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World of Warcraft

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I've spoken at length with a GM only once...

I had been /gkicked from my guild as a joke... when being re-invited... I was told there was a guild error. Turns out... it's a "known issue" (for those of you that deal or have dealt with GMs in the past... you know how frequently this term is used).

So I ask him... if it is known... what can I do about it.

He tells me I need to wait for the next patch before I can re-enter the guild.

I laughed.

He tells me how he understands how inconvenient this might be for me.

I laugh again.

He asks me if there is anything else he can do for me.

I tell him not unless he can force me back into the guild with permission.


"One moment please."

It was fixed in about 10 minutes. You just need to talk to some of these guys... they're pretty helpful. No complaints (yet).
Great Wasabi Man said:
lol@the GM conversation it was almost like when you were typing he was loading a bot to respond.

I haven't had any problems with GM's like that mostly they're pretty cool. Well they didn't sound like you talking to a wall when I had run ins with them.

My guild is taking it's 3rd attempt at ZG tonight, we did two 16 man runs almost beat the snake boss did pretty good seeing how only 3 - 4 of us had been there before and we were 4 people short.

Anyone have any tips how to beat the snake boss....not that anyone is going to listen to me, more like yell at me for out DPSing the offtank with autoshot.

We have MT pull ol' Venny down the stairs and to the right looking at his little altar/throne dais thingie, ice trap/sleep/sheep all but 1 or 2 snakes, pull and DPS them to the left, then go range DPS while MT keeps Venny looking away from the others. When he goes snakeman, we DPS while moving with the guy, allowing other melees in, (with them understanding that if they take damage off the clouds to back off and bandage, as it would waste heals). Few if any deaths, cool Zulian Stone Axes for our Shamans and Hunters galore.


god damn. Whatever you do, get the fuck away from Kilrogg. Not only is it full, it's sucking ass... it's sucked ass since launch too.
Man, I can't decide whether to renew my account or not. I mean, I recognize that WoW is a worthless fucking timesink with little to no reward, yet I'm so tempted to resub. Kicking the habit is so hard when you've got real life friends all over the same server you were on.


Thanks to a couple guildies we completed the exscort quest. This was my 3rd time doing it, but I'm done!




for the ZG snake boss

the strat my guild uses is pretty simple

have the MT pull venoxis away from the raid

it's important that the MT pulls venoxis away from the rest of the raid because he has an AOE Holy Nova spell that can wipe the raid, it kinda bounces around like chain lightning, so its important to have the MT away from the rest of the raid while the snake adds are killed

have Mages/Druids CC the 4 snake adds

after the snakes are CC'd have the melee dps burn down the snakes 1 at a time

after the snakes are down

have dps move onto venoxis

at around 50% venoxis will transform into a snake

in his snake form he spits out a poison cloud (DOT) that will kill you quickly if you stay in the cloud

make sure the tank moves venoxis out of the cloud always, just make sure the dps (warriors/rogues) stay out of the poison cloud, and he should be easy to kill

keep the MT alive, and make sure the melee dps stays out of the poison clouds, and u should be g2g

venoxis is definately the easiest boss in the zone

Ok I've been to ZG before and gotten as far as the boss on the raptor who just kicked our ass, but that was a while ago and well I remeber how they killed the bat boss, but my group at that point wizzed right through th snake boss I barely remeber it that said..

This is the 3 run with this group and again we failed to kill the snake boss...basically lack of communication. Having half the raid on vent, having only 1 priest who wasn't on vent, just people not listening.

We used the strats posted just we had our MT hold him on the fire for a little extra damage and had hunters use Viper Sting. the second time this run we get him to 1%, with 1 tank and a bunch of DPS still alive...and maybe a pali, so what happens? Someone (no one knows who) resets him by using a bug.

Who resets at 1%???

That pretty much killed it for me. It wasn't only the reseting but the lack of teamwork and communication. "Stay out of the greens tuff" like it was a Scholo PUG. Also I had just tamed Sian-Rotam with the help of a horde hunter who I (and a rogue friend) in turn helped him tame the tiger and finish the quest. That worked better (aith communication barrirers and all) then some parts of ZG.

