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World of Warcraft

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Blizzard needs to announce an official date and quit screwin' around. They know by now wether they will make it this year or not, and they still refuse to give any estimate.

I hate when game developers treat their elaborate toys like government secrets.


Ossi trash is fun. For some odd reason with 5 ****ing mana drainers, Moam kept topping off and blowing right before going into freeze mode.....and that just means wipe....so we skipped him and went to Ossi. The trash keeps ya on your toes, but I swear if my friend yelled at me and my bud for not putting up detect magic one more time....even though she couldn't grasp that no detect magic meant....THEY REFLECT ARCANE AND FIRE SO USE SHADOW OR FROST.

I about wanted to punch her.

Then we did Ossi....and the raidleader who took charge of the crystals did the first one early both times and ....yeah those were wipes.

Fun. I'm almost totally done with playing until BC I'm thinking.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Alex said:
Blizzard needs to announce an official date and quit screwin' around. They know by now wether they will make it this year or not, and they still refuse to give any estimate.

I hate when game developers treat their elaborate toys like government secrets.

Gamestop has the release date as 11/28 (least when I preordered). I figure thats as good of a time as any to get it out before the big/last minute shopping rush for xmas.


Anyone has freshly restarted or plan to in the upcoming weeks? I'd like to start playing this game again but playing without anyone you know is kind of boring. I'm asking my friends to come back and I might pull them in again but they're not 100% sure yet.


cvkpaladin said:
Question, for anyone that knows: Since the Caverns of Time look like they are directly tied to the Bronze Dragonflight, are you gonna need a good reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu in order to go inside? I ask this because I don't think I'll ever go to AQ40, at least before the BC comes out, and so I'm still Hated with them.

Please refresh my memory, but has there been any instance that require certain faction reputation besides Naxxramas attunement (and even then it is hard to not be honored with Argent Dawn by the time you are considering raiding there)? The whole rep grinding with the Brood from hated to unfriendly was pretty much a big time sink to delay the opening of the AQ gates, and even after that was done, anyone can participate in AQ20/40 regardless of what his/her current Brood rep is.

So then to answer your question, if the Burning Crusade is supposedly a reset for all players in terms of progression, as well as to make endgame at level 70 a lot more accessible to casual people due to the reduced raid size, I think it would be pretty contradictory if Blizzard was to place a reputation restriction in order to gain entrance into one of the new raid instances, especially since you can't grind the Brood's rep without spending a significant time in AQ40. It's possible some sort of requirement and/or attunement is needed, but I don't know how likely it is to involve the Brood, which for all intents and purposes, seems pretty useless come expansion.
You get put to Neutral for showing up at the door or something. It's been taken care of.

Zalasta he means to be asking "If I show up at the CoT entrance will that bitch of a bronze dragon try to eat me alive like he currently does"?
boing, guild dkp hasn't been updated since 3rd Oct, leadership given up on raiding until after tbc, mass exodus of players.

guildless again lol


Kintaro said:
Gamestop has the release date as 11/28 (least when I preordered). I figure thats as good of a time as any to get it out before the big/last minute shopping rush for xmas.

Yah, but everytime someone mentions that a CM drops in and is like "THAT'S JUST A RETAILER GUESS LOL".

Although, with all the hype, and media and presentation on store websites, their publisher will probably force them to have it out no matter what.


I'm finally free of this game! Yay!
I miss it =(

After putting around
hours into the game, it feels good to have it all completely behind me.


Well I must say my guild blowing up was one of the stupidest things ever.

The reason it started was the officers just said "We.... wanna do something else"

Then everyone bailed, then most everyone regreted it. THe guild mostly split into two guilds, few people went to bigger guilds. Now the two split guilds are hopefully going to get back together, so in the end little will have changed. Hence this was dubbed "Emo Week" by one of our paladins.



