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World of Warcraft

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I'm planning to get back into WoW over the summer and into my senior year at High School. I think I stopped at level 37 or 38. How many GAFers here play on Mal`Ganis?


Full night of nef tries last night. We couldn't get past phase one, we had Red and Blue one of the worst freaking combinations you could get.

We also got a second Thunderfury.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Ugh, I have been stuck on 7/8 pieces of nemmesis for the last 3 months. The only time the robes have dropped, my internet connection was down and I wasn't able to log on. My guild also seems to have the worst drops ever. We have been farming BWL for months now, we have received only 2 untamed blades, no Askandi's, Staff of the Shadowflame, Elementium Bulwark, Crossbow of Smiting, or Chromatically Tempered Sword. We do have an amazing ability to get double dragon stalker and blood fang drops, and we seem to get an excessive amount of taunt dragonhide armor, which really helps since all of our druids that raid are restoration specced. Well, at least if they respec for pvp, they will have some gear.

I am also not a big fan of AQ. While new encounters are fairly fun, I just don't think the rewards are worth it. The gear is for the most part only equivalent to BWL gear (until you get to the Emps and I imagine C'thun). While less anoying, it would be nice if the bosses would at least drop enough money to pay for at least some of the repair costs (like in BWL). I'm not even going to get started with the resistance fights, except to say that I hate them. At this point, I would prefer just to skip over it and get ready for Nexxaramas.

I have had a lot of fun on my rogue alt. I just hit 30 with him earlier today. It reminds me of my druid, just with the ability to actually kill things before I fall asleep (my druid is 60, but has gimp gear). I think most of my non-raid play time is going to go to leveling him over the next few months.


wow, bosses in AQ40 don't drop money? that's retarded. I'm at 5/8 nemesis and 3/8 felheart personally (I actually have 7/8 felheart, but I use that combo for now, and will until my guild's got nef on farm status). We killed Chrom tonight - ignite flesh and corrosive acid combo - and I got the Claw of Chromaggus, while our MT got the Bulwark (finally had that drop). For the most part, BWL for me has been almost nonstop Netherwind.

Personally I'm looking forward to Naxxramas more too, just cause it's going to tie into the story from Warcraft 3 and the expansion. And I've been playing my shaman some too, and it's a good change of pace from my lock. Not like I don't like my lock at all, just that after months of playing him, it's good to try something different. I've been thinking of finally making a rogue, but honestly, I'll probably just take my old discontinued mage alt and level him up after the 1.11 patch comes out.
Screaming_Gremlin said:
Ugh, I have been stuck on 7/8 pieces of nemmesis for the last 3 months. The only time the robes have dropped, my internet connection was down and I wasn't able to log on. My guild also seems to have the worst drops ever.

We are in the same boat. While not in BWL (Which we are actually attempting Razorgore tonight for the first time), our MC and Onyxia loot tables just seem broken. Every single Warlock, Druid and Mage in my guild has their Tier 2 helm from Onyxia. We've had Bloodfang drop once, and Judgement never.

We've only recently started to down Rag, but we can do it every try now and the funny thing is...3/4 times we've killed Rag, he's dropped Perditions Blade...Our loot tables are very strange indeed. But hey, I got my Bloodfang Pants this past Friday, so I'm not complaining at the moment. If Onyxia would drop my Vis'Kag (I'm the only sword/combat spec Rogue in my guild) and Bloodfang Hood, I'll be near set until BWL loot.
I would only be looking forward to Naxxramas if the situation was different than Dire Maul being the newest 5-15 man instance, and it came out in March 2005. Thank God they changed their minds on it and made it a level 60 instance too, or we'd be even more bored with Strat/Scholo/BRM.

WOW is one of the only games where you can seriously say "I've been doing the same exact shit for over a year."


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Firex, the bosses drop gold, just a very small amount of it. If you have a full raid (which I imagine almost everyone does), everyone might get about 70s - 1g. In BWL, a boss might give everyone 5g. It is kind of annoying, although as I said, that is a minor complaint.

Fallout, I am in Vanguard of the Alliance on Stormreaver.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
ToyMachine228 said:
We've only recently started to down Rag, but we can do it every try now and the funny thing is...3/4 times we've killed Rag, he's dropped Perditions Blade...Our loot tables are very strange indeed. But hey, I got my Bloodfang Pants this past Friday, so I'm not complaining at the moment. If Onyxia would drop my Vis'Kag (I'm the only sword/combat spec Rogue in my guild) and Bloodfang Hood, I'll be near set until BWL loot.

