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World of Warcraft

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Jupiter said:
Lucky day today. Went to kill Lord Darkscythe in EPL for the Songblade for my lower lvl Warrior. Took about 15 mins to find him. It dropped, then decided to kill one of the skeletons near him and Krol Blade drops.

Nooo! I need some new weapons for my Rogue...Level 59, and I'm still using Julie's Dagger and Firebreather.


Almost everyone in Zul'gurub isn't that bad, even hakkar (or is that especially Hakkar), but tonight we tried Jin'do the Hexxar ... ouch.

At least we got him to half >_>


Did Razorgore for the first time tonight. 3 attempts, on the 3rd attempt we cleared the room and it was just him. Unfortunately the tanks were umprepared and mass conflaguration began. Looks like he'll go down next week.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Ferrio said:
Did Razorgore for the first time tonight. 3 attempts, on the 3rd attempt we cleared the room and it was just him. Unfortunately the tanks were umprepared and mass conflaguration began. Looks like he'll go down next week.
Yeah, he's no cakewalk after phase 1, be sure that you have 2 tanks and that they're far away enough that they'll never get conflagged at the same time.
I just had the best pick up group ever.

Scarlet Monastary, I was the high level at 44. A shaman was our healer, another warlock *affliction spec thank god*, and two warriors. One of the Warriors has a main as a Rogue so we let him pull after the lower level warlock totally bungled a pull in the cathedral haha.

The thing was everyone knew their job. I gasped when I saw the other warlock cast curse of wrecklessness on fleeing enemies. I must just be used to playing with dumb warlocks but thats some smarts.

The best part was when we assaulted that warrior guy and his healing bitch. We kill the guy, she runs out, is just fuking me over with smite, then I die, she rezzes the warrior and he's smashing our faces in and im like Kill HER. So they managed to kill her and now its down to him at full, me (fukin beat up) the shaman, and the warrior who was also almost dead. The last few seconds was me lifetapping to get enough curses/life leech going waiting for a nightfall, while the shaman healed the damage done by lifetap haha.

We ended up winning, lost a roll on the necklace thing, didnt need the shield so I passed on that. All n all a very fun instance, got a third of my bar filled too.


Has problems recognising girls
MrAngryFace said:
I just had the best pick up group ever.
Yeah I love hitting that part of WoW. I just recently joined a guild on one of the new PVP servers as an Human Priest - seems like everyone else in this tiny guild are all high level Horde players on another server, have known each other for years and decided to roll Alliance as shits and giggles to level 19 and just muck around in Warsong. Really happy I found them cause they kick serious arse and I can relate to them being a Horde-biased gamer myself.

Other than that, on my old server Suramar as Undead Mage, I met up with an Undead Warrior from New Zealand who was possibly the best personality ever in MMORPG and we stuck around. Headed into SFK with another Undead Warrior who he knew and a Troll Priest. Best fucking group ever. Headed into a shit load of instances constantly together and we nicknamed ourselves Team Sexy Pants since we never wore Leather. There was never a dull moment in the instances and we'd always die at least once through sheer boredom with one of the warriors wanting to be a Leeroy - few of them we actually survived 10+ mobs against us lowly 4 fighters of might. Those are the moments when you log off WoW after a long night and fall asleep peacefully.
Haha yeah I died once in the SM instance tonight doing a Hellfire Suicide to try and save the group. Even extended it with health potions and healthstone haha.


Back to UI's:

I wish I had the hardware to play WoW in WS... so sweet.

If you go back a page, you'll notice I basically just cleaned up the standard WoW UI to give me a little more room (scaled down everything as well... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).

Discord is amazing. I'm normally opposed to DLing and running such a Major Addon... but I'm not sure what I'd do w/o it now. On the negative side... it'll take you (maybe not... but it took me) a good 2 hours to learn how to move everything and set things up (I'm a huge key binding user... so everything had to be rebound).

