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World of Warcraft

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I'm surprised affliction hasn't been nerfed yet. it's by far the most overpowered spec. even at 70 2 dots can kill just about anyone, and if they don't kill them, wanding/drain life will.

but hmm, the shadowfury change may actually make it useful (probably not though).


Affliction is potent, but they best leave it alone, I say! Seriously, with how well Hunters scaled, and the further Rogue PvP buffs (Cloak of Shadows turned to a 60 second cooldown today) I think it's fairly warranted.

Also, I hear they changed the other Rogue cooldowns to 3 minutes also, although that might've just been Blind, unsure. Blind now being 90 seconds with cooldown is fairly awesome, but scary sounding.

Anyhow, I'm liable to hold out my hand for a 60 second cooldown on Death Coil! Oh the glorious uprising THAT little gem would bring. Rioting would ensue.


I'd just rather they nerf affliction now rather than later in retail. Cause in retail all the crying would basically cause it to get nerfed to the point of being useless, while if they nerf it now they can hopefully work on it again to make it balanced. and the outland server for the expansion beta keeps dying, so I can't reassign my points and show my awesome felguard.


Nah, I think they'll just genuinely leave it alone. It has it's own drawbacks, and it's been finalized for awhile now.

It'll probably be nessecary once the crazy weaponry rears it's ugly head too, ack.

Anyhow, onto other things, I really wonder if I should upgrade any for BC? I'm currently running the same rig I have been for the past two years.

A Pentium IV 3000mhz with HT, with a gig of ram and a Radeon 9800 Pro.

Not exactly lighting the world afire nowadays, but consider I got it in '04 for 430 bucks offa Dell. Was a psychoticly good deal at the time! Tends to run the game at 45 FPS in towns, 30 in heavy areas and 20 in super heavy areas. All settings majorly maxed except for Multisampling, which I had to drop to max/by2x, since the higher res of my HDTV ate more power.

WoW doesn't really seem to feel the ram pinch on my rig, no matter how much crap I have on in the BG, it doesn't affect it at all. Although, I have tweaked this thing so much that my bootup footprint is really quite low.

I'm thinking maybe just a new video card, but I wonder what a good, reasonably (read; low, I bought an HDTV and a 360 and christmas gifts already, me = poor) priced AGP card would be...damn PCIexpress, cramping my style.
border said:
Yeah it looks like everybody can go DPS.....but they seem to be holding out on tank gear for Druid and Shamans.

The 25-man raid limit still has me pretty worried as a warrior, though. With so few slots in raid groups I'm fairly concerned that raid leaders won't want more than 1-2 warriors in a raid (particularly if paladins can tank and buff and heal). Warriors are already an overplayed class, and there are going to be a lot of people gunning for those 1-2 warrior slots. I guess I should be happy that the hybrids aren't really getting tank gear....though I'd feel better if DPS warriors got some aggro-reducing abilities to make them a more viable option for large raids.

OK seriously...

25 people = 3 per class with two classes only getting two (they'd be... Hunters and Rogues I guess)


I totally forgot to mention that Nagrand is the most awesome zone I've run through. Netherstorm isn't bad either, but not as pretty. I'm impressed that something as cartoony (by WoW's standards, even) and purple can still feel a bit intimidating. But that's mostly due to the awesome background effects like the constant lightning, and the general sense of foreboding going on. Anyway, back to Nagrand - it looks like Mulgore mixed with just the insanity of Outland stuff suspended in midair, and the fact that it's pretty much a giant world pvp zone makes it even better. Plus, horde-side it ties into a cool new storyline.



I am running a trial account, getting into the game. I'm currently a level 13 Female Undead Rogue named Bellamuerte. She's hanging around the Undead starting area tonight, on Deathwing, after about 1:30am or so, PST.


Holy crap mages might finally get a high tier set bonus that's great!

Tier 4.

2-piece: 100% chance to avoid interruption while casting Frostbolt or Fireball
4-piece: Reduces cooldown of Presence of Mind by 24 seconds, Blast Wave by 4 seconds, and Ice Block by 40 seconds.



yeah, and that's why they need to make warlock t4 better for the love of god. The arena set is honestly superior for pve.
"- Improved Backstab moved to tier 2 Assassination."

**** YES.

"- Wound Poison(all ranks) has been changed. Now has a 30% chance to instantly deal damage(increases with poison rank), and reduce healing effects used on target by 10% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. "


"- Talent Change: Shadowfury now a 20 second cooldown "

Now Shadowfury's looking marginally better.


Invisibility got its fade time shaved to 5 seconds. It's shaping up to be a very nice threat dump. And even though it's not very effective at all in pvp, it could still be lots of fun to use with a little creativity. Just sheeping someone and going invis should be interesting. I mean, you both have no idea what's going on, so you never know what might happen. Unpredictability = fun. A trusty equation I mold my life on.

