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World of Warcraft

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Searching the term "Shadow" usually works well. It mostly turns up the "Of Shadow Wrath" greens...but most Rare/Epic items tend to have generic +Damage. A search for "Felcloth" or "Shadoweave" will turn up craftable Shadow Damage armor/recipes.

Also look for Underworld Ring, Necromancer Pants, Robe of Winter Night.


I went with my guild to do Halaa bombing runs tonight and I just wanted to say that Nagrand is the coolest ****ing zone ever. Wow. Can't wait to start questing there.


I finally turned level 70 yesterday. The first thing I did was to purchase a flying mount. It's not so fast, but it gives you a nice feeling to freely move in the air. The last new rogue skill is Shiv, which basically applies poison from your off-hand on to the target. This goes very well with Envenom. Instead of having to use a different finisher because there are not enough poisons on the target, you just hit shiv a couple of times and you can use Envenom, which by the way does some nasty damage in the 2.500-3.200 range.

There are many level 70 instances to explore, and last night a group of mates from the guild, all level 70, went to Cavern of Times. We completed Old Hillsbrad (rescue Thrall) very fast, since it really was a bit under our level. We continued in to the The Black Morass (protect Medivh), and the difficulty was very high. We managed to bring down the second boss, but in that attempt we accidentally reset it, so we used too much time, and several portals had already opened.

I'm wondering how I ever am going to complete my Master of Transmutation quest, I have no Primal Mights, and getting the mats to even make one would probably bankrupt me, despite having two thousand gold. People have put up the Primals and Motes for ridicules amounts.
madara said:
yes, alot. IRQ 20 is Nvidia esrial ata controller and network bus enu
IRQ21-23 similar nvidia controller and enumerators.

So for my paladin friend that has me as healer what tree is best?

hmm not sure about those

i know I was getting blue screens playing WoW on my 78oogtx untill I checked that and found out that my sound card and 3d card were on the same irq (which is just asking for trouble since both are used a lot in tandem)

I moved the sound card to a different slot and havent had another crash in 8 months now (used to be once a week before i did it)
The plight of the warriors sucks. I won't go into the major details but put it simply. Most classes got more damage dealing abilities as a result they obviously create more threat. But warriors defensive threat creating abilities barely changed, so holding agro has now become ****ing difficult. And lets not mention Druids becoming rather good tanks :/

And I'm not even a protection warrior :p


I'm playing a Hunter as my alt when I have a little extra free time, I just play my Priest with a friend, haven't been powering it ahead much, still only in the early 20's, just taking my time for a change.

Man, Hunter is SO easy to level, really fun too. I prefer grouping and healing and all that jazz, but for grinding, this is the life!


Holy crap at all the different attunements in BC. Starting on getting the Shattered Halls key now at 70. I'm down to like 20g after the mount and getting some stuff for the Frozen Shadoweave gear. Stupid primal waters being needed for a frost mage item.....


I'm not all that impressed with Tranquillien honor gear I thought folks were raving about. At least for a priest. Every slot I had better off green rares from the trolls. Well that blue cloak with +7 sta perhaps but I rather keep my shadow damage. Unless he adds items when you become exalted?

Question about Marks of Honor, how many uses do they have in game? I have like 70 and looking at hall of legends it seems like you hardly use them. Someone mentioned to head to ashenvale with them last night in general? I wish you could still turn these in for exp, they get me few levels :)


I have no idea how to distribute my talents on my Hunter. Any tips? I Know to go BM, but outside of that I'm a total airhead.


I actually don't think it matters that much if you go BM or Marksmanship for soloing as a hunter. BM is definitely a bit better for soloing, but it's not as clear as going affliction vs destruction for a warlock, for example. Just stay out of survival since you don't really need it until 50+.

