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World of Warcraft

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I made a hunter today,miss my old Tauren hunter so much :p I was really dissapointed to find out the blue moths on Bloodmyst Isle aren't tameable though...put these cool looking beasts in the game and make them untameable,brilliant.


Has problems recognising girls
I had to respec my Shaman just to try and boost up the levelling for solo, I miss Earth Shield and Mana Tide :(

Went the old-school Elemental/Restoration build, only I've got both Elemental Mastery and Nature's Swiftness at 61. Was going to go Enhancement but I have got no strength or agility, just shitload of +spell gear so it was an easy decision I suppose. Was able to test it out on world PVP too due to the ceasefire agreement being thrown out the window this weekend for some reason on our server, had a very fun skirmish on the doorsteps of Cenarion Refuge and doing an instant critical cast of Chain Lightning never felt so good. Also nice to see Fire Nova totem crit around 1100 at times :lol

I seem to be killing stuff a bit quicker than my friend who is a Feral Druid, only difference is I have downtime for mana after 4-5 mobs.. but those new Draenic waters are good.


speedpop said:
I had to respec my Shaman just to try and boost up the levelling for solo, I miss Earth Shield and Mana Tide :(
Mana tide is the most underappreciated PvP talent of all time. I mean, assuming players don't realize that it's there and destroy it. Which they never do.
So recently I began playing a BE Rogue, no problem there. Very fast paced.

I decided to log into my lvl. 32 human Warrior I had on a different server, and damn warrior is hella slow paced (never really noticed when I was playing it though).

I should get a mount on my Human Warrior eventually, but leveling it up to 40? I think I should just stick with my BE. :\

I play on Crushridge now with my BE.


Has problems recognising girls
fallout said:
Mana tide is the most underappreciated PvP talent of all time. I mean, assuming players don't realize that it's there and destroy it. Which they never do.
No kidding. It gave me 1600-1700 mana in 15 seconds back when I was running AB constantly, all I'd do was put Earth Shield on and defend Farm. The only way I'd ever fall is if I was up against 3v1 and no one was running back to help me kill them. No idea how much it'd give me now since my mana points has skyrocketed to 5800+ but there is nothing stopping me from respeccin' back to Resto come lvl 70. Just so attached to it.


ZombieSupaStar said:
is the BE the best horde rogue now?

its like insta energy plus a aoe silence

You need to charge it if you want the energy/mana. So you need to find a target with mana, tap him, wait 30 seconds, tap again, wait another 30 seconds, tap one more time.

It's a little convoluted to charge up while staying alive in a BG I'd assume.

But you can use the silence every two minutes regardless though, so it's still good.

I wouldn't mind knowing the mana ratio for it at 60 or 70, I have a feeling it doesn't reach anywhere near an equal ground in mana to the potency 30 energy is for a Rogue. On my level 18 Priest, it currently gives 144 mana for three charges.

The other racials pretty much suck, +profession is pointless, +resist is ok, but I'd rather have a stat augmented, but that's just being whiny I suppose.

The only thing that really bugs me is that the Priest racial abilities are fairly lackluster. Touch of Weakness is pretty much mildly annoy dagger Rogues + 10% chance for Blackout, and Consume Magic is a great concept executed oddly. It should work on debuffs too.


elitehebrew said:
I was wondering if i upgrade my account via the WOW mainsite can i download the expansion from there? Because as most know i'm in japan right now and it would take a week or two to recieve the discs. Any help would be great!

I haven't seen a response to this yet but here is what Blizzard has to say in its BC Launch FAQ:

Can I just buy a key online and download?

We are not offering online purchase or download of The Burning Crusade at this time

So while you can upgrade your account, you still have to install the expansion via the CD's.


fallout said:
Mana tide is the most underappreciated PvP talent of all time. I mean, assuming players don't realize that it's there and destroy it. Which they never do.

Totems rape Mages.... :(

C'mon Blizzard, take away their immunity to AOE! It's bad enough all a Shammy has to do is Purge a Mage to kill him.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Zalasta said:
I haven't seen a response to this yet but here is what Blizzard has to say in its BC Launch FAQ:

Can I just buy a key online and download?

We are not offering online purchase or download of The Burning Crusade at this time

So while you can upgrade your account, you still have to install the expansion via the CD's.

Correct, you will have to buy the retail version of the game, to get the Key and the CDs.
Blizzard cannot afford the bandwidth to have you download the expansion.


Suikoguy said:
Correct, you will have to buy the retail version of the game, to get the Key and the CDs.
Blizzard cannot afford the bandwidth to have you download the expansion.

