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World of Warcraft

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Blizzard just dropped a big ole banhammer in WoW. Check it out...

In keeping with Blizzard's aggressive stance against cheating in World of Warcraft, we have permanently closed more than 18,000 accounts over the past three months for participating in activities that violate the game's Terms of Use.
A majority of these accounts were found to be using third-party programs to farm gold and items. Such actions can severely impact the economy of a realm and the overall game enjoyment for all players.

We will continue to actively monitor all World of Warcraft realms in order to protect the service and its players from the negative effects of cheating. Please note that selling World of Warcraft content, such as gold, items, and characters, can result in the permanent removal of the involved accounts from World of Warcraft.

18,000 players banned in three months. Yeash.


That's nice, probably all farmers operating in these workshops like that article someone put up in this thread. I'm glad since it's ruining the economy but you gotta feel bad a bit for them, it was their job, just trying to find a buck like everyone else in that poor country.


In other news my priest is slowly but surely leveling up, up to level 30 now. I won't respect in Disc/Holy until lvl 55 for the end game content with my guild. Leveling is slow as it is with a priest, I need my shadow spec.

I'm used to leveling up with a Warrior or Rogue, going through levels like nothing but with a priest it's quite a change of pace.
started again on [EU] Shattered hand last week managed to get my troll warrior from 44 to 53 in that time. Blacksmithing 263, getting hard to find things to gain off except for really expensive shit.

Been trying for a few days to get the sunken temple done, were doing well today b4 2 people decided to leave (argh) so only managed half of it.

Not looking forward to the future grindings of argent dawn faction (and the other factions argh) dark iron ore.... eep. Arcanite bars eep....!


I restarted again after a 3 month or so hiatus. Got a couple more levels on my Hunter he's 47 now, so I decide to try out the new AB battleground.

Initial thoughts, it's quite a bit of fun.. similar to WSG in that it's a smaller group, but better as it's not such a defensive battle as there are multiple spots to defend. We won 3 in a row and each time I got 3 tokens to turn in to the quest guy in Org. Got me some EXP and a 50 rep bonus each time.. Then I checked and I had a total of 360/3000 rep... wow. I had seen some of the items were nice up in Honored, Revered, etc but it would take forever to make it there.

In AV you got all kinds of bonus points when people turned in things, etc. Is there anything I don't know about how to gain rep. faster in AB? I see there is another quest for gathering resources but I'm not sure how i complete that one.
SyNapSe said:
I restarted again after a 3 month or so hiatus. Got a couple more levels on my Hunter he's 47 now, so I decide to try out the new AB battleground.

Initial thoughts, it's quite a bit of fun.. similar to WSG in that it's a smaller group, but better as it's not such a defensive battle as there are multiple spots to defend. We won 3 in a row and each time I got 3 tokens to turn in to the quest guy in Org. Got me some EXP and a 50 rep bonus each time.. Then I checked and I had a total of 360/3000 rep... wow. I had seen some of the items were nice up in Honored, Revered, etc but it would take forever to make it there.

In AV you got all kinds of bonus points when people turned in things, etc. Is there anything I don't know about how to gain rep. faster in AB? I see there is another quest for gathering resources but I'm not sure how i complete that one.

You could trade wins with a guild in another faction like all the cool kids do on my server. :|
SyNapSe said:
I restarted again after a 3 month or so hiatus. Got a couple more levels on my Hunter he's 47 now, so I decide to try out the new AB battleground.

Initial thoughts, it's quite a bit of fun.. similar to WSG in that it's a smaller group, but better as it's not such a defensive battle as there are multiple spots to defend. We won 3 in a row and each time I got 3 tokens to turn in to the quest guy in Org. Got me some EXP and a 50 rep bonus each time.. Then I checked and I had a total of 360/3000 rep... wow. I had seen some of the items were nice up in Honored, Revered, etc but it would take forever to make it there.

In AV you got all kinds of bonus points when people turned in things, etc. Is there anything I don't know about how to gain rep. faster in AB? I see there is another quest for gathering resources but I'm not sure how i complete that one.

Whenever you complete AB you get a 'Mark of honor'. If you win you get 3 'Marks of Honor', if you lose you just get 1. The quest giver is in , IF and Orgrimmar, and at Refuge Point(or Hammerfal if you are Horde).

You need 3 to turn in the quest. So if you win you get the quest.
darkiguana said:
Whenever you complete AB you get a 'Mark of honor'. If you win you get 3 'Marks of Honor', if you lose you just get 1. The quest giver is in , IF and Orgrimmar, and at Refuge Point(or Hammerfal if you are Horde).

You need 3 to turn in the quest. So if you win you get the quest.
You didn't read his post.


BTW, what is the purpose of gaining rep with Argent Dawn?

Aside from the BG-related factions, is there any other faction I should be trying to gain reputation with?
border said:
BTW, what is the purpose of gaining rep with Argent Dawn?
At Revered you can put +5 any elemental resistance to your shoulders. It's the only shoulder enchant in the game. At Exalted, you can put +5 all resistances to your shoulders.
Aside from the BG-related factions, is there any other faction I should be trying to gain reputation with?
Thorium Brotherhood have a lot of good things for all sorts of professions. The Timbermaw Furbolgs give the +15 agility to weapon enchant. Mostly, the reputation feature right now isn't very finished, but every patch they add more worthwhile things for reputation.


