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World of Warcraft

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border said:
You made Knight-Captain as a Night Elf? Wow, if your server is anything like mine it must be murder progressing up the ranks...Allies only seem to win BGs about 10% of the time.

I made Knight Champion, but I stopped PVPing for the last 3 weeks.

Actually, it doesn't matter how much you win lose... it's all just relative to your own faction... so if everyone else is doing shit, then you just have to do a bit better than them, even if in absolute terms you're doing shit.

In real terms, this comes down to, how much time can you put into the game?

My answer was: too much.


Zaptruder said:
In real terms, this comes down to, how much time can you put into the game?
Doesn't this question apply to pretty much any-and-all post 60 activities?

Out of curiousity, how was Alliance faring in the BGs you attended?
Heh, I lost the Tiger portion of the ZG ring set today. I've had spider's piece for about a month and haven't had Tony drop when I was attending since. I sat there spamming /spit at the hunter who looted it. Fucker thought I was just joking saying I needed and looted it before I could yell at him to pass it to me. We go full on /random in ZG. It's kinda useful, won Hakkari offhand against a destitute rogue I had no right stealing from.

Man, I'd go insane if I put that much into a guild and walked away with so little. Lucky me I joined mine when we only had 2 really active hunters and were on a streak of hunter loot. Woulda been 8/8 GS like three months ago if I had waited a week for Rhok :/ As it is, we've had 1 GS bracer drop. Ever.

And yea, I'm really happy with the way ZG loot was handled. It's not particularly good loot, but the idea is solid. I'd love to see a huge dungeon done that way with a bit better scaling. Kind of a mix between rep grinding and mega boss slaying. The problem with ZG is that you have to do like 40 or so full clears to get to exalted. I'd like something similar where you still make progress just getting through the instance but once you are able to do a full clear the process is expedited by a ton.


border said:
Doesn't this question apply to pretty much any-and-all post 60 activities?

Out of curiousity, how was Alliance faring in the BGs you attended?

There's this elite horde PVP group that basically picks and chooses members, for class balance, as well as competent players...

then they play all day everyday, and they win 99.7% of their matches (literally; I've only heard of 3-4 wins against them in a 2 month period)

Apart from that group, the horde are actually relatively on par with the alliance, a bit better, but not hugely so... unfortunately, alliance meet that group in about 50% of the games they play, due to the high turnover rate they have of winning so quickly and so many games.
Also, the group can often get large enough to spill over into 2 elite or even 3 elite (during peak weekend times) groups, so then we're in even more shit.

Man, I'd go insane if I put that much into a guild and walked away with so little. Lucky me I joined mine when we only had 2 really active hunters and were on a streak of hunter loot. Woulda been 8/8 GS like three months ago if I had waited a week for Rhok :/ As it is, we've had 1 GS bracer drop. Ever.

In the end, after 2 months of every day service, I walked away with some ok stuff, but definetly not worth the effort I put in (I left with 190DKP, compared to the 150dkp I spent).

Mandokir's Sting (don't really use it; but its good for photo ops)
Runed Bloodstained Hauberk (actually pretty decent, not great, but not bad at all)
Giantstalker bracers, belt
Hunter ZG enchant (but with nothing to put it on!)
Zulian Tigercloak (I use it as my stamina cape)
Onyxia tooth pendant
and Jin ring set.
Oh... and the mature black dragon sinew; no leaf.

Which in truth isn't so bad... but I could've done without the bow and the cape. and the sinew is meaningless now until I get into an endgame guild that's trashing the leaf.
Heh, I just noticed in your screen that bloodseeker does more dmg per shot than rhok. I mean, it's obvious with the way AP works, but I never realized the difference was that big. I'd probably pull down 200+ more dmg per crit switching to it. Can't wait to get Ashj... If only Vael wasn't cockblocking the way.


