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World of Warcraft

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There's definitely plenty of huntards, but if you find one who played MMOs before WoW, they'll typically be pretty good in a group.


madara said:
Which can actually solo these group quests so I dont have beg all day in general? I assume Warlock? I seen one in general brag that with enslave demon there wasnt group quest she couldnt solo in Nagrand.

i doubt really that any class at this time can solo some of the grp quests in nagrand

especially the ring of blood chain, and gruul's roaming son


Protip: Reroll a real class.

Protip: Don't be a douche.

I don't even play a hunter anymore, but they now have probably the best CC abilities in the game for a 5 man if they know what they're doing, and a good hunter is near impossible to kill in PVP, don't be bitter.


Ramirez said:
Protip: Don't be a douche.

I don't even play a hunter anymore, but they now have probably the best CC abilities in the game for a 5 man if they know what they're doing, and a good hunter is near impossible to kill in PVP, don't be bitter.


scatter + ice trap + feign death + mount up and run away = impossible to kill

lol :lol


Hunters are kinda weak in Arenas due to the LOS exploiting, but I remember hardly ever getting killed in BGs on my hunter, I had great gear for the time, but still.


Yeah, I was doing 3v3 yesterday with a warlock and a hunter (I'm a Shaman). We had so much more success in the Nagrand Arena it was ridiculous.


I basically quit completely about a month after expansion at level 67. How are rogues now? The game just seems to....big now.


madara, if you want a class between warlocks/hunters that's wanted in groups... well, both are good, but neither gets groups as easily as a mage. I was going to talk about pre-expansion (or more accurately pre-2.0) when hunters never got groups while warlocks got them a lot, but it isn't really true anymore. They're both good, though I think a warlock will get more groups and it's less of a jump in playing type than a priest. At the very least you go for the same gear pretty much. also, honestly you may want to find a good guild (if you aren't in one) and run instances with them a lot on your priest. pugs are terrible on most servers (not mine, they tend to be good there with maybe 1/5 of the players being asshats when it comes to the outland stuff) and most people seem to get into a "well they're not in my guild so I don't have to be nice to them" mentality in pugs.
My 70 Human Paladin on Magtheridon is definitely one of the best Paladins on the server if not the best...My Shaman on Magtheridon is 54...But the server is a wasteland. There's two "good guilds" one of them has like 70 members, the other one is sort of emo. My guild which Pre-TBC was one of the servers better guilds is falling apart...So I'm weighing in a couple options...

1) Leave the guild, go Ret, PvP have some fun, level my Shaman more, PvP with it.
2) Server transfer and find a really good and dedicated PvE guild.
3) Reroll Horde somewhere. Thinking Blood Elf Rogue or Blood Elf Warlock.
4) Try to fit into one of the larger decent guilds on my desolate server and hope for the best.


firex said:
madara, if you want a class between warlocks/hunters that's wanted in groups... well, both are good, but neither gets groups as easily as a mage. I was going to talk about pre-expansion (or more accurately pre-2.0) when hunters never got groups while warlocks got them a lot, but it isn't really true anymore. They're both good, though I think a warlock will get more groups and it's less of a jump in playing type than a priest. At the very least you go for the same gear pretty much. also, honestly you may want to find a good guild (if you aren't in one) and run instances with them a lot on your priest. pugs are terrible on most servers (not mine, they tend to be good there with maybe 1/5 of the players being asshats when it comes to the outland stuff) and most people seem to get into a "well they're not in my guild so I don't have to be nice to them" mentality in pugs.

Thanks, going to make Warlock tonight. I've dropped everything for friends that needed a healbot for weeks now, got nothing out of it by repair/drink costs and they never had the time to return even 1/10 of favor on any groups quests. Now I'm told by them and my server at 68 I need to go Holy, even though they admit I am the better player or they will just go to the three active priests they know that are holy. Which they have done last three days now, only coming to me on underbog or under because those priest like me are done with those. If I thought folks would be there for me last two levels and farm factioning then holy would not be that big of deal but I darn well know they wont, its just about them. I could go on all day about some really disgusting stuff that relates perfectly to why their are lot priest posts about feeling second class but your right though, I need find a good guild if one exists on that server. I wish like alot folks I could come into wow with real friends that gamed, would make a world of difference. But first I need a vacation :) Thanks for help and free vent pass!

