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World of Warcraft

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I want to contend with your PvE automatically means you level faster nonsense. So you don't get ganked? You are also forced to sit by and stick your thumb in your eye while competing with spawns with the other side.

And honestly, aside from Arathi and Hillsbrad, the ganking and shit isn't very common. STV is actually incredibly fun when both sides start fighting over Nessingwary's. Most people not in Arathi/Hillsbrad will generally ignore the other faction and concentrate on leveling.


competing with spawns is nothing compared to dealing with the zergs from alliance, and any zone where there's a lot of cross-faction interaction just leads to constant ganking.

pvp isn't fun unless it's against people of around the same level and similar numbers (you know, where it takes skill), which happens a lot more on pve servers.


Man I've never had problems so far and if I see a zone is fairly occupied by the oposing faction, I'll just freaking go elsewhere to level up.

Da carebearz are da funny.


and that's just what I do on a pve server if a place is crowded. there's literally only one difference and it's consent. pve has it, pvp doesn't, so all the gank squads of retards and 12 year olds can't do anything.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Why are pvpers always talking down people who play on normal servers? Different strokes for different folks - get over it.

And really... stop making assumptions, too. I've spent hours upon hours pvping on the normal servers.



There is nothing more annoying then when you are trying to do a quest and some dickhead 10 levels higher then you kills you and sits on your body while is friend sits at the graveyard and kills you as soon as you pop up there. I like PvP, but I like questing for XP too. After lvl 35 its almost impossible unless I play at 3am when nobody is on anymore. I cant go to Desolace or Stranglethorn without getting run over by some impossible to kill lvl 40 paladin. I play a warlock, and they deal damge slowly. Its impossible for a Warlock to kill a Paladin, especially if I get jumped while im soloing with my voidwalker and i dont have the Succubus or the Imp out. The server i play on is grossly imbalanced in favor of the allaince. It isnt uncommon to see 10-15 alliance members running around the Barrens on mounts, raiding Xroad every night killing off half the damned place yet on the horde i can hardly get a group together because nobody is high enough to do Kraul, Downs or the Monastery. So I have to solo at 3am to level up anymore. LOL And we HAVE no fucking Priests. There might be 10 troll and 10 undead priests total, and most of them are lvl 25 or lower. Yay. And im not leaving now. Im already this high im not moving to another server, not yet atleast. :(

The PvP in this game is joke as it is now anyways. It needs incentives, it needs reworking and it needs a greater purpose. Standing inside the Xroads while the allaince stands outside trading bullshit and picking off kills and guards is retarded, and right now, pretty much the best PvP has to offer. Unless you play an asshole Rogue and can slink around and get some neat backstabs. Im sorry though, restricting the "fun" pvp to a single class is not the way to run your system. Getting in a big gank squad and running around a territory killing all the single players and small groups in sight is not fun, and its even less fun when you get to a city or outpoast and kill NPCS that will respawn in 10 minutes/ or get killed by the guards.

If you play on a normal server you might be a carebare, but if you play on the PvP server and actually enjoy it your a damned idiot. We need Battlegrounds with a purpose. THen maybe all these idiots will leave us alone so we can quest and level up.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
"There is nothing more annoying then when you are trying to do a quest and some dickhead 10 levels higher then you kills you and sits on your body while is friend sits at the graveyard and kills you as soon as you pop up there. "

That does suck. If I see you, I'll kill you, of course, but I won't camp your body.

I cant go to Desolace or Stranglethorn without getting run over "

If you try to solo in STV, you deserve to get killed. I see a lot more horde in desolace than I do alliance.

"Its impossible for a Warlock to kill a Paladin,"

Certainly not true, and I have a warlock myself. Fear is very powerful, especially when the pally has no ranged attack. Between fear and your pet, a warlock is tough for a paladin.

but if you play on the PvP server and actually enjoy it your a damned idiot.

Rubbish. I played on a pvp server in beta and at release, and pvp ganking is only a problem if you try to solo everything in contested lands (dumb move, obviously) or if your guild sucks.

The PvP in this game is joke as it is now anyways. It needs incentives, it needs reworking and it needs a greater purpose.

Truer words were never typed. PvP is pretty dumb as it stands, because all you can do is annoy other people.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Son of Godzilla said:
Most people not in Arathi/Hillsbrad will generally ignore the other faction and concentrate on leveling.

Actually this is very true. I find that the higher level you get, the less ganking there is. I've killed mobs side by side with the other faction before, and I've done quests with their help (and have helped them) before as well. But that was in the higher levels. At lower levels, they seem to attack a lot more often and act a lot more like idiots.