Except that there was a blue post that said they would be putting the expansion client up for download soon. :p


border said:
Yet even with TUF and the blue PVP set, I never really felt "godly". I saw some big crits (never over 1000 unless it was an Execute), but there were a lot of times that I swung and missed....or only hit for a middling 350-400 HP. Not that big of a deal if I was a rogue, but you don't really get that many chances to hit somebody if your weapon speed is 3.8 and everybody and their mom has a CC or stun.

A good weapon goes a long way, but you have to have the Crit and Strength to really back it up. I got my Hellreaver just today, and only after combining that with some of the Outlands-blues/greens (equivalent to the Epics of yesteryear) does it feel like I'm getting any of the much-vaunted warrior "godliness". Should have 6000HP, 1000AP and 25% crit after I respec to Poleaxes.....stats like that used to be near-impossible without a set of epic armor, though.

i sold my warrior around the beginning of october, but i had a pretty "OP" warrior at the time, in duels the only classes that really gave me problems were frost mages and undead warlocks

r13 gear with some of the best enchants, rings, trinkets, neck, ranged, etc etc, with hand of rag, i think i had around 5600 hp, around 1150 unbuffed ap, and almost 30% crit in zerker stance

i've seen 2000+ mortal strike crits, 2000+ bloodthrist crits (when fury specced), 5000+ execute crit lol, huge overpowers and whirlwinds, when i was using an untamed blade i remember white critting a paladin for 1600+ (untamed blade is not a great weapon if its not procced, but when it procs it was the hardest hitting weapon at the time), with a fulltime windfury bot it used to proc all the time, and utb + crusader proc was GG

in premade battlegrounds where i had fulltime pocket healers, i'd easily, and i mean easily top the charts game after game, i used to love going into alterac valley with my shaman and druid friend and just wreaking havoc, probably some of the funnest moments i had with my warrior

alliance warriors really win at BC, they will finally learn the beauty of windfury, the extra attacks, the crazy rage generation, its really the nastiest tool in pvp

so border if you are alliance, id suggest shelfing your warrior til u see some 60+ shaman, and get yourself a windfury bot :)


Really stupid question, but where the heck is Silvermoon City? My gf got TBC today (after spending four hours levelling an Orc rogue last night blargh) and will start a Blood Elf... I need to know how to find her so I can help her out. :| And I don't see it on the map at the WoW website.

BTW, been reading the last few pages of this topic... holy crap it feels like a whole other language. :lol


Wellington said:
Really stupid question, but where the heck is Silvermoon City? My gf got TBC today (after spending four hours levelling an Orc rogue last night blargh) and will start a Blood Elf... I need to know how to find her so I can help her out. :| And I don't see it on the map at the WoW website.


should help you out

also if you are new to the game bookmark www.thottbot.com, tons of information, quest faqs and other useful junk


the music on your video was bad, but grats on taking down the boss in SFK lol


LiveWire said:
Totems rape Mages.... :(

C'mon Blizzard, take away their immunity to AOE! It's bad enough all a Shammy has to do is Purge a Mage to kill him.
There was a bug a number of patches ago that made that true. I didn't even bother wasting my mana on the totems.


I've never played more than 15 levels of a Horde character before, if I perhaps wanted to skip the Barrens, where would be a good zone to hit after Ghostlands?


hit up stonetalon mountains and then ashenvale

but to be honest at like lvl 18 or 20 southern barrens is pretty good for questing

most of the quests have some grinding built in, so its good xp

if you torrent at all, i recommend checking out joanna's horde lvling guide

its pretty good

Megafoo Chavez

I love EGM
i like metal.

i used to run a successful world of warcraft guild, but it broke up and i stopped playing wow until the BC.

Did i mention i like metal? and the song is called THIS CALLING -- hence, the game called me back. The video was made to show my friends my blood elf and that i'm playing again. i shared it here for fun. Uh..need more explaination?


I don't think what ManaByte is getting at has anything to do with your choice in music, but your choice in having music. I could be wrong, though.

Personally, I've never understood it either. I've seen a lot of videos and thought to myself: "Man, I'd actually like to hear the regular sound effects, vent talk, etc.", just because it does seem like it would be interesting, or more pleasing to the ear.

I guess it's harder to cut a video if you leave the audio in, because it gets all jumpy, but I'm sure you could do some fades, which wouldn't be that difficult.


By the time you finish Ghostlands (and you really should, you get 2 blues that can last at least 7ish levels, maybe a lot longer for the cloak) you should be level 20, maybe even pretty far into 21. At that point you can do a handful of south barrens quests, or just run off to ashenvale and stonetalon. I would at the least do the quests at crossroads from Tonga Runetotem since they lead to the main WC quest. With a smart group you can clear WC in 90 minutes at the longest, and it's a fast way to gain 1-2 levels and another nice blue (in your case, the staff). You'll also find RFC groups forming because paladins have to complete the whole thing for their weapon quest (aka "as hard as Verigan's Fist, yet the weapon is shittier") and if you thottbot all the quests, those are easy to gather up and turn in, too.