I been itchen' to do PvP and I respecced my lock from a raid build to PvP

Come to realize that Smolderthorn's PvP scene has gone to shit for horde. Apparently we're in a PvP bracket heavy with Alliance PvP raid groups. Almost every BG I get into there's always some ally pvp guild stomping.


Um, firestones and spellstones in the ranged slot is friggin' huge as a buff.

And spellstones aren't even consumed, they just have a 3 minute cooldown when used. JESUS you guys:p


I'm trying to grind out some gold before BC, and my friend suggested I take up Herbalism. Right now, I've been farming Dreamfoil and Gromsblood out in Felwood with some success, and at times I'll head up to Winterspring to grab some Icecaps. It's nice, but still pretty slow and mind-numbing.

Can anyone suggest a better method of making money on herbalism?


grinding twilight texts
summoning templars and dukes
is an easy way to make gold imo
on my server twilight texts were still going for 1g a pop when i quit
so that is easy money if u dont need rep


personally, I think it kind of sucks they go in the ranged slot. but there aren't a whole lot of awesome wands anyway. just more of those than there are awesome offhands.


Tamanon said:
Ghost Mushrooms sell for a really good amount. Also make sure you're herbing where there are Black Lotus spawns.
Ghost Mushrooms are in the Hinterlands....a long ways from everything else that has a steady market. On the plus side, it looks like it'd be kind of easy to corner the market. I don't understand why they're popular, though. Doesn't seem to be used in any essential potions.

As far as I can tell, Black Lotus is a completely random world spawn. I've picked up 1 of them so far in Winterspring.


Black Lotus has very specific spawn points and spawn times. And hinterlands isn't the only place to get ghost mushrooms.


The Herbalism guide I picked up lists only Hinterlands under "Ghost Mushroom" (well that and DM/Maurudon) *shrug*

Where do I go to learn the secrets of the Black Lotus spawn? All I've got to go on are pages of heresay on the Thottbot/Allakhazam Item Page.


There's also a spot near the AQ gate, and one somewhere in burning steppes.

e: IMO the absolute easiest ways to farm up a lot of gold are (depending upon your gear):
killing elites in hearthglen/tyr's hand (hearthglen is less farmed, and you can go check on the guys that drop the crusader form)
soloing SM/RFD/ZF/Maraudon (I actually think for SM it's best to solo an entire wing of it and sell all the cloth drops you get)
twilight texts, the ruined city, or cauldrons in western plaguelands (take the runecloth and texts/AD turnins to the AH)

The other easy way is, if you've got a pretty constant 5 man group going on, just clear out BRD/BRS/strath/scholo. As long as everyone gets something to sell/DE you can come out with a good bit of gold. Probably not the best gold:hour ratio though.


I checked out the 3 caves in The Hinterlands where Ghost Mushrooms are supposed to spawn....it's all too far apart, with not a lot of valuable herbs to be found in between the three points. Will these mushrooms spawn in the caves of Winterspring, perhaps?

As a blue-equipped warrior, it's kind of rough farming 58+ Elites but I will give Hearthglen and Tyr's Hand a try.


I started the game as Ally, but then after a year I switched to Horde..

I found great success making money as an herbalist in Azshara.. not many allies on my server, well or more importantly at 60 there just isn't a lot of people in the zone period.

There are some nice herbs in the area Mountain Silversage, dreamfoil etc. and as I pointed out possibly most important it's not a very popular zone outside of some mage's. Also, the elf humanoids are level 52-53ish and are great to kill as a melee. They are both caster type's and at 52+ drop Runecloth, cash, and have a chance of 50+ world drops.

edit: even the stupid gryphons have some decent drops too actually.
border said:
The Herbalism guide I picked up lists only Hinterlands under "Ghost Mushroom" (well that and DM/Maurudon) *shrug*

Where do I go to learn the secrets of the Black Lotus spawn? All I've got to go on are pages of heresay on the Thottbot/Allakhazam Item Page.

