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World of Warcraft

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Just go cruelty, unbridled wrath, improved battle shout and enrage and get death wish. dw spec isn't necessary, but it's good. Now if you go arms after getting all you want out of fury, definitely go with improved heroic strike and 2 in deflection, then whatever you feel like until you get anger management. That's still one of the better arms talents just because it constantly generates rage, so if you're in a long fight it offsets misses a little bit.


Shaman users, I have not assigned any talent points yet because I am worried about being able to reach the bottom of one of the chains. What do you suggest, focos on elemental, enhancement, or restoration? Shamanistic rage is at the bottom of enhancement.


Just go with enhancement for leveling. Elemental is garbage beyond 21 points into it, while resto is a good tree but it really lacks offense.


Wellington said:
Shaman users, I have not assigned any talent points yet because I am worried about being able to reach the bottom of one of the chains. What do you suggest, focos on elemental, enhancement, or restoration? Shamanistic rage is at the bottom of enhancement.

umm use your talent points sir, if you make a mistake along the way, all you have to do is visit a shaman trainer and pay a small fee to respec, as you lvl your character and play the game, it isnt uncommon to respec many (and i mean many) times

the game isnt like diablo 2 where your talent choices are permanent, if you dont like something or if you simply want to try out a different talent tree, you are always free to do so (go respec), so pick something and see what style suits you best

if you like spell dmg and casting go elemental
if you want to focus on healing go restoration
if you want to focus on grinding/melee go enhancement

what lvl are you by the way?

have you been visiting the shaman trainer and buying new spells?
ZombieSupaStar said:
can someone post a good fury dw build?

Im trying to tell my cousin what to spec in and dw seems to be pretty good
(he really wants to do damage fast)

im trying to sort the the absolute shitpile the forums are now (gj wiping all the old threads blizzard)

and I keep getting linked to builds like this


he has 22 pts in fury without ANYTHING in booming voice or cruetly?

i also saw some builds with like 5/1 into piercing howl...WTF!? are the talent calculators bugged or something now?

so please any good build Ideas (Fury DW, or Arms?) hes currently level 24 with no points in anything (lol)

Fury with a bit of arms

My current spec

My spec is mostly for leveling, I may end up moving more towards the first one once raiding starts again. Of course cleave is a bit of a dodgy one as I had it to make sure I didn't over agro in raiding (creates less threat than heroic strike) but ended up keeping it. Will see how I do in raiding before I decide whether to keep it or not

Btw if yur cousin wants to see bit hits he should go arms. Fury will get u lots of damage just not as much as arms upfront.


booming voice is a pretty shitty talent, i wouldnt waste the 5 pts there

5/5 into cruelty is a must tho, its kinda a staple in any arms or fury build

and www.wowhead.com is your friend when looking at specs :p


MrPing1000 said:
Fury with a bit of arms

My current spec

My spec is mostly for leveling, I may end up moving more towards the first one once raiding starts again. Of course cleave is a bit of a dodgy one as I had it to make sure I didn't over agro in raiding (creates less threat than heroic strike) but ended up keeping it. Will see how I do in raiding before I decide whether to keep it or not

Btw if yur cousin wants to see bit hits he should go arms. Fury will get u lots of damage just not as much as arms upfront.

your current spec is pretty bad imo

how can u spec so heavily into fury but not put 5/5 into flurry. flurry is THE staple in all fury builds, how you didnt include it is beyond me. i cant think of a good reason for that. why not drop shitty talents like improved demo shout or booming voice, those are a waste of 10 points imo


yacobod said:
what lvl are you by the way?

have you been visiting the shaman trainer and buying new spells?

Level 18 right now, and of course I am buying new spells. Like I had said before I had a level 31 character, it's just that it had been about a year since I played and I never used anything other than my hunter, so I led a sheltered life.


Wellington said:
Level 18 right now, and of course I am buying new spells. Like I had said before I had a level 31 character, it's just that it had been about a year since I played and I never used anything other than my hunter, so I led a sheltered life.

ya then use ur talent points, if u find out later u want to respec, it will only cost you 1g to do so, so play around with it and have fun


I'm pretty new to the game, and one thing I can't understand is why I'm being razzed on by some friends for choosing to play as a Paladin.

