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World of Warcraft

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Enjoying the warlock so far, seems go fast, two sessions mid 20s. That imp and all his sayings every few seconds annoys crap out of me but Voidwalker and Succubus are really neat.

How does the final flying mount work with warlock and paladin classes? Do they automatic get spell or do they have to training all that riding skill up to get final one?


remember me
madara said:
Enjoying the warlock so far, seems go fast, two sessions mid 20s. That imp and all his sayings every few seconds annoys crap out of me but Voidwalker and Succubus are really neat.

How does the final flying mount work with warlock and paladin classes? Do they automatic get spell or do they have to training all that riding skill up to get final one?

No special flying mount at all. Enjoy spending your gold like everyone else.


BM is just a pain in the ass when your group doesn't have the right amount of DPS (i.e. a lot). And yeah, that gauntlet part is a ****ing pot-fest. I swear, if there's one thing I'm dying for on my shaman it's some kind of mp5 weapon buff.
fallout said:
BM is just a pain in the ass when your group doesn't have the right amount of DPS (i.e. a lot). And yeah, that gauntlet part is a ****ing pot-fest. I swear, if there's one thing I'm dying for on my shaman it's some kind of mp5 weapon buff.

Long periods of tedious boredom punctuated by a moment of sheer terror (Boss #2).





fallout said:
BM is just a pain in the ass when your group doesn't have the right amount of DPS (i.e. a lot). And yeah, that gauntlet part is a ****ing pot-fest. I swear, if there's one thing I'm dying for on my shaman it's some kind of mp5 weapon buff.

On BM runs I'm on the adds. I can sufficiently keep them away from Medivh. I just need to drink after every portal closing and I'm good to go - gotta bring a lotta drinks to BM runs, heh.


Maxrpg said:
On BM runs I'm on the adds. I can sufficiently keep them away from Medivh. I just need to drink after every portal closing and I'm good to go - gotta bring a lotta drinks to BM runs, heh.
I burn through mana pots like you wouldn't believe in that instance as a healer. What I don't get about it, is that no matter how fast you burn down the portals, the new one springs up immediately after. It's almost like there's some benefit in doing it fast, but not too fast. I really think the whole thing could use some retooling. It's horribly unfair to healers to have to burn through those kinds of consumables.


fallout said:
I burn through mana pots like you wouldn't believe in that instance as a healer. What I don't get about it, is that no matter how fast you burn down the portals, the new one springs up immediately after. It's almost like there's some benefit in doing it fast, but not too fast. I really think the whole thing could use some retooling. It's horribly unfair to healers to have to burn through those kinds of consumables.

Portals open at a set time. The faster you dispatch them the more time you have to prepare for the next one. Every successful completion of BM I've healed for I haven't used any Mana pots. You cannot out heal this encounter. Good groups have enough DPS to eat/drink between portals, and rarely fall behind.

You can tell fairly quickly if the group will succeed, or not.


My friend convinced me to roll with him on new server and go alliance. He went Draenei Hunter so I went Shaman. Not sure how often i use her as its only for when he is on but I had some quick questions for the folks that know all things shaman. Reading the sticky on the offficial forums with TBC out now it seems a fair amount go Elemental/Restoration to make use of the +healing and damage gear. Is that something I should do from the start? Or would going Enhancement till 58ish be better for leveling with a hunter and then respec'ing? I realize this class has alot unresolved issues so rather not mess up too much.

I told him to look at the same guides and suggestions but I presume BM is grind build to take for hunter that will not be doing PVP much, plus the pet make better tank then if I dont go Enhancement.


madara said:
My friend convinced me to roll with him on new server and go alliance. He went Draenei Hunter so I went Shaman. Not sure how often i use her as its only for when he is on but I had some quick questions for the folks that know all things shaman. Reading the sticky on the offficial forums with TBC out now it seems a fair amount go Elemental/Restoration to make use of the +healing and damage gear. Is that something I should do from the start? Or would going Enhancement till 58ish be better for leveling with a hunter and then respec'ing? I realize this class has alot unresolved issues so rather not mess up too much.

I told him to look at the same guides and suggestions but I presume BM is grind build to take for hunter that will not be doing PVP much, plus the pet make better tank then if I dont go Enhancement.

IIRC, there isn't that much +healing\+spell damage gear until much later anyway. You can still dabble with shocks and heal just fine for leveling as an enhancement sham. I respecc'd my tauren shaman quite a few times as i was leveling, just to try stuff out. I always found enhancement to be much better. :)

Endgame stuff is another kettle of fish, but I think the general consensus for leveling is go enhancement.


