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World of Warcraft

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We did Onyxia last night and she only deep breathed once. Then again, we have amazingly high DPS as our guild is notorious for getting rare weapons to drop (save for one half of the bindings - we have 4 left halves). Our strat during phase 2 might not be the norm as we have mages and hunters go all out while we have the rogues chase her around the room doing pure dps to bring her down faster.

As for your sadness about the vis'kag Ferrio, we have 4 in our guild and 5 deathbringers.
Ryu said:
As for your sadness about the vis'kag Ferrio, we have 4 in our guild and 5 deathbringers.

Ugh rub it in. I'm first in line for it, just waiting...I might nag the Warblade of the Hakkari to hold me over. I have Brutality Blade in my Main-Hand now.


Gah, some players are so retarded.

Was doing a small pickup Scholo group because I need to kill Jandice and the Mage who joined said "WTF? I ain't five manning scholo! Re-invite me when you ten man it."


In BWL right now. Razorgore went down relatively easily despite LAG FROM HELL.

About to take Vaelastrasz right now.


ManaByte said:
In BWL right now. Razorgore went down relatively easily despite LAG FROM HELL.

About to take Vaelastrasz right now.

It's pretty well agreed on that lag makes razorgore easier.


ManaByte said:
One his adds leave the room, the lag went away. It was only when his adds were running around.

Yep that's what happens.

When we run BWL there's usually up to 6 other guilds doing it,a nd they're usually doing razorgore at the same time as us. So the instance server goes to hell. But the thing is the lag makes the mobs really unresponsive, so the fight is a pushover.

Now lag in vael.... that'll kill ya.


Been a gankfest today. :lol

The PVP in this game is just so rubbish and flawed. surely a level 60 shouldnt be motivated to gank a lvl 30ish player and then camp at the ressurection spot for ages.


LoL,ganking has nothing to do with the PVP system...you should learn to play your class a little more before always throwing out "zomga pvp sucks".


Ramirez said:
LoL,ganking has nothing to do with the PVP system...you should learn to play your class a little more before always throwing out "zomga pvp sucks".

Yes i have a chance against skull level guy...


Ramirez said:
LoL,ganking has nothing to do with the PVP system...you should learn to play your class a little more before always throwing out "zomga pvp sucks".

?? What is he going to do to a 60 at level 30 except die fast?

The Wisps thing is an april fool's joke right?


Onyxia isn't too bad. She did do deep breath a few times -catching everyone off guard the first time- otherwise it's business as usual.

Got Quel'serrar fired for my warrior. First upgrade for her since summer!


People's desire to grief isn't a part of the PVP system though....

Most people are discouraged by the ganking until they hit 60, yeah :D


nice run so far in BWL.

Our server's time screwed up, 7 day raids are resetting on Thursday instead of Tuesday, haha. and in BWL we've gotten 3 bop epics off trash - essence gatherer, doom's edge, cloak of draconic might.


?? What is he going to do to a 60 at level 30 except die fast?

There's nothing he can do,he said the PVP in this game was rubbish,what he was complaining about wasn't PVP,it was griefing/ganking.


On the whole Wisp as a race thing, I would like to believe it is an April Fools joke, but it was posted March 31st.... Ah whatever, close enough, how would you even level if you had a permanent death and had to re-roll your character?! :lol


fallout said:
And it becomes evident when you get to 60 and start killing those gankers.

I will. I ganked a level 33 player when i was level 34 since he attacked me first.

Likely when i get to 60 i will stop playing and wait for Burning Crusade. I dont care for the PVP. Battlegrounds feels like a chore to me.


im dissapointed in the new alliance race.i guess i dont really care i wasnt going to start a new character anyway.
Defcon7 said:
On the whole Wisp as a race thing, I would like to believe it is an April Fools joke, but it was posted March 31st.... Ah whatever, close enough, how would you even level if you had a permanent death and had to re-roll your character?! :lol
You guys really are the brightest people I've ever known.


