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World of Warcraft

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My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
There are plenty of hunters out there, the problem is most of them are horrible. We got unlucky and lost about 4 of our best 5 hunters in less than a month due to real life stuff. It is hard to find new ones that have both skill and gear. Luckily some of our new recruits seem promising.
Just downed Ony...And that one Warrior who needed his Tier 2 hat got his:lol And we brought someone's Warlock alt along kinda as a joke incase Nemesis dropped for the 50th time. And it did:lol Gay as hell.


I love the absolute random crap that can happen in this game.

I was helping some guildies finish up the last dragon in the Test of Skulls quest (part of the Ony key questline, for those who don't know) and we decided to take the Menethil/Theramore boat back to Dustwallow Marsh as a time saver. The five of us sneak 'round back, head up the dock and see the boat. All of a sudden, a flood of Alliance (10-15) stream off the boat, so we're stuck having to fight them. Then, out of absolutely nowhere, something like 10 Horde come charging up from behind us and help kill all the Alliance allowing us to claim the boat.

Apparently they'd been camping the boat and decided to res when they saw us come in.


Good night for us tonight....killed Hakkar to get the buff...went and killed Rag for the first time....then went and killed Ony. Oh yeah and then some of the Silithus raid bosses.
Made it to Nef last night but we don't have nearly enough Ony cloaks for phase 2. Hopefully the top alliance guild helps us out with scales since they've had BWL on farm for a couple of months now and want to see horde progress so they have better PVP opponents.

I'm sure it's fun for a while to run around with an Ashkandi slaughtering people in blues while being followed by a priest in epic stamina gear but eventually you're going to want a challenge.


Ok. This was just posted on my Guild's forums. Normally, I wouldn't post shit like this w/o a link... but... to tell you the truth... I don't have one because it wasn't given to me. I'm assuming it is on the WoW forums due to the comments made in the disclaimer.

In any case... here are the new "supposed" Mage Talent changes. Feel free to discuss:


Disclaimer: The forums wouldn't allow me to log in with any of my Dark Iron characters thus I was unable to post this using my main who is a level 60 Mage named Slaughter on Dark Iron.

Disclaimer: These patch notes are the result of my personal discussions with an individual whom will remain nameless as to protect their identity. These patch notes are not final but are complete as of the present. Additions and subtractions from these notes may apply in the future.

Disclaimer: These patch notes apply only to the Arcane tree as this was the only information I was able to gather. If I am able to get more info about the upcoming patch I will post it here.

- Due to significant talent changes, Mages will have all talent points refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell replacements have been significantly reduced.

- New talent: Arcane Fury (Passive, 5/5). Obtainable in first tier of the Arcane tree, Arcane Fury increases damage done by Arcane spells by 3% per talent point for a maximum of 15%.

- Arcane Subtletly will now apply to all schools of magic. This change should make talent point expenditure here more desirable.

- Wand Specialization has received slight modifications. With a maximum of 5 talent points, Wand Specialization will increase damage dealt by wands by 3% per combo point for a maximum of 15% additional damage. This was done in interest of allowing for a new talent in Wand Mastery that should make wand usage more attractive.

- New talent: Wand Mastery. With a prerequisite of 5 talent points spent in Wand Specialization, this passive ability will allow + damage effects and gear to appropriately scale wand damage. This scaling holds consistent with a particular wand's element and the "casting" speed by which calculation for + damage will be made will be based upon the wand's speed.

- Improved Arcane Explosion has been removed from the talent trees altogether and instead Arcane Explosion will be instant-cast by default.

- Evocation has been removed from the talent trees altogether and instead has been added as a trainable spell obtainable at level 30. Additionally, the cooldown has been reduced to 5 minutes in order to make the spell more useful.

- Arcane Missiles will now emit only three missiles as opposed to five. The total mana cost of the spell has been reduced significantly in order to make the spell more mana efficient.

- Improved Arcane Missiles has been redesigned. Available after 10 points have been spent in the Arcane tree, this talent will accept up to three talent points with each point increasing the casting duration of Arcane Missiles by adding one additional burst of missiles for a maximum of six total.