AeroGod said:

There is nothing more annoying then when you are trying to do a quest and some dickhead 10 levels higher then you kills you and sits on your body while is friend sits at the graveyard and kills you as soon as you pop up there. I like PvP, but I like questing for XP too. After lvl 35 its almost impossible unless I play at 3am when nobody is on anymore. I cant go to Desolace or Stranglethorn without getting run over by some impossible to kill lvl 40 paladin. I play a warlock, and they deal damge slowly. Its impossible for a Warlock to kill a Paladin, especially if I get jumped while im soloing with my voidwalker and i dont have the Succubus or the Imp out. The server i play on is grossly imbalanced in favor of the allaince. It isnt uncommon to see 10-15 alliance members running around the Barrens on mounts, raiding Xroad every night killing off half the damned place yet on the horde i can hardly get a group together because nobody is high enough to do Kraul, Downs or the Monastery. So I have to solo at 3am to level up anymore. LOL And we HAVE no fucking Priests. There might be 10 troll and 10 undead priests total, and most of them are lvl 25 or lower. Yay. And im not leaving now. Im already this high im not moving to another server, not yet atleast. :(

i'm gonna give you my basic warlock strategy that owns paladins, because warlocks can tear those guys a new asshole if you know how to play against them (they're also good at beating shamans, but you're horde so that's just dueling):
first off, use curse of agony on them, but don't bother with immolate or corruption since they can cleanse those. just remember, agony can't be cleansed by them at all and it does major damage, and it can be cast on the run. ok, now what you also want to do is fear them and cast drain mana as soon as they're feared. you have to chain this spell as much as you can but paladins don't get a lot of mana, so as soon as you drain off their mana they are fucked and it only takes maybe 4 casts if they're around your level... after you have their mana drained stack on the DOTs. don't spam fear constantly or you get hit by the diminishing effects, but you can drain mana about twice each time as long as they don't hit you. you can also put corruption on them as soon as you cast fear since it and agony will fuck them up with a lot lower chance of breaking fear than immolation does, and if you get the talent to make corruption instant cast you can cast it on the run too, so you can chase them while they're feared. when they start to heal use curse of tongues, it instantly slows casting speed and paladin heals don't heal all their hp in one cast anyway so you can fear them again while they're casting the second heal. if you have a felhunter out instead of a voidwalker (not going to happen often, but felhunter is ok as a solo pet) use devour magic to have it eat their blessing buffs. if your hp gets low, fear and drain life. they can only stun like once a minute so hopefully they're a retard (like almost everyone who plays paladins is) and stun you early on so it's wasted.

it's really just fear + drain mana to beat paladins/shamans but it works pretty well. way better if you have a succubus out, because you can do one majorly nice combo of seduction, then fear, then load up the DOTs (immolation last) and when seduction is broken they'll still be under fear's effects. the real classes you have to watch out for as a warlock are rogues (felhunter helps here with their paranoia spell, but not much), warriors and hunters. it's not a clear win situation against paladins/shamans but warlocks can stand up to them pretty well, especially shamans (they have no way to dispel any DOTs so fighting a shaman is just a matter of loading up the DOTs, fearing them and draining mana, which is super easy to do). priests, mages and druids should be no problem, and warriors right now aren't quite so great but they still have a moderate advantage against a warlock from my experience.

i pvped a ton in the closed beta as a shaman, priest and warlock and that was more on the pve server. the pvp crowd is about 90% dickless retards who are like "boy this game would suck if i didn't get to gank people 15 levels below me in a raid group with 9 others, now i have to go farm instances to get uber gear" as i literally never found an evenly matched fight on the pvp server, and that was playing up to level 49 when the cap was 50. on a pve server you can go about your business if you just want to level, or you can go attack a town and fight with other players when you want to. i will say in pvp's defense that you get some fun out of using more than just your class's spells to play, learning stuff like position on maps for good hiding/ambush spots, but the community on the servers is too retarded to make it worth it. if blizzard hadn't been retarded and cut out the honor system at the last moment, pvp servers would be worthwhile because half of the ganking is obviously because there's no drawback to it. as it is i'm glad my guild from closed beta chose pve, because it's battlegrounds where i really want to pvp and until they come out i have no problem playing different classes that i like (hunter, warlock, shaman for me).