Defcon7 said:
On the whole Wisp as a race thing, I would like to believe it is an April Fools joke, but it was posted March 31st.... Ah whatever, close enough, how would you even level if you had a permanent death and had to re-roll your character?! :lol

...Do you really think Blizzard is going to work on a SATURDAY??


Okay, after playing a bit I am gonna have to give 1.10 patch the Thumbs Down.

--way more lag than before

--lowering the party-size cap on endgame dungeons seemed like a good idea when they said they were removing some mobs. That only works if you remove mobs! Undead Stratholme is exactly as it was before, and the drops are just as shitty as they ever were. UBRS only has a few groups removed at the very end. I haven't tried Scholomance yet, though if the reports here are to be believed then it's as awful as it ever was.

--I have no idea how a normal PUG is gonna make it through 45 minute Baron runs. I get the sense that only groups with a heavy skew towards DPS can do it.....like 1 fury warrior, 3 mages and a priest or something.

--item upgrades were nice if you already had the items that got upgraded (I love my Deathbone Leggings and Deathbone Sabatons). If you didn't have the items that got upgraded, then good luck getting them since the droprate for that stuff has been lowered.

--epic drops increased, but for PUGs this gets screwy since most leaders will force "All Need" if something drops off a trash mob without Master Loot turned on. Even then a lot of the epics are the crummy BoE stuff anyhow.

--putting together a successful UBRS PUG is worse than it ever was. Usually you can expect 1-2 people to quit after killing Rend, but it didn't matter since 13-14 people was enough to go through the rest of the dungeon. Now losing 2 people can pretty much destroy your chances of seeing Drak. Taking down The Beast with 10 seems very very difficult.....everytime I've been there we've wiped once or twice and then just skipped it since he drops nothing but shit anyway (fuck you whiny skinners). I hate that everyone wants to "at least try" The Beast, then you wipe and you've blown all the cooldowns on ankhs and Soulstones and such, just before the final boss.

I honestly like the way it was before better -- if you just wanted to farm for loot then you could blaze through in a 10 man group, if you were interested in getting quests done then you could find a 5-man. Now everybody is forced to go at 5-man speed.....and once the majority of the players get their quests complete I think it'll be fairly difficult to find groups for places like Strat and Scholo. Dire Maul seems like the only place that was properly set up for 5-man runs....yet for whatever reason nobody wants to go there.
I've never wiped on the Beast, and I lol at anyone that has. He doesn't even hold aggro on a specific person. You just heal whoever he just hit, and then watch him run to someone else who you heal, and repeat until he's dead. Even in the 3 PUG UBRS's I've done since the patch, it's been no problem.

Drak is a different story, but PUGs still have no problem.


border, I agree with most of what you said. The point on the 10 man vs. 5 man ... I always had a hell of a time finding people to 5 man strat and scholo. Of course, the downside is that one idiot can ruin it all. I was doing a non-45 minute Baron run with some people, just to see how much had changed (which it hadn't). Our priest got feared by a bat and we got unlucky with tremor totem. He runs into another bat, gets feared again and aggros even more. We fought hard, but got wiped. This priest's race? Undead. There's no way WotF could have been on cooldown.

And to add to what LKBAP said ... yeah ... wiping on the beast? I did a 9-man PuG pre-patch and we didn't have any serious problems. We basically just took it down waiting to get more people, heh.

border said:
Dire Maul seems like the only place that was properly set up for 5-man runs....yet for whatever reason nobody wants to go there.
I love DM. Some parts are quite challenging (though forgiving) and the atmosphere of the whole place has always wowed me. There's some great gear there too. Unfortunately, yeah, it's almost impossible to find groups. I generally run it with guildies who are bored and have no real reason to be there, heh.


