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World of Warcraft

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Azwethinkweiz said:
Haha, no. And I wouldn't say he's decked out in epics. I wanna say he's the worst hunter on the server, but holy hell some of the alliance hunters are fucking terrible.

I've noticed Alliance Hunters are, in general, dicktards.

Example 1: In SM Library. A Girdle of Golem Strength drops. I'm a Warrior who can USE it. As in equip it immediately. The Hunter in the group rolls on it. Myself and everyone else say "Ever hear of Need Before Greed?". He says "Well I need mount money and this will sell for 10g so I need it more than you." I ended up getting it after his guild leader (also in the group) threatened to boot him.

Example 2: Also in SM Library. About 1/3 into the Instance the Hunter up and decides it's past his bedtime and hearths out without finding a replacement.


I'm really wondering if the mage talent review won't just remove Arcane Power... Blizzard's doing all they can to make it pointless, and I'd almost bet that they're going to add some kind of Brilliance Aura to Arcane.


Good day for the guild.

Our first time facing/killing time lapse chromaguss (this was our 3rd time killing him today) and we made it to Nef in 4 hours, with only one wipe in all (chrom).

Pretty good time seeing 3rd time killing chrom and 1st in timelapse. Previous record was 5 hours.

Also the BF shoulders were forced upon me. No one wanted them including me, somehow I ended up getting them. BLEH


We faced Chromaggus for the first time last week and got Time Lapse and Ignite Fire. We managed to get him down to around 48% after a night of trying. Is it a bug or part of the fight, Chromaggus seemed to totally lose agro on the tank after the 5th Time Lapse?

Anyway, hoping we get a better combo this week, we should get him down


firex said:
I'm really wondering if the mage talent review won't just remove Arcane Power...
As a mage, I have absolutely no problem with this. AP is responsible for 98% of the current nerf mage complaints. It's ridiculously powerful, but lame in practice as you have to give up a *lot* of other viable talents to get it. And then you're tethered to a 3 minute cooldown if you want to do anything cool.
Ikse said:
Is it a bug or part of the fight, Chromaggus seemed to totally lose agro on the tank after the 5th Time Lapse?
It seems to happen to us most of the time.. Just make sure you have several backup tanks high on the aggro list and you'll be fine.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Ikse said:
We faced Chromaggus for the first time last week and got Time Lapse and Ignite Fire. We managed to get him down to around 48% after a night of trying. Is it a bug or part of the fight, Chromaggus seemed to totally lose agro on the tank after the 5th Time Lapse?

Anyway, hoping we get a better combo this week, we should get him down

It is part of the fight. You just have to make sure that your offtanks are 2nd and 3rd on the aggro list. Once you get that transistion down, time lapse isn't really hard at all.


epmode said:
As a mage, I have absolutely no problem with this. AP is responsible for 98% of the current nerf mage complaints. It's ridiculously powerful, but lame in practice as you have to give up a *lot* of other viable talents to get it. And then you're tethered to a 3 minute cooldown if you want to do anything cool.
As a non-AP mage myself, I'd agree. Too many mages think they have to take AP to be any good, which isn't the case. I was born and raised a frostie, I'd rather iceblock my way around everything.

When I pvp these days, almost all alliance mages I see are AP - and because I'm pvping on my shaman, too often I go "Ooh, that mage has arcane power up!" *purge* and I laugh.
Yeah, my mage has and will always be frost because I like the PvE efficiency and PvP control features it brings. Iceblock/Coldsnap are the gods of PvP as well.

AP and trinket/PoM/pyroblast all at the same time are the only thing even remotely overpowered on the mage class. I think the big challenge for Blizzard with reworking the mage this patch is finding a way for bluebie mages to perform a bit better while not letting ubergeared ones get too much out of whack. Presumably that would mean abilities which don't scale that well with gear but are very attractive right out of the box, so to speak.


