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World of Warcraft

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To get the reagents for Cauldron cleansing to drop off mobs, I'm supposed to get an item from Apothecary Dithers at the Bulwark. But when I go to see him now, he doesn't have any quests for me or items to sell. Did I miss the chance to get this item (Vitreous Focuser) somehow? I'm pretty sure that I haven't already done anything from him (except for half the quest chain for the Scholo key).


border said:
To get the reagents for Cauldron cleansing to drop off mobs, I'm supposed to get an item from Apothecary Dithers at the Bulwark. But when I go to see him now, he doesn't have any quests for me or items to sell. Did I miss the chance to get this item (Vitreous Focuser) somehow? I'm pretty sure that I haven't already done anything from him (except for half the quest chain for the Scholo key).
Have you done this quest?


fallout said:
I don't think so.....can I still pick it up at 60? Thottbot didn't list Apothecary Dithers as the Start or End for any quest that gives you the Vitreous Focuser, so I assumed I missed something along the way.


Zangarmarsh's a pretty cool zone, honestly. However, so far the quests I've done in it are all over the place. There's like 3-4 different named mob quests, and honestly I don't like it as much as Hellfire Peninsula so far for questing (plus, this may just be my mediocre LCD monitor, but it's a lot darker to me than Hellfire Peninsula). I think it's because the quests in Hellfire at least start out interesting, while Zangarmarsh starts out boringly, with crap to kill naga or random mobs. It does have a couple neutral factions, though, one of which actually starts out at Unfriendly like it's Timbermaw Furbolgs.

Also, I did the lower level wing of Coilfang Reservoir (the Slave Pens) and it's a bit buggy, but I think if they fix that then it could be a good instance. It's way longer than either wing of Hellfire Citadel (which means it takes about 2 hours) and IMO not as interesting, but it drops better loot. And similar to getting Thrallmar/Honor Hold rep from Hellfire Ramparts up to honored, with the Slave Pens I was getting Cenarion Expedition rep. If you don't like Naga then the instance will get old fast, though, cause that's 90% of the mobs. The other 10% are some Outland version of the Makrura guys (crab people). I did it with an unconventional group, with a druid as the tank (did perfectly the whole time, so thankfully druids can compare to warriors, at least in 5/10 mans) and an enhancement shaman, BM hunter (great dps and awesome group buffs out of that spec, it's underrated), a priest, and then myself (respecced to affliction for this fight).

I can't find a good warlock spec to be honest. Affliction is going to get nerfed, I just know it is, considering I walk into a camp, drop 3 dots on every mob, and walk out alive from drain life for 230ish and the 3-4 siphon life procs for 120ish healing with fel armor. I may just go back to the felguard because it's still easy, but less overpowered, and requires me actually paying attention. I really wish I could go destruction, but god does it blow. Soul Leech/Nether Protection both suck, Backlash is good, Shadowfury is mildly useful but nothing special, and IMO at least they're going to have to give t4 and t5 bonuses specifically for destruction to make it worth getting. However, that may change when I get incinerate, and I do plan on respeccing whenever I get it just so I can see if its dps goes way up. Again, just IMO but incinerate >>>> shadowbolt if you go heavy destruction. I also have yet to try any of the world pvp stuff, but Zangarmarsh is where the rewards really seem to kick up, outside of getting exalted with Thrallmar (+150 spell damage +21 spell crit rating sword ftw).

Oh, and goldwise I feel like I'm insanely rich, but I know I haven't played nearly as much as most of the catasses in the beta. I'm only at 233g but I also play at most about 2-3 hours a day, maybe longer if I'm not dealing with something else.


border said:
I don't think so.....can I still pick it up at 60? Thottbot didn't list Apothecary Dithers as the Start or End for any quest that gives you the Vitreous Focuser, so I assumed I missed something along the way.
Yeah, you can pick up any quest at 60. They just might not have the exclamation point over their head (I forget what level it's at). Once you complete that quest chain, you can start doing the repeatable quests. I think, anyway.


the thing is, I don't even need fear. I just literally put siphon life, curse of agony and corruption on every mob and give it about 21 seconds to die. It's almost as mindless as earth shield with my shaman. I've got to find some build where I actually stay awake during fights, even if I'm gimping myself by not going with the obvious overpowered spec.