Actually, funny enough, out of our first 10 Rag kills, 8 times he dropped Nemmesis pants. We actually had to have someone bring their warlock alt on that fight so we wouldn't have to disenchant them. Luckily, I don't think we have seen them since.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
Fallout, I am in Vanguard of the Alliance on Stormreaver.
Ah yeah, I don't think I've ever really had a beef with you guys (I play with Igglebound on the Horde side). Was worried you'd say Impervious or something.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Because of school, I haven't been able to pvp much lately, but I always enjoy getting a chance to face Igglebound. You guys seem to be one of the few guilds who actually put pvp first (I know we don't, although we are getting a bit better at it), which even on a pvp server seems rare. One of the rogues in my guild (Wisperz) always has great things to say about you guys.


Oh yeah! Wisperz is in our vent occasionally.

Anyway, we are indeed a PvP guild, through and through. Though, we've had to step up the PvE a little in order to compete. Still, even with our mostly blue gear, we can roll Alliance PuGs easily in BGs and we've actually slaughtered some guild raids out in Silithus. It's funny to pick off a few guys and watch an entire 40 man raid just split up. Some fight, some run and you just have to take advantage of the confusion.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I always got a kick out of how The Cabal would camp the orb to BWL during peak raid hours. It's hard not to laugh at the other people in my guild who want to report them for griefing (and it isn't as there is easily a pvp solution). I really wonder why they rolled on a pvp server.

Also, not sure if this mentioned yet, but everyone go get this mod.


It will reduce the time it takes to load when traveling to and from an instance in half. It is really useful for if you are zoning out of an instance when the other side is there.

I was also looking back at the beginning of this thread. Amazing how much of a scrub I was at this game back (although I pretty much still am). Good memories.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
I always got a kick out of how The Cabal would camp the orb to BWL during peak raid hours. It's hard not to laugh at the other people in my guild who want to report them for griefing (and it isn't as there is easily a pvp solution). I really wonder why they rolled on a pvp server.
I remember once, we were running AQ20 and one of our guys had to leave. So his replacement shows up and gets killed by like, 5-10 Alliance waiting at the gates. Naturally, we all stop pulling mobs to zone out and smash their faces in, res our buddy, then zone back in. I really wish PuGs operated like that. :\

Also, not sure if this mentioned yet, but everyone go get this mod.


It will reduce the time it takes to load when traveling to and from an instance in half. It is really useful for if you are zoning out of an instance when the other side is there.
I've heard similar good things about Catalyst, though I have tried neither.
Shazzrah: Down Second try this week (4th total)

Sulfuron Harbinger: Down First try (Mantle of Prophecy Get!)

Golemagg: Down First try (like a $20 hooker)

I can't WAIT for next week. :D


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
I'm going to go with fake. It still seems way to early for patch notes to be leaking. Not only that, they would seem to be the shortest notes ever released.

Edit - Not only that, it fails to mention anything about a "scourge invasion" for the non-raiders, which Blizzard has gone on about several times.


Fake. This made the rounds a week ago before a Blizzard rep finally commented on it.

LOL @ diminishing returns on frost spells and the warrior changes in general. Sounds like someone was mad about losing to mages/locks.


formerly "chigiri"
I kinda wanted laser resistance. :|

Oh and speaking of retarded loot tables, 7/8 BF right now, only the Hood missing, only one has dropped this year so far, in early january, all other classes has had their fair share of pieces. :(
I'm also the only one in my guild that has gotten BF pants this year.
Ugh, guild drama is a bitch. Last week our GM(and Main Tank) left the game because it was becoming an addiction and he had real life issues to take care of. IMO he was a very good GM and raid leader. Kept the raids moving, he didn't freak out when we would wipe and was overall a pretty good guy IMO. He helped take us from a glorified chat room to a guild that has downed Hakkar, Onyxia, and had just downed Domo. We had a big party in Ironforge when he left. It was kind of sad when he told us he was leaving. I think most my server has on there ignore list cause of all the spam, lol.

So last week was pretty rough but we did good without him. We were not able to down Domo or Sulfuron last weekend, but that was mainly because it was Easter and a lot of people were out of town. We got Ony last night for the first time with a new MT(whos is a good MT by the way) and the new GM is pretty easy going too. I was pretty confident that we would get Ragnoros soon and then be able to move on to BWL or even AQ40.