Now I'm only leveling my horde and alliance mages right now, only around mid-30's for both of them, but speccing Frost is just the ultimate pimpage for PvE to me. Shatter + Frost Shards is nice. It just feels good to have some good Crowd Control *AND* burst damage potential. Can't wait until I get Ice Barrier also. Probably end up 33 Frost/18 Arcane.


My PVP Mage is Arcane/Frost as well. Not enough people see the use for Frost in PVP as most ganktards just have the caveman thinking of "Fire = gud".

Speaking of my newb Mage, he just bought his Mechanostrider before 40. A level 17 blue Ring of Defense dropped last night, I rolled 100 on it, and those sell for 90+g on the AH on my server. :D


Tamanon said:
Now I'm only leveling my horde and alliance mages right now, only around mid-30's for both of them, but speccing Frost is just the ultimate pimpage for PvE to me. Shatter + Frost Shards is nice. It just feels good to have some good Crowd Control *AND* burst damage potential. Can't wait until I get Ice Barrier also. Probably end up 33 Frost/18 Arcane.
I once thought as you did. Then I respecced and realized that Presence of Mind is exactly 482 times better than Ice Barrier. Even for a frost mage.

1. Helps make up for our relatively low burst damage.
2. PoM sheep is for the win.
3. Ice Barrier can be overwritten by Power Word: Shield (so depressing)
4. Ice Barrier can be purged.
5. The trick to not dying as a mage isn't more HP, it's not getting hit in the first place. Just make better use of Ice Block, blink and all your kiting stuff.


Most fun I've ever had with a mage was the night he got his ZHC. I've never heard such maniacal laughter over vent in an AB match.


I personally wish they would do away with all of the bullshit power surges such as trinkets,AP,etc. I always get a good laugh at realm forums when people associate some nubshit mage with trinklets being good because he can 1 shot someone with his macro. (well this is pre nerfing of the trinket stacking,but still.) -_-


33/18 Frost/Arc myself... and I've never felt gimped (I've got a shit ton of +dam gear).

I haven't PvPed in awhile... but I just picked up my Hyper Flame Deflector Trinket... let's hope there's still Fire Mages that PvP when I get back into it ;)


Wow... I wasn't expecting anything until the expansion regarding BGs. Very nice. Shame tho that the this only benefits certain servers... most likely the most populated ones.

Guess it needs to start somewhere without the ability of testing it on a test realm.


I must say that playing a Gnome Mage has cured the burnout that level 60 brought on. On a PVP server in a really good guild and doing Engineering (just made my Gnomish Universal Remote for Gnomer runs!).


Oh this looks pretty sweet. Can't wait until they add Tournaments to the battlegrounds also, that'll be quite nice But for now, 16 servers linked together sounds quite fun."

There goes any hope I had of quitting for some time.

Motherfucking blizzard.


Tamanon said:
Now I'm only leveling my horde and alliance mages right now, only around mid-30's for both of them, but speccing Frost is just the ultimate pimpage for PvE to me. Shatter + Frost Shards is nice. It just feels good to have some good Crowd Control *AND* burst damage potential. Can't wait until I get Ice Barrier also. Probably end up 33 Frost/18 Arcane.
I'm a bit different - I also have no plans for AP at all, but on my mage I'm doing fire/arcane. After the patch I'll probably go fire/frost. There's just nothing I like in the arcane tree, while I love ice block, ice barrier, cold snap, imp. frost nova, pyroblast, and blastwave. Fire is really fun for grinding, though obviously not so great in raids. But I just love launching a fireball from max distance, then another before they can get to me, and both of those fireballs taking them down to like 30%, fireblast and they're dead or running.
Speaking of PvP, I've decided that I want to get my 60 Human Rogue (my main) to Commander over the summer. I'm Rank 8 right now, and am working towards getting to 9 before the end of the summer so I can get to Commander as quickly as possible once school's over. Well the Alliance tends to lose 7/10 on my server and I'm used to it.