We try again tuesday.

It was fixed in about 10 minutes. You just need to talk to some of these guys... they're pretty helpful. No complaints (yet).

yeah they, for the most part, do try and help...although I have seen conversations and heard stroies like posted here. i heard of a hunter getting a ban for using eyes of the beast to attack lowbies. The GM claimed it was against the ToS to use Eyes of The Beast like that.
Great Wasabi Man said:
This is the 3 run with this group and again we failed to kill the snake boss...basically lack of communication. Having half the raid on vent, having only 1 priest who wasn't on vent, just people not listening.

The raid shouldn't have started at all until everyone was on Ventrilo, and if they didn't join, they get removed. If anyone isn't paying attention multiple times, they are removed.

It sounds like you need real leadership that everyone gets behind and wants to listen to, rather than feel forced to participate. I mean, really, the snake boss. You guys are going to shit yourselves if you get to the tiger.
My guild went to ZG the other night and killed the Snake and Raptor boss with no deaths. Raptor boss is easy if the pull goes right and everyone pays attention to when the boss watches them. We are currently stuck on the spider boss. Only got him to tiger form once in about 5 tries last night.


Doing a Restoration Shammy on Gilneas to play as an alt when Feathermoon has one of its 2 hour queue waits like tonight.


darkiguana said:
My guild went to ZG the other night and killed the Snake and Raptor boss with no deaths. Raptor boss is easy if the pull goes right and everyone pays attention to when the boss watches them. We are currently stuck on the spider boss. Only got him to tiger form once in about 5 tries last night.
spider or tiger boss? thekal (the tiger) is weird. what you want to do is get him and his 2 troll apprentices down to low hp and kill them all at the same time. if you do, that's when he goes tiger.

the spider is also tough, but all you really need to do is kill the spiders she spawns asap and then focus fire on her.
firex said:
spider or tiger boss? thekal (the tiger) is weird. what you want to do is get him and his 2 troll apprentices down to low hp and kill them all at the same time. if you do, that's when he goes tiger.

the spider is also tough, but all you really need to do is kill the spiders she spawns asap and then focus fire on her.

Heh, I meant tiger boss, my bad:) We just got the spider boss down 2 nights ago. Although I did not go.

Our first try on the tiger boss we got him to tiger form fairly easily, then we wiped. After that though we could not get him to tiger form at all. Only came close our last time.


Is there any way to rebind autorun to another key? Turning my number lock on and off is getting to be a hinderace. I don't see autorun in the keybind options.


Teknopathetic said:
You could always just hold right+left mouse button. Otherwise, go into the key bindings option (DUR).

EDIT: NM it's in keybinding, they just have two options linked to Numlock.Run/Walk and Autorun.


Can anybody recommend a decent headset for multiplayer? I still haven't figured out if my Halo 2 headset works, though I don't think it much matters since the cord isn't really long enough. Do they sell extensions anyhow?


border said:
Can anybody recommend a decent headset for multiplayer? I still haven't figured out if my Halo 2 headset works, though I don't think it much matters since the cord isn't really long enough. Do they sell extensions anyhow?

I don't use a headset. I just have a small Creative mic stuck to my monitor. Works fine with Vent.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

The raid shouldn't have started at all until everyone was on Ventrilo, and if they didn't join, they get removed. If anyone isn't paying attention multiple times, they are removed.

It sounds like you need real leadership that everyone gets behind and wants to listen to, rather than feel forced to participate. I mean, really, the snake boss. You guys are going to shit yourselves if you get to the tiger.

Interesting. I just started raiding with another guild on my server (an alliance for the time being) and no one is on ventrillo. Only got 1 night Zul'gurub, but we did awesome with almost no MC gear. Beat the spider boss, bat, snake and bloodlord. I've also done a couple MC raids with them and last night we cleared from start to Baron Geddon. Unfortunately with our lack of fire resist gear, and too many "bombs" not running to the back wall quick enough, we wiped twice there.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

The raid shouldn't have started at all until everyone was on Ventrilo, and if they didn't join, they get removed. If anyone isn't paying attention multiple times, they are removed.

