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World of Warcraft

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as far as I heard, some good hunter stuff in DM....

B. Blade

which is cool but I'm happy with my 2x

I would really like 2x w/15 Agil
http://www.thottbot.com/?i=37158 Which I have yet to see drop...getting really tired of UDstrat.

anyway back to DM hunter crap..

Marksman Bands
Beaststalker's Bindings

BB's have more agility and +2 to bows isn't really worth losing +60 ranged Attack Power for breaking the set.

Tarnished Elven Ring

The Greatest Race of Hunters (HEY! Thats a Pandaren on the cover...lol)

Warpwood Binding (which has more Agil then Beaststalker's Belt and I assume 60 ranged is worth losing for 1% crit...oh and BTW does anyone notice the armor bonus doesn't add up to whats showing as the bonus?)

so not a WHOLE lot of stuff...actually not a lot of stuff at all....eh!?


Bought myself another pre-paid card, gonna get on a 2nd character with WoW very soon, i dont know which one though, a Warrior, Mage or Warlock..

Also, is there a GAF Guild?


Hey a quick question: I'm playing a shaman and i'm about to hit 40. Up until now i've been doing leatherworking and skinning, using it to supplement my equipment. Once I hit 40, and can use mail will this become useless? I play an enhancement shaman (so a very "tanky" hand to hand focused build with a shield").


The Dragon Mail sets (Green, Blue, Black, Red) are made with leatherworking. The Blue set, I'm told, is decent for shamans. Plus there are mail patterns you can get with faction for Cenarion Circle.

So while you may not get a ton of useful recipes after 40, it's certainly not useless.


explodet said:
The Dragon Mail sets (Green, Blue, Black, Red) are made with leatherworking. The Blue set, I'm told, is decent for shamans. Plus there are mail patterns you can get with faction for Cenarion Circle.

So while you may not get a ton of useful recipes after 40, it's certainly not useless.
Thanks, I'll check it out.


The Blue Dragonscale Set is really only kickass if you're primarily elem/rest. If you're enh, a lot of the PvP gear is very nice, if you're willing to put in the time.


Black dragonscale is damn good if you're enhance, but you'll pay a lot for it. On the plus side, it's also godly FR gear. But you have to compete against hunters for it. This is gonna sound a bit weird but Tough Scorpid gear isn't bad for an enhance shaman - lots of agi for crit, and spirit will help mana regen (you'd be surprised how good that can be when soloing or in groups pre-60).


I'm really tired of people in WOW worrying or shitting on my Hunter's armor. I had some low level guy beg for 2silver, then he said "wow your char sucks, I had all blues at that level." Then I go into some battle and I'm out damaging everyone by a good deal in combat. Like this dude was saying "your armor is pretty lame, you need to go to the auction house." Indeed, I know my armor is pretty plain and run of the mill. I go with what I find that fits my build, but then still somehow my character kicks ass without being tweaked! It's amazing. Only one guy has actually noticed that I spec'd right, use good skills and attribute points. Often though, its people laughing at my armor and then asking how I'm doing the things I do.

For example, every Hunter I see around my level or higher has the same boss cat pet from the barrens. It's a nice pet, but I got a pet with Furious Howl so that I can put up my hawk aspect, throw up the hutners mark, send the pet for Howl and then shoot aimed shot. The stacked damage bonus is big and I end up one shot killing things.

I could still buy top armor on top of that, but I spend my money on skills and I won't grind just to make more gold. It's just annoying that the status quo seems to be farming and tweaks rather than skill. I like my shitty armor, it makes me have to play better to succeed.


Ferrio said:
Razorgore went down tonight.

Vael was fun too,....quick...but fun.
Our guild recently got Vael down too...the LBRS buff makes that fight a little overly easy imo.

We're on Broodlord Lashlayer right now. Last attempt had him to 61%. It wouldn't be such a pain in the ass to down him if we didn't have to keep clearing the trash in the damn trap rooms over and over again. :(


Furious Howl is without a doubt the best pet skill introduced so far...I'd love if they would give Raptor's a pounce attack or something that knocked a target down for a second or so...


