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World of Warcraft

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Just got back from another unsuccessful UBRS run. 2 idiot skinners demand that we fight The Beast and the group wipes. Priest disconnects 3 pulls before Drak. By the time we find a replacement, there are respawns and the leader forces everyone to fight through them to get back to Drak even though most people are beat. Hunter fucks up on Drak, we wipe, Shaman disconnects for a minute and then can't ankh because it releases your spirit when you DC after death. 4 hours and 4g in repairs and nothing to show for it. Once again, I blame 1.10.

More random 1.10 complaints -- economy seems to have gotten really fucked up. Price on arcanite bars has doubled, just as I was looking to craft some arcanite stuff. Even items not related to the armor upgrade quests seem to have gone way up in price for some reason. Is inflation in the game mostly permanent or will things fall down to more reasonable levels?

On the bright side, I managed to pick up Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying for 716g, roughly 500 less than the "median price" listed at Allakhazam....though I don't think the patch has much to do with that. =)
It's not a 1.10 problem, it's a "your team is full of noobs" problem. I did another UBRS tonight, only wiped once on an accidental pull. No problems on Beast, no problems on Drakk.

And why'd you get that book if you don't have a guild for Onyxia?


border said:
More random 1.10 complaints -- economy seems to have gotten really fucked up. Price on arcanite bars has doubled, just as I was looking to craft some arcanite stuff. Even items not related to the armor upgrade quests seem to have gone way up in price for some reason. Is inflation in the game mostly permanent or will things fall down to more reasonable levels?

Inflation on my server is being artifically created by people buying up all the relatively cheap items and selling them for roughly double. Thorium bars were running at 5-6g a stack on Friday, and by Sunday night all of it was bought up and marked up to 10-12g. All by one person.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's not a 1.10 problem, it's a "your team is full of noobs" problem.
What do you want from a pug? *shrug* I guess it didn't help that the leader loaded the group up with classes that are most useless in fighting The Beast (3 warriors in UBRS has to be outlawed or something). We actually had no wipes outside of The Beast.....we just got fucked by the Priest disconnect and everything went to hell. Before the lowered cap we would've had more healers in the group to step up after a disconnect, and more DPS to take down a boss in the absence of proper healing.

It was also my first UBRS run that didn't see at least 1-2 deserters after Rend. People are just shameless about it now....don't even give you an excuse. Just hearth as soon as they lose interest in the loot....
And why'd you get that book if you don't have a guild for Onyxia?
Can probably weasel my way into a guild's run, and 500g under market value seemed like a pretty good deal considering that the price of nearly everything else decent has been inflated by 33-100%. Might as well strike while the iron is hot....and who needs an epic mount anyway?
border said:
What do you want from a pug? *shrug*
What I'm saying is, I only do UBRS in PUGs too, since the guild raids every night of the week, and I've never, ever had a Beast wipe. It's just incredible to even think about, not even counting the fact that your server actively avoids the encounter.

You really are on a bad server, imo.


border said:
Might as well strike while the iron is hot....and who needs an epic mount anyway?

The entire game seemed to change for me when I got my epic mount. In my mind, it's the first thing you should start gunning for when you hit 60. Granted, I do PvP a lot, so *shrug*.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
What I'm saying is, I only do UBRS in PUGs too, since the guild raids every night of the week, and I've never, ever had a Beast wipe. It's just incredible to even think about, not even counting the fact that your server actively avoids the encounter.

You really are on a bad server, imo.
To be fair, people on the server don't always wanna skip The Beast -- I'm the one that suggests skipping him after all the wipes. Usually everybody but skinners agree, though. I think standard practice is to take him down, though that may change after all the recent wipes I've encountered. I guess at some point healers will learn how to handle the encounter, but right now they still think it's possible to beat him with the standard "heal tank+DPS" setup.

You're Alliance aren't you? Your most overplayed class (Paladin) is a fairly decent healer, and since UBRS pugs are destined to fill up with the overplayed classes, I think that kind of helps. Like I said, irresponsible Group Leaders tend to let the pugs fill up with overplayed classes (just warriors or rogues on Horde side), and having a bunch of shitty non-healer melee classes constantly getting feared off The Beast doesn't make for a good fight. If it was just me and a couple priests along with a bevy of mages and warlocks, I think things would be different.

