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World of Warcraft

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I hit level 41 today. :)

Brought a wolf to ride on the last level. Game seems even better now. Only prob is warriors who suprise stun me.

Megafoo Chavez

I love EGM
Hero said:
Sorry, I just really hate shamans. As a rogue, all they do is kite me to death. Not as badly as hunters, but pretty close. Plus switching targets to take care of your stupid, annoying totems removes combo points and just makes me /angry.

Plus with any sort of lag, as long as you run in a straight line, I'll never catch you.

Rogue review better be godly! ><

so rogues can stun you, do the most dps on you AND bridge the gap easily between themsevles and casters/hunters?

roll another class


Anyone know of a good add on for extra buttons?

I have run out of buttons on the default UI and need suggestions for something that allows for much more buttons. I am using many addons and they are pretty good! One of the strong points of this game. :)

My class is hunter.


Deg said:
Anyone know of a good add on for extra buttons?

I have run out of buttons on the default UI and need suggestions for something that allows for much more buttons. I am using many addons and they are pretty good! One of the strong points of this game. :)

My class is hunter.

You need more buttons? o_O I've found the default bars by Blizz to be more than enough to accomodate playing Hunter.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
So after killing a pvp guard in forest song, i walk off, a lvl 35 (im 29) gayelf druid kills me, alright.. So first strange thing is there's no corpse icon on my radar, hmmm anyway i know where i died to i make my way to my corpse, no ressurection. ok wtf, i wait a couple of mins, still nothing, i make my way back to the graveyard and take the 25% hit. Can someone explain wtf happened?


Buggy Loop said:
So after killing a pvp guard in forest song, i walk off, a lvl 35 (im 29) gayelf druid kills me, alright.. So first strange thing is there's no corpse icon on my radar, hmmm anyway i know where i died to i make my way to my corpse, no ressurection. ok wtf, i wait a couple of mins, still nothing, i make my way back to the graveyard and take the 25% hit. Can someone explain wtf happened?

Corpse bug, it's kinda rare, but sometimes you just have to log and log back in, then you'll be able to go to your corpse and rez.


Buggy Loop said:
A corpse bug this long after the game's release? sheesh blizzard.
Actually, I've only ever seen it happen after this patch. In fact, I've had it happen 3 times since the patch.

Sirpopopop said:
Then why are you posting here?
I've often wondered this reading his posts. He hates everything everyone here says and he seems miserable all the time. Doesn't really bother me (it used to, I guess), but now it just confuses me more than anything.
fallout said:
I've often wondered this reading his posts. He hates everything everyone here says and he seems miserable all the time. Doesn't really bother me (it used to, I guess), but now it just confuses me more than anything.

He makes me giggle. Like a joke character who isn't in on the joke.


Megafoo Chavez said:
just use ctmod

Shouta said:
You need more buttons? o_O I've found the default bars by Blizz to be more than enough to accomodate playing Hunter.

I use plenty of trinkets and stuff.

Buggy Loop said:
So after killing a pvp guard in forest song, i walk off, a lvl 35 (im 29) gayelf druid kills me, alright.. So first strange thing is there's no corpse icon on my radar, hmmm anyway i know where i died to i make my way to my corpse, no ressurection. ok wtf, i wait a couple of mins, still nothing, i make my way back to the graveyard and take the 25% hit. Can someone explain wtf happened?

Log off and on again so you can ressurect where you died. Temp fix.
Haven't seen much talk of 45 min Baron in this thread. I'll copy and paste what I said on the wow forum.


Completed this earlier today on my second try. It was definitely the most fun I've ever had with WOW.

First try we went with no buffs or potions, and we were 30 seconds short. Second try, we got super buffed up, took tons of consumables, and gave 10 potions to each member. We destroyed the instance in 35 minutes.

For reference, our group was a warrior, druid, paladin, mage and priest (me). I was wearing the very best blues (since I don't raid often), and the rest of my group was fairly epiced up.

It's incredibly challenging, fun and rewarding. While my group was fairly epic and quite above the target audience for this sort of quest, I definitely feel anyone with skill could demolish this with a skilled group of players in blues. You just have to be willing to pony up for Flasks, potions, and elixirs.

People need to stop acting like you should be given rewards the first time you do something. The best videogames aren't like that.