Seems affliction tree is the way to go, at least for level grind.


definitely go affliction to level a warlock. It's what I did way back at launch and it's still good. The only time you may want to respec is at 60+ when a felguard build is surprisingly good, but with affliction leveling's still really good too.

Here's a sample build I made up for a 70 affliction/destruction lock. The only real weakness is slightly less health (no demonic embrace) and no suppression.

Just remember that as a warlock you want to go with +spell damage first, then +stamina, and +spell hit is more useful for affliction than +spell crit.


Razoric said:
Sounds like someone got wtfowned by a hunter very recently. :lol

Hardly. I love seing hunters as my opponents in arena because they go down so quick. Look at most of the top arena teams, you won't find many hunters.

I will admit that hunters do decent in BG's because they sit in the back lines and can snipe a lot of people, but in arena they're pretty limited, especially with the LoS issues.

yacobod said:

scatter + ice trap + feign death + mount up and run away = impossible to kill

lol :lol

Impossible to kill? Are you talking about BG's? I guess that's good?

And as for leveling a warlock, affliction is definitely the most effective and efficient way to level.

Firex's build is pretty decent but I would make a few changes.


Suppression is such a great talent, I definitely would grab that after Improved Corruption.

I haven't tried Improved Drain Soul myself, but often times I grind on so many mobs that I don't really bother to drain soul. With Life Tap and Dark Pact, mana won't be that big of an issue. I also don't think Amplify Curse / Curse of Exhaustion are really necessary, but
if you are playing on a PVP server it might not be that bad of an idea to grab it.

After you get Unstable Affliction, it's your choice to either go Demonology or Destruction. Personally I don't have the time to be casting Immolate or Shadow Bolt, so I opted to go Demonology for more + stamina.

And yeah, always go for + spell damage, then + stamina. Unfortunately at lower levels it's hard to find + spell damage on items.


the only reason I went with improved drain soul is blizzard tied that into a reduced threat talent. Otherwise I'd get 2/2 improved curse of agony or 2/5 suppression.

the amp curse and curse of exhaustion is mainly for some extra utility or getting away from mobs before getting instant howl of terror. I actually found it useful in pvp, even though it's not a great snare, because you can use it on someone running and dot them up.

shadow embrace is in there because it adds a debuff for soul siphon. if it didn't count toward soul siphon I'd just drop it altogether.



Killed Jaina Proudmoore tonight for fun. She went down super easy, so we took our puggish group to Darnassus to try and get Arch Druid Fandral Staghelm. Unfortunately, somebody aggrod him before we had a chance to mana up and it took a little too long. We got him down to 6%, and then the adds slaughtered us. I think we'll get him again the next time we go.


Hero said:
Impossible to kill? Are you talking about BG's? I guess that's good?

this was a joke post cuz someone above said good hunters were impossible to kill, im too lazy to look at who originally said that


remember me
Madara, that really sucks it's not going good for you. I've been 70 for a few weeks now, and I have absolutely no intention of going holy. Any player that's not an imbecile knows how ****ing awesome shadow priests are. Healers, especially paladins, love us. And I love paladins for blessing of salvation. And I can dps with the best of them. I've been guildless since I transferred to this server, but I've had no problems running instances with good people. If you PUG with someone, and they're good, add them to your friends list. I have a pretty big friends list with people I know know how to play, so while its groups with people of all different guilds, its a lot better than a random pug. Make friends with tanks and healers, especially. A good tank makes thing so much easier. I can pick pretty much any random people from my friends list, do a shadow labs run. And we'll run it without wipes, clearing through the 5 mob pulls even without CC.

I just finished a shadow lab run right now. All my friends were asleep so it was a complete pug. But everyone was awesome. Tank knew how to tank, dps warrior offtank, mage, me, and a holy paladin. Everything went beautifully and the run went super fast.

Seriously, don't reroll. Shadow priests are great.
healing is a thankless job, I said that months ago somewhere in here. its a class designed around letting everyone else enjoy the game.

currently have a 47 lock and am loving it, deleted my 60 dwarf priest before xmas.


ZombieSupaStar said:
healing is a thankless job, I said that months ago somewhere in here. its a class designed around letting everyone else enjoy the game.

currently have a 47 lock and am loving it, deleted my 60 dwarf priest before xmas.