SaitoH said:
Portals open at a set time. The faster you dispatch them the more time you have to prepare for the next one.
Huh. That's interesting. Maybe I was just imagining things, but it seemed like every time I've done BM, the next portal starts up exactly after one is down, regardless of how long it took to down one. Now, I've seen multiple ones open before when things to turn to shit, but I've never seen a waiting time between portals.

Madara said:
Is that something I should do from the start? Or would going Enhancement till 58ish be better for leveling with a hunter and then respec'ing? I realize this class has alot unresolved issues so rather not mess up too much.
Start enhancement and just go with enhancement till 70. If you get bored, feel free to respec elemental later on. Just keep in mind that with an elemental build, you'll be drinking a lot. Also, if you like to PvP, 40/0/21 is probably the most versatile PvP build there is. Resto is generally for raiding and group PvP, but it takes you forever to kill anything.


Hot info, thanks! I was just worried that with the lack of healers out there in general getting into instances as shaman would require restoration side.


Has problems recognising girls
Basically agree with what the others said. A good Shaman is one who knows that they have a heal button, and if you're ever required to heal in an instance just grab some int gear and set it aside in the bank and a few mana pots never went astray. The Restoration tree isn't a huge boost in terms of healing as is the case with say Druids and Paladins, but it does help that bit more when you are hitting the end-game dungeons.

Just spec Enhancement and you'll do fine. Other than that I think a Hunter/Shaman combo would be pretty nifty for levelling. You will scream through quests when you hit lvl 20 due to speed increases for both of you, let alone when you get Windfury at lvl 30. Just tell your friend to hit up Beast Mastery tree and you guys will be invincible.
fallout said:
Huh. That's interesting. Maybe I was just imagining things, but it seemed like every time I've done BM, the next portal starts up exactly after one is down, regardless of how long it took to down one. Now, I've seen multiple ones open before when things to turn to shit, but I've never seen a waiting time between portals.

The boss portals are timed. You get longer down time between a boss and the next portal depending on how fast you kill him. I believe the others follow one another.


on the opposite side, if you don't have the gear for healing, you'll be pretty gimped if you try and heal an instance up past stuff like slave pens as an enhance shaman. But by that point you'll at least have a few of the early talents out of resto anyway, which arguably do the most for actual healing efficiency for a shaman, so you'll probably be ok as long as you carry around a significant healing set. I have to do the same on my pally... really, any healer/hybrid has to do the same.


firex said:
on the opposite side, if you don't have the gear for healing, you'll be pretty gimped if you try and heal an instance up past stuff like slave pens as an enhance shaman.
Oh, yeah. I should have made the point. I don't even think most of the TBC stuff would be possible without NS.

But by that point you'll at least have a few of the early talents out of resto anyway, which arguably do the most for actual healing efficiency for a shaman, so you'll probably be ok as long as you carry around a significant healing set.
I do wish to debate that! Everything below NS is pretty great stuff. Still, you can get by without it in most instances.


I just meant for efficiency though. I mean the other stuff is a lot more useful for mana regeneration, but I guess outside of like, tidal focus and the 10% increased healing effectiveness talent, resto's not so great for mana efficiency.


Ah, wasn't reading carefully. Yeah, mana efficiency isn't a huge part of the resto tree unfortunately. I think that the shaman class is pretty close to working right in instance and group PvP situations, but it's not perfect. A HoT, or making mana tide trainable would be huge, but is probably asking for too much. Still, I can solo heal any TBC instance outside of heroics.


oh, btw, I totally agree with some kind of mp/5 buff. Either change frostbrand into that (and probably rename it, since "frostbrand" doesn't exactly bring to mind extra mana regen) or make water shield some kind of passive buff. I really have to say that I still feel like totems need the most work out of all the shaman abilities. It's so, so weird... I remember my orc shaman from the original beta, and how totems felt way superior to pally auras/blessings. Then they redid pallies like 2 weeks before the open beta, and pallies really got superior group buffs/blessings.

I think I just feel this way because, despite blizzard's efforts to change pallies/shamans and make them different, they're still very, very much alike at their core in terms of what buffs/abilities they bring to groups, and having played both to 60+ I gotta say that totems just aren't cutting the job right now.

but that's kind of delving into the whole bit where I feel like shamans still need a lot of work (though I also feel like pallies need some work... mostly with regards to tanking/basic utility).


The whole totem system was just never thought out properly. Hell, I'd be happy with just some basic UI functionality.