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
A paladin can have over 3500 mana by the time they reach their 40's, they can chain stun you with seal of justice/justice, put you to sleep (gives them 2 ways to get uninterrupted heals per minute), can get a critical heal every 2 minutes, refill mana with pots, etc etc. You are right, without mana a paladin is weaker, but remember that they are a melee class and do not cast often so they are still at full power (damage-wise) even with no mana (assuming they have a seal on). Dots are still powerful, even though they can cleanse. Fear + sucky are important. And, of course, I hope you are bandaging yourself while he's feared :)


AeroGod said:
but if you play on the PvP server and actually enjoy it your a damned idiot.

I was enjoying your post until you uttered that. Ah well.

However, Ordinn on the Blizzard forums stated the next patch will have the pvp details implemented, so all we can do is wait.

I for one went on to the pvp server knowing of the added risk, and to me, its more exciting. I have to constantly watch my back. If i get ganked, so be it, I'll go else where. I know the consequences of a pvp server with no current pvp rules. However, I wouldn't trade that extra challenge for a PvE server environment.
Do you guys need some tissues?


If you expect to solo somewhere like STV you're bordering on retarded. There are plenty of places to level up for every level range. A lot of them practically empty. Also, Alliance can't get you in instances. Instances are some of the best xp in the game now at all level ranges. Use them and stop crying. Is leveling a little slower on pvp servers? Yeah, I would probably be 50+ now... But when you're 60 it isn't going to matter anyway, and pvp is very fun when you have time between dungeon crawling etc. I don't know what you guys expected on the pvp servers. Two factions at war... Expect to get ganked, and return the favor.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Why do people need to suck it up and deal with something they don't enjoy? This is a game.

Now, I'm not putting down PvP servers. I came very close to playing one and still would happily if that's where my friends went. But I don't understand some of these elitist attitudes (that exist on every single forum I've read where this discussion has come up) towards people who are not enjoying the PvP servers or do not prefer them. People like different things - the fact that something you enjoy does not match someone elses preference does not put you in the right and them in the wrong.

"Stop crying" is a pretty immature response.


I've created a new char on a non-pvp server and I took a screenshot:


I think this is an alliance and horde player meeting up.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Can we at least find a new way to make fun of PvE players? o_O This has to be the 300th posting of a carebear picture I've seen. Not to say it wasn't funny at first, it was... but c'mon =P
MrCheez said:
"Stop crying" is a pretty immature response.

Sorry, don't feel bad for people who chose to play on a pvp server, and are now bitching about it. I really don't have a problem with the people who want to play on the World of Lovecraft servers. A few of my friends fall into this huggable and wholesome category of squishy gamers. Whatever floats your boat.
Cerebral Palsy said:
Sorry, don't feel bad for people who chose to play on a pvp server, and are now bitching about it. I really don't have a problem with the people who want to play on the World of Lovecraft servers. A few of my friends fall into this huggable and wholesome category of squishy gamers. Whatever floats your boat.

Considering that Blizzard made some pretty decent standards and then decided against em, I'd say PvPers have a right to bitch.


Cerebral Palsy said:
Sorry, don't feel bad for people who chose to play on a pvp server, and are now bitching about it. I really don't have a problem with the people who want to play on the World of Lovecraft servers. A few of my friends fall into this huggable and wholesome category of squishy gamers. Whatever floats your boat.

Honestly, it can be a bit rough for those of us who didn't "buckle down" and nerd out for 30+ levels in the first week of the game. When you have 50+ Shaman raiding Duskwood and DESTROYING everyone like crazy (and I'm willing to admit it's no doubt even worse for most of the Horde) then talk to people.

Your arguments are fair CP, if everyone knew the game and leveled up to 30 in the first week.. but that's not the case. How about you start a new character up on Mal'G, Ill, Archi and try to level in one of the 'Contested' area's a week or so from now.

Try your Rogue then. Try getting away from Mr. 50 Shaman as I did last Sunday morning. Wow, look at all these useful escape tools I have.. Sprint (NO!). Not frost shocked at least.. even if that weren't the case clearly a mount/ghost wolf no matter what the level would deal with that. Vanish, yah it's an incredible ability, but not when mr. level 50 Shaman decides he is going to spend his morning camping you and the 10 other people online in duskwood it's worthless.. he see's right through it as he should.

In the end it's cool if the guy just kills you once and moves on down the road, but it can be extremely frustrating if he decides to camp you and a few others indefinately. As I said, I feel extremely lucky to be on the Alliance side at this point. As the horde no doubt have it worse for a more extended amount of levels.