Anyway... I've only begun to fix and play with it. I'm sure if I spent more time I'd make something even sexier. But still... after viewing ALOT of different custom UIs via Discord... I'm a major supporter.
I like Discord Action Bars.



dave is ok said:
Yeah, he's no cakewalk after phase 1, be sure that you have 2 tanks and that they're far away enough that they'll never get conflagged at the same time.

We would of had it last night, but we had two healers bail. Sadness. Also as the rogue captain I have to start being a major hardass making sure all the rogues are up to 150 fire res for vael.


Apple Jax said:
Back to UI's:

I wish I had the hardware to play WoW in WS... so sweet.

If you go back a page, you'll notice I basically just cleaned up the standard WoW UI to give me a little more room (scaled down everything as well... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).

Discord is amazing. I'm normally opposed to DLing and running such a Major Addon... but I'm not sure what I'd do w/o it now. On the negative side... it'll take you (maybe not... but it took me) a good 2 hours to learn how to move everything and set things up (I'm a huge key binding user... so everything had to be rebound).

Anyway... I've only begun to fix and play with it. I'm sure if I spent more time I'd make something even sexier. But still... after viewing ALOT of different custom UIs via Discord... I'm a major supporter.

If you really like Action Bars. Download Discord Unit Frames, it gives you the same types of customization, but for your party, self, and target frames. I go for the minimilistic view myself.

Action Bars are great, the amount of stuff beyond just rearranging your UI is impressive. All my combat related buttons disappear if I'm not in combat, or targetting a hostile unit, and that's simple compared to some stuff you could do.

Oh I also pop up messages w hen my Riposte is active.
Tons of new folks on Bloodscalp since Thanksgiving (gg Blizz keeping the server as default PvP so long). Anyways, this means lots of Rogues, Warriors, and Hunters with shiny new purple weapons from AV or MC and a chip on their shoulders big enough to match. My "favorite" is this one Human Rogue at those blue dragonkin in Azshara. She doesn't actually kill any dragons unless their in the way of the chest ring that spawns there; she just won't LEAVE when I kill her or make her Sprint after jumping me, overandoverandover again. Persistance + stealth makes for annoying farming for my epic mount and crafted epic gear $$$.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Do you have a good reward or drop that makes you want to do it? Because really, you shouldn't do any of the 5-mans.

want to get the trinket to let me see the ghosts. I believe i have to finish scholomance 5 man like 3 times maybe more


MrPing1000 said:
want to get the trinket to let me see the ghosts. I believe i have to finish scholomance 5 man like 3 times maybe more

You really don't have to do it 3 times, since the chain kinda goes on further down in scholo. I would complete a part, run out talk to ghost, run back in.


It'll take forever to get discord setup, but once I do I'll probably use it. It's definitely nice and a big improvement over the basic UI.
Well Azgalor is waaaaaaaay to over croweded. Queues thesecond time since launch...the first time Blizz lowered the cap (!?) this time is ass. Actually it dawned on me (Wasabii) when I was in IF and see....

Wasab: 35 Warrior LFG

then there's our Main Tank Cleak and the lvl 20 something female warrior Cleack....NAmes are starting to repeat...lol

ANYWHO! ZG: Week 4

Last week, our first tiem with 20, we downed the Snake boss like it was nothing, YAY! and wiped on the bat boss.

This week some odd reason the Snake boss took out 4 of us with chain lightining in one swoop, we reset and then take him down like it was nothing. We try the bat boss and well we dd aight we can't get her to the 50% mark YET but we'll get the biach. I really want the bow from the raptor boss but thats way far off.