But then I entered my Level 27 Paladin into WSG just to see what PvP with a Paladin is like. I went 19-1, and the Alliance pug, owned the Horde twink guild. The exact opposite of what happens at 60. I mean, the people who got the flag didn't even know what to do with it, but we still owned them.

So the question then came to me...Why the hell do Level 60 Alliance PvP'ers such so damn bad? I can't figure it out. I mean there are certain things you can say, but there's no reason for the Alliance to just suck altogether.
I don't get it either. Two of the three battlegrounds are designed to give the alliance a clear advantage (They made our base in AV harder to breach as a consolation prize. Too bad AV is a skill-less zergfest). Yet it seems to me that horde, more often than not, will dominate.


ToyMachine228 said:
So the question then came to me...Why the hell do Level 60 Alliance PvP'ers such so damn bad? I can't figure it out. I mean there are certain things you can say, but there's no reason for the Alliance to just suck altogether.
It really does vary from server to server, and from tier to tier. 40-49 AB is easily owned by Horde on Daggerspine, but at 60 we can barely buy a win. Horde generally loses both AB and WSG, but almost always wins AV. OTOH, I hear about servers that are almost exactly the opposite...

I don't think AV is a skill-less zergfest. If that were the case then wins by each faction would be about even......yet I only saw about 2-3 Horde losses on my climb to Exalted.
On my server, 30-59 PvP is completely dominated (Out of my *many* games tonight, I only lost one) by horde. 60 PvP is more or less even except for AV which is handily won by Alliance everytime.


Teknopathetic said:
On my server, 30-59 PvP is completely dominated (Out of my *many* games tonight, I only lost one) by horde. 60 PvP is more or less even except for AV which is handily won by Alliance everytime.

Yeah thats what i am hearing on my server. If its Warsong pretty much no chance of Horde losing :lol From what i have played i have been on the losing side maybe 5 times since i started since Feb. AB is evenish with Horde having edge most of the time. AV i hear is Alliance dominated but i need to see that.

Oh and i made my first Gnomish Death Ray. Too bad it performs worse than my aimed shot so far and takes a ton of energy from me. :lol The mithril dragonling is pretty darn good on the other hand as it spawns as a level 60 dragonling. Saved me many times :D


I got a gnome rogue alt going and it is fun as heck for whatever reason and also picked up enchanting. I am stuck at 225 and want to know the reasoning of putting a trainer in an instance that you only need to get the next level and a couple of enchants. Irritating as hell.


Tamanon said:

Oh this looks pretty sweet. Can't wait until they add Tournaments to the battlegrounds also, that'll be quite nice But for now, 16 servers linked together sounds quite fun.
I bet Blizzard cocks it up somehow and for the first couple days, people will be ported out to the wrong server.

border said:
It really does vary from server to server, and from tier to tier. 40-49 AB is easily owned by Horde on Daggerspine, but at 60 we can barely buy a win. Horde generally loses both AB and WSG, but almost always wins AV. OTOH, I hear about servers that are almost exactly the opposite...
It depends on time of day too. On my server, I find that in the evenings, you start running into Superpugs and shit. Midday though? Get a mildly competent group and you'll roll shit over.


Teknopathetic said:
On my server, 30-59 PvP is completely dominated (Out of my *many* games tonight, I only lost one) by horde. 60 PvP is more or less even except for AV which is handily won by Alliance everytime.
I can only comment on the level 60 pvp, which is the same as what Tre just said. AV = alliance always wins (maybe they changed the design, cause lately it seems all they have to do is put 10 people on SH graveyard and send a zerg at the captain and they can take anything else they want), AB/WSG are nice and balanced more on teamplay. I'm unsure what type of concept they'll do for the next BG... but I hope it involves using some class skills or something creatively. i.e. maybe have a locked door to a base and you either kill a tough captain NPC and his guards to get the key (you know, in case there's ever a BG without a rogue... happens all the time of course!), or have a rogue lockpick it/blow it with seaforium, or some other stuff like that. I can't think of too many battle scenarios that haven't been covered by their 3 BGs right now, so even if they just did a similar thing to AV but with less NPCs and a smaller map, with some side objectives, that wouldn't be bad. I'm more burned out on the 3 BGs we have now than anything. Well, that and I hate the way AV goes now, where it really seems like it takes no skill whatsoever for the alliance to win.


