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World of Warcraft

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SyNapSe said:
So far, I'm doing pretty well with money it seems. I think I'm leveling slow as crap though, so I'm probably running around killing low stuff other people don't. I made too sure not to go far in beta.. stopped at 15-16 on my characters, so I'm still having fun looking around and questing.

Like I said, I'm leveling pretty slow though :\ As I went to turn in a quest that was gonna ding me for 23rd I checked my /played and it was just over 10 hours for 22nd-->23rd. :lol

You're not alone there. It took me 2 days (real time, not played) to get to 20. It's been over 2 weeks since launch, and I'm only 26.
After hours of trying to correct the problem...I think i'm just gonna give up.

I can't post on blizzard's forums...that pisses me off most. I can't get in touch with anyone who can tell me what my problem is. I'm only using the winxp default drivers...like suggested.

I tried going into WOW folder > WTF folder > WTF.config and adding the text SET gxcursor "0" .....like suggested.

Neither helped at all.

Everytime I execute the program, once it begins to initialize I lose my mouse cursor.

So far I've been able to install, create an account and push the 'PLay WOW" button.

It then brings up a 'Terms of USe' screen that I cannot get past without accepting...impossible to do without the mouse.


I dunno if this will work, but doing a search on the Blizzard tech support forum came up with this:

Try disabling the hardware cursor option. To do this, please open your World of Warcraft folder, then open the WTF folder. Edit the CONFIG.WTF file with WordPad and at the bottom, please add the following line:

SET gxcursor "0"

Save the file and close it, now restart the game.


Different problem than what you're having, but mouse releated so you might as well try it.
Is anyone playing a priest? I need some hints on what the hell to do with them. I'm playing a troll priest (level 13), at the crossroads town in the barrens, and I'm finding that it's too hard to kill ANYTHING around that area. Any recommendations on equipment, or spell combos to use, or do you just need to party up with others to play this class?


Speaking of priest, I HATE those fuckers in PvP. AoE fear sucks....... it feels so good to sneak behind them and stab them in the back before they get that crap off.


it's annoying at low levels, but use renew and the shield spell more than regular heals, and always put the shadow word: pain spell on whatever you're fighting.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Atomsmasher said:
Is anyone playing a priest? I need some hints on what the hell to do with them. I'm playing a troll priest (level 13), at the crossroads town in the barrens, and I'm finding that it's too hard to kill ANYTHING around that area. Any recommendations on equipment, or spell combos to use, or do you just need to party up with others to play this class?

Whatever you do don't get discouraged, your priest will start to become uber. :) My level 20 priest from the open beta was stomping all over warrior players in PvP.

Like firex said above, watch your mana usage. If you only need a small heal, use a rank 1 heal instead of a rank 2, for example, or utilize renew by thinking ahead. Recognize which fights you'll need healing in before they end, and pop that renew at the beginning of them. (When you party, renew is also much less aggro than either your shields or other heals).

Invest in a good wand, they add some decent damage. I also switched to staves, they tend to have great DPS and great stats on them. (You want all the Int (15mp a pop) and spirit you can get).

Really at this level there aren't too many wildly different strategies you can be taking advantage of. You'll get efficient at soloing soon, but maybe you should just group in the meantime? Obviously, as a priest you will shine in a group.


WTF? It really is like Blizzard tried to make Pally's as uber as possible. So, I join a guy on my friends list for Stockade's quest. He is 24 PLD or something like that. He links me to his new toy.. the level 20 (I assume) PLD quest item!?! what WHAT!?!

It's a Mace with 61-99 damage. 26 something DPS, +11 Spirit, +6 Stamina, and +5 STR? That's very close to the real stats.. screw that. Ridiculous. Coincidentally, this group was 3 PLD's, one warrior (who was fist weapons), and myself 25 Rogue.