Well today I log on and check our website and another officer left the guild. He was the hunter officer and he had led the past few raids(which were mostly successful). I kind of thought he was an asshole, but we were having success, and he was pretty good to me. Apparently he left because of a dispute with one of the other officers(I dont know what it was about). He said he even applied to another guild, but for now was guildless.

These 2 officers that left were with the guild since I have joined. I hope that the new GM can keep it together. It just shakes my confindence in the guild for right now. Maybe we can get it together, or maybe I will have to find another guild...


The translation of those patch notes is pretty heinous :lol
epmode said:
LOL @ diminishing returns on frost spells and the warrior changes in general. Sounds like someone was mad about losing to mages/locks.
When do warriors lose to mages??

Finally nice to see a patch that helps warriors out, or at least restores some of the stuff they took away from us (40% damage bonus on Enrage is back).

Are Frost Nova and Freeze Trap considered "movement impairing" effects that can be broken by an Intercept? Or is it just for slowdown effects like Wing Clip, Frostbolt, etc?


border said:
The translation of those patch notes is pretty heinous :lol
When do warriors lose to mages??

Finally nice to see a patch that helps warriors out, or at least restores some of the stuff they took away from us (40% damage bonus on Enrage is back).

Are Frost Nova and Freeze Trap considered "movement impairing" effects that can be broken by an Intercept? Or is it just for slowdown effects like Wing Clip, Frostbolt, etc?

The patch notes are false, don't get your hopes up too much.:lol


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Check out the new image of "The Broken" on the Burning Crusade page. http://worldofwarcraft.com/burningcrusade/townhall/bestiary.html

Betcha anything that Draenei is the new alliance race, and what you're seeing there is what their "graphical/coolness" upgrade will look like. Now of course the tribe listed on that page is the evil tribe, but it can easily simply be the enemy tribe of a similar looking group of good Draenei.

Draenei have always made sense from the beginning as they are one of the few races with heavy ties to Outland, which the expansion is all about. (The others being blood elves, naga, and ogres). Until now I thought it was a pretty lame choice (though I am pretty hateful towards the alliance in general, so I dont know why I care!) because of how ugly Draenei are, but this concept art looks pretty snazzy.

Mark my words, doods!


something I thought would be funny (but I'm sure won't happen, I just think it'd be hilarious): Blood elves get Paladin as a class, and whatever new alliance race gets Shaman.

And on an unrelated note, ugh I hate AV so so so much now. The rep changes make it so if you're playing defense (which I do all the time on my shaman) you get screwed hardcore for AV rep (which is about the only reason to play the damn BG). It also encourages people to act like morons and HK farm instead of working to take down things on the way through. Oh, and the design is just fucking stupid... Whoever strikes an enemy graveyard first at the field of strife wins, and it's a gradual race to that side's inevitable victory.

I wish they'd hurry up and work on Forlorn Ridge (I'm pretty sure that's a future BG in Azshara, it's got a lot of the structures common to a BG entrance) and release it. Somehow I think they're working on it as a different type of BG than WSG/AB/AV though.

Maybe I should've just rolled on a pvp server or something... But I personally never liked ganking and thought it'd be fun to pvp on a pve server, like it was in beta with world pvp. One thing I will say, in beta I never found the pvp server too frustrating in a "omg I hate those guys" way, just sometimes if I was getting killed a lot by the other faction I'd log off for awhile. But in general it was pretty fun and gave the game an extra edge.

edit: totally unrelated, but MrCheez, your avatar's asking me to put in a name/password for some university website to make me read it. and it's great to see you back, I always loved the fun stories of your adventures with your horde guys!
firex said:
something I thought would be funny (but I'm sure won't happen, I just think it'd be hilarious): Blood elves get Paladin as a class, and whatever new alliance race gets Shaman.

Yeah that won't happen. Paladins just don't fit in the Horde, and Paladins and Shamans are basically counterparts, even though they are played quite a bit differently.


firex said:
I wish they'd hurry up and work on Forlorn Ridge (I'm pretty sure that's a future BG in Azshara, it's got a lot of the structures common to a BG entrance) and release it. Somehow I think they're working on it as a different type of BG than WSG/AB/AV though.
Apparently, that battleground was nearly completed back when AV was being prepared. You can even see it with WOWMapViewer. It was nixed because Blizzard felt that its gameplay style was too similar to AV.

