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World of Warcraft

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madara said:
I use bongos too and I love it. One of the more simple mods, just dont hide things like Roll bar like I did first time. :lol
:lol I did that too. I was like: "Roll? WTF is that? Gotta be some magical paladin shit I've never seen or something. *right-click*"

Then we're running some instance and I'm like: "Wait, what? What dropped? Why are you all ooo'ing in vent?!"

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Alright, been a while since i touched my 20ish warlock, a quick glimpse on forums i've found that warlocks seems to focus a LOT on sta, its like their 2nd favorite stat (thought it would be int?), some get some 8k HP apparently, but.... what for? Is there a warlock ability im not seeing thats related to hp # ?


remember me
Buggy Loop said:
Alright, been a while since i touched my 20ish warlock, a quick glimpse on forums i've found that warlocks seems to focus a LOT on sta, its like their 2nd favorite stat (thought it would be int?), some get some 8k HP apparently, but.... what for? Is there a warlock ability im not seeing thats related to hp # ?

Stamina is 2nd to +spell/shadow damage. Int is 3rd. You can ignore spirit. And yes, there's a HUGE ability you're overlooking. Life Tap. Life Tap is god. You can slap every dot you have on a monster, and never have downtime. You'll regain tons of life with drain life and siphon life, and at worst, you can pop a bandage for a few seconds and be back to full mana and health.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
So the +sta affects lifetap's potential? Is it like a % of your total HP? Or just because you have a huge HP pool, means you can transfer it to mana and always be nearly full and still have a butload of HP?
"So the +sta affects lifetap's potential? Is it like a % of your total HP? Or just because you have a huge HP pool, means you can transfer it to mana and always be nearly full and still have a butload of HP?"

The latter. So long as you have some HP, you technically have mana.


Ah a new warlock.

Spell Dmg > Stamina >> Intellect >>>> Spirit >>>>>>>> everything else

Spirit basically means nothing. Heck we even have a talent that takes away spirit for more stamina. When grinding to 60, 2 points in life tap are must. Shadowbolt, fear, dot, drain life, life-tap for mana, repeat. You'll rarely have to drink.

Having a lot of a HP has always made us valuable in raid boss encounters where mana conservation is key. When we would take on Ragnaros in MC, I would DS my void walker for HP overtime, dot, nuke, life tap and never be out of mana.

Full points into corruption and life tap are pretty much standard for every spec.

Burning Crusade may or may not throw a wrench in the works spell dmg wise because of the new resilience ratings (too early to tell), but overall spell dmg has always been what warlocks crave next to more stamina.


resilience doesn't mean jack for DOTs at least. It's a pure crit-oriented stat. So it actually makes warlocks better in a lot of ways.
so went to shadow lab tonight didn't go very well. 69 druid, 70 warrior (me) mage rogue priest.

Druid tanking was going very well until after first boss. First the room after that is horrible 6 mob pulls AND randomly walking around invis assassins. Took us ages but we cleared the room.

The boss, well we just couldn't kill him. 4 attempts. First attempt was our best. I tanked, druid dps and dropping out to invinerate the priest (shadow spec). We got him down to 6%. Attempts after that were shit.

I do think it must be one of the higher tiers of lvl 70 dungeons. Me thinks we could have all gotten better items in lower dungeons before venturing there again.

Oh and in other news I crafted The Planar Edge Awesome :D


That boss in Shadow Lab is so stupid it's not even funny. What is the point of having these aggro reset bosses and mobs in 5-man instances? The healer is so exposed in ways you can't defend against, and if the healer goes down, so goes the party. That room with the large packs and the random ninjas is bad enough in itself, but to have you clear the whole room and fight a retarded boss is just a kick in the face. I'm really disappointed in the way that segment was designed. It's more random luck than skill, and certain groups with certain classes will have a pure wipe fest.

Heroic will never be for pugs. The amount of coordination and team-work it requires to bring down one pack is overwhelming. I have three badges now, and they all seemed like very hard to get. I like the challenge however.

I'm really looking forward to do Karazhan with 10 players. It will be so much more about individual skill, and not just some gigantic swarm of people nuking spells all over the place. I really hope Blizzard designed the place in a way that allows for a raid to have every class in it. There are nine classes now and being a class that is unwanted for 10-man raiding would not go over well. So please tell me they put some lock picking shit in there.


well, I finally hit 40 on my paladin, and got a blue chocobo to go along with the emo horse. Now it's time for tons of SM/RFD runs until I get all the drops I want out of there.


tips/places to go? There's just one place: Hellfire peninsula.

well, ok, actually, if you're geared out in a ton of +hit stuff, you could grind a bit in zangarmarsh... but I don't think you can get most quests there until you're 61.


