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World of Warcraft

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Oh wow. This was probably the funnest time I've had on WoW since before cross realm PvP. The top Alliance guilds organized a World PvP event called "The Long Walk" where they all get together in raids, and walk, unmounted, from CH to Org, killing everything in sight. Their main objective is Thrall. Literally hundreds of Alliance walking through The Barrens. It was ****ing insanity. I'm hoping someone was able to Fraps some of it. Kalimdor has crashed about 8 times now. As I'm posting this the Alliance are killing Thrall, with the server going on and off. This is crazy. Org got owned. Total chaos. I wish I could describe the sight of 400 alliance streaming through the gates :lol

Here's the thread: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=48684880&sid=1&pageNo=1

Thrall lives! There was a few hundred mages in Thrall's chamber AoEing :lol after a few hours of server crashes, slaughter, and other crazy stuff, here are the results: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=52935590&sid=1

Some Screenshots.


http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/3553/wowscrnshot120406200443sv6.jpg <--Good one


Like the guy on the WOW forums says, this doesn't give me a lot of hope for the Burning Crusade launch. If the servers can't handle so many characters on Kalimdor, I doubt it will be able to handle that many in Outlands. It sucks since I'd love to be able to take a day off or two to really delve into the expansion, but I have no way of knowing when the game will actually be playable...


border said:
Like the guy on the WOW forums says, this doesn't give me a lot of hope for the Burning Crusade launch. If the servers can't handle so many characters on Kalimdor, I doubt it will be able to handle that many in Outlands. It sucks since I'd love to be able to take a day off or two to really delve into the expansion, but I have no way of knowing when the game will actually be playable...
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. When they all came up on the great lift and were walking through The Barrens, there were maybe 300 throughout the zone. This caused the whole continent to crash? That's not good. I know all in all of the course of about 4 hours, the server went down/rerolled at least 15 times. Still was fun though.


Just out of curiousity, how much rep do you get for killing Thrall? :D How many times has it been done?

And what "rules" were broken by Horde and Alliance?


border said:
Just out of curiousity, how much rep do you get for killing Thrall? :D How many times has it been done?

And what "rules" were broken by Horde and Alliance?
I really have no clue how much city leaders are worth, rep wise. I don't think Thrall has ever been downed on Dalaran, and if he has I didn't hear about it. I wish the Alli could have got him, I would have liked to see him dead. I did see a video once of a guild killing Thrall on www.warcraftmovies.com but I don't remember much.

As far as the rules go, some people on both sides were complaining because some players were mounted, and some didn't walk all the way from Silithus but skipped ahead. I really don't care, it was probably more a lack of understanding of the rules than anything. The majority of the server enjoyed it :D

Here's that video I was talking about: http://files.filefront.com/Thrallownedavi/;4821175;;/fileinfo.html


The rules make it interesting, but when you're organizing an event this massive it's ridiculous to expect any sort of rules to be followed. Maybe the guild members might follow along, but once everyone else on the server hears that it's a free-for-all, people will do whatever they want. And once the guild people see rules being broken, they're not likely to keep following them....


border said:
The rules make it interesting, but when you're organizing an event this massive it's ridiculous to expect any sort of rules to be followed. Maybe the guild members might follow along, but once everyone else on the server hears that it's a free-for-all, people will do whatever they want. And once the guild people see rules being broken, they're not likely to keep following them....
Yep, that's pretty much what happened though. It's all good. Some people were grumbling, but it all turned out fun. I was just amazed so many people showed up. That one screenshot with the whole road covered in Alliance as far as the eye can see pretty much sums up the whole thing. Nuts.


Given that the PTR was such a cluster****, am I the only one that thinks the game will be near unplayable for a week after tomorrow's 2.0 patch? There's just so many people interested in trying out new talent builds and the Arena, I can't imagine anything other than a complete server meltdown.

Has Blizzard said whether or not they intend to have a world event for the opening of the Dark Portal?


Has problems recognising girls
Mute said:
Oh wow. This was probably the funnest time I've had on WoW since before cross realm PvP. The top Alliance guilds organized a World PvP event called "The Long Walk"....
I live for this shit and it's great to do.

border said:
Has Blizzard said whether or not they intend to have a world event for the opening of the Dark Portal?
Just a sly wink and a smile from them on the forums.