As for the bat bitch our strategy was to spread out, ranged DPS and Main tank on her mage or pali AOE the bats at the mouth of the cave. This worked for the adds but the bat bitch kicked our collective butts.

when ZG first came out I was in a group that iirc bunched together excpet for the MT and ranged the Boss when the bats came over everyone who had AoE did AoE. Once she hit 50% we scattered and hit her trying not to get hit by bomber bats....does that sound right?
Still finding it tough to get a good guild on Shattered Hand EU, all the big raiding guilds don't accept new members. In my 2nd guild now, mostly 60's but like 10 people have left in the past week and we are nowhere near doing raid instances due to total lack of priests (they are in very short supply)

Oh and today I was doing a 5man strat scarlet run but was kicked because I wasn't tanking properly :lol Wiped 3 times. The mage was only using the arcane aoe on the big groups of normal skeles (+ 2-3 elites) Tried to explain that they had to use fire or ice aoe as well but was ignored as it was apparently my inept tanking abilities getting us killed. O well their loss
Great Wasabi Man said:
when ZG first came out I was in a group that iirc bunched together excpet for the MT and ranged the Boss when the bats came over everyone who had AoE did AoE. Once she hit 50% we scattered and hit her trying not to get hit by bomber bats....does that sound right?

This strat for the bat boss sounds like what my guild does. The casters are all together. The tank pulls the boss past the casters so that the casters are between the tank/boss and the cave where the bats come out. The off tanks are with the caster group. Anyone who has a ranged attack is hitting her. When the bats come out, one of the off tanks will use challenging shout and then everyone AOE's, that can do it. We also have the warlocks using mana drain on the boss. After 50% the key thing is to stay out of the fire and making sure that she does not heal. If she heals, you are done. Counterspell, Sheild bash, kick, anything to stop her from getting her heal spell off. Ct Raid Assist is helpful because it tells you when she is casting her heal.


we usually put casters/ranged on one side, healers on another, and melee all beats the shit out of the bat girl. When she calls in bombers you do need to spread out, but we're actually already pretty well spread out at the start, so at most the bombers might take out 2 people.

like all raid encounters, once you beat it once or twice, it becomes really easy due to both getting better gear and knowing the pattern.
If you cannot beat the ZG bat boss, your guild has no hope.

And MrPing, warriors aren't wanted for raiding guilds on any server. They're more overpopulated and unwanted than rogues and hunters were last year.


Has problems recognising girls
MrAngryFace said:
Matlock says this game lacks gameplay~! WTF!
Cuff him, tape him and hang him! Then again, this is Matlock we're talking about.

Created a Priest on Balnazzar and I am scared to admit that I whenever I go on to grind/questing I am the only damn Priest on the server at that level. It is very disheartening.
Being a priest is a tough life, plus im raising a Holy priest haha. Groups only, but who doesnt love a dedicated rez healer at low levels, honestly!

Plus since im never gonna PVP the character much im twinkin er a wee bit.


last night my guild went back into MC

we dropped Baron, Shazzrah, Sulfuron, and Golemag on our first tries

got my might shoulders

next week domo goes down

although we did wipe on baron a few times on wednesday to learn the encounter


My guild has finally started doing some serious rag attempts,got him to 33% last night and took down the sons without spazzing out :lol He'll be down in a week or two...


yeah, my guild somehow took rags on our first try with one spawn of sons (got him to 31% when he first submerged). I guess it was all the dps we brought, and having 5 warlocks to banish sons (most of us used rank 1 so it wasn't a full 30 sec) helped a lot.

Bring dps! and space your groups out well so his explosion knockback thing doesn't push a bunch of people into the lava. I'm surprised at how easily he dropped actually, it was my first time ever fighting him (and first try for my guild on the whole).


Rag is actually incredibly easy. Ever sine our first kill he's gone down flawlessly since. Yet we can still wipe on Domo sometimes.
I'm liking wow alot my warrior is now almost 60 and i can't wait to do some endgame. My mage is already decked out in a full netherwinter set with great trinkets, staff, wand. So i figure my warrior needs to be the same way :p.... I don't have time for grandmarshal although if i was a millionaire i wouldn't mind taking a few months of hardcore playing to get there

oh and about que try bloodhoof where now we have a 500+ que on sunday nights and about 400+ every other night


Grandma's Chippy
wow...talk about LAG

This is the gathering at the AQ gate opening....



Apparently the 2nd shot doesn't even show half of the people that were there because they are not all drawn in from that far up...



Wow, that's astounding....

Apparently I've already missed the first of the AQ world events (the ones that kicked off the major boss-killing quests). How do you know when these huge world events are happening? Does it just occur whenever a player turns in the components for a gate-opening quest, or is the event delayed until some predetermined time? On a PVP server, how do they prevent this area from becoming one massive warzone?


border said:
On a PVP server, how do they prevent this area from becoming one massive warzone?
Heh, an Alliance guild tried to summon Eranikus in Moonglade, so my guild and another, plus about another 30-40 Horde ran in to mess it up. We were outnumbered 2:1, so you can imagine the lag. We stopped them that night, but they eventually got it done, I think. The only way we knew was when someone tipped us off ahead of time. Or at least, that's the story that I was given.

On another note, I'm revered with Frostwolf so I'm taking a break from AV to level to 60. Then, I can go back and hit exalted.


border said:
Wow, that's astounding....

Apparently I've already missed the first of the AQ world events (the ones that kicked off the major boss-killing quests). How do you know when these huge world events are happening? Does it just occur whenever a player turns in the components for a gate-opening quest, or is the event delayed until some predetermined time? On a PVP server, how do they prevent this area from becoming one massive warzone?

There are red broadcasts that go to the entire world.

"Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream has entered our world." - this is the trigger for an event in moonglade.

There's another one for the Maws event, and more for the Silithus wall opening events.

There are also world messages when Eranikus is cleansed and Maws is killed.


border said:
On a PVP server, how do they prevent this area from becoming one massive warzone?

They can't and won't hopefully, I didn't buy World of Teapartycraft.

PvE server makes it heaps easier to complete world events like this, but Horde and Alli chilling side-by-side?



im 31/20 sword spec with HOJ and i get procs off of procs still

last night i got

sword spec, sword spec, HOJ proc all in a row

so it seems to be working fine for me :)

what they nerfed was Halbred of Smiting proc proccing off of itself i believe

ive seen screen shots of that decapitate like proccing 3 or 4 times in a row for maximum pwnage


I´m 51 warlock already. I play in good messure and I love it. Sometiemes I have time enough to do long play times that I profit to do BGs and some intances. But I´m progressing quite well, i still love the game and it didn´t stole my soul or anything.

Some days ago I went to Sunken Temple. Incredible. People of Blizzrad has a great sense for creating a feeling of wonder. I was impressed when I arrived to that big temple rounded of water. And once inside it was a great battle; troll-mummies, half dragons, a fantastic place and my first battle with big dragons. It was quite amazing.

But the thing I like more is the little detailes. The moving story of the Sunken Temple, understanding it´s importance and the reasons of the situation. At the end it was quite a sad story. I remember as well being in the centre of the temple and look up, where I say a right of light caming from a big stone face with the mouth open. When I took notice I got impressed of the attention to detail.

I can´t wait to be 60 to focus in doing more high level instances.


With my druid, why is it that if I'm being chased by a hunter or warlock, and I get enough distance on them so that I'm out of combat and I stealth, the pet still chases me as though I'm perfectly visible? This is bullshit.


Hey all I am a WoW Noob. I actually dont even own the game yet, but I have heard some good things from a friend of mine who just started playing, and I wanted to ask some of you more seasoned players some questions.

1. When you sign up and create a character, can you pick your own server, or is it like FFXI, where you get thrown on a random Server?

2. When you begin playing, if you want to join a party, is it as simple as just asking someone to join up with them, and then you can go do missions? Or is it like FFXI, where everyone in the party needs to have the same mission objective in their log, before they can go do the mission? Or is it like City of Heroes, where just one person needs to have the mission in his log and then he can create a team and go do that?

3. In City of Heroes, there was something called a "Task Force Mission" basically it was a long quest comprised of several missions that usually ended with the team fighting an arch-villan. Is there something like that in WoW?

Cant really think of any other questions right now, but I just am concerned this game might play like FFXI which I found to be very tedious, whereas City of Heroes/Villans was a blast to play.

Thanks again for any info you can give.
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