It sounds like you need real leadership that everyone gets behind and wants to listen to, rather than feel forced to participate. I mean, really, the snake boss. You guys are going to shit yourselves if you get to the tiger.


Our leadership was fine it was stuff like our healer standing too close to the snake boss and getting hit with his aoe. That was annoying, or having only ranged and MT on the boss and seeing a healer using his wand instead of healing the main tank. People just don't listen in raid chat or vent.

yes and everyone should be on Vent it just makes things eaiser, a few comments gave me that...."oh geeze" moment thought one person on vent sad they didn't want to take the time to learn they just wanted the loot.

One thing I always think was the wrong decision was passing the opportunity to join a hardcore raid guild. I like my guild and the people in it, but when I saw a hunter who was in my old guild in the raid guild that had a DS helm and the rest GS gear when before he joined he was a lower lvl and had crappier gear then me (at the time I was 6/8 BS). IT kinda annoyied me.

I think I may make a horde on Gilneas for when Azgalor is Assglaor
Yeah, leadership is very key in places like ZG or MC. Our leader is pretty on top of things. We require Teamspeak for anyone who wants to do a guild raid. I dont see how anybody could do those places w/o some kind of voice communication.
darkiguana said:
Yeah, leadership is very key in places like ZG or MC. Our leader is pretty on top of things. We require Teamspeak for anyone who wants to do a guild raid. I dont see how anybody could do those places w/o some kind of voice communication.

VC is overrated and annoying, if you have competent people you can manage just fine with text. Problem is, most people are idiots.
Well ya either want to raid, or you dont. Pick a guild based on that. And voice is only required for dumb players who dont know exactly what their role is and how it could change depending on situation.


Son of Godzilla said:
VC is overrated and annoying, if you have competent people you can manage just fine with text. Problem is, most people are idiots.

VC did a 180 for me in the game. Before we had our ventrillo server my guild was a guild, with a bunch of people I knew and generally liked. After getting our vent server and using it for the past 6th months, I can generally call these people my friends. The sheer fact that you can get personal with the people you're raiding with, and that they become more human than a bit of text on the screen, is worth it.


Son of Godzilla said:
VC is overrated and annoying, if you have competent people you can manage just fine with text. Problem is, most people are idiots.
Depends on what everyone is doing. People with fairly involved roles can miss something important in a chat log. If a healer gets a couple mobs hammering him, he may have to type "Help" then wait for people to see it. Much quicker just to be able to say "Get this guy off me" and have everyone hear it.


My guild (well, not anymore since i've retired the game) never required VC and we are up to Vael in BWL. The most useful tool for communication would be the announcer in CTraid. You only need 1 person giving directions.
Ferrio said:
VC did a 180 for me in the game. Before we had our ventrillo server my guild was a guild, with a bunch of people I knew and generally liked. After getting our vent server and using it for the past 6th months, I can generally call these people my friends. The sheer fact that you can get personal with the people you're raiding with, and that they become more human than a bit of text on the screen, is worth it.

We've been very successful with VC. It is also very helpful in the middle of a big fight. Much easier to be able to just say what needs to happen, rather than typing it in. And the admin can always mute people when they get annoying:) Our leader generally only lets a few people talk in big raids. Everyone else just listens.


ManaByte said:
I don't use a headset. I just have a small Creative mic stuck to my monitor. Works fine with Vent.
Seems like name-brand mics cost about as much as name-brand headsets (and both have el cheapo off-brand variants). I would prefer a headset so I don't have to keep swapping headphones between my MP3 player and my PC, I just wanna get something that won't be constantly picking up the sound of my breathing...
Is alliance bad at battlegrounds on your servers too?

I mean at in one match today they all crammed into the main horde tunnel in WSG, so I just set off hellfire, then kept going with a healthstone when things got low. Killed 3 of them before they started running away.

They try to run away as every DOT and life drain is tagged on them. They dont stand and try to kill me, its not like they can escape my crap.

My favorite time was when the alliance couldnt cap a flag in WSG, so they camped horde respawn and just farmed HKs.