I really enjoyed it myself:



That says it all. Took two tries, but we did it with 5 minutes to spare. Everyone was in blues but myself (priest). I did all the pulling, getting the hunter, and warrior to sub a few times while I drank. We did the baroness, spider, maleki route and I never stopped pulling.

Warrior, pally, priest, hunter, rogue.

Tons of fun. I'd actually like to see more quests like this.

I definitely want to see more quests like this.

For reference, we pulled Spider, Baroness then Maleki. The pulls right after the trap after the Spider are really prone to fuck-ups, so we just went the other route from Baroness to Maleki. There is a little more to pull, but it's very clean and easy. After Maleki, the Paladin bubbled up and we all did a suicide run past the gates, and the Paladin DIed me. I rezzed and we continued. Saved a ton of time.

Check out how many buffs I used. The warrior also had a Flask of the Titans. 45 minute Baron is serious business.



I just brought Mana pots and nightfin soup. Oh and everyone had a major shadow pot for the Baron.


DI'ing is a good idea, though the route we go tends to leave the route from Maleki to the gate pretty much cleared before we even fight him.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

I definitely want to see more quests like this.

For reference, we pulled Spider, Baroness then Maleki. The pulls right after the trap after the Spider are really prone to fuck-ups, so we just went the other route from Baroness to Maleki. There is a little more to pull, but it's very clean and easy. After Maleki, the Paladin bubbled up and we all did a suicide run past the gates, and the Paladin DIed me. I rezzed and we continued. Saved a ton of time.

Check out how many buffs I used. The warrior also had a Flask of the Titans. 45 minute Baron is serious business.

If you need that many buffs to do a 30 mins baron run, you'Re clearly in the average field of players


:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Anyway we tried it once with a priest, warrior, rogue and 2 warlocks. Got to the Baron with less than 5 seconds left and we were out of mana.

Fularu said:
If you need that many buffs to do a 30 mins baron run, you'Re clearly in the average field of players
It's not about how many I needed to do it, it's about overdoing it and guaranteeing victory from the start.

You don't need 6 warriors in full tier 2 to clear BWL in 4 hours, but it's certainly better than not having the gear.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
It's not about how many I needed to do it, it's about overdoing it and guaranteeing victory from the start.

You don't need 6 warriors in full tier 2 to clear BWL in 4 hours, but it's certainly better than not having the gear.

Again 6 wrath geared warriors in bwl is detrimental to the raid, cause you know, wrath sucks for anything beyond tanking


Again maintenance day and server is down with no notice. Good stuff Blizzard. They have list of realms affected but they are supposed to be working anyway. My server isnt on the list is assume everything should be fine save for inherent lag as always. Cant log into server.

Poor. Very poor. Its amazing how stingy a company can be.


World of Warcraft Accounts Closed - Ordinn on 4/12/06
In keeping with Blizzard's aggressive stance against cheating in World of Warcraft, we have since patch 1.10 banned over 5,400 accounts and suspended 10,700 more for participating in activities that violate the game's Terms of Use, including using third-party programs to farm gold and items. Such actions can severely impact the economy of a realm and the overall game enjoyment for all players.
We will continue to aggressively monitor all World of Warcraft realms in order to protect the service and its players from the harmful effects of cheating. Please note that selling World of Warcraft content, such as gold, items, and characters, can result in a permanent ban of the involved accounts from World of Warcraft.

Many account closures come as the direct result of tips reported to our GMs in game or emailed to hacks@blizzard.com by legitimate World of Warcraft players. If you suspect that a World of Warcraft player is using an illegal third-party program to farm gold or items, or is otherwise violating our Terms of Use, please report the suspected infraction via one of the means listed above. All reports will be investigated, and those that prove false will not result in corrective action.

Thank you for your continued support, and good luck with your adventures in Azeroth!

-Blizzard Entertainment

Wondering if new security software in the 1.1 patch was causing all the problems? They've managed to stop the teleportation hackers for the time being.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Fularu said:
Again 6 wrath geared warriors in bwl is detrimental to the raid, cause you know, wrath sucks for anything beyond tanking
And BWL has so many encounters where a tank can dps and not have to worry about tanking. :lol


Deg said:
Dire Maul is an instance?
Yes, Dire Maul is in Feralas. It's got 3 wings, like the 4 at the Scarlet Monastery. Stuff that drops there is for people in the mid to high 50's and those at 60.


