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World of Warcraft

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SaitoH said:
Our alliance guild (primarily SoV) continues to rock through Molten Core. Our first week in, we got to Baron Geddon. Last night we took down Baron, Shazzrah, Golemagg the incinerator and finally Sulfuron (pictured here). All first kills for us.

Ps. I know you guys have all been there, but It's my first time =P


Jesus christ clean up your UI! Download Discord or something.

Sulfuron is a joke, we downed him the first time we fought him with like little or no deaths. Free epics! (and vendorstrikes!). Though Raganaros is now a joke, we've killed him 4 times now and he's easier than freaking domo.


I'm still pretty much stock UI with RA and info mods. I like info. I can see the raid health bars easily enough, which is all I look at while healing.


I'm curious Ferrio (or anyone else for that matter), what does your raid UI look like?

[edit]So far Baron Geddon was the hardest for us. Garr was pretty tough too. Mainly because of problems getting all the targets organized though.


Nothing too complex, I don't feel like messing with Discord Unit Frames. But Discord Action Bars I use and the amount of stuff you can do with it (and easily) is great.



border said:
I dunno, what does destroying the bunkers do? I was under the impression that it just kept NPC soldiers from respawning, but you can get to the Stonehearth Graveyard pretty easily without picking up aggro from surrounding NPCs. OTOH, Stonehearth Bunker is pretty well fortified. You'll almost always pick up a mob or two getting there, and on top of that Allies rez right next door. Whatever the strategic advantage you gain seems outweighed by the amount of time required to take it down. As for "crushing the alliance defenses in AV and basically making them unable to recover"....I wouldn't know about that. Seems like they are crushed and unable to recover as soon as you get Snowfall Graveyard :D After that your group's abilities only determine how long it will take to win rather than determining whether or not you will win. I've only seen one Horde loss in AV, but I wasn't there from the beginning to see exactly how they lost it.

It'd be interesting to try it the other way around (Stonehearth Bunker before Stonehearth Graveyard), but since it's AV you are pretty much subject to the will of the group. They almost always begin pressing Stonehearth Graveyard after capping Snowfall.
SH bunker really isn't that hard to take (at least on my server where people are really heavily geared out). If alliance doesn't see you clearing it out, it can be done with 5-6 people easy, which is to say a warrior, any healer, and 3-4 of all the rogues/hunters out there. Defending it is also easy with aoe and hunters. Trap the bottom door, and as soon as people come in, use channeled aoe spells like blizzard and rain of fire and flamestrike, and nearly everyone's got a bunch of debuffs, DOTs and they're at like 75% health by the time they get to the flag to try capping it back. Only a zerg can stop it from being capped really. And destroying bunkers not only stops all the guards there from respawning, it also spawns some horde guards to replace them. Plus it's worth a lot of contribution points (that's the big reason to go after bunkers, but it does make capturing the subsequent GYs a lot easier).

Horde towers aren't as important as Alliance bunkers, because the big thing is, as long as our commander guy lives (not the big boss, but the guy who's basically the horde version of Balinda), they really can't progress since Horde defenses are all linear. I actually find that snowfall GY isn't that important, but if you can get it, you may as well just so the other team doesn't. But destroying SH bunker gives a lot of contribution points, it crushes that 2-pronged front of Alliance defense around the field of strife, and after that there's really nothing they can do to recover (ninjaing graveyards won't do much if anything). Balinda is kind of unimportant, but it's fun to send a group after her just to distract the Alliance.


The one good thing about standard WoW UI is that it's improving, even if it is at a slow rate.

Given my history with FFXI though, the changes in WoW are amazing, refreshing change from developers that pretty much sat on their fingers on most issues...

I remember the first few iterations of the game, without the extra action bars. Unusable. But since then... I can play with mostly standard WoW interface... especially handy is the fact you can save hotkeys per character now; that means I can have for warriors and paladins, aura/stance switch on ctrl+1,2,3... while with my hunter, I have it default to pet controls.

Yeah... I play the game with hotkeys; 1-6, shift 1-6, gives you access to a good portion of your most frequently used skills... the less frequently used stuff can easily sit on other portions of the action bars.

The couple of mods that I do like to use are good inspect and tracking switcher. Maybe the SCT and spell detect as well... but generally keeping my mods lean is a boon; it means I'm not crippled after every update... and it doesn't hurt that I can perform just as well as others without mods.


MrAngryFace said:
Target the minion? What kind of warlocks do you fight? Usually I just time fear right, or use deathcoil, or use curse of exhaustion. I never use my minion to slow anyone down cause you know what? They dont slow anyone down.
You target the minion because Intimidating Shout is AoE Fear that hits everything except your target (but you must have a target to use it). Can't be used effectively 1-on-1 unless they have a pet or something. Nice for escaping warlocks, and sometimes works against hunters if their lame pets aren't too persistent.
Sure it can be used effectively 1 on 1. It fears everything except target, but it freezes your target in place for 6 seconds. It also has a larger radius than melee swings, so you can use it to catch up to someone too.