Maybe we just had DPS or healing problems with The Beast or something. As a tank there isn't much for me to do besides get in the occaisional taunt and sunder.....I spend so much of my time feared that I can't really observe what's going on. Last night the leader kept screaming that everyone should wait for me to get in 5 Sunders, and ignoring me when I said that the sunders wouldn't matter that much. The Beast is gonna go after who he wants to no matter how much hate I grab.....so he kicks the shit out of everyone while they wait for sunders, meanwhile the healers are the only ones drawing aggro.

I swear to god that The Beast knows when you have Fear immunity too. I used the Mithril Insignia (30 secs Fear Immunity) in one fight, and instead of fearing me he just punted me into the air 5 times in a row....eventually kicking me out of healing range and wiping the group.
Of course, the downside is that one idiot can ruin it all
It's not even as bad as some guy forgetting to use WOTF or something. In 10-15 man groups, the leader wouldn't think twice about kicking a ninja or someone that doesn't listen to instructions or someone that pulls before the group is ready. Now you are essentially forced into either keeping a bad player or quitting the run entirely. I guess it was like that in early instances, but those places seemed a bit more forgiving most of the time.....if you didn't like that dynamic then you could do some solo questing. But at 60 now there's nothing to do except put up with idiots in instances and BGs.

Some say that you can solve this problem by getting into a big, established guild. Ignoring the fact that that is difficult for a warrior, my observation is that all but the most elite guilds still have members running a lot of PUGs.
So can I have a confirmation...Is Onyxia still bugged or no? People on my server that have been in Molten Core have been getting disconnected, and when they come back the entire raid is falling into the Alterac Mountains...Supposedly.


ToyMachine228 said:
So can I have a confirmation...Is Onyxia still bugged or no? People on my server that have been in Molten Core have been getting disconnected, and when they come back the entire raid is falling into the Alterac Mountains...Supposedly.

We did her just fine. I think the difficulty was raised on her (we only got breathed on once.... usually don't get breathed on).


I wouldn't say it's always the "elite" guilds. Big guilds (that aren't necessarily elite, as in they don't go through a lot of endgame stuff) have a lot of guild runs through UBRS and so on. In fact, those are the best guilds for running UBRS and the other non-raid 60 stuff, as they aren't going to be doing MC/ZG/AQ/BWL much, if at all. My old guild was like that... it's part of why the raiders from that guild split off and we formed our own guild, and are basically working on learning Nef at this point.

I'm kind of lucky in that I was in a guild in beta that planned on carrying over to retail. So I had a spot "reserved" for me when I got back in retail. Honestly, though, if you're trying to get into an established raid guild... either check the sites for the raid guilds on your server and see when they need warriors, or join a guild that's on the cusp and learn raid content with them... or, I don't know what else to suggest aside from finding a small guild and hoping you make some friends, and then when/if they split or merge with another guild for raiding purposes, hope they take you along.

Be prepared to get bored of raid content though. I've got a pretty good tolerance for repetition and it's still getting dull to me after 6 or so months of raiding. Though maybe that has more to do with the lack of raid dungeons (there's basically 5, though I guess there's also basically 5 regular level 60 instances...) than it does with the actual raid content itself. Anyway, if you get bored of running the same instances over and over again... it's going to happen just as fast with raid content, which is a large part of why I've been scaling back my playtime.


Oh ya, should mention I'm really liking the sword. It tears plate wearers and druids up. Warriors/Paladins/Druids are rogue's hardest fights (less so for combat), but since lots of the damage from the sword is spell damage, their armor doesn't help. Always hilarious watching a druid trying to duel me and go into bear form, and his hp still drop fast as hell.
border said:
Maybe we just had DPS or healing problems with The Beast or something. As a tank there isn't much for me to do besides get in the occaisional taunt and sunder.....I spend so much of my time feared that I can't really observe what's going on. Last night the leader kept screaming that everyone should wait for me to get in 5 Sunders, and ignoring me when I said that the sunders wouldn't matter that much. The Beast is gonna go after who he wants to no matter how much hate I grab.....so he kicks the shit out of everyone while they wait for sunders, meanwhile the healers are the only ones drawing aggro.

