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World of Warcraft

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No luck with Humar the Pridelord. :( Was there for a couple hours, killing the mobs around the tree he spawns and dueling any of the Horde brave enough to take me on. :lol

Sucks that there aren't any good cat models on the Alliance side of things. Saw a few of those black lions (Humar) running around at the end of OB and they look so nice.
I've always been fond of Echeyakee myself. I've been after Takk the Lasher and the Silithid Harvester for two days now and haven't seen em. It sucks so much to see all these cool beasts and be too low a level to tame em, only to come back and they've disappeared. I'm definently going after Takk soon as my server reboots.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Here is a picture of the Succubus for those who haven't seen it yet. Sorry that it is kind of small.



SyNapSe said:
My friend was just telling me he made decent cash off of making Dynamite, but it's probably just one skill out of tons, and a low level one to boot.
I don't know how he could be selling it except to clueless newbies or vendoring it. and admittedly some engineering stuff vendors well, but nothing on the level of what every other profession can sell to other players.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I use cosmos to get the 2nd action bar, along with a side bar that is invisible until I move my mouse over it. You can get it at www.cosmosui.org

To tell you the truth as of yet I don't know how much use the Succubus is to me. The Voidwalker is better for soloing and I still prefer the Imp in a group situation (assuming the group has some tanks) due to the stamina bonus to the group and the fire shield. I've heard that the Succubus gets a seduction spell that makes it a lot better with aggro, although that doesn't happen until level 26.

Edit - I do use the 2nd bar for my attack spells (it usually isn't empty), but I keep all of my summoning and other non-combat spells on a bar by themselves.
cool...gonna to have install comos

A few pics of the adventures of Wasabimon and toothy


and one of Bucky the bear before he was eaten by a sea creature and I couldn't revive him:(


I thought in a PVP server any player can attack another(horde vs alliance)...too bad. LAst night a huge horde raid came really close to abinalsomething, I watched but did fight a lvl 20 Orc warrior vs my lvl 12 night elf hunter with tooth the tiger is not something I wanna try. I though I was a dead man waking but none of the horde attacked me...came up to me but didn't attack. Am I missing something or were these a huge (20+) group of "honorable" players?

You can only be attacked outright if you're in contested lands/enemy lands. If your in your land that's owned by your faction you can only be attacked if you attack.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
I use cosmos to get the 2nd action bar, along with a side bar that is invisible until I move my mouse over it. You can get it at www.cosmosui.org

To tell you the truth as of yet I don't know how much use the Succubus is to me. The Voidwalker is better for soloing and I still prefer the Imp in a group situation (assuming the group has some tanks) due to the stamina bonus to the group and the fire shield. I've heard that the Succubus gets a seduction spell that makes it a lot better with aggro, although that doesn't happen until level 26.

Edit - I do use the 2nd bar for my attack spells (it usually isn't empty), but I keep all of my summoning and other non-combat spells on a bar by themselves.
You'll wind up using the succubus in groups after you get seduction. It's really good CC. the Felhunter is also good as a group pet, but he's more defensive for spell interrupts and eating buffs/debuffs.
THEY LIVE....apprently the server crashed...very slowly and came back up a while later all my characters there....

I'll take over-reacting for $1000 alex.

Also Bucky the bear lives....sorta. He's in the stable but when I take him out it says I have no pet!?

I trained another bear...yogi...who I had to dismiss cause when I tried to get bucky out out the stable Toothy disappeared, once I deleted bucky toothy came back. I buged it last night...no response yet.

What comes after best friend with pets? Also hunters acn use short swords? I saw a lvl 25 hunter with a sword and a dagger. I know you can dual weild at lvl 20 but I didn't know you can tain swords...staves, fists and throwing..but not swords.


We've done this instance to death, but my brother wanted a shot at the merloc's ring. Anyway, I took a cool pic of the Everliving.


I'm the sexy Tauren tanking up front.



Level 6 loyalty (Best Friend) is as high as it goes right now. I really hope they do some changes to the pet... add more skills, make each type of pet more unique by giving them beast specific skills (spiders with web, owls with swoop, bears with that knockdown ability, etc). I need something to spend my 91 pet talent points on. Abilites I can get right now don't cost much more than 10 TP... and there are only 4 abilities right now.