Son of Godzilla said:
It fears everything except target, but it freezes your target in place for 6 seconds.
Yeah but the disorientation effect wears of if the target sustains damage, which makes it kind of tricky if you have Deep Wounds causing uninteded DoTs. So building the rage to use it can make it screw up....not bad if you already had enough when you got jumped though.
firex said:
SH bunker really isn't that hard to take (at least on my server where people are really heavily geared out). If alliance doesn't see you clearing it out, it can be done with 5-6 people easy, which is to say a warrior, any healer, and 3-4 of all the rogues/hunters out there. Defending it is also easy with aoe and hunters. Trap the bottom door, and as soon as people come in, use channeled aoe spells like blizzard and rain of fire and flamestrike, and nearly everyone's got a bunch of debuffs, DOTs and they're at like 75% health by the time they get to the flag to try capping it back. Only a zerg can stop it from being capped really. And destroying bunkers not only stops all the guards there from respawning, it also spawns some horde guards to replace them. Plus it's worth a lot of contribution points (that's the big reason to go after bunkers, but it does make capturing the subsequent GYs a lot easier).

Horde towers aren't as important as Alliance bunkers, because the big thing is, as long as our commander guy lives (not the big boss, but the guy who's basically the horde version of Balinda), they really can't progress since Horde defenses are all linear. I actually find that snowfall GY isn't that important, but if you can get it, you may as well just so the other team doesn't. But destroying SH bunker gives a lot of contribution points, it crushes that 2-pronged front of Alliance defense around the field of strife, and after that there's really nothing they can do to recover (ninjaing graveyards won't do much if anything). Balinda is kind of unimportant, but it's fun to send a group after her just to distract the Alliance.

Belinda dead keeps them from getting 50% more damage buffs. That's big. Very big. Wait until SH gy is took, and after the Icewing Bunker is surrounded, (not necessarily burning yet), because that gap there is a nasty bottleneck, allowing you to work Belinda with as little as 7 people while the rest continue to gain ground on that cliff road.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Belinda dead keeps them from getting 50% more damage buffs. That's big. Very big.
Yeah, I just got out of a game where the Allies actually managed to kill Captain Galvangar (the buff guy) and that made things kind of an uphill battle from there. Pushing into Dun Baldar is kind of rough without the occaisional damage buff.
it crushes that 2-pronged front of Alliance defense around the field of strife, and after that there's really nothing they can do to recover (ninjaing graveyards won't do much if anything)
I don't get why you need to crush the right-side "prong" when you can just push up the left side anyhow, though. Capturing SH Graveyard is really the turning point in any match...after that the Allies have a long ride back to the front after rezzing and it's difficult for them to get anything together.


In my experience, fighting from a Horde perspective, the longer we keep them from killing galv and holding off a takeover of IB, the greater chance we have of winning. If we both go with outright offense at roughly the same pace, the Alliance will beat us because of that stupid bridge. In most of those games, a few rogues (and pulling the guards over the waterfall) take the relief hut and there's just no way we can keep up.


In my experience, Alliance is on the defensive from the moment Snowfall is taken. After that, they're just constantly trying to stop big pushes on the west side of the map, and never even go after IceBlood or Galvangar. I don't get how people can see Snowfall as "optional", given that it's the place where you mount what is arguably the most crucial, tide-turning assault. Part of the reason Stonehearth Bunker is seen as inconsequential is because it's on the side of the map opposite Snowfall. No point in going there when all the action is on the west side of the map

Tonight was the only time in months I've seen a decent offensive effort from Alliance. We had Snowfall, but they still managed to kill Galvangar and capture IceBlood Tower a couple times (recovered every time though). They had everything in disarry for a while, with the team split between defending Snowfall, defending IceBlood, and trying to push up the western front. Eventually the pressure on IceBlood stopped and we marched on towards the inevitable victory. Still, we wasted an hour or so in those early stages......I still don't see how they were able to hold down Stonehearth Graveyard while they had 10 people fighting Galvangar, but they managed it through either expertise or our own stupidity.

I wish every Battleground allowed you to farm Reputation as easily as Alterac Valley. Getting to Revered or Exalted in the others not only takes forever, but the rewards aren't even as good as getting to Exalted in AV. An AV win nets you like 3000 rep, whereas an AB win is 110 rep at best (not taking into account the "For Great Honor" repeatable quest).

I guess that they are trying to distinguish each Battleground. AV is for rep rewards, AB is for Honor farming....and WSG is uhhhhh, that crummy place you have to go to for marks to complete "For Great Honor".


