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World of Warcraft

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ManaByte said:
You're in the minority. There honestly is nothing stopping a level 60 from ganking a level 20 for hours upon hours. On PVP servers you can't even quest in level 20-30 zones such as Hillsbrad without being constantly ganked by stealthed level 60 rogues who get off on killing someone 40 levels lower then them because they can't fight someone their level. It's too much frustration.
Hey, I suffered through it too. We all have on PvP servers. Still though, in my experience, the good far outweighs the bad.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
Anyone have any ideas what classes they are going to play?

Yeah i'm just trying to decide now: I'm stuck between Night Elf Druid, Human Mage or Human Warlock.

Edit: Mage it is.
Name : Malaki


Just out of curiousity, what was everyone's PvP experience like? For me:

Level 1-25: Hey, this isn't so bad!
Level 26-40: OMG I am going to kill that fucker! Quit ganking me you douchebag, don't you have something better to do?
Level 41-50: Wow, this isn't so bad after all....I guess at high levels people are a little more mature.
Level 50-60: Holy shit, leave me alone! I just wanna grind/quest until I hit 60! Stupid fucking Hammer of Justice...
fallout said:
If there's nothing in it for them, they just won't do it. So what's the fucking point of even playing?
WoW's PvP model would dispute this. There is no in-game benefit for a 60 to hang out in low level areas slaughtering people way below them, yet the still do it.


Yeah I get what fallout is saying, sometimes the spontaneous pvp is cool....but in the end, the thing that made me stop playing wow last time was lvl 60 alliance rogues in stranglethorn vale who had nothing better to do that sit around stealthed (for like, 5 hours at a time) waiting for level 30-somethings to come along. Then they kill you, and spit on your corpse, repeat ad-nauseum. So tedious.


border said:
Just out of curiousity, what was everyone's PvP experience like? For me:

Level 1-25: Hey, this isn't so bad!
Level 26-40: OMG I am going to kill that fucker! Quit ganking me you douchebag, don't you have something better to do?
Level 41-50: Wow, this isn't so bad after all....I guess at high levels people are a little more mature.
Level 50-60: Holy shit, leave me alone! I just wanna grind/quest until I hit 60! Stupid fucking Hammer of Justice...
Actually, that's pretty much how it was for me, with the exception of the 50-60. I hate grinding/questing and whenever some ally attacks or even tries to gank me, I see it as a great opportunity to battle since I can actually defend myself at this level.

WoW's PvP model would dispute this. There is no in-game benefit for a 60 to hang out in low level areas slaughtering people way below them, yet the still do it.
Well then, I guess they should be commended for giving me more Alliance to kill, heh. I love helping out lowbies getting ganked.


There's more to pvp servers than ganking. In my experience, the percentage of active pvpers on a pvp server is much larger than on pve servers. On my 60's medium pop normal server there's usually 3 abs up at primetime. On a friend's low pop pvp server, 6 abs and 2 avs. The competition is also much higher on pvp servers. The players put more of an emphasis on min/maxing for pvp through enchants, crafted materials, talent specs, what have you. Then there's blizzard's stated intention of reinvigorating world pvp which, naturally, will be better on a pvp server where unflagging bullshit can't happen.
Is anyone on GAF on bloodhoof? I believe its one of the biggest and its quite odd that i've met about 30 people outside of the game that actually play on my server.../weird. Anyways if you are on bloodhoof what is your name/Alliance or horde/lvl/class
I have never bothered with the Darkmoon Fair before, however I think i might go for that epic necklace. My professions are herbalism and alchemy. I'm not really sure if I can any tickets with those?

How do you guys get easy tickets without professions?
RonaldoSan said:
I have never bothered with the Darkmoon Fair before, however I think i might go for that epic necklace. My professions are herbalism and alchemy. I'm not really sure if I can any tickets with those?

How do you guys get easy tickets without professions?
We don't. No one bothers with those shitty necklaces.


Zensetsu said:
Yeah i'm just trying to decide now: I'm stuck between Night Elf Druid, Human Mage or Human Warlock.

Edit: Mage it is.
Name : Malaki

Not making a character on that server after all. There's an hour long queue wait.