In other news, how do people with lives play WoW? After the winter break I'm gonna be either at work or school from 10 in the morning to 8 in the night. I need at least two hours outside of that for school work cause I want a 3.8 or higher gpa. How the **** am I supposed to get tier 5 :( I guess a weekend guild? do those even exist? then again I would like to use the weekends to get some poon. Meh, I think I'll just cut down sleep time to like 5 hours. that should do it.
"In other news, how do people with lives play WoW? After the winter break I'm gonna be either at work or school from 10 in the morning to 8 in the night. I need at least two hours outside of that for school work cause I want a 3.8 or higher gpa. How the **** am I supposed to get tier 5 :( I guess a weekend guild? do those even exist? then again I would like to use the weekends to get some poon. Meh, I think I'll just cut down sleep time to like 5 hours. that should do it."

With the raids ceiling becoming 25 man, I think you'll see a lot more "casual" raiding guilds and even multiple smaller casual guilds forming raiding alliances for some weekly/bi-weekly runs.


I'm thinking I'll be keeping the same spec on my warlock when the patch comes out..SM/Ruin. Either that or go 40 points in destruction. PVE damage is my goal.


Nutter said:
Does any know of a mirror site that i can use to download the patch? the blizzard downloader isnt working for me.

If it's crashing over and over, try viewing some of the page links in the upper pane right away, moving back and forth. Fixed the problem for me.


ok, I just had a weird group for hellfire blood furnace (warrior, 2 shaman, 2 druids) on my elemental shaman (went and respecced to 36 elemental/16 resto after the latest patch gave me a free talent refund) and I noticed that as long as you don't have to main heal, elemental shamans are pretty good in groups. They also duo really well with an enhance shaman.


I will be your friend!

Fire; ah, I'm dumb, so you're in the actual beta, I'm just on the PTR, yeah, I remember hearing that the Felguard on PTR had way more armor.

Well, back to Affliction Suicide WSG.


well, I hit honored with Thrallmar on my shaman so I decided to buy some of the DWable axes and try out enhance spec... it's not so bad. I'd rate it better than elemental by a good bit for soloing/grinding, and the unleashed rage buff is good in a melee group (since it only buffs melee attack power). I'd need better gear for it to give a real good judgment, but considering I have ok elemental gear on my shaman and I'm still killing a lot faster as enhance, it's probably once again the better grinding build. I also think it wouldn't be too hard to get away with skipping DW and going 2h, especially now that stormstrike is a true instant (won't reset attack cooldown). it doesn't really compare to resto since resto makes you flat out unkillable... but resto also arguably takes a long ass time to kill stuff with, unless you're just loaded with +damage/healing gear so your earth shield heals for a lot and your earth shock hits for a lot.


yeah, spellstrike stuff's been datamined but it's awesome to see stats on it finally!

Now I'm just hoping they can get some new stuff on specializations, cause I don't know whether to go arcane or shadow on my warlock.


LoL,thanks Alex ;)

I'm contemplating just rolling a BE/Dranei something on a totally new server and seeing how that goes,I haven't played on my original server in so long because it sucks so much, I def. don't want to go back there even though I have 3 epic'd out chars and it would be the easiest path =\
paul777 said:
Invisibility got its fade time shaved to 5 seconds. It's shaping up to be a very nice threat dump. And even though it's not very effective at all in pvp, it could still be lots of fun to use with a little creativity. Just sheeping someone and going invis should be interesting. I mean, you both have no idea what's going on, so you never know what might happen. Unpredictability = fun. A trusty equation I mold my life on.

Oh shit, it sounds like Wizards or Mage/Assassins from Shadowbane. They had great stealth, but NO track, so it was like blindly stumbling about hoping you could outnuke a Scout that found you pincushioning you. :lol

Also, I hear they changed the other Rogue cooldowns to 3 minutes also, although that might've just been Blind, unsure. Blind now being 90 seconds with cooldown is fairly awesome, but scary sounding.

WoW Fact #12: Rogues only MAKE like they're bitching about cooldowns. :)


I hope someone upload the patch to filefront or somewhere, because the downloader is a bust for me even with fiddling around with firewall.


Settle something for me, as Blizzard's rules seem unclear:

My friend wants to have a 60 Shaman by the time BC comes out. He thinks he can just buy it off eBay, and once he's got the password/secret question for the other account it can just be transferred to his new one.

I thought this wasn't possible? Wouldn't he have to run 2 accounts (one with his old characters, one with the purchased character) at $14.99/month?