Are they the wimpiest class or something?


paladins are typically thought of as a noob kind of class, especially human paladins.

and Wellington, if you really want to know the best way to assign talents on your shaman... just go for enhancement, but avoid the stuff like anticipation, shield specialization and toughness. Enhancement is the leveling tree for shamans since it basically gives you the same damage you'd get out of elemental, but it doesn't use nearly as much mana.


firex said:
paladins are typically thought of as a noob kind of class, especially human paladins.

I could see that, but to be honest, I've got a Hunter and a Mage as well and I think that playing as either of those two characters is way easier than playing with my Paladin. The whole ranged attack/magic thing seems like such a copout. Not to mention the Pet aspect with Hunters.


When I leveled up my shaman I initially put my talent points into elemental for improved shocks (Convection/Concussion/Elemental Focus), then into enhancement for melee (Ancestral Knowledge/Thundering Strikes/Two-Handed Axes & Maces). After that I went with more enhancement, although others I knew went more elemental talents. Restoration is a very good talent tree, but it doesn't always lend itself well to leveling up unless you're doing nothing but dungeons. It really shines in the late game.

In either case, you'll be using your mana up - offensively with spells, or healing yourself when you're meleeing. Make a friend with a mage and bum him for free water. :D


Wellington said:
Shaman users, I have not assigned any talent points yet because I am worried about being able to reach the bottom of one of the chains. What do you suggest, focos on elemental, enhancement, or restoration? Shamanistic rage is at the bottom of enhancement.
Enh for grinding and resto for PvP. Elem used to be my favourite PvP build, but I believe that has since changed, if I'm to believe firex.

Oh, and as I always say to other new shamans, learn to conserve your mana. And don't be a dipshit like Hero. Learn to heal others ... it makes your life easier.


it's just my experience that going beyond 21 points in elemental right now isn't all that useful. It's probably still good in pvp if you get the gear for it, but I doubt it's as good as earth shield.


firex said:
it's just my experience that going beyond 21 points in elemental right now isn't all that useful. It's probably still good in pvp if you get the gear for it, but I doubt it's as good as earth shield.
Given the shear awesomeness of earth shield ... yeah, I'm inclined to believe you. Just saying that I haven't tested it myself. That is of course, until people learn to start dispelling it. Then again, few alliance players have ever bothered to destroy my totems after all this time, so I don't think that'll be a problem.


Just be careful when those dranei shaman start hitting those high levels - if they're anything like me, they'll be casting purge on anything that moves.

As for paladins, they're a tough class to play, but at the higher levels, if played properly (and even sometimes not) they're so tough to kill lots of people don't even bother and concentrate their attacks on another player.


explodet said:
Just be careful when those dranei shaman start hitting those high levels - if they're anything like me, they'll be casting purge on anything that moves.
Yeah, me and a buddy of mine were joking about that in vent. He's a shaman too and we were 2v4, 2v5ing in WSG and laughing about the greatness of earth shield. Then he said: "yeah, but I won't be laughing so much when alliance shamans start purging it"
yacobod said:
your current spec is pretty bad imo

how can u spec so heavily into fury but not put 5/5 into flurry. flurry is THE staple in all fury builds, how you didnt include it is beyond me. i cant think of a good reason for that. why not drop shitty talents like improved demo shout or booming voice, those are a waste of 10 points imo

I am retarded, that should be 5 points in flurry not demo shout. I don't think I've ever known anyone with any points in demo shout ever. Booming voice is on the way out. It was rather handy for leveling. Not exactly sure what to put those 5 points into though. Mite just switch over to my fury with a bit of arms spec soon.


Got 70.

Several things I'm working on.

-Playing with Shiv build with my Thunderfury. Trying to see how good it is.

-Can't decide which alchemy spec to go into. Transmute sounds like it might make a lot of money... but that's only if everyone doesn't go transmute (which sounds like they are). Not only that but I've been reading people have made up to 5 primal mights in one transmute (which will drive prices down). On top of that, who knows how widely transmutes will be needed. Other option is elixirs ... which I really love. Finally potions which don't sound good, but elemental protection potions were hot sellers for raiding guilds. If you went potion spec you might be able to make quite a bit of change when raiding starts up.

-Working on my aldor rep (which I'm kinda pissed I went.). I wanted the sword even though I knew it'd replace i very soon. Opposed to scryer who has an elixir I can never get any other way (though it's a magical one). If I go elixir I'd be sad I can't make them.

