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World of Warcraft

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yacobod said:
quick update

spawned rag for the first time and had 3 attempts before calling it quits

we need to work on controlling the sons of rag better

looks like rag will be a bottle neck until we can gear up a little more

up until rag we've been moving pretty quickly thru MC

had a little trouble with luci at first (but thats because we were taking only 26 ppl into MC at first), magmadar gave us trouble until we got 2 tranq shots, and we had a little trouble with baron gedon, but every other boss we took down on our first attempt

what is everyone's experience with rag?

will it take a lot of gearing up before we can put a dent into him

whats more important when gearing up, going for all out DPS, or stacking FR for a dps warrior

FR is huge for melee. you want like 200+ unbuffed. but the main thing is just to unload all the dps possible. when it comes to sons one thing that really helps is to kill all but one, then use that time to help healers regen some mana, and kill the last son and then go back to dpsing rags. honestly once you're geared up to kill him the fight is easy. my guild has tried rags twice and killed him both times, but we're pretty heavily geared.
Ramirez said:
The good ones just deathcoil me,then just fear me again and dot me up and it never breaks no matter how much shit they throw on me :(

And all the shamans I play with complain about tremor totem never working,lol.

Vaclav (4943 HP Orc Warrior) vs. at least solidly equipped Destruction specced Warlock:

Me: any opening series

Them: Corruption, Immolate, Death Coil, Shadowbolt (with exposure), Shadowburn.

Me: Dead. No, really. Just dead.

yacobod said:
soul link locks are be the best 1vs1 pvp class


D/l'ing those snow/rain vids on 1up from their 1.10 patch preview. Yay some fluff! This is an area WoW is seriously lacking in. Here's hoping for more.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
lol what?

On high pop servers, the raiding guilds are full or queued up with applications unless you're a healer, and your only option is to hope some group of not-good-enough 60's are organized enough to make a try for MC to wipe at the first few pulls for a month. Even if you're a warrior and have all of the best blues, you're not welcome in the big guilds that will just take someone from another guild that has 2/8 of their Tier 1 set and some MC experience.

The best hope is to get into a good guild on a low pop server that's ready to raid hard once they get enough people at 60. That low pop server will be high pop one day, and you will be there leading the raid charge. Like you said, the server grows, and raid options appear.

Anyway, you assuming that all anyone wants to do at 60 is raid further perpetuates the same tired argument that 60 is for raiding and there's nothing else to do in this game, etc etc. I'd think that someone completely new at MMORPGs isn't interested in that just yet.

He speaks the truth. Azgalor is considered a "high pop" server and well GL getting into a raid guild unless you knnw somone already in who can put a good word in for you. Unless your a healer and for some reason on Azgalor (Alliance side)a warlock.

Hunters, Rogues, Warriors, Paladins and Mages are a dime a dozen and usally raids fill up.

Perfect example a raiding guild has decided to do PuG's through MC for guilds like mine which are too small or don't play enough to raid MC etc and well what filled up first. Hunters, then Warriors and then Mages...oddl no rogues. What has nothing? Priests.

Oh as for ZG....umm n/m that the guild we had an alliance with transfered. I hope they like thier 1000+ queues and massive lag while Azgalor has calimed down greatly hell it must have evened out the pop cause no queue on AV. Yeah...thanks fortransfering you guys helped our server greatly, now enjoy your over populated "new" server.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I went to log in to WoW this morning, and my character isn't there! It brings me straight to realm selection as if I were starting off new! I can't see my character at all! I went and looked in my WoW folder, and there's still a folder in my Account folder for my character (Merdon) but it all looks suspiciously..small (the whole folder is only 6KB!!). I'm contacting WoW support, but if there was a chance of getting a quicker answer here..

:( :( :( :'(


It'll come back (it's happened to me a couple of times) - and don't worry about the 6kb thing: character data isn't stored client-side.


GAF's Bob Woodward
D2M15 said:
It'll come back (it's happened to me a couple of times) - and don't worry about the 6kb thing: character data isn't stored client-side.

For real? Cheers. I picked WoW up again recently after leaving it for some time, and I figured the reason I couldn't access my old characters was because I'd wiped by hard disk between times. So..where did my old characters go? :lol I'm not particularly concerned to get them back, I guess..but if it were possible I might be interested.


Sometimes it will list no characters on the server list, but you'll still have your guys. I was away from this game for about 6 or 7 months and I still had every character I'd made on both of the servers I play on.
I'm curious to anyone's tips on farming gold. I'm actually nearly there 715g atm, although I'll then have to farm again for stockade pauldrons :/ I am aware that tyr is the generic answer but 1.9 seems to have made it harder.
MrPing1000 said:
I'm curious to anyone's tips on farming gold.

I'd like to hear as well...I need to get money for my epic mount. But one thing I've heard is solo'ing low level instances. But I'd like some pointers as well.