ManaByte said:
Not making a character on that server after all. There's an hour long queue wait.
That was\is just while a bunch of other servers were down and all the idiots were making alts to pass the time.

But yeah, whatever. No worries if you can't be bothered starting over again. I just thought i would be cool to get a bunch of GAF people together...but most people don't want to leave their established high-levels.
ManaByte said:
Woot just got deputized in Silithus so I can hand stuff into our server's Sheriff.

We've been raping and pillaging this one Twilight Hammer Virgin Sacrificing/Crystal Raisin/Potluck Picnic for the last week or so. So far we've had a ton of texts/tokens/Abyssal swag, one shitty alliance group try to take us (and failed till they showed up with a Duke on the scene), and another Alliance group that just comes up and Mind Controls me. No /bow, no /wave, just MC to talk, then gets pissy when I dispell their whole group. (Disc/Holy; I'm only dangerous with mindgames and random utility. :p)


ManaByte said:
So has anyone been deputized in Silithus yet?

Haven't taken part of it, but there's big hoopla about it on my server.

The most hated Alliance guild (Vicious Cycle) is tryign to be the first to get the damn thing. The hatred toward this guild is so much all the other alliance guilds are banding together to try and stop them.

Why the hate? Well, elitism, kill sharing with opposite faction, used exploits with no consequences ect.


Ferrio said:
Haven't taken part of it, but there's big hoopla about it on my server.

The most hated Alliance guild (Vicious Cycle) is tryign to be the first to get the damn thing. The hatred toward this guild is so much all the other alliance guilds are banding together to try and stop them.

Why the hate? Well, elitism, kill sharing with opposite faction, used exploits with no consequences ect.

Well last night we did a 20 man raid of the main hive in Silithus and we had Alliance helping us. Then again, we're not on a PVP server so there isn't the gankfest mentality.


I completed the reputation grind on Eredar last night, with virtually no help from the Alliance (who outnumber us 2:1). When I told the Alliance leaders how far my reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu was, I was ahead of them by almost 10k rep.

Was a really cool experience bringing together a faction.
Once everyone wakes up and is recovered we will begin the lengthy line for this part of the gate opening.


Not that it'll ever stop gankers from using the "It's War" excuse, but my impression was that the state the two factions was not suppsoed to be open warfare.....just an uneasy sort of ceasefire with hotbeds of activity (like Israel/Palestine or North/South Korea)......not something that necessitated killing everything on sight.
border said:
Not that it'll ever stop gankers from using the "It's War" excuse, but my impression was that the state the two factions was not suppsoed to be open warfare.....just an uneasy sort of ceasefire with hotbeds of activity (like Israel/Palestine or North/South Korea)......not something that necessitated killing everything on sight.

right, especially since the latest patch has a larger threat that is forcing the two factions to, at least temporarily, work together.

also, despite what you learned from Rambo, "war" doesn't mean "do whatever you want" -- there are laws and international agreements that outline acceptable wartime behavior, and though it's not mentioned specifically, ganking people 35 levels below you is probably frowned upon. :p

in any case, just because "it's war" doesn't mean you're not an asshole, herr ganker.


While that is very true border, I really can't stand it when the term "gank" is thrown around. Also, the other thing is that it isn't kill-on-sight for everyone at all times. Most times, if I'm just travelling along and I cross the path of some ally, we won't attack each other. If he chooses to attack me, I'll defend myself and try to kill him. Or, if I'm in the mood, I'll try killing him. Normally, when I want to PvP, I'll group with some friends and we'll go hit some targets. Other times, I just get sucked into it because some alliance player continually attacks me, which I'm okay with. It's fun.

I know that the two sides aren't warring, but the hostilities should be there and minor skirmishes should take place. I always get this idea that a lot of people look at PvPers with some sort of dissent. Like we're wasting our time getting into little battles. Hell, I almost think that Blizzard feels this way too. Did you know that when you kill a gryphon master, they're back up in about 5 minutes? I don't want to digress into some discussion about how bad world PvP has become, but it's hard not to complain when it's the main thing you enjoy about the game.