- New talent: Missile Mastery (Passive, 1/1). This talent will be obtainable with prerequisite of three points in Improved Arcane Missiles and will render the Arcane Missiles spell uninterruptible.

- Improved Counterspell has been removed from the talent tree. As a result counterspell will inherently receive the previous buff from this talent of silencing the target for four seconds. This was done to put counterspell on par with over silencing abilities such as Silence and Spell Lock.

- Improved Dampen Magic has been removed from the talent tree.

- Improved Mana Shield has been removed from the talent tree.

- Presence of Mind will now be obtainable with 15 points spent in the Arcane Tree but has received a slight modification. In addition to making your next spell with casting time under ten seconds cast instantly, the mana cost of that spell will be increased by 20%.

- Arcane Meditation has received slight modifications. The talent will now allow mana regeneration while casting of 5% per point spent for a maximum of 5 points or 25%.

- New talent: Improved Evocation (Passive, 1/1). Obtainable with prerequisite of 5 points spent in Arcane Meditation, this talent will increase the time during which Evocation casts by 2 seconds. This will allow for an extra "tick" of evocated mana regeneration and should make the spell even more useful.

- Arcane Mind has received slight modifications. The talent will now accept a maximum of 5 talent points and will increase maximum mana by 3% per talent point for a maximum of 15%.

- New talent: Arcane Resilience (Passive, 2/2). Obtainable with 20 point spent in Arcane talents, this talent increases the effectiveness of Dampen and Amplify magic by 30% per talent point for a maximum of 60%.

- Arcane Instability has been moved such that it is obtainable with 20 points spent in the Arcane Tree. The skill itself will remain unchanged.

- New talent: Improved Polymorph (Passive, 3/3). Obtainable with 25 points spent in Arcane talents, reduces the target's ability to resist Polymorph by 4% per talent point for a maximum of 12%. This reduction in resistance to the spell will also appropriately affect the target's ability to break Polymorph once affected.

- New talent: Master Shepherd (Passive, 1/1). Obtainable with 25 points spent in Arcane talents and with prerequisite of 3 points spent in Improved Polymorph, this talent allows up to two targets to be affected by Polymorph at one time.

- Arcane Power has been redesigned. This talent will be obtainable with prerequisite of three points in Arcane Instability and 25 points spent in Arcane talents. The increase in damage and mana cost has been reduced from 35% to 20% but the duration has been increased to 20 seconds. Additionally, during the 20 seconds, the caster's percent chance to hit with spells is increased by 10%.

- New talent: Invisibility (Instant cast, 345 mana, 3 minute cooldown, 1/1). This talent will be obtainable with 30 points spent in Arcane talents. Upon use the caster is rendered invisible and is free to move about as though in stealth. Any damage dealt to the caster or any non-movement action taken by the caster will break invisibilty. During invisibility, movement speed is reduced to 75% of normal.

- Mana Rubies, Citrines, Jades and Agates will no longer be soulbound thus allowing them to be traded to friendly targets.

- Mage Armor has received slight modifications. Once cast, the spell will increase mana regeneration by 10% while also reducing all spell damage taken by 10%. This was done to make the spell more useful.

- Ice Armor's bonus to armor has been slightly increased. All other effects of this spell have remained unchanged.

EDIT: Fixed a few typos. I apologize if more still exist as I have typed this by hand based upon my friend's input. Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge.

EDIT: Also, I pretty much have the new Arcane tree drawn out in front of me so if you have any questions about what it looks like specifically, feel free to ask.

EDIT: Compliments of my original source I have come across a few pieces of the remaining two trees. These are not guaranteed accurate as-is but should be implemented near what I present to you in the following segment:

Fire talents

- New talent: Cold Burn (Instant cast, 295 mana, 1/1). Requires three points in improved Frost Nova. Ignites a frozen target with singing flames that deals 490 to 546 fire damage and incapacitates the target for three seconds.