But for reference, here's what I went for on my 54 hunter before I dropped him: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=VEbM0tgoVdVoZ0h

And I was planning on spending my next few points by maxing out ferocious inspiration, then getting lethal shots, efficiency, rapid killing, go for the throat, aimed shot. Aimed shot isn't a necessity anymore, it's just something nice to have for breaking up the monotony while soloing, or as an opener. I know improved revive pet isn't really useful for improving DPS, but I wound up going with it because I like the drastic reduction in mana cost and the HP returned by using it. With the new trap changes, if something kills my pet I can just freeze trap it and cast revive pet. It's decent for soloing elites, at least. 1 point in improved mend pet is pretty useful, just for clearing debuffs from your pet. After all, some of those diseases on mobs can last like 30 minutes, along with the poisons that last 2+ minutes.


Ah, I'll look it over a bit more later

This is what I had for now:


It was like pulling teeth to get any info out of the WoW Hunter board, I'll tell you what, the Hunter community sucks ass compared to the other clases I've played. So little information available, so many awful posters.

Hey Fire, do you have any opinion on pets? Like, I have this cat right now, but I have to train new ones to get the upgraded ranks of the spells, right?

Confusing, I played a Hunter a bit before, but I forgot almost all of it


Well, go with whatever you like. I wouldn't bother with following the old lists of rarespawns with high attack speed, though, because blizzard's going to (or maybe already did) normalize hunter pets to 2.0 speed.

If there were/are any dragonhawks that don't have caster stats (i.e. a mana bar) in Eversong, then those are actually pretty good pets. Their racial improves as they level and the only other rank of it comes at like 66+. Their racial does good damage, and they get dive since they're a flying pet. As far as stuff that's easy to feed, bears and boars seem to be the best. They both eat just about anything, including conjured food. Boars even get a decent selection of racials, like charge and gore (which is also used by ravagers). Warp stalkers are going to be a huge favorite, I'm pretty sure. I mean they basically get their own form of shadowstep.

You may just want to check out http://petopia.brashendeavors.net/ to see what pets are out there. As far as learning skills go, yeah, you have to tame a new pet. What you can do is just put yours away in the stable, then go tame the new one and teach it growl, then let it use its skills a bunch. The more it uses them the faster you'll learn it. It kind of sucks that blizzard nerfed pet attack speed, because it's a big boost to BM builds, but at least now it means guys like deathmaw or shy-rotam won't be camped to hell. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot: Hunter pet skills follow the same rule as warlock pet skills - you don't have to learn previous ranks to teach the latest one. And if you didn't know, the pet trainer NPC will allow you to reset your pet's training points so you can re-train it.
man im about to drop my lock and start back on my hunter, they are just ridiculous in pvp, always at the top of the chart.

and I assume its like a warlock in pve accept less damage or something?

and shadow priest are annoying in pvp, i should know I used to have one till i deleted him
Honestly I'd avoid the hell out of the BM tree. It's really really really weak early on compared to Marks, and later on it's uh.... just really weak. Just pump up general marks talents, only thing I'd suggest is imp mark over efficiency.


firex said:
Well, go with whatever you like. I wouldn't bother with following the old lists of rarespawns with high attack speed, though, because blizzard's going to (or maybe already did) normalize hunter pets to 2.0 speed.

all pets have been normalized to 2.0 speed, so there is no point in getting the rare spawns/elites (brokentooth, humar, etc etc) unless you like their particular color scheme or graphics


I'd take SoG's advice over mine since he actually has a 60 hunter who's well-geared. mine's just a 54 and I don't play him much. I think between marksmanship and BM they both have about the same amount of utility, but marksmanship isn't pet reliant.

e: Does anybody know a good addon for totems? I've been playing my shaman a little bit to take a break from my paladin, and I don't really know any good totem addons to get rid of me having all but 1 slot taken up by totems/spells/potions.