Black Lotus grows in Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, Silly-thus, and the Burning Steppes. Like other herbs, they tend to pop in "rings" varying from 2 to 8 potential spawn points every 15 minutes from being picked, but unlike others, it's range is zone-wide and there's only one ring per zone.

WS: at the Moonkin caves, by the demon that gives the blacksmithing quest, on the second level of the winterfall villiage, Frostsaber Rock, the lake as previously mentioned, and the farthest west furbolg base by the spring, and by the entrance to the blue dragon cave.

EPL: dont to my work here; alot involve going into culdesacs; the two mountaintop fungus places have them, I do know.

Burning Steppes: Altar of Storms and the lowest Ogre cave entrance is all I've seen.

Silly-thus: to the right of the road headed south outta Cenarion Hold, in each Hive, the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj, and in the central Twilight Cult camp.


border said:
I checked out the 3 caves in The Hinterlands where Ghost Mushrooms are supposed to spawn....it's all too far apart, with not a lot of valuable herbs to be found in between the three points. Will these mushrooms spawn in the caves of Winterspring, perhaps?

As a blue-equipped warrior, it's kind of rough farming 58+ Elites but I will give Hearthglen and Tyr's Hand a try.
yeah, to be honest, with your gear I would just do stuff like solo SM, or solo parts of ZF if you can (like some boss fights). Or texts, I think anyone in blues can solo texts. If texts are too camped (usually they aren't, but you never know) you could take a break from that and farm up the elementals. The earth elementals are nice with all the new recipes for transmuting essence of earth, and essence of air's always popular too.


Thanks for the lowdown on Black Lotus, Satellite!

I found great success making money as an herbalist in Azshara.. not many allies on my server, well or more importantly at 60 there just isn't a lot of people in the zone period.
Azshara is nice, but there's only one money-making herb out there (Dreamfoil) and a ton of trash. Felwood has Dreamfoil (15-17g per stack), Gromsblood (15-17g per stack), and Plagueblossom (8-9g per stack). Plus there's those cool corrupted flowers that give you a crazy-good buff if you cleanse them (+5% to crit AND +15 to all attributes).

I like going to Azshara when I'm just sick of the Winterspring/Felwood grind, though. The humanoid mobs there are easy, but sadly Runecloth isn't the commodity it used to be. Stacks go for ~1g50s buyouts on my server -- just by converting them to bandages I can get 1g per stack, and avoid the auction house hassle.

I gotta say I'm not too impressed with Tyr's Hand and Hearthglen. I spent a while in both places, and it was kind of a slow, nasty grind. Miss a couple swings and you have to burn a pot or +HP item. If you could get mobs to consistently drop 20s or more it might be worth it, but you go through long periods where they drop a pathetic 5-7s. I got a few 2g+ green items, but it really only works out to 10g/hour or less. None of the items were really worth putting up on AH either. With the rate you burn through bandages just to keep speedy, it is probably worse than that. People said that they nerfed Tyr's Hand many patches ago -- I believe it.

As an aside, I gotta say I love having The Unstoppable Force (stun proc) plus Mace Specialization Talent. The proc plus the +6% chance to stun Talent stops mobs from casting a lot of nasty heal/damage spells.


I really think hearthglen/tyr's hand is easier to farm for mages, hunters, and rogues, or people with some raid epics. Just try twilight texts, or cauldrons/uther's tomb area. Anything where you can kill a lot of tightly concentrated non-elites is awesome, and soloing SM is just something I like to do for fun (though I do that on my shaman) and some good silk/occasional mageweave (since I farm the cathedral).


Encrypted Twilight Text goes for about 93s Buyout on my server -- is it worth farming at that price? Plus at any given time there's like 15 auctions for single texts, so it's a fairly well-covered market. Dreamfoil, Gromsblood, and Icecap are less competitive but obviously more time-consuming.