Heh..guys like that must be getting you in totally flat environments if you can't escape a player trying to corpse camp. I mean unless you're in a place like the shimmering flats you can find some hill or tree or whatever to hide behind and make your escape. Hell, I got killed running through lakeshire (don't ask why I was having fun with the peeps) and we was able to get away with a ton of alliance and guards around easily. On Archimonde I usually say that the alliance must really suck at corpse camping cause I hear from people who cry about how they are endlessly corpse camped yet I always seem to get away easily.

I don't know, maybe they just really do suck though, but I find you got a wide gap to rez from your corpse and if you don't have anything to hide behind you at least got a nice head start in running.

Also I'm a Tauren so you know its hard for me not to be noticed when I'm running around. :)

Either way play the game the way you want to and if its on a PVE server, that's cool.


They need to get rid of names over enemy PCs. Its like a big fucking red sign that says "ATTACK ME PLEASE LVL 60 PALADIN"


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Ugh. I went through the entire quest to get my felhunter yesterday, just to have the quest become bugged on the last part. I had to infiltrate Ratchet, while technically a Goblin town is almost always overrun with Horde, to get the quest originially. I then had go back to Iron Forge just to be told I needed to then go to Thousand Needles, or whatever it is called south of the Barrens. I had to go get an item out of a chest in a centaur cave that had about 20 Horde hunting in it. The funny thing was that I ran into two of them that were just one level below me, and since I was tired of hiding I charged them with half health and no pet out and they took off running. I guess they thought I was just one member of a raid and it was better to get away then fight. I then had to do a bunch of other crap. The last part of the quest invloved going back to Ratchet so I coluld summon and kill the felhunter. Naturally I summon it, but then it wouldn't let me attack it. I sent a petition to a GM and hid nearby and logged. When I checked a few hours later, my petition was still open and the felhunter was still sitting there.

The one thing I don't understand is why low level Horde kept trying to to attack me in Ratchet. It is in the Barrens so while I am flagged for PvP, they are not. Yet on two seperate times a level 15 and a level 23 decided to attack me. The first I just killed quickly. The second I feared him and he ran into a goblin that then killed him.
Anyone else having troubling logging in? On my 50th try it finally connected after 5 minutes of waiting, but then I only got a partial server list (5 servers)... My server wasn't on there.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Cerebral Palsy said:
Anyone else having troubling logging in? On my 50th try it finally connected after 5 minutes of waiting, but then I only got a partial server list (5 servers)... My server wasn't on there.

Yeah, I can't connect at all. Bullshit!


Mjunter said:
Heh..guys like that must be getting you in totally flat environments if you can't escape a player trying to corpse camp. I mean unless you're in a place like the shimmering flats you can find some hill or tree or whatever to hide behind and make your escape.

I'm not getting it too bad, but of course I'm on a medium population server. Normally there is someone there to rescue you eventually, but this was real early in the morning. Most of the time they will go away for a bit, and then they start roaming again. Sometimes they get some other people and you get warned in time to slink off into a cave or crypt :lol

The most infuriating thing about it is not even being able to run. Even if you see them from a huge distance! This partially stems from the fact that almost everyone who comes over alone is a Shaman, some rogues too. The others generally only come over in groups. I was stealthed one time and tried to move behind a tree, but he a few seconds later frost shock.. windfury thing, bam bam bam. hah.

They know you can't outrun that damn Wolf form! :lol


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Son of Godzilla said:

Engineering is completely useless.

You say that now until I throw my net around you as you run away then I hit you with my ray gun to bring you down to 50% speed and then unpoly my friend. There is not a more useful profession if you plan to PvP.


Well, most rogues wait till I'm at less than 1/4 health or busy with a mob to take me out. Seriously its pretty easy to take out anyone at any lvl in certain circumstances.


Mjunter said:
Well, most rogues wait till I'm at less than 1/4 health or busy with a mob to take me out. Seriously its pretty easy to take out anyone at any lvl in certain circumstances.

Yeah, I find that terribly lame for the most part. On a happier note, I bought out a Nightscape Headband for only 1 gold! I can't use it until level 36, but it's +12 AGI, +11 STA!!!

I'm currently using the Rogue Defias Mask. Which has no stats at all, so that's going to be a huge boost when I make it to 36.


Son of Godzilla said:

Engineering is completely useless.

:lol Umm, I thought you were taking engineering and mining.