They pretty much have to have a world event for it.

Did some more grinding and I have to say water shield is awesome. I may go to a hybrid enhance/resto spec temporarily for grinding. Earth shield makes a difference in tough spots (it's a real lifesaver) and it's awesome in a good 5 man group, but like I've said before in this topic, it's not the best grinding build.


ok, to preface, this post turned out much longer than I thought. Feel free to stop reading after the alchemy info if you aren't interested in hearing me talk shaman/warlock talents.

So I just took the time (after gathering some herbs in Outland) to raise my alchemy up on my shaman. The cost is pretty steep for vials (3g for 5 imbued vials, but take off 30s if you're honored with the vendor) but a lot of the stuff is potent, and that's just off the trainer in Thrallmar. I learned easy to make +15 all stats, +60 AP, +35 str, +50 healing power, +24 spell power and +24 spell crit rating (almost 2% at 60) elixirs, and higher-level major health/mana pots. The higher level majors are kind of a ripoff, because of the cost compared to making regular major health/mana pots (they restore the exact same amount). But the elixirs? They're awesome.

Higher level herbs in Outland also give some nice stuff if you pick them. For example, Dreaming Glory (or something like that, requires 325 herbalism) gives a 30 hp/5 for 15 min. buff just for successfully picking it. hp/5 sucks as a stat for itemization, but mostly because you can never get 30 hp/5 from a single buff. That's a REALLY nice little buff to have while grinding, especially for anyone who melees.

And IMO, final judgment on enhance shaman: Go 0/40/21. Shamanistic rage just isn't as useful as NS even if you somehow had like, 6k AP. Even the enhance version of t4 has +spell damage/healing on it (in addition to crit/hit rating and loads of str/stam/int, so it's a DAMN good itemized set) so NS is not wasted going enhance. Resto is really nice for 5 mans with a priest/resto druid though. The druid can just stick in tree form and rejuv/regrowth (yes, it's castable in tree form) and swiftmend and you'll basically earth shield the tank, water shield yourself and that's it (feel free to jump in and melee the tank or MA's target and get some mana regen from water shield). The 3 instance runs I've had where there was another healer with me, ALL we had to do was hots + earth shield to keep the party topped off in every normal encounter. Yes, we had to heal for the bosses, but who wouldn't?

I absolutely love the new 5 mans in the expansion. Maybe it's just because those are my favorite type of dungeons - no need for massive people, and nearly any combination of 5 can do it as long as you've got a tank and a healer - but they're fast, fun, well-designed and not reliant at all on specific class abilities. Yes, there are some sections where a class can help a lot, but it's nothing game-breaking. Even crowd control isn't necessary. A lot of the mobs in the 3 instances I've done don't run, and if you do have the appropriate CC it just speeds the fights up.

All this said, as much as I'm digging my shaman in expansion beta, they really need to buff the hell out of this class. It's pathetic compared to warlocks, hunters, mages, rogues, druids, paladins, priests... everyone but warriors, who just require a little tweaking (and of course they'll get it, since they make up the majority of WoW, so blizzard will hear their complaints quickly and adjust). The main problem is shamans still don't excel at their 3 different roles like paladins do. Prot pallies EASILY out-tank DPS warriors, Ret pallies pull off a LOT of burst damage, Holy pallies remain the most efficient healers in the game. Shamans who go too far down enhance or elemental just don't bring the DPS they should. The only viable endgame tree is resto, but it's not quite as badly in favor of resto as affliction is for locks.