Im not all mean tho, I did save an Alliance member in Desolace today from 2 scorpions and a giant bird. I also spared an alliance member who begged for his life as I wandered by.

-BloodPact Level 43 Warlock of Justice
On my warrior I sometimes venture into WSG.

Well my favorite moment was rushing the horde base, they come out and I get jumped by 5 horde, look around and the alliance ran back to base?!

As far as AV it's a crap shoot, sometimes you get good games, one of the last 2 I was in all we did was push Ice Blood GY over and over and finally got it...it was down hill from there, yet the next game was umm yeah rogues stealthed all over farming, no one healing. The horde just worked together. For example I started shoting a caster then I got charged by a warrior and another hunter starts shooting me.

My favorite thought is fighting horde you see people around you fighting, the fighting dies down, you look around....all red names. lol

For the most part the horde seems to work so much better together then the alliance...which would somehow explin why when you see pics of the first guild on a server to down Nef, or which ever it's a horde guild, watch the first guild to down AQ will be horde. It's wierd really.


border said:
Can anybody recommend a decent headset for multiplayer? I still haven't figured out if my Halo 2 headset works, though I don't think it much matters since the cord isn't really long enough. Do they sell extensions anyhow?
I use the audio fx force feedback headset. It was $50 which seems a bit pricey, but I like it.


oh, and when it comes to BGs, it depends. on my server there are some really shitty AV pugs where people have no fucking idea what to do (destroy stonehearth bunker, then work on capping graveyards, and if you cap snowfall don't bother killing the trolls around it, let them defend instead of the horde npcs that spawn) and then there are some really good groups I've been in. the shitty AV pugs take like 4+ hours to do. if you're organized, a small group can literally turn the tide of the battle from field of strife up to the alliance general in about 90 minutes.
Great Wasabi Man said:
For the most part the horde seems to work so much better together then the alliance...which would somehow explin why when you see pics of the first guild on a server to down Nef, or which ever it's a horde guild, watch the first guild to down AQ will be horde. It's wierd really.
2 of the first 3 Nefarian kills ever were on my server, and they were both Alliance.

There's no quantifiable skill measurement between Horde or Alliance based on skill profiling of who signs up for which faction. Things are generally right down the middle, and any statistics from your server are most likely not going to be consistent with statistics from every other server.
firex said:
oh, and when it comes to BGs, it depends. on my server there are some really shitty AV pugs where people have no fucking idea what to do (destroy stonehearth bunker, then work on capping graveyards, and if you cap snowfall don't bother killing the trolls around it, let them defend instead of the horde npcs that spawn) and then there are some really good groups I've been in. the shitty AV pugs take like 4+ hours to do. if you're organized, a small group can literally turn the tide of the battle from field of strife up to the alliance general in about 90 minutes.

Bloodscalp Horde AV record (that I've been in on): 49 minutes from gates down to Vanndar face-down. AB is different, though; 3 or 4 fucktards /laying down at the Defiler's Den giving us shit about not "farming Rep fast; let them 5 cap" don't make for successful fights at the Mill...
"There's no quantifiable skill measurement between Horde or Alliance based on skill profiling of who signs up for which faction. Things are generally right down the middle, and any statistics from your server are most likely not going to be consistent with statistics from every other server."

Are you alliance?


WSG seems like it's almost won by Allies on my server -- probably because there is almost no incentive for good players to bother with it (not great for Honor, Rep rewards are mostly crap, matches can take forever).

AB is a mixed bag -- Allies almost always zerg over and over, and a PUG's ability to deal with that can vary. A good, disciplined group can hold up pretty easily though.

AV -- I haven't seen Horde lose an AV in at least a month. For whatever reason, Alliance folk just suck ass here. If they could get past Iceblood I bet they'd own, if only for the fact that nobody on Horde side probably knows how to defend their territory (since they never have to). In most games they don't even manage to hold Snowfall....
firex said:
oh, and when it comes to BGs, it depends. on my server there are some really shitty AV pugs where people have no fucking idea what to do (destroy stonehearth bunker, then work on capping graveyards, and if you cap snowfall don't bother killing the trolls around it, let them defend instead of the horde npcs that spawn)
It seems like waste of time to destroy the Stonehearth bunker first, because Allies will fight it and contest it for a long while (it's right next to their GY). On my server, nobody even bothers with it until we are pushing into Dun Baldar. At that point, Allies are too busy making their last stand and aren't respawning anywhere near it.