The only real good thing that happened today was that I got my Unforged Seal of Ascension, and once I'm keyed for UBRS I hope I'll be able to have more influence on the way groups are formed. I can't believe I actually managed to finish the quest for the Unforged Seal in just 2 pug LBRS runs.....and even there I ran into some douchebaggery. I asked others not to Need the Gems unless they had the quest, but once I told them it was for UBRS key a couple people all of a sudden wanted to Need the damned things. For the last gem I rolled 100, beating out some jackass who didn't even know what the gems were for when the group started. I imagine that getting the Seal forged without a guild will be the more difficult task, though....
The entire game seemed to change for me when I got my epic mount. In my mind, it's the first thing you should start gunning for when you hit 60. Granted, I do PvP a lot, so *shrug*.
I was gunning for a PVP mount for a long time, but once I hit Legionairre it became clear that I was gonna have to PVP for 5 hours every single day if I wanted to get anywhere. I decided it just wasn't worth it, and have been letting my rank slide ever since.

I think I've been over this in pages before, but I really don't see the point of an epic mount, outisde of Battlegrounds. It's a 25% speed boost over the regular mount....but when do you really need to go anywhere in a hurry? Most of the endgame is spent waiting for people to show up....who cares if you get to an instance 25% slower than someone else? Compare that to a 52 DPS epic tanking sword that'll let me keep aggro way better than my crappy 40 DPS axe....I think it's easy to see which one I'll get more use out of.

The only time I ever had an epic mount was my premade 60 on the test server and I'll admit it was great, but that sort of thing can wait (particularly when compared to a good deal on an epic item in a marketplace where gold becomes more worthless with each patch). I'm exalted in AV, so I can at least get a mild discount on my epic mount when I put together the money from farming.
I've wiped on Le Beast. It was fun as hell. It started out as a 3 man Rend run with a warrior, rogue, and priest. I was playing my shitty fury warrior whose tanking gear I de'd months ago, and only priest we could find was someones alt. We did most of it but then got sick of waiting so brought in a mage to make water. She spent the entire run skinning dragons and not much else. When we got to rend some friends were logging on and the priest wanted Drakks blood, so yay. We ended up with I think a 7 man group, 4 of which were crummy alts. 3 Warriors, 2 rogues, a mage, and a priest. When we got to the beast half of us were afk and we pulled anyway.

I don't even know why I'm sharing this story. It's probably the best time I've had playing this game though. The moral is: This game sucks unless you are playing with friends. Or if not that, at least people you know well enough to call everyone else morons.

As far as forging seal, it's really really easy for any ranged class. You can pull him from his stand to the ramp near entrance of cave, then jump down into water and run up to his stand, jump down and repeat. Yay dead dragon.
border said:
Your most overplayed class (Paladin) is a fairly decent healer, and since UBRS pugs are destined to fill up with the overplayed classes, I think that kind of helps.
lol they're not as overplayed or as overpowered as you think. It's the same with Alliance and their overexaggeration of the Shaman's abilities. They're both incredible in PVP, but just normal for PVE.

The Paladin's Flash Heal only heals for half of a Priest's. Shaman are actually far, far better healers when specced for it, though I believe the Paladin is more mana efficient overall. I could be wrong. The Paladin is all about Cleansing and Salvation, which don't help at all for the Beast.

I'm telling you, your server is just horrible. :)


border said:
It's a 25% speed boost over the regular mount....but when do you really need to go anywhere in a hurry?
Er, it's a 40% increase, isn't it? Regular mount being 60, and epic being 100? Anyway, I've been spending tons of time in Silithus and in that PvE aspect, it's certainly been a huge aid.

Son of Godzilla said:
I don't even know why I'm sharing this story. It's probably the best time I've had playing this game though. The moral is: This game sucks unless you are playing with friends. Or if not that, at least people you know well enough to call everyone else morons.
:lol My guild was doing AQ20 this weekend and we decided to try the hunter pet pulling Rajaxx thing. I don't entirely understand it, but regardless, it didn't work. So I'm sitting there watching and the entire group of mobs, all 8 or so waves of them, come at once. I've never heard so much laughing over vent, especially with us all making a mad dash for the entrance.