Death ray, net-o-matic projector, crazy stat head gear, = PVP ownage. Get engineering folks, its the only skill where it requires points to wear the head gear.
All of the underlings are borked. Nothing like seeing that minute of glory go down the hole as your dragonling just hovers near you. Harvest Reapers are insanely glitchy. The pet bomb works pretty good, but of course has a chance of just sitting there and exploding in your face in a minute. Combat switching of trinkets is inconcievable (Even though it was said to be in game), and the flamethrower is completely useless. Takes channeling. The Big Ones need volatile rum, which has a pretty bad drop rate off mobs located in one place in the game. And that's one rum for two bombs. The discombobulator is useless, as it takes a trinket slot. The gnome ray works well enough.

Most the headgear is cloth, with ruddy stats late game. The ones that aren't ain't that useful. The only thing I haven't tried out is the goblin headbutt, which looks useful, but theres probably a year long cooldown.


jtv said:
Man....no offense to your skills, but did he really suck? How?

He was terrorizes a camp in stranglethorn. He was hurt cause people kept smacking him, but he'd get away everytime since he had a really good stealth (he's lvl 60 he should).

Though I had some cat eye elixirs on me, and he got too lazy and I snuck up behind him and ambushed him.

As for killing people while fighting, damn straight I"ll do it,, as long as the person is above me in levels. I tracked a guy down for 10 minutes waiting for him to get low in health so I could kill him. He repeatly killed me the other day while I was in badlands, so it felt good.

As for killing someone while fighting being lame..... I'm a rogue... there's no such thing as a fairfight when it comes to rogues.


I cheap shot people who are fighting all the time, nothing funnier than having them figure out whats going on and try to run with me and the monster they were fighting chasing them :lol
Mjunter said:
Well, most rogues wait till I'm at less than 1/4 health or busy with a mob to take me out. Seriously its pretty easy to take out anyone at any lvl in certain circumstances.

Ah, yes. I can't wait until my Rogue can get his stab on; I miss my SB Thief...

Meier: Nice. One day, hopefully by January, my toons will look that swank; and won't have anything with the prefixes "tattered", "rusty", or "battle-worn". :p
Malakhov said:
I cheap shot people who are fighting all the time, nothing funnier than having them figure out whats going on and try to run with me and the monster they were fighting chasing them :lol

I try my best to let the mobs kill them, so they suffer repair costs. With cheap shot, kidney shot, and vanish to repeat.... You can keep people stunned a long time :) I'm an ass.
I really fucking hate rogues. Wow, you can kill me while I'm fighting 4 lvl+ mobs at once. What the fuck do you want from me?

Hunters have it fucking bad. Poly/Sap + rape the pet = fuck you buddy, food is expensive. Although, it's kinda worth when you put on the monkey/deterrence and laugh as you bust ass melee for a while, wing clip, mark, run and shoot the fucker down.
Son of Godzilla said:
I really fucking hate rogues. Wow, you can kill me while I'm fighting 4 lvl+ mobs at once. What the fuck do you want from me?

Hunters have it fucking bad. Poly/Sap + rape the pet = fuck you buddy, food is expensive. Although, it's kinda worth when you put on the monkey/deterrence and laugh as you bust ass melee for a while, wing clip, mark, run and shoot the fucker down.

Cry me a river. Hunters have every tool in the world against rogues. That fucking two minute mark bullshit, and that flare that reveals stealthed people... We're screwed if you get any kind of distance from us, and have absolutely no chance if we don't open the fight from stealth.
The mark doesn't prevent stealth, just let's hunter see you in it. The flare is useless, you don't have anything at all to fear from it.

And anyways, like I said, I can kill rogues just fine provided they don't jump me while I'm fighting motherfucking four same lvl+ mobs at once. I'm supposed to be able to take out someone who can stealth up from behind, without me even knowing they are in the same area, and ambush me for 600 dmg at the same time? "Cry me a river" or whatever the fuck, that shit is lame.
Son of Godzilla said:
The mark doesn't prevent stealth, just let's hunter see you in it. The flare is useless, you don't have anything at all to fear from it.

And anyways, like I said, I can kill rogues just fine provided they don't jump me while I'm fighting motherfucking four same lvl+ mobs at once. I'm supposed to be able to take out someone who can stealth up from behind, without me even knowing they are in the same area, and ambush me for 600 dmg at the same time? "Cry me a river" or whatever the fuck, that shit is lame.

Any class can gank you if you're fighting multiple mobs. If any one class shouldn't have a right to complain about rogues... It's the hunters.
Any other class and I would have known they were in the area. A rogue can appear at an area, see that the entrance mobs are missing, stealth and go wait until they please to attack. It's just annoying that no matter how much I look after myself, that shit is still possible.


Night Elf Rogue noob question:

Where do I go and who do I talk too so I can have the ability to wield swords beyond the daggers I can use...?
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