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World of Warcraft

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Man, this level 48 Alliance Warlock on Gilneas was just awful. Him and his friends fucking camp the respawn cause they arent gonna win so yay HK Farming. We won, but anyway, right when I respawn its howl of terror, they all take, and I fuckin run, but the warlock chases me.

I see him, and im using a fucking felhunter and WHERE THE FUCK IS HIS PET?! Not even an imp. So I whip around and use curse of tongues on him, then sick ol fel hunter as soon as he starts casting his first spell. Then I unleash a super charged curse of agony, cast shadow ward, and whipe out siphon life and corruption to round stuff out.

I didnt bother with immolation cause blah casting time. So I instantly switch to life tap and im just sucking that life away. He FINALLY tries to fear me and I use insignia, break it, then life tap again, bam dead.

I mean he's 6 fucking levels above me and probably has some crazy ass equipment, and he couldnt even beat a dumb ol newbie affliction warlock. Come on :p


omfg. i just got back online like a month ago and i'm pvp rank 4 with my asskicking orc warlock (7/33/11 spec). and my guild is about ready to take on ragnaros, we're going to try downing him in the next couple weeks.
The whole 'war effort' thing going on is so weird and outside my scope of things. My realm forum is full of alliances being made between Alliance and Horde just to get this world event to happen. Oh well, back to STV haha :(
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You're just picking all the winner underpopulated classes.

I hope you know about sunder armor though. I've yet to see a warrior do it in instances on my priest alt, and when I explain it to them as a way to keep aggro so they don't attack me, they either tell me I don't know what I'm talking about or that it doesn't work.

I to this day have to teach people both ways. "Stop using Mortal Strike" "IS THAT MIND BLAST I HEAR? No, I do not suck, read the spell description, noob." Yada yada.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
They're welcome in my raid alliance. We could use a 45th warrior.

Details plz.

There are none, they just up and left. We couldn't pry anything outta them than "We're bored".

But they instantly joined other guilds (BWL/Nef killing guilds). Obviously their hunger for loot got the best of them. (Two in particular were pretty damn greedy).

Though it's a pretty heavy set back, it might be good to have such people outta the guild.


So...anybody on the Firetree server? If so, my handle on that is Agrias.

Playing a rogue, managed to get to lvl 32 in a little over two weeks. Pissed off that there is a major post-combat lag for stealth now. WTF Blizzard.


Ferrio said:
He's talking about the cutscene.

Basically it shows a bunch of night elves fighting bugs/anubis's. The 4 dragon flight's come to help and you see the swoop down and attack the mass of bugs/anubis's. Eventually they all fall, and the main NE guy starts talking with one of the dragons in human form (don't know which one). The dragon says that they've sealed the gate, and only way to open it is to use the scepter of shifting sands. The NE tells him to fuck off and he doesn't care about silithus and mentions something about his son.

Now the part of the chain requires the person to go kill all 4 dragon flights to get the 4 pieces of the scepter.

When and how do you get to see this scene?


Ikse said:
When and how do you get to see this scene?

An event someone has to open up. The big guilds will do it, might wanna check your realm forums see if it's already happened.

Should be videos on it too.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You're just picking all the winner underpopulated classes.

I hope you know about sunder armor though. I've yet to see a warrior do it in instances on my priest alt, and when I explain it to them as a way to keep aggro so they don't attack me, they either tell me I don't know what I'm talking about or that it doesn't work.


Warrior working on priest alt here. Nothing like doing a 5-man scarlet strath while teaching a warrior how to play their character. I play a priest, but I always end up running the show, which seems kinda odd.
SaitoH said:
Warrior working on priest alt here. Nothing like doing a 5-man scarlet strath while teaching a warrior how to play their character. I play a priest, but I always end up running the show, which seems kinda odd.

That actually makes the most sense. Priests are group-oriented beasts, so they know a lot about how groups should work together. Since you're not on the front lines, you can see all the mobs; since you're watching the health bars, you know how the group is doing overall. A lot of classes just hop into instances and start playing like it's PvE all over again. So many 50+ melee who just cannot understand four simple words: DON'T BREAK THE SHEEP.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
You're just picking all the winner underpopulated classes.

I hope you know about sunder armor though. I've yet to see a warrior do it in instances on my priest alt, and when I explain it to them as a way to keep aggro so they don't attack me, they either tell me I don't know what I'm talking about or that it doesn't work.

I actually learned about this last week sometime, never knew b4. It never occured to me how the taunts warriors have are just a time limited agro gain either (well unless get agro back again in the time limit)

but yes sunder + revenge for teh win.

demoralising shout
Thunder Clap
sunder sunder sunder with revenge thrown in for fun.

Definately improved my tanking ability a shitload


Truth be told, for all classes, you really don't learn the ins and outs of them till you hit 55 or so and start doing UBRS and LBRS and Strath and Scholo ad nauseum. Tanks especially don't really learn how to be truly effective tanks till those levels anyhow.


I'm fucking amazed at how much time people put into their classes and still don't know how to fucking play them...

The intellegence on the average WoW player is lacking. It may cause me to quit one of these days.