The warrior was only added when another player left 2 minutes after we entered the instance. We went back out and asked for anyone to help. It didn't matter... 3 aura's on me, + Blessing of Might (which rocks), and Blessing of Wisdom... lol I don't even have MP


That mace is such a pain to get, it needs to be that powerfull to make the quest worthwhile. Pallys as a class are above average but most of the people who play them seem to be complete morons.


Ferrio said:
Speaking of priest, I HATE those fuckers in PvP. AoE fear sucks....... it feels so good to sneak behind them and stab them in the back before they get that crap off.
That's why I love my Undead Rogue.

ManaByte said:
I started a Warlock on a non-PVP server.

And yeah I agree, Paladins are overpowered and they take no skill to play.

Blargh made lvl 27 tonight grinding mobs heh, got mad xp from these pig suckers in hillsbrad and made a ton of money. I made lvl 27 in not even a week with my Rogue, I've completely abandonned my Shaman :lol

By the way, daggers are overrated for Rogues. Sword/Sword is the way to go.


Hit 38 and then some today. Only 2 more levels to make 75 more gold for my mount, plus about 10-15g for my Lv39 and 40 abilites. Looks like the next two levels are going to be spent grinding/farming drops for money. Spent most of my play time just trying to find an area with good drops that sell for a nice amount to NPC. Finally found something... but I'm constantly having Horde attack me. :x

Had this one Lv40 rogue sneak up behind me and kill me while I was fighting a Lv40 mob... cheap fucker. Went back to my corpse and started placing freeze traps behind me whenever I fought or was looting something. Rogue came after me again, tried to hit me from behind, and got caught in my trap. I ran to range, starting stunning and shooting him while my pet beat on him, then he tried to run. Hit aspect of the cheetah and chased him down. Love the fact that most of my shots can be shot on the run. Killed the guy and I never saw him again after that. :lol


Malakhov said:
By the way, daggers are overrated for Rogues. Sword/Sword is the way to go.

I'm still feeling that also. A ton of high level rogues swear by daggers though. I can see once you have Initiative fully spcced you *could* unload some crazy fast damage.

CS will give you 3 CP 75% of the time.. swing away for the 4 seconds. Gouge, Backstab.. then 5 point Evisc. If it all works, so far Evisc doesn't do THAT much damage. It apparently scales much better at higher levels, but it misses WAY too much for me.


I'm staying as a dagger rogue. I picked the class in part because I never played one before, and because I found the whole stealth/backstab aspect, fun. Playing as a sword/mace rogue turns you into more of warrior than a rogue, IMO.


I'm a lvl 22 Rogue and right now I'm having trouble keeping up with the latest weapons, armor, class skills. I just don't have enough money right now. So, what are some of the best ways to make lots of money at my lvl? I've heard Skinning is great, but how exactly do you turn that skill into a lucrative business?
SaitoH said:
I'm staying as a dagger rogue. I picked the class in part because I never played one before, and because I found the whole stealth/backstab aspect, fun. Playing as a sword/mace rogue turns you into more of warrior than a rogue, IMO.

You're best off using a dagger in your mainhand, and a mace/sword in the off-hand.
SyNapSe said:
If it all works, so far Evisc doesn't do THAT much damage. It apparently scales much better at higher levels, but it misses WAY too much for me.

I can get 5 point Evis crits for over 1,000 damage now.
nidopal said:
I've heard Skinning is great, but how exactly do you turn that skill into a lucrative business?

You could probably make some decent cash with skinning/leatherworking, but you're better off trying to find places with good drops. Try Ragefire Chasm, I had some pretty good luck in there, just make sure you don't go alone or you will get swarmed.
So I hit 30 last night and I have still yet to find a good guild. Is there anyone on here that plays on mal'ganis that's in a good guild that wouldn't mind inviting me? I just want a decent sized guild that's interested in raids and things of the sort. Nothing like fucking Goon Squad which has like 500 people, most of which can't play the game to save their life, and go for quantity over quality.