Has problems recognising girls
firex said:
e: Does anybody know a good addon for totems? I've been playing my shaman a little bit to take a break from my paladin, and I don't really know any good totem addons to get rid of me having all but 1 slot taken up by totems/spells/potions.
I just use CTMod 2's own little breakable bars and shit. It's not as good as Call of Elements or whatever they were back before they were delegated to invalid mods awhile back, but it does the job.

Just as long as I have totem timers.


Son of Godzilla said:
Honestly I'd avoid the hell out of the BM tree. It's really really really weak early on compared to Marks, and later on it's uh.... just really weak. Just pump up general marks talents, only thing I'd suggest is imp mark over efficiency.

No way man. What the hell crack are you smoking?

Just 10 points into BM and my pet is better than a friggin lowbie warrior. Seriously, it's got more health and better armor and I can heal it. It also holds hate better.

For levelling, I'd definetly recommend BM... there is a very clear advantage there; the better the tank holds aggro, the less messing around you do, the faster you grind.

When you get beastial wrath/intimidation, you're difficult to ambush by another solo player as your pet still runs around... and with beast within, you're almost impossible to ambush; if they try, they get 2 angry angry targets that they can't stop beating on them.

Once you hit 70... it's upto you; your personality dictates the play... if you like BM, then stick with it... if you prefer range heavy combat, then marksman is really quite potent.
Raid wise, marksmen and maybe survivalists are what's really wanted, as it's difficult/situational to use pets in raids.


Bestial whatever is the probably the worst thing in the game right now. 15 seconds of god mod.

Of course, I might be bias. I think hunters are the least skillful class in the game to play in PVP and the absolute worst class in terms of PVE.


Gold Member
I've been trying to get addicted to this game since I feel I'm missing a lot with all people discussing all their awesome experiences.

I tried and didn't manage to get hooked last year, since I didn't quite get the excitement on trying to collect stuff from same wolves again and again - but I'm not willing to give up.

Couple of questions:

1. Can I play the game, proceed and explore exciting new areas without a lot of grinding excessively?

2. Is it still possible to start from scratch and have fun? Do I need to know people or hook up during game?

3. Should I start from WoW or WoW BC? I already have WoW, just deinstalled.

4. Does WoW and WoW BC run nicely on a MacBook Pro?


Hero said:
Bestial whatever is the probably the worst thing in the game right now. 15 seconds of god mod.

Of course, I might be bias. I think hunters are the least skillful class in the game to play in PVP and the absolute worst class in terms of PVE.

hahaha, skill in wow

i'm sorry but the game doesnt take a whole lot of skill to play with any class

please dont confuse skill with the ability to press a few buttons

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
BM post 2.0 is the best path for hunter in both PVE grinding and arguably even PVP (like hero said, god mode for 18 secs).

Personally, i started by putting 5 points in improved aspect of the hawk because quick shot matters a ****ing lot in DPS over time, something i've noticed is that it procs a shitload more than pre 2.0 too, sometimes it can proc like 4 times in a row. Then i put 5 in CC, 5 in lethal shot and 1 in aimed shot. After that, i'll go BM all the way

Would look something like this

clicky here

Neglected the survival tree but eh, to get the good stuffs in there you have to spend lots of points and its not as rewarding as either BM or MM.

20% haste, 2% total health regen every 10 secs, god mode for 18 secs, are all very nice for hunter.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Chittagong said:
I've been trying to get addicted to this game since I feel I'm missing a lot with all people discussing all their awesome experiences.

I tried and didn't manage to get hooked last year, since I didn't quite get the excitement on trying to collect stuff from same wolves again and again - but I'm not willing to give up.

Couple of questions:

1. Can I play the game, proceed and explore exciting new areas without a lot of grinding excessively?

2. Is it still possible to start from scratch and have fun? Do I need to know people or hook up during game?

3. Should I start from WoW or WoW BC? I already have WoW, just deinstalled.

4. Does WoW and WoW BC run nicely on a MacBook Pro?

1. Yes, in fact i would suggest you skip most of the starting areas' collect X number of items from Y monster quests, they're abundant and boring as **** with very little reward early on.

