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World of Warcraft

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I got a good price on the arcanite for my mount, but that doesn't make the quest items you spend 300g on any cheaper. I didn't even buy dark runes (required for the BE pally mount) and it still cost around 360g for me.


fallout said:
Heh, for the ease of it all, I do not regret my decision to buy one whatsoever. It's really amazing just how fast it is.

Anyway, I understand the complaint, and that maybe you want a Netherdrake really bad, but ... tough shit, I guess. It's just something you're going to have to decide for yourself. Is it worth it?

Pfft. It's hardly a money sink. Just depends on where your priorities are. I wouldn't be blowing 5000g on a flying epic mount if I were raiding every night of the week. However, I'm not, so I don't really have anywhere else to blow my gold. And it's so easy to get, anyway. All the money I've acquired has been through casual questing and taking advantage of the AH.

I don't really care about the netherdrake or epic flying, I'm just stating my opinion that Blizzard is retarded for holding different standards. You know that the Armored Netherdrake from being in a top arena team is going to be 310% speed? That's awesome, to reward players who earn it. But they're saying that you need to purchase the epic flying riding skill to be able to buy it. I would think that players who are in the top arena teams have done considerably more than just farming money or doing a quest chain to get the flight form. So why not just give it to them? It's merely a luxury.


Has problems recognising girls
There was a decent thread over on the official forums about the status of Arena, the rewards they provide and the "seasons" that are in place.. and the entire system just sounds so ****ed up by Blizzard it's not funny. Blues were telling us that each season certain items may change depending on the PVE epic loot and players were saying, "well why bother buying armor this season if it'll just change next season?" Time sink and all that jazz but seriously, it seems like the Warlord grind all over again in a different light.

Blizzard needs to draw a line on PVP rewards because right now they seem to be pissing off the majority of players who hit Battlegrounds religiously with their guilds. Arena in itself is a great idea - just poorly executed due to the insane inbalance issues within each class. They themselves seem to be signifying they have a problem with the balance in the game because each class is still getting band-aid fixes but the entire game needs a damn overhaul.


Yeah, I dunno. I definitely don't want to go through the old honor system grind, I kind of like the arena in how you earn points depending on your rank. You can actually have a social or work life and still get good gear. However, I do think the gear, especially the weapons, are on a ridiculous level right now. I'm not sure about other classes, but the rogue dagger/fist mainhands are pretty much the best weapons in the game right now, even for PVE.

But yeah, I agree that 2v2 and 3v3 are kind of broken in that some classes are just so ridiculously powerful.


How does these required riding skills work for flying mounts on classes like warlock and paladin? They go from free 40 spell to having get 3 sets of riding skills just for it?

Having good time when my friend logs in and we do shaman and hunter draenei combo. Boy though they werent joking about the alliance side, I can only hope it will improve higher we get on Elune as i believe this started as move server for feathermoon. Never seen so many retarted names, beggars and messed up trade and general channels in my life.


Crud, just looked at my friend's hunter and he seems to be random picking from 3 varies talent tress even though I told him you guys said BM was best, think he is abit overwhelmed. Anyone happen to have link to a good hunter pve talent tree? Official hunter forums are a mess if you ask me, couldnt find anything with decent info. If I had a visual talent tree for him I'm sure he would follow it better.



There's my profile if you want to look at my talent tree.. it probably isnt the perfect build by any means, but it works pretty well for me. Once I get 66, I'll probably put a point in Focus Fire to see the difference with Kill Command and remove the Improved Mend. I would definitely suggest he consider getting Improved Hunter's Mark and Lethal Shots at some point before maxing out BM -- if you two duo a lot, the IHM will do wonders for you.

Btw, excuse the gear, was in the middle of putting on my healing set for Gutripper last night when I logged off. I'd like to get some more +healing blues in various dungeons that end up getting d/e'ed, but I don't think many PUGs would be cool on that idea sadly. Guess I'll offer to buy it from the winner next time.

Looks like the other dagger I was gonna use might be Main Hand only too.. huh, will have to check when I get home. If not, then I should have nearly 420 bonus healing when I trinket. I should stick some gems in those sockets but I haven't bothered since this stuff is usually banked.


madara said:
Crud, just looked at my friend's hunter and he seems to be random picking from 3 varies talent tress even though I told him you guys said BM was best, think he is abit overwhelmed. Anyone happen to have link to a good hunter pve talent tree? Official hunter forums are a mess if you ask me, couldnt find anything with decent info. If I had a visual talent tree for him I'm sure he would follow it better.

Marks and Beastmaster are both really good.

I leveled my hunter from 1-55 doing all marksmenship. I finally switched over to beastmaster to see how that is. Both are legit builds... it just depends on the persons playstyle.
Razoric said:
Marks and Beastmaster are both really good.

I leveled my hunter from 1-55 doing all marksmenship. I finally switched over to beastmaster to see how that is. Both are legit builds... it just depends on the persons playstyle.

Since we're comparing talent trees can someone point out some nice ones for warriors? I'm a young lvl 28 warrior looking for the right talent tree to spend a lifetime with <3<3


since you're still soloing a bunch and leveling, you probably want to go fury or arms. fury is honestly better, but a lot of it's better for dual wielding, which makes it more expensive (since you'll want 2 good blue 1h weapons instead of just 1 good blue 2h).