You're Bourne right? Well I stopped playing for a little while but you could always ask Fist of the Horde, great guild. Guuts is the leader there..about 133 members the last time I checked.


5 points evis can do more than 2000 dmg at lvl 60.

And using a sword/sword doesn't make you a warrior, you still use cheap shot while you're stealthed wich is much better than ambush when you facter in the combo points you're getting plus the free 4 seconds of hacking and getting a 5 point 100% sure crit evis with cold blooded after vanishing and then redoing it right after to finish up whoever survived.

Sword/Sword or Sword/Mace = teh best in pvp.
mint said:
You're Bourne right? Well I stopped playing for a little while but you could always ask Fist of the Horde, great guild. Guuts is the leader there..about 133 members the last time I checked.

Thanks, I'll give him a tell sometime and see how it goes.


nidopal said:
I'm a lvl 22 Rogue and right now I'm having trouble keeping up with the latest weapons, armor, class skills. I just don't have enough money right now. So, what are some of the best ways to make lots of money at my lvl? I've heard Skinning is great, but how exactly do you turn that skill into a lucrative business?
skinning is the easiest gathering skill but also the least profitable, at least in my experience. however, since it skills up so fast you should keep raising it up and just put all your leather in the AH.

if you do leatherworking, though, at artisan level you can make nightscape pants and vendor them for a profit over the cost of materials to make them (vendors for like 80 silver and some change, costs about 40 silver to make them i think). that's arguably the best thing about LW - you don't have to hawk your stuff on the AH or trade channel to make a profit, just cash in at the vendor for fast money. that's at really high skill though, like 240+. I think it's intentional because leather is so easy to get, so LW items are cheaper than blacksmithing or tailoring items.

if you just have skinning, pick up mining or herbalism, too, and go back to low level zones and get the early herbs/ores and repeat until you're able to get herbs/ores (whichever one you pick) in the range of the zones you're actually questing in. then just sell what you gather on the AH... it's the easiest way to make money.


Malakhov said:
By the way, daggers are overrated for Rogues. Sword/Sword is the way to go.
true and untrue. swords rock for most levels, but at high levels, getting the best dagger you can just for ambush is really sweet in pvp. then again, so is cheap shot, so i guess daggers really do lose out.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Well, regardless of what type of Rogue you intend to be, train in all three weapon options. If you want to be a dagger rogue, put your best dagger in your main hand and then your next best DPS weapon in your offhand, regardless of whether it is a mace, sword, or dagger. Special moves that use weapon damage take into account the damage rating of the weapon in your main hand ONLY. If you want to be a combat rogue, stick whatever has the highest DMG rating in your mainhand, with your highest DPS weapon still going in your offhand. This could of course be a dagger.

It's that easy! ;)


Do people still think of Hunters as a shitty class or something? As hard as I try, I can't get parties for quests any more. Doing corpse runs every 10 minutes because I'm getting killed by parties of horde all the time is getting extremely old and completly ruining my enjoyment of the game.


i think that's one of the drawbacks of playing alliance, nataku. in beta they were always full of incredibly stupid people (they seem drawn to playing paladins like flies, i'm not kidding) and have no concept of teamwork, just zerg rushing.

hunters also don't have much of a group role except for damage, but there's literally 4 classes that are primarily damage dealers and the hunters have the least depth in a group while warlocks have the most.


Uh hunters are a lot more than damage, and I would seriously want a good hunter in my group. Here's points

-Pet, usually a good tank. Who cares if it dies.
-Concussive shot, dazes runnign enemies. Good for catching a running shaman.
-Tracking. Knowing what's stalking you is always key. When I have a hunter in my group I feel a lot safer knowing they'll spot stuff coming at us.
-Aspect of the Pack, increased speed for everyone in the group.

If you want to be a combat rogue, stick whatever has the highest DMG rating in your mainhand, with your highest DPS weapon still going in your offhand. This could of course be a dagger.

