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World of Warcraft

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Malakhov said:
I've created a rogue today, I shouldn't of... Now I'm 15 levels later and considering changing him for my main :p

Rogues are super fun!

Hah, Malakhov, same thing with me, created a rogue 2 days ago, hit 15 last night and now consider that my main:p



Alright I definitely want to fish me up one of these, hilarious, hehe.
I recommend turning off the glow effect option, it is simply not worth it when you see the game running w/o it. The colors are much more vibrant, there's AA, and everything in general just looks better.

Pics coming up shortly...

Pics with the glow effect on

With glow effect off

HWo do I get from Darkshore the the human village where they train in swords? I tried to hoof it I got to the bad lands and well when the mob level comes up as ?? = VERY BAD THING! Oh and Ironforge is Fucking HUGE!


Tamanon said:
Hah, Malakhov, same thing with me, created a rogue 2 days ago, hit 15 last night and now consider that my main:p

Rogues are great, too bad most all have the same build pattern. I was thinking goiong outside the norm and going all/mostly Combat talents.

I've been camping this one dagger in Gnomeran for 2 days now:


Both of my other party members (who wanted it) got it, but i've yet to get it.

Luckily I was looking at the AH and a rare dagger that I had previously lost on, was up again (it's a horde side dagger kinda rare over on our side) and the buyout was only 15G, so I had to pick it up:



Ferrio said:
Rogues are great, too bad most all have the same build pattern. I was thinking goiong outside the norm and going all/mostly Combat talents.

I started out planning to go a normal backstab type build. Opporunity, lethality, Imp. BS. I'm 22nd now and honestly backstabbing doesn't seem worth it really. Now, I only have Imp. BS. It does give me a really high crit rate, but BS just doesn't hit that much harder than an SS from a Sword/Mace.

It's also situational and takes a ton of energy. I think I do a lot more damage over time with just combat.


Do any Rogues know how Riposte works? When I parry something do I have to immediately hit the Riposte button? Many times I can't keep up with if I'm dodging/parrying. Do you just watch for it to light up on your attack bar? I'm not sure I'd notice enough to use it. Or does it go off automatically when you parry? That would be VERY nice.

question 2: How does the Bank work? Do I need to buy a slot at the bank for 10s then go buy a bag and put it in that slot?


yeah, when you buy bank slots, unfortunately you have to put a regular bag there (any bag will do, just not a quiver or ammo pouch). it's not really worth it, though. for 10s you can mail ~30 items to an alt and store them that way, and bank slots get progressively more expensive as you buy them.


SyNapSe said:
I started out planning to go a normal backstab type build. Opporunity, lethality, Imp. BS. I'm 22nd now and honestly backstabbing doesn't seem worth it really. Now, I only have Imp. BS. It does give me a really high crit rate, but BS just doesn't hit that much harder than an SS from a Sword/Mace.

It's also situational and takes a ton of energy. I think I do a lot more damage over time with just combat.


Do any Rogues know how Riposte works? When I parry something do I have to immediately hit the Riposte button? Many times I can't keep up with if I'm dodging/parrying. Do you just watch for it to light up on your attack bar? I'm not sure I'd notice enough to use it. Or does it go off automatically when you parry? That would be VERY nice.

question 2: How does the Bank work? Do I need to buy a slot at the bank for 10s then go buy a bag and put it in that slot?

Backstabbing is so so (it rocks in parties though)

Ambush is the *real* backstab.

Wow riposte isn't passive? THAT sucks. I was going to go combat cause that skill... but if I have to wait for a parry and hit a button. Fuck that.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
For all you rogues:

I'm not sticking with Ambush/backstab for the reasons SyNapSe mentioned. To elaborate, the big problem with this type of rogue is one simple thing: daggers.

In my experience you will rarely find daggers with higher DPS than swords or maces. There just aren't nearly as many good daggers in the game. =/

However, lets say you find a dagger your level with the same dps as the best sword for you level. Although both weapons have the same DPS, the dagger will have a smaller dmg rating than the sword (the dagger's DPS will be high due to how fast it hits). Sinister Strike is the bread and butter ability for most rogues, and like all of our moves it hits instantly. That means that for Sinister Strike ONLY the dmg rating on your weapon matters. And since your energy regens so fast as a rogue, chances are you will use this move many times a battle.