Son of Godzilla said:
Heh, I just noticed in your screen that bloodseeker does more dmg per shot than rhok. I mean, it's obvious with the way AP works, but I never realized the difference was that big. I'd probably pull down 200+ more dmg per crit switching to it. Can't wait to get Ashj... If only Vael wasn't cockblocking the way.

Rhok is still the better weapon... but not nearly as much as the DPS difference first suggests.

The rhok will come out ontop, but owe a good deal of it to the crit diffference... kinda sad isn't it?

In PVP, the bloodseeker is infact still a better weapon, due to the opening burst combo of aimedshot, multishot and autoshot.


border said:
You made Knight-Captain as a Night Elf? Wow, if your server is anything like mine it must be murder progressing up the ranks...Allies only seem to win BGs about 10% of the time.

Should be on my server. Alliance decimates the horde.

I ran Gnomer three times yesterday, and all I got was a Double Barelled Shotgun :lol A friend of mine who is a Mage however, got like 4 blue items.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
lol @ all the loot whore guild whining

Hey man. That shit isn't so much about the loot as the fucking lack of respect the guild had for my efforts. Shit, I was trying to do right by them, and they give me the finger?

Yeah, I wouldn't expect a fucking troll retard like you to understand tho. It's fine learn 2 play.

Zaptruder said:
Hey man. That shit isn't so much about the loot as the fucking lack of respect the guild had for my efforts. Shit, I was trying to do right by them, and they give me the finger?

Yeah, I wouldn't expect a fucking troll retard like you to understand tho. It's fine learn 2 play.

Sorry dude, you don't get DKP for crying like a baby.


lol owned

btw, I got my Lawbringer Legplates on Friday to complete the set. Now it's time to start spending DKP on stupid shit, hooray.
Mzo said:
btw, I got my Lawbringer Legplates on Friday to complete the set. Now it's time to start spending DKP on stupid shit, hooray.
While you did that, I was sitting outside MC for 5 hours in tears waiting for Wild Growth Spaulders. :( Our guild sucks.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
While you did that, I was sitting outside MC for 5 hours in tears waiting for Wild Growth Spaulders. :( Our guild sucks.

From what I can guess, you're one of those asshats that while sick of players whining, hypocritically criticise and annoy as much as the original whining, adding little productive to the situation... but perhaps with the misguided intent to publically humliate the original whiner, in order to get them to stop whining less.

Ok, that's fine... except when you miss the point of the original spiel completely and start to attack things on a tangent... in effect marking you as an ignorant asshat with little better to do than to spew witless catch phrases not of your own devising.

But in case you did actually want to address my original argument;

WoW is draining, and becoming less enjoyable (again).
Incident with guild on weekend made me cognizantly aware of the fact.
Left guild and game in order to reclaim time for activities outside of WoW.
Incident with guild can be broken down into; effort given to guild. Effort rejected. Disrespect shown for the effort.
Zaptruder said:
From what I can guess, you're one of those asshats that while sick of players whining, hypocritically criticise and annoy as much as the original whining, adding little productive to the situation... but perhaps with the misguided intent to publically humliate the original whiner, in order to get them to stop whining less.

Ok, that's fine... except when you miss the point of the original spiel completely and start to attack things on a tangent... in effect marking you as an ignorant asshat with little better to do than to spew witless catch phrases not of your own devising.

But in case you did actually want to address my original argument;

WoW is draining, and becoming less enjoyable (again).
Incident with guild on weekend made me cognizantly aware of the fact.
Left guild and game in order to reclaim time for activities outside of WoW.
Incident with guild can be broken down into; effort given to guild. Effort rejected. Disrespect shown for the effort.
I wish I had enough DKP for Shadowstrike. :(
DKP guilds suck balls. My friend is in Sovereign Alliance on bloodhoof and they are a very cool guild. They run MC all the time, and have already gotten a decent amount into Blackwing. But they just divide it up depending on who runs with them and how long they been a member. They don't save up gay points. That means you could wait a whole year to get the Might set where as it takes about 10 runs to get the set if you are in a cool guild like theirs


DKP guilds suck balls.