Timbermaw's Trinket sure is sexy.

The Tailor rewards really need some revamping... actually... all of tailoring does. I find it useless now minus the epic Firecore pieces. I dunno... I'm just finding it way too few and far between. Enchanting, really, seems to be the only Profession worth a damn to me.


Have you guys taken a look at the WoW Fan art on the offial website? Some of this shit is good.





Goddamn, there's many more, take a look.


haha that was an awesome GM!

and I hate AB, it's so hard to get into on my server.. at the 30's or 40's levels at least with my 2 guys :( The server is low pop tho so that may be why.. server performance is god awful though so I don't understand. When I played alliance it was one of the original servers from launch and it was always high pop., but performance was nowhere near this bad.
From what I understand nobody plays Arathi Basin until Level 60. I have yet to get into a single game of AB on my new server with my new character. I got into one game with my old character when it first came out but that was it. Just one.

Right now I'm a Level 49 Rogue with 300 Skill, and 255 Leatherworking. Aiming to be my guilds first Dragonscale Leatherworker. I got a nasty +20 Attack Power Ring that dropped off the Mara Princess the other night too :)

I'm hoping to be up around Level 54 by the time college classes start back up, but my newly owned WarCraft III, Xbox 360 and Perfect Dark Zero are going to make that a real challenge, but I'm up for it.

Also got War of the Ancients Books Two and Three today for Christmas :)


I made it to Revered in Arathi Basin in just the 40-49 class. Weekends were generally pretty busy periods, though it was never too much trouble getting in a few games on weeknights. Reputation for AB is pretty hard to come by - you get like 110 points for a win and that's about it. Just as well anyway, the Exalted gear is pretty shitty if you aren't a spellcaster. Sucks that they didn't even throw in 1 weapon that would be decent for melee classes.

I was a Blood Guard at level 50 (just from AB addiction), but the friggin' game has demoted me all the way to Senior Sergeant in just a matter of weeks (since I can't get any AB games in the 50-59 class). The ranking system is way too brutal, IMO. If you take even a week's break you get a real nasty hit (like 1/3-1/2 of a level almost).


Good god leveling as a priest is hell, takes me like 3-4 hours for a level in my low 30s. I've heard low 30s 'till shadowform at 40 is dreadful and I'm starting to feel it :/
Malakhov said:
Good god leveling as a priest is hell, takes me like 3-4 hours for a level in my low 30s. I've heard low 30s 'till shadowform at 40 is dreadful and I'm starting to feel it :/

I got my Priest up to 52 before shelving her til 1.10...I suggest you get an "alt" and only level your priest during full rest state periods. It helps your sanity.


Dinged 49 and I'm already about 30% into the level. Found an awesome grinding spot in Feralas, left them ogres for the Harpies. No alliance on sight but maybe because it's the holidays, will keep my fingers crossed it stays that way.

Yeah, I'm back on my warrior on the pvp server with AJ ;)


I'm telling you... when you hit 53 make sure to hit Winterspring hard around the lake... it's a grinders dream. Not to mention some of the drops you'll see... here are some of mine:

Julie's Dagger
Icy Chill x4

If we add up the amount that I received off them drops we'd get... about 300g. Not too bad considering yer leveling anyway.

And dude... ask anyone here... don't buy shitty green items... do some instances and stock up an FREE blues. Not only is it also great to get some XP for you... but you don't need to spend that money you'll need to spend on an Epic. Trust me.
I myself am half way through 55 now and finding things slowing down. No dungeons (well I could do sunken again but I hate how often groups collapse in there, although the dungeon itself is pretty fun)

I'll have a look at the lake in winterspring, been doing quests in that area recently. Atm keep dying in the plaguelands :p
Yeah, those last 5 levels are pretty tough to get leveled up fast. I did quest chains the EPL, WPL, and Winterspring. When you hit 58, then Silithus is a good place now. I also made sure I kept myself rested. That meant playing my alt whenever I was back to normal.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

Blackrock Depths, Scholomance, both Stratholme entrances, Lower Blackrock Spire.

I thought I was too low for them and too high for anything else. I was under the belief that those dungeon don't get touched much by any1 under 60
You can do Blackrock depths at your lvl. I would stay away from doing the others in a 5 man group, until you are 60. You could 10 man them though, although you would get jack for exp.


I dunno about anyone else's server... but BRD/Scholo/Strat are not very friendly to those lower than 58. Not only is the aggro range terrible... peeps just don't take below 58 for 5 mans (if yer lucky... a 10 man may).

Sunken Temple should still be good for you, actually. I know I ran ST for a bit at 55. For the most part, however, I grinded out to 57-58. Once you hit there... 5-mans of the above instances and Silithus will really get you going nicely.

I did a lot of DM at 59. If you got a good guild who knows what they are doing... I suggest running DM a lot... VERY fun.
Apple Jax said:
I dunno about anyone else's server... but BRD/Scholo/Strat are not very friendly to those lower than 58. Not only is the aggro range terrible... peeps just don't take below 58 for 5 mans (if yer lucky... a 10 man may).