Eviscerate on the other hand is set dmg and doesn't have to do with your weapon. It really all comes back to your playstyle. But I'd recommend giving swords or maces a try. You'll find that you'll be hitting as hard as a backstab would hit, but for less energy (and you don't have to be behind someone's back).

As for Ambush... it's great and big dmg numbers are fun, but once you get cheapshot you might have a hard time deciding to use it. Cheapshot is a 5 second stun opener - and in 5 seconds you should be able to do more damage than one ambush would cause (unless you whiff over and over). Also, Cheapshot is 2 combo points, while Ambush is only one.

So... yeah. It really depends on what type of Rogue you want to play. I'm not saying the dagger/backstab build sucks, but I do believe mace/sword builds that forsake backstab and ambush are a little stronger. It's pretty close, though.

(BTW, all of this applies to your mainhand. Offhand does not effect the dmg of weapon specials, so whatever has the highest dps should go there)


Ferrio said:
Backstabbing is so so (it rocks in parties though)

Ambush is the *real* backstab.

Wow riposte isn't passive? THAT sucks. I was going to go combat cause that skill... but if I have to wait for a parry and hit a button. Fuck that.

Your right, Ambush is the real backstab. Unfortunately it can only be used while stealthed. If your fighting individual piddly mobs you can do great with this. I've only done one instance but it's pretty obvious your better off just being able to straight up hit something (not to mention I seem to do 10-20% more damage with sword/mace SS spamming)


edit: sorry btw, I don't know how Riposte works. I was hoping someone could throw a hint. It doesn't read like it's a passive and if that's the case.. I'm not sure how useful it would be for me. :\
Ferrio said:
Rogues are great, too bad most all have the same build pattern. I was thinking goiong outside the norm and going all/mostly Combat talents.

I've been camping this one dagger in Gnomeran for 2 days now:


Both of my other party members (who wanted it) got it, but i've yet to get it.

Luckily I was looking at the AH and a rare dagger that I had previously lost on, was up again (it's a horde side dagger kinda rare over on our side) and the buyout was only 15G, so I had to pick it up:


What level are you? At 30 you can get the Swinetusk Shank (23.0 dps unique) out of Razorfen Kraul. I wouldn't bother with the Toxic Revenger. At 37ish get two Hypnotic Blades (26.8 dps) out of Scarlet Monestary.
Here is my build. Quick upfront damage. Works beyond good in pvp, and excellent in pve also.

Assassination Talents (21 points)

# Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points

# Malice - 5/5 points

# Ruthlessness - 3/3 points

# Murder - 2/2 points

# Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point

# Lethality - 5/5 points

# Improved Instant Poison - 1/5 point

# Cold Blood - 1/1 point

Combat Talents (7 points)

# Improved Gouge - 3/3 points

# Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points

# Improved Backstab - 2/3 points

Subtlety Talents (23 points)

# Master of Deception - 5/5 points

# Camouflage - 5/5 points

# Opportunity - 5/5 points

# Initiative - 5/5 points

# Improved Cheap Shot - 2/2 points

# Preparation - 1/1 point

Depending how my energy works out in the end, I might drop a Imp CS point to go Imp BS 3/3, but I doubt I will. And don't be so down on daggers MrCheez, you carebear. There are some great ones if you know where to look. I usually go dagger mainhand, and mace/sword offhand... But right now I'm dual Hypnotic Blades.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
:lol I've been doing plenty of PvP, you punk. ;) And owning at it too. I'm not sure if I'm either really damn good or everyone else just really sucks, though. o_O

I'm still just not sold on daggers. If a dagger better than my current weapons landed in my lap, of course I'd use it. But it'd have to have a higher DMG rating than my weapons to be worth it to me, for the reasons I listed above. And since this would be very rare, I'm staying away from putting any talents into anything backstab or ambush related.

But it's still a viable way to play, of course! Just slightly less effective in my mind. :)

By the way, your build is very similar to mine (the Cold Blood + Preperation). I <3 me some crits
I agree on Ambush. With cheap shot you're going to land more damage than ambush by the time the stun wears off, and that is time they cant attack back. But I still feel it's worth it to run a mainhand dagger for BS. Just need to know where to look for them.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I dunno... the Hypnotic daggers you have are very nice, but they are about 10-12 dmg less (can't remember exactly) than the sword I'm using right now at level 33. I'd imagine the difference will be much higher as I get swords closer to your level.