That's nothing...we had TWO warriors who didn't have the skill shield block,and we found this out during a domo fight a week or two ago :lol Then there's this dumbass hunter who didn't know BW broke pets out of sheep,fear,etc.,among other things he lacks,yet he proclaims himself as the best hunter ever,too many tards on here.


Ikse said:
Well someone in my guild just asked how you change talents and whether it costs money - Lvl 60 Shaman :|
While that's a little surprising, I don't think that's a good example ... I mean, that's more of a game mechanics thing than knowing your class (although it may be inherently assumed, heh). He/She may be an alright Shaman, but just with a really bad spec.
Apple Jax said:
I'm fucking amazed at how much time people put into their classes and still don't know how to fucking play them...

Seriously more than anything, players that can't play their characters at high levels amaze me. I had a Level 55 Warrior who didn't know how to hold aggro whatsoever for a Sunken Temple run a few weeks ago. Never used any sort of shouts or anything. Just charged in, and that was it :lol
ToyMachine228 said:
Seriously more than anything, players that can't play their characters at high levels amaze me. I had a Level 55 Warrior who didn't know how to hold aggro whatsoever for a Sunken Temple run a few weeks ago. Never used any sort of shouts or anything. Just charged in, and that was it :lol
It's surprisingly common. You'd assume that somewhere along the line, they'd wonder "is there a better way to do this than auto-attack? Is there a reason nothing sticks to me?"

I've recently been doing a lot of UBRS for a blue drop I sort of want as a sidegrade, and I regularly steal the aggro from other warriors assigned to tank just by me doing DPS. I just give in and start main tanking.


Just a for instance... we got a dual wielding DPS warrior (obviously) in our guild who... despite his damage dealing ways... cannot steal aggro from our tanks. The guy typically doubles (after a significant time raiding... I'm not gonna dis my ability here ;) ) the output of the next closest mage (pretty sick shit... he's awesome).

But what's more impressive here, boys and girls, is the fact that... TADA... our Protection Warriors can keep that aggro. Although it's intended, I still admire a job well done.

Nothing quite like an awesome Priest either in a small 5-man group.


How can a warrior beat out a mage for DPS? I know that you can do some decent damage dual-wielding, but I didn't think you could come close to mages/rogues (assuming that everyone has similarly suited gear). Was this before or after Enrage got nerfed?

In other news, I think the some of the paladin nerfs have help Horde in AB. They were great defenders when they could shield themselves several times in a row, but in 1.9 it just takes a little persistence to bring 'em down. Now if only they would do something about Shadowmeld :)


Well, only been a day and the guild has bounced back.

Already got two DI sets made, did ony tonight and still came through even though a deep breath, new tanks, and and no dwarven priest.


border said:
How can a warrior beat out a mage for DPS? I know that you can do some decent damage dual-wielding, but I didn't think you could come close to mages/rogues (assuming that everyone has similarly suited gear). Was this before or after Enrage got nerfed?

We have an Ashkaandi and a Sulfuras in my guild. They crush mages in terms of DPS.


border said:
How can a warrior beat out a mage for DPS? I know that you can do some decent damage dual-wielding, but I didn't think you could come close to mages/rogues (assuming that everyone has similarly suited gear). Was this before or after Enrage got nerfed?

In other news, I think the some of the paladin nerfs have help Horde in AB. They were great defenders when they could shield themselves several times in a row, but in 1.9 it just takes a little persistence to bring 'em down. Now if only they would do something about Shadowmeld :)
Any fury warrior with two of the best dps one handers will pretty much always be tops in dps on a raid. You'd think that wouldn't be possible, but it definitely is due to the crazily overpowered warrior itemization. Especially since for now, there aren't many really high dps or high damage/slow speed daggers for the backstab/ambush rogue that can compare to the crazy power of dual wield, enrage and flurry (even with enrage's nerf). Caster itemization sucks so bad... I'm just glad warlocks aren't as hurt by the shitty caster itemization as priests/mages are.


The guy also crits 30% of the time. It's nuts and fun to watch too. Even when we tell him to tank he's up in the top 5.

He's also pretty good at PvP ;)
Ferrio said:
Well, only been a day and the guild has bounced back.

Already got two DI sets made, did ony tonight and still came through even though a deep breath, new tanks, and and no dwarven priest.

Sounds like the sloughing off of "undesirables" like you aluded to. We're going thru the same thing what with all the Voltron-esque merging we've been doing. Now, 5 guilds join up, but we need a new name, and those based on Monty Python or Spinal Tap are in the lead (<Something Completely Different>, baby). Get this; we've had FOUR people leave cuz "I ain't gonna be in any guild named that silly". Also, ditching cuz they didn't get into ONE ZG run cuz we're full on others of the same class that also signed up that showed up earlier, splitting cuz they got into an arguement with one other member, etc has been happening, and we're better for it, too.


firex said:
Any fury warrior with two of the best dps one handers will pretty much always be tops in dps on a raid. You'd think that wouldn't be possible, but it definitely is due to the crazily overpowered warrior itemization. Especially since for now, there aren't many really high dps or high damage/slow speed daggers for the backstab/ambush rogue that can compare to the crazy power of dual wield, enrage and flurry (even with enrage's nerf). Caster itemization sucks so bad... I'm just glad warlocks aren't as hurt by the shitty caster itemization as priests/mages are.

