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World of Warcraft

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I think every Alliance player that has had their Fears broken by WotF, gotten Warstomped, lost to a Tauren with extra stamina or lost to an Orc with stun resist would disagree.

As you said, it's subjective, and in my opinion, the Horde has the PVP advantage while the Alliance has the PVE advantage, which doesn't surprise anyone because that seems to be how the whole game has been designed.


I'm just going to interject here and say with the recent change to berzerking, this particular troll racial went from borderline useless to above average. On my mage it gets me a boost in DPS during raid bosses, and on my shaman during pvp I can pop it when I'm at low health and heal myself back to full in seconds. One time a bunch of alliance was beating on me, and I was casting 1 second healing waves on myself while my teammates took them out.

Beastslaying also helped me get a near 3K frostbolt crit on a shapeshifted druid. :D
Helps a bit against those pesky hunter pets, too.


Awww man, I have had Deathbone stuff DE'ed for me before.....wish I had known the set would be made more useful someday =) Screw the paladins....some of the Deathbone items are great for warriors too. The girdle looks way better than Stalwart Clutch. I will probably hunt down the belt and the shoes.....will the droprate be the same for Horde-side parties even though it's kinda-paladin oriented gear? I know that Blizz does something to hinder drops of Shaman/Pally gear for the wrong faction, though maybe that's just for the raid instances.

Any listings of stats for warrior's new Heroism gear? And has Blizzard ever explained why the hell they think +8 to All Resistances is a good set bonus for all these sets, even when it's clearly a shitty one?


I'd rather have the new Heroism belt, but yeah, Deathbone belt is an upgrade over every non-raider tanks stalwart clutch.


What's the stats on the Heroism belt? I can't get any of these item indexing sites (thott, alakazam, etc) to give me info on Tier .5 stuff.

Belt + Shoes seems like the best parts of Deathbone. Belt is obviously superior to anything outside of raids, while the shoes beat out Crystal Encrusted Greave for +Defense, and wearing them with the belt nets another +3 defense.


Breastplate of Heroism is linked on Blizzard's site in case anybody else is interested. We still haven't seen the Heroism headpiece (it will be epic, yes?), but so far the whole set seems kind of frustrating -- the epics are for PVP but the blues are for tanking. Depending on whether your focus is PVP or tanking, you will probably have to pick up 3-4 non-setpiece items to really make yourself the best mageslayer or damage-absorber.....but I guess that's the only way to keep things balanced though. The set bonuses for 6 and 8 pieces are kind of crappy anyhow.

Bracers of Heroism

Awesome -- now I can remove Fel-Hardened Bracers from the list of tank armor I need to get. Anything that helps avoid Dire Maul runs is great with me.

The choice between Deathbone Belt and Belt of Heroism is kind of tough. Deathbone Belt isn't worth wearing unless you wear another piece of Deathbone, for the +Defense set bonus.


Yeah, the set is frustrating. I'm sure I'll continue to mix and match for tank gear and DPS though.

Already have my fel hardened. ^_~


The only way they could fix things is by having 2 Tier .5 sets -- one for tanking and one for PVP. But then they'd have to make 2 sets for everyone or else there'd be bitching.

The only thing that really pisses me off is that ALL the epic gear is for PVP. If they were going to split it like this, they should have 2 PVP epics and 2 tank epics, then 2 PVP blues and 2 tank blues. Here's hoping that the Helm of Heroism has some +Defense....but probably not. Looks like I'm gonna have to drop a shitload of gold on Enchanted Thorium Helm after all...


border said:
I will probably hunt down the belt and the shoes.....will the droprate be the same for Horde-side parties even though it's kinda-paladin oriented gear? I know that Blizz does something to hinder drops of Shaman/Pally gear for the wrong faction, though maybe that's just for the raid instances.
Unless it says "Class: Paladin", we still see the shit. Some warriors have taken it if they have really awful gear, but yeah, it's an annoyance. If it's BoE though, it'll sell on the neutral AH though.