I think if you do some tests with a sword or mace, you'll find Sinister Strike matching the damage of a backstab with a dagger... for 15 less energy! (20 less energy with talents). PLUS you don't have to be behind the mob/player. Remember though this all applies to main hand. Highest dps weapon should go in offhand, and that can often be a dagger.

I will say though... backstabbing is fun. It kind of makes you *feel* like a Rogue. And the overall dmg between a backstabbing rogue and a sword/mace rogue is very very close, so it's all still perfectly viable. But try it out if you get a chance :D
hmmm...I dunno about your guys servers but on mine the horde is very very well organized. Yet the alliance player wouldn't piss on thier moms if they were on fire.

3 or 4 Horde players set up a nice ambush at the border of Aurberdine/Ashenvale. A Shaman would run into Aurb pretend to be afk get some guys to attack him, then lead them into his waiting teammates, this went on for something like 2 hours. Pretty cool.

Then just now in Ashenvale (I forget the name of the small town) 4 horde where sneaking through the river, they got me and one other person that didn't see them, I got back to my corpse and saw 15 other NE's just standing there watching...hmmm 4 vs 15...hmmm. They were dueling each other instead of fighting the horde that were literall right around the bulding. Even people were saying "Help us withthe horde" no one budged, One guy challenged me to a duel I said maybe oh I dunno fight those horde over there instead.

I got "oh" as a response.....Evil will always win cause good is stupid.



Yeah mana's screens are weird, it's as if he's got the glowing effect but with the AA. You can't have both on do you?


fwiw for you rogue players, improved sap is a really good pvp talent. unless they fixed it, you can sap players who are marked for pvp without actually getting flagged. one of the funniest things I saw in the beta was this level 60 rogue with improved sap chain sapping (he would use it, wait for it to wear off, reuse it) either a priest or a mage against alliance groups and everyone would be trying to do something to unstealth him. it's the perfect way to annoy somebody raiding a town on a regular server, or in contested/your faction's territory on pvp.


Here's my build for my rogue, it's the classic one (mind you I play on a pvp server):

Assassination Talents

Improved Eviscerate - 3/3 points
Malice - 5/5 points
Ruthlessness - 3/3 points
Relentless Strikes - 1/1 point
Lethality - 5/5 points
Improved Instant Poison - 5/5 points
Cold Blood - 1/1 point

Combat Talents

Improved Sinister Strike - 2/2 points

Subtlety Talents

Master of Deception - 5/5 points

Camouflage - 5/5 points

Elusiveness - 4/5 points

Initiative - 5/5 points

Ghostly Strike - 1/1 point

Improved Sap - 3/3 points

Improved Cheap Shot - 1/2 point

Preparation - 1/1 point

Hemorrhage - 1/1 point

So basicly in a fight against someone:

Wait a few secs while he's stun to get my energy back
Now I can do a 5 combo point Eviscerate and I activate cold blood for it wich makes it an insta critical
Now I blind the mofo if he's not dead (cloth wearers) and then vanish out of sight for my energy to come back up
Then another cheapshot
Hemmorhage again
Gouge again
Preparation (wich makes all my rogue skills reset so I can use 'em)
Another 5 combo point eviscerate with cold blood

etc.. etc...

It's evil ;)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
:lol We're all doing a similar build.

Actually, after I came up with it I found out from a few messages boards that it's really quite popular. I thought I was so damn creative for it, too (since it doesn't fill out any entire tree). >_<


MrCheez said:
For all you rogues:

As for Ambush... it's great and big dmg numbers are fun, but once you get cheapshot you might have a hard time deciding to use it. Cheapshot is a 5 second stun opener - and in 5 seconds you should be able to do more damage than one ambush would cause (unless you whiff over and over). Also, Cheapshot is 2 combo points, while Ambush is only one.

First of all,, low dps for daggers doesnt' phase me. Since i'm ambush person I want high max damage. It doesn't matter how slow the weapon is.

Second, you can use cheapshot and ambush in a single fight. And is my main opener.