If def takes a special kind of gamer to want to be a healer.

I tried it in Final Fantasy 11 and literally fell asleep one time. I woke up and the whole party was wiped. :lol


i'd say there is really no reason to delete a character

worst case scenario you can have is making him a bank alt

and who knows maybe priests get buffed sometime down the road, so you might want to revisit the character

i'd say deleting a character, especially one at 60+, is a mistake


Yeah, healing has never been for me. I enjoy CC (my twink was an Enchanter in EQ), so I love that aspect of the hunter class.. but I'd feel naked as a mage in WoW I think. Too vulnerable. Certainly would be easier than soloing as my Enchanter used to be.. anyone else exploit guards in High Pass? :lol Got caught once and that was the end of that, but it got me a few levels in my 20s.


yacobod said:
i'd say there is really no reason to delete a character

worst case scenario you can have is making him a bank alt

and who knows maybe priests get buffed sometime down the road, so you might want to revisit the character

i'd say deleting a character, especially one at 60+, is a mistake

Yeah I don't understand why he deleted it either.

I talked to a Mage on my server who had a 70 Paladin and he deleted it to start over. I told him he could have up to 50 characters... he said he knew. o_O

Deleting a character seems pretty extreme... you never know when you might get the urge to go back and play it again.


So I started a new Horde warlock (Undead) last night on my first WoW server (Frostwolf). I used to be Alliance there so it will be fun to see things from the other side. This will also be the first Horde character I level up past 10. Any advice on talent specs or combat strategies as a lock to level from 10-20 and beyond?


Meier said:
Yeah, healing has never been for me. I enjoy CC (my twink was an Enchanter in EQ), so I love that aspect of the hunter class.. but I'd feel naked as a mage in WoW I think. Too vulnerable. Certainly would be easier than soloing as my Enchanter used to be.. anyone else exploit guards in High Pass? :lol Got caught once and that was the end of that, but it got me a few levels in my 20s.

if you like cc, mages have a lot of CC at their disposal

mages are a real fun class to play, probably the most twitch based class in pvp, definately a blast, i used to love playing my friends decked out mage, currently lvling a mage to pvp with at like 39 or 49, among my other pvp twink projects


I think I would get utterly destroyed pvping as a mage since my frame rate is so bad. It's hard enough as a hunter.. if someone gets the jump on me solo, I'm usually dead as my computer starts to chug along. :lol

I think a mage would be a lot of fun in solo play or groups though.


this was a joke post cuz someone above said good hunters were impossible to kill, im too lazy to look at who originally said that

I said it, and in BGs they are a hard kill unless facing an endless zerg.


ZombieSupaStar said:
healing is a thankless job, I said that months ago somewhere in here. its a class designed around letting everyone else enjoy the game.
I dunno, I rather enjoy healing quite a bit. Granted, playing a shaman and I can always respec to "melt face" or "stabbity stabbity". Still, I just love those OH SHIT situations that happen and you manage to save everyones' ass.

I guess I can see what you're saying, though. I've been bitched at for letting people die in a group, but honestly, it's like: "I'm sorry man, but if it's been the tank and a rogue, I'm going to be blowing my NS + big heal on the tank."

Also, people don't really think that resto shammies are good healers, so there's a bit of discrimination there. I've basically had to prove to every single person that I can actually solo heal things. Sometimes that falls apart, though, because of shitty tank or whatever. Actually, I'd say that for most of the BC instances, great tanks are the biggest asset to any group.


I'm trying to farm for Aldor rep as a Holy Priest...my god this is stupidly boring :lol

Guild needs me to stay holy for Karazhan unfortunately. I'm kind of tempted to try a shadow/holy build just so I can kill stuff + farm at a more reasonable pace.


Has anyone else been getting horrible stuttering (IF like stuttering pre-BC) the past week? I've been playing since the BC and the game ran perfectly up until about a week ago. It doesn't happen in instances, but everywhere else I get 1-2 second pauses two to three times in a row every minute or so. The sound stutters sometimes when it happens, too. I'll look at my fubar plug in that shows the framerate and it'll go from 45+ to 2-4fps when it's happening.