Yeah, recently I've run into a bunch of crummy-geared Horde warriors in Lightforge shoulders.....poor bastards. I've never seen anything besides the shoulders and belt drop though, so I thought maybe they were limiting the drops to just those two items.

Does anyone know exactly how the gear upgrade quests work? I've only done the bracer upgrade on the test server. Are upgrade quests a linear chain or can you upgrade setpieces in any order you chose? I still don't have my Valor helm or chestpiece, and it'd suck to have my upgrades delayed by having to acquire gear that only drops off the final bosses in UBRS and Scholo. On the upside, if I keep doing those instances I can still farm for Chromatic Carapice and the Deathbone pieces I need.


The quests are linear (good word). You start with the BoE items (waist, hands, wrist) and I think the head piece is last, with the rest in the middle in some order that I can't recall (nor can I remember where I read it).


Any idea how much gold you have to spend on the upgrades? Just the bracers cost 20g, and I think the followup quest cost 40g......ugggh. They say they are banning all the gold farmers and don't like them, but OTOH they drive people straight to IGE with stuff like this. Hopefully the "quest XP = Gold" formula will help level 60 people build their bank account, rather than just hovering around one particular amount. Ever since I hit endgame, I'm always somewhere in between 85g and 100g.


I forget how much it was going to cost, but the simple fact that it costs anything strikes me as weird.

In other news, this game continues to piss me off. I don't even think I've won a greed roll in like 2 weeks. Worse yet, my kilt of elements finally drops off the baron ... and an idiot shaman who didn't know what "poison cleansing totem" was won it. Actually, the guy barely did anything the entire run (not that much is needed), and I just hate losing out to people like that.


I haven't bothered doing the quests on the test server, but you start out with bracers, and the very last piece you upgrade is the chest. In total it costs about 150g, and yeah, that's absolutely retarded considering how crappy the sets are... but the good news is supposedly you can actually spend maybe 4g total if you do quests in the dungeons/zones where you go to upgrade your set, with the new change in quests to gold post 60.
This game hates me. I have done 25 Scholomance runs and only one time did Rattlegore drop Shadowcraft boots. The game decided to give the boots to a level 57 rogue all dressed up in greens. The same rogue that received Shadowcraft bracers just two mobs prior. Thankfully I didn't need those.

It just bugs me. The shit Rattlegore drops is totally useless. I really hope Blizz fixes the drop percentage on that shit once the 5-man limit is enforced.
Shadowcraft Boots dropped for me the DAY after I got Nightslayer. I was the only leather wearer, so I took them and put them in the bank as a reminder that this game is evil.


I hear you. I got Rattlegore's 2h mace on my shaman just cause it looks so damn cool... I have yet to do scholo or anything else like that on test, but hopefully they made all the drops better.


i'm kinda in the same position

we need 5 more ingots before i can get my Sulfuras, Hand of Rag

so it might be a couple of months still :(


BTW guys, Hand of Justice (arguably the best melee trinket in game) isn't going to drop off General Angerforge (easily farmable) after the patch, but instead the BRD Empereor (painful to get a group for).

Farm it now


Ferrio said:
BTW guys, Hand of Justice (arguably the best melee trinket in game) isn't going to drop off General Angerforge (easily farmable) after the patch, but instead the BRD Empereor (painful to get a group for).

Farm it now

Holy shit, really? Damn, I better get mine now.

Only time I ever saw a god damn noob hunter rolled against me for it and won. I was so pissed.


RonaldoSan said:
This game hates me. I have done 25 Scholomance runs and only one time did Rattlegore drop Shadowcraft boots. The game decided to give the boots to a level 57 rogue all dressed up in greens. The same rogue that received Shadowcraft bracers just two mobs prior. Thankfully I didn't need those.

It just bugs me. The shit Rattlegore drops is totally useless. I really hope Blizz fixes the drop percentage on that shit once the 5-man limit is enforced.