Cheapshot -> Vanish -> Ambush. Now you've done A LOT of damage and have 3 combo points.


Ambush -> Gouge -> Vanish -> Ambush

In my opinion rogue doesn't have much chance in a toe to toe fight. The longer you stay fighting the more chance their buddies will join in or that they'll run away through various means. So for me it's best to strike quick and hard then get the fuck outta dodge.

My dagger btw, perfect for what I like to do:


It's been confirmed by Blizz: No Dishonor for PvP1!@! I refuse to even reread that sentance becausue it will just piss me off! BAIL OUT! EVACUATE!@!

Seriously, of all the motard fucked stupid shit. I can't even begin to think about it. I mean, ughcore3000.


Son of Godzilla said:

It's been confirmed by Blizz: No Dishonor for PvP1!@! I refuse to even reread that sentance becausue it will just piss me off! BAIL OUT! EVACUATE!@!

Seriously, of all the motard fucked stupid shit. I can't even begin to think about it. I mean, ughcore3000.

Sounds good to me. Basically this makes it so that if you want your low level people from dying you have to protect them yourself. It'll give people at endgame somethign to do.


nataku said:
Yeah, having some Lv40 come and own you when you're only Lv25 sure is fun.
Having some grandmaster mage PK you while you were minning was fun, don't see the difference here.
Son of Godzilla said:

It's been confirmed by Blizz: No Dishonor for PvP1!@! I refuse to even reread that sentance becausue it will just piss me off! BAIL OUT! EVACUATE!@!

Seriously, of all the motard fucked stupid shit. I can't even begin to think about it. I mean, ughcore3000.

Where did they say this (not that I'm doubting it) just wanna read it, cause I'm cuorious why the WoW forums goers didn't take out the soapboxes, pitch forks and tourches

N/M think I found it

Continued from the previous 2 threads (they still exist, but can no longer be posted to):

Here is the current PvP honor system:
Dishonorable kills
-You cannot get a dishonorable kill for killing another player.
-You can get a dishonorable kill for killing a lower level NPC.

Honorable kills
-You currently get an honorable kill for killing a similar level NPC.
-In the future, we hope to add to the honorable kill system to provide for PvP rewards. You will be rewarded in some fashion for killing a similar level PC. You will not be rewarded for killing a much lower level PC.

PvP zones-

World of Warcraft is separated into 3 different types of areas:

Only if you are in a Contested or opposing faction area can you be attacked by a member of the opposing faction without your consent. In your own faction area, you must first attack a member of the opposing faction before they can retaliate.

Thus this is a built in safety measure to ensure that lower level players are not being attacked. Once you are into level 20 and up, you will need to head out to Contested territory.

We apologize for previous statements to the contrary. We had planned on a PvP dishonorable kill system, but after basic implementation and analysis, the system was deemed restrictive and took away from the PvP experience, rather than added to it.

In the future, we will provide more widespread announcements regarding any changes made to the PvP system, or any system that affects a large number of players.

Regarding PvP punishments-

From personal and professional experience working on games with PvP punishments, while such a system would seem to make it so that PvP occurs only between those players of similar level, historically, it opens up the possibility of exploition of the punishment system more than anything and does not ever prevent killing of lower level players.

Taking a step back. The concept of a player dishonorable kill was taken off the table after analysis.

It was mentioned in interviews and in the game manual, but the plan was since changed.

We feel that the honor system that will eclipse the need for a PvP penalty system. If you can get rewards, and rank from killing a similar level character, why waste time killing lower level characters?

I ask that players wait and see what the new system implementation is like before declaring it over. I dare say it will be exciting.

sniff sniff...smells like SWG combat upgrade...nono....revamp...wait no now it's a redo.

Thank god Blizzard>>>>>>>>>SoE
damn where do these people find the time?


Domain of Pain


Night Elf



Laughing Skull
Banana Boyz


Night Elf


Night Elf
Bane of the Forsaken


Multiple players playing the same toon taking shifts. It's not that hard to do. Heck, I had 2 days off and made a rogue level 1-20 during that time.
Any GAF'ers have mages as their main? Rogue talk is very interesting and all, but I wanna talk talent builds with fellow mages.