Also, PvP servers >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PvE, even with the horribly broken honor system.
My guild did a full ZG run last night, and had our best drops there in a while. We got the off-hand hakkari sword, habard of smiting, the main-hand fist weapon, and the tiger mount. Jin'do and Hakkar both had pretty crappy drops, but the normal bosses dropped good loot. I also made it to Revered.


A couple months ago on our first Garr kill we had a TF binding drop that went to our MT. Last night he left right after we killed Garr, and guess what Geddon dropped.... :(


OK, whoever has the avatar from fedaykin.uat.edu blah blah, please change it. Keeps trying to log me into that server and that's not happening.

Might be MrCheez.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Looks like I was the culprit! Not sure why that was happening... sorry about that!


Starting to get deep in the end-game raids now... and I'm loving it. Never been about loot as much as mastering my class/the game...

2-pulled Vael last night. Really felt smooth. I'm loving my new guild a ton.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
And it seems Blizzard finally acknowledged the problems with C'thun and Ouro. Hotfix incoming.

Ouro has been hotfixed so his Quake effects deal significantly less damage.

We have also hotfixed the following changes to the C’thun encounter in Ahn’Qiraj:

- Lowered the hit points of both Giant Claw Tentacles and Giant Eye Tentacles.

- Decreased the damage caused by Ground Rupture, and made the effect resistable.

- Significantly decreased the melee damage done by Giant Eye Tentacles.

In the 1.10.1 patch, we also changed the way that C’thun identifies who is in his stomach. The faction changing debuff that was previously applied will no longer appear, but C’thun’s tentacles should not spawn in the stomach, nor should a player in the stomach be the target of C’thun’s Eye Beam.

The combination of these changes should give players more time to damage C'thun instead of dealing with tentacles, and see fewer “unavoidable, random” deaths occur due to Ground Rupture effects.


After months of crippling BWL lag we down nef for the first time last Monday, this Monday we get our first Ashkandi, and yesterday on generally the laggiest night of the week we cruise through BWL for our first < 5 hour clear. Really refreshing after putting up with unplayable conditions for so long.

I also rolled a 99 on my Drake Fang Talisman :D and got Nef's Head as well last night.


Hehe, no we don't random loot, the person behind me in DKP was close enough (5%) that under our system we had a rolloff. I ended up winning the head of nefarian outright.
Screaming_Gremlin said:
Firex, the bosses drop gold, just a very small amount of it. If you have a full raid (which I imagine almost everyone does), everyone might get about 70s - 1g. In BWL, a boss might give everyone 5g. It is kind of annoying, although as I said, that is a minor complaint.

Fallout, I am in Vanguard of the Alliance on Stormreaver.

Heeeey, I'm on Stormreaver too :)

Balgar, Level 60 Dwarf Priest in Alliance of Stormreaver. Let me know if you wanna run some blue instances (Despite being in Tier 2 lol) :D

Hey Fallout,

Props to you guys at Igglebound, you guys are actually good at PvP /salute

I use catalyst for the zoning load times: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=4827


ChennehCis said:
Hey Fallout,

Props to you guys at Igglebound, you guys are actually good at PvP /salute
Thanks! Hopefully I run into you in a BG or Silithus or something sometime. :D

By the way, enjoy the crash last night? We were running Ony and during phase 2, everything just stoppped. One guy was perpetually running in a circle. Another person was running into a wall. Yet, we could still use raid chat and guild chat. This went on for about 10 minutes, so I did some exploring. Did you know that the area with the whelps is actually a semi circle? Fascinating.

Anyway, finally logged back on and fell to my death somewhere above the Alterac Mountains with no spirit rezzer at TM. Good times.


ChennehCis said:
Fallout, what's your name on SR? I'll make sure we get some duels in despite my mediocre PvP skills :D Yeah, SR crashes a bunch recently =/
Mishnok, Tauren Shaman. I've fought some excellent priests, but you have to be rather quick I find.


ChennehCis said:

With a large enough fighting area and the engineering profession, mages have a lot of tools to take down warriors.
C'mon, the warriors in that video aren't smart enough to charge/intercept more than once, or even hamstring the frickin' mage. Has kind of a "fixed" feel to it anyway, since the battles take place in incredibly large areas that are mysteriously cleared of mobs...
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