Shadowcraft is absolute shit, just like all the other class blue sets. Each piece has a better equivalent from elsewhere. You're better off with Pads of the Dread Wolf from the giant wolf in LBRS. Grab a pair of rogues or a druid and stealth farm them, drop rate is ~20%.

edit: I sold my rogue in September, so this may or may not still be true.


I don't really understand the logic behind talent respec costing gold. It has no effect on ecenomy, respecing doesn't imbalance gameplay and it rather limits creativity.
etiolate said:
I don't really understand the logic behind talent respec costing gold. It has no effect on ecenomy, respecing doesn't imbalance gameplay and it rather limits creativity.
If you could just respec for every situation presented to you, what would be the challenge?

It's like every RPG ever made that lets you customize: you can be pretty good at everything or awesome at one very specific thing.


It's vastly inferior to the Dwarf Priest's Fear Ward, which should be nerfed or WOTF buffed again (longer duration or shorter cooldown is all it needs). btw, most horde players pick undead or tauren because those just seem to have the most appeal to people. been that way since beta, and it has little to do with racials

Thats bull. Most undead I talk to chose it for WoTF and racial skills. I didn't choose gnome for Warlock because I enjoy midgets. I chose it for intellect boost and engineering. Maybe on PVE they play Night Elves cuz they want to be legolas, but PVP wise its all racial stats and horde racials matter more in PVP.

If you could just respec for every situation presented to you, what would be the challenge?

Not much challenge anyways. Free respecing just allows for more creativity. You still would have limited talent points, and still would need to see a trainer to respec. I's not like you could just walk along and respec at will. You would just be able to try things and be creative. The classes all have similiar damage and I have found they feel a little too similiar in the end. I bet if people could be more free with specs they would be able to freshen things up.


Serious players may consider the racial abilities when creating a character, but I doubt that most do. There's probably no real way of settling the argument though because the best racials seem to have been given to the "coolest" and most appealing races. I suspect that things would be different if gnomes had the elf racials.....
etiolate said:
Not much challenge anyways. Free respecing just allows for more creativity. You still would have limited talent points, and still would need to see a trainer to respec. I's not like you could just walk along and respec at will. You would just be able to try things and be creative. The classes all have similiar damage and I have found they feel a little too similiar in the end. I bet if people could be more free with specs they would be able to freshen things up.
Regardless of the fantasy idea that people would experiment and have fun, a large majority would just constantly respec to the overall best PVE and PVP builds before they get involved in battle situations, completely killing all creativity and uniqueness between characters.

For example, right now, you have warriors speced solely for tanking, and their guilds love them for it when they're doing BWL, but that warrior never gets in any PVP. In your proposed system, that warrior would be switching between his BWL and PVP specs for each situation along with every other warrior in the game, making every single fight completely dependent on gear rather than skill or specialization. All fights would come down to "shit, I forgot to respec" over all else.

Every videogame ever made relies on give or take. You give +5 stam for +5 agil and so on. In your proposed free respec system, it would be all giving with no downside or challenge to balancing anything.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
For example, right now, you have warriors speced solely for tanking, and their guilds love them for it when they're doing BWL, but that warrior never gets in any PVP.
While I essentially agree that free respecs is a bad idea, any warrior that's BWL capable probably has no need to respec for PVP. IMO, The quality of their gear and their HP pool is going to be so much that they'll win BG encounters whether or not they're properly speced for it. Plus any warrior that ignores half of the Protection tree (as you instruct) will have plenty of Talent points to spare on PVP abilities.
Ferrio said:
BTW guys, Hand of Justice (arguably the best melee trinket in game) isn't going to drop off General Angerforge (easily farmable) after the patch, but instead the BRD Empereor (painful to get a group for).