2. In your mid 10's you should try to hook up with a guild, dont try to go with the best on the server or something, just one that do instances. Im only lvl 24 and found a guild thats hella fun, yesterday we did about 5 instances, 2 of those were in deadmines (alliance instance) and we're horde, the fun we had killing alliances to get there, oh memories. Thats another thing, if you start from scratch in WoW, go PVP! I was bored to tears on PVE with my previous hunter.

3. Not sure i understand, you still need both of them and install both of them, if you want to start with a new race, well it'll be BC content, otherwise its the old WoW.

4. Are you shitting me? That baby will run WoW @ max settings my friend :D


Gold Member
Buggy Loop said:
1. Yes, in fact i would suggest you skip most of the starting areas' collect X number of items from Y monster quests, they're abundant and boring as **** with very little reward early on.

4. Are you shitting me? That baby will run WoW @ max settings my friend :D

That sounds fantastic! Actually last time I got very bored in trying to find whatever pieces of meat or skin or whatever the wolves left behind... so you are saying that I can actually skip that and there is more fun stuff to do? I did that literally for a few hours and got really bored, figuring game was not for me.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Quests arent required, but they give you 1) money 2) items 3) XP

Personally i do them because its not the first time i play the game and i know pretty much where to go but yea, if you dont feel like fetching a bazillion wolf meat, simply skip it. Early quests arent too rewarding anyway.

edit- Hmm there ARE some required quests, like say, hunter's lvl 10 quest to learn how to tame pets.


Zaptruder said:
No way man. What the hell crack are you smoking?

Just 10 points into BM and my pet is better than a friggin lowbie warrior. Seriously, it's got more health and better armor and I can heal it. It also holds hate better.

And I'm sure you're one of those bright hunters who believes right out the bat that the tank is poor, puts growl on and has the tank fight you for mob control,then off course, you say he sucks since HE has to switch targets and your pet doesn't, which results in mob loss to your pet and rage generation loss?

The hunters playing like you do are always booted from my group. Work wih the tank, not against him, especially with the mindset you are describing.

Playing a hunter requieres ONE skill in 5 mans, knowing to FD often so as to not grab agro, which 99% of the hunters have no idea what is seeing as 99% of them don't even have it on their bar.
All pets are better than lowbie warriors because of the way growl works. 10% more health or armor isn't going to change that. Honestly early BM is pretty terrible. IAotH might proc alot, but it doesn't do much when it does.

BM makes you take a ton of points in stuff that really isn't that great. All those 5 point talents to increase pet dps, totally not worth it. By the time you get to the actual good stuff there's no way you'll have enough points to toss around. Marks is a better build simply because of what it gets you access to.

Also it's probably too late, but dear god don't take improved concussion. One of the worst talents in the game!
Fularu said:
Playing a hunter requieres ONE skill in 5 mans, knowing to FD often so as to not grab agro, which 99% of the hunters have no idea what is seeing as 99% of them don't even have it on their bar.

You obviously haven't done a single lvl 70 dungeon.


Well I started back up last night as a blood elf hunter on Quel'Dorei with Dormer and co.. and I got to level 10 and was all excited, but today I've had it hard lockup 4 times straight. Twice when getting directions, once when trying to set my new home and then once just randomly. Looks like a lot of people are having this issue on the board, so I hope they figure it out asap and fix it, cos I was enjoying myself. :\

I'm playing as Meier.


Meier said:
Well I started back up last night as a blood elf hunter on Quel'Dorei with Dormer and co.. and I got to level 10 and was all excited, but today I've had it hard lockup 4 times straight. Twice when getting directions, once when trying to set my new home and then once just randomly. Looks like a lot of people are having this issue on the board, so I hope they figure it out asap and fix it, cos I was enjoying myself. :\

I'm playing as Meier.

Had lockups here myself, it was a heat issue for me, for some odd reason, BC areas push my video card into a much higher temp.

