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World of Warcraft

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My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
fallout said:
There's been a price jump on my server (Stormreaver) ... especially in the mining dept. I sold a stack of 20 Tin for about 15g. I know it'll fall, but it's nice to be able to take advantage of for a little while, since I'm so damn poor.

Oh crap, someone else on Stormreaver? What is your character name?

border said:
Yeah, when they said that AQ would have to be opened by a world event, I thought that meant an actual "event"......not just turning in a bunch of crap. Is rep with Org/UC worth getting rid of all these valuable materials? Or is this just for those nutballs that want to be able to ride another race's mount?

The turn in is just one aspect of the event. From what I have heard, there is a quest line you get through the bronze dragons (I believe) that involves getting the heads from a lot of mobs (Broodlord, Azurgus, some or all of the green dragons) which leads to some large 40 man raid battle in Moonglade. This is to form a sceptor or something to ring the gong that will mark the opening of the gates. A few days later during the server's primetime (that way everyone can get out there to watch) whatever the event is will happen and the gates will be opened. Also for that head quest, only one head will drop off of the mob and since it involves outdoor raid bosses odds are the person ringing the gong will be the GM of whatever the largest guild on the server is (for example, on Stormreaver it will probably be Slacker from the guild Impervious).
ugh interface broken and all the websites are down atm. joy. I discovered discord yesterday, got the action bars all set up (nifty) and now their webpage has been suspended arse.
MrPing1000 said:
ugh interface broken and all the websites are down atm. joy. I discovered discord yesterday, got the action bars all set up (nifty) and now their webpage has been suspended arse.

I just downloaded Cosmos today and all of my chat features are non-existant. I can't see General Chat, Party Chat, Guild Chat, not even whispers. My chat priveleges just seem to be gone. I tried the quick fix at the Cosmos website by deleting some file, but it didn't work. Can anyone help me out?


I heard that there's a timer for AQ, so that smaller servers who can't possibly ever meet the quota of shit to bring in have the gates unlocked automatically, but the timer is probably really long past the regular ETA of opening the gates.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
YakiSOBA said:
I heard that there's a timer for AQ, so that smaller servers who can't possibly ever meet the quota of shit to bring in have the gates unlocked automatically, but the timer is probably really long past the regular ETA of opening the gates.

Blizzard was saying it would take 3-4 weeks to open the gates on the largest servers, so I would imagine it will be like 2 months before the gates automatically open for the smaller servers.
It would be nice if there were rewards of some sort other than just the gate opening. Like reward for whichever side gets it first. Biggest guild contribution, biggest individual contribution for each item and overall.

Although individual contributions could get wonky with people shipping items onto one character


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
From what one of my guildmates were saying (and I am not sure if I believe him), the person who creates the sceptor to ring the gong will receive the legendary mount (150% run speed) that has a very small chance to drop in AQ.
So what server are most of the GAFFITES on? I'm thinking of picking up WoW. I was in the Beta and then got shipped to Iraq when it released so now that I'm back I'm trying to see where all the cool kids are gaming.
Ripclawe said:

ARGH! you have a problem with the chinese farmers, deal with them, don't screw it up for the rest of us trying to get better mounts and equipment.

why would Blizzard deal with chinese farmers, it's thier best customers. They'ed rather dealw ith people with odd names or who say the word "gay" no matter the context in general chat.

A company that buys a lot of WoW subscriptions > the person who buys one.

I think I'm done with the game(unfortunatly I'm paid till march) $15 a month to have no communication, half assed if any. Also everytime a patch comes out it's back to the early beta. After over a year it's gotten really old.

WoW is going the way of SWG content and quality wise, unfortunatly there's nothing out there that when it comes down to the better game WoW loses.
Man, 1.9 is awesome.

I really like the idea of gathering supplies for AQ. We're all part of something big, and it provides incentive to do stuff besides just grind/quest and whatnot. It's nice to have a break every once in a while :)

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Tommie Hu$tle said:
So what server are most of the GAFFITES on? I'm thinking of picking up WoW. I was in the Beta and then got shipped to Iraq when it released so now that I'm back I'm trying to see where all the cool kids are gaming.

WhiteMan and I are Alliance on Chromaggus. If you start up a character there message Dandy and I'll hook you up with some stuff.
Screaming_Gremlin said:
From what one of my guildmates were saying (and I am not sure if I believe him), the person who creates the sceptor to ring the gong will receive the legendary mount (150% run speed) that has a very small chance to drop in AQ.

Where did you hear this? Besides your guild. Like where does the rumor of a legendary mount originate?


I was all excited about now having a legitimate chance to get the Ice Barbed Spear in the low 50's but damn I was looking and that Bloodseeker crossbow is amazing too!