Also, I'm just throwing this out there ... but ... did they stealth buff tremor totem? I swear it procs more often now, because it's been ages since I've been feared out of the totem range. I started noticing it a couple months back, but just never mentioned anything.

For you alliance players who may be unfamiliar with tremor totem ... it dispells fear, charm and sleep effects. However, it does it on a proc, and like all totems, has a range on it. What would happen most of the time, especially fighting a warlock, is that fear would kick in, but you would get feared out of the totem range before the proc.

So, either I'm just really lucky, or they stealth buffed it. Regardless, I'm pleased, heh.


Has problems recognising girls
fallout said:
Also, I'm just throwing this out there ... but ... did they stealth buff tremor totem? I swear it procs more often now, because it's been ages since I've been feared out of the totem range. I started noticing it a couple months back, but just never mentioned anything.
When I went to full Resto back when the 1.12 patch hit and I was PVPing like mad for the Warlord stuff, there was maybe once or twice where I was feared out of my Tremor range but it worked just like it should have. I just put it down to having the extra 10 yard range talent, but I'm certain they stealth buffed it to proc say once every 2 seconds at the least instead of the 4 seconds that we were told was the norm.

Biggest case in point was when I threw it down when there was a 4 of us in the same group smacking around Stables in AB, Priest runs in to Psychic Scream and I threw down a Tremor totem. Only 1 person was out of the range when it pulsed but it went off pretty damn fast.
375 Tailoring and mucho high end stuff crafted: Check.

Epic flying mount: Check.

Exalted Aldor: Check.

Now if we'd stop having freak callings of Gruul nights. It's been "way too few healers", "way too few tanks" and "Easter" the last three Sundays. >_<


speedpop said:
When I went to full Resto back when the 1.12 patch hit and I was PVPing like mad for the Warlord stuff, there was maybe once or twice where I was feared out of my Tremor range but it worked just like it should have. I just put it down to having the extra 10 yard range talent, but I'm certain they stealth buffed it to proc say once every 2 seconds at the least instead of the 4 seconds that we were told was the norm.
Heh, I've had the 3-set Tier 1 bonus, and I found that only marginally helped. It doesn't take much to run out of that radius. Which is why I figure they'd increased the proc rate on it ... it just seems to be happening faster. I'm not complaining, just wondering if I'm right about it.


Initial profession review stuff is out. I sincerely hope that they do more with engineering. What they've put in looks nice, but the fact that JC has trinket pets with a 5 minute cooldown, passive buffs and useable in the Arena, while eng gets nothing, is still a pain.

On the plus side, the fishing changes are really nice. I'm sure you'll all have lots to say about the alchemy stuff. I don't raid that much, so I'm not sure what to think of it.


We have taken the time to put together a brief preview of the Profession changes for the upcoming content patch. This list does not contain all of the upcoming changes, but instead gives a brief look at what is to come.


* Elixirs now stack in two categories, Battle (Offensive) and Guardian (Defensive) Elixirs. You can only have one of each type of Elixir up at a time. As a result Elixirs now stack with class abilities such as "Arcane Intellect."
* Four new defensive elixirs have been added. Two are on trainers, one is in Halaa and one is in Cenarion Expedition.
* "Flask of Petrification" can no longer be turned off during its duration, but it now will clear all threat from all monsters for the duration of the effect. Though monsters may reaquire you after the effect ends.
* The cost to purchase Imbued Vials has been reduced.


* Enchant Bracer-Spellpower had its primal costs reduced slightly.
* Enchanting recipes that increase spell damage now also increase healing as well.
* The "Major Defense Bracer" enchantment has been moved from Ethereum Researchers to Ethereum Nullifiers.


* A recipe for "Frost Grenades" and the "Icy Blasting Primers" needed to make them are now on engineering trainers.
* Engineering recipes can now be placed in engineering bags, as can engineer made fireworks.
* Many engineering recipes will now give skillups for longer than the previously did.
* "Seaforium" now opens locked chests as well as locked doors
* The Poultryizer and Nigh Invulnerability Belt now cause mishaps less often.
* The Goblin Rocket Launcher cooldown has been reduced significantly.
* 11 new epic goggles have been introduced at 350 engineering skill and are available from the trainer. They range from cloth to plate, and have a variety of stats to appeal to most talent specs.


* The fishing timer has been reduced from 30 to 20 seconds and it now takes less time to fish.
* The fishing timer can no longer run through its duration without a fish biting.
* Fishing has been removed from Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley.
* You can now fish in Underbog.