Couldn't disagree more,you raid,you get points,you get your items.Just randomly passing out stuff based on who has been there would cause drama out the ass for the majority of guilds.
Ramirez said:
Couldn't disagree more,you raid,you get points,you get your items.Just randomly passing out stuff based on who has been there would cause drama out the ass for the majority of guilds.

Exactly. I would never raid with a guild not using a DKP system. Zero Sum is the best IMO, you get what you put in, simple as that.


Ramirez said:
Yea,we have set prices for anything,takes away spite bidding,bout as good as a system could get,IMO.

As long as the set prices are fair though.

If they're charging the same price for a 1hd sword and a 2hd sword of uberness, and then chalking overpriced disenchants down to: No one wants the item... then there's something wrong with management!

Zero-sum, intelligently assessed set prices... that's a winning combination.

inflationary, unintelligently arbitarily assigned prices FTL!


I'm in Furvos Latros and we just started a DKP system now that we've started raiding MC. No complaints yet... we haven't taken down anything of note really... but everyone seems confident it will work out.

I like that we aren't using DKP for ZG... but then again... I've never heard of anyone who has.

How long you been with DA?
Since sometime in June/July.

Yea, we aren't sure if we are gonna stick with randoming in ZG. Lots of mages crying for dkp now that we are getting the heart trinket.


Son of Godzilla said:
Since sometime in June/July.

Yea, we aren't sure if we are gonna stick with randoming in ZG. Lots of mages crying for dkp now that we are getting the heart trinket.

The one sensible thing my guild did was allow people to bid on items if they wanted preference over just randoming.

No DKP was earnt on the runs tho...

the unsensible thing they did was DE epics if no one was willing to pay the DKP for it. As a result possibly some of the best paladin gloves got DEd because the 2 paladins present had lawbringer gauntlets... even tho those aren't nearly quite as good.


Zaptruder said:
the unsensible thing they did was DE epics if no one was willing to pay the DKP for it. As a result possibly some of the best paladin gloves got DEd because the 2 paladins present had lawbringer gauntlets... even tho those aren't nearly quite as good.

Same thing happened to us. Though I attribute it to be less of a system problem and more of a greedy fucking player problem.


Neo Member
Nice, Blizz took 9 months creating a bag with an autosort function, which has been done in a mod since day 1 of me playing.


Prime said:
Nice, Blizz took 9 months creating a bag with an autosort function, which has been done in a mod since day 1 of me playing.

Gotta give'em credit for continually improving the UI tho.

I can actually play the game without any addons (although I do), where as when the game started, the basic UI was only adequate for the first 10 levels or so.


Ferrio said:
Same thing happened to us. Though I attribute it to be less of a system problem and more of a greedy fucking player problem.

The irony is that when I commented on set items been more desirable and thus none set items should be reduced in price, the same paladin that let the gloves slip also commented, "None set items are more desirable for me."

The more I think about it, the more I want to punch that cockhead in his face. He was so goddamn weird, but fucking callous the more you got to know him.


Suprise suprise another warrior nerf

15% reduction to enrage with 5/5 points (from 40% to 25%)

SS + WW + Cleave also got nerfed

i'm not too happy bout these changes


Just because the player base hasn't discovered how overpowered some of the stuff is, doesn't mean developers haven't.

That said, they've 'fixed' things only to change them back, so I'm not too sure what they're doing.


Worships the porcelain goddess
yacobod said:
Suprise suprise another warrior nerf

15% reduction to enrage with 5/5 points (from 40% to 25%)

SS + WW + Cleave also got nerfed

i'm not too happy bout these changes


Yeah, I was just by the WoW Forums when I noticed the uproar over this patch from Warriors. Considering I wanted to play one, I can't say I'm all that excited to jump in. =x


elitehebrew said:
DKP guilds suck balls. My friend is in Sovereign Alliance on bloodhoof and they are a very cool guild. They run MC all the time, and have already gotten a decent amount into Blackwing. But they just divide it up depending on who runs with them and how long they been a member. They don't save up gay points. That means you could wait a whole year to get the Might set where as it takes about 10 runs to get the set if you are in a cool guild like theirs
We use a DKP system, and I got my full Lawbringer set + Judgment Helm and Legplates + Magma Tempered Boots + Flamewalker Legplates + Earthshaker + Finkle's Lava Dredger + Aurastone Hammer + Mallistar's Defender in about 4 months.