I don't really dig the idea of a crossbow on my Orc Hunter, but that looks almost too good to pass up. I currently use the Stoneraven spear. Any other Hunter's have an idea on what would be best to take of the two?
I like the bow from the spider in strath more, but yea it's pretty damn good. You'll do more dmg with it than even the quest epic usually.

IBS ain't anything special.
As a hunter without an epic ranged for now, go for either the Carapace Spine Crossbow from The Baron portion of Strat, or totally go for the Bloodseeker from an AV Victory. I hit much harder with Bloodseeker than the Dwarven Hand Cannon given to me from a random UBRS run.


I just got a game card today after letting my account run out about 6 months ago. Have no idea what i'm doing, totally forgotten how to play. :lol

I noticed there were a bunch of new servers, how new are they? Anyone here playing on them? Thinking about starting a new character but the choices are overwhelming.
Zensetsu I just got the game today and I am actually installing it as we speak. PM me and let me know what you plan on doing if you are looking for a questing buddy.


Yeah we should get some GAF folks together I reckon. Either on an older server that some people allready have characters on, or a shiny new one and start afresh.

Most people have a class or race they want to have a go at, this is a good opportunity for that.

Anyone else got any ideas?
I'm all for a shiny new one to invade. I played a Human Rogue in the Beta and that is where my comfort zone is but I'm willing to try something new. I was looking at the hunter and thinking is that where I want to go but at the same time I love vanish.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
I'm all for a shiny new one to invade. I played a Human Rogue in the Beta and that is where my comfort zone is but I'm willing to try something new. I was looking at the hunter and thinking is that where I want to go but at the same time I love vanish.
Just admit that you want to be unwanted and part of an overpopulated crowd.
fallout said:
If your big draw is vanish, you might also consider becoming a druid.

I just like the overall stealth of a Rogue mostly. But if we get a group going and we need someone to fill a particular role I'll go where ever I'm needed.


What are the "Most Wanted" classes? Mage and Priest? And Warrior for the mid-upper levels? Nobody wants to do instances without a healer or tank, though you can kinda get away with doing stuff tank-free in early instances.
If your big draw is vanish, you might also consider becoming a druid.
I don't think Druids have any equivalent to Vanish.....at least they didn't when I was playing one last summer.
I'm playing a Hunter now (my first was a Priest) and LOVING it--play what you want to play, and don't worry about your "group" role. Warriors are needed for groups, but are actually the most popular race, thesedays. Hunters are really fun for me because I tend to solo/duo. They work fine in groups, too, it's only in the L55+ instances that you start running into resistance to people who aren't mage/priest/warrior.

Go with what you want to play, and realize that even though it's an MMO, you're not going to be doing 5-man instances your entire way to the top, so you need to pick something you enjoy first and foremost.
JackFrost2012 said:
I'm playing a Hunter now (my first was a Priest) and LOVING it--play what you want to play, and don't worry about your "group" role. Warriors are needed for groups, but are actually the most popular race, thesedays. Hunters are really fun for me because I tend to solo/duo. They work fine in groups, too, it's only in the L55+ instances that you start running into resistance to people who aren't mage/priest/warrior.

Go with what you want to play, and realize that even though it's an MMO, you're not going to be doing 5-man instances your entire way to the top, so you need to pick something you enjoy first and foremost.

I agree, pretty much in the beta I was a solo/duo kind of guy and only grouped when absolutely necessary. However I did enjoy having a stable group of people to call on when I needed them.


Hunters seem like they are great for Solo and for PvP. At 60, I'm kind of sorry that I'm a warrior since they don't have much purpose in solo or PvP play.

Some guy on my server keeps relisting an auction for Arcanite Reaper -- I guess he's not getting any bids, and the lowball cost is 580G. Assuming that there are no competing bidders (and I don't think there are since it's been several days straight without a buyer).... I guess I could get it for 580G? So is it worth the hours and hours of "Essence of Wind/Air" grinding I've spent to buy it? The only real use for it would be PvP, and it seems like I'm not really effective there anyhow (constant stuns + constant slowing effects = never getting a hit in).

It'd set me way back towards getting my Epic Mount, but jesus what's the point of an Epic Mount anyway? By the time you can get one, you're in a position where you rarely do much extensive travelling anyhow. It doubles your speed (versus running), but the only time you need it is navigating major cities, going to instances, and in AB/AV.


If you're going to try to start a fresh GA server I'd join in...as long as it isn't Horde. My Warlock is an Orc and 60 and I don't feel like doing Horde 1-60 again.
Class necessity doesn't really matter at all in this game, unless you are the kind of person who is in to building their own guild up from scratch.

Also border don't touch AR. Get a freakin epic mount post haste.


ManaByte said:
If you're going to try to start a fresh GA server I'd join in...as long as it isn't Horde. My Warlock is an Orc and 60 and I don't feel like doing Horde 1-60 again.

Yeah I was thinking alliance too, Horde are cool but i've played them quite a bit.