Basically if you group a bit for RFC/WC/SFK you can level fast and still have a ton of stonetalon and ashenvale to do. I'm at 26 and all my quests for both those zones are still yellow.

Megafoo Chavez

I love EGM
i agree that hearing the regular game sounds/music is just as cool as hearing some nifty music, but a lot of people like to show off what they like to listen to in ways other than starting WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO threads on gaf.


I don't really care about the music in fanmade WoW videos, except 99% of them either have thrash metal or nickelback/some emo band.


I saw a video once with some Muse songs that I liked.

Outside of that, it's mostly really, really bad stuff. And I watch a lot of videos.

I don't mind people displaying what they like, and while I'm not talking about Megafoo's video, most people tend to use the same shit over and over. It's crazy.


fallout said:
I don't think what ManaByte is getting at has anything to do with your choice in music, but your choice in having music. I could be wrong, though.

Personally, I've never understood it either. I've seen a lot of videos and thought to myself: "Man, I'd actually like to hear the regular sound effects, vent talk, etc.", just because it does seem like it would be interesting, or more pleasing to the ear.

I guess it's harder to cut a video if you leave the audio in, because it gets all jumpy, but I'm sure you could do some fades, which wouldn't be that difficult.

Exactly. Now, I don't mind if you use music to turn it into a music video/story:

But just putting noise over your video is stupid.


I never played enough last time to know how pvp rewards worked or where. I have a few stacks of marks of honor from Warsong Gulch. I guess the npc you use to turn these in to for exp is long gone now. I realize I likely dont have enough buy anything yet but where are these vendors with this gear? Battlemasters surely arent them. Has TBC made even trying to get any of this gear void now?
madara said:
I never played enough last time to know how pvp rewards worked or where. I have a few stacks of marks of honor from Warsong Gulch. I guess the npc you use to turn these in to for exp is long gone now. I realize I likely dont have enough buy anything yet but where are these vendors with this gear? Battlemasters surely arent them. Has TBC made even trying to get any of this gear void now?

the merchants are now in the battle hall thing its in old town in stowmwind near the barracks I dunno where on horde side

however am I doing something wrong? I have played maybe 4 or 5 pvp matches and I only have like 200 honor points.

am I just wasting my time doing bg at low levels? What is the average honor points people get for maybe pvping for 2 hours or so?

I just feel like im not getting enough for my time spent doing it.

Or does each bg give different honor point amounts?


Thanks, yeah Im horde. Thottbot doesn't seem to have information where a blood elf would go. Looked in silvermoon and org, but really not sure what type of npc I should be looking for.


I'm pretty sure you get less honor points at lower levels, but if not then you definitely get less honor per match in different BGs. It seems like the more people it supports, the more honor you earn.

e: Also the horde honor NPC is in Orgrimmar up across the bridge from the flightmaster. It's the white instance portal with a big gate covering it.


Wellington said:
Really stupid question, but where the heck is Silvermoon City? My gf got TBC today (after spending four hours levelling an Orc rogue last night blargh) and will start a Blood Elf... I need to know how to find her so I can help her out. :| And I don't see it on the map at the WoW website.

BTW, been reading the last few pages of this topic... holy crap it feels like a whole other language. :lol

Two ways:

1. If you have access to a 58+ character, go to Shattrath City and use the portal there.

2. If you are < 58, there's an Orb of Translocation on the right of the courtyard as you enter Undercity, click that and you will be transported to Silvermoon City, behind the ruler.

Anyway, does anybody know if Blizzard fixed the reputation gain on greyed out/low level quests? I was running around Eversong Woods last night hoping to garner some easy Silvermoon reputation, but completion of the quests only gave me partial reputation. Does this affect all factions or just Silvermoon? If that's the case, I guess it will suck to skip out on quests and come back to do them at higher level.
I think Silvermoon City is only available with TBC, right?

Eitherway, I am leveling the BE pretty quickly, and am hoping to leave the Outlands asap to continue tagging along with Wellington.

Any advice on best ways to reach the Orgrimmar from the Silvermoon City(Outlands) ?


If you want to get to orgrimmar from Silvermoon, you have to do the following:
1) go to the court of the sun in Silvermoon and use the orb in the back to teleport to Undercity
2) Leave Undercity and take the zeppelin that goes to Orgrimmar

You can tell which one goes to Orgrimmar by asking the NPC that gives a word balloon when you mouse over them.


fallout said:
I've seen a lot of videos and thought to myself: "Man, I'd actually like to hear the regular sound effects, vent talk, etc.", just because it does seem like it would be interesting, or more pleasing to the ear.