Sunken Temple should still be good for you, actually. I know I ran ST for a bit at 55. For the most part, however, I grinded out to 57-58. Once you hit there... 5-mans of the above instances and Silithus will really get you going nicely.

I did a lot of DM at 59. If you got a good guild who knows what they are doing... I suggest running DM a lot... VERY fun.

Especially DM East. Getcha key!
So, I decide to fire up my superdupergeneric 60 NE rogue the other day, and just for shits and giggles I respec'd to put more in subtlety and then bleed things to death.

Premed -> Garotte -> Hemo -> SS -> Rupture (scratch the SS if I get 2 pts for Garotte) with cripple being applied, followed by running around the mob and watching it bleed to death = WHOLE NEW CAN OF FUN! I skipped putting points in improved garotte since that's not really all that great a talent if I'm reading it right, but I sunk 3 in to improved rupture and got premed.

Having never used it, It seems like Rupture isn't affected by armor. So my question is, is this not a viable end game build? If I'm chopping off the burst damage, won't it help keep the focus on the MT and off my puny ass. I think I've got it where I can still get off the occassional crit 1800 pt evis, so if it's needed I could vanish -> prep -> premed -> hemo/ss -> hemo/ss -> evis quickly if the situation needs it.

I'm going to take it on a baron run tonight, could be fun. I may lose some pts on the damage meter but I really don't give two shits because if I can switch from minimal healing to none whatsoever, it should be beneficial - no? Will the lack of burst force more healing on the MT, draining mana faster? Or will the lack of wasting rage to taunt give offset even that allowing the tank to throw in the extra heroic strike here and there offsetting my large bursts?

Thought's? Opinons? Anyone want to mock me for not being OMG No Cold Blood You SUCK? Anyone else ever try this?

Basically I look like this.....

I had to sacrifice improved gouge and backstab too in order to get premed. They lose out though I could always

Assassination Talents (18 points)

# Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points
Increases the damage done by your Eviscerate ability by 15%.

(I left these here simplu because it's still good to be able to execute the timely high damage evis)

# Malice - 5/5 points
Increases your critical strike chance by 5%.

# Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Gives your finishing moves a 60% chance to add a combo point to your target.

# Murder - 1/2 point
Increases your chance to hit while using your Sap, Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot abilities by 3%.

# Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point
Your finishing moves have a 20% chance per combo point to restore 25 energy.

I don't know how anyone plays without Relentless strikes.

# Lethality - 5/5 points
Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab, Ghostly Strike, and Hemorrhage abilities by 30%.

Combat Talents (2 points)

# Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Sinister Strike ability by 5 Energy.

I was tooling around with the idea of trying to get maybe 3 in lightening reflexes and 3 back in backstab, but I don't think its possible without losing premed - which despite being fairly lame helps get the 5 pt rupture going as soon as possible.

Subtlety Talents (31 points)

# Master of Deception - 5/5 points
Reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while in Stealth mode. More effective than Master of Deception (Rank 4)

# Camouflage - 2/5 points
Increases your speed while stealthed by 6%.

# Opportunity - 5/5 points
Increases the damage dealt when striking from behind with your Backstab, Garrote, or Ambush abilities by 20%.

# Elusiveness - 2/5 points
Reduces the cooldown of your Evasion, Vanish, and Blind abilities by 30 seconds.

# Initiative - 5/5 points
Gives you a 75% chance to add an additional combo point to your target when using your Ambush, Garrote, or Cheap Shot ability.

# Ghostly Strike - 1/1 point
A strike that deals 125% weapon damage and increases your chance to dodge by 15% for 7 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

# Improved Sap - 3/3 points
Gives you a 90% chance to return to stealth mode after using your Sap ability.

# Improved Rupture - 3/3 points
Increases the damage of dealt by your Rupture ability by 30%.

# Improved Cheap Shot - 2/2 points
Reduces the Energy cost of your Cheap Shot ability by 20.

# Preparation - 1/1 point
When activated, this ability immediately finishes the cooldown on your other Rogue abilities.

# Hemorrhage - 1/1 point
An instant strike that damages the opponent and causes the target to hermorrhage, increasing any Physical damage dealt to the target by up to 3. Lasts 30 charges or 15 seconds. Awards 1 combo point.

Level 46: 5 damage increase
Level 58: 7 damage increase

# Premeditation - 1/1 point
When used, adds 2 combo points to your target. You must add to or use those combo points within 10 seconds or the combo points are lost.

Anyway, bored in my office. Any input or mocking's appreciated.
speshylives said:
Thought's? Opinons? Anyone want to mock me for not being OMG No Cold Blood You SUCK? Anyone else ever try this?

I'm not a Level 60 yet, but my Human Rogue is Sub spec. Improved Sap for the win. It really helps in instances. You can Sap someone stay in stealth, and then a Mage can sheep another enemy, and the tank can go charging in.

Finally got my Corporal today too. I haven't been too focused on PvP yet. Just leveling, gear, and working on my professions.
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