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World of Warcraft

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1. Pick your own server. It picks a random server but you don't have to accept it.

2. You can start a party at any time regardless of if anyone's on the same quest as you or not. They can also share quests with you assuming you're eligible for it. (you usually are unless it's part of a string of quests).

3. There's long lines of quests that end up either just ending after you deliver whatever or defeating a boss, or something like that. It varies.
Man my server is still like 2 weeks away from opening the gates. Horde is sitting at a sweet 82% completion right now, but slack ass alliance is back at 51%. The sucky thing is we can't even help them. We have fucking chinese farmers camping the gadget AH so as soon as someone puts up something cheap to help alliance they buy it up.

I really wish we didn't have to rely on the other faction. They should've just had one big list of mats to turn in and either faction could turn them in, with the faction turning in the highest amount getting some sort of bonus. Oh well.
aparisi2274 said:
1. When you sign up and create a character, can you pick your own server, or is it like FFXI, where you get thrown on a random Server?
Yes. A small group of servers are temporarily closed for new players though because of a giant world event and they want to keep lag down.
2. When you begin playing, if you want to join a party, is it as simple as just asking someone to join up with them, and then you can go do missions? Or is it like FFXI, where everyone in the party needs to have the same mission objective in their log, before they can go do the mission? Or is it like City of Heroes, where just one person needs to have the mission in his log and then he can create a team and go do that?
You can group with anyone at any time for any reason.
3. In City of Heroes, there was something called a "Task Force Mission" basically it was a long quest comprised of several missions that usually ended with the team fighting an arch-villan. Is there something like that in WoW?
I've never played CoH to know, but in WoW there are a lot of quests that are in a chain, where you completely 5 quests or so and then finally get a big boss quest to finish it up. Around level 20 there is a pretty epic (for its level) quest chain to enter your first dungeon, the Deadmines, and kill the leader of a rebel group. You do about 5 solo quests, and then you have to form a group of 5 to enter the dungeon and take down the lead guy. It's still my favorite quest line and dungeon in the whole game.
Cant really think of any other questions right now, but I just am concerned this game might play like FFXI which I found to be very tedious, whereas City of Heroes/Villans was a blast to play.
Why would you be concerned that WoW is tedious when every review of the game always points out how easy and casual-friendly it is?


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Why would you be concerned that WoW is tedious when every review of the game always points out how easy and casual-friendly it is?

I havent really read any reviews on the game, that is why I was asking here. I figure who better to ask than actual players.

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.


Just noticed that Blizzard has put up an info page for the upcoming Lunar Festival.....which is happening despite the fact that there are no real significant "real life" holidays during the Jan 27 - Feb 14 period. Does this mean we're going to have to endure a new cheesy holiday every month from now on out?
border said:
Just noticed that Blizzard has put up an info page for the upcoming Lunar Festival.....which is happening despite the fact that there are no real significant "real life" holidays during the Jan 27 - Feb 14 period. Does this mean we're going to have to endure a new cheesy holiday every month from now on out?
Chinese New Years, you racist.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Why would you be concerned that WoW is tedious when every review of the game always points out how easy and casual-friendly it is?
I'm just going to go ahead and ask it ... why are you always so angry about everything?


aparisi2274 said:
3. In City of Heroes, there was something called a "Task Force Mission" basically it was a long quest comprised of several missions that usually ended with the team fighting an arch-villan. Is there something like that in WoW?

Doing an instance in WoW is like a task force. They usually take a couple hours and have a final boss. If you're on the alliance side, I'll think you'll be quite impressed by Deadmines (late teens instance), or Shadowfang Keep on the horde side.

Ps. It doesn't play like FFXI. It's much faster paced and fun.


Has problems recognising girls
fallout said:
I'm just going to go ahead and ask it ... why are you always so angry about everything?
Why is Liu Kang always angry about everything? Because he's Liu Kang. Why is Chuck Norris always round-housing everyone? Cause he's Chuck Norris.

edit: I created an Alliance Priest on Balnazzar and upto lvl 15, highest Alliance character so far. Big fan of Shadowfang Keep so I am looking forward to Deadmines.