-Regular flying mounts are too ****ing slow.


fallout said:
And don't be a dipshit like Hero. Learn to heal others ... it makes your life easier.

That was pretty uncalled for. I find it offensive that you have the capacity to insult me when I haven't even made a shaman related post in weeks, and the one you were even sourcing was to be taken sarcastically.


Hero said:
That was pretty uncalled for. I find it offensive that you have the capacity to insult me when I haven't even made a shaman related post in weeks, and the one you were even sourcing was to be taken sarcastically.
Heh, for some reason, it was still fresh in mind. Sarcasm can be hard to read over the internet. Apologies.


I'm not sure why or how, but the druid is now a super-class. In bear form tanking, my guild mate can dish out the same dps as me (within a 5% margin and I'm a rogue), have more armor and hp than our best geared tank, and almost impossible to steal aggro from. Why would I ever consider a warrior over this supernatural being?

Trying to kill one these f***ers also seems very much impossible. It's like fighting a mixed hybrid of Houdini and Muhammad Ali, trapped inside a bear, with diamonds for claws.

I pealed 12000 hp of a druid, and it was still standing there, mauling and mangling my ass.

We get it Blizzard, you want more druids, and now you will get them.

Oh yea, I got my epic mount, and I'm almost scared of how fast it goes. I don't even use the flightpaths anymore.


John_B said:
Trying to kill one these f***ers also seems very much impossible. It's like fighting a mixed hybrid of Houdini and Muhammad Ali, trapped inside a bear, with diamonds for claws.

:lol That's classic.


Druids will get nerfed,at least they should,they should not be able to put out the amount of DPS they can in bear form,it's ****ing ridiculous right now,I'm lucky to have a good geared on to 70% before I'm dead :|


John_B said:
I'm not sure why or how, but the druid is now a super-class. In bear form tanking, my guild mate can dish out the same dps as me (within a 5% margin and I'm a rogue), have more armor and hp than our best geared tank, and almost impossible to steal aggro from. Why would I ever consider a warrior over this supernatural being?

Trying to kill one these f***ers also seems very much impossible. It's like fighting a mixed hybrid of Houdini and Muhammad Ali, trapped inside a bear, with diamonds for claws.

I pealed 12000 hp of a druid, and it was still standing there, mauling and mangling my ass.

We get it Blizzard, you want more druids, and now you will get them.

Oh yea, I got my epic mount, and I'm almost scared of how fast it goes. I don't even use the flightpaths anymore.
I'm fairly confident a well geared druid could kill a few melee at once. A 70 druid I know has 12.5khp and 13k armor unbuffed in bear. Godlike?


I posted it a while back about Moonkin Druids, but they are definately crazy. They just aren't getting tons of nerf cries because there aren't that many druids.

I think their Resto spec makes them probably the best overall healer currently (granted they have limited rezzing ability), and Feral is insane now w/ Mangle and ILoTP giving them a damn nice healing boost along with frenzied. Druid's can get some pretty high crit rates in Feral.
As a Paladin I'm so ****ing sick of healing fury and mortal strike warriors...I can only heal so fast and some of these 70 instances demand decent tanks. And there's retards running around dual-wielding and getting completely pwned and the group doesn't go anywhere. Hmmm, wonder why.


There is some portal website out there that you track for liked minded guilds on your server right?

Week two with my friend new to this genre, we hit late 20s but I think I maybe pushing him too fast. Still trying get him not to use his divine protection in battle yet though :lol


The only problem with treeform druids is pvp if there's a warlock around. Then it's banish druid -> /point /rofl.

I'm nearing 38 on my pally and I feel like I have to buy a hawkstrider after I train the emo horse. I finally really saw one in depth and they do, in fact, look 99% like chocobos, all the way down to the running animation. I'll save emo horse for my epic mount, heh.

e: also I'm pretty sure I'll be making a balance/resto druid after my paladin and shaman are both 70. Maybe I won't, I might go level up my warrior on the same server as my shaman just because I don't mind tanking and that server (Rexxar) has god-awful warriors, but I still think a balance/resto druid would be insanely fun.
Been 70 for a day or two. My God there is NOTHING to do at level 70. It's really really bad. I've got no incentive to do much of anything but wait around till arenas hit. The itemization is pretty much garbage at the moment. There's hardly any difference between stuff you get as leveling and gear that drops from 70 instances and heroics. I've got no desire to do any of it. And it'll be at least two weeks before the majority of the people I run with get up to level 70 and god knows how long till raiding starts. I logged on today, grinded out the mats for a primal transmute, ran mana tombs for some low level friends, and that's it. Oh and I respecced survival out of sheer boredom. That's how bad it was.