I got some broken arrows off a slime last night... makes me sad they don't have a bow and arrow profession yet. Had to sell them to a NPC...
yeah I hear ya for toothy I already got Growl, Cower and Swipe. Wierd thing is I got them (except for growl) form training other animals. I'd like more interaction with our pet, like stuff to put on them so you can store more stuff(if you can't already I dunno), or have them fetch loot off of far away corpses (again I dunno if that possible with...agian forgot the name...command where you take controll of your pet for a min).

Alos something I'd like to see (SoG's post reminded me of it) is when a pet attacks it's considered tagging. For 3 days I've been looking for Alyanna's (sp?) ghost yesterday I found her I send toothy after her and I immedatly get jumped by 4 ghosts before I can get a shot off. I let toothy attack her, hoping I could kill the ghosts and toothy would still be alive.


A freaking dwarf runs by 2 shot kills her loots her and runs off...3 days of looking....and this time I wasn't evenlooking for her.

Another dwarf did the same thing to me when I was trying to tame a rabid bear. The bear is right infrom of the trap and he runs over and kills him. LOL the next time a night elf stood in the trap like it was some power up or something...lol


Whats with the crazy cat lady?


Hahah I"m such a jerk to the horde.

I go up to players, sap them (stuns them for 25 seconds) then stand infront of t hem and dance for a good 15 seconds. Then use vanish and go behind them and ambush(backstab) them.
Ferrio said:
Hahah I"m such a jerk to the horde.

I go up to players, sap them (stuns them for 25 seconds) then stand infront of t hem and dance for a good 15 seconds. Then use vanish and go behind them and ambush(backstab) them.


So, what is Blizzard's take on people installing 3rd party apps that change the UI? I know it against the ToS, but are they enforcing it or allowing it? Do people who install thiese things face a possible ban?


Tortfeasor said:
So, what is Blizzard's take on people installing 3rd party apps that change the UI? I know it against the ToS, but are they enforcing it or allowing it? Do people who install thiese things face a possible ban?

They are encouraging it. In fact, thier employees use Cosmos. They have an entire forum dedicated to the xml interface they designd just so people COULD customize it. Where did you get the idea it's against the ToS?


Is there anything I can learn from training a Bear?

I trained a Bear to learn something for my primary cat pet, but he only has Growl as well.


I think some bears have either bite or claw... not sure which or what levels. you won't find the skill until they gain a loyalty level but I have a feeling you may already know that. if you're playing horde you can get bite rank 1 from river crocolisks in durotar.


firex said:
I think some bears have either bite or claw... not sure which or what levels. you won't find the skill until they gain a loyalty level but I have a feeling you may already know that. if you're playing horde you can get bite rank 1 from river crocolisks in durotar.

The damn bear is already my best friend, but no other abilities show up. He's a level 18 Grizzly Bear.


well, I guess he doesn't have anything then. Try a spider or wolf around that level or something... usually it's spiders and bears that have bite, wolves maybe as well, and cats have claw and cower.
You'll know right away whether a pet has any abilities. You don't have to wait for a loyaltyl level up, you only need that for training points so you can teach it other moves.

Just go around and tame a whole bunch of beasts at once. You don't even have to feed them, just use them in battle a couple times till you learn the ability and ditch them
Just got level 33, and did the RFK instance. Got me a sweet 23.0 dps dagger and a 16.0 dps mace for my offhand. Lots of good drops in there.

In other news, Paladins have more lives than a cat, and take absolutely no skill to play.


Made lvl 20 tonight and got some new spells including ghost wolf and lesser healing wave, it's the bomb for pvp.


Oh and guess who I grouped with tonight? Some peeps from here who are UO veterans will recognize the name:


Yep it's him, and JoV is on my server, rawkz.
weee! Bucky Bear lives! A GM came to me and revived him...well made him respawn. He warped me to the human starting point and back to darinasis.

damn the onlything both my pets are missing is bite, I don't have the 5 gold to buy the 2nd stable spot :(
Ramirez said:
Level 33?!

Sweet christ.