- Ignite has been moved to now require 10 points in Fire talents instead of only 5. This was done to make room for it as a prerequisite for Searing Freeze. The talent itself has remained unchanged.

- Incinerate has been moved to now require only 5 points in Fire talents instead of 10. This was done to make room for Ignite as a prerequisite for Searing Freeze. The talent itself has remained unchanged.

- Combustion has been redesigned. Having a prerequisite of 5 points spent in Improved Scorch and 20 points spent in Fire talents, this spell combusts the fire vulnerability of its victim and causes 725 damage over 12 seconds. The spell's chance to hit its target is bolstered by the stacked fire vulnerability with each unit of vulnerability contributing 10% to its chance to hit.

- Improved Flamestrike has been removed the fire talent tree.

- New talent: Heatwave (Passive, 4/4). Gives successful fire spell hits a chance to do additional area of effect damage from the location of the spell's target. This damage has a radius of 10 yards.

- Blastwave has received slight modifications. Its location in the Fire tree has remained unchanged but it will now require 4 points in Heatwave as a prerequisite.

- Burning Soul has received slight modifications. The third point in this talent will now increase the caster's chance to resist interruption during casting of a fire spell by 75% instead of 65%

- Pyroblast has been removed as a 10 point talent and reinstated as the new 30 point fire talent. As such the spell has received slight modifications. The casting time of this spell has been reduced to 4 seconds and the damage has been increased as to make it useful for a 30 point talent. Overall the spell will receive and increase in damage of 23% and the damage over time associated with it will be increased in time length as well increased in overall damage.

Frost talents

- Improved Frost Nova has traded places with Piercing Ice within the tree and has been redesigned. The talent will now be a prerequisite for the fire tree's Cold Burn talent which requires three points in it. Each point in Improved Frost Nova will now increase the duration in which the target is frozen by 1 second per point for a maximum of 3 seconds. The base duration of the spell has been lowered by one second. The Frost talent Shatter will still remain with prerequisite of Improved Frost Nova but now will require 3 points in the talent instead of the original 2.

- New talent: Searing Freeze (Instant cast, 354 mana, 1/1). Requires 5 points in Ignite. Rapidly freezes a target afflicted by Ignite after dealing the remainder of Ignite's damage in addition to 352 to 405 frost damage. The target is the incarcerated in a block of ice for 4 seconds.

- New talent: Arctic Blast (Passive, 3/3). With prerequisite of three points in Improved Cone of Cold, this talent will add a chance for the caster's Cone of Cold spell to deliver a knock-back effect of 5 yards. The first 2 points spent in this talent yield 20% extra chance to deliver this effect while the third point increases this chance to 50%. Frozen targets that are affected by this knock-back will remain frozen upon landing and will be unable to move until the duration of the freeze effect is either completed or it breaks prematurely.

- Ice Barrier has received slight modifications but will remain as the Frost 30 point talent. The total damage absorbed by the barrier has been increased by 20%. Additionally, while the barrier holds, or until up until the barrier final breaks, 20% of all spell damage taken is reverted to the caster of Ice Barrier's mana pool.

Some of these seem legit... and others... meh. I'm still playing the waiting game on this... but it sure is fun to speculate.


Fake, of course. The patch isn't going be released for a *long* time.

Also, I bet we won't see invisibility until the expansion is released, if ever.

edit: Many of those changes are insane. Never in a million years.


Yeah those changes look way fake, especially the whole Arcane Missiles thing. Just totally and completely change the way the trees work. Not to mention being able to spend 3 points in arcane subtlety to reduce threat by SIXTY percent from all trees. That would be absolutely silly.
Yeah, way fake.

Blizzard will never allow any class to be able to put long duration (i.e. < 10s ) incapacitating CC on more than one target.


fake mage changes aside (and for how absurdly overpowered most of those sound, I've got a bad feeling they're true!), I've got a different question.