HFP's pretty dead right now anyway and absolutely loaded with tons of exp. Can't really recommend a better place then the starting zone.


This kind of made me laugh today:

You can now buy account upgrade keys and download the game client for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade directly through the account management section of www.worldofwarcraft.com. With this new direct online upgrade method, you don't even need to leave your desk if you decide to upgrade to The Burning Crusade and join more than two million players who are already adventuring beyond the Dark Portal.



You can now buy account upgrade keys and download the game client for World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade directly through the account management section of www.worldofwarcraft.com. With this new direct online upgrade method, you don't even need to leave your desk if you decide to upgrade to The Burning Crusade and join more than two million players who are already adventuring beyond the Dark Portal.
Pssht. I knew the only reason they didn't allow this on launch day was so they could say they had x amount of sales. Cockwaving retards.
John_B said:
I'm really looking forward to do Karazhan with 10 players. It will be so much more about individual skill, and not just some gigantic swarm of people nuking spells all over the place. I really hope Blizzard designed the place in a way that allows for a raid to have every class in it. There are nine classes now and being a class that is unwanted for 10-man raiding would not go over well. So please tell me they put some lock picking shit in there.

Here's why Karazhan sucks. You have 10 spots. You need 2 spots for tanks and 2 spots for priests. That leaves 6 spots for the other 7 classes. If you're going to make a 10 man instance with a 7 day cooldown, you should at least design it around getting 1 of every class in. Oh well. Also, trash respawns after about 30-45 minutes, so if you haven't killed the boss yet, be ready to clear to him again. That's about it.

The truth is I really enjoy Karazhan and the skill level is pretty high. By having so few players everyone needs to be on their toes and it's very enjoyable. I just wish it was a 15-20 man zone so that people aren't left out.


fallout said:
Now, I use bongos and swap totems in and out depending on the situation. It's a lot nicer.

Bongos is really annoying the hell out of me. For some reason it would change around certain button binds after a while (for example I have "[" for cure disease, "]" for cure poison and "cntrl+[" for chain heal; but it would then change to "[" for chain heal, "]" for cure disease and no bind for cure poison), it could be 5 minutes or 1 hour, and then I have to manually reload Bongos to reset it to my original settings. It is very, very frustrating during a boss fight when a button is not behaving what I am expecting it to do. I don't think I have the latest version, but I'm seriously thinking of dumping this mod because of the unexplainable bug.


Zalasta said:
Bongos is really annoying the hell out of me. For some reason it would change around certain button binds after a while (for example I have "[" for cure disease, "]" for cure poison and "cntrl+[" for chain heal; but it would then change to "[" for chain heal, "]" for cure disease and no bind for cure poison), it could be 5 minutes or 1 hour, and then I have to manually reload Bongos to reset it to my original settings. It is very, very frustrating during a boss fight when a button is not behaving what I am expecting it to do. I don't think I have the latest version, but I'm seriously thinking of dumping this mod because of the unexplainable bug.
Huh. Never had a problem, myself. Though, I don't use ctrl anywhere, so maybe that's the issue?

Interestingly enough, I use '[' for cure poison and ']' for cure disease. :D


MrPing1000 said:
so went to shadow lab tonight didn't go very well. 69 druid, 70 warrior (me) mage rogue priest.

Druid tanking was going very well until after first boss. First the room after that is horrible 6 mob pulls AND randomly walking around invis assassins. Took us ages but we cleared the room.

The boss, well we just couldn't kill him. 4 attempts. First attempt was our best. I tanked, druid dps and dropping out to invinerate the priest (shadow spec). We got him down to 6%. Attempts after that were shit.

I do think it must be one of the higher tiers of lvl 70 dungeons. Me thinks we could have all gotten better items in lower dungeons before venturing there again.

Oh and in other news I crafted The Planar Edge Awesome :D
You gotta spread out. The boss should be tanked just in front of the room's two central pillars, kind of in between the two rugs there. Your healer should stand on the platform that the boss was on, and your ranged guys should be in the pews, on either side of the boss. This makes it so that you all have to run as far as possible to kill each other during the MCs.
I got trinity and fuBar along with cosmos and I'm liking it alright. I don't like how when I open my bags they cover my side buttons since thats where i put my mount, leather working, and first aid, how the buttons turn red when I can't use them, and Trinity buttons just disappear if I don't have the silhouette showing at all times. Anyone know how to fix those problems?