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Shaman are actually far, far better healers when specced for it, though I believe the Paladin is more mana efficient overall. I could be wrong.
I think this is true as well. I do know that we shamans have the smallest mana pool.

yacobod said:
get rank 11 and you can get a very cheap epic mount
Get rank 11 and you can waste a significant portion of your life. To hit 11, you have to grind ... and I just don't have the tolerance for that shit. Besides, I made enough money from just running instances. So, I got decent gear and my epic mount.
My guild was doing AQ20 this weekend and we decided to try the hunter pet pulling Rajaxx thing. I don't entirely understand it, but regardless, it didn't work. So I'm sitting there watching and the entire group of mobs, all 8 or so waves of them, come at once. I've never heard so much laughing over vent, especially with us all making a mad dash for the entrance.

Oh man that's got to be hilarious. Rajaxx, like most of the AQ20 fights, is a lot of fun. Too bad the loot from that dungeon isn't better-most of our guild would rather run ZG instead, and I can't blame them for it.

As for Paladins, their flash heal is incredibly efficient and most non-retnoob Paladins have Illumination, providing them a refund of the mana spend if they crit on a heal. With decent MP5 gear (pretty easy to get) and the associated buffs to that (nightfin soup, mana oil) combined with some +healing gear (again, easy to get) they can really provide spot healing all across the raid in addition to mass cleanse when required.

border: I don't know about your server economy, but that seems like a really good deal on a Foror's book. You should be able to bribe some guild with a couple of nexus crystals or righteous orbs to get into an Onyxia raid.

Epic Mount is nice-especially if you PvP (I don't PvP) but character viability is way nicer, IMO.

Finally, the Beast is all about Healers knowning that:

A) People will get knocked around and thrown out of range. Be on the move and attempt to center yourself in the middle of the room, even if it means being closer to The Beast. The number one reason why people die in this fight is that the healers don't understand that they can't cower in the back of the room where you pull the mob and expect to keep anyone alive.

B) Everyone takes damage, everyone can die. Heal everyone, if you get aggro your job is to Fade/Shield/Flash Heal yourself the best you can while everyone else gets their licks in. This is a short chaotic fight and the most important thing is dragging it out long enough and keeping the DPS alive so they can finish it off.

C) Mages should ice block/cancel ice block if they get knocked in the air right before they hit the group to mitigate fall damage I think warriors can stance dance to zerker and intercept in midair, too I believe.

D) Lolz, I'm a dwarf priest, fear ward pwns this fight. <-- SPEAKS THE TRUTH.
The drops off Moam and Ossirian are really nice plus the rep rewards are great for some classes.

I'll reach exalted with Cenarion Circle this weekend and pick up this - http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=21416

Pair it with the off-hand from Moam - http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=21471

Add a spellpower enchant to the Kris and between my weapon / off-hand I have

+110 spell dmg
+1 crit
+17 sta
+15 int

Not too shabby for someone in a guild that has just reached Vael.

Picture of the Kris - http://web.telia.com/~u48106229/krisofunspokennames.jpg


Paladins are the best healers when it comes to mana efficiency, it's just that their flash heal is really weak. Though holy light is essentially as good as healing wave with 10 talents invested in improving it and reducing the mana costs.

Shamans basically get flash heal with their lesser healing wave, as they're almost exactly the same in mana costs and healing, so it's really easy to use up a lot of mana on a shaman. Paladins may get the smallest mana pool of the healers, but they have way better ways of restoring mana (blessing of wisdom, seal/judgement of wisdom, and illumination/divine favor combo) and their heals are some of the most efficient in the game (maybe still the most efficient, I haven't seen the math since 1.10).

But, I digress: I don't think border has any epics, or if he does, they're rather shitty (in comparison to raid BOPs) world drop epics. That alone is going to make running a UBRS pug tougher for him than it is for people who are geared from raid content. I mean, epics really do make the regular instances like BRS, Strath and Scholo "trivialized."
Other classes get a lot more out of the Exalted CC rep than Priests do because we have such a ridiculously easy super epic in Benediction/Anathema. Other classes and especially people who aren't doing BWL benefit quite a bit from CC rep grinding.

BTW, the economy is totally fuxxored post-patch. My fiance's dumping months worth of stored mooncloth at almost 30g a unit, and I'm selling freakin' Goblin Rocket Fuel for 3.5g a unit, which is insane considering how easy the mats are to get. It's a nice diversion my my usual AH herb price raping and fused wiring pricefixing and gouging.

In better news, the price of Righteous Orbs is plummeting on my server. Seems like there are less groups running Undead Stratholme, and more doing the Live Side since it's an easier five man than Undead (though I think this is debatable).