I've soloed SM before, but mostly it turns up BoP items that don't vend for a whole lot. If it's BoE, it's always some +Spirit crap that nobody on the AH would want. How easy is it to solo Maraudon? A lot of Ghost Mushrooms spawn there apparently, so if it's got a good droprate on green items it might be worth it.

I just restarted my account after 6 months of downtime so I don't know much about the WPL cauldrons -- can someone explain further?


border said:
Encrypted Twilight Text goes for about 93s Buyout on my server -- is it worth farming at that price? Plus at any given time there's like 15 auctions for single texts, so it's a fairly well-covered market.
Trust me, it'll sell. If people want CH rep, they need thousands of those ****ers.


cauldrons/other camps like that in WPL are good for a few things:
1) runecloth and other assorted stuff from the undead
2) different turnins (usually skeletal fragments) for I think either AD rep or one of the new things added in with Naxx. I know if you get enough of them you can get a shadow or frost resist libram. The thing is, the fragments don't bind, and they stack to 250 if I'm not mistaken, so you can easily stack up a lot of them and not worry about it overflowing your inventory. It sounds like nothing, I guess, but if there's any guilds in your server on Naxx or AQ40, then they're going to want those enchants.

The main thing about texts is, it's easy to get a lot of them and sell them, along with the cultist sets (though honestly, it's not bad to just get a cultist set and solo a templar if you've got the gear for it or have a friend), and like the WPL mobs, you're also getting runecloth and silver and occasional other boes.

A lot of Maraudon is pretty easy to solo. The only boss that can be hard is Noxxion. You'll just be getting BOP stuff, so it's not really worth it unless you enchant, and I'm guessing you don't since you do herbalism. I'm just going to guess that soloing an instance isn't worth it for you. So I'd find a zone with some 52+ humanoid/undead camps (for silver drops and gray items at the least), go farming them, and pick herbs in the area too. I honestly don't do a lot of gold farming, so I don't know. I just use the quest->gold conversion on my shaman.


Has problems recognising girls
I created a toon on Alliance for kicks, Human Paladin, in the hopes that someday I will get one Alliance character up past 25.

Anyway as I headed upto the usual Stormwind path, it really hit me for some funny reason as I walked into the Valley of Heroes with the music pumping - just how astounding Blizzard can be at not only designing graphics, structures, lore but also credit to Jason Hayes and the others behind the music. Walking past the statues I was in a very eery but awesome tone with the music at the time and the surroundings, and then the best part about it was wading my way through the back streets and hitting to the Chapel of Light then more chanting music pumps in giving me goosebumps as I walked up the steps and into the chapel.

How the hell does a gaming company do this shit??

Being a major Horde boy (and funnily enough, High Elf fanboy at heart), I am looking forward to something similar in respects to the Blood Elves. Just something that will make me go "oh my god, wow" when I walk through such a lore-infested playground.

As for the herbalism, easy and early cash cow = speed sprint potions. Hit the Barrens and farm that Briarthorn!


speedpop said:
I created a toon on Alliance for kicks, Human Paladin, in the hopes that someday I will get one Alliance character up past 25.
:lol :lol

And you pick a Paladin in order to do that?


On the horizon for 1.13 has been, not surprisingly, entirely removed now replaced simply with BC info. Probably the start of the frill trimming on nonessentials to get BC out in Nov.


As a general rule, when is the best time of day/week to have your stuff up on the Auction House?

For gold farming, is there a website that's made a list of the easiest quests that pay out the most gold? I've come across some stupid fetch/deliver things that net like 3-4g.


border said:
As a general rule, when is the best time of day/week to have your stuff up on the Auction House?

Probably Sunday; and put up your bids for items a few mins before maintainence each week. Get some cheap stuff that way.

For gold farming, is there a website that's made a list of the easiest quests that pay out the most gold?

Playing the AH is by far the best way to make money.


xabre said:
Probably Sunday; and put up your bids for items a few mins before maintainence each week. Get some cheap stuff that way.

Auctions don't expire or count down during maintenance anymore. That was changed a long time ago.
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