I also think it's going to be nerfed because for the most part, level 70 affliction warlocks will literally kill almost any player just by one use of all their dots. The only exception used to be someone who could dispel them, but with instant howl of terror you can fear them and then use that time to hit them with unstable affliction, which ****s them over so badly it's ridiculous. It's not like it's instant death, but affliction warlocks are just crazily overpowered. It's honestly the only build that's really overpowered that I've seen (earth shield shamans have such weak dps they can't pose any significant threat, plus the shield spell itself has enough limitations on it to give it serious disadvantages) and that's why I think I'll just go back to my felguard build, maybe tool around with it some more and drop demonic aegis for something.


So we tried Anub'Rekhan last night. Oh man, it was ugly.
People couldn't decide if the corpse scarabs spawned when a player died, or when a crypt fiend and a player died, or only sometimes when a crypt fiend dies...
And as a mage, I've gotta be on the ball and know when to AOE the suckers.

So now I know, Anub can randomly summon scarabs from a dead crypt fiend, and they always appear when someone dies. Like someone getting caught in the locust swarm.
Anyway, once we got the scarabs under control, we realized we didn't have enough healing on the MT. :p Great night.

I got a bit of time on the test server, and I learned I can't stand the water elemental being on a short timer. I leveled up a warlock on another server previously, and am used to having a pet around all the time. I still love frost (Ice Block <3), just not it's 41-pt talent.


Likewise, I'm thinking of going conflag/MD, or 40 destruction/21 demonology on my lock. With all the new stam gear I could probably sacrifice a VW and regen 180ish hp from it, or sac an imp for extra fire damage.

e: I don't know wtf I was thinking when I said the outland factions have items shifted more towards specific classes. That's only for the epics really. There's stuff for just about everyone in every rep, so... yeah, get ready for more rep grinding in the expansion!

And that's why blizz needs to change the way rep gain works. Getting honored with a rep should give the 10% bonus that humans get with that group, and in the case of your entire faction (horde or alliance) honored with 1 city should increase rep gains across the board with your faction.
I'm thinking 20/0/41 NF/Conflag for my warlock in BC. I like how much Soul Leech proc'd on the PTR and Backlash is a must if you're that far up in the Destruction tree, IMO. As far as 2.0's concerned, once I get all the R13 stuff I want (which from all accounts is sounding like it'll take less than a week to get all 6 pieces) factoring in talents and a spellstone in the ranged slot, I'll be looking at about 22-23% spell crit chance, which I'm quite comfortable with.


I just don't like NF compared to conflag. I just recently respecced again to 41 demonology and the rest into affliction though.

Still, I'm planning at 70 to go 0/21/40 I think. 0/30/31 could be good but I like backlash and shadow and flame too much. Soul Leech, for me, does not proc nearly enough in pve, but it may in dungeons (never got to do any while destruction spec).

oh, btw, I forgot! There's a vendor for some of t4. It looks like it's a 5 piece set actually - head, shoulders, legs, chest, gloves. They sorta have set bonuses in. But I could be wrong, because it was on an Aldor NPC and they're one of those 2 conflicting factions.
If Shadowfury wasn't sorta meh, I'd consider going Heavy Destruction with some points into Demonic Embrace for the stamina boost. To be honest, though, there's not really much else to put the points I have left in. I like Soul Siphon and the new Drain Soul and I've sorta gotten used to being able to drain life without (much) interruption. Then, I figure if I'm gonna get that, I might as well get a slight chance to get a free shadow bolt. :p


shadowfury does suck, but shadow and flame scales so well with gear... plus I like the new 2 piece bonus on the Voidheart set: chance for your shadow spells to give +135 fire damage, and fire spells to give +135 shadow damage, for 10 seconds. The 5 piece says it increases the duration of corruption/immolate by $ seconds, so whatever duration increase it gives is busted for displaying but can probably be datamined. And it looks like it's token-based ala AQ40 or Naxx.