Warlocks: If you like pvp I really recommend this build. I use it and it's damn good, regardless of your equipment. In pvp I basically run with a felhunter 99% of the time, and he's soul linked. I don't even use death coil all that often like a lot of horrible noob locks who are playing because the class is easier now do.

Warriors: I'm thinking of this talent build for my warrior who's basically going to be a tank with a few tricks for either "oh shit" moments in instances, or pvp utility (yeah, I just don't want to be another cookie cutter 31/5/15 build). I'd like your thoughts on it.


What would you get then? the same boring ms/cruelty/defiance build 90% of warriors have (with another 8% going heavy fury)? I just want to do a build that's not cookie cutter and boring.
Your build certainly isn't cookie cutter, but perhaps you should re-evaluate the boring part. I'm curious as to how you're going to have fun just auto-attacking, considering you're not getting the big instant attack in any of the talent trees.

I really don't see why you're so aggressively against the same-old cookie cutter tree builds. They're generic and overused for a reason: they work.

I'm currently a Fury warrior, and it's an absolute blast to play, regardless of whether I'm doing better than others or not.

And if you want to be a tank with PVP utility, it's generally accepted that going with an Arms or Fury heavy build with 15 or so points in Prot is the absolute best way to go. The only talent tree in the game more unimpressive and lacking than Protection is the Priest's Holy tree.


Cookie cutter builds become cookie cutter because they are solid, reliable setups. I don't see the logic in hampering yourself just because you want something different from what everybody else has. If you are going to have a heavy focus on on particular talent tree, you ought to at least buy that tree's "ultimate" ability, whether it's Shield Slam or Mortal Strike or whatever.

On Mortal Strike build -- I'm currently 31/20 and I'd like to put some points into Anticipation for tanking the high level instances. At the same time, I'd like to remain useful in PVP. Where should I take the points from? Is Enrage still worth 5 points now that's been nerfed? Is the extra +10 Defense worth giving up points in other abilities?

On tanking -- does your weapon matter that much? I made it to Exalted in Alterac Valley, and right now I have a choice between The Lobotomizer, Frostbite, and Serathil. Which one is the best choice? The Lobotomizer clearly deals out the best DPS, but has no stat bonuses and an "okay" proc. The two axes are weaker, but have significant strength bonuses and I get +5% crit with axes using my Mortal Strike Build. Frostbite has a much higher crit damage spike (111 vs 150), but I dunno how important the spikes are in PVE dungeons.


You want a fairly fast weapon for tanking I believe. Serathil looks like the best out of the weapons for straight up tanking, least protection spec.

But what do I know, I'm a rogue.
With disciplined groupmates, the speed doesn't matter in my book much; STM, AC, Racial Bonuses, STR, +DEF, AGL is bigger. Keep in mind that for fights where loss of aggro can mean loss of life that the amount of whoopin' you're withstanding translates into tons of Rage generated anyways. I will say though, that the Silent Fang from Gandling is NASTY good at "stick 'em" aggro. A Fury/Prot guildmate uses it to vulgar levels of success.

That said, hello to SoL's next tanking weapon! (Orc Warrior): Sickle of Unyielding Strength :D


There's also the option of going with the tanking/pvp build of 31/0/20 where you get all the major benefits of tanking and Mortal Strike and sword specialization (which is right now, imo, the best weapon specialization for warriors in the game) and all you really lose is 5% to crit which can be made up with some trips to DM and pvp'ing for a couple weeks to earn some crit gear -- that is if you're not hitting MC or BWL at all. Your build right now is wasting talent points and lots of them. It's like you want pvp talents, but don't want to actually kill anything while you're pvp'ing. And you want to tank, but you don't know what to do with the points to make yourself useful in end-game instances. It's just confusing. If you're going to dump so many points into prot and make yourself a solid tank, shield slam and imp shield wall go without saying. You can even dump toughness and pick up both imp shield wall and imp shield block if you like though that's not really a requirement.

Meh, it's your 15/hr, do what you like.