The loot is far from the same, and have you even tried Heroic? It sounds to me you just don't have anybody to do some instances with.


ToyMachine228 said:
As a Paladin I'm so ****ing sick of healing fury and mortal strike warriors...I can only heal so fast and some of these 70 instances demand decent tanks. And there's retards running around dual-wielding and getting completely pwned and the group doesn't go anywhere. Hmmm, wonder why.

Don't PUG problem solved.

firex said:
e: also I'm pretty sure I'll be making a balance/resto druid after my paladin and shaman are both 70. Maybe I won't, I might go level up my warrior on the same server as my shaman just because I don't mind tanking and that server (Rexxar) has god-awful warriors, but I still think a balance/resto druid would be insanely fun.

anyone else think blizzard went crazy with druid itemization? i guess before xpac they had fair complaints about poor itemization aside from healing gear, but jesus so much feral loot now lol. i was thinkin about rolling a druid to play around with, but i'm pretty sure they will be nerfed soon, cuz they are insanely good now

Son of Godzilla said:
Been 70 for a day or two. My God there is NOTHING to do at level 70. It's really really bad. I've got no incentive to do much of anything but wait around till arenas hit. The itemization is pretty much garbage at the moment. There's hardly any difference between stuff you get as leveling and gear that drops from 70 instances and heroics. I've got no desire to do any of it. And it'll be at least two weeks before the majority of the people I run with get up to level 70 and god knows how long till raiding starts. I logged on today, grinded out the mats for a primal transmute, ran mana tombs for some low level friends, and that's it. Oh and I respecced survival out of sheer boredom. That's how bad it was.

man if you're not having fun, dont play, take a couple of days break :p


well, blizzard did realize that all feral gear needs is +stats on it, so they went and made some insane feral loot. balance druids aren't quite as well off, but I think it would be fun to stack the regen talents. Plus supposedly if you go balance/resto, even if you have to heal in a 5 man, it's easy with all the regen. and I wouldn't really need 2-3 sets of gear like feral druids do either!

but that's neither here nor there for me, since I'm still leveling my pally and enjoying it.


Son of Godzilla said:
Been 70 for a day or two. My God there is NOTHING to do at level 70. It's really really bad. I've got no incentive to do much of anything but wait around till arenas hit. The itemization is pretty much garbage at the moment. There's hardly any difference between stuff you get as leveling and gear that drops from 70 instances and heroics. I've got no desire to do any of it. And it'll be at least two weeks before the majority of the people I run with get up to level 70 and god knows how long till raiding starts. I logged on today, grinded out the mats for a primal transmute, ran mana tombs for some low level friends, and that's it. Oh and I respecced survival out of sheer boredom. That's how bad it was.
Um. Yeah. Probably shouldn't have pushed so hard to 70. It's just a game, take it easy.

yacobod said:
anyone else think blizzard went crazy with druid itemization? i guess before xpac they had fair complaints about poor itemization aside from healing gear, but jesus so much feral loot now lol. i was thinkin about rolling a druid to play around with, but i'm pretty sure they will be nerfed soon, cuz they are insanely good now
I'm glad that Blizzard went through with the itemization. Shows that they're finally giving hybrid classes some good attention. Granted, I play a Shaman, but I expect itemization to improve as the Alliance shaman population increases. Truth be told, I've actually seen an improvement already with just the quest rewards, so it's not all bad.


Level 51 BE Paladin now YEAAA

I went 1-40 from Tuesday morning (day of release) allllllllllll the way until Wednesday Morning last week.

I'm currently 51 right now (a week later) so yea the later levels take foreverrrrrr to get.

Lemme get his pic for you all:


I have two other pictures: one at Level 16, the other at Level 33, lmk if you want to see what early Ramos looked like :D


Wellington said:
Shaman users, I have not assigned any talent points yet because I am worried about being able to reach the bottom of one of the chains. What do you suggest, focos on elemental, enhancement, or restoration? Shamanistic rage is at the bottom of enhancement.