On to my lock, since a lot of people in the recent pages play locks along with shamans: I am hating my lock in the expansion. Affliction was fun way back when DM wasn't even released because nightfall procced all the time and my mana was near-limitless with dark pact + imp or succubus, so I had to keep myself aware just to use up nightfall, but I didn't have downtime. Affliction in beta now = put 2-3 dots on the mob and watch it die, drain tank it to kill it in 15 seconds or less. Demonology is decent because the felguard is such a cool pet, but destruction blows for grinding. Affliction is so overpowered AND boring that I can't tolerate playing my lock as anything but demonology, which also gets old fast. Maybe I'm just burned out on my lock though. All the way back when I first made him, I really made him cause I had experience with the class in beta up to 40 (and the first 30 levels were before ANYONE had talents, when warlocks were ok but required korean-starcraft-player levels of micromanagement) and I wanted a free mount instead of having to grind for one on a mage (the other class I was going to make as a main). I think in hindsight, I would've been better off making a different dps class than warlock. But even at times when I've really loved playing my warlock (like in retail when I got 8/8 nemesis and went conflag for AQ40/pvp) I have later hated the inflexibility this class has, and it hasn't changed enough in beta. Blizz really seriously needs to go back to the drawing board and fix demonology and destruction, because affliction 1) scales far too well with gear and the talents and 2) has some really wonky hit/miss talents. A good example of this is improved drain soul - it's good to help combat downtime, but I personally do not burn through shards enough to make use of this as much more than threat reduction. If I wanted to take advantage of the mana gained while soloing, I'd have to toss out all my soul shards after not too long. Just making and using healthstones constantly is a waste since I'd be losing mana overall, too. So basically, improved drain soul is a good talent in theory, but absolute garbage in practice. I would honestly say remove this talent altogether and put the reduced threat somewhere else in the tree, like on a talent most locks would take anyway if they're going to spec affliction, such as nightfall or grim reach.

As far as the hit talents (and these are really over the top) - improved curse of agony, empowered corruption, contagion. The way these stack with shadow mastery is just ridiculous... I don't have any UI addons in the expansion beta, but I'm sure if I totaled it up my CoA and corruption would add up to at least 6k damage with all those talents. Siphon life is honestly borderline overpowered, yet before the DOT changes it was pathetically underpowered. Soul Siphon is also insanely over the top. Dark pact scales nicely now but is useless IMO simply because you're going to gain better mana using improved lifetap + soul siphon on drain life. On my current build (43 demon, 10 affliction) my lock heals 263 (give or take 1 hp) every second with drain life up after JUST CoA and corruption. Consider that I'm spending about 750 hp for 900ish mana (I only have rank 1 improved lifetap - at 2/2 I'd be scaling up to 1100ish) and I drain back a HUGE profit compared to the mana cost... I don't know. I just feel way too strong with my lock. Nothing's a challenge except when I went destruction, and that was only a challenge because of frustrating mechanics and lackluster talents.

The thing is, as boring and overpowered as my lock feels, I'm sure it would be a LOT more enjoyable class in the raid game. But I just don't give a shit - I'm personally going to be playing shaman/paladin/hunter unless blizzard puts a lot of attention into balancing (not nerfing into the ground, but definitely nerfing a little bit) warlocks. Nothing makes me nervous, and it's like the mechanics just aren't what I've had fun with in retail. By comparison, the second easiest time I've had leveling has been on my hunter, but there ARE some times when I get nervous with him, like when my pet's in danger. With my lock, destruction is the ONLY time I've felt in danger, and it's only been because it's flat out gimp as a build. I'd like to say it could scale really well with gear, but you know what? Affliction will scale at least 50% better overall with the same gear, and that's considering blizz so far has only made one t4 set which tries to accomodate affliction and destruction and ignores demonology, so it has some useless affliction stats on it like spell crit. So, I personally feel like blizz needs to nearly go back to the drawing board with locks. I'm just not having fun with mine anymore, no matter how much I try. Anyway, sorry for the long-ass post, I just had to explain why I'm enjoying my gimpy character and hating my good one.


Meh, it's hardly overpowered, in the grand scheme at least. We're not even the most powerful PvP class, at the moment; Hunters are, they're pretty much unstoppable when played and geared well. They're the new UD Warlock! :p

In the final version; Rogues will probably be the end all, though. The last few changes are just... psychotic. I can't believe they flipped Imp. BS and Imp. SnD, the builds you can make with that small change alone will be uncanny. Probably the single largest buff they've ever made to Rogues.

We're (Warlocks) on the top cut for sure, and they've fixed most of our flaws, but the presentation of the class and the post death DoT's are really all that's causing the hubbub. I find it to be more of an annoyance than an overpowering facet. Personally, I'd be fine with it if they buffed Affliction further, then cut off post-death DoT's to compromise.

I find the class really comfortable now though, and that's what's important to me. I despised playing my Warlock prior to 2.0, and I always, always played a friends Rogue for PvP, it was so, so much stronger despite equal gear but more importantly; comfortable., that's different now.