Anyone else interested? New server, possible GAF groupings, alliance? (also, pvp or normal?)

There are a bunch of 3 day old servers around of both types (and plenty of low pop ones too) , just a matter of picking one.


Son of Godzilla said:
Get a freakin epic mount post haste.
What's the benefit? I get to my destinations 25% faster, but there's rarely a time when speed is of the essence. Seems like the epic mount is more of a "status" thing than a tangible benefit that's worth hundreds and hundreds of gold. If the speed boost were like 50-100% then I guess I could see the value.

OTOH, the Arcanite Reaper gets me the full +5% crit for PvP play plus an extra 40 Attack Power, at the cost of 21 Agility and 7 Stamina (when compared to Ice Barbed Spear, which has +13 Strength, +21 Agility, +20 Stamina). Now that I think about it, bleh....neither one seems like it's worth the purchase. =(


Zensetsu said:
Yeah I was thinking alliance too, Horde are cool but i've played them quite a bit.

Anyone else interested? New server, possible GAF groupings, alliance? (also, pvp or normal?)

There are a bunch of 3 day old servers around of both types (and plenty of low pop ones too) , just a matter of picking one.

Some of those new servers are transfer servers though. Which means there will already be level 60 assholes assraping the economy on them.

I vote for PVE simply due to less gankfest frustration and you can still PVP in BGs if you want to.


Wait until Blizzard unleashes Pay-For server transfers before trying to organize a GAF server. As it is now, there probably isn't a server with more than 3-5 GA players (and some probably won't be in the faction that you want).


border said:
Wait until Blizzard unleashes Pay-For server transfers before trying to organize a GAF server. As it is now, there probably isn't a server with more than 3-5 GA players (and some probably won't be in the faction that you want).

We're talking about starting fresh, level 1s. Not transferring our 60s over.


Ok, of the new PvE servers, Khaz Modan is the transfer one (so not that obviously)

The others are, in order of lowest to highest population acording to the in game sorter:



Kul Tiras




Well some can start fresh if they want, I just mean that you won't find a server with a high number of GAF players right now. If you want to play with people on the forum, best bet is probably to wait until everybody can move to one server that we all decide on.

And yeah, I'm not sure if a PVP server is worth it at all. The only reason to do it is if you like griefing other people, and can stand other people griefing you. The benefits to overworld PvP are basically nothing....and most of the time all that happens is you just get ganked while trying to complete a quest and have to walk all the way across the map to reclaim your body. I think it was Tre that best described the PVP experience as "Suffering through a bunch of assholes so that you can become one."


Zensetsu said:
Ok, of the new PvE servers, Khaz Modan is the transfer one (so not that obviously)

The others are, in order of lowest to highest population acording to the in game sorter:



Kul Tiras



Alexstrasza gets my vote.


border said:
The benefits to overworld PvP are basically nothing....
See, this is why this genre sucks ass (or maybe just gaming in general, I dunno). People only do things for rewards, items, etc. If there's nothing in it for them, they just won't do it. So what's the fucking point of even playing? Boggles my mind.

You want to know what the most fun I've ever had in WoW is? When 3 guildmates of mine and myself rode around killing wind riders for an entire evening. We did it for like 4 hours and slaughtered any (mostly) non-grey Alliance in our path. Second best time I've ever had? Defending XR from a very, very long raid. I've been doing this for months and I still get a rush from it.

I don't gank, I don't grief and honestly, if I wasn't on a PvP server, I'd probably hate WoW by now.

Anyway, the only reason why I suggested a druid is just because the stealth element is there. I wasn't comparing talents or anything, merely the idea of being able to sneak around. So yeah, twas just something for him to think about.


fallout said:
See, this is why this genre sucks ass (or maybe just gaming in general, I dunno). People only do things for rewards, items, etc. If there's nothing in it for them, they just won't do it. So what's the fucking point of even playing? Boggles my mind.

You want to know what the most fun I've ever had in WoW is? When 3 guildmates of mine and myself rode around killing wind riders for an entire evening. We did it for like 4 hours and slaughtered any (mostly) non-grey Alliance in our path. Second best time I've ever had? Defending XR from a very, very long raid. I've been doing this for months and I still get a rush from it.

I don't gank, I don't grief and honestly, if I wasn't on a PvP server, I'd probably hate WoW by now.

Anyway, the only reason why I suggested a druid is just because the stealth element is there. I wasn't comparing talents or anything, merely the idea of being able to sneak around. So yeah, twas just something for him to think about.

You're in the minority. There honestly is nothing stopping a level 60 from ganking a level 20 for hours upon hours. On PVP servers you can't even quest in level 20-30 zones such as Hillsbrad without being constantly ganked by stealthed level 60 rogues who get off on killing someone 40 levels lower then them because they can't fight someone their level. It's too much frustration.
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