If you own multiple accounts, all you have to do is set the address info on that one account to yours and then you can transfer characters. I don't think blizzard checks to see when the info was edited, just if it matches.


So you can just edit the name on the account so that it matches your own? Doesn't that almost completely defeat the purpose of preventing people from selling characters? ;)

If I'd known that I would have just bought a Warlock instead of rolling a new one.....but eh, I suppose the 1-60 grind helps you learn the class.


not just the name, but the address, billing info, etc. and personally I don't think blizzard really cares about people buying/selling gold or accounts or anything like that. They just care about ingame hacks like what hunters were using months ago to solo farm DM.


All the account info has to match. When I sold my alts off my account (just moved my Warlock to another), it went fairly smoothly and it worked out for the guy well, but you will not be able to buy one and transfer any of it an existing one.

They are fairly against it, and if you call them and anything seems suspicious; they will put the account on hold, which you really don't want, because it'll require faxing them ID and whatnot, annoying stuff.

I used to be so against this kind of thing, but not so much nowadays. If someone wants to pay me 700 bucks for two characters I'd never use again, meh. It's not the same evil it was in FFXI, anyhow, since Square's design allowed the game to be destroyed by it, meanwhile I haven't seen any of the shadier actions have any sort of an impact on WoW.

Still wouldn't pay one red cent for anything virtual like that or gold, though myself, that's the damn fun of the game.


Alex said:
All the account info has to match. When I sold my alts off my account (just moved my Warlock to another), it went fairly smoothly and it worked out for the guy well, but you will not be able to buy one and transfer any of it an existing one.
That's what I said. So my friend who has a mage wants a shaman -- doesn't this essentially mean that if he wants to buy a shaman, he needs to buy an account that features both a mage and a shaman? You'd end up paying more because it's an account with at least 2 level 60 characters, but I guess that's offset by the fact that you can sell your old account to make up the difference. Or you can just alternate (play mage 1 month, play shaman the next month).
Still wouldn't pay one red cent for anything virtual like that or gold, though myself, that's the damn fun of the game.
Buying gold makes sense at a lower levels, IMO. It takes an insane amount of time for someone at 35-40 to grind out the money for a mount -- you're way better off just coughing up 20 bucks for 100g. At the endgame, gold purchasing is just retarded, though. "100g for $20" won't get you anywhere when you want an Epic Mount or a Rep-based epic like The Unstoppable Force. At that point, you're paying $40 for a weapon, $150-200 for a mount, etc.

At 60 gold-buying used to make some sense when it was dirt-cheap, but for some reason prices have gone through the roof. I can't really understand it, either. By all accounts, farmers have only gotten more efficient (now using bots instead of paying people to play)....their costs have gone down, yet their prices are 2-3 times what they used to be. It will be interesting to see what BC's inflation factor does to prices.

Buying a blue/green-equipped Level 60 character ($150-$200) still makes a good deal of sense, except for the fact that you won't have a clue how to play them if it's not a class that you're used to. Whenever I rolled premade on test servers I was usually overwhelmed, particularly by caster classes that had like 30 different spells. The 1-60 grind teaches you to play, but there's a lot of redundancy too of course. I still feel like they should go the route of previous MMO's where you can skip the first 20-30 levels if you already have a maximum level character......that's essentially what people try to do by buying a LVL 60, but they are just skipping way too much.

If you could go straight to Level 40, or even level 1-39 with a rested double XP bonus, I bet it'd cut down a lot on eBay selling. I can't stand playing any of my alts unless they're Rested.


I always had ~100g on my characters by about 39-41, myself. I tend to stay away from the auction house, and spend a lot of time in Scarlet Monastery though. :p


all right, so some more playing on my shaman and shamanistic rage is pretty good. I have shitty enhancement gear aside from therazane's link, and it's still good for at least 2k mana. honestly stuff dies so fast I don't get to use the full 30 seconds, but if I could I'd probably get around 3k mana from it. It is, however, almost strictly a dual wield talent since it seems to be a % proc and not a procs per minute thing. With enough gear though I think it could easily be basically 1/2 of a mana bar.


Alex said:
They buffed Destro also; with a 20 second cooldown on Shadowfury, but unfortunetly since the mechanics rub me the wrong way it's still not too appealing.

Right, I don't like the mechanics of shadowfury at all. The fact you have to aim your shot makes it almost useless in a heated fight where speed matters. IMO I'd much rather have it do what hellfire does and stun/kill a radius around you. As it is, it's more useful to stop a rush then a way to get out of sticky situations.


well, I ordered a 7 button gaming mouse so I can bind some stuff like pet attacks, trinkets, pots etc. to the extra buttons and I think after I get that, my warlock will be even better. Orc warlocks can be like dual trinket mages now by using blood fury + one of the millions of ZHC/ToEP style trinkets out there in the expansion.