This is what it's looking like.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Alright, fellow hunters, i know petopia used to have a guide to get pet food cheap, i had no problems with boar but i tamed a windserpent not long ago, it eats fish, bread and cheese, whats the cheapest way to feed that thing? Merchants are selling the bread for 10s, kinda expensive. Also, what is the level difference between the food and the pet to have the 35 happiness?
ok let me go into more detail. Perhaps it's not broken but it has become seriously harder.

Once you hit 70 the difficulty of dungeons ramps up, no longer are 4 man pulls the higher tier. Now it can be 6 (shadow lab) or from what I've heard 7 in shattered halls. It is impossible yes I'm saying impossible to hold agro of more than 2 mobs if you aren't protection. The rage nerf has reduced the initial ability to stick on sunderers. Speak of which they no longer have the impact they once had. I can get 5 sunderers up few revenge hits and still lose agro. I've also been out agro'd by hunter pets.

Really it comes down to this: pulls involve more mobs, we generate less rage, other classes new abilities creater more threat than our defensive abilities (threat numbers need to be looked at seriously). Druids and paladins have better multi target tanking abilities so they are better suited to the new dungeons. Lets not forget that a feral druid is dps + tanking in one spec line.

You could learn to play, I'm fury spec always have been but I've tanked a lot. Who knows how many 5 man dungeons I did at 60. I did scholomance at least 25 times. offtanked in mc, main tanked in ZG. All the while being fury. Now I just can't do it. handling 2 mobs is ****ing hard.

I'm pretty sure I've missed something important its 1:30am but there u go :p

I'm not advocating nerfs, I just want warriors to fufill one of their principle roles.


I almost think blizzard did it on purpose to make prot pallies/feral druids more appealing as tanks. Right now a prot pally is somewhere between fury warrior and prot warrior for tanking ability.
John_B said:
That boss in Shadow Lab is so stupid it's not even funny. What is the point of having these aggro reset bosses and mobs in 5-man instances? The healer is so exposed in ways you can't defend against, and if the healer goes down, so goes the party. That room with the large packs and the random ninjas is bad enough in itself, but to have you clear the whole room and fight a retarded boss is just a kick in the face. I'm really disappointed in the way that segment was designed. It's more random luck than skill, and certain groups with certain classes will have a pure wipe fest.

"TIME FOR FUN!!!" That fight was ALL 'bout smart healing. Me and me shammy buddy had everyone topped off for each possession, and having damaging cool downs on cool down the whole time. We had more trouble with the damn assassins chaining in adds as they approached clearing to him. >_<


Azwethinkweiz said:
Curator down on our third night in Karazhan. Prince, you're next! I'm comin for you and my T4 helm.

I'm currently the only high level pally in our guild ;d

There's only 10 other paladins on the server that are above 50. So I feel special!


Man, I am so slow at leveling this time haha, I've been playing since the expansion launched and I'm only 36. :p

Last time I really cooked this time, not so much.


Ugh, I think Im burning out and only been two weeks since TBC. I thought this game was super solo friendly? Everwhere I go as 30 priest I getting owned completely.
Only one quest so far the Sceptre of light with a Seer with 3 guards
Battle of Hillsbrad: Insane elite dwarfs that repop so fast I cant even get into fortress.
Humbert Sword: Same as above
Ordanus Quest that even 35 shaman was complaining about
Never Again!: I actually got Gorgannon which was insane accomplishment with all those hellhounds but Diathorus is not possible.

I guess I'm suppose go grind somewhere for few hours but its getting really boring doing the same thing with same gear as 90 percent of blood elf populace out there.They could have at least had multiple colors for these staffs or swords and capes from ghostlands now that think about it.


Go try some quests in thousand needles, and the early stuff in stranglethorn vale. You can get a few quests in booty bay and at the hunting camp in the north part of the zone. There's also some other quests in tarren mill... and if you haven't done it yet you could also run a few instances. Getting a group as a priest is easy, though you may find it boring to heal people over and over again (in which case, you should honestly consider restarting as a different class). Some of those quests you listed are elite/group quests, so don't expect to solo those.