Sometimes it might be more worthwhile to stick a lower DPS weapon in your offhand that has a very fast speed (increased chance a poison will hit).
Don't forget the big red arrow of doom. It's nigh important if you have some lazy party members who have a habit of accidentally breaking mezz/sheep/freeze.


oh, I assumed nataku meant for instances and stuff. hunters are pretty much worthless for that over warlocks, mages or rogues (it's like that order from most to least useful in a group between those three). the pet is a good tank but that's it. aspect of the pack winds up being useless after everyone gets a mount because it doesn't boost those.


Oh well. Doesn't matter. Sent all my gold (only had 25) to a guild member and am leaving the Illidan server, maybe even the game. The whole PvP gankfest is fucked up. Getting killed by a pack of horde several levels above you every 10 minutes just isn't fun. Was already 39... so the whole idea of starting over from level 1 just doesn't sit right with me. Was fun while it lasted, I guess.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
nataku said:
Oh well. Doesn't matter. Sent all my gold (only had 25) to a guild member and am leaving the Illidan server, maybe even the game. The whole PvP gankfest is fucked up. Getting killed by a pack of horde several levels above you every 10 minutes just isn't fun. Was already 39... so the whole idea of starting over from level 1 just doesn't sit right with me. Was fun while it lasted, I guess.

Starting over actually goes pretty quick and if you choose a new class it's like a whole different experience... so... Come to Icecrown, you punk! ;) PvP still exists, but only when you choose to participate. Send Knai a tell if you want to join us ;)

Ferrio said:
Sometimes it might be more worthwhile to stick a lower DPS weapon in your offhand that has a very fast speed (increased chance a poison will hit).

This can be true, but I would only go with that if the DPS was very close... but, regardless, for me... 9 times out of 10 I'm too lazy to apply my poisons anyway. I know, I'm bad! T_T Usually save em for any fight that I can predict will be tough (which isn't many! /flex )
firex said:
oh, I assumed nataku meant for instances and stuff. hunters are pretty much worthless for that over warlocks, mages or rogues (it's like that order from most to least useful in a group between those three). the pet is a good tank but that's it. aspect of the pack winds up being useless after everyone gets a mount because it doesn't boost those.

I dunno. Freeze trap is no poly or mez, but it works on absolutely everything. Hunters can basically gain/lose aggro at will, which is pretty useful. The warlock I play with has a thing with laying on the hate, so he gets eaten pretty damn often. I can usually get shit off with just a distracting shot, then sick pet on em and start disengaging. Not to mention goblin mortar is a codeword for aoe taunt. Plus the trackings let you see when patrols are coming/where shit is if it's the first time through.

I dunno, could be just that so far a group of blind monkeys could get through these instances.


Man, some of the abilities Rogue's pick up through the 20's are sick. Both Cheap Shot, and Vanish are win buttons. Sometimes CS gives 0 CP tho :(


Son of Godzilla said:
I dunno. Freeze trap is no poly or mez, but it works on absolutely everything. Hunters can basically gain/lose aggro at will, which is pretty useful. The warlock I play with has a thing with laying on the hate, so he gets eaten pretty damn often. I can usually get shit off with just a distracting shot, then sick pet on em and start disengaging. Not to mention goblin mortar is a codeword for aoe taunt. Plus the trackings let you see when patrols are coming/where shit is if it's the first time through.

I dunno, could be just that so far a group of blind monkeys could get through these instances.
that warlock you play with must not really know how to manage his class well then. on my warlock i'd never get all of the hate on anything unless I wanted it, or very rarely at the end of a long fight. it's not as easy to manage as hunter but warlocks are really good at avoiding hate (and kick major ass for killing bosses, and can cc like 3 different mobs and 3 of the most important types if they're using a succubus). but tracking might be useful. it just seems like that's not as useful since warlocks also get a good scout spell and rogues can (although don't need to) scout well, too. then there's all the other stuff warlocks can do, like wipe prevention with soulstones (and the way they work now is actually better than when they were just items you handed out to other players) or make healthstones for the tank. and they don't require healing, really, and at higher levels have almost no downtime.