As for weapons, it depends. If you have an MS/tank build as the one I suggested above, a slow hard-hitting 1h sword for MS is the way to go with sword spec. In end-game instances, a slow 1-hander is good for building rage slightly faster than normal, but if you're MT in MC or BWL, stuff hits you so hard anyways your rage is pretty much a constant. You're practically spamming everything and anything to get rid of it all and the global cooldowns make it impossible as it is. Just try dumping all your rage on Chromaggus as MT as it's probably the biggest exercise in futility but also the most fun. :)


Uh, but I don't want much pvp stuff at all really. It's a tank build, just with some stuff that I thought would be useful either as "oh shit" buttons in instances (like last stand) or if I get jumped in pvp (piercing howl - though that's also for razorgore). I don't want and don't intend to do any arms/fury build until I've got the weapons to support it (i.e. if I ever manage to get a good dual wield setup I'll go fury for fun). I probably shouldn't have said "pvp utility" in my previous post, I just meant that as a few things to have so I'm not just a total sitting duck in pvp.


That's what the MS is for... 31/0/20 gives you at least a viable pvp option while still maintaining all the primary abilities for a longer lasting fight such as last stand and anticipation. Just go out and get yourself a good 2-hander -- even the arcanite reaper is still a viable option if you can't pick up an OEB or a zin'rohk or even a barbarous blade. The point here is that you're looking for a balance and the builds available, the so-called cookie cutter builds, provide that whether you want to believe it or not. 15/5/31 is also a great build though I would be less inclined to pvp with it since it seems to function moreso as a support class than an actual damage dealing one -- even with something as deadly as the deathbringer.

Like I said, it's up to you, but ignoring the cookie cutters solely because you want something original isn't the way to go. The warrior class is being moreso pidgeon holed now then ever before with all the nerfs being applied to us and our gear. You either make a build that's at least decently balanced for pvp and pve or you make yourself the best at a certain discipline. You can tank in any build, but a tank with certain abilities will obviously survive longer and be able to hold aggro easier -- your gear is also a HUGE factor but that's a whole other topic altogether.

It's your 15/hr, do what you want.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
The only talent tree in the game more unimpressive and lacking than Protection is the Priest's Holy tree.
What about the paladin protection tree? =(

I guess it's good for the rest of you assholes since it has kings.


Tritroid said:
We're on Broodlord Lashlayer right now. Last attempt had him to 61%. It wouldn't be such a pain in the ass to down him if we didn't have to keep clearing the trash in the damn trap rooms over and over again. :(
5 tanks on him, standing far enough apart that the deaggro knockback won't hit more than one of them. They all fight for aggro the entire fight. Healers have to keep the one he is on topped off on account of his 5000+ mortal strikes. If your tanks have less than 7k+ buffed, go back to MC =( Assign like a couple of healers to help out the rogues, who (aside from the warriors) should be the only ones getting hit by his AOE.

You need to out-dps him before all the tanks fall below the casters on the aggro list (which WILL inevitably happen over time). If it happens and he's still up, the person with aggro has to suicide run out of the ranged dps/healer group towards the tank (ice mages can ice block, too)... this works well since the Broodlord is so damn slow. Hopefully he's near death at this point and you might lose 2 or 3 people at the most.

Broodlord is fucking cake, I think you guys will hit wall #2 at Firemaw.


Yah, Firemaw is a different beast altogether. Need to have good offtanks to time the wingbuffet taunts right -- without getting nailed by the shadowflame if they happen to come at the same time. Trash after that is fairly easy up until the first pack of... well, I'll let you figure that one out. I'll just say that bringing 5 fairly well 400+ defense tanks will help out a lot. :)
I think Broodlord is probably the easiest boss in BWL. Even easier than Razorgore I think. And the rooms before him were a pain at first, but once you figure out the pacing, it's super easy.


I just formatted my PC and reinstalled World of Warcraft but i cant connect into it, everytime i boot up i get this message:


And then i click on play, i get into the login-screen and if i enter my username and pasw it just get frozen on "connecting".
Raiden said:
I just formatted my PC and reinstalled World of Warcraft but i cant connect into it, everytime i boot up i get this message:


And then i click on play, i get into the login-screen and if i enter my username and pasw it just get frozen on "connecting".

sounds like a firewall issue to me
firex said:
meh, I guess I will go for fury/prot then.
Good call. :) Unless you're going 0/20/31, because most everyone agrees that putting more than 15-20 points into Protection is just wasting talent points. Everything even sort of good in that tree is at the top of it.