This fight is generally always chaotic and the fact that you got thrown around like a dog toy probably had very little to do with you wiping on it. This fight is usually more based on the healers being alert and the DPS just doing its job versus a fight like, say, Drakkisath, where effective tanking is more important. If you wiped in less than two minutes and your DPS was dying, then it was probably due to your healers flubbing the heals or your DPS not having enough STA on their gear. If it lasted more than two minutes or so then the wipe was due to crap DPS-your healers ran out of mana and then The Beast ate everyone one by one. Rarely does that fight last very long if everyone is on the ball, and don't be worried if some of your healers do get killed-there's no real effective way to continuously hold aggro on this fight from the many times I've done it and sometimes a priest bites it after getting punted and smacked on. No big deal.

Joining a larger guild would probably make things a bit easier after the 1.10 changes to the dungeons changed the dynamic of the PUG endgame. In my guild/alliance style groups, none of the dungeons really take too much longer to run. The *real* big change is now people actually use crowd control-whenever I shackled crap in Scholomance or Stratholme before the patch when we were running it with 10 (so it would run faster, we can do five man of either easily) it seemed pointless, now it makes pulls go smoother and faster. I know that some of our members are having to do PUGs for LBRS, since no sane person ever wants to do that borefest again, and the groups are absolutely frightful. There's always one or two people so bad you can't help but wipe, and when you do wipe one or two leave. Then you have to fill their spots and beat the respawn if you don't have a warlock. Not fun.
Ferrio said:
Oh ya, should mention I'm really liking the sword. It tears plate wearers and druids up. Warriors/Paladins/Druids are rogue's hardest fights (less so for combat), but since lots of the damage from the sword is spell damage, their armor doesn't help. Always hilarious watching a druid trying to duel me and go into bear form, and his hp still drop fast as hell.

So you would reccomend Thunderfury for a combat spec'd Rogue? I have heard people talk about how it received a huge nerf for Rogues a few patches back, but if it's still nasty for a Rogue...I might be interested in it.


I've been doing everything 5-man since last summer so the change doesn't bug me too much. They haven't removed mobs in scholo and strath, but they have lowered the health on the mobs. It does make a difference. Scholo bugs me though. It takes too long. It's not hard, just too long. You should be able to skip rattlegore and ras if you want. That would help a bit. I love the 45 min Baron run. My non-raid guild tried it yesterday and we ran out of time just about finishing the abominations. Problem we have is the Baron. You need a dedicated healer for him thanks to mortal strike. Our 2 rogue, 1 pally, 1 warrior and 1 hunter have way too hard of a time. We had to end up subbing my rogue for my priest.

The big thing here is there's going to be a period of adjustment. You can't coast through the instances and players are now forced to actually learn them. Funny that the only people hurt by this patch are the true casual players, or should I say, Ironic.


ToyMachine228 said:
So you would reccomend Thunderfury for a combat spec'd Rogue? I have heard people talk about how it received a huge nerf for Rogues a few patches back, but if it's still nasty for a Rogue...I might be interested in it.

It's still nasty for rogues, the thing is the "is it worth it" factor big enough? Originally I wasn't going to have to upgrade my sword for awhile, but I'll probably have to grab a sword from AQ now.... So there's a big question as to whether a guild should give a rogue it, and should you as a rogue invest so much money/time into a sword you might be replacing soon.

Regardless, it's not one of those things you go "I'm going to get me one". You hope you're lucky enough it falls into your lap.
Ferrio said:
Regardless, it's not one of those things you go "I'm going to get me one". You hope you're lucky enough it falls into your lap.

Oh yeah definitely I had just previously been convinced by other people that it just wasn't good for a Rogue. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it though:)


ToyMachine228 said:
Oh yeah definitely I had just previously been convinced by other people that it just wasn't good for a Rogue. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it though:)

It's good, but it's a lot better for a protection spec warrior or fury warrior and they'll get a lot more use outta it.
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