EDIT: This is happening in Outland and Azeroth.


nataku said:
Has anyone else been getting horrible stuttering (IF like stuttering pre-BC) the past week? I've been playing since the BC and the game ran perfectly up until about a week ago. It doesn't happen in instances, but everywhere else I get 1-2 second pauses two to three times in a row every minute or so. The sound stutters sometimes when it happens, too. I'll look at my fubar plug in that shows the framerate and it'll go from 45+ to 2-4fps when it's happening.

you know i've been experiencing these weird hiccups like the ones you've described in the last week or so as well, and usually my framerate is rock solid everywhere in bgs, instances, w/e

and i've been running the game w/out any mods as well
guild got aran down on tuesday, cleared up to him again today got him to 17%. it seems for the time being we'll require to warlocks 2 kill him. Didn't have that setup today.

I just wish there wasn't so much ****ing trash.


ToyMachine228 said:
So true. Whenever anything goes wrong...WTF IS UP WITH THE HEALS??? If you haven't raided as a healer you have no right to bitch about the heals.

Yeah and it's rarely ever the healer's fault. Most of the raids / instances I've been in we've wiped due to bad tanks more than anything else. Tanks make or break groups imo.


Just got through 6 losses in AV yesterday.. only 1 more and I'll get my epic mount, woo! It's crazy how much the Alliance dominates the 61-70 bracket on our realm at least. :lol


Meier said:
Just got through 6 losses in AV yesterday.. only 1 more and I'll get my epic mount, woo! It's crazy how much the Alliance dominates the 61-70 bracket on our realm at least. :lol

Weird, we are in the same battlegroup and it took me forever to get my marks for an epic mount (horde kept winning over and over).

I guess its all about perspective and time of day played. :lol


ToyMachine228 said:
So true. Whenever anything goes wrong...WTF IS UP WITH THE HEALS??? If you haven't raided as a healer you have no right to bitch about the heals.

Most encounters can be out healed -ssuming you have infinite mana- so the blame tends to be dropped on the healer. MOST good players understand why a wipe happens and don't just automatically "blame the priest", but when I hear "HAEL ME!" I simply stop everything and reply, "Say that again and I'm gone." I don't like being treated like a moron.


SaitoH said:
Most encounters can be out healed -ssuming you have infinite mana- so the blame tends to be dropped on the healer. MOST good players understand why a wipe happens and don't just automatically "blame the priest", but when I hear "HAEL ME!" I simply stop everything and reply, "Say that again and I'm gone." I don't like being treated like a moron.

I actually had a priest quit in one of my PUGs because of that. The warrior had "heal me" on macro and spammed it whenever he got to like 50% health.


Razoric said:
Weird, we are in the same battlegroup and it took me forever to get my marks for an epic mount (horde kept winning over and over).

I guess its all about perspective and time of day played. :lol

In 51-60, I never once lost as Horde. I had like 17 marks left after getting to the 61-70 bracket and my one win was where I joined like 30 seconds before the match ended. :lol We usually cant get across the bridge (archers/people camping on the ledges below them) hold us off 95% of the time. I dont think I've ever even seen Horde get the SP Aid Station.

p.s. Anyone else ever notice that the East Frostwolf Keep misspells Destroyed as "Destoyed" when you look at its tooltip?


Razoric said:
I actually had a priest quit in one of my PUGs because of that. The warrior had "heal me" on macro and spammed it whenever he got to like 50% health.

Yeah, no wonder the priest got fed up. I would've been annoyed as well. I don't go around telling the warrior 'TANK IT!' or the other guys in the group to 'DPS IT!'


Mallika said:
Yeah, no wonder the priest got fed up. I would've been annoyed as well. I don't go around telling the warrior 'TANK IT!' or the other guys in the group to 'DPS IT!'

Yeah, the funniest part was this warrior was a DPS warrior it seemed (whatever build that is, never played a warrior) and he was duel weilding and couldnt take damage for shit. :lol

On my damage/dps tracker my pet was taking more damage than he was. :lol


Mallika said:
Yeah, no wonder the priest got fed up. I would've been annoyed as well. I don't go around telling the warrior 'TANK IT!' or the other guys in the group to 'DPS IT!'