I just started up a paladin and I was thinking of going holy (at the very least, up to the 70% chance to be uninterrupted talent) but I'm wondering, what's a good talent build overall? I'd kind of like to go 31 holy, and enough protection to get BOK, but then I'm really not sure where else to go. My premade 60 pally I had on test was actually fun (hence the reason I decided to make a real one!) and I was holy shock/retribution there, but I felt like the retribution part was kinda wasted.

The main reason I'm curious is, I know for a shaman the best builds (that aren't mana tide at least) don't involve going 30+ deep into a talent tree, but is it the same for a paladin? Holy shock seemed decent on test (though I'll readily admit it's not mind-blowingly great... but still probably better than either the retribution or protection 31 pointer) but if it's better to go a more tri-spec then I'll do that. I gather that ret seems the best for soloing but that's really not my goal.


firex said:
fake mage changes aside (and for how absurdly overpowered most of those sound, I've got a bad feeling they're true!), I've got a different question.

I just started up a paladin and I was thinking of going holy (at the very least, up to the 70% chance to be uninterrupted talent) but I'm wondering, what's a good talent build overall? I'd kind of like to go 31 holy, and enough protection to get BOK, but then I'm really not sure where else to go. My premade 60 pally I had on test was actually fun (hence the reason I decided to make a real one!) and I was holy shock/retribution there, but I felt like the retribution part was kinda wasted.

Standard 31 holy layout-divine intellect, divine favor, spiritual focus, healing light, consecration, unyielding faith (aggro wipes due to fear shouldn't happen if you play alliance, and you can just bubble out of it if they do and you take aggro), illumination, improved wisdom 2/2, divine favor, a point in lasting judgement (a 31h/21p paladin is ideal for judgement of wisdom duty in endgame raids, and there is a HUGE difference between having zero points and 1 point in this talent), holy power, holy shock.

This is pretty much my favored loadout for the holy tree for Paladins.

In protect:

5/5 redoubt, 3/3 precision, 2/2 guardian's favor, blessing of kinds (duh), 5/5 toughness (way more bang for the buck than devotion aura improvement, which sucks completely), 3/3 improved hammer of justice, and one point to place where ever you want.

I don't really like the protection tree that much, but those talents aren't bad for a wide variety of circumstances I would think.

What gear (specifically, what weapon) did they loadout Paladins on the test server last time out?

Edit: I'd say Holy Paladins are pretty tied to 31 holy, but that's just because Holy Shock is a great spell in both PvP (desparately needed burst damage) and PvE (quick instant heal). Repetenence is really only a decent PvP skill, and only in very select circumstances since it breaks on any damage.

One thing that is very true is that you don't have to have 31 holy just to heal well-you can really stop at 20 or 21 holy (for divine favor) and do pretty well if you like some of the stuff in the other trees more (like reckoning, which is gimmick PvP at its very finest outside of lameass FD/freezetrap cheeseballing).


paladins and warriors got earthshaker, and otherwise it was the full tier 0 set. I know earthshaker's honestly a pretty crap weapon, and it's not what I'd try to use really.

that holy setup sounds pretty much like what I was going for, so that sounds good. and maybe it's just that I didn't play a lot on the test server (enough to get used to what my hotkeys were for the pally, but I didn't even bother trying to do tier .5) but I just didn't find retribution's talents working with my playstyle.
Earthshaker isn't terrible for a Seal of Command oriented Paladin's PvP weapon if you aren't too far in the endgame. Crap tier 0 aside, if you didn't like the whole playstyle of it then you're right going with a minor in protection-ret isn't for you.
Wooo! Hit Stone Guard this week. Not bad for a casual. Bloodpact rox!

Grats to teknopathic on his advancement to champion. I hope to hit the next rank soon. Gonna get that pvp equipment damnit :)


Has problems recognising girls
fallout said:
I love the absolute random crap that can happen in this game.

I was helping some guildies finish up the last dragon in the Test of Skulls quest (part of the Ony key questline, for those who don't know) and we decided to take the Menethil/Theramore boat back to Dustwallow Marsh as a time saver. The five of us sneak 'round back, head up the dock and see the boat. All of a sudden, a flood of Alliance (10-15) stream off the boat, so we're stuck having to fight them. Then, out of absolutely nowhere, something like 10 Horde come charging up from behind us and help kill all the Alliance allowing us to claim the boat.

