 7 are on pallies : (


And why is it not a rogue weapon?

Rogues can swing that sword faster than any class making most use of the proc. Rogues also have feint in order not to gain aggro. Yes it's also a great sword for tanking, but you're being very narrow minded on it's use.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Ferrio said:
And why is it not a rogue weapon?

Rogues can swing that sword faster than any class making most use of the proc. Rogues also have feint in order not to gain aggro. Yes it's also a great sword for tanking, but you're being very narrow minded on it's use.
I mean, it'd be ok for a rogue. But they'd draw aggro, alot.


That's why rogues have feint. Throwing a feint everytime it's up and they'll be OK. Even talked to rogues on my server with the sword that say aggro isn't bad and you just need to feint regularly.


Ferrio said:
And why is it not a rogue weapon?

Rogues can swing that sword faster than any class making most use of the proc. Rogues also have feint in order not to gain aggro. Yes it's also a great sword for tanking, but you're being very narrow minded on it's use.

the faster you swing doesnt affect the proc rate of a weapon.


BlackMage said:
the faster you swing doesnt affect the proc rate of a weapon.

Matters on the proc (for example I've read that Crusader is based on time, and lifesteal based on hits). Some are hit based, some time based. From what I read thunderfury is hit based and procs 30% of the time.

THough I'll tell you for sure once i get mine made.


Sirpopopop said:
Today on my server (Greymane), we get a [Bindings of the Windseeker] drop off Baron Geddon, and my guild decides to give it to a rogue over a warrior (we're merit mind you).

Keep in mind we aren't an alliance guild which could benefit from BoS so the rogue doesn't overaggro due to the Thunderfury proc. I've been playing mmorpgs for a long time, and to me, this loot call was just absurd. The kind of call which shatters any belief you have in the officers to make a good loot call.

What guild are you in? I'm in Exousia.


I was about to say "meh" to the slicer....but it has a nature damage proc.... wonder if it would proc enough to take use of the thunderfury?


Zulian slicer
Maelstorm trinket
Hand of Justice Trinket
Instant poisons...

I can't wait till i get that damn sword.
Boomer said:
What guild are you in? I'm in Exousia.

The Afflicted.

We're probably the top Horde guild now since we beat Dreadnaught to the kill on Majordomo even though they started raiding MC 4 weeks before us. :lol
sirpop, im thinking about renewing my account, hows greymane as a server? I know you and Das are over there.I'm tempted to come back, but the grind to 60 again is the only thing holding me back.
Ferrio said:
That's why rogues have feint. Throwing a feint everytime it's up and they'll be OK. Even talked to rogues on my server with the sword that say aggro isn't bad and you just need to feint regularly.

From what I read, even with feint, due to the crazy amount of times the weapon procs, a rogue still runs a danger of stealing aggro from the MT.

Of course, BoS can help a lot with that.


Ferrio said:
And why is it not a rogue weapon?

Rogues can swing that sword faster than any class making most use of the proc. Rogues also have feint in order not to gain aggro. Yes it's also a great sword for tanking, but you're being very narrow minded on it's use.

Actually hunters can probably swing the sword faster by spamming wing clip repeatedly.

But rogues will do more damage just by been a rogue... even if they'll arguably recieve less benefit from the percentage based proc than hunters.



Zaptruder said:
Actually hunters can probably swing the sword faster by spamming wing clip repeatedly.

But rogues will do more damage just by been a rogue... even if they'll arguably recieve less benefit from the percentage based proc than hunters.


Rogues can default swing it 1.33 speed constantly (it's 1.9 regularly). Combat rogues (which is what you should be if you have that thing) can swing it .95 speed every 2 minutes, plus have a 6% chance to hit again on every hit. Then you got sinister strike add adrenaline rush where you can constantly spam SS for 15 seconds.

Going to beat any wing clip spam.
Sorry ferrio, but thunderfury is a warrior/pally weapon. Whoever gets one will probably be forced to use it forever. Which means that a rogue would be locked in at a 53 dps 1.9 speed mainhand. In the long run it'll gimp the rogue, whereas a warrior would be just fine with it, especially with the added threat the proc creates. And honestly, if you aren't already constantly on the verge of pulling aggro as a rogue, your alliance :p

But yea, it's still a damn nice weapon and great for anyone that completes it.
Apple Jax said:
This legit?!