Most of the starting talents for each tree are useful no matter what builds you end up with. Convection, Ancestral Knowledge and Tidal Focus are all good even if you're not sure what you want to be from the get go. After that, you should have at least a direction you want to focus in. If you see yourself as an offensive caster at all, should aim for Elemental Focus. If you know you want Nature's Swiftness, then you need to put some points into Restoration.

It really depends on your playstyle. I duoed my way to 60 with a friend that plays a warrior, and I know I'm more comfortable as a support character (I was a white mage in FFXI, a healing controller in CoH), so I went Restoration since the very beginning. If you find yourself playing alone mostly, Enhacement or Elemental will make your life easier. Not saying you can't solo as Restoration, but it requires patience, since everything will take probably twice as long to do.

Ferrio said:
-Can't decide which alchemy spec to go into. Transmute sounds like it might make a lot of money... but that's only if everyone doesn't go transmute (which sounds like they are). Not only that but I've been reading people have made up to 5 primal mights in one transmute (which will drive prices down). On top of that, who knows how widely transmutes will be needed. Other option is elixirs ... which I really love. Finally potions which don't sound good, but elemental protection potions were hot sellers for raiding guilds. If you went potion spec you might be able to make quite a bit of change when raiding starts up.

My thoughts on this is every (competent) raiding guild will/should have at least one potion and one elixir master, and with the reduced raid size to 25 (therefore, less people to supply consumables to), those players will probably not be purchasing many, if any, outside of the guild. Especially with the new mastery option, I'd imagine herbalism would make more money, since for the price of the materials, you have now a higher chance to walk away with more of the end products than you paid for, who besides those that have too much gold to spend would in their right mind buy the pots? I'm also expecting the market to be flooded with them, and historically on my server the pots never sell as often or as fast as the herbs to make them.

In regards to transmutes, well, it seems that all high level crafting requires some kind of primal, more so than the essences of the past (even the protection pots need them now). However, the motes for all intents and purposes seem a lot easier to farm than the essences, even if you do need 10 to make one primal. Then there's the fact that you can only do it once every 24 hours, so the chance of producing more than one primal is pretty small compared to the other two mastery.

Anyway, I'm not approaching my decision as to which one will make the most money, because personally, I don't think the profession itself will produce much profit, unless you are among the first to discover the rare recipes (like transmute fire to mana) to control the market, but the fact is that no matter what mastery you choose, everyone has the same chance of discovering them. I'll be choosing transmute to make my life (and my friend's) life easier, I don't mind harvesting, but I really hate farming mobs for drops. Hopefully it will aslo save us money in the long run.


How do you get exalted with silvermoon city? I did all quests in area and blood elfs I found elsewhere so far. I donated set of wool and silk but that leaves me with 3110 into revered with about 17000 to get exalted, ouch!


As far as alchemy specs go I expect transmutes will see the greatest value early on before crafting is devalued by raid/PVP gear. I plan on taking elixir mastery as they cover Flasks as well, and I was lucky enough to discover Flask of Relentless Assault on day 2 of BC. Add to the fact that I rarely used my transmutes except when I needed to make something (fairly rare) or there was a favorable market condition (water-> air) (undeath-> water) etc.


Just keep questing and your silvermoon rep will rise. All rep you get from quests has spillover into the other races within the horde or alliance. I haven't donated any cloth and my blood elf is at about 8k into revered with silvermoon. reputation is only important for buying other races' mounts and getting the discount at honored.
I just got to 70 tonight and I got too many spells to fit comfortably on the bars. Something I've never had a problem with being a rogue. Any of you know of an add on that lets me put the spell book and all that on one button so i can put more spells down there or something? I've never messed around much with ui mods so I don't know much about them.


Oni Link 666 said:
I just got to 70 tonight and I got too many spells to fit comfortably on the bars. Something I've never had a problem with being a rogue. Any of you know of an add on that lets me put the spell book and all that on one button so i can put more spells down there or something? I've never messed around much with ui mods so I don't know much about them.
For the longest time on my shaman, I had the bottom-left action bar, bottom-right actionbar, and the two side actionbars filled with totems, spells and eng trinkets. The bottom left action bar was hot-keyed F1-F12.

Now, I use bongos and swap totems in and out depending on the situation. It's a lot nicer.


I use bongos too and I love it. One of the more simple mods, just dont hide things like Roll bar like I did first time. :lol


Got my blood elf hunter up to about level 21 now. Going to go back and finish the few quests I have left in Ghostlands to get that cool cape from Tranquillen.
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