As far as what I'll go on my warlock and shaman:
Lock - http://www.wowhead.com/?talent-bc=IV0rZbxczIizMxst
Shaman - http://www.wowhead.com/?talent-bc=uZxVZV0xtAootez

Mana feed + improved lifetap is just awesome if you use felguard/imp (which are the 2 most used pets for a felguard build) because any time you're low on mana and your pet is too (which will be a lot simply cause they don't regen a lot) you can lifetap for a ton of mana and give it all to your pet too.

As far as my shaman goes - I do have good enhance gear, but my 2h sucks (finkle's lava dredger) so I'd rather just go on and go 41/10 and be practically unkillable. Whenever I hit 61 I can get 2h axe/mace right back. I tried 41 resto/10 elemental too and it sucked, so I think resto/enhance is better. Especially with stuff like itemrack so you can swap all your healer gear to enhance gear after using earth shield.


Can anyone talk about warriors in the expansion? Reading some of the comments on the official forums has left me pretty unenthusiastic. Supposedly Rage Normalization isn't a normalization, it's just a straight-up nerf to any and all rage generation.

But then, on the WoW forums any kind of buff is "unfair and completely unbalanced" while any kind of nerf is class-destroying. I'm curious if there's a more moderate perspective, or if things are really gonna be that bad for warriors who want to do anything besides tank instances.


So after my little excursion to the top of the IF gates a little while ago, I decided that it would be a great idea to summon a bunch of lvl 1 taurens and jump off all at once. So last night, my guild and I got together and executed it all quite nicely. We also had a gnome plant (buddy of mine who plays on another server) named Hamburglar who tried to draw out some more alliance players. I've gotta say, this had to be the funniest thing I've seen on WoW. Everyone was laughing their asses off when we landed.

After landing, we all jumped up and ran to our corpses, then released at the same time and chain-warstomped as best we could. Then we left our corpses lying there with our oh-so-hilarious names.

Here are some of the images. There should be a video soon, too.






that tauren mass suicide rules.

speaking of stuff that rules, I checked out shaman t4. I'll have pics of it up soon cause it's just awesome. I wish the lock set was as cool statistically. Each of the 3 different iterations' set bonuses pertain to abilities from that specific set.

e: I hit 62 on my shaman and wow. Despite the fact that shamans are crazy underpowered compared to warlocks, I'm having a lot more fun playing mine in the expansion beta. Maybe it's because the specs I want to go for on my warlock keep getting nerfed in favor of mother****ing affliction.


How are you finding leveling progression Firex? I heard something like it was the equivalent of leveling from 1-51. That's pretty insane. How long do you think someone would take to hit 70 playing about 6 hours a day? I'm playing a rogue now, and really not looking forward to that massive grind :lol

Man..I don't think I'll ever be able to fully quit WoW. This game is a ****ing plague.
Mute said:
How are you finding leveling progression Firex? I heard something like it was the equivalent of leveling from 1-51. That's pretty insane. How long do you think someone would take to hit 70 playing about 6 hours a day? I'm playing a rogue now, and really not looking forward to that massive grind :lol

Man..I don't think I'll ever be able to fully quit WoW. This game is a ****ing plague.

I'm about to hit 63 and it seems pretty linear. I don't get to play much and it still didn't take me that long to level. Each quest usually nets you about 10k xp and with rested bonus each kill will get you about 1000-1200xp.


Mute said:
How are you finding leveling progression Firex? I heard something like it was the equivalent of leveling from 1-51. That's pretty insane. How long do you think someone would take to hit 70 playing about 6 hours a day? I'm playing a rogue now, and really not looking forward to that massive grind :lol

Man..I don't think I'll ever be able to fully quit WoW. This game is a ****ing plague.
The grind is not so bad. With rest it feels more like 1-40. I can do Hellfire Citadel Blood Furnace in about 75 minutes with a bad group and earn 100k or more xp from all the kills (again, with rest). By doing that I've actually left a shitload of Hellfire Peninsula quests unfinished on my shaman, while with my lock I'd finished the zone at about 2/3 of the way into 62. It's funny because if you don't do instances, it can probably feel like it takes awhile (and gets repetitive). But if you do... damn, the instances are easy, don't really require much more than a tank, healer and 3 others, and you'll earn tons of xp. Not to mention they have some really fun and cool presentation. I really think when the expansion goes live I'm just going to quest enough in Hellfire to get the Ramparts quest and then run the instances until I'm honored with Thrallmar, then run around doing all the quests for them.

Of course, I'm probably going to stop the expansion beta once the 2.0 patch comes out on the live realms, so I can level up my hunter and pvp enough on my shaman to get some good gear for grinding.
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