As far as I know. I found it here. The owner of the site works for Blizzard, and one of the commenters said they saw it on TV when it happened. So take that for what it is worth. It certaintly looks legit, what with Alex's voice and everything.


Sorry ferrio, but thunderfury is a warrior/pally weapon. Whoever gets one will probably be forced to use it forever. Which means that a rogue would be locked in at a 53 dps 1.9 speed mainhand. In the long run it'll gimp the rogue, whereas a warrior would be just fine with it, especially with the added threat the proc creates. And honestly, if you aren't already constantly on the verge of pulling aggro as a rogue, your alliance :p

Your point being? The speed doesn't matter anymore first of all (all instant strikes use the same speed now). The dps doesn't matter cause that's not the point of the weapon ( even vis'kag has a higher dps rating on it), the point of the weapon is to get it to proc as much as possible. The only bad mark against it is the 145 max damage on it. But any good sword rogue knows their damage comes from white damage coming from slice and dice and bladefury, burst damage through sinister strikes are just added bonuses. If you think it gimps a rogue then I guess you haven't seen screenshots of rogues outdamaging whole raids by a huge margin including other similiarly geared rogues.


But wouldn't the warrior or paladin be screwed then to? I understand your argument of the weapon being overshadowed by future additions, but how is the warrior or paladin less affected? What about when AshBringer comes out, now the paladin is sad cause he has a thunderfury when there's a better weapon for him.
Ferrio said:
But wouldn't the warrior or paladin be screwed then to? I understand your argument of the weapon being overshadowed by future additions, but how is the warrior or paladin less affected? What about when AshBringer comes out, now the paladin is sad cause he has a thunderfury when there's a better weapon for him.
A warrior doesn't care about his DPS when he's tanking. A Thunderfury will always be a solid choice for him. A rogue's DPS will definitely be gimped if he holds onto the Thunderfury for too long.

It's sad that you're in such denial of reality and how the majority feels that you're willing to argue it this long for no reason other than your pride because you have the bindings.


Worships the porcelain goddess
You know, I'd think I'd like to give this game a try again. However, it's been so long, I honestly don't know shit about it anymore. Here's my questions:

1) Are there any good sources of information about each profession/job in plain english? I played a MNK and well, any melee job in Final Fantasy XI, mainly cuz I like the melee side of things. What am I looking at in this in mind in WoW?

2) Crafting. Pointless timesink? Essential skills to learn? Waste of time? Or a legit source of money in the game?

3) How is the PVP server aspect of things? Are there just tons of pointless gankings? Griefers around every turn? How did that Honor system turn out?

3a) How did Battlegrounds turn out?

4) Is there an official GAF server? Which side? Horde/Alliance?

5) The user created UIs I see everywhere easy to use?

Those are all that come to mind. I still have my Collector's Edition sitting on the shelf, and it feels like it's calling to me for some reason. I'm getting tired of FFXI, so maybe it's time for a change. Help me out!


1) They're classes in WoW, not "jobs" :) Main melee classes are rogue (high damage, low armor) and warrior (medium damage, high armor). Paladins are melee oriented with high armor and healing spells, but only available to the crappy faction. Shamans are their Horde equivalent, but their spells work differently. Hunter is ranged and melee, though you generally want to focus on the melee stuff (supposedly it's one of the best soloing classes).

2) Professions/crafting is okay, but I think they pretty much all have the same problem in that you can generally find better stuff at the auction house than you can make on your own. You might get lucky and have a recipe for something really good drop off an enemy, but the chances of that are really slim. Materials to make items are generally worth more than the items you can make, so if you want money you are better off with a material-collection profession than a crafting profession.

3) PVP servers are okay. Ganking is very bad in certain areas of the world.....not as much a problem in others. Travelling in groups tends to prevent ganking, as does avoiding the Hilsbrad Foothills and Stranglethorn Vale. After level 40 it seemed like I was getting ganked a lot less, but maybe it's just the places I visited. Honor system is cool, but it does not deter ganking and there is no possible way to progress in it unless you do Battlegrounds (almost nobody raids cities).

3a) I like the Arathi Basin battleground a lot. Warsong Gulch matches last too long and take too long to start. I haven't tried Alterac Valley yet. Overall BGs seem like a cool way to keep you playing past level 60, particularly if doing raid dungeons over-and-over doesn't sound very appealling to you.

4) There was an official GAF server, but everybody around here was splintered from the start.