I've made a couple WoW vids, and it can get awkward doing that. Sometimes vent gets garbled, and other times, like when you try to talk out (atleast mine) fraps can mess with your outbound somehow and make you blow everyone away.

Examples from my awesome recordings:

Cheesy music in a lame video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQVun720bas
Vent left in to show despiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fITWsEJNq78
Speaking and sound going crazy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIaHFFoXnF0
Vent left in for humor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI7_rzfn-_g

1. Kiting mobs in goldshire
2. Despirate Nef downing
3. Drunken cliff jumping
4. Thrall is a pansy

Also, a bit off topic, but do you guys ever have someone that just won't leave you alone in game? This kid always tries everything he can to piss me off and make fun of me, and fails miserably. Here, laugh at him alot. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v106/Birkoff/lolkolz.jpg


You rock Firex! I didnt want run around aimlessly in Org with blue screen errors still happening. You mention ahorde quest for paladin that leads to RFC. Does that start through paladin class quests or do you have to look harder? I have a friend starting up tonight. I have 4 RFC quests already and thought we would be ready for our first instance this week, I rather not miss that quest for him.


Has problems recognising girls
What the hell at the cliff jumping in Felwood by jaybo. We did that shit when we went to kill the Darnassus auctioneers :p


firex said:
it's the paladin quest at level 20. Paladins only.

Aye my friend is making BE paladin tonight, just was inquiring if this quest is not blantantly obvious or class one.

Seems Blizzard answer to priest being unhappywas to give them a little of the nerf bat in todays patch. Sigh


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
I can not believe they nerf'ed our ass even more. I swear Blizzard hates priests... I have completely stopped playing my main character (60 dwarf priest) and am now grinding a shammy just because I'm sick of getting douched...


so... you went from a good class that got its DOT nerfed because blizzard overdid DOT scaling to a class that sucks hardcore? Bear in mind, blizzard already nerfed corruption and curse of agony, so it's a bit obvious that SWP was next.

oh well, maybe the first real content patch of the expansion will fix shamans (since it can't even be considered a buff when they flat out need fixing and reworking).


Has problems recognising girls
That's essentially the main reason why I am sticking to my Shaman and getting him upto lvl 70 in the hopes that our talents/60-70 spells get a complete reworking.

I watched a 66 Shaman use his Earth Elemental totem today on a 63 elite Orc mob down at Hellfire Citadel. Took a bit of a beating but with a 20 min cooldown it just screams gimmick to me.


gimmick is pretty much how I wound up evaluating every new shaman skill in the expansion. water shield is a decent grouping/5 man thing since you'll get more mana back than it takes to cast it from just one charge, but the new summon totems and bloodlust have cooldowns that are too long and aren't that effective. Well, bloodlust is actually ok, it's just that it's like the original death coil where it was a mediocre instant damage and heal on a 10 minute cooldown. If they'd just cut bloodlust down to a 2-5 minute cooldown (somewhere in between there) it would be a lot more useful. As it is now you can't really use it except on a really tough boss fight.


vumpler said:
I can not believe they nerf'ed our ass even more. I swear Blizzard hates priests... I have completely stopped playing my main character (60 dwarf priest) and am now grinding a shammy just because I'm sick of getting douched...

Heh, I guess they only want like 20 priests per server or something. Nothing very major but I find it funny that after all the mass cries and decrease in priest pop they come up with a little priest nerf to cut the wounds abit deeper but as firex says it seems that it was in works for awhile. All I know its hard enough trying stay alive as priest in WSG,damage output dont compared and I dont care now fast or how many times I go for fast heal button Im toast in secs if skilled person really wants me dead. Then again its usually 5 or 6 charging me all time. Maybe 78 kills is alot for WSG and they are just going after one of sources. Im not great by any means but I do get alot compliments. Hunters can be abit iffy, warlocks are nasty and will likely only get worse as I get in higher WSGs, but shamans seem like the devil to me. Granted most were 6 levels over me and nothing much landed but dang they made toast of me even one on one.


Okay, so with the current tally, Blizzard hates Mages, Priests, Warriors, Shamans, Hunters, Warlocks, Druids, Rogues, and Paladins.

Time for me to roll a murloc.


explodet said:
Okay, so with the current tally, Blizzard hates Mages, Priests, Warriors, Shamans, Hunters, Warlocks, Druids, Rogues, and Paladins.

Time for me to roll a murloc.

haha ya they are so OP
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