Sirpopopop said:
Haha, you're very funny. NOT!

If you want me to, I could go into an in-depth explanation of why shamans need a vast talent reimagining, but I doubt someone who wets their bed late at night over crackpot conspiracy theories would actually get it. I guess I'll have to try with a basic explanation.

Shamans are naturally just a very strong class with lots of different innate ways to kill someone. The problem is talents don't really help them in PVE (see: having to spec more than 35 points in resto just to get the effective pve talents - mana tide and purification) and if you spec so heavily into resto that you can't get some talents that help you keep with the Jones' at level 60, you are effectively fucked in pvp.

I'm a resto specced shaman, and I've specced so heavily into it that I can't even get the talent for 2h weaps. All I get out of the resto tree are some marginal improvements that don't compare to what druids/priests/paladins get. Even worse, some of the talents we have to spec into just to get mana tide have pretty much offer no use in the game at all.

0/5/46, right?
That's the PvE spec a lot of our Shamans use.
The biggest reason I left WoW is simply the snail-like pace in releasing content, bugfixes, and general updates.

For example, here is today's EQ2 patch
SOE said:
*** Headlines ***

- Celebrate the holidays as the Brew Day Festival comes to Norrath!
- Recruit new guild members easily with the new guild recruitment system!
- Explore a dangerous new raid zone in Kingdom of Sky: The Lyceum of Abhorrence!
- Get a haircut or a shave from barbers in your home city!
- New treasures and challenges await in the icy caverns of Permafrost!
- New rewards have been discovered within the treacherous depths of the Obelisk of Lost Souls!
- Great treasures await those willing to risk certain peril in the Wailing Caves!
- Orc tribes across Norrath have formed a dangerous new alliance with the Rujarkian orcs from the Desert of Ro!

*** The Brew Day Festival ***

- A new holiday is upon us: it's Brew Day in Norrath!
- Seek out the portals in Antonica or the Commonlands to partake in the libations.
- Rasel Alechaser needs your help to make the perfect brew beyond the portals.
- Seek out your local bartender if you wish to purchase tasty spirits.
- Those who overindulge in the festivities may find their senses a bit... fuzzy.

*** Guild Recruiting ***

- Now recruiting for your guild in EverQuest II is even easier!
- For guild leaders and other ranks with access, there is a Recruiting tab in the guild window that allows you to choose your recruitment settings.
- In this tab, you can enter a number of pieces of information that will help you recruit for your guild:
* Short Description
* Full Description
* We offer training to new players
* Looking for: Fighters, Priests, Scouts, Mages, Tradeskillers
* Play Style: Standard, Casual, Hardcore
- You may also select up to four Descriptive Tags from the following set:
* Good Aligned, Evil Aligned, Chatty, Organized, Roleplay, We enjoy doing quests, We enjoy doing raids, We play at odd hours, We are a crafter oriented guild, We are family friendly, We may use mature humor, The inmates are running the asylum, We're very funny (in our opinion), Our humor may cause physical pain, We're serious folks
- Leaders may assign Recruiter status to guild members.
- Guild Recruiters can go to their Persona window under the Options tab and begin "Recruiting for Guild." You will enter information pertinent to the recruiting process and begin recruiting.
- Guilds with Recruiters online will appear in the guild window (Default key: "U") for those without a guild.
- Recruits can view information about guilds with Recruiters who are currently online, and can automatically send a message with information they may want to see before responding (name, adventure level, artisan level, race).

*** Lyceum of Abhorrence ***

- The Lyceum was once a quiet retreat for followers of Harla Dar to study and enhance their abilities, but the Amygdalan have now taken the island and remade the Lyceum into a ghastly shadow of its former glory. Those droag not killed were transformed into horrible abominations, persisting even past death to learn from their new masters.
- Welcome to the Lyceum of Abhorrence, a new raid zone available in the Kingdom of Sky.
- Brave adventurers fluent in the Draconic tongue should seek out Zhaviz Ne'pasda in Tenebrous Tangle for more information on this deadly dungeon.