I mean by comparison not many other classes have that kind of utility that's so good in groups, especially hunters. although I should compare hunter and rogue damage now and see, because if a hunter does more damage than a rogue at higher levels then they might make a lot better character to take into an instance, as rogue sap gets worse and worse at higher levels.


nataku said:
Oh well. Doesn't matter. Sent all my gold (only had 25) to a guild member and am leaving the Illidan server, maybe even the game. The whole PvP gankfest is fucked up. Getting killed by a pack of horde several levels above you every 10 minutes just isn't fun. Was already 39... so the whole idea of starting over from level 1 just doesn't sit right with me. Was fun while it lasted, I guess.
Why in hell did you create a char on a pvp server in the first place?
Also you're lvl 39 come on, another 20 lvls and you'll be done with the leveling and on to PvP and getting good loot. On a normal server it's gonna be getting good loot only, how fun...


The way I see it on PvP servers, it adds more danger to the regular hunt, forces you to pay more attention to your surroundings and gives me a use for Vanish:)


And if Mala is still on Darkspear then he'd better watch out. The Dark Stars of Destiny are starting to spread out hehe.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Malakhov said:
Why in hell did you create a char on a pvp server in the first place?

Er, maybe he expected those PvP elements Blizzard touted so much to come through? Just a thought. >.>


Kintaro said:
Er, maybe he expected those PvP elements Blizzard touted so much to come through? Just a thought. >.>
And you seriously think the honor system would of fixed this? :lol
I am the first who wouldn't give a damn about the honor system and trash every single alliance I meet on my way without caring about if they're lower lvl or not.

Tamanon: Nah, my Rogue is on Bleeding Hollow, as well as my Shaman heh.


Malakhov said:
And you seriously think the honor system would of fixed this? :lol
I am the first who wouldn't give a damn about the honor system and trash every single alliance I meet on my way without caring about if they're lower lvl or not.

Tamanon: Nah, my Rogue is on Bleeding Hollow, as well as my Shaman heh.

Meh, then you're an ass. Oh well, at least you'll have people do the same to you.

Blizzard promised things like an honor system. Yeah, I know that wouldn't have stopped everyone, but it wouldn't be as bad as it is now. It would have stopped a lot of them. You would have assholes like yourself ganking people who are Lv20 when they're Lv60, but most people would think twice about it. Especially if there were some nasty penalty for it.

I joined a PvP server because it's a challenege to get things done on it, and because Blizzard promised (it's even in the damn manual) an honor system.
nataku said:
Oh well. Doesn't matter. Sent all my gold (only had 25) to a guild member and am leaving the Illidan server, maybe even the game. The whole PvP gankfest is fucked up. Getting killed by a pack of horde several levels above you every 10 minutes just isn't fun. Was already 39... so the whole idea of starting over from level 1 just doesn't sit right with me. Was fun while it lasted, I guess.



nataku said:
Meh, then you're an ass. Oh well, at least you'll have people do the same to you.
Yep, all the time too, hence why I do the same to them. I offer no pity as I get no pity, such is war.


Malakhov said:
Why in hell did you create a char on a pvp server in the first place?
Also you're lvl 39 come on, another 20 lvls and you'll be done with the leveling and on to PvP and getting good loot. On a normal server it's gonna be getting good loot only, how fun...
no, it winds up the same, you just level faster on pve because there's no chance of ever getting ganked.


firex said:
no, it winds up the same, you just level faster on pve because there's no chance of ever getting ganked.
You level faster but once you're 60 you've got nothing to do 'cept collect gear, yay!


Way to ignore everything I said... jesus, are you just trying to be obnoxious like everyone else who plays on pvp servers? You can pvp all you want on a pve server, you just don't get ganked when you decide to level.
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