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World of Warcraft

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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
The people on the WoW forums are about as pissed as French students. Some, like Shoestring, are not impressed with the whining:

Ok keep it up guys, I am have a great laugh from those who are having the ZOMG my life is over becuase my game isnt up. Its to freaking hillarious.

I am sorry, if WoW never comes back its not going to hurt my feelings none, WHY? Because I have a life, I read books, watch videos, TV, go for walks, go to work, have a girl friend, have a normal sex life that does not include masterbating to Female Nights Elfs dancing in the fires in IF.

You guys are really cracking me up.


This is pretty ridiculous. Arguably the most popular MMORPG constantly having problems like this is unforgivable. The servers have been down all day and no explanation has been given. Some people can only play/raid certain days, you know? Why the hell am I paying them money when they can't get their shit straight?
explodet said:
Seriously! I don't think 1.9 was quite this bad, and that had an entire instance to add!

playing since release every patch release day is proressivly worse as far as being able to play, at this rate when the BC comes out they'll be a month straight of down time.

Anyway while waiting I posted that pic on the WoW forums now there's at last count 5 other posts with "look what I found" each with a differnt url for the image.

EDIT...that pic being of the murloc


We've run into some issues with bringing up the realms. We hope to have them live as soon as possible, but we don't have a current ETA to provide at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we'll provide an update as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience in this matter.

on the wow boards...I'd post the link but there running like old people fuck.
Will Paladins someday be able to die?

I'm just staying away from them period! In WSG today 3 people including me jumped a nicely geared paladin. He bubbles, stuns me, normal crit, command crit, hammer crit and I'm dead. /bravo
SatelliteOfLove said:
Now, I got a Priest who I'd like to get the epic ring and off-hands for, but is currently stuck at just shy of Revered. Ah well, it's not like turning in blood/meat/armor, or doing quests for riders and ground troops actually HELPED, right? Healing only gets you guard aggro, right? :?
Healing will be the most efficient and easiest way to get on PVP threat lists, despite the complaints of the morons on the WOW forums.


RonaldoSan said:
Will Paladins someday be able to die?
Pallies always die. It just takes a few hours.

Hero said:
Arguably the most popular MMORPG constantly having problems like this is unforgivable.
I'm no expert, but I kind of see this as a reason as to why they have so many problems.


It's patch day, the big content patches always run into a problem. Probably because the PTR uses a different server setup than the normal ones do.


They're the ones who decide when the patch will come out, why would they release it if they weren't ready to handle it?


Ramirez said:
The AQ patch didn't have any delays if I recall correctly,this sucks :(
I'm not making excuses (and it doesn't bother me, since I can't play right now anyway), but maybe it's because the AQ patch had less changes to the actual world environment? I dunno. Maybe they're just incompetent. :lol
Ramirez said:
The AQ patch didn't have any delays if I recall correctly,this sucks :(

no but when the event did happen the servers imploded. I kinda liked crashing and rolling back 5 times then once the gong was rung being stuck on my mount only o have the world server crash every hour for the rest of the night
They updated all the hardware for the servers. I'd imagine they ran into a problem, and with as many servers as they have, they could be done fixing it but still have to wait a few hours just to get everything stable and synchronized.

Anyway, I'd assume this downtime is driving a lot of on-the-fence people to Oblivion. I know I haven't played WOW for more than an hour this last week because of it.


I am level 35 now. :D STV is great. Any alternative areas? Someone lower than me said he was going to fight Onyx the dragon. How do i get access to that?


I hope I can get on and upgrade some Tier 0 gear before half the sever is out in Silithus farming the mats for the upgrade quest(s)...


The main menu message says that they are bringing the servers back up, 1 at a time. Of course that message is only going to encourage thousands of people to hammer each server every 5 seconds, so that will probably extend the downtime even further...
Finally got on...

had AotC on ran near a tourch in IF and DAZED!.... :lol

Server shutdown in 5:00

Geeze everypatch day gets worse and worse I fear the burning crusade.
I never got in, but the server shut down anyway so...Doesnt matter I guess. It just really sucks. Today was Convocation Day at my college so all my classes were canceled. And what did I do with my day? Sit at my computer waiting...And waiting...And waiting...
now there is a patch coming for the patch

ETA: unknown /blizzard

oh well I retired my dwarf priest anyways, screw healing so others can enjoy the endgame.
All I know is...I am going to bed soon. Then I am going to class in the morning. If I come back from class, and the servers still aren't up, I'm going to be pretty angry.


Making a hardware upgrade coincide with a software patch is an idea that no responsible system admin would approve of.....but oh well, I guess the penalty is a day or two of downtime.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
I'm annoyed by not being to log on, but I'm even more annoyed that my Titan addon doesn't work with the patch. Those bastards!


Have you been playing long? Add-ons never work after a patch. I imagine all this downtime will only the delay the upgrade of outdated user mods...