New patch expected December 5th.

The next World of Warcraft content update, “Before the Storm,” will include the new PvP Honor System, as well as other new features that will prepare us for The Burning Crusade expansion. We are currently planning to release this content update next Tuesday, December 5. Please note that the patch date is still subject to change, and we will keep you informed of any changes to the plan as they happen.

If the patch goes live as planned, this will be the last week that new PvP ranks under the old Honor System can be earned, as the patch will immediately introduce the new Honor System. We will run one final honor calculation on December 5 and update everyone’s ranking accordingly on that date so that players who achieve a new rank for that week have the opportunity to display that title on their character. Please note, however, that no new PvP rewards will be unlocked for purchase with this final “old Honor System” calculation, regardless of any increase in rank.

For those who have been seeking high-rank PvP armor and weapons, note that the new Honor System will still include these item rewards, and it will actually be easier to earn these items under the new Honor System than under the old Honor System. Those who wish to see how their PvP abilities measure up against other players will still be able to do so under the new Arena System.


Is there any rogues playing in the beta? Please tell me some good news about Blinding Powder? Do we still have to either steal it from humanoids or farm it in STV?

Another thing, at some point this month, there was some serious work being done on the realms, and ever since my crit has been totally weird. It seems fine in pvp and raid instance, but everywhere else it's just. I mean I can't even remember the last time my backstab didn't crit 4 times in a row, but lately it has happened multiple times.


John_B said:
Is there any rogues playing in the beta? Please tell me some good news about Blinding Powder? Do we still have to either steal it from humanoids or farm it in STV?

Another thing, at some point this month, there was some serious work being done on the realms, and ever since my crit has been totally weird. It seems fine in pvp and raid instance, but everywhere else it's just. I mean I can't even remember the last time my backstab didn't crit 4 times in a row, but lately it has happened multiple times.

Nothing changed on blinding powder. But really, getting it from pickpocketing alone rather drastically improved the ability and cost. No need to go further.


I still think it's bs. It the ability really that overpowered that you need to farm mats to use it? Just let me buy them already.
"I still think it's bs. It the ability really that overpowered that you need to farm mats to use it? Just let me buy them already."

I've been a proponent of this for some time. Sans Warlocks and Shamans, no other class has to farm a reagent to use one of their skills. Just put some at the poison vendor for 5-10s per fadeleaf or something.

The only people who have a problem with this are the herbalists who won't be able to gouge rogues (pun!).

Edit: Correction!


Teknopathetic said:
I've been a proponent of this for some time. Sans Warlocks, no other class has to farm a reagent to use one of their skills. Just put some at the poison vendor for 5-10s per fadeleaf or something.
Shamans have to farm fish oil and shiny fish scales to use water walking and water breathing (respectively; each are 10 minute buffs). Not saying that it's similar in any way, just felt like making the correction.
"Also mages have to farm light feathers to use Slowfall:p"

Bite my ass, Tama! Slowfall can go **** itself. I'm sure the lack of slowfall really hurts if you decide for shits and giggles to go get punted by the Beast. (besides you can get a stack of light feathers for what, 30s? Same for fish oil/scales. On a good day I might be able to get a stack of fadeleaf for 6g) And my warlock never needs water breathing and that's *free* for him.


Hey, I said I knew it wasn't similar. I do agree that it's outrageous, but you guys are so important to the economy since there's so damn many of you.