Actually, it depends! You can get more healing power out of the bug on a stick and the field duty offhand. But yeah, priests get the least out of the AQ20 quested epic weapon (hunters get the most, I'd say). I'd go for the Kris myself, but I'm only honored with CC, hate rep grinding, and in the time it would take me to grind to exalted, I could just get claw of chromaggus instead.


GAF i need help. I want to install Titan Panel. I have the files but no place seems to mnetion what you do with them?

Also should it be able to handle all the buttons i use. Currently WOW doesnt let me use enough buttons.


I had a group similar to Border's yesterday,we wiped like 4 times on the packs in Drakk's room,some of the worst players I've ever seen...when we did finally get to Drakk they couldn't even DPS his 2 adds down before the hunter got caught by Drakk,which was a good 3-4 minutes,and yes my server is terrible,which is why I rerolled on one of the new realms.

I can't even imagine trying to Pug a 5 man scholo or strat,painful >.>
when we did finally get to Drakk they couldn't even DPS his 2 adds down before the hunter got caught by Drakk,which was a good 3-4 minutes

That is incredibly sad.

edit: My only bad UBRS experience happened when we invited some new people into the guild and were helping them get their Ony keys. Someone jumped down and started the Rend event while we were still fighting mobs up top. GG. Had to reset the instance and I actually considered bailing.


They need to sort out EU Burning Blade. The server has been down since morning. No notice given why. Its 10pm now. I am pissed. Not to mention when it works its always laggy.


Still not up.

Soon they will down anyway for the usual weekly maintenance. Thats a whole day of downtime.

Do they compensate for that by giving a day or something? I made free time today to get to level 40 quick and quite frankly i couldnt have waited. Also they didnt supply any info on how long the server would be down.


Aight... Discord is all kinds of fucked up for me. Been working on fixing it over the last few days and... well... no go. Are there any comparable mods out there that will give me as much freedom that are working fine with this patch and allow mapping/binding?

Thanks in advance.


Ok now the maintenance has been extended. Starts 3 am or something but will last much longer into the day. No update about my server. According to the forum issue should have been resolved since 2pm. Its 11:40 pm right now server not up.

Blizzard sure spend hell of alot on this thing called 'customer service'. Arseholes.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
lol they're not as overplayed or as overpowered as you think.
I don't think paladins are overpowered, I just think it helps that there are a ton of them, and that if their heals pick up aggro they won't get cut down after 2 hits. Shamans can be okay healers but they rarely spec for it....
fallout said:
Er, it's a 40% increase, isn't it? Regular mount being 60, and epic being 100? Anyway, I've been spending tons of time in Silithus and in that PvE aspect, it's certainly been a huge aid.
If run speed is 100, mount speed is 160 and epic mount is 200. Epic mount is only 25% faster than regular mount (160 x 1.25 = 200). I gotta admit that riding one actually feels way faster than the regular mount though.

What is it that everyone's always doing out in Silithus anyway? Just rep grinding and killing those summoned monsters?
I have the files but no place seems to mention what you do with them?
Usually you just copy mod folders into the Addons Folder.


My Shaman has 30 in resto and that's who I had in the UBRS group,the tanks were awful too,and a simple lesser healing wave would pull like 3-4 mobs on me and then I get destroyed in 1 second -_-
What is it that everyone's always doing out in Silithus anyway? Just rep grinding and killing those summoned monsters?

Rep grinding, getting badges for items by doing combat, tactical, and logistic quests, and AQ20/AQ40.


I lose aggro on the beast once or twice on rare occasions during that encounter. It's all about the initial attack and knowing when he's going to fear. Undead warriors ftw. Start off with a charge, flip to zerker since he's going to do his knock back, intercept out of mid-air, defensive, sunders/shield slam/heroic strike/revenge, zerker for zerker rage (negate first fear), defensive, more hate, wotf for the second fear, third fear might come up, but a mocking blow, taunt, challenging shout - any of it can get him back on you and then he's dead. It's not hard. Sorry your groups suck Border. :( Fear not, this is just preperation for MC as MC is preperation for BWL and so on and so forth. Game doesn't get any easier. :p


1.10 Bitching Cont'd:

After looking over all the Tier .5 quests, I have to conclude that it's mostly worthless (at least for warriors). I mean, the gear is okay but the amount of BS you have to go through to get it is just retarded. A lot of the tasks seem like they'd be really hard for groups that don't already have better-than-.5 gear. The 45 min Strat run in particular seems like something that will leave non-essential classes out to dry. What's a blue-geared hunter, druid, or shaman supposed to do when everybody just wants a tank, healer, and uber DPS?