MrPing1000 said:
I'm curious to anyone's tips on farming gold. I'm actually nearly there 715g atm, although I'll then have to farm again for stockade pauldrons :/ I am aware that tyr is the generic answer but 1.9 seems to have made it harder.

If I had had any forethought at all, I could've made INSANE amounts of money a few days after 1.9 selling Felcloth since EVERY SINGLE WARLOCK was buying it then......


Gold farming looks to be pretty difficult unless you are an enchanter rogue/druid. You can check WarcraftMovies.com for some decent farming videos, though some of that stuff has been nerfed.....stick with more recent videos or one with good comments.

Unless your time is completely worthless to you or you get a lot of joy out of farming, you're probably better off buying gold from eBay. "Don't ask, don't tell" seems to be the rule on that. =P


I just found a way to make AVG 50g in 30 minutes every hour.

Though you have to be a combat rogue, that's pretty decked out.

Wish I would of thought of it earlier :(


ToyMachine228 said:
I need to get money for my epic mount. But one thing I've heard is solo'ing low level instances..
Most strategies tend to involve entering low-level instances and killing bosses that drop blue items.....then disenchanting those items for shards to sell on the Auction House. Anybody can do it, but rogues/druids have the advantage since they can stealth straight to the boss.

If you want an epic mount.....PvP for it instead of farming for it. Great gear along the way, and a lot more fun.


MrPing1000 said:
I'm curious to anyone's tips on farming gold. I'm actually nearly there 715g atm, although I'll then have to farm again for stockade pauldrons :/ I am aware that tyr is the generic answer but 1.9 seems to have made it harder.

Its not harder except for the clerics and enchanters just hitting you with magic blasts which have been beefed up. The spawning time being longer has made tyrs hand pretty useless.


MrPing1000 said:
I'm curious to anyone's tips on farming gold. I'm actually nearly there 715g atm, although I'll then have to farm again for stockade pauldrons :/ I am aware that tyr is the generic answer but 1.9 seems to have made it harder.
don't bother with stockade, not worth the money. get stoneform or the shoulders from DM.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Why the hell do they STILL have Server Q's?

I resubbed after being gone several months, thought they would have most of this worked out..

I like to login and play for 30 mins to an hour and shut it off each evening, now I get to wait 15 mins to a half an hour, and hope my internet does not drop me. (Whisperwind is not even set for character transfers anytime soon)

Where the fuck is all their money going?
Wish I could get a refund on that 14.99 I just waisted, maybe i'll do a chargeback.

I love how you can't login to the forum either, probably cause there is a metricton of bitching.
Best way to stop that? Don't allow people to login :lol


Grandma's Chippy
Unfortunately queues will likely NOT go away.

They designed the game to have queues, so they are fully intended.

Granted they are a lot worse than anyone likely expected, but can't fault them for the popularity of the game :)

They are apparently working on expanding server hardware or something, adding servers to thin the rest out, etc

Money has nothing to do with it though...they can't open up servers fast enough and I can only imagine how expensive this monster is to run as it is now.
Don't touch those Stockade Pauldrons. Way overpriced in comparison to gear with similar stats. They dropped for my warrior around level 55 and I totally AHed it, and the money was well spent on better gear.

Get someone to make you some Darksoul Shoulders for ~100g. It's a huge boost in stamina, and honestly, you can get such a huge amount of +defense so easily on every other armor slot with just blues. You can also decide to just get all three pieces of the Darksoul set, which will give you +5% hit, a shitload of stamina, and a set bonus of +20 defense.
Suikoguy said:
Why the hell do they STILL have Server Q's?
It's called Christmas.

They've opened up like 10 new servers since New Year's and they've done a bunch of server transfers. They're trying, but Christmas along with the free 10-day trial brought in a fuckton of customers and they're still working on it.

They even stopped character creation on a whole bunch of servers, something they said they would never do because they want people to be able to play with friends with no difficulty.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's called Christmas.

They've opened up like 10 new servers since New Year's and they've done a bunch of server transfers. They're trying, but Christmas along with the free 10-day trial brought in a fuckton of customers and they're still working on it.

They even stopped character creation on a whole bunch of servers, something they said they would never do because they want people to be able to play with friends with no difficulty.

I did not mean to shit on the thread, just vented a bit.
I hope they do get the issues worked out, but it seems like i've been saying that for a long time now :(

Anyway, back to the regularly scheduled discussion


Oddly enough, my server Bronzebeard, which usually had queues of 300 or so on weeknights has had little to no queue lately.....especially odd considering we didn't do any transfers or changes at all.

C'est la vie:)


Suikoguy said:
I did not mean to shit on the thread, just vented a bit.
I hope they do get the issues worked out, but it seems like i've been saying that for a long time now :(
Believe me, your complaints are heard. They are fixing things I think though. It was absolutely awful about a week or two ago ... now it's just a mild nuissance. Basically, when I get home, I turn on WoW, then go make supper. By the time I'm done eating, I'm usually ready to go.