This is the shot, by the way, that I'm using as my desktop.



also, there's mobs in the expansion you can farm for light feathers in Outland. So you get your xp AND your feathers all in one!

blindweed is barely worth selling anyway (at least on every server I've played on) so I think they should just make blinding powder bought off poison vendors.
It would be nice if I could buy blinding powder off a vendor but really, I don't have a problem stealing it from mobs. I have a stack on me and 2 more in the bank. I get so much of it from farming, I vendor the extras. C'mon, are you so lazy you can't go farm some? One stack should last you a good while.
"It would be nice if I could buy blinding powder off a vendor but really, I don't have a problem stealing it from mobs. I have a stack on me and 2 more in the bank. I get so much of it from farming, I vendor the extras. C'mon, are you so lazy you can't go farm some? One stack should last you a good while."

Short answer? Yes. With my warlock, I have the benefit of just holding back a bit in pvp and farming some shards if I'm short.


Ramirez said:
I was awestruck by that room the first night I got the game,would be a better pic if you were in FP view though,IMO.

Totally disagree. I think part of the coolness of the pic is having my character standing before the statue, looking at it. Looks like a scene out of a movie or something that way, which is why I like it.


firex said:
also, there's mobs in the expansion you can farm for light feathers in Outland. So you get your xp AND your feathers all in one!

blindweed is barely worth selling anyway (at least on every server I've played on) so I think they should just make blinding powder bought off poison vendors.

To be fair, you can also farm blinding powder in outlands since it's a pickpocketed item:p
shidoshi said:
Totally disagree. I think part of the coolness of the pic is having my character standing before the statue, looking at it. Looks like a scene out of a movie or something that way, which is why I like it.

just turn off capes and it would look a lot better though, those little piss ass capes look dumb :p ...and the rest of her armour looks pretty good.
explodet said:
So we tried Anub'Rekhan last night. Oh man, it was ugly.
People couldn't decide if the corpse scarabs spawned when a player died, or when a crypt fiend and a player died, or only sometimes when a crypt fiend dies...
And as a mage, I've gotta be on the ball and know when to AOE the suckers.

So now I know, Anub can randomly summon scarabs from a dead crypt fiend, and they always appear when someone dies. Like someone getting caught in the locust swarm.
Anyway, once we got the scarabs under control, we realized we didn't have enough healing on the MT. :p Great night.

I got a bit of time on the test server, and I learned I can't stand the water elemental being on a short timer. I leveled up a warlock on another server previously, and am used to having a pet around all the time. I still love frost (Ice Block <3), just not it's 41-pt talent.

anub is cake

have ur mt healers stand at max range....mt have some swiftness pots and a "good" hunter with him.

its kinda gay being melee dps on this fight, cause theres alot of back and forth

dead crypt fiend will summon scarabs after a certain amount of time....so usually what we did was always bring the crypt fiends to a certain spot that way whenever the scarabs would come out mages would already be there ready to frost nova and aoe.

Having a problem with people dying and releasing scarab? tell your people to l2p and not die...problem solved.

they should have pots and should focus and not die...cause once someone dies, usually things just get out of control and its like a domino effect.

other than that, its whatever....good luck with noth...we had a harder time with him before we finally got him down then he was easy too once we figured out our little strat.

everything in naxx isnt TOO bad until the four horsemen...then its like..wtf


Has problems recognising girls
shidoshi said:
Totally disagree. I think part of the coolness of the pic is having my character standing before the statue, looking at it. Looks like a scene out of a movie or something that way, which is why I like it.
Yeah there's something a bit more different, but better, with the model included I think.


Wow, Hunters are really powerful now, I got multi shot'd for 2300 on Test, that's wild. I guess I have to take them more seriously now.

I like Felguard the best, Warlock wise. That big guy tears some real ass, I used to really dislike Soul Link, but pet scaling is great, and he's a very fun pet.


This is my Felguard, he is awesome, but he has a stupid name. The rest of my pets have great names, this is a black day for baseball-er, WoW.