*** Rise in Orc Activity ***

- As discovered by Captain Arellius of the Freeport Militia, the Brokentusk and Lonetusk orcs in the Ruins recently acquired new weapons and armor from the Rujarkian tribe based in the Desert of Ro. The captain's report raised concerns that other orc tribes may form similar supply treaties.
- It appears the worst fears of the Militia have been realized. Field officers are reporting that other tribes of orcs are now utilizing Rujarkian armaments in battle.
- Scouts have confirmed that this includes Bloodskull orcs in the Commonlands; Ree orcs in the Wailing Caves; and the Vallon, Tallon, and Deathfist tribes in the Orcish Wastes and Deathfist Citadel. It is unknown at this time if any additional tribes have followed suit.
- This orc aggression must not be allowed to go unchecked. Adventurers are encouraged to take up arms against these savage beasts. Any sort of alliance formed by these previously disparate factions represents a significant danger to all of Norrath.

*** Dungeon Exploration ***

- New treasures and challenges await in the icy caverns of Permafrost.
- Many named creatures in Permafrost can now be spawned by defeating recognizable placeholders. Though these encounters will remain rare, some can be seen more often.
- Powerful new items have been created and can be found on the dangerous denizens within Permafrost.

Obelisk of Lost Souls:
- There are many new rewards to discover within the treacherous depths of the Obelisk of Lost Souls.
- Many of the named creatures within Obelisk of Lost Souls now have placeholder creatures that must be defeated before they can spawn--some creatures will be found more frequently, while others have become even more elusive.
- Potent new items are now available on the ferocious foes in the Obelisk of Lost Souls.

Wailing Caves:
- The Wailing Caves poses new challenges and dangers.
- Great new treasures await those willing to risk certain peril.
- In an experiment gone wrong, Kyllik the Fated touched off a massive explosion that rocked the caves. The caves have since become a bit unstable. Watch for falling rocks!
- Lord Ree has ordered that his gauntlet of spikes be repaired. Watch your feet!

*** Barbers ***

- Sayergei the Stylist and Barber Whiskerwuzzle have set up barber shops in North Qeynos and West Freeport, respectively.
- Visit them if you wish to purchase an option to change your character's appearance at Character Select.
- Sayergei the Stylist has set up shop in the room above the Gem Box in North Qeynos.
- Barber Whiskerwuzzle and his troll, Razorburn, have set up shop in a stall near the stables in West Freeport.

*** Kingdom of Sky ***

- The KoS house plant no longer requires as many corpse items to produce a reward. For example, if you were once rewarded for turning in 2 fertilizer, 4 water, and 4 bones, you will now see a reward at 1 fertilizer, 2 water, and 2 bones. Additionally, the value of the fertilizer corpse items has been reduced.
- Those who have completed "Burglars Afoot" can now find a quest attached to the Unseen Hand map earned after defeating the Soundless Guardian. There is also an extra map in Drippy's strongbox for those who lost theirs.
- There are now visual indicators to help guide you to the right locations to free the mist essences in "The Inhabitants of Cloudmist Isle."
- The Mutagenic Outcast will no longer heal itself when it kills a player pet.
- You can now select your reward for "Kicking the Blood out of the Nest."

*** Desert of Flames ***

- Characters that are level 65+ and have never received a Court tower change quest from the Courts' dagger boxes can now get the quest one time for each faction.
- Drywind Isle will no longer come up as a target location for the Court of Truth "Map Verification" faction quest.
- An issue that would sometimes prevent the runes in Fountain of Life from being placed has been corrected.

*** Player-versus-Player ***

- There is now a 60-second countdown that begins when you elect to mentor another player. While it is in progress, moving or casting a spell will cancel the countdown. Mentoring will begin if the countdown is completed without interruption.
- While mentoring, you may not make hostile acts against another player or player pet, nor can you perform beneficial actions upon any player or player pet that is hated by another player.
- PvP players can now use the /emote command, which can be seen by players of the same alignment.
- Many items with control effects have had their durations reduced for PvP combat.
- You can now use the /pvp_stats command to see your current PvP statistics.
- You can now gain status, faction, and fame if you have your experience turned off on PvP servers.
- Re-engaging a fleeing enemy across zone lines will result in an honorable kill regardless of their health percentage.
- The recent kill list (/recent) will no longer reset a player to the top if you kill them again.
- Enemy players will no longer understand what your pet says when possessed.
- Treasure will now drop from enemies fleeing across zone lines in PvP as long as they zone without immunity.
- Whispered Remorse, Bewildered Rucksack, and Smuggler's Sack now use ammo.