Right now I'm building a Frost Mage, and he is going to be specced for 2 things, damage and damage. The cool thing about the Frost line is that in the end, you're boosting your CC ability by a great amount as well.

For damage, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Frostbolt start to sound painful for enemies once you've maxed out the Ice Shards and Shatter talents? I can't wait to test that out!

I've been feeling sort of gimp the last few levels, but I know my power is really going to start to take off past lvl 25.

Anyways, here's my current plans for Talents:

Frost Mastery
Permafrost Rank 5
Ice Shards Rank 5
Winter's Chill Rank 3
Improved Frost Nova Rank 2
Cold Snap Rank 1
Improved Blizzard Rank 3
Arctic Reach Rank 2
Shatter Rank 5
Ice Block Rank 1
Frostbite Rank 5
Ice Barrier Rank 1
Frost Total: 33

Arcane Mastery
Arcane Subtlety Rank 3
Improved Arcane Missiles Rank 5
Arcane Concentration Rank 5
Improved Arcane Explosion Rank 4 out of 5
Evocation Rank 1
Arcane Total: 18

Total Points Spent: 51
Level Required: 60
Here's what I'm planning for my cold mage. I'm actually going to turn the character i have on the Gaf server into it probably, maybe, later sometime, kinda.

Arcane Focus - 5/5 points
Arcane Concentration - 5/5 points
Evocation - 1/1 point
Improved Arcane Explosion - 5/5 points
Improved Dampen Magic - 2/2 points
Improved Counterspell - 2/2 points

Improved Frostbolt - 5/5 points
Ice Shards - 5/5 points
Improved Frost Nova - 2/2 points
Piercing Ice - 3/3 points
Cold Snap - 1/1 point
Shatter - 5/5 points
Ice Block - 1/1 point
Improved Cone of Cold - 3/3 points
Frostbite - 5/5 points
Ice Barrier - 1/1 point

If you are going to be casting more frostbolts, permafrost is kinda useless. I might get rid of counterspell/dampen magic in favor for Winter's Chill. I think Cone of Cold is way too strong to pass up though. Also, why no piercing ice love?



Your build is good. The only problem with Frost is the group difficulty.. attacks against frozen mobs tends to break the effect. I don't really like the two end abilities for frost.. the shields. Not very spectacular looking compared to Combustion and some of the later Arcane abilities.

edit: why didn't you take Channeling? I would take something else instead of Dampen Magic also. Wouldn't Counterspell or maybe Imp Mana Shield help a lot more?
Thanks for the impressios guys.

I do plan to go Frostbolt heavy in my spell selection, so perhaps it is better that I switch max Permafrost for maxed Imp. Frostbolt. Silly me.

I'm also thinking that in most situations, Ice Barrier is rather useless when you have other means of shielding (especially Ice Block). In a group, it would be best to cast Ice Block if I attract any aggro, 10 secs is more then enough time for any competent tank to peel a mob off me.

Time to make some changes **runs back to Thottbot**

Damn, Ice Barrier can be upgraded through trainers though. That makes it harder to ignore, hahaa.


How about the Hunter Talent Trees?

I have no clue how to distribute the points mainly because, while I could make a great bow hunter, it'd become somewhat useless for PvP unless I spend a lot on Beast Mastery.

Any thoughts?
My hunter build:

Endurance Training - 5/5 points

Marksmanship Talents (32 points)

Improved Concussive Shot - 5/5 points
Improved Hunter's Mark - 5/5 points
Lethal Shots - 5/5 points
Barrage - 1/2 point
Aimed Shot - 1/1 point
Mortal Shots - 5/5 points
Hawk Eye - 3/3 points
Scatter Shot - 1/1 point
Ranged Weapon Specialization - 5/5 points
Trueshot Aura - 1/1 point

Survival Talents (14 points)

Precision - 5/5 points
Entrapment - 5/5 points
Lightning Reflexes - 3/3 points
Deterrence - 1/1 point

I'm using a heavy pet build atm, and alot of the skills are buggy or not useful. I've fallen in love with a boar pet, which has tons of hp and decent armor. The damage/energy increasing talents aren't that useful for it. Also, Entrapment is fucking awesome. That plus frost trap will save your ass many many times. The only real point I'm not sure about is Aimed Shot. What I used of it in OB, it was horrible.