Largely because I'm not depending on Fear. It's not really nessecary anymore, other abilities have stepped up and filled the gap.

There's a couple of classes falling behind; largely Warriors and Mages, and I can slightly feel for Mages; but I really hate Warriors, and I hated their attitude (not the ones on here, that is, but in my old guild and forum wise, Warriors were PRICKS) so I am not exactly weeping.

Anyhow, I'd rather heal in the expansion, so I'm still making my Priest in any case.
Considering coming back to WoW...Not sure. My main is gone due to that whole deal with my character disapearing, and Blizzard not restoring it, so I'd be playing my Paladin, geared in all ZG and PvP gear. But that would change when the expansion gets here. Not really sure if I want to come back or not.


I tried out the Retribution tree on the PRT (I'm a Paladin) and I loved it. So much so that I want to fully respec into Ret now, even though I've been a Holy Paladin since the game's beginning.

My guild though is the only Naxx-progressing guild on the server (We're at 4horsemen), and the guild leader has demanded we all stay in our current specs after the new patch regardless of the new talents.



Tritroid said:
I tried out the Retribution tree on the PRT (I'm a Paladin) and I loved it. So much so that I want to fully respec into Ret now, even though I've been a Holy Paladin since the game's beginning.

My guild though is the only Naxx-progressing guild on the server (We're at 4horsemen), and the guild leader has demanded we all stay in our current specs after the new patch regardless of the new talents.


ROFL. I can kinda understand his point, but really, new specs means new strategies. Kinda a waste to get a free respec right into the old ones.


Teknopathetic said:
All I know is, if Shadowstep and the imp. backstab swap isn't in live, puppies are being tossed off bridges in protest.

They aren't in, I don't think, as I went to the talent calculator for the Live version of WoW and the Rogue one has been updated to 41 pointers, but Cloak of Shadows is still there...=/


Teknopathetic said:
Damn you blizzard. What's even the point of putting in the talent trees if you're about to change them (heavily) again in less than 2 months.
What? These are the BC talents.
"What? These are the BC talents."

Some trees in certain classes have had some major revamps between what was on the PTR and what was on the BC beta. No one's really for sure if the talents that are on live are the way they currently are on the BC beta. And it doesn't help that the devs have been pussyfooting around a real answer either way.


No, but he's providing me with epix.

I know you're being funny about it,but I found the game to be alot more fun once I quit fooling with the epic persuit and just played to have fun,I'd rather play my nubshit alts than my 3 geared to the teeth chars,hehe.
So while I'm sitting here pondering, has there been any relevations as to where the story and lore is going in Burning Crusade? I've always been a big fan of that aspect of the WarCraft universe.

If anyone could post some specific things, or give me a link to read events that have been revealed or whatever, that'd be appreciated:)


Has problems recognising girls
Nothing much has been revealed due to people not getting to the latter stages I suppose.

One of my favourite moments that I want to see however is Thrall finding out his true Orc name - as well as other parts joined with that.


Teknopathetic said:
"What? These are the BC talents."

Some trees in certain classes have had some major revamps between what was on the PTR and what was on the BC beta. No one's really for sure if the talents that are on live are the way they currently are on the BC beta. And it doesn't help that the devs have been pussyfooting around a real answer either way.

It's been confirmed the code is newer than both PTR and closed beta. Blizzard's internal builds are always a few steps ahead of anything public so doubtless all of the changes will be in. Might be even a few surprises.
"It's been confirmed the code is newer than both PTR and closed beta. Blizzard's internal builds are always a few steps ahead of anything public so doubtless all of the changes will be in. Might be even a few surprises."


BTW, you still on Gilneas? I know I see Aliventhia log on here and there. :p


Teknopathetic said:
"It's been confirmed the code is newer than both PTR and closed beta. Blizzard's internal builds are always a few steps ahead of anything public so doubtless all of the changes will be in. Might be even a few surprises."


BTW, you still on Gilneas? I know I see Aliventhia log on here and there. :p

Nein, that character is long gone. I rerolled on Archimonde a while back. Took my sweet time to level a human mage up, he's still half a level away from 60 but all rested so it's cool


ToyMachine228 said:
So while I'm sitting here pondering, has there been any relevations as to where the story and lore is going in Burning Crusade? I've always been a big fan of that aspect of the WarCraft universe.