*** Gameplay ***

- Upon death, the most expensive item equipped in each slot within 2 minutes before death will take damage. If an item was equipped in more than one slot, the next most expensive item will be damaged in addition to the most expensive item. A single item will not be damaged more than once per death.
- The in-combat delay required to swap items has been reduced to 2 seconds.
- Implied targeting will no longer work on players who are not in your group or raid.
- Pets will no longer retain hate if you evac from an encounter.
- Treasure chests should be less likely to end up in places you can't reach them.

*** Quests ***

- Status awarded for completing level 60-70 writs in Freeport has been increased to match status awarded for doing the same in Qeynos.
- The Screaming Mace: The key to the chamber of the mace has been issued to all Thulian terrorfiends. However, Gorfuzod the Keeper has been training hard and will now pose a somewhat greater challenge.
- Winchester in South Qeynos now gives out writs of the correct level.

*** Items ***

- Several weapons that can be acquired in Deathtoll now have proc effects.
- The Whisperwind Shortbow can now be equipped in the ranged slot.
- The vultak eye ward no longer stacks with itself.
- Advanced cross-skill recipe books now have a higher chance of dropping as loot.
- The heat debuff portion of all Warding Ebb poisons should now work properly.
- The power drain ration of Mental Breach poisons has been reduced.
- The amount of hate generated by stat/debuff combination poisons has been reduced.
- The debuff values for stat/debuff combination poisons have been changed: skill debuffs were increased, while resistance debuffs were decreased.
- The proc effect on Blood of the Brood Watcher now works correctly.
- The proc effect on Right Hand of the High Priestess now works correctly.
- The Sacrifice effect has been removed from Cap of the Plague Bringer and replaced with Curse of the Living Dead.
- The rewards for completing the Deathtoll access quest (Amulet of the Forsworn and Amulet of the Resolute Servant) can now be equipped in either the neck or wrist slots.

*** Zones and Population ***

- Cataloging the Orcishwastes? There's another Nublood henchman wandering around, ready for his close-up.

*** Combat ***

- Possessing a minion while it is casting will no longer cause it to become permanently rooted.
- All forms of evac spells should now prevent enemies from following adventurers to their destination.
- Re-entering the range of a group maintained spell will no longer cause equipment effects to proc. For example, invisibility should no longer be broken by someone with imbued items coming into range of a group invis spell.

- Cuss' dispel amount has been reduced.

- Offering of Armament will now automatically cancel if the recipient dies.

- Defiler group wards will now work properly when they are recast before expiring.
- An issue that could cause damage to "leak" through a ward when the ward critical healed has been corrected.

- Blink will no longer trigger additional spells when it is cast.

- Word of Force now has a lower power cost.

- Dragonbreath will now correctly modify the opponent's reuse timers.

- Mystic group wards will now work properly when they are recast before expiring.
- An issue that could cause damage to "leak" through a ward when the ward critical healed has been corrected.

- Shadowy Elusion's casting time has been reduced.

- Gibe's dispel amount has been reduced.

- Verurous Journey's casting time has been reduced.

- Engulf now has an additional tick of damage.

*** Achievements ***

- Bard: Harbinger's Sonnet's effect radius has been increased.
- Crusader: Combat Leadership will properly trigger when a spell is cast.
- Crusader: Legionnaire's Wrath now has a reduced critical percentage per rank (8.5%).
- Rogue: Swear has a slightly higher taunt amount.
- Rogue: Boot Dagger now does more damage.
- A number of raid mobs that did not previously award Achievement experience will now do so, including:
* Gnillaw the Demented, Essence of Fear, Gnorbl the Playful, Vilucidae the Priest of Thule, Hurricanus, Terrorantula, Siyamak, Barakah, Malkonis, Ahkmun Rhoen, the Rujarkian Champion, the gargoyle boss in Living Tombs, the giant named snake in the Living Tombs, and Urzyd the Undying.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Provisioner supplies can be now found in the Craftsman specific tradeskill societies as well as the general city tradeskill zone merchants.

*** Art ***

- Illusions will restore themselves after using a flying mount.