The Horde side on my server rarely grab Snowfall. It's usually just left open for the alliance. I think this is so we can avoid being turtled on the bridge. It's almost as if the trick is to give them a chance at winning, but hold them off just long enough so we can make the big push. :lol

Actually, one of the worst games I've ever had was when the Alliance were all on defense. We had just destroyed them in the first half hour or so, but they all just fell back. It lasted about 3.5 hours and ended when 90% of the Horde just dropped right out and the game ended because we didn't have enough players.


fallout said:
It's usually just left open for the alliance. I think this is so we can avoid being turtled on the bridge.
I'm not sure what you are talking about now. When you say "the bridge", do you mean to bridge into Dun Baldar? It never seems like that big of a deal, as long as you've got a number of people willing to ride across and take the back entrance to Dun Baldar North Bunker. Speaking of which, was the back entrance just a geometry glitch, or did Blizzard actually intend for people to be able to jump onto the top floor from outside? I figure they would have fixed it by now if it wasn't intentional...


All of these UI's are gross. There's nothing wrong when it comes to looks with sticking to the original and adding CTmod and Titan Panel.


although i dont even use CTmod, i just use CTraid assist


Yeah, the bridge into Dun Baldar. We roll through SH (bunker & GY) and Balinda very easily. We've been caught occasionally on that pass up to SP, but it's easily ninja'd from behind. The bridge however, can prove to be a real problem when they mount a good defense. Getting hit by those damn archers from both sides and trying to ride through while getting poly'd, HoJ'd, or just plain killed on your mount is really discouraging.

And yeah, the back entrance glitch is still there. Mind you, the Alliance get to pull the relief station guards off a waterfall, so each side has its problems. Normally, I hear that we have it easier than the Alliance, but most of that complaining is surrounding the fact that they have to unmount on the way to Frostwolf Keep.


Bah. I'm gonna have to respec my druid. I wanted to go primary balance, but it's almost worthless. Is one decent aoe spell too much to ask, Blizzard? Fix my fucking Hurricane! It's completely worthless unless I want to commit suicide. At least give me a chance to avoid interruption. *sigh*

Looks like I'll be switching to Restoration like every other druid, so maybe a raid group will want me. I liked my moonkin form :(


We have a balance druid that regular raids with us. He always gets plopped into moonkin form in a party of 4 mages for rag.


that's why if you just started this game again, you should have picked a low pop server or something. though i am sure some servers are crowded right now because of others (with their mains) being down.
I've been out of the game since Late August. I have a 60 Gnome Mage on Azgalor. Has the content improved any high game? I'm not a big fan of the 40+ man instances...is there other stuff that is available now that will make the high game more fun?

How's Arathi Basin? When is the expansion coming out? Anyone else on Azgalor?

Well I probably won't get back in until they fix this queue problem I've been reading on the boards...1+ hour queue just to get into the fucking server? Ridiculous.


firex said:
that's why if you just started this game again, you should have picked a low pop server or something. though i am sure some servers are crowded right now because of others (with their mains) being down.

I'd prefer to play on a server where I know some people, the community for this game is shitty enough as it is.


firex said:
that's why if you just started this game again, you should have picked a low pop server or something. though i am sure some servers are crowded right now because of others (with their mains) being down.

Gul'dan ftw.


border said:
I don't get why you need to crush the right-side "prong" when you can just push up the left side anyhow, though. Capturing SH Graveyard is really the turning point in any match...after that the Allies have a long ride back to the front after rezzing and it's difficult for them to get anything together.

Honestly, it's mostly for the extra honor/contribution you get (gives you a shitload of pvp rank at the end of the week compared to just getting as many KBs as you can) but it does keep people from getting hurt too much while trying to ride up and take SH GY since it provides you with a slightly sneakier path (just need to kill the mobs there, but that shouldn't be hard - nearly every AV i've done, half the raid goes one way, half the other after SH bunker is taken).

But really... it's for the contribution. You rank up soooo much faster when you do stuff for contribution than you do when you just try to farm HKs.


I don't think I could ever get my UI to work like that. I've got about 24 hot-keyed spells or so that I use on a consistent basis, plus maybe about 6 others that I use enough just to swap in and out. Then, I've got the engineering items/trinkets to think about, heh.


fallout said:
I don't think I could ever get my UI to work like that. I've got about 24 hot-keyed spells or so that I use on a consistent basis, plus maybe about 6 others that I use enough just to swap in and out. Then, I've got the engineering items/trinkets to think about, heh.

Try discord action bars, you'll be amazed what you can get done.


I've always avoided using too many mods ... feared that there would be a ton I'd never use. Also, I'm just kind of lazy. I think I shall give discord action bars a try though.
Level 59 with my Rogue! I've got two pieces of the Shadowcraft set, and I've been running UD Strat like crazy. Really fun instance. When I get to 60 I might roll out an Undead Warlock and a Paladin as alts. I don't know if I will play them both a ton, because I wanna be an uber-Rogue, but we'll see.


I dled the discord action bars and unit frames, but I don't know how to set them up so I can have a sexy ui instead of the ugly default ui.


Lucky day today. Went to kill Lord Darkscythe in EPL for the Songblade for my lower lvl Warrior. Took about 15 mins to find him. It dropped, then decided to kill one of the skeletons near him and Krol Blade drops.
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