firex said:
I'm unsure what type of concept they'll do for the next BG... but I hope it involves using some class skills or something creatively.
That'd be kind of cool. It'd be hard for them to find something for all classes to do and make it work. What I'd like to see is a beat the clock scenario. Same map, same objectives. Each side gets one shot at it. The team that does it in the least amount of time wins. Granted, this leaves things really open for supreme turtling, so they'd basically just have to make it harder and harder for the defending team as time went on.


Well, that's true, as I can't see them creating something that each class can do in a specific BG. But some other ideas: guards that have to be mind soothed in order to sneak by, neutral mobs that you can recruit during the fight if you complete some objectives for them (maybe in an outland BG, a group of neutral draenei who will join if you take out some fel orcs bothering them or something, and of course that area would be completely contested, for example), maybe guards/towers that are vulnerable to magic and strong against physical damage (and vice versa), alliance NPCs that grow strong with pally buffs (and can then be purged as well), and so on. One hunter-specific idea I had was a bridge or something which can be blown up if you set explosive traps on it, and likewise disarmed by rogues.

ah, I can't believe I forgot this... AOS! (Aeon of Strife for those who never played it in Warcraft 3) It kind of spurred on the development of Tides of Blood and DOTA. You're basically given 3 paths to go from your base to the enemy's base, with the goal being simple: destroy their castle. Each path is easily destroyed by hero units so you want to spread people out for defense until they can get some gold to create siege weapons and stuff...

Honestly, it sounds a lot like AV, but AV doesn't play out like AOS, since you really just follow one linear path when you get past IB/SH. This would be something where you'd NEED people on all 3 paths, and it'd involve a pretty constant swarm of NPC mobs that aid you in the offensive.


They have given a ton of servers free days in Europe due to ongoing issues. Be nicer if they fix the issues :p
fallout said:
I bet Blizzard cocks it up somehow and for the first couple days, people will be ported out to the wrong server.

It depends on time of day too. On my server, I find that in the evenings, you start running into Superpugs and shit. Midday though? Get a mildly competent group and you'll roll shit over.

The Honor Farmers are out and about during the day on Bloodscalp. This can be a good thing if you find yourself in your faction's one, but annoying as hell otherwise. Alky + Engy + Rank 12 + long cooldown skill using = endless ugly headaches.

And they had a class-specific BG skill. It was called FearBomb. :(


i will be hitting rank 12 this tuesday with my warrior

i'm not sure if i will push for 13, or if im going to stop (i would really like the BP)

i guess it depends on how much progress i make into rank 12

no way will i go for rank 14, i already have an utamed blade, and i have a sulfuras waiting to be made

after the pvp grind, i'm going to focus on getting exalted in ab and wsg, i'm almost there on both
I'm rocking five pieces of Nightslayer, and one piece of Bloodfang (Pants) now and I'm wielding Brutality Blade in my MH, and the OH Warblade of the Hakkari. I'm typically in the top 3 on our raids damage meter, and I'm pretty happy with that. I'm still waiting on Vis'Kag off Onyxia for my MH. We are starting BWL however, maybe I'll get Chromatically Tempered before we see Vis'Kag drop:lol

Anyway E3 2006 is rapidly approaching, and I can't wait to see The Burning Crusade again. We might get our first real look at Naxxramas at E3 as well even though it's not part of the expansion. If we don't see it before that. Either way, can't wait.
We made it to Chromaggus last night and his two breath attacks are ignite flesh and incinerate so hopefully we'll down him fairly easily tonight and get to wipe on Nefarion.
We're on Rag (going for attempt 3 tonight - last one we got him to 26%), I'm stuck on 3/8 NS, but I have Aged Core Leather Gloves and Eskhanders Collar (waste of dkp I think). I'm still wielding a stupid Barman and Distracting w/ Dagger OH due to just bad luck on drops. I have enough DKP to buy a small house in the country.