If anyone could post some specific things, or give me a link to read events that have been revealed or whatever, that'd be appreciated:)
I have to spoiler this because it's pretty cool for warcraft fans and I want to leave the surprise for those who still want it:

The horde gets another badass hero in the son of Hellscream, and hooks up with a Mok'nathal clan called the Mag'har pretty early on. They're the Nagrand faction, though you get introduced to them in Hellfire Peninsula.

Khadgar is totally neutral and works with the Sha'tar (Naaru and neutral Draenei) in Shattrath City, which is Outland's capital. As far as BEs go - I think one of the underlying themes going on is that they're being misled into thinking Kael'thas is still their ally. I don't know for sure though, because not all of Tempest Keep is open so nobody can do his wing of it, BUT there are hostile-to-horde BEs in Outland and a lot of the story going on says that Kael's become a total demon worshipping slave of the Burning Legion, along with Illidan and Vashj, so despite all the pretenses of BEs going to Outland to reunite with their hero, the truth of it is he's gone mad and the higher-ups on Azeroth aren't telling them. Black Citadel (Illidan's instance) also isn't open yet. And I don't think the Magtheridon raid is open yet either, so I don't know anything about the stories behind them.

The draenei you team up with from the end of the BE campaign in War3 TFT have been enslaved by Illidan and his new Legion-led demon army, for the most part. The tribes that didn't ally with him range from hostile to neutral to friendly, though. So, what's happened so far is basically Kil'Jaeden realized he couldn't physically stage an invasion of Outland/Azeroth, and since Illidan, Kael and Vashj were able to defeat his previous lord of Outland, Illidan is the new ruler.

All that info just comes from observations on quests and NPC interactions.

re: Alex, I totally agree that affliction isn't overpowered in the strictest sense of being unbeatable. But it's so much better than the other trees that for the most part it's a mistake to go demon/destruction, and it just pisses me off because destruction is the most fun I've had playing my lock in a LONG time and they went and screwed it up. Add in that the average retard playing this game will cry so hard when they're helpless to survive 3-4 dots with the new talents and gear scaling, and I KNOW it's going to get nerfed. So I'd just rather they nerf it reasonably in beta like they did before (with the original beta) instead of nerfing it ridiculously into the ground in the live game to keep all the crybabies happy.


So I was pretty pumped to play around with the new shit,but then the delay hit and now my girl is wanting to go out right as it's about to come back on,I wasn't meant to play today :lol
So I was hanging out in the outland city yesterday and comparing my Tier4 set to my current armor, and I have to say, the only piece that's really an upgrade is the shoulders (because I don't have my T3 shoulders yet and am still sporting my T2.5). Pretty sad if you ask me. Tier5 better be awesome.

P.S. The T4 set bonuses for hunter are laughable.


P.S. The T4 set bonuses for hunter are laughable.

FD resist reduction and mana cost reduction on multishot right? :| Good thing I don't plan on playin my hunter,cuz I really doubt I'll ever get into any of the 25 man stuff.


Outdoor Miner said:
Tier 4= Tier 0 for folks that don't want to raid the 25-man dungeons, acquired from Kharazan

This is not correct. Some pieces of tier 4 drop in Karazhan. The rest drop in 25-man dungeons. Heroic mode is Blizzard's way of putting epics in 5 mans, and it doesn't involve tier 4.


Outdoor Miner said:
Tier 4= Tier 0 for folks that don't want to raid the 25-man dungeons, acquired from Kharazan
Tier 5= Tier 1 acquired from Black Temple, 1st 25-man dungeon of BC
So that means:
I can skip the 10-man dungeons, get 70 and go directly into the Black Temple with a 25 man group?

Oh and:
Tier4: Kharazan, 10 man-group, level? 70???
Tier5: Black Temple, 25-man dungeon? 25?? Damn, I thougt 20 is the limit in TBC ;-(


Well, the thing is, even when they get them up; expect them to chain crash and lag and bug out for at least another 24 hours.


Who wants to bet that the maintenance will be extended well past 7PM PST anyways? On the bright side, I'm getting off work early tomorrow so I should have plenty of time to play then.
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