My main reason for PvPing is not to piss off the Alliance (although it's a key reason, as it gives purpose); it's because of how static and dull PvE can get. I've found that I've learned the most about how I play in PvP. Furthermore, you learn a lot about how other classes work when you're fighting them and it's amazing just how many people do not know how to play their class.

The point is that I'm rather sick of the stereotype that people who enjoy PvP are gankers. You say that the "It's War" statement is an excuse for the gankers? I think that's horseshit. Ganking is just people being bored and being dicks. If they weren't ganking, they'd be doing something else to try and annoy you. "It's War" is a reason to fight. I mean, honestly, what's the point of having separate hostile factions if you're not going to do something about it?

also, despite what you learned from Rambo, "war" doesn't mean "do whatever you want" -- there are laws and international agreements that outline acceptable wartime behavior, and though it's not mentioned in the bylaws, ganking people 35 levels below you is probably frowned upon. :p
Thanks for reaffirming my statement about stereotypes. Don't fucking assume that just because I PvP that I run around ganking people 35 levels lower than I.

Do you know what's great about PvP? When someone gets ganked, they can put out a call for help, and you know what? You might actually get a response. I, and plenty of other people that I know on my server, will go well out of their way to protect others and enact revenge. Hell, there are entire guilds dedicated to it. So yes, it's frowned upon and I do whatever I can to make that known.
fallout said:
Did you know that when you kill a gryphon master, they're back up in about 5 minutes? I don't want to digress into some discussion about how bad world PvP has become, but it's hard not to complain when it's the main thing you enjoy about the game.

On my server, Alliance outnumber Horde about 3.2:1, and before HK was implemented, the Wind Rider in the Crossroads was down about 80% of the time. Of course, you don't know this until AFTER you've flown there from Orgrimmar. You only have to walk to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles ONCE before discouraging PvE griefing seems like a really, really good idea. :p

BTW, I wasn't implying that you yourself were a ganker--but those sorts of people certainly are out there, and they're usually the fastest to bring up "it's war!" if anyone questions their behavior. ;)


Heh, do you know why we kill gryphon masters? It's garaunteed to pull in some alliance players to fight. I just wish that it had more of an effect ... I mean, it's not exactly an easy thing to coordinate, especially when other players start showing up. Now, of course before HKs were implemented, it was a problem and I'm glad that it's sort of been fixed. I was just kind of using it as an example of the discouragement to world PvP. I don't want to stop people from questing, but BG PvP has its downsides; it can get boring and annoying too. And then there's that whole honour farming bullshit.

BTW, I wasn't implying that you yourself were a ganker--but those sorts of people certainly are out there.
Sorry, it just read that way. And I know they're out there ... I've been ganked countless times. I've devised a lot of systems to crack down on ganking (bounties and such), but the best solution so far is just to try and community police it, as lame as that sounds.
fallout said:
Heh, do you know why we kill gryphon masters? It's garaunteed to pull in some alliance players to fight.

Right...but when the factions are unbalanced 3:1, it doesn't matter HOW many Horde show up, that Wind Rider is staying dead. :(

I agree that Blizzard totally nerfed world PVP, and basically forcing it into battlegrounds is pretty lame, especially on purportedly PVP servers. It's too bad there's not some happy middle ground...maybe in some future patch.


Well for the record, I tend to think of "ganking" as killing someone who has little chance of surviving the encounter. This means killing someone in a 2 (or more)vs1 situation, killing someone who is fighting a mob and has less than 80% health, or killing someone more than 5-10 levels below you. And there are other location-specific examples, like the NPC city in Hilsbrad. It's full of human mobs that are friendly to Alliance and nearly all the Horde quests in Hilsbrad send you there....so if Allies want to jump you, you can't even maneuver without getting 1 or more adds slamming you. To my knowledge there's no equivalent Gankville for Horde members to exploit. The definition of "ganking" is a little nebulous when you take into account a class like Rogue, that seems somewhat dependent on surprising someone to get an advantage.

As weird as it sounds, I actually like the idea of killing Wind Riders or doing things to fuck up the infrastructure of the opposite faction. That feels a lot more like "war" than just corpse camping some unlucky sucker that wants to complete a quest. Before the Honor System, were Wind Riders always 61 Elites? Maybe they should make them equivalent to high-level bosses and take away their civilian status.....so that people could take them down if they wanted, but it would require a lot of people and a lot of coordination.