Get a rogue with high end daggers, good gear, and specced in PvE daggers build. They'll totally put the warrior to shame.

Sounds like the sloughing off of "undesirables" like you aluded to. We're going thru the same thing what with all the Voltron-esque merging we've been doing. Now, 5 guilds join up, but we need a new name, and those based on Monty Python or Spinal Tap are in the lead (<Something Completely Different>, baby). Get this; we've had FOUR people leave cuz "I ain't gonna be in any guild named that silly". Also, ditching cuz they didn't get into ONE ZG run cuz we're full on others of the same class that also signed up that showed up earlier, splitting cuz they got into an arguement with one other member, etc has been happening, and we're better for it, too.

Well they were all very good players. All a little loot hungry, some more than others. I actually was sad that one of them left since he supported the guild quite a lot.

Though one of them now has quit the game, and is offering to transfer his account to us.


New patch today, and I'm sad to say that Snowman disguise no longer rocks. IT used to be the ultimate thing versus rag and ony.... not anymore.


Ferrio said:
Get a rogue with high end daggers, good gear, and specced in PvE daggers build. They'll totally put the warrior to shame.

A rogue with Gutgore/CHT/Perditions/Lobo specced 16/25/10 will be untouched in PvE. If you can get some Blade Flurry backstabs going its gg. Even if you dont, just keeping Slice n Dice up and you'll output insane amounts of white damage.

Meanwhile the new patch has ruined PvP due to players jumping around on screen. Nice work Blizzard.


yep the stuttering in BGs sucked last night, hopefully they hotfix this asap

so i can make my push for rank 10 this weekend w/out problems


Do you get more Reputation when doing AB at higher levels? I've been doing it quite a bit on my Hunter (in fact I've had him stay at 49 for a while).. I get like 50 Rep. I think when I turn in the 3 Mark's.. at 50-60 do you get 100 rep. or something? It seems like no-one would ever make exalted at 50 rep. a win


OK, I reopened my account for 3 months, and am starting over with a new character. I started a NE hunter on KelThuzad, but what servers does everyone else play on and is anyone playing a lowb right now so I don't have to play by myself or with retarded pubbies?


at lvl 60 you still get 50 faction points for winning AB (for turning in your 3 tokens)

on my new server Twisting Nether (which has been open for around 4.5 months now)

i only know of one person who has hit exalted with the Defilers in AB, consequently he is also rank 13 warlord.

so you gotta play a ton of AB games if you want the rewards

i'm only honored atm :(


yacobod said:
at lvl 60 you still get 50 faction points for winning AB (for turning in your 3 tokens)

on my new server Twisting Nether (which has been open for around 4.5 months now)

i only know of one person who has hit exalted with the Defilers in AB, consequently he is also rank 13 warlord.

so you gotta play a ton of AB games if you want the rewards

i'm only honored atm :(

Thanks, wow that's insane.. I made it almost to Revered AV in what seemed like very little time. Of course, there are a lot of quests for AV and that probably boosts you up quicker.

That reminds me of another question.. there is another quest Past Victories in Arathi (or something like that) where i need to turn in a Resource Crate it looks like. I have no idea how to complete it. I've only completed the Assault on all the bases, which seems to be a one time thing and the continual turn-in of Marks
SyNapSe said:
Thanks, wow that's insane.. I made it almost to Revered AV in what seemed like very little time. Of course, there are a lot of quests for AV and that probably boosts you up quicker.

That reminds me of another question.. there is another quest Past Victories in Arathi (or something like that) where i need to turn in a Resource Crate it looks like. I have no idea how to complete it. I've only completed the Assault on all the bases, which seems to be a one time thing and the continual turn-in of Marks

the crates were the old reward b4 marks, changed in 1.7


You didn't get Jailbreak because someone else started the new part of the quest chain before you turned in the old part. It's not a GM's problem.

Or, you received the new quest from Windsor right after they had started the quest. So, while everyone else got the "do you want to do this quest?" window, you got nothing because it sort of lagged and you're stuck with it.


I turned in the quest and I initiated the escort part.

But yeah, most likely the two of us started the escort part at the same time, and I got the shaft.

Still, the conversation was amusing.


Yah, that sucks man but there probably isn't much a GM could do. Are they allowed to go in and flag you as having completed quests? If so, I need to make friends with a GM fast ;)
lol@the GM conversation it was almost like when you were typing he was loading a bot to respond.

I haven't had any problems with GM's like that mostly they're pretty cool. Well they didn't sound like you talking to a wall when I had run ins with them.

My guild is taking it's 3rd attempt at ZG tonight, we did two 16 man runs almost beat the snake boss did pretty good seeing how only 3 - 4 of us had been there before and we were 4 people short.

Anyone have any tips how to beat the snake boss....not that anyone is going to listen to me, more like yell at me for out DPSing the offtank with autoshot.
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