On top of that, all the quest chains are huge money sinks. There's a lot of craft-able items that are as-good or better than the .5 gear....so you can either throw-down a bunch of money on crafted items or throw down a bunch of money on Tier .5 AND pray that you can make it through all the quest chains. For the amount of time it will take to farm money and get the quests done, you could probably just farm enough cash/materials for crafted epics. Now I guess you could say that these chains are for people that don't like farming, but all the quests are so involved and so expensive that I imagine it will become a farm/grind session anyway. When that's the case, it's better to grind on your own than rely on PUGs to get you where you want to be.

The armor upgrades were the thing that excited me most about 1.10, but beyond the Bracers/Belt/Gloves quest, it just doesn't seem like it's worth it. Even then, the BoE item quests themselves make you sink 150-200g in payments to NPCs plus the cost of materials (which has gotten insane in post-patch Auction Houses). The Warrior Bracers/Belt are arguably the best non-raid tank items in the game, but the rest of the stuff can be replaced by crafted or reasonably farmable items. At this point, I would almost prefer quests to get epic trinkets and rings since those seem to be the most hard to come by.


1.11 info from the newsletter:
In upcoming Patch 1.11, one of Azeroth's most feared denizens - Kel'Thuzad, the right hand of the Lich King himself - will return with the horrors of the undead in his wake. New background on the lair of Kel'Thuzad, the dungeon Naxrammas, has been released:

Several years ago, the Lich King preyed upon the mind of one of the most reckless magi of the Kirin Tor: Kel'Thuzad, whose obsession with the dark arts had ever concerned his fellow magi. Eventually he became one of the Lich King's most valuable servants. It was Kel'Thuzad upon whom the Lich King bestowed the task of assembling the Cult of the Damned, opening the way for the Scourge and ultimately for the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth. The Lich King promised Kel'Thuzad eternal life, and the Lich King kept his promise. After Arthas slew the wretched mage, Kel'Thuzad was brought back from the dead to continue his cursed existence as a powerful lich, locked in the service of his dark master for all eternity. The necropolis Naxxramas is the seat of Kel'Thuzad's evil, from which he oversees the Scourge and heeds his lord's command. A dreadful dawn is rising in the east as the Lich King's dark minions prepare to descend upon Azeroth. Soon the Scourge will march again, and this time there is no prophet to speak the warning, no gallant knight to fight the coming darkness, no legendary hero to thwart the monstrosity on the Frozen Throne. Who, then, will be the fire that burns against the cold, the light of hope that prevails beneath the shadow of the necropolis?
The tier 0.5 sets are weird-some of the stuff is really just medicore, but one or two of the pieces per set are almost as good as their tier 1 counterparts. Unless you're a mage, of course, where your tier 1 is so bad that tier 0.5 is just a very minor downgrade over tier 1.

Someone linked in the warrior tier 0.5 stuff in guild chat last night and I commented on how it looked like it was trying to please both a tanking warrior and a DPS warrior at the same time. There was hardly any +Defense on the gear as a whole set, so welcome to the crit damage spike-o-rama on bosses if you used it to tank something beyond BRD. For a warrior, it would almost assuredly be better to have a pure tanking set with some of the enchanted thorium stuff rather than just the tier 0.5 stuff-a case where smart blues beat out class set items once again, and then have some DPS gear when for PvP/grinding/clearing instance trash.

As for trinkets - A Darkmoon Fair Deck, DM book turn-in, the two badass BRD emp drops (hand of justice, force of will) , UBRS 2% crit trinket quest reward, level 50 ST temple trinket/ CC exalted trinket, are all out there and are decent trinkets.


ErasureAcer said:
More undead? Ugh. Blizzard is running out of ideas.