Not quite a year.

DKP systems make the most sense. People are greedy and stupid, having a set system in place that can't be argued is the best way when dealing with that many people.
Mzo said:
We use a DKP system, and I got my full Lawbringer set + Judgment Helm and Legplates + Magma Tempered Boots + Flamewalker Legplates + Earthshaker + Finkle's Lava Dredger + Aurastone Hammer + Mallistar's Defender in about 4 months.

Not quite a year.

DKP systems make the most sense. People are greedy and stupid, having a set system in place that can't be argued is the best way when dealing with that many people.

In one month of raiding MC, I have obtained the Felheart shoulders, bracers, and gloves + Staff of Dominance. Granted, my ass is heavy in the negative DKP:lol , but any week I go I STILL have a chance at grabbing an item.

I happen to love the pricing my guild has on non-set items, we really never have to worry about DE'ing any epics. A sweet purple at 15-75 dkp that can be made up in one week of raiding is too sweet to pass up sometimes.
It seems to me that Blizzard is doing everything in their power now to make Paladins unstoppable. New talents+super buffs to Lawbringer. Great idea. Let's make more people go alliance and play paladins.
Azwethinkweiz said:
It seems to me that Blizzard is doing everything in their power now to make Paladins unstoppable. New talents+super buffs to Lawbringer. Great idea. Let's make more people go alliance and play paladins.
It's the same reason people complain about Shamans... both classes are gods in PVP (Shaman for their healing+damage shocks, and Paladins for their survivability), but they're both pretty awful in PVE. It'll be a tough balance for them as the game keeps going.

The new talents are out of necessity anyway, since all a Paladin did to solo was auto-attack and hope they got some good crits. It's really the worst class in the game to play in terms of entertainment, and the new talents aren't buffing Paladins anymore than they're giving them something to do, finally.


Zaptruder said:
The irony is that when I commented on set items been more desirable and thus none set items should be reduced in price, the same paladin that let the gloves slip also commented, "None set items are more desirable for me."

The more I think about it, the more I want to punch that cockhead in his face. He was so goddamn weird, but fucking callous the more you got to know him.

We had a priest make us DE pants of prophecy cause he has some boner over the benediction.
Well my friend who is in this non DKP guild even when he was in recruit stage for about a month he almost fully completed the might set except the belt, and 5 different epic weapons. And not eveyone in the guild had all that gear so i think its better to get with a guild like that b/c you get your stuff faster, and you can't be outrolled in terms of DKP by some asshole that has been with the guild for 6 months longer than you. I just think this way its more fair. And not just taht but i mean if everyone has something per say like "helm of wrath" and you don't have enough dkp to buy it, and then they DE it. That is gay...my friends guild would have just given it to him


Yeah, fuck the guy that's been there from the beginning, paying repair costs and learning how to run the instance in the first place so you can come in and get epics on your first run without that asshole outrolling you (?) with their dkp.

PS - you're an idiot, do everyone a favor and delete your character pls.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
lol what?

basically just attendance is enough to get items you don't have to be there for every raid just to get enough DKP to get your gear. I mean that would be annoying to be out bid with DKP points on an item you really need
I'm going to start playing with few friends of mine in less than a month

any tips? hints? which mods to install?

and information here would help ..

thanks in advance :)
almokla said:
I'm going to start playing with few friends of mine in less than a month

any tips? hints? which mods to install?

and information here would help ..

thanks in advance :)
Don't let yourself get outbid with DKP by people that have worked harder than you!
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