In open-world, I almost never initiate combat unless the other guy is trying to kill a mob that I want to farm =)


Right...but when the factions are unbalanced 3:1, it doesn't matter HOW many Horde show up, that Wind Rider is staying dead. :(

Yar, yar. I fully agree. Try to remember that I play on the Horde side and I understand how it is. It can be a little discouraging at times.

Hell, I was in WPL the other night with a few guildmates, just roaming around and getting into fights with alliance players. It would usually start off nice, but then just out of nowhere, more alliance players would show up. And you could tell they weren't called in to help or anything because they started questing and then got into the fight. No matter what we did, we couldn't run into at least 10 alliance, just seperated enough to not be grouping together, but not seperated enough that we could safely attack.

As for the nerfing of world PvP ... they made some mention about having a truly contested area, or point in the world and basically have us fight over it 24/7. Now, while I find the idea very cool, I do worry about the population imbalances and such. I guess another fear is that everyone would show up and crash the server, but that could be remedied by having a number of "hotspots" around the world.

They'd really have to work out the details first, but I don't think it'd be impossible to implement.


Battlegrounds are not so bad, except that the unique features of Alliance really seem to favor them in WSG and AB. Shadowmeld and Paladins can rather tip the balance I think. I'm not sure what to make of it that Horde almost always wins AV, but always has an uphill fight in the other two (at level 60 I mean....things actually seem more balanced at lower tiers).
You people have no idea what you missed. Before this patch, Sithilus was by far the coolest place in the game. The PvP there was amazing. There was exploitable areas in the CC Hold, making it just like Booty Bay/Gadgetzan before they got nerfed. Also, everyone was there to farm rep/texts/sets so it was worth not bothering the other side, but at the same time there were valuable rare spawns, not just the elemental lords, but the Twilight Duke and Mystic, a chance at a summoning ring and ~10 texts respectively. Fighting over these was so damn fun. And it was the same people always around, so you always had a chance at revenge.

Now it's just way too crowded to enjoy in the same way.


border said:
Well for the record, I tend to think of "ganking" as killing someone who has little chance of surviving the encounter.
I used to think like this until I realized that it's just too hard to care about. Honestly, if some guy is fighting mobs and I'm just running around, I'm not going to go out of my way to get the easy kill. Granted, if me and my buddies are PvPing ... well, casualties are casualties, but we're not going to stick around and corpse camp them. Not all fights are going to be fair, that's life.

As weird as it sounds, I actually like the idea of killing Wind Riders or doing things to fuck up the infrastructure of the opposite faction. That feels a lot more like "war" than just corpse camping some unlucky sucker that wants to complete a quest. Before the Honor System, were Wind Riders always 61 Elites? Maybe they should make them equivalent to high-level bosses and take away their civilian status.....so that people could take them down if they wanted, but it would require a lot of people and a lot of coordination.
Hm? Some stats about gryphon/wind rider masters:

1. They're lvl 55 elites and have 2 lvl 55 elite adds (gryphs/wind riders) when attacked.
2. They won't kill on sight. Only when attacked.
3. They're not civilians and you will not receive a DK for killing them.

But yeah, getting honour for killing them would be neat. Some day I'd like to take out a leader. I defended Cairne once ... so fucking cool. Actually, heh, that's another thing about world PvP ... it's a lot more fun to try and defend something (probably because you're going to come out on top).


Well I just get sick of seeing some Ally....we don't attack each other and I think "Ok, we're cool", but then all he does is wait for me to pull a mob and then attacks.

I wasn't sure about the exact level of Wind Riders, but I was pretty sure that they were Civilians. I thought that the Honor System was essentially implemented to prevent their repeated deaths? If you don't get a DK for them, I almost wonder why more groups aren't targeting them. Seems like the current system works pretty well if that's the case.....they don't need to Buff them, but they probably shouldn't encourage people to kill them either (no Honor, no good drops).


border said:
Well I just get sick of seeing some Ally....we don't attack each other and I think "Ok, we're cool", but then all he does is wait for me to pull a mob and then attacks.
Yeah, that's lame.