To be fair, it's been a while since there's been an undead instance brought in. They've got a schedule it seems of different areas of the lore to explore.


border im not sure what you want out of the tier 0.5 warrior set

the chest piece is in the top 5 best dps/pvp chest pieces in the game for warriors

only ones better are rank 13 chest, breast plate of anni (from aq), conqueror's bp (from aq)

the helm is pretty nice too, a very attractive alternative to lionhearts, crown of destruction, or helm of endless rage

the boots are nice too, 20str, 20 stm, 1% to hit

if i wasnt in a mc/bwl guild, or highly ranked in pvp, i would really be after those pieces

i'm not sure why u dont like them

here is my gear for comparison


swap out flameguards for strongholds when pvping

all 3 items listed above would be upgrades for me atm, and im sure they would be for you too


yacobod said:
border im not sure what you want out of the tier 0.5 warrior set
I didn't say that the gear was crappy, just that I felt like getting it was too much of a hassle, too much of a time and money sink. If you like PVP, all the quality PVP stuff is at the end of the chain, after you've already dropped hundreds of gold on tank gear that you don't want...

....I guess it works out for me since I really don't even feel like I need to go any further than getting the first 3 upgrades, but from the PVP'ers perspective I don't entirely get how it's a great deal. For the cost of the first two upgrade chains alone you could probably get a Lionheart Helm crafted, or be most of the way towards some Titanic Leggings. You'd probably have to wait for prices on Arcanite/Arcane Crystals to come down, though.


border said:
I didn't say that the gear was crappy, just that I felt like getting it was too much of a hassle, too much of a time and money sink.
It's funny, the only reason why I haven't started working on the quests yet is because I'm flat-out broke from buying TuF and Don Julio's Band (apparently Shamans aren't casters, so we're not allowed to use Don Rodrigo's).

I'll still do the quests, and I'm glad Blizzard put them in, but I really dislike having to put gold down for it. I know the time I put in getting gear and mats is really just equivalent to gold, but I tend to feel accomplished when I do that sort of thing.


lionheart + titanic leggings might not be a good pvp choice

no stamina on either item is pretty rough

u dont want to be rolling around with 4400 hp pvping


Lionheart + titanic leggings might not be a good pvp choice

no stamina on either item is pretty rough
Then don't get them both? Or get the +100 HP enchant on helm and legs. Or get a crafted Darksoul chest with big Stam bonus to even it out a little. It seems odd to me that the PVP gear is what comes last in the chain, when the biggest PVP'ers probably aren't interested in all the instancing they will be forced to do. Meanwhile the instancers get their preferred gear right away, and have little motivation to continue...


ErasureAcer said:
More undead? Ugh. Blizzard is running out of ideas.
Are you completely unaware of the story of Warcraft 3 and the expansion? This is a genuinely good storyline/dungeon that continues that story, finally.


A decent Armor Upgrade Guide has been posted on the WoW forums:


Overall materials needed:

230 gold
20 Enchanted Leather
3 Mooncloth
4 Cured Rugged Hides
8 Large Brilliant Shards
4 Greater Eternal Essence
10 Stonescale Oil (see infra Quest Line 2 for instructions on obtaining this mat)
1 Delicate Arcanite Converter
3 Dark Iron Bars
1 Flask of Supreme Power
4 Dark Runes
1 Hallowed Brazier (120g, requires Honored: Argent Dawn)

Gathering these materials prior to doing the quest lines will save you considerable time. Also keep in mind that as of 1.10, the price for both these mats and the raw materials to make them have shot up. Be mindful of how much money you may end up spending. As of 4/1/06, purchasing these mats will run into the 200 gold range or more.

230g + 200g (or more) in materials + 120g = 550g plus a lot of time spent on the harder quests

Just looking at the mats though, I can say that on my server expenses will probably top 200g....just the Arcanite Convertor alone goes for 60g. On top of that, a lot of people are spending major money on pots and items to get through UD Strat quickly.

I've said my peace about the Tier .5 sets already, and just thought I'd give others the chance to weigh out whether or not it's all worth it. If you have a raid guild with epics that can blaze through the 45min Baron Run it might be cool, though having to do it with raid-equipped guilds kind of defeats the point of having a armor quest chain for non-raiders. I understand that they don't want to give people "free" epics though....OTOH I kind of wish things were more easily pug-able.
I know I'm stopping at the Bracers and Belt of Heroism. I've already got the Enchanted Helm & Leggings, tanking gauntlets out of DM West, etc, and the Stockade Pauldrons have dropped in price quite a bit lately on my server. All this .5 rigamarole means to me is hoarding a bit of the mats I heard were needed pre-patch and using that to fund MC learning repairs on my main. :)
ErasureAcer said:
More undead? Ugh. Blizzard is running out of ideas.

You know I love you due to our unnatural love for ERASURE, but this was part of Blizz lore for years now.

Andy Bell says "hi" Have you heard BOY yet?
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