What about....Arathi Highlands and Stranglethorn Vale? Or Thousand Needles at the racetrack. 30 is where a ton of different areas open up.
Shadow lab run again today got it done. Was a breeze until 3rd boss. This time we had a priest and a resto shaman so the orge boss was piss easy. But 3rd boss we couldn't do not enough dps. Got him to like 5% on 2nd try didn't get that low again. But then the resto shaman left and we replaced him with a rogue. Killed him first time.

Murmur is ****ing easy.

Kinda annoying that the orge boss is suited for 2 healers (1 if right spec priest I guess) and next boss requires more dps ugh. Murmur the only boss that has stuff I want really. I imagine I'll be doing it more in the future. Joy


Yeah I must hit a slew of elite/group ones then. Just frustrating try solo those. I do need run instances but I fear the pickup group as the last two I did if anyone was over 11 years of age I would have been shocked, we never finished them from bad pulling. I love to heal actually but not 3 different targets at once so I get all the agro while others fight over if they should roll on my cloth gear because they have alts. God I wish I had more real life friends that would play wow. Would make doing instances and WSG so much better. For some reason I thought stranglethorn started at 35, I head there after these darn turtle shells drop in shimmering flats.


You're gonna have to group for certain quests bud. It is super solo friendly, but it's not solo only :)

Also, try the Priest board for soloing tips, here let me get you the topic:


This is probably the most helpful thing you can look at in terms of raising a fledgling Priest. Especially the spec ideas. I am loving leveling on my Priest, I can quest just about everything, I can grind forever if I like and everyone mobs me for instance invites.

If you want different gear, quest in another Horde zone, there's plenty of alternatives at almost every level, or just buy some filler off of the AH.


Thanks, that make more sense then these dozen elite group ones I have now. I have tolaugh that the guide actually tells you go do Harpies in Thousand Needles, they completely suck for a caster and silence you all time so that would have be least likely grind spot I would never do get 31. My paladin friend and I attempted test of endurance there and had 15 damn harpies all over us silencing us left and right. :lol


Level 68-70 types, have you seen any good healing/spell damage type shields dropping in instances?

I've been thinking about buying a Dranei Honor Guard Shield, or possibly even a Crystal Pulse Shield off AH. The prices on them have come way down over the last week or so.. Is there something else from a quest/dungeon that is easy to get or should i purchase one of these?


remember me
SyNapSe said:
Level 68-70 types, have you seen any good healing/spell damage type shields dropping in instances?

I've been thinking about buying a Dranei Honor Guard Shield, or possibly even a Crystal Pulse Shield off AH. The prices on them have come way down over the last week or so.. Is there something else from a quest/dungeon that is easy to get or should i purchase one of these?

There's this: http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=28754&locale=enUS;source=live


Thanks John, that is very nice, but seems to be a 70 epic. I imagine it's pretty limited. Perhaps I'll just grab a Dranei shield .. there was one on AH for 35/45 earlier.

Where do people get the Buck (tolbuk? I know that' spelled wrong) mounts from. I'm 65 now, but I've goen slow and done all the quests in Hellfire, then Zanger, have just done a bit of Terror. I assume it's from rep with some other zone
Sigh. My warlock is almost lvl 62 but he's just become extremely boring to level. I started a rogue before BC came out, got her upto 19 but it wasn't really fun, just ok. BC comes and I started a Pally, got her to 17 or so and pretty bored with the class. This morning I started a hunter and just dinged 15. Hunter is actually a pretty fun class so far, I've never sat through the first 15 levels in one sitting before. So far hunter is extremely easy, I barely take any damage, most of the time the enemies are dead before they can get to me.


DarkAngelYuna said:
Sigh. My warlock is almost lvl 62 but he's just become extremely boring to level. I started a rogue before BC came out, got her upto 19 but it wasn't really fun, just ok. BC comes and I started a Pally, got her to 17 or so and pretty bored with the class. This morning I started a hunter and just dinged 15. Hunter is actually a pretty fun class so far, I've never sat through the first 15 levels in one sitting before. So far hunter is extremely easy, I barely take any damage, most of the time the enemies are dead before they can get to me.

hunter lvling is EZ mode and it will pretty much be like that entire time while you are lvling

i started a hunter for BC, and i'm up to lvl 48 so far

send your pet in, auto attack, watch tv, loot the mob, rinse and repeat

it can be fun to pull multiple mobs, dropping traps, kiting, and taking on higher lvl mobs and elites that would not be possible with other classes
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