Pet scaling! Really nice. (I'm wearing Nemesis for these stats, higher resists due to the set bonus, but a bit less damage). Added AP in the shot is +410 AP from my gear, I've had him up to around 1000 with buffs before though, that was pretty wild.

Really wish I had gotten a Black Book, man, I'm kicking myself now.
so guild has mc on farm now, along with zg and aq20 obviously. We've also killed razorgore twice now but I wasn't there either times.

I've realised how awful Blizz were at itemisations for DPS warriors pre aq20. Still there are like 4-5 items I would like from MC (brutality, 2 rogues ahead of me but never drops, onslaught girgle - probably get it if it ever drops, quick strike ring - everyone wants it, flameguard gauntlers - again never drops and strikers mark - decent chance of getting it next time it drops)

O well maybe I'll get lucky and get sand polished hammer tomorrow. Although we've killed ossi 4-5 times now hasn't dropped yet.


I like the felguard too. I still wish destruction was viable right out of the gate at 60, but I think it will require hitting 70 and getting gear for it first.

My felguard is sick though... nearly 6200 armor, better melee DPS than my succubus... yeah, he can tank and dps. It's like having half a warrior for a pet. One unrelated thing I want to check is to see if the Eye of the ToEP (that's not the real name, but an early trinket you get in hellfire peninsula for a rather tough 63 elite quest is basically eye of the beast + toep) activates blood fury's cooldown. if not, hello trinket/racial orc warlocks!


Yeah, they were, on the plus side you get to choose, set wise, what you want in the ex-pack when you get yer dungeon set 3 and tier 4; tanking or damage, which is pretty cool.


firex said:
I like the felguard too. I still wish destruction was viable right out of the gate at 60, but I think it will require hitting 70 and getting gear for it first.

My felguard is sick though... nearly 6200 armor, better melee DPS than my succubus... yeah, he can tank and dps. It's like having half a warrior for a pet. One unrelated thing I want to check is to see if the Eye of the ToEP (that's not the real name, but an early trinket you get in hellfire peninsula for a rather tough 63 elite quest is basically eye of the beast + toep) activates blood fury's cooldown. if not, hello trinket/racial orc warlocks!

Wow, how did yours get so much armor? I heard that have a lot more in actual beta on the current version, but I'm unsure of any other way.

Felguard is crazy better DPS than Succubus, I love that damn guy.


I don't know how he's got so much armor, it may just be a patch that's expansion only. I don't actually get bonus armor from fel armor to give him. Still, with all the scaling he's got 4450 HP and 3271 mana at 62, tons of resists, and easily tears the hell out of stuff. So felguard/affliction is a pretty awesome build. With him out my shadowbolts hit for 1100ish and my damage gear is just full nemesis and a sword I got from coilfang slave pens.

e: and I was just going to take a SS but it looks like they added another patch to the expansion beta.


Alex said:
Yeah, they were, on the plus side you get to choose, set wise, what you want in the ex-pack when you get yer dungeon set 3 and tier 4; tanking or damage, which is pretty cool.
Paladins and warriors get to choose between DPS and tank gear. I don't think anyone else does, though.


paladins, shaman, warriors, priests and druids all get multiple choices of gear. not straight up DPS classes though. it kind of sucks, but only because DPS classes get some shoehorned set bonuses. I don't think they have the arena gear finalized yet either - for the most part the arena sets have the same bonuses as the level 70 HWL gear (+resilience at 3 pieces, -0.2 casting time on immolate for 5/5 for the lock set). Although the arena sets are palette-swapped tier 4 sets at least, and I'd expect that means the artwork's final. And it looks like you just need 1 corresponding token item for your 5 pieces of tier 4 from pve. The name on it's kind of confusing, though. It's all "(synonym for equipment slot) of the fallen hero" items, so I get a bad gut feeling you get a corrupted piece and have to cleanse it or something.