The usual AV sequence for us is:
Snowfall GY-> Stonehearth Graveyard -> Icewing Bunker/Kill Balinda -> Stormpike GY -> North Dun Baldar Bunker / Stonehearth Bunker

(and the rest is obvious)
They try to run away as every DOT and life drain is tagged on them. They dont stand and try to kill me, its not like they can escape my crap.
Well in a BG the point is to accomplish goals rather than get into fights in the middle of nowhere. I'll always run past some DOT-happy priest/Warlock if I'm trying to get to an objective.
Almost hit 300 hk today for the week, lost umm no matches. Should equal a lot on tuesday!

MiniPOPE IS EVIL on Gilneas btw, twink or not. I seek him out on the field of battle to test my warlocktitude.

Oh, and avoid manabyte, 5 minutes after meeting him on Gilneas he starts telling me how to play my character! THE NERVE LOLZ.

I do just fine with my specc

Border: dont even pretend you believe Alliance is trying to accomplish any goals. Besides, you dont just run past a 'lock, we slow you down THEN DoT ya ;)


MrAngryFace said:
Border: dont even pretend you believe Alliance is trying to accomplish any goals. Besides, you dont just run past a 'lock, we slow you down THEN DoT ya ;)
I just target the Minion and do Intimidating Shout, then keep on running (and use dispelling trinket to remove slow effect if necessary). Usually I'm out of spell range by the time the fear effect on them lifts. Classes with pets/minions can be nice since you always have a CPU AI character to target for Intimidating Shout.....of course getting away from Hunters is still a bitch since pets will chase for miles and speed up even if you slow them. Speaking of which, I thought they were supposed to nerf pet chase speed in 1.9? Seems like the bastards still catch up pretty quick.

Warlocks seem like the easiest of the cloth-wearers, so I don't mind fighting them if they are really itching for it. Bad news if they fear you, but I get immunity when Berserking, and usually they don't try Fear a second time if you were already immune the first time.


I dunno, I think breaking SH bunker (not balinda, just the bunker) really crushes the alliance defenses in AV and basically makes them unable to recover.


I dunno, what does destroying the bunkers do? I was under the impression that it just kept NPC soldiers from respawning, but you can get to the Stonehearth Graveyard pretty easily without picking up aggro from surrounding NPCs. OTOH, Stonehearth Bunker is pretty well fortified. You'll almost always pick up a mob or two getting there, and on top of that Allies rez right next door. Whatever the strategic advantage you gain seems outweighed by the amount of time required to take it down. As for "crushing the alliance defenses in AV and basically making them unable to recover"....I wouldn't know about that. Seems like they are crushed and unable to recover as soon as you get Snowfall Graveyard :D After that your group's abilities only determine how long it will take to win rather than determining whether or not you will win. I've only seen one Horde loss in AV, but I wasn't there from the beginning to see exactly how they lost it.

It'd be interesting to try it the other way around (Stonehearth Bunker before Stonehearth Graveyard), but since it's AV you are pretty much subject to the will of the group. They almost always begin pressing Stonehearth Graveyard after capping Snowfall.
Target the minion? What kind of warlocks do you fight? Usually I just time fear right, or use deathcoil, or use curse of exhaustion. I never use my minion to slow anyone down cause you know what? They dont slow anyone down.

tre: Minipope isnt so bad for you BECAUSE YOU ARE A ROGUE. Mua's is tough cause SHE IS A ROGUE. Come on buddy.


Our alliance guild (primarily SoV) continues to rock through Molten Core. Our first week in, we got to Baron Geddon. Last night we took down Baron, Shazzrah, Golemagg the incinerator and finally Sulfuron (pictured here). All first kills for us.

Ps. I know you guys have all been there, but It's my first time =P

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