The only time I seem to ever have to wait to get on is during 9PM night hours. Late night through afternoon usually doesn't have any wait. Maybe school kids or something peaking things, dunno.

Playing on Medivh mostly right now. I really do hope they allow character creation again soon though as my BF will be getting the internet back finally and he'll be wanting to start playing too. :( And all our friends and his cousin and what not are on that server..
MrPing1000 said:
I'm curious to anyone's tips on farming gold. I'm actually nearly there 715g atm, although I'll then have to farm again for stockade pauldrons :/ I am aware that tyr is the generic answer but 1.9 seems to have made it harder.

Supply and Demand. A friend of mine made hundreds fencing goods back and forth via a friends Alliance toon (who plays on another server on a different account). I guess you could combine the two, (killin' 'n lootin' and AH wheeling and dealing) like a guy in my Friends list does, which is have hordes of stuff on lvl 2 alts and he checks the AH for when they're low and puts anything he sees that is out or near out for an exhorbitant price up for a less exhorbitant price.

Me? I do XTREEM MINING, (running the Rich Thorium rings as they pop in zones where this is feasible; especially Azshara, Un'Goro, and Winterspring). Before the new Timbermaw rewards and them dropping Runecloth, I could mix this in with TF rep grinding, and a treasure chest ring to boot. Now it's camped 24/7 and you can't outcompete with half a dozen out for $$$, too. Competition can wreck that biz fast.


Killed Razorgore for 2nd time tonight. And he dropped ANOTHER Untamed Blade.

Also after tonight's vael attempts, it looks like he'll go down on the next try.




And he quest is called "It´s a secret to everybody", fantastic!
Ferrio said:
Killed Razorgore for 2nd time tonight. And he dropped ANOTHER Untamed Blade.

Also after tonight's vael attempts, it looks like he'll go down on the next try.

That's nothing, Firemaw and Ebonroc both dropped Drake Talon Cleaver when we killed them on Tuesday.

Although Ebonroc also dropped the priest trinket, which is probably the most useless epic drop in the game next to Shadowstrike.


Tamanon said:
Ja, there's a Looooooooooooooooooong quest involving his boat which crashed, hehe.

Ya that quest, the fallen hero (? the blasted lands chain that ends on the mountain with the demon), and onyxia are the biggest damn chains in the game.
woo got myself an orange 800g raptor. Finally. I now have 4g to my name :lol

What to do with my old mount, wish I could sell it back for like 30g or something


I just started an undead rogue on the newest PvP server, Balnazzar, if anyone wants to join. We should get a GAF guild going.


Boomer said:
I just started an undead rogue on the newest PvP server, Balnazzar, if anyone wants to join. We should get a GAF guild going.

I would, but that server is queued. Darkspear isn't :)


Went to Moonglade to turn in some Lunar stuff, and found this going on:

A level 60 Dwarf Warrior chased me back to the greater lunar portal to Org, tried to gank me, and was killed in 2 hits by the guards there.


Playing on Medivh mostly right now.

I play on Medivh and PVP server, and I'd rather have friends play with me on the more friendly Medivh server but the closed status really puts a hold on everything.
Man, you have to love the assholes of WoW :lol Was doing a 10-man Scholo run last night and we only brought one Warrior and he's bitching the whole time about Paladins and Hunters ninja'ing his gear blah blah blah...Then we get to the final room where you have to clear out the side-bosses, in order to make the Headmaster or whatever spawn who drops the helms.

Well, one of the side bosses dropped some blue plate pants that have Strength, Spirit and Defense. The Warrior yells Need, everyone else rolls Greed, except the Paladin who's obviously trying to decide if he needs them or not. Well he decides he does, rolls a 65, and the Warrior rolls a 1. We start to move on and the Warrior is just standing still in the previous room...But we're doing fine...And then all of the sudden he types FUCK YOU ALL AND YOU FUCKIN PALLY NINJAS, runs around like three rooms agro's as much as he can, and comes running in towards the rest of the group.

Somehow, we didn't wipe, I booted the Warrior from the party and we finished the last couple rooms with the Paladin tanking :lol Later I get a tell from the Warrior saying "Wait until Pascow hears that you let that Paladin ninja those pants from me." I have no idea who Pascow is.
Agreed with that warrior.

I wish I rolled a Horde warrior so I wouldn't have to deal with Paladins. Luckily almost everything I do is in-guild now, and we have the best Paladins in the world that understand their roles and gear prioritization.
It goes both ways. At least alliance doesn't have to worry about Shamans going in on Crown of Destruction. Yes, I'm serious, they feel they have just as much use for it as a Hunter.
I'm glad I'm a horde hunter, theres like a billion and a fucking half huge ass swoards and polearms in endgame and not even the most greedy ass warrior could collect em all.
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