When I looked at Tier 4 though, there were weird restrictions. Druids don't get tank gear (only DPS/healing). Paladins don't get healing gear (only DPS/tank). Does it still work that way, where hybrids can only chose 2 out of their 3 hybrid abilities to stress?


screenshots on worldofraids and other similar sites may not be totally reliable. i know for a fact there's at least 2 arena sets, so there's a holy paladin set and a retribution paladin set from pvp.

of course, with the way blizz is changing the roles for the most part, paladins are great tanks so they may just be holding back on the healer gear, or not wanting to implement it so more tankadins can be around. I don't really know cause the only characters I have who can check out t4 are my warlock and shaman. but looking at the regular pvp sets bought with honor points (and not arena points) there's a set for every possible dps spec for hybrids.


Yeah it looks like everybody can go DPS.....but they seem to be holding out on tank gear for Druid and Shamans.

The 25-man raid limit still has me pretty worried as a warrior, though. With so few slots in raid groups I'm fairly concerned that raid leaders won't want more than 1-2 warriors in a raid (particularly if paladins can tank and buff and heal). Warriors are already an overplayed class, and there are going to be a lot of people gunning for those 1-2 warrior slots. I guess I should be happy that the hybrids aren't really getting tank gear....though I'd feel better if DPS warriors got some aggro-reducing abilities to make them a more viable option for large raids.


Blizzard nerfed Soul Link in the PTR. 20/5% instead of 30/3%

That's ok cause I'm rolling affliction. I never like the felguard. A felguard paints a big sign on you saying KILL ME FIRST. Not to mention I don't know how many times my felguard was banished or killed on sight by a couple of people.

Affliction on the other hand...dot dot dot dot drain tank win. I love unleasing what I call "the paladin conundrum", aka unstable affliction :) :) :)


The nerf is quite fine, and very warranted. The small damage buff was unnessecary, but I appreciate it.

And yes, Affliction is very hot too. I just respec'd it for some more tests.

I just finished a game in WSG, pretty much played Suicide dotter the whole time, run in , throw everything I can on everyone I can, quite amusing. Affliction's DoT's are beyond potent, two alone can normally kill someone.

How often I find it I throw up dots, die, then res freshly to 2 or 3 more KBs on the scoreboard, ah! It's a little haphazard though, I pretty much ignore my pet and all signs of vitality now. My goal is simply to just kill, kill, kill. None of that fance "stay alive/survive" business. Anyhow, will be a lot more fun for everyone, us Warlocks too, at 70 when can can regain comfortable control of our talents. I'm sure a lot of us miss Shadowburn. :p


Die mortals, as they say. Go Warlock! It's actually kind of funny that we're our own worst enemy, though. I hate fighting other Warlocks so much, Shadow Ward, Banish, etc, ugh.

They buffed Destro also; with a 20 second cooldown on Shadowfury, but unfortunetly since the mechanics rub me the wrong way it's still not too appealing.


I want to go Priest now, or actually maybe Hunter, since I really do love pet classes. And Hunters really got the same massive potency hikes that Warlocks did, so I'm not iffy on them like I was, since I tried one prior.

Anyhow, on Priest, it just feels like everyone is being egged into damage of some sort now, which is kind of a bummer to me at least. I enjoy and wanted to keep on heal botting when I moved to it upon expansion (Blood Elf!).

Also, am I streching the thread out? I'm sorry if so, I use my new TV as my monitor now, fancy fancy! But it still takes some getting used to.


border said:
When I looked at Tier 4 though, there were weird restrictions. Druids don't get tank gear (only DPS/healing). Paladins don't get healing gear (only DPS/tank). Does it still work that way, where hybrids can only chose 2 out of their 3 hybrid abilities to stress?

Warrior and Priest only get two choices for obvious reasons but the three other hybrids get three different sets to choose from.
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