5) Custom UIs work fine, though they can hinder performance if you get a crappy one.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
A warrior doesn't care about his DPS when he's tanking. A Thunderfury will always be a solid choice for him. A rogue's DPS will definitely be gimped if he holds onto the Thunderfury for too long.

It's sad that you're in such denial of reality and how the majority feels that you're willing to argue it this long for no reason other than your pride because you have the bindings.

So you're saying this is a warrior weapon cause there will never ever be another weapon better for tanking?

You're arguing that it's bad for rogues cause someday there will be a better weapon for rogues and NOT for tanks.

What happens if a legendary weapon with a proc to generate lots of threat (not based on damage, just threat) is introducted into the game? Now this warrior is stuck with a legendary weapon that's not as good as it could be.

Regardless the weapon is both awesome for warriors and rogues. Let's leave it at that.
Ferrio said:
So you're saying this is a warrior weapon cause there will never ever be another weapon better for tanking?
No, if that's what I meant to say, I would've said it.
Ferrio said:
You're arguing that it's bad for rogues cause someday there will be a better weapon for rogues and NOT for tanks.
No, learn to read.
Ferrio said:
What happens if a legendary weapon with a proc to generate lots of threat (not based on damage, just threat) is introducted into the game?
lol you're creating future weapons now with hypothetical stats to try and prove points.

It's a warrior weapon. Other classes can use it, and it will definitely benefit them and anyone raiding with that person, but the greatest use of the weapon will come in the hands of a warrior.


3rd Binding of the windseeker dropped today. Went to MT. We've been killing garr/baron for about 2 months and gotton three bindings so far. Yet only a trickle of rogue gear.


Netherwind looks AWFUL,I just cannot get over how shitty it looks...and Dragonstalkers is way too bright of a purple compared to the concept art.


Left my guild yesterday and quit WoW...

game was taking too much outta me again, and not returning enough.

Lousy guild council made me stand outside of MC for 5 hours waiting like a goddamn idiot. I got there earlier than 75% of the raid, went down to MC, waited for my invite.... We had 4 hunters (including myself) online (3 inside), and they had 7 priests, 7 warriors, 7 mages, 5 paladins, 4 druids, etc in raid. Talk about over fucking healing... or rather sending a clear fucking message.
They were pretty aware I was outside too. I also needed to pick up gehennas' hand to finish up the aquementas quest... I requested to be let in for that in guild chat; no response.

I was the hunter with the highest DKP and at the top of our loot rotation... and wanted giantstalker shoulders badly. Instead, they went to the hunter with the lowest DKP, who moved up the loot rotation after the other hunter above him picked up on a strikers mark (bad move in my opinion; he already had a mandokir's sting), because I wasn't present at Sulfuron's kill...

And the reason for me been shafted? Because I was trying to push the issue of DKP revision... get the DKP values better examined and priced; stuff like bracers of trueflight (mail wrists with +1% hit) were priced at 40, compared to the Giantstalker bracers priced at 20 (with so much +% hit stuff, those are pretty shitty bracers).
Also they were pricing stuff like Zinrokh, the uber 2hd ZG sword at the same price as the offhand hakkari warblade (admittedly nice, but not that nice).
So invariably some usable and relatively desirable loot was getting disenchanted because members wouldn't pay the unfair prices; when confronted with the issue, one of the guild officers said: Hey, if they're not paying for it, then that means they DON'T WANT IT. And what's wrong with large brilliant shards? They're VERY USEFUL.
Also the damned idiots continue to sit on their inflationary DKP system and protect it like little bitches. They pay out 2 DKP for each epic item (regardless of what it is) as long as its paid for (it gets DEd if the item isn't paid for). And on average stuff costs around 40DKP. So they're handing out twice the DKP and taking half back in. They have ZG runs where they don't pay out DKP but take it back in; but that place is very unreliable in its epic drop rate... and even if epics dropped off every boss in there, it wouldn't be nearly enough to offset the inflation from Onyxia and MC everyweek.
Since before they started using this system, I've constantly suggested a zero-dkp system, which would take care of a good deal of problems.
They also have the gall to suggest that people sitting on big piles of DKP is a problem (just think about it; if someone is sitting on a big pile of DKP in a zero-inflation DKP system, it means they've contributed a large amount without recieving anything or much for their effort. Not so true with an inflationary DKP system tho), and that's why they were using their more 'simplistic' (most of the difficulty is in book keeping; keeping track of all the players present for each drop then recording that... true for any system) dkp system.