Apparently they'd been camping the boat and decided to res when they saw us come in.
Hahahaha fucking awesome.

I've decided to renew my account. Suckered for life :D


MrAngryFace said:
Wooo! Hit Stone Guard this week. Not bad for a casual. Bloodpact rox!
Haha, grats. I'm still at Rank 6. I'm in a PvP guild, but I just can't fucking stand BGs after awhile. Apparently, killing farmers in Burning Steppes isn't all that great for the honor. ;)
Well both Teknopathic and I are stuck at 58/59 just pvping WSG and AB. Stone Guard is rank 6 of the horde side, so I just made officer as well.


epmode said:
Fake, of course. The patch isn't going be released for a *long* time.

Also, I bet we won't see invisibility until the expansion is released, if ever.

edit: Many of those changes are insane. Never in a million years.

Those changes seem more real than anything revealed so far, and with the PTR for 1.11 coming out at E3 probably, there is no reason to say the patch is a "long" ways away. Those talent trees also miss one key feature I am convinced will be in 1.11. That change is making Frost Nova such that targets caught in it can not turn.

Anyways, for those who care, C'Thun has been downed at least 3 times now. It started in the EU, and it moved shortly to the US. Now we have 3 C'thun downings, and I think the mystique of his power is now over.


pxleyes said:
Those changes seem more real than anything revealed so far
Revamped Subtlety, no (far too powerful for such a low-tier talent). Invisibility, not for 1.11. LOL @ Master Shepherd and tradable mana gems. Making Mage Armor "more useful" by nerfing the 30% regen while casting, no. A fire talent that requires points to be spent in the frost tree? Never, ever. Same goes for the frost talent requiring fire. And I don't ever see a class getting a knockback as part of a core skill, so Arctic Blast is a joke too.


epmode said:
Revamped Subtlety, no (far too powerful for such a low-tier talent). Invisibility, not for 1.11. LOL @ Master Shepherd and tradable mana gems. Making Mage Armor "more useful" by nerfing the 30% regen while casting, no. A fire talent that requires points to be spent in the frost tree? Never, ever. Same goes for the frost talent requiring fire. And I don't ever see a class getting a knockback as part of a core skill, so Arctic Blast is a joke too.

:lol Mages are getting a BUFF first off, so of course some people are going to see some of the changes as "too powerful." You obviously dont have a clue what Blizzard has in mind for 1.11 and the mage changes because of the of the fundamental ideas behind the changes is to make useful arcane talents available early in the arcane tree and allow for a more elementalist build between fire/frost. This set of patch notes more closely resembles those ideals than any other released so far. So before you say "never, ever" maybe you should do some research as for what Blizzard has in mind.

O, and PTR for 1.11 at E3, I'm calling it now (since its already confirmed playable at the show).


pxleyes said:
:lol Mages are getting a BUFF first off, so of course some people are going to see some of the changes as "too powerful." You obviously dont have a clue what Blizzard has in mind for 1.11 and the mage changes because of the of the fundamental ideas behind the changes is to make useful arcane talents available early in the arcane tree and allow for a more elementalist build between fire/frost. This set of patch notes more closely resembles those ideals than any other released so far. So before you say "never, ever" maybe you should do some research as for what Blizzard has in mind.
Yes, I read what Blizzard wrote about more "synergy" between fire and frost. But pls, find me a single talent from any other class that has a prereq in a seperate tree. That's enough to show that the notes are fake. Sheeping two seperate targets at once? How on earth could you possibly think these are legitimate?