I've been a big fan of Fury for tanking purposes, but a lot of people can't really see outside of the box to understand why it's so useful. They just see something like "8 second taunt in prot tree!" and think that's so amazing for tanking, when it's really a rather useless talent.

Unbridled Wrath to generate more rage, Cruelty for crits to cause more threat, Blood Craze to give you a little something back after being critted (it will happen, regardless of your defense numbers), Flurry/Enrage to start wailing fast and hard on the enemy to generate more aggro, and Bloodthirst for some HP generation.

I find all of those talents far, far more useful than the unorganized mess of the Prot tree. How useful is improved sunder when Unbridled Wrath does the same thing, except in reverse? (you gain more rage rather than making the ability use less rage) Everything below 15 points on the Prot tree is just wretched, imo. For perspective, keep in mind that the tank in the first guild to down Nefarion worldwide was 31/20/0, and the tank in the third guild to do it was 31/5/15. (I might be wrong on this, but they were 31 point Arms warriors regardless.)


Ferrio said:
You want a fairly fast weapon for tanking I believe.
In theory, you want the fast weapon so that you can do Heroic Strike (a high-damage threat generating move that goes "on next melee") more often. Except I don't know whether or not this is negated by the low per-hit damage. Nobody seems to know exactly how threat generation works. :D

sword specialization (which is right now, imo, the best weapon specialization for warriors in the game)
What makes it better than axe specialization, in your opinion?


border said:
In theory, you want the fast weapon so that you can do Heroic Strike (a high-damage threat generating move that goes "on next melee") more often. Except I don't know whether or not this is negated by the low per-hit damage. Nobody seems to know exactly how threat generation works. :D

What makes it better than axe specialization, in your opinion?

Damage in the big scale of things doesn't generate much aggro. Even if you have a lower damage weapon, the built in threat generation of heroic strike should easily overcome it.

You'd need a lot of damage to overcome the built in threat, something like pre nerf Thunderfury.

Case in point, Our old MT (who was protection spec) wielded this


And even though I'm fully decked out in epics rogue, I'd have to really really really try to pull aggro off him.


What makes it better than axe specialization, in your opinion?

The simple fact that more strikes does more damage than a few well placed crits. You can crit off of MS with an axe or a sword, but you're still waiting for the next strike after that, but if sword spec proces, you can literally kill a target in 2-3 hits. One of the high warlords in my guild, using the high warlords great sword, literally charged a mage and the initial attack caused a sword proc, a hand of justice proc, and a windfury proc. I don't know the order, but suffice it to say, the mage just died. More swings will always be greater than a higher crit percentage. Of course, as a high warlord with all that gear, your crit percentage will already be insanely high, but you'll be that much more deadly if you have a high chance to crit off of two consecutive uninterrupted swings than just a chance on one.

You can literally do 4 attacks in the time it takes an axe spec warrior to do 2. Of course crit percentage and extra swings is all by chance and just a roll of the di, but in the long run, more swings > higher crit percentage, especially something as negligable at 5% when you're already at a 25% or more crit rate as a warrior.

Damage in the big scale of things doesn't generate much aggro. Even if you have a lower damage weapon, the built in threat generation of heroic strike should easily overcome it.

Heroic strike isn't nearly as worthwhile as you make it out to be. The simple fact that it takes weapon speed into account before going off makes it undesirable. The vast number of warriors on my server don't even bother with the talent. It's interpreted, more or less, as a waste of rage. This is why no one bothers to dump talents into improved heroic strike -- I don't even have the ability on my bars. Point of fact, if I'm specced as 31/0/20, I'll use a Deathbringer as that mortal strike top end on the DB is absolute insanity while tanking. Not only that, but MS is instant making weapon speed a moot point. If I'm 15/5/31, I'll use a quel'serrar as I'd rather have the stamina and the defense proc and shield slam doesn't need a super powerful weapon and much like MS, shield slam isn't dependant on your MH weapon speed because its instant-- probably why your tank maintained aggro despite having such a crappy blue. Defiance + shield slam = easy mode. You can probably hold aggro indefinitely with a high stam 1H green at that point.