There was a big thread about it on the tech supportboard, lots of overheating for ATI cards. General crashing in certain areas for Nvidia cards....wheee!

I just opened my case, and put a room fan on it, i dont have time for this shit


Alex said:
There was a big thread about it on the tech supportboard, lots of overheating for ATI cards. General crashing in certain areas for Nvidia cards....wheee!
Sigh. Similar problems for me too.

Oh! And I won the fishing tournament today. Go me!
So been level 70 since saturday morning. Did Escape from Durnhold for the first time saturday night. Nice "dungeon" some tricky parts as well. Lucked out on the loots all 3 bosses dropped warrior loot. Oh and anyone that does it make sure you go to southshore once you've finished. Nice bits of lore filled in + quite a few important characters and one VERY important one :D

The Cavern of Time is a right bitch to get out of though, give flight out again assholes!

I've also realised that I may have to wait a while b4 theres enough people wanting to do dungeons. On my server nobody wants to do dungeons, everyone wants to do quests for xp. Also got 350 blacksmithing today. Now to find me a alchemist to make primals of might + lots of farming and hellooo 1h epix axe.


Just felt like posting this. :D



Just hit 66 last night. Been taking it pretty slow. Finished up Nagrand this afternoon with the Ring of Blood and Durn the Hungerer. It's so nice to have Cloak of Shadows again. If I run out of quests at Blade's Edge, can't I head over to Caverns of Time? I've replaced every single piece of my gear except for my belt, simply because I have found nothing better. My crit is going down the shitter, but my AP and HP are steadily increasing. I'm going to miss Nagrand, Blade's Edge is one fugly place.


Anyone else been getting mail (in-game) and whispers advertising gold selling? A couple days ago I got a long ass whisper (probably 10 lines of text) advertising gold selling from someone who obviously bashed his head on the keyboard to create his character name. And then today I got a mail in my in-game mailbox advertising a gold selling website, which was a different website from the one listed in the whisper.

Talked about it in my guild, and apparently other people are getting whispers and mail too.


Azwethinkweiz said:
You obviously haven't done a single lvl 70 dungeon.

No, I obviously don't team with retards who don't know when to pet tank a mob, when to trap a mob and when to avoid fighting for agro control on main targeted mob.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of hunters have no clues as to what needs to be done in a 5 man. at least, in raids, they either TS or fall assleep auto shotting (not that I blame them).
MrPing1000 said:
So been level 70 since saturday morning. Did Escape from Durnhold for the first time saturday night. Nice "dungeon" some tricky parts as well. Lucked out on the loots all 3 bosses dropped warrior loot. Oh and anyone that does it make sure you go to southshore once you've finished. Nice bits of lore filled in + quite a few important characters and one VERY important one :D

Beaucoup healing stuff in there and I got stiffed every time on runs lately. After fighting that "beholder" boss guy in Auchenai, I've come to the chilling conclusion that Transcendence ain't cutting it, and that this loot I'm gunning for ain't for the Heroics and Raids later, it's for NOW. :O

Southshore was like Warcraft Yearbook Gone Wrong. "Nat Pagle: most likely to be drunk off his ass in some swamp fishing" "Kel'thuzad: Most likely to become a lich and devastate half of civilization".


Fularu said:
And I'm sure you're one of those bright hunters who believes right out the bat that the tank is poor, puts growl on and has the tank fight you for mob control,then off course, you say he sucks since HE has to switch targets and your pet doesn't, which results in mob loss to your pet and rage generation loss?

The hunters playing like you do are always booted from my group. Work wih the tank, not against him, especially with the mindset you are describing.

Playing a hunter requieres ONE skill in 5 mans, knowing to FD often so as to not grab agro, which 99% of the hunters have no idea what is seeing as 99% of them don't even have it on their bar.

Hmmm... before you jump on me, you should probably develop reading skills better than your average internet trolltard.