I expect buffs, but don't be silly. These notes are 286593 times more unbelievable than the already-debunked last batch. Have you paid attention to any of the class reviews over the past year?


pxleyes said:
:lol Mages are getting a BUFF first off, so of course some people are going to see some of the changes as "too powerful." You obviously dont have a clue what Blizzard has in mind for 1.11 and the mage changes because of the of the fundamental ideas behind the changes is to make useful arcane talents available early in the arcane tree and allow for a more elementalist build between fire/frost. This set of patch notes more closely resembles those ideals than any other released so far. So before you say "never, ever" maybe you should do some research as for what Blizzard has in mind.

O, and PTR for 1.11 at E3, I'm calling it now (since its already confirmed playable at the show).

Hey pxl, you gotta remember, many of us ARE mages so we've done the research. Arcane Subtlety affecting all schools of magic would be way overpowered, reducing threat by 60% for ALL spells is just absolutely silly. Plus, why would they have a talent at the 25-point level in Arcane to reduce polymorph resists when they have a general tier 1 talent to reduce ARCANE resists. Not to mention the absolute silliness of requiring another tree's talents to get a talent. Frost tree requiring Ignite? I mean it's got a few good ideas but it's most definitely fake.


MrAngryFace said:
How bout we wait for the patches. I mean my Warlock will still kill mages dead regardless ;)

We have introduced another ability

Fel Control - This ability allows mages to gain control of a Warlock's Felhunter and stick it up his ass.
What?! I could beat you without my fel :(

Bloodpact is a very solid afflict lock youd be all what what and id be all LOL and then id get out my felhunter cause beating your without my felhunter isnt COOL


MrAngryFace said:
How bout we wait for the patches. I mean my Warlock will still kill mages dead regardless ;)

Well as I said, the PTR for 1.11 should go live right as E3 starts, so the wait wont be long. I also never said they were 100%, but rather they are the most reasonable of any that have been posted so far. Fake or not, its actually in the right direction as opposed to most of the others that actually come out to be nerfs or just small changes.

I still hold that mages needs a buff in dps. I didn't say straight out damage, but dps. While I think our burst damage does need to be increased (saying to go get epic trinkets doesn't count), the overall dps of the class is now weak. When hunters, rogues, and warlocks can out dps mages, something is wrong. However, I still think our burst damage straight from talents and skill should be increased because 2 shotting enemies usually requires the use of a trinket or more, while hunters can do aim shot crits that wipe 1/2 or more of a mage's life.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
MrAngryFace said:
What?! I could beat you without my fel :(

Bloodpact is a very solid afflict lock youd be all what what and id be all LOL and then id get out my felhunter cause beating your without my felhunter isnt COOL
I miss affliction :(

I still dont think it's worth it though, too many useless points.


Mages will get a buff in DPS, not a huge one, the main problem with mages and other casters v hunters and rogues and the lot is itemization. Caster items don't tend to scale once you reach the endgame, they're working on that though judging from some of the AQ gear from the old god.


pxleyes said:
Anyways, for those who care, C'Thun has been downed at least 3 times now. It started in the EU, and it moved shortly to the US. Now we have 3 C'thun downings, and I think the mystique of his power is now over.
An Alliance guild on our server (Stormreaver) did it. Second in the US or something like that.
I dunno afflict locks fukin RULE PVP, in terms of killing blows im usually top 3 if not top spot.

You get curse of exhaustion which rocks flag runners n WSG, nightfall is badass, and insta cast dots ftw. Just run through entire crowds bobbing and weaving dropping dots on everyone. Dark Pact rocks because well, free mana!

I have yet to meet a lock on my server that provides a good case for the destruction tree. That pretty much just leave Soul Link which is a proven formula for survival.

I spose it depends how you PVP. I think if youre a raid type player afflict tree isnt as nice.

But I mean you get fel concentration, boosted agony curse option, siphon life which in combination with lifedrain is NUTS, you get fel concentration so your life drain just keep hitting so very hard. Nightfall hits bam, level whatever shadowbolt instantly.

I basically filled out the crap I wanted in Afflict to maximize the stuff I use the most. For example I didnt put points into either improved drain mana or soul drain because who gives a shit about a few seconds boosted mana regen! got dark pact.