I wouldn't expect WoW to be fully playable until Thursday or so (and that's assuming that you have a popular, frequently updated mod).


dont even get why you use servers blizzard its so dumb to use them just run the game straight on the internet and then the servers cant break because they are right on the internet and everyone could play all the time and you wouldnt have to hire dumb people to fix your dumb servers and you could hire a few smart people like me then you would have lots of good ideas all the time plus we pay for the internet and servers but if there was no servers you could not have a fee to play your game because then you wouldnt have servers i think im pretty right on this one

oh blizzard forum poster, you're such a card


If the downtime were on a weekend, I guess I could understand all the outrage. But it's Tuesday -- who cares? Go to bed early, get some schoolwork done, do whatever.


border said:
If the downtime were on a weekend, I guess I could understand all the outrage. But it's Tuesday -- who cares? Go to bed early, get some schoolwork done, do whatever.

I know I sure as hell don't play on the weekends barring early saturday morning while the wife is in the shower or sunday evenings before I go to bed, I have other shit I'd rather be doing.


shoplifter said:
I know I sure as hell don't play on the weekends barring early saturday morning while the wife is in the shower or sunday evenings before I go to bed, I have other shit I'd rather be doing.
Well, the majority of playing is still done on the weekends.

Whether or not missing a Tuesday night is really that awful depends what portion of the game you are in, I guess. If you are at 60, there's almost nothing you can do that doesn't require a 2-3 hour time investment (Arathi Basin is okay). If the game is not playable on a weeknight I really don't care that much.....all it does is save me from getting sucked into an UBRS group that won't end until 1 AM, leaving me groggy at work the next morning.


meh, we'll probably get full rested experience, and 1-2 days of free time added on to our accounts.

I've been playing oblivion anyway... so it hasn't affected me much. But I do hope my server's back up in time for the first half of BWL we're running tomorrow night.

edit: also, most addons may actually be updated in time for them to actually get their new hardware up and running. It's not too hard to edit the interface files offline, especially with some ideas of the new changes to UI coding with the patch - ctmod and raidassist are already updated, for example.

ah, and speaking of ctmod, here's a fun site for those of you who want to plan out your gear, list your current gear, talent spec, etc. and show it (although it doesn't give you an actual view of what your character will look like): www.ctprofiles.net


Logged in, and spiders and scorpions in Silithis are basically extinct with people trying to get the stuff needed for their T .5 stuff.

The Deathmist bracers need:

15 Silithis Venom Samples
1 Dreadmist Bracer
20 Gold

The Venom Samples seem to be uncommon drops.


Deathmist and Dreadmist are such shit sets... though at least Deathmist is somewhat serviceable in that it has some spell damage on it.


Hahaha. Oh lordey, they nerfed hunters good.

That said, I can start using Mandokir's sting over bloodseeker. Death to the bloodseeker! Long live bloodseeker!

If only I was still playing. Hah.


Yeah Hunters have had afew bad surprises not mentioned in the change list. Need to play more and decide. Stupid thing to do by Blizzard. If i had known about these changes i probably wouldnt have taken Hunter Class. At least in BF2 you arent stuck with a class if they make changes. Stupidity.
Zaptruder said:
Mandokir's sting

As a Rogue, I want that bow real, real bad. Right now I'm using the Caraspine Crossbow from UD Strat with a +7 Scope on it. All the Hunters in my guild have Gurubashi Dwarf Destroyer, so Mandokir's Sting is actually within my reach.
There's a fix for decursive floating around-I saw the bug last night in the lua ( information from tooltip was returning null) but I couldn't be farked with debugging it at 2 AM.

New priest changes are the bees knees. My healbot holy/disc spec with zero in damage boosting talents does a darn good job of bringing down mobs, and the improved with talents-and-gear PW:Shield will probably well outlive the damage from intercept/MS warriors now.

Oh, and +healing gear is waaaaay better now than it was in 1.9. I'm putting up some *fantastic* numbers with a good chunk of +heal gear just using Heal Rank 4 (not even greater heal). It's healing for almost more than my top rank FH was in 1.9 with a monstrous mana cost difference, both tangible (less spell cost) and intangible (less time spent in FSR).

The bad news-I'm the only regular small raid (ZG,AQ20) priest in the guild with Divine Spirit. My reagent cost per week has tripled. :( :( :(

oh and lolz hunters


Discord isn't working.

CTRA isn't working.

There may be others... but these two are MAJOR for me. Anyone get/have these running on this patch?
What level of CTRA are you running? I'm hearing 1.53 is doing fine, I haven't been in a raid group since the patch went up but the ct mod developers say their most recent levels work.

That's assuming you aren't a total newblar and know that you need to allow outdated mods from the character select screen.

Again, Decursive does have a bug in related to the tooltips in 1.9.0, hope they get an official fix out soon because most people, even in my guild of decently intelligent people, go all stupid when it comes to installing mods.
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