* The jewelcrafting UI now has gems split up by color so it is easier to find gems of a specific color to create.
* A number new gem cuts to existing gems have been added to the game. Included among them are a spell hit gem and more multi-stat gems that have attack power on them.
* Jewelcrafters can make two new melee oriented meta gems. One is found randomly as a world drop and the other sold by the <Faction> reputation vendor.
* Thorium requirements for most recipes has been reduced.
* Prospecting now always yields at least 1 gem. Overall, the amount of gems received from prospecting has been increased.
* New recipes have been added that use the Jaggal and Shadow Pearls.


* Skinning higher level creatures will give more leather; you will no longer get a single leather scrap.
* "Knothide Armor" kits now require less leather to make and give skill increases for longer.
* Leatherworking made primalstrike set now has an attack power set bonus rather than a strength set bonus.
I decided to solo Strat yesterday and the piccolo of the flaming fire dropped so I've been annoying the shit out of everyone in Org. You can't use the mailbox without dancing. Seriously, best trinket ever.


cubicle47b said:
I decided to solo Strat yesterday and the piccolo of the flaming fire dropped so I've been annoying the shit out of everyone in Org. You can't use the mailbox without dancing. Seriously, best trinket ever.
Yes! I ****ing love that thing. My favourite place to use it was in AV.


so, I just went holy on my pally cause I'm 68 and I want to instance my last 2 levels instead of questing for them, if possible (outside of maybe some early blade's edge mountains stuff). But I didn't really plan on it, because I was going to go prot, until I read it's kind of screwed for tanking heroics (regular 5 mans don't matter that much, I could probably tank them holy with enough gear) so I decided I'll just go holy shockadin. It was kind of my backup/failsafe plan. Anyway, in a couple days I've managed to cobble together a set of +319 spell damage and around 500ish healing, so I'm ok for now, I think. I'm sure I'll get more stuff, even if it's the retnoob gear that's str/stam/int and meager points of spell damage, until I can get some of the more pure spell damage level 70 drops/rep rewards.

Either way, I'm surprised at how it's actually good at soloing with enough +damage. No more relying on seal of command procs (which I swear is twice as bad as WF, I guess because pallies can't DW so it's all with a slow 2h) and instead I just auto-attack with seal of righteousness and holy shock when I feel like it. The lack of mitigation against holy damage is awesome, too, and it makes tanking for escort quests or group quests in places like nagrand a breeze.

I still want to go prot someday, just because I've enjoyed tanking before, but right now the gap between protadins and feral druids/prot warriors is too huge. I mean, there's no way to get the 3k hp that bears have over protadins, and there's no way to get the spell reflect that prot warriors can use sometimes. Otherwise, tanking is/would be nearly equal, cause as far as pure threat generation goes, protadins are great at it (again, no holy mitigation = awesome). But the protadin gear out there isn't so good, either. I guess it's because warriors just need +stamina and +defense/block/parry/dodge rating and a little bit of hit rating, while pallies need all that and +spell damage, which eats into the itemization pool to the point that protadins either lose out on stamina, or defense rating.

Though, to be fair, they could help fix this by adding in some really beastly +spell damage 1h swords/maces as heroic drops, boe craftable stuff, or badge of justice rewards.

ok, so I went on a bit of a "protadins still need work" rant, but at least Blizzard claimed they're going to do it with the next content patch.


New shit in 2.1! and It's hot!

Druid Epic Flight Form
The Druid Epic flight form will be available through a series of quests, similar to the Warlock and Paladin Epic mount quests before it. This quest series will also open up a new boss in Sethekk Halls, and ultimately to the epic flight form.

Ethereum Prison
Players in good standing with the Consortium will be tasked to deal with the most recent activities of the nefarious Ethereum. With new quests, items, and content for the solo and small-group level 70 player, the Ethereum Prison will be the proving grounds for many aspiring to greatness.

The Skyguard, Sha'tari warriors specializing in their command of the skies above Shattrath, have taken the offensive directly to the Arakkoa capital city, Skettis. Perched high in the mountains of Terrokar, and only accessible with use of a flying mount, Skettis holds new and exciting content for the solo or small-group level 70 player. All new quests, 5-person bosses, rare and epic items, and a new type of flying mount await those willing to lend their sword or stave to the battle.

Nether Drake
The Netherwing faction and quest line continues and the long awaited Nether Drake becomes available. The Nether Drake is a special 280% speed epic flying mount that is obtainable through solo and small-group play. The quest to obtain one will be difficult, but the reward will surely show your dedication to the Netherwing cause as you soar through the skies of Outland on your very own ethereal drake.