I was so optimistic going into the weekend as well... my turn for the leaf, I'm at the top of my class list, and the top DKP for my class... instead, I stood outside messaging people inside on the status of the run like a moron.

Combined with the fact I just don't know when to stop playing, and the fact that despite my many efforts for the guild (which I had been a part of since the first week), I'd been overlooked for an officer position (and thus had my say about alot of things reduced and flat out ignored)... while other junior members that were good at sucking cock and ACTING like they cared got moved up into officer positions.
I had so much invested into the guild too... and felt very much like a core member, seeing the guild rise from 14 member PVP for fun guild to a 150 strong MC raiding guild, recruiting a few key members as well as pushing for policy changes as well as teaching alot of my class members finer points on the class (including the supposed hunter leader; good guy, but not so knowledagble on hunters).
So, I guess in the end despite the promising start (upto major domo by our 3rd week of raiding, Ony kill first day 3rd try, hakkar kill), the leaders were more intrested in syncophants who would bend over and act like dolls than actual players.
I mean, there is a line between raid discipline and fun, and anal retentiveness and taking orders up the ass... and I do think certain guild leaders crossed it.

Oh well... I just need a break; I'll be ready to jump back in when server transfers are up; so I can move to the aussie server, where I might even be able to find a raiding group in my own timezone. Either joining an established guild where I don't have as much emotionally invested or be a key member (officer) in forming a successful raiding guild. Will also be intrested in seeing patch changes... linked auction houses... oh fuck yeah :eek:
150 members and yer bitching about being left out of one raid :p

But yea, that dkp method is retarded. Soon as anything is on farm status, even fucking luci, there's going to be inflation out the ass. That coupled with letting some idiot determine how much an item is worth must suck.

What melee weapons are those? Don't think I've ever seen em. Also, wyrmslayer pauldrons are godly.


Son of Godzilla said:
150 members and yer bitching about being left out of one raid :p

But yea, that dkp method is retarded. Soon as anything is on farm status, even fucking luci, there's going to be inflation out the ass. That coupled with letting some idiot determine how much an item is worth must suck.

What melee weapons are those? Don't think I've ever seen em. Also, wyrmslayer pauldrons are godly.

150 characters. But really only around 90 or so members. But at the time only 45-47 online.

And I'm one of their most hardcore raiders; so hey, if they wanna say fuck you, I can say fuck you right back at them.

The swords aren't swords at all. They're just bone slicing hatchets; edited the graphics so that they'd look like a green variant of a phantom blade. They look extremely awesome really... actually my character's hair isn't white either... its turqoise; but since a long time ago (like a month after release) I've wanted white hair for my character. Doesn't matter a lick if others see it as that or not, but yeah... blizzard doesn't have any facility to change character appearance after creation, so what can you do :p




<3 Jin Ring Set. +1.3% crit (with lightning reflexes), +1% hit, +15 stamina, +82 Ranged attack power (or 66 melee attack power) on my hunter.


Also the luck of drops in this game is retarded. I'm looking forward to Tier 3+ stuff been distributed not so much off lucky loot chance but more on a ZG like basis (which the developers commented as really liking)*. The guy sitting next to me, my good buddy Rayz; only levelled up to 60 a month ago, had basically shit gear, a mishmash of blues and greens...

a month into the guild, he's virtually full up on Nightslayer with a Viskag's and Eye of Hakkar to boot.

Actually, our guild has had so much rogue and druid shit drop the rest of the members have become pretty demoralized as a result. The rogues and druids are DKP poor too. haha.

*If you think about it, it's a good scheme; loot distribution not only becomes even for all classes, not just on a across all servers basis (which it currently is), it becomes even for an individual guild wide basis, as well as requiring effort to earn the gear on a personal basis, rather than some players getting lucky with drops or joining an established guild in hope of picking up on rotting equips.
Hell, it even encourages players to work through hard dungeons like BWL, even if they're getting thrashed; you'll still be earning rep as you learn.
Finally, you don't have to concern yourself with recruiting more than necessary of a certain class or bringing more than necessary of a certain class, just to prevent loot rot.

And people might complain about rep grinding... but on the same token, they'll STILL be excellent none tier stuff that drops, that rewards the guild immediately upon taking down bosses and what not.


You made Knight-Captain as a Night Elf? Wow, if your server is anything like mine it must be murder progressing up the ranks...Allies only seem to win BGs about 10% of the time.
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