Farm it now

Is the drop rate non-ass now, though? I'm tired of the [Disenchanted Shitty Green Ax of Greater Eternal Essences] every time, and I've been in there on my Warrior more than is healthy. I was hoping the buffing of BRD's loot tables would eliminate greens, not shirk the goodies til the end.
jt` said:
Shadowcraft is absolute shit, just like all the other class blue sets. Each piece has a better equivalent from elsewhere. You're better off with Pads of the Dread Wolf from the giant wolf in LBRS. Grab a pair of rogues or a druid and stealth farm them, drop rate is ~20%.

edit: I sold my rogue in September, so this may or may not still be true.

You are not wrong, Pads of the Dread Wolf are still better then SC boots. Bracers of the Eclipse are way better then SC bracers. Muggers Belt is better then SC belt. Devilsaur set is better then the pants / gloves. Really, the cap and chest are the only 2 pieces worth the effort.
border said:
While I essentially agree that free respecs is a bad idea, any warrior that's BWL capable probably has no need to respec for PVP. IMO, The quality of their gear and their HP pool is going to be so much that they'll win BG encounters whether or not they're properly speced for it. Plus any warrior that ignores half of the Protection tree (as you instruct) will have plenty of Talent points to spare on PVP abilities.

Or vice versa. Most warriors ignore all of the protection tree. Only two out of our ten warriors are specced prot at all.

Oh and the one prot warrior that does pvp is basically the hardest thing on server to kill. WSG is hilarious when the flag runner has over 7k hp unbuffed. Not that that has anything to do with spec though.

And just to edit this again, before 1.10's stupid stupid change to set bonuses, beaststalker was one of the best full sets in the game and isn't that much of a step below giantstalker. But I guess that speaks to how shitty hunter gear is in the first place.


Maybe it depends upon your spec, too. a lot of the hunters in my guild are 30 survival/21 marksmanship and they're deadly.

and speaking of free respecs, I really wish test had them. respecs were free in beta until basically their last patch before open beta, though that makes sense (they wanted us to test out every possible combo of talents). main servers don't need them, though, just test.


I believe he's talking about how most of the blue sets are generic now, aside from the 6 piece bonus.

mage/priest/lock = +200 armor, +23 spell power, class-centric bonus, +8 all resists (the priest 4-piece bonus actually may be different, I didn't make a priest with a premade on test)
rogue/war/hunter/shaman/paladin = +200 armor, +40 attack power, class-centric, +8 all resists
druid = I don't know

while before they had much more class-specific bonuses and collecting a full beaststalker's set was actually a really good idea for a hunter, not just for the stats but also the bonuses.


it'd be good if they made 8 pieces a true class-specific buff, in addition to +8 res all (or in place of it, that one isn't a big bonus).

they really need to work on tier .5 though. due to the bonuses being in reverse from tier 0, they suck if you want to get the full set.


if you make a test character, it shows.

goblin rocket fuel, mooncloth, dark iron bars, delicate arcanite converter, mooncloth is all i can remember.
Oh man, my guild just got Ragnaros down to 2% on our last try before he despawned. Was quite crazy. I was one of the last handful of people alive. A decent Rogue I'm turning out to be. We're going back to try Rag again on Sunday, and he will go down. It'll be our first time.


Question for experienced raiders -- is it me or do the endgame boss encounters seem biased against melee classes? I've never been beyond UBRS, but I've been reading a few boss guides for MC, BWL, and Onyxia and almost all of them seem centered around having a tank hold aggro while everybody else nukes it from 30 yards away. All of the bosses have such nasty AoE that getting close becomes less than desirable......and I guess this problem is only compounded by the fact that warriors and rogues are some of the most widely-played classes.

I wouldn't mind joining an endgame guild or anything, but as a warrior I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that it's not really gonna happen. I get plenty of guild invites, but you pretty much know that if you're being invited it's because that guild sucks. To misquote Groucho Marx, "I wouldn't want to join any organization that would have me as a member." I guess I could spend my Saturday nights wiping on the ZG Bat boss or something, but obviously there's not much appeal to that.
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