I actually ditched a group in Bot one time because of similar issues. There's that stupid pull near the start, where the two guys are hiding behind the wall. So I mark them and tell the tank to pull the marked ones. He pulls the guys in the back, thus resulting in like a 6-7 man pull. Now, non of the guys no what to CC and we wipe. I'm like ... okay, fine, it happens. So I clearly explain to him in plain english that there are 2 mobs behind the wall and it is a 2-pull. He says: "okay". I ask him to pull. He does it again. I bitch a little while flying back. He says: "fine, you pull". So I sent a tell to the hunter and asked him if he had a 4th grade education or not. He told me he'd misdirect the pull.

We get back to the top and the warrior is sitting there and is like: "where's my res?"

And I'm like ... you ass. Do you not even understand the concept of mana? By the time I res you, heal you up (another gripe ... why will people not eat?) and then drink myself, you could have ran back 3 times. Not only that, but when you die and release in any Tempest Keep instance, you res at full health outside the instance and just have to fly back.

Anyway, so when he asked for a res, I just dropped group and said I wasn't wasting my time.


fallout said:

I actually ditched a group in Bot one time because of similar issues. There's that stupid pull near the start, where the two guys are hiding behind the wall. So I mark them and tell the tank to pull the marked ones. He pulls the guys in the back, thus resulting in like a 6-7 man pull. Now, non of the guys no what to CC and we wipe. I'm like ... okay, fine, it happens. So I clearly explain to him in plain english that there are 2 mobs behind the wall and it is a 2-pull. He says: "okay". I ask him to pull. He does it again. I bitch a little while flying back. He says: "fine, you pull". So I sent a tell to the hunter and asked him if he had a 4th grade education or not. He told me he'd misdirect the pull.

We get back to the top and the warrior is sitting there and is like: "where's my res?"

And I'm like ... you ass. Do you not even understand the concept of mana? By the time I res you, heal you up (another gripe ... why will people not eat?) and then drink myself, you could have ran back 3 times. Not only that, but when you die and release in any Tempest Keep instance, you res at full health outside the instance and just have to fly back.

Anyway, so when he asked for a res, I just dropped group and said I wasn't wasting my time.

Yes that seriously pisses me off when people don't walk back and expect the healer to res them. They just go AFK or some shit and wait until someone who can res gets back in there.

I always ghost and run back unless instructed not to.


Yeah, I don't mind ressing people, but if we're at the entrance? Come on. I can't even begin to imagine how happy warlocks are now with the new summoning stones, heh.
SaitoH said:
Most encounters can be out healed -ssuming you have infinite mana- so the blame tends to be dropped on the healer. MOST good players understand why a wipe happens and don't just automatically "blame the priest", but when I hear "HAEL ME!" I simply stop everything and reply, "Say that again and I'm gone." I don't like being treated like a moron.

Yeah my Paladin was recently getting 50% of the healing done with 3 healers on my guild's Shade of Aran attempts. And I didn't have any mana problems. And people we're complaining about the heals and it really made me mad...Look at the meter...I am healing DOUBLE what these other two guys are, and I'm not spamming or overhealing either. Give me a break. I don't mean to put myself above the rest of the people but...My server is awful and I really wish I could someplace where my skill won't be unappreciated.
Yeah my Paladin was recently getting 50% of the healing done with 3 healers on my guild's Shade of Aran attempts. And I didn't have any mana problems. And people we're complaining about the heals and it really made me mad...Look at the meter...I am healing DOUBLE what these other two guys are, and I'm not spamming or overhealing either. Give me a break. I don't mean to put myself above the rest of the people but...My server is awful and I really wish I could someplace where my skill won't be unappreciated.

Keep in mind that things like prayer of mending, lifebloom, and earthshield are added to the meter as healing done by the player the buff is on. On last night's run (Curator kill, Aran attempts) I healed 2,011,000 (32% - on Aran attempts I hovered between 40-45%). The priest behind me is listed at 1,440,000 (23%). However, the MT alone had 300K healing from Prayer of Mending. He's probably fairly close to my figures after everything is properly accounted for.

That said, it was a rough healing night as the druid with us was undergeared. On our Curator kill I healed for 300K in 6 1/2 minutes. I was unlucky on crit heals too as my holy light crit rate dipped to 18%.


Razoric said:
On my damage/dps tracker my pet was taking more damage than he was. :lol
That's because friggin' hunters set their pets to auto-taunt and we end up fighting with them for aggro and blowing the taunt cooldown all the time.
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