The WoW boards are an excellent source of information as far as talent builds are concerned. Just go to the appropriate class message board and voila! You do need to filter some useless threads though ;)
IJoel said:
How about the Hunter Talent Trees?

I have no clue how to distribute the points mainly because, while I could make a great bow hunter, it'd become somewhat useless for PvP unless I spend a lot on Beast Mastery.

Any thoughts?

I went with beast mastery because I wanted that bond talent or whatever it's called. I think it'd become useful in pvp if someone gets you into close combat plus it actually makes your pet useful in pvp.


pet/marksman for PvE. Marksman/Survival for PvP.

Pets simply aren't as effective for PvP, but they can really compliment a PvE party with how multi-role some of them can be. I have a Raptor to assist damage and tank adds, and a turtle for when we have a total lack of a player tank. I swap between them when I feel the need.

Anyway. I made a tree for myself, I put Imp. Hawk, HP+, ATK+ and DEF+ under beast. And the rest I shoved in some order under Marksman.

Here it is, it was: Concussion, Lethal, Arcane Up, Mortal, Hawk Eye, Scorpid Up, Scatter, Ranged Special (3/5) and True Shot.

Pretty good set for a quality ranged with a tank-centric pet. As far as I know though, avoid Imp. hunters mark, as it isn't nessicary to tree, and aimed shot SUCKS as it runs on the same timer as arcane. You'd be better off just chaining an arcane into a normal shot unless youre using it to pull.

I took my Hunter to 28, but I'm very displeased with the direction I took it, the look I gave it, and how late I got into crafting. So I think I'll just restart and try something new. What I love about WoW is that you can catch back up in just a few days if you know what you're doing, heh.

Do you experienced guys have any opinions on quality character duos? I wanna swap back to duoing with a pal, and found that Hunter & Druid worked OK, but need a new one now. Simply quality PvE combo.


no, beast mastery is really good for pvp. having a pet that can hit for a lot of damage and heal you with the spirit bond talent means they can't ignore it, but they also can't ignore you. it's effectively making someone fight 2 people at once, something you can't do with warlock pets.


I'm finding my pet to be extremely useful for PvP. If I was really serious about doing a ton of PvP I'd probably go half and half in marks. and beast mastery, just enough so I could get frenzy for my pet, and skip trueshot aura. Right now though, I'm going all out marks to get trueshot aura ASAP. Should have it at Lv40.

Not too sure if I'm gonna keep points in Imp. Hunter's Mark and put points into Imp. Aspect of the Hawk, though. The gain from them is pretty minimal. Then again, there isn't much else to put the points into.

I honestly think Hunter talents are a little lacking. Only a couple really stand out and make you say "Wow." IMO.


nataku said:
Not too sure if I'm gonna keep points in Imp. Hunter's Mark and put points into Imp. Aspect of the Hawk, though. The gain from them is pretty minimal. Then again, there isn't much else to put the points into.

I honestly think Hunter talents are a little lacking. Only a couple really stand out and make you say "Wow." IMO.

I agree. This is one of the reasons I didn't go back to Hunter. It was the first thing I built in Open Beta, and I enjoyed it, but... Half the fun for me is the talent points and developing your character. Most of the Hunter talents are VERY so-so. There are some nice PvP one's in there to grab like Scattershot (seems like it would be very nice), but overall.. they don't seem to add as much to the character as some other classes Talents which can really define how you play with your character.

Mage, and Rogue both have really fun talents to play around with. Oh, I didn't like that there wasn't currently much interface with pets, either. Both Talents, and the Pet ability/interface seemed pretty bland for now.


Thats just my opinion, and from what I've heard in game. It's been pretty simple to completely remove others pets from the picture. Not saying Beast is bad for PvP altogether, but I personally find mixing marks and survival to be best for group combat.

Imp. Hunters Mark is pretty, well, VERY minimal. And Aspect of Hawk isnt much, if any better. The difference being it's easy to avoid Mark on the Marksmanship tree, but fleshing out a good pet tree, well, there's a lot of very cruddy early tree talents that makes it one of the better picks.

I obviously havent gotten far enough to see Spirit Heal or whatever in action, but I was told it has some pretty soul crushing restrictions to make it anywhere as good as it sounds.
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