The Ogre plateau of enlightenment opens to those who prove their worth in Blade's Edge Mountains. Level 70 players will be able to help the Ogres of Ogri'la battle invading forces and engage in new and exciting quests, such as a repeatable and ever popular bombing-run, this time using your own flying mount but with a dangerous twist! Featuring tons of new quests, the Ogri'la faction, 5-person bosses, and rare and epic items, Ogri'la is a place we're hoping all will aspire to enter.

Woo awesome new 70 content for solo and 5-man! You don't have to raid as much any more X)


Apparently people are saying getting the netherweave drake via the quest will not give you the epic flying riding skill, so you still need to shell out the money to be able to use it.

Retarded, if true.


remember me
Hero said:
Apparently people are saying getting the netherweave drake via the quest will not give you the epic flying riding skill, so you still need to shell out the money to be able to use it.

Retarded, if true.

Retarded if you thought it'd be otherwise. Epic flying mounts are a luxury, not a necessity. If you want one, be prepared to get the 5,000g needed. Blizzard would be retarded to remove such a needed money sink from the game.


It's retarded because Paladins and Warlocks got their regular mounts for free from quests, got their epic mounts 'free' from quests (I know there was costs associated with the chain but overall it was greatly reduced), druids got their flight form for free, and soon they'll be getting their epic flight form for free.

Btw I have the gold, I just don't see the need for one since Outlands isn't really all that big.


remember me
Hero said:
It's retarded because Paladins and Warlocks got their regular mounts for free from quests, got their epic mounts 'free' from quests (I know there was costs associated with the chain but overall it was greatly reduced), druids got their flight form for free, and soon they'll be getting their epic flight form for free.

Btw I have the gold, I just don't see the need for one since Outlands isn't really all that big.

The paladin, warlock, and druid mounts are class perks. How is that the same as a quest that everyone can do? And the epic druid flight form is going to be as free as the paladin and warlock epic mounts. Which means not at all. It's going to be a long, hard, and expensive quest chain. They're not just going to go to a trainer and train it for 10g.


Hero said:
Btw I have the gold, I just don't see the need for one since Outlands isn't really all that big.
Heh, for the ease of it all, I do not regret my decision to buy one whatsoever. It's really amazing just how fast it is.

Anyway, I understand the complaint, and that maybe you want a Netherdrake really bad, but ... tough shit, I guess. It's just something you're going to have to decide for yourself. Is it worth it?

johnsmith said:
Blizzard would be retarded to remove such a needed money sink from the game.
Pfft. It's hardly a money sink. Just depends on where your priorities are. I wouldn't be blowing 5000g on a flying epic mount if I were raiding every night of the week. However, I'm not, so I don't really have anywhere else to blow my gold. And it's so easy to get, anyway. All the money I've acquired has been through casual questing and taking advantage of the AH.


Well, either way I'm definitely going for a Netherdrake. And I just wanted to point out that with the new reduced cost of 150 riding skill (it's now 600g, but really it's 540g since you're not going to get it without honored) the quested epic mounts don't save much gold. I think I saved about 100g doing the quest on my pally. I don't care that I don't get a class flying mount either - for druids it makes sense going by stormcrow form in Warcraft 3, and knowing how they design warlock/paladin mounts they'd all be designed to look best on a human, with the blood elf pally mounts being a goth/emo black and red version of whatever the filthy Alliance (of Retards) gets.

edit: Oh yeah, months ago they said that druid epic flight form would require 300 riding to use, and the quest wouldn't teach it, so they still have to spend their 5k gold like everyone else. They mainly said they did that so druids could either choose between regular epic flyer or quested epic flyer.
I'm currently guildless so I went Ret and I dropped like 400G on Ret gear, and top notch enchants and I'm doing pretty well PvPing. Having fun but I miss being able to heal so well as a Holy Paladin. Not sure where my Paladin future lies. If I join another raiding guild then I'll definitely spec Holy, but my server is kind of...Blah.


Is there an ETA on the next patch? It sounds great.

firex said:
And I just wanted to point out that with the new reduced cost of 150 riding skill (it's now 600g, but really it's 540g since you're not going to get it without honored) the quested epic mounts don't save much gold.
That's only because there's nobody doing level 60 "endgame" anymore, and thus the mats are in short supply (and prices have consequently gone through the roof). I can't count the number of times I've seen warlocks begging in the trade channel for black dragonscales and shadow power elixirs.

Even if it was a huge moneysink, I'd love to get a warlock epic flying mount. Their regular mount is the coolest in the game already IMO.
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