Woah... staff of dominance just dropped, and all our mages already had one -- so instead of DE+guildbank they gave it to me!

This thing looks so damn cool lol


YakiSOBA said:
Woah... staff of dominance just dropped, and all our mages already had one -- so instead of DE+guildbank they gave it to me!

This thing looks so damn cool lol

What class are you?


speedpop said:
Why is Liu Kang always angry about everything? Because he's Liu Kang. Why is Chuck Norris always round-housing everyone? Cause he's Chuck Norris.

edit: I created an Alliance Priest on Balnazzar and upto lvl 15, highest Alliance character so far. Big fan of Shadowfang Keep so I am looking forward to Deadmines.

O rly? My brother has an alliance paladin that is level 20, he told me that a few days ago o_O


3. In City of Heroes, there was something called a "Task Force Mission" basically it was a long quest comprised of several missions that usually ended with the team fighting an arch-villan. Is there something like that in WoW?

Cant really think of any other questions right now, but I just am concerned this game might play like FFXI which I found to be very tedious, whereas City of Heroes/Villans was a blast to play.

There's lots of chained quests, where it starts out simple and then it proceeds into a bigger deal. Some though can be annoying. I am doing one in Ashenvale that has me going back and forth over and over, with no rhyme or reason to the direction of the points I must go to. The Succubus quest also was insane. The good ones are actually plotted out in a line that moves you in some general direction or are interesting to do at the least. The Mystery of Stalvan is kind of here and there, but playing it out was fun. As mentioned, the Deadmines is awesome. Great dungeon. It doesn't make any real world sense though. I think I went 5 miles below the earth and then popped out at a higher spot than where I started.

I find the grind tedious and some parts outdated. From what I hear though, it's not as bad as FFXI. WOW is not an adrenaline rush to play, but it's more like an easy going sedative. You can just chill with it.


Well I'm almost geared in full epics now. Only missing some Nightslayer shoulders, a quickstrike ring, and of course the Vis'kag The Bloodletter which NEVER wants to drop. ARG



I just read about the Genesis Raiment from Ahn'Qiraj

Holy jeez do I want that, but there's no way my guild will ever get there. Guess I need to start looking for a new one. =/
border said:
Just noticed that Blizzard has put up an info page for the upcoming Lunar Festival.....which is happening despite the fact that there are no real significant "real life" holidays during the Jan 27 - Feb 14 period. Does this mean we're going to have to endure a new cheesy holiday every month from now on out?

Valentine's Day is a Holiday is it not? Feb. 14, the last day of the Lunar Festival. Find someone to kiss under the fireworks.
aparisi2274 said:
Hey all I am a WoW Noob. I actually dont even own the game yet, but I have heard some good things from a friend of mine who just started playing, and I wanted to ask some of you more seasoned players some questions.

1. When you sign up and create a character, can you pick your own server, or is it like FFXI, where you get thrown on a random Server?

2. When you begin playing, if you want to join a party, is it as simple as just asking someone to join up with them, and then you can go do missions? Or is it like FFXI, where everyone in the party needs to have the same mission objective in their log, before they can go do the mission? Or is it like City of Heroes, where just one person needs to have the mission in his log and then he can create a team and go do that?

3. In City of Heroes, there was something called a "Task Force Mission" basically it was a long quest comprised of several missions that usually ended with the team fighting an arch-villan. Is there something like that in WoW?

Cant really think of any other questions right now, but I just am concerned this game might play like FFXI which I found to be very tedious, whereas City of Heroes/Villans was a blast to play.

Thanks again for any info you can give.

ok a bit late on the reply, but I came from CoH to WoW qitha quick revisit to SWG on the way and even went back to CoV for a break from WoW which I played for 3 days and went back to WoW.

1. you pick your own server...if you pick Azgalor, the little server that could....be ignored by blizzard and add to the queue I will find you and eat you.