Not that high. There is a 35 and a 36 horde rogue on my server. So I'm not the highest. Lots of people around my level. If you want fucking insane, there is a level 45 alliance rogue on my friends' server (Icecrown). Have seen him posting on the forums.
how many other quests are like finding Ayana? Took me and hour, but I gained a full level doing so (15 - 16). I just missed her when I got there and waited out 7 other people only to stumble across her helpng a group find the 2 tablets.

How the game later on? Raids seem like a lot of fun...but usally I'm too low to do anything. I hope it doesn't turn into CoH with the drastic spike in time between levels and nothing to do but the SSDD.

And When I eventually make it to the Dwarf starting point will I get the same quests that say a dwarf or gnome would starting out?


Yeah, I missed one day of playing and one of my guild members went from 25 to 34

Theres a lvl 49 troll on stormreaver


there's a lot of jokes like that... look for the undead zeppelin npc outside of the Undercity, the one who's on the upper level with the zeppelin that goes to grom'gol. his name is Hin Denburg.

edit: and as long as nintendo doesn't know about it there's a gigantic quest chain you can start at around level 50 that's basically a big joke themed after the zelda series (focused mostly on the original legend of zelda).
on darkshore there an npc name something like Gubba Bump who gives you fishing quests. His second one he rambles on about everything you can make with clam meat.


Great Wasabi Man said:
on darkshore there an npc name something like Gubba Bump who gives you fishing quests. His second one he rambles on about everything you can make with clam meat.

haha! That's awesome. I want The One Ring!!


A troll rogue? Trolls are supposed to be about as stealthy as a heart attack. :lol :lol He's level 53 now, dayum! I just got level 25 a few minutes ago and am stoked. :D :D


I got the Defias boots yesterday and was wondering if anyone else found any other parts. I'm curious to know just how hard it would be to get that set.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Meier said:
A troll rogue? Trolls are supposed to be about as stealthy as a heart attack. :lol :lol He's level 53 now, dayum! I just got level 25 a few minutes ago and am stoked. :D :D

Troll Rogues > All! Mine just hit 27. :D Trolls are perfect rogues too, they have one of the innate highest Agility ratings in the game (or the highest... can't remember) and their racial traits fit with the rogue class really well. Plus they are just cool customers in general :eek:


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Huzzah! I just went through the Deadmines for the first time, making it the first instance I have done... well besides that time I accidently walked into the stockades in Stormwind because I didn't know what it was during the first stress test. I got some really good gear too. I got a new cloak, robe, ring, boots, and the staff for completing the mission.
Server restart :( About to hit 35. Me and my mage friend just slaughtered 3 alliance in Stranglethorn Vale. The little gnome rogue tried to sprint away. My sprint was also refreshed, and a rank higher. It was so cute. He died like the rest of them.

Now back to playing.


Anyone else having disconnect issues?

Was disconnected a few times in a row, but was able to get right back in. Few minutes later I get disconnected again, try to log in, but get disconnected at the loading screen. Happens three times. Try again, this time I'm stuck behind a 300 person queue. Get done with the queue... and get disconnected again. Now I'm sitting behind another 300 person queue.

And again, the forums are down. Or something... the General discussion is completely blank for me... like it was deleted. Guess that way people can't complain when they're having horrible server problems.


Ok, went to fight VC in deadmines, and 2 off him appeared wiping us out easily. Is that normal? First time we fought him it was just him with 2 minions.


He has 2 blackguards with him initially and then when he drops below 50%, 2 more spawn... but there shouldnt be 2 of him, no.


SaitoH said:
Ok, went to fight VC in deadmines, and 2 off him appeared wiping us out easily. Is that normal? First time we fought him it was just him with 2 minions.
2 van cleefs? that's not normal, but like Meier said, maybe you got confused with the guards that spawn with him as well.

no matter what your group says, don't try to just kill van cleef and ignore his guards. at the very least, have a mage polymorph one of the guards and kill the other while the tank focuses on VC.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
When we completed it one person tanked VC while one of our Paladens healed him and the rest of us focused on killing one gaurd while I feared the other one off (everything else is dead so there is no worries of attracting other mobs). You can kill the gaurds off and then eliminate VC. Actually in our case one of the gaurds was still running around feared when we killed VC.
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