Unless you're going 0/20/31, because most everyone agrees that putting more than 15-20 points into Protection is just wasting talent points. Everything even sort of good in that tree is at the top of it.

I mostly agree with you here. Shield slam is useful, but it's nowhere near necessary. Only thing I like is probably improved shield wall, but if that little bit of extra time means the difference between living or dying in a fight, your raid probably isn't ready for the fight to begin with.

Unbridled Wrath to generate more rage, Cruelty for crits to cause more threat, Blood Craze to give you a little something back after being critted (it will happen, regardless of your defense numbers), Flurry/Enrage to start wailing fast and hard on the enemy to generate more aggro, and Bloodthirst for some HP generation.

I find all of those talents far, far more useful than the unorganized mess of the Prot tree. How useful is improved sunder when Unbridled Wrath does the same thing, except in reverse? (you gain more rage rather than making the ability use less rage) Everything below 15 points on the Prot tree is just wretched, imo. For perspective, keep in mind that the tank in the first guild to down Nefarion worldwide was 31/20/0, and the tank in the third guild to do it was 31/5/15. (I might be wrong on this, but they were 31 point Arms warriors regardless.)

Interesting perspective. I'll have to give this a try at one time or another to see how it works out. Regardless though, I know how your fury tree is setup more or less, what about your other trees? Where do you place your remaining points? Is it full 0/31/20?
Ryu said:
I mostly agree with you here. Shield slam is useful, but it's nowhere near necessary. Only thing I like is probably improved shield wall, but if that little bit of extra time means the difference between living or dying in a fight, your raid probably isn't ready for the fight to begin with.

OH SHIT Buttons are never pointless on your point man. Considering he (our MT/GM) is one of two Warriors in our guild with more than 15 in Prot, it's not like we're wasting our BG power or anything; just making sure "lost it at 20%" is "recovered at 20% to take him down for the first time" instead.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Good call. :) Unless you're going 0/20/31, because most everyone agrees that putting more than 15-20 points into Protection is just wasting talent points. Everything even sort of good in that tree is at the top of it.

I've been a big fan of Fury for tanking purposes, but a lot of people can't really see outside of the box to understand why it's so useful. They just see something like "8 second taunt in prot tree!" and think that's so amazing for tanking, when it's really a rather useless talent.

yeah, I'm thinking 31 fury/20 prot, or maybe even heavier fury and 15 prot. I just wonder what I should get the first 10 prot points on - anticipation? shield spec? toughness? iron will? - cause I know I'm going to get defiance (had it before on my warrior on another server and nobody could steal aggro from me).
got the game yesterday and am installing now

I'm thinking about making a dwarf warrior, is there anything to think about? I've heard if you're going to make a priest you should make a dwarf one, is there any race that is the best for warriors (on alliance side)?


ToyMachine228 said:
Nevermind, collecting those coins isn't worth it :lol
Well, if you want cheap rep (50 Horde/Alliance for every elder), I'd say it's worth it. I think there's a total of 50, so that's 2500 rep. I'd say the only ones not worth it are the instanced ones.


Coins also give you some nice enegineering plans, I heard they aren't BOP, so you might be able to make some nice cash selling them a while afte r the festival.

Myself, I'm just trying to pick up all the dresses.
Just killed Omen with a full raid. Pointless, but quite fun. :D

I took off all my armor and wore the pants suit so I wouldn't have to pay 4g in repairs. Just watch for his AOE. 900 damage a hit.
araganekyassuru said:
got the game yesterday and am installing now

I'm thinking about making a dwarf warrior, is there anything to think about? I've heard if you're going to make a priest you should make a dwarf one, is there any race that is the best for warriors (on alliance side)?
Horde Orc warriors resist stuns like crazy. Horde Tauren warriors have a stamina boost.

And srsly, don't roll Alliance.

I just got WoW and I have a few questions.

First of all what are the differences between normal, pvp, and rpg realms?

Second what is a good realm to join? I'm new to this MMORPG thing and I'd like some advice.




My guild made our first attempt on Onyxia today.

We got her to 4%. Then she evade bugged back up to 48%.

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