Always #1 on the meter, usually by alot. Now that 2 sword rogues got a hold of BB's, it's not the 200k over the other rogue difference it used to be, but it's still ugly. Combat daggers combined with +11 daggers = insane damage. However, it's also THE MOST BORING SPEC EVER. ambush, backstab, feint, backstab, SnD, feint, Oh look lave spawn! Blade Flurry, feint, backstab...

I think once I get my hands on some good daggers I'll replace the +daggers from Distracting with Muggers Belt, and try a Seal Fate build.
speshylives said:
think once I get my hands on some good daggers I'll replace the +daggers from Distracting with Muggers Belt, and try a Seal Fate build.

That's what almost all of the Rogues in my guild are. In fact, I'm the only Combat/Sword spec'd Rogue in my entire guild. I'm really the only person lined up waiting for Vis'Kag, which is kind of nice. As a matter of fact Onyxia reset this morning and we're going at her tonight...Wish me a Vis'Kag and Bloodfang Hood!

Speaking of which, remember a while back I spoke of my guild never getting Bloodfang Hood or Judgement Crown...Well in our five Rag kills thus far, Bloodfang have dropped twice, and Judgement once. Now let's just hope those Rag loot tables move over into our Ony ones because our Paladins and Rogues are almost the only people left who need their Tier 2 helm. Our Mages, Warlocks, and Druids are definitely set, and all but like one Hunter and Warrior are.


hehehe they fixed the remote raid boot exploit pretty quickly! :lol

No more doing /who Molten Core and booting raids from town.


Some reason Vis'kag only drops for Pug Ony runs on my server. I have never seen it in my 7 months of raiding Ony, but I've heard it drop from Pug's like 4 times. One last night...
Hell, we've been short on Paladins lately. :lol . My fiance's been loving it though, six setpieces and a good 2H'er defaulted to her over the last month or so of very moderate attendance.


Wait, how is it possible to be short on Hunters or Rogues? There are a bajillion of them around in the endgame. I can understand Warlocks, Priests or Mages....but Hunters and Rogues? That's bizarre!:lol


windfury totem + epic geared warrior = number 1 dps

we cleared thru shazz in MC on wed, and i was leading the meters by 250k

our best geared rogue wasnt there though (perditions + cht), so :p
My guild is also having rogue shortage problems. It's not so much that we don't have any, it's just that the ones we do have are super inconsistent with raid attendence. It's super annoying having 3-4 rogues signup for AQ40. I mean wtf.
Screaming_Gremlin said:
You think that is bad, we have been short on hunters. What the fuck...

Welcome to our world. That actually borked us during our second and third weeks of MC; we were bringing in 60 BM alts just to get enough Tranq shots so we could do Mag till new recruits showed up. /boggle

Tam: Not just any rogue will do, of course. Gotta have someone skilled enough to do the ONE thing they mostly do in MC, which is DPS without pulling aggro, and mature enough to shrug off not getting healed with consistancy most fights.


got my shaman's epic mount this weekend! now I'm too poor to do tier .5, haha, but it was worth it. It's nice to have an epic mount that actually fits with my character model (my main's an orc warlock and I just went with the dreadsteed).


Deg said:
Yeah thats what i am hearing on my server. If its Warsong pretty much no chance of Horde losing :lol From what i have played i have been on the losing side maybe 5 times since i started since Feb. AB is evenish with Horde having edge most of the time. AV i hear is Alliance dominated but i need to see that.

Kind of funny you mention that since Warsong was dominated by Alliance on my server when I was in matches between 30 and 50. I hear horde dominates on almost every other server though. :lol
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