*** User Interface ***

- Tooltips and examine information for melee weapons, ranged weapons, and shields will now list the equipment type (sword, staff, buckler, etc.). Thanks for the request, FanFaire attendees!
- Lotto rolls will now go to their own channel. This can be customized in a window's Chat Options.
- Pressing CTRL and an arrow key in the chat window will no longer cause your character to strafe.
- Haste and DPS will no longer display over 100% in the persona window (this is only a visual change).
- Item links will now appear when receiving items from mail, adding items to a trade or duelbet window, and receiving items from a trade or duelbet window.
- Cancelling a waypoint that is too far away will now also stop giving direction information.
- You can now use /waypoint_cancel if you wish to cancel waypoints using a command.
- The mender will no longer show status points as a cost to repair items, as it does not cost status to repair equipment.
- Failure to disarm a treasure chest (without triggering the trap) will now give an indication of the fact.
- Lotto looting mode will now require responding to no-trade confirmation dialogs similar to the other looting modes.

*** UI Files Updated ***


Playing EQII, I really feel a ton more justified in paying a monthly subscription, because I really do feel the devs are doing their best to add an insane amount of content in the game. I'd like to point out that EQII and WoW came out around the same time, and if you were to compare the "upkeep" of the two, you'd think it was SOE that were raking in the phat cash for having 6 million subs.


That looks just like any set of patch notes for WoW...a new raid area, some new loot and new mobs, some corny holiday, a hokey way to change the look of a character for RP'ers and dorks (OMG BARBERSHOPS!!)....
border said:
That looks just like any set of patch notes for WoW...a new raid area, some new loot and new mobs, some corny holiday, a hokey way to change the look of a character for RP'ers and dorks (OMG BARBERSHOPS!!)....

A new raid zone, a bunch of fixes, adding new mobs and items throughout older dungeons, a very awesome guild recruitment tool (checked it out earlier today), and some fluff. Yes you could say they look just like any set of WoW patch notes, except for the fact that these patches come out more than 3-4 times a year. Not to mention 2 adventure packs, 2 expansions, and monthly live events. It's not even close, really.


Sony Online has no choice but to do everything they can to compete with WoW. They've made an amazing amount of changes/improvements to their game since its inception. Too bad Blizzard wasn't under that same pressure.

Unfortunately for me, I still like WoW more. So here I am.
Sal Paradise Jr said:
A new raid zone, a bunch of fixes, adding new mobs and items throughout older dungeons, a very awesome guild recruitment tool (checked it out earlier today), and some fluff. Yes you could say they look just like any set of WoW patch notes, except for the fact that these patches come out more than 3-4 times a year. Not to mention 2 adventure packs, 2 expansions, and monthly live events. It's not even close, really.
There's no one on the planet that would try to argue that WOW is updated in a timely manner and consistently introduces quality new encounters, items and changes. Who are you preaching to here?


Sal Paradise Jr said:
A new raid zone, a bunch of fixes, adding new mobs and items throughout older dungeons, a very awesome guild recruitment tool (checked it out earlier today), and some fluff. Yes you could say they look just like any set of WoW patch notes, except for the fact that these patches come out more than 3-4 times a year.
There have ben 8 content patches in the last 12 months, give or take...
Sal Paradise Jr said:
A new raid zone, a bunch of fixes, adding new mobs and items throughout older dungeons, a very awesome guild recruitment tool (checked it out earlier today), and some fluff. Yes you could say they look just like any set of WoW patch notes, except for the fact that these patches come out more than 3-4 times a year. Not to mention 2 adventure packs, 2 expansions, and monthly live events. It's not even close, really.

There has been like 7 or 8 patches just like that EQ one since last year at this time.


dave is ok said:
And BWL has so many encounters where a tank can dps and not have to worry about tanking. :lol

Oh let me guess...

The razorgore fight? (ping pong between two tanks)
The vael fight (the people need to be in FR gear)
The Broodlord fight? (where you basicaly have 2-3 tanks max)
The 3 dragons fights? (again 3 tanks)
Chromaggus? Where based on his abilities you need one or two tanks top
And nef? Horde needs two tanks, and you don't need to be in tanking gear to kill the 42 mobs in the begining (phase 1)

So how exactly would 6 warriors in full wrath do anything really interesting here?

You need 3 tanks for bwl, and even then, having them in Might is more than enough
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