If you don't get a DK for them, I almost wonder why more groups aren't targeting them.
It's simple. Even if you don't get a DK for killing them, there's a very good chance that you'll accidently aggro a civilian or something. I've had a 25 person raid break apart on me just because of a single DK. The mere chance of it happening scares people away.


Civilians don't attack unless hit, right? Can't you just agree to lay off AoE so you don't get any? And with the smaller cities, can't you just pull the Wind Rider away from all Civilians? I guess you wouldn't get the satisfaction of disrupting a major travel hub :D Come to think of it, exactly what cities are you killing Wind Riders in?


I believe there was a bug where you could accidently aggro certain civilians. I think it was fixed with 1.9 ... but I'm a little fuzzy on it. Still though, you're bound to get one idiot who does it. Also, yeah, pulling them is the best way. It also minimizes the amount of guards you get on you.

I've killed the gryphon master in Astranaar, Chillwind Point, Ruth'eran Village, Auberdine and Nigel's Point.

Astranaar was kind of a revenge thing. Thanks to being around in Ashenvale around the time that WSG came out, me and my buddies were continually getting ganked, so we all made a pact to go back and raid Astranaar ... which we did, for like a week steady. We'd normally start by killing the gryphon master, then just waiting for the allies to show up. We even once took down the 60 elite in the inn.

Auberdine was really tough ... Chillwind Point is damn easy and it's a great way to incite some PvP, because there's always plenty of alliance around. Ruth'eran Village ... well ... we were just there on the way to explore Darnassus. Nigel's Point, I can't even remember why we did that. There are plenty of others that I'd like to hit, but the only real benefit from it is just bringing in the alliance players for some fighting.


I used to kill people in orgrimmar, even in the horde AH for the longest time (always picked on lvl 55+). MY biggest streak was 13 kills without getting caught, then I got a bit too lazy/overzealous and probably did something stupid.

Thems was fun times.

I'd also be friendly at times, put on a wedding dress and go kneel before random horde in Orgrimmar. A few would play along, most...well turned out like this *note the flowers in hand*

Can anyone post a summary/screens of the world event that happened in Silithus last night? My server crashed because everyone started AOE'ing at the event :lol


ToyMachine228 said:
Can anyone post a summary/screens of the world event that happened in Silithus last night? My server crashed because everyone started AOE'ing at the event :lol

The event is still going on and will be for a LONG time.


ManaByte said:
The event is still going on and will be for a LONG time.

He's talking about the cutscene.

Basically it shows a bunch of night elves fighting bugs/anubis's. The 4 dragon flight's come to help and you see the swoop down and attack the mass of bugs/anubis's. Eventually they all fall, and the main NE guy starts talking with one of the dragons in human form (don't know which one). The dragon says that they've sealed the gate, and only way to open it is to use the scepter of shifting sands. The NE tells him to fuck off and he doesn't care about silithus and mentions something about his son.

Now the part of the chain requires the person to go kill all 4 dragon flights to get the 4 pieces of the scepter.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
And hunters.

They're overplayed classes that aren't really wanted for any particular group role. But, if it's your thing, that's fine. :)

QFT coming from a 60 hunter from way before the hunter love patch.

I started a warrior alt and damn...just damn....there are WAY too many hunters and most of them suck. Doing stupid crap like leaving screech on auto attack and wonder why they're pulling ads, or the all time classic run LBRS (And sometimes UBRS) jump downs and leave the pet out...?!

anywho is anyone on Azgalor a lvl 60 horde wann help me get that lvl 60 white lion. Help a bored ass hunter out.

I tried asking on my server forum BUT suprise login server is down on the forum


My guild attempted Nefarion for the first time last night. Made it to phase 2 a few times. :/

The Chromaggus fight is fun though.
Great Wasabi Man said:
I started a warrior alt and damn...just damn....there are WAY too many hunters and most of them suck.
You're just picking all the winner underpopulated classes.

I hope you know about sunder armor though. I've yet to see a warrior do it in instances on my priest alt, and when I explain it to them as a way to keep aggro so they don't attack me, they either tell me I don't know what I'm talking about or that it doesn't work.
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