10 talent points will get you around level 20... so keeping that in mind, a lowbie warrior is referring to around the same. I don't know what there is to argue; I'm playing a rogue, a hunter and a warrior... statwise, the pet is just far superior; better stats, better armor, and better automation. Obviously a warrior will develop skills far in excess of a pet... but the fact that it has more armor, more health, can be healed, and is essentially at your command makes it a better tank at such an early stage.

But even still, as a levelling companion, a strong pet is probably the best thing you can get for all the aforementioned reasons... along with trap, can help crowd control in critical moments... link, trap, link, scarebeast... link, get the pet to draw aggro. A hunter has a lot of options; and they're strengthened with a good pet.

If you're fighting in groups, then it's most probable that you're at a point where plate armor starts becoming effective... and the warriors skills in threat generation are unrivaled; at which point, without a doubt, you want the warrior tanking... and you have to operate in consideration of that. That's just basic MMO. Another pretty basic element is... if the game gives you the option, it's going to be more efficient to level solo... unless you have the benefit of playing with someone(s) that conforms rigidly to your schedule (so you can team up).


As priest if I get something like Spirit + 7 I should be using that instead of my shadow damage 3-5+ gear ?

Again, are there any uses for marks of honor besides needing about 20 for few items in Hall of Legends?


Zaptruder said:
Hmmm... before you jump on me, you should probably develop reading skills better than your average internet trolltard.

10 talent points will get you around level 20... so keeping that in mind, a lowbie warrior is referring to around the same. I don't know what there is to argue; I'm playing a rogue, a hunter and a warrior... statwise, the pet is just far superior; better stats, better armor, and better automation. Obviously a warrior will develop skills far in excess of a pet... but the fact that it has more armor, more health, can be healed, and is essentially at your command makes it a better tank at such an early stage.

But even still, as a levelling companion, a strong pet is probably the best thing you can get for all the aforementioned reasons... along with trap, can help crowd control in critical moments... link, trap, link, scarebeast... link, get the pet to draw aggro. A hunter has a lot of options; and they're strengthened with a good pet.

If you're fighting in groups, then it's most probable that you're at a point where plate armor starts becoming effective... and the warriors skills in threat generation are unrivaled; at which point, without a doubt, you want the warrior tanking... and you have to operate in consideration of that. That's just basic MMO. Another pretty basic element is... if the game gives you the option, it's going to be more efficient to level solo... unless you have the benefit of playing with someone(s) that conforms rigidly to your schedule (so you can team up).

Lets just say that the way you worded it, I understood "lowbie warrior" for "noobish and/or bad warrior" and I've had my share of awesome hunters opening with a multi shot on a Shattered Halls pull, then complaining as 3 mobs go straight for them.

My bad then.


All you use marks of honor for are to buy pvp gear. You can use them on pvp mounts or tabards if you don't want/need the actual weapons though.
Fularu said:
No, I obviously don't team with retards who don't know when to pet tank a mob, when to trap a mob and when to avoid fighting for agro control on main targeted mob.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of hunters have no clues as to what needs to be done in a 5 man. at least, in raids, they either TS or fall assleep auto shotting (not that I blame them).

You say hunters only have "ONE" job in dungeons, which is FD. Then you say that you don't team with retards who don't know how to offtank and trap when applicable. Obviously they have more than one job, which was my point to begin with.
can someone post a good fury dw build?

Im trying to tell my cousin what to spec in and dw seems to be pretty good
(he really wants to do damage fast)

im trying to sort the the absolute shitpile the forums are now (gj wiping all the old threads blizzard)

and I keep getting linked to builds like this


he has 22 pts in fury without ANYTHING in booming voice or cruetly?

i also saw some builds with like 5/1 into piercing howl...WTF!? are the talent calculators bugged or something now?

so please any good build Ideas (Fury DW, or Arms?) hes currently level 24 with no points in anything (lol)
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