I was playing my gfs character in uldaman and the other ****ing pally drops connection. I was tanking and these guys just left me to die. What kind of crap was that. Then they get mad at me for getting upset at their ineptitude.
I did Uldaman for the first time last night, but we didn't finish; earler today I was able to finish it. Once again I was able to join a good group, and bring along a really good Gnome mage from my guild, who I do a lot of instances with.

While SM is still my favorite instance, Uldaman is getting up their as a favorite. The one bad thing I guess is that it's HUGE. There are so many bosses and mini bosses, the various paths to take. The entire feel really gave me a Greek/Clash of the Titans vibe, which is a good thing.

There are many high level mobs in there. I was the lowest level in the group at lv42 but it wasn't much of a problem since I'm a tank and can take lots of damage. We had two mages so they'd just polly a couple mobs, leaving us with 1-2 to deal with at a time instead of 4.

I got lots of good stuff, and put it all on AH lol


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
huzkee said:
Since we're comparing talent trees can someone point out some nice ones for warriors? I'm a young lvl 28 warrior looking for the right talent tree to spend a lifetime with <3<3

http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=pVMx0hbZE0zqMxRiuVo is pretty much what mine looks like atm. Found that I had no problem getting enough rage (in PVP/raids) so I decided to put it in Booming Voice instead of Unbridled Wrath since it helps for using Demo Shout against stealthed enemies, and I get one more minute on it which is kinda nice. The reason I didn't go for DW spec is because they way the wrote it is actually kind of deceiving since it isn't actually "25%". Like this, off-hands do 50% damage, and with DW spec it adds 25% of the base 50%, adding 12.5%. Couldn't justify taking that over imp. intercept and Imp Berserker Rage.

Anyway this is kind of PVP focused so I'm not sure if this is entirely the way you want to go, DW spec might be good in PVE.

Fake edit: just realized a horrible flaw with my build, since I don't have any tactical mastery, all the rage I get from imp charge drops when I switch to Berserker Stance... dammit.

And speaking of nothing, I hit 30+ with my Paladin and I just feel like keep on going! I have like 5 or 6 characters sitting at 29 since I can never be arsed to bring them over that bump. :lol Kind of inept at healing in instances so far though but eh, already done all the low level instances with my first char, and whatever gear I get will be outdated in a couple of days so I can't really be arsed to do them... Nice with a bit of change from the regular questing though.


Has problems recognising girls
Uldaman was always cool to run through.

And I agree with trh about the lvl 29 shenanigans. I had a 29 Warrior, Hunter and Priest just to fool around in BG's with. Took the Warrior to 30 and haven't touched him since, Priest I am trying to hit Shadowform but kinda sick of WoW atm. He's 34, more mana and health than most 39 casters I see in BG's so it's always fun to come up against a 38-39 Rogue who thinks they can wipe you and you just play around with them. As for the Hunter, well I haven't taken him over yet.. and most likely will just keep it that way.
PhoenixDark said:
I did Uldaman for the first time last night, but we didn't finish; earler today I was able to finish it. Once again I was able to join a good group, and bring along a really good Gnome mage from my guild, who I do a lot of instances with.

While SM is still my favorite instance, Uldaman is getting up their as a favorite. The one bad thing I guess is that it's HUGE. There are so many bosses and mini bosses, the various paths to take. The entire feel really gave me a Greek/Clash of the Titans vibe, which is a good thing.

There are many high level mobs in there. I was the lowest level in the group at lv42 but it wasn't much of a problem since I'm a tank and can take lots of damage. We had two mages so they'd just polly a couple mobs, leaving us with 1-2 to deal with at a time instead of 4.

I got lots of good stuff, and put it all on AH lol

Good stuff. Go back later via the backdoor at 48/49 for the end boss, aka Raid boss Foreshadowing Fun, (hopefully you'll land that Of The Bear version of the ring that drops).


Okay, question. I'm a level 35 hunter, and there was a level 40 rogue running around doing naughty things while invisible. At one point, I put Hunter's Mark on him, and then as far as I can tell he did something to remove it. Can rogues do that? If it is an ability, does it work no matter what, or does it work depending on what level I am compared to them?


firex said:
since you're still soloing a bunch and leveling, you probably want to go fury or arms. fury is honestly better, but a lot of it's better for dual wielding, which makes it more expensive (since you'll want 2 good blue 1h weapons instead of just 1 good blue 2h).

he's only lvl 28

at lvl 30 he should get his whirlwind axe (axe is the best but i suppose you can get the sword) immediately, that weapon rocks all the way til about lvl 40 (and its a 2h :D)

at that point u get a nice 1h sword quest reward for doing scarlet monastary, and you can get another nice 1h sword quest reward for doing RFD (so dw for 4-5 lvls)

those will last you 4-5 lvls, at that point you can try to shop the auction house and maybe get a Kang's (lvl 44 i think), and at lvl 51 go get yourself an iced barb spear, hands down the best weapon you can use from lvl 51 to 58

so really you dont have to duel wield all that much, since there are very good viable alternatives out there that are free, besides Kang's of course

but i agree that fury is better for lvling up until around maybe 45-50 at that point i think MS is pretty viable, and easier to gear for, poorly geared fury warriors are a joke, and fury doesnt really shine unless you are geared out pretty well


firex said:
He used vanish, which removes hunter's mark and I