Then I climbed the demonology tree specifically for fel intellect boost, healstone boost and some stam boost. I dont think I have 1 point in destruction.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I'm 21 points in Demonology for insta-pet and the Demonic Sacrifice buffs ( VW hp regen for grinding, Succubus for burst dps), 21 points in Destruction for 100% crits and shadowburn (the cast time reduction is also very nice), and 9 points in Affliction just for Instant Corruption, Improved Lifetap, and a couple of extra points into Suppression.

I was full affliction for a long long time. I miss CoEx and Nightfall (when it wasnt bugged) and of course Shadow Mastery is hot, but I'm alot more versitile with my current build imo.
pxleyes said:
Anyways, for those who care, C'Thun has been downed at least 3 times now. It started in the EU, and it moved shortly to the US. Now we have 3 C'thun downings, and I think the mystique of his power is now over.
Well it was an obvious cockblock by Blizzard. The fact that so many guilds are able to take him down so fast after the nerf shows that these guilds had the gear, they had the strategy, and they had the skill, it was just that Blizzard wanted an artificial roadblock to give them time before releasing more content.
Well it was an obvious cockblock by Blizzard. The fact that so many guilds are able to take him down so fast after the nerf shows that these guilds had the gear, they had the strategy, and they had the skill, it was just that Blizzard wanted an artificial roadblock to give them time before releasing more content.

I think it was more that Blizzard didn't understand how the encounter was broken and how to fix it until it was completely laid out for them by a few people.

Gurgthock and Hamlet have great posts in this thread:



cubicle47b said:
I think it was more that Blizzard didn't understand how the encounter was broken and how to fix it until it was completely laid out for them by a few people.

Gurgthock and Hamlet have great posts in this thread:


I much prefer Blizzard to make bosses too hard than too easy. It allows them to scale it back little by little to get it just right instead of people blowing through the instance. They did the same thing with bosses like Rag originally.
Yeah, I don't mind that method of tweaking either. They were just way too slow when it came to fixing the encounter so it was beatable.
I need to do that stupid ST quest for the insta void summon trinket :p

It's not instant summon. It summons the voidwalker at your normal casting speed (it works with fel domination) but with no shard or mana cost once every 30 minutes.


cubicle47b said:
It's not instant summon. It summons the voidwalker at your normal casting speed (it works with fel domination) but with no shard or mana cost once every 30 minutes.

Yeah, if it was instant summon, EVERY Warlock would choose that trinket.


Every smart warlock would take that trinket anyway... I mean the scythe staff is awesome looking, but there's nothing like that trinket.

Anyway, I'd believe the mage changes up to Master Shepherd. I'd also believe the mana gem changes - after all, warlock healthstones aren't soulbound and these are the mana equivalent. I could see this as a "buff" that really means another thing mages have to conjure for the raid.

And I can't wait until the 3rd expansion or so, when blizzard will finally actually give warlocks a full talent review instead of changing 4 talents and saying it's a revamp.
Every smart warlock would take that trinket anyway... I mean the scythe staff is awesome looking, but there's nothing like that trinket.

The trinket sucks. It's a free summon of the pet I use the least every half hour. Maybe it wasn't too bad before shard bags if you helped lower level people out in instances a lot but now it's just awful. The staff is one of the few items in the game that's a distinctive lock item. I'd take it even if I was going to replace it quickly with something like a rod of the ogre magi.

Speaking of lock trinkets, the black book dropped for the first time last night. None of the other locks wanted it so I picked it up to see if my felhunter could solo mages with the 5/8 felheart and unspoken names bonuses (haven't tried this out yet). It was pretty amusing to see my imp crit a fireball for close to 400, though.


Has problems recognising girls
Question - what's better.. Dwarf or Human Priest? Not even going to bother with Night Elf.

Probably be my first time being an Alliance character over 20 too :lol


speedpop said:
Question - what's better.. Dwarf or Human Priest? Not even going to bother with Night Elf.

Probably be my first time being an Alliance character over 20 too :lol

Dwarf has the better racial spells and abilities, but not by a landslide.
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