2. hmmm...LFG isn't as good as in CoH. There's Iron Forge or Ogrimmar thats pretty much the center of the world for either alliance (IF) or horde (OG). There you spam the LFG channel which is /5. Blizzard is SUPPOSEDLY working on anew super LFG tool since the meeting stones worked SO WELL <---sarcasim. As of the last patch they linked the capital's LFG channels so you can be in Stromwind and find group memebers in Iron forge. This is a nerf, you used to be able to join a LFG channel form anywhere but they took that out when they linked the captials. GG! Missions are, well differnt, there's more lore behind the quests then "ZOMG a Circle of Thorns leader stole a painting, kill 20 of his hench me..just because". If it's a quest in a chain you need to be up to that point in the chain as the other players, if the quest giver gives you an item that you need on the quest...you need to start that quest yourself. Otherwise you can share quests with other players and work on those together.

Basically if say your on step 2 for The missing diplomat and your friend is on step 3 and you finish his part your sol and gotta do your step then his again.

Unlike CoH you can have upto 20 at a time and you can abandon ones you want to do. The latter is why I left CoH/CoV the second time...well one of the 2 major reasons I left. I picked my hero up form where I left off, unfortunatly since I left they added the missions you HAD to group with somoen to open a create, and well one of the missions I accepted before I left was changed to one of those missions. Couldn't abandon it and the other quest was way to hard to solo.

Yet I fear I have gone too far off your question....but like Lui Kang said you can group for anyone for any reason.

3. The closest thing to a task force mission are the instances in WoW. The CLOEST you'll find to how the Task Forces worked wher eyou could come back at a later time and finish is the end game instances....and well take my advice JOIN A RADING GUILD!!!

which brings me to my post.....

You ever do something in the game and kick yourself afterwards? When the second guild I was in broke up the second in command offered to get me into a big raider guild on my server. I was interested till I saw it was like a job interview to get in and once in it was like the military. Now we were both hunters and while in IF I noticed I had gotten more BS parts then he did and was doing good as far as progressing with a casual guild. Well that was anywhere form 4- 6 months ago. Last night I bump into him and kick myself for not join that guild. I see he's got the Hunter Epic staff/bow, 5/8 dragonstalker armor....and this guy wasn't really one alot when we were in the same guild.


Tonight: Bat Bitch Round 3.....we'll get her.....sometime....before the expansion maybe. I would like to be doing MC with an alliance with another guild at least I can see the Gaintstalker parts drop instead of usless coins for crappy sets.
Great Wasabi Man said:
Tonight: Bat Bitch Round 3

Seriously, quit that guild. You will cry to sleep once you get to the Spider or Tiger.
aparisi2274 said:
How do you even fight something like that? thats insane.....
It's so ugly and devoid of style and consistency. I couldn't stand playing that game for more than 30 minutes.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

Seriously, quit that guild. You will cry to sleep once you get to the Spider or Tiger.

I'm not advocating that expressly, but if your guild ain't learning from those wipes, then yes, do what Liu said.

Speaking of the devil, Spiderbitch finally ate it last night, and Tony the Tiger was deep into stage 2 (first time) before we went down. Soon, Hakkar. Very soon. :D


Don't burn bridges though.

With such a social game, leaving a guild in a bad way might get you rejected from other guilds.

People who have left our guild badly have been declined by other big guilds because of what they've done, and visa versa.
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but BWL was a clusterfuck tonight. Server-side lag made the instance impossible to do. After somehow beating Razorgore in what seemed like a 30 minute fight, we get to Vael and wipe 2 times early since the ass terrible lag made it impossible for the tanks to keep their aggro order.

Finally we just got fed up and went to MC, which turned out to be pretty cool because we cleared up to and including Golemagg in just over 2 hours.


A question on tanking for the late-game instances: I'm a long way from getting all the blue tanking gear I need for +Defense. So should I be using regular Blue gear or specialized green gear with +Defense bonuses? There's a lot of green defense gear to be found on the Auction House, but none of the "...Of Defense" items come with stat bonuses, and they all have lower armor rating. So is it better to lean on high-quality items with Strength and Stamina bonuses, or lower-quality items that boost defense without the bonuses? I could probably get +50-60 defense if I just deck out in green defense armor. If I use the blue PVP gear I've gotten then I will have more HP, more armor, and better attack power....but probably just a middling +20 to defense (Oranate Adamantium Breastplate + Medallion of Grand Marshal Morris).


8000 HP seems a long way off =( Can you really even get that high? Even in all the blue PVP stuff I'm barely pushing 4700.

I made a note of all the blue items you said were the best for new lvl 60's, it's just that most of it is like a 10% drop off a dungeon boss.....so I'm trying to figure out the best configuration for running those dungeons over and over....
border said:
8000 HP seems a long way off =( Can you really even get that high? Even in all the blue PVP stuff I'm barely pushing 4700.

I made a note of all the blue items you said were the best for new lvl 60's, it's just that most of it is like a 10% drop off a dungeon boss.....so I'm trying to figure out the best configuration for running those dungeons over and over....
Right now I can reach 7500 hp completely buffed with 6/8 Might from Molten Core. You can reach 6000 hp with good instance blues.

Try the Darksoul set right now. http://www.thottbot.com/index.cgi?i=51353. A 3 piece set of really high stamina blues that give you +20 defense and +5% hit when you get every piece.


On that note, is it better to equip +Stamina or +Fire Resistance for MC? Assume that most of the Fire Resistance gear I can get is gonna be greens without Str/Stam/Defense bonuses. For whatever reason, the guild I'm in now insists on running MC even though the impression I get is that nobody is anywhere near ready. Seems a little retarded.....just one of those "We can get 40 lvl 60's together, so let's do MC!" things.


border said:
On that note, is it better to equip +Stamina or +Fire Resistance for MC?
Both. Get an addon (like ItemRack) to switch between +stam and +FR sets as the raid progresses.

Also, farm Incendius in BRD. It's a very easy way to get decent FR blues.
border said:
On that note, is it better to equip +Stamina or +Fire Resistance for MC? Assume that most of the Fire Resistance gear I can get is gonna be greens without Str/Stam/Defense bonuses. For whatever reason, the guild I'm in now insists on running MC even though the impression I get is that nobody is anywhere near ready. Seems a little retarded.....just one of those "We can get 40 lvl 60's together, so let's do MC!" things.
Don't get non-stat greens for any reason. The only greens you should have on you as a warrior at any time: Stalwart Clutch, fire resist rings, Dark Iron gear, Mastersmith's Hammer, and maybe a +stam gun.

There are fire resist blues for any gear slot you have, and don't be afraid to wear mail or leather if necessary: fire attacks ignore armor values.

I would say you're fine in stamina gear for MC. You only need one or two dedicated warriors to wear FR gear for Firelords, Baron Geddon, and other elementals. About 75% of that place is standard attacks mixed in with a little fire.

Go ahead and buy Dark Iron shoulders and some FR rings. After that, either buy Hydralick Armor or farm Dark Iron Plate if you're an armorsmith. Do UBRS to get the Mastersmith's Hammer. You can also make FR trinkets as an engineer or buy the Blazing Emblem. After that, wait until your guild progresses in MC so they can craft you the rest of the Dark Iron set.


The Darksoul set looks nice. How hard is Zandalar rep farming? The opinions I've read seem mixed on whether or not a newbie guild should be working MC or ZG.

If I'm looking to get blue items out of normal high-level instances, is it better to go with 5 or 10 man pugs? In the 5-man I would be the only one that can lay claim to Plate Armor....in the 10-man things would move much faster but there would be be at least another 1-2 warriors that I would end up rolling against.
There are fire resist blues for any gear slot you have, and don't be afraid to wear mail or leather if necessary: fire attacks ignore armor values.
Can you recommed any of the good +FR blue items? I'm working on Draconian Deflector, but that's about all I know. Can you equip 2 Blazing Emblems at the same time? I got one out of a chest, and was considering just buying a second one.
border said:
The Darksoul set looks nice. How hard is Zandalar rep farming? The opinions I've read seem mixed on whether or not a newbie guild should be working MC or ZG.
Don't bother with ZG if your guild isn't doing MC. It's currently too difficult for a guild that doesn't have its members geared up in a few epics, which is ridiculous considering it's supposed to be something to do before your guild does MC. Just buy the materials and find someone to make it for you.
Can you recommed any of the good +FR blue items? I'm working on Draconian Deflector, but that's about all I know. Can you equip 2 Blazing Emblems at the same time? I got one out of a chest, and was considering just buying a second one.
Yeah I just now edited my post with what I can remember off the top of my head. Definitely go for that Drak shield, it's still the main shield I use simply because of the +stam/+def together on one shield. And yeah, you can equip two Blazing Emblems. However, I would recommend against buying a second one and instead get the Codex of Defense to get a +10 FR trinket.
My guild took down the Snake guy today in ZG. First time. I just joined yesterday though. We had a horrible strategy at first of just sheeping the snakes...better to sheep 3 and kill them while someone offtanks onoxius. We're going to start up MC when we our main tank with some good fire resist.


my guild has been in MC for 3 weeks now and has cleared up thru Domo

border there is no reason for a warrior/tank to enter MC with any green items except for stalwart clutch and maybe some rings or whatever

my best advice to you is run dire maul
DM North and West are loaded with tanking items
DM north and West runs only take less than an hour on average, so go go go

the better your gear, the easier it will make it for the healers

i'm currently specced 31/20/0, i only offtank in MC

i have 380 defense and over 5000hp unbuffed

here is my gear

helm: golem skull helm (from BRD)
necklace: medallion of grand marshall morris (boe from AH)
chest: ornate adamantium breastplate (quest reward from Fording series)
shoulders: stockade pauldoron's (boe epic from AH)
currently using might shoulders though
gloves: stonegrips (boe from AH)
rings: 2X Band of the Ogre King
belt: stalwart clutch
wrists: pvp wrists
boots: boots of avoidance (boe epic from AH)
legs: enchanted thorium legplates (crafted)
shield: draconian deflector

check out thottbot for other options

you don't have to get those BOE items, there are other options that you can get from instances that are almost as good

for legs get legplates of the eternal guardian from BRD chest of the seven
there are +def shoulders and gloves in DM west, north


ErasureAcer said:
My guild took down the Snake guy today in ZG. First time. I just joined yesterday though. We had a horrible strategy at first of just sheeping the snakes...better to sheep 3 and kill them while someone offtanks onoxius. We're going to start up MC when we our main tank with some good fire resist.

Fire resist isn't needed in MC until after the 4th boss.
aww poo...bat bitch wins again not enough of us showed up :(. Thanky you log-in server.

On a good note we recruited a lot of the people form the guild we tried to run MC with now if all our 60's can get on at the same time we can do an all guild ZG and maybe try an MC run with the guild we're allied with.

I had thought about leaving and joining one of those huge hardcore raiding guild (who btw ran MC and BWL last night) but for some reason I kinda made a niche for myself in this guild so I think I'll stick around for a bit.

Anywho one of the 60 hunters we picked up suggested we run DM for some gear and just to farm it. She told me that some drops there are better then the BS parts. I heard a bit of both, some people said if you have the full BS set don't bother with DM other have said the opposite....any suggestions?

AH-HA! I forgot....

The big guilds on our server are suddenly trying to now open the gates. One guild on the horde and one guild on the alliace are offering BoE/BoP Epics from MC/Onyixa/BWL In exchange for AQ supplies. So what the hey I kno a few places that for the most part are kinda empty for linen, light leather and medium leather. Yet now what epic should I choose I was going to go with the Petrafied Leaf or the Mature Black Sinew (cause of it's VERY LOW droprate). Yet I'm kinda sick of the BS helm and shoulders so I may ask for the GS shoulders or DS healm.

I'm not sure how they'll get you a BoP epic but I figured it's worth a shot, but then the amount of crap I gave them I coul dhave turned in for some really nice rep and probally by now been an elf on a horse...oh well.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
The newer the dungeon, the better the gear. Ergo, DM > Beaststalker

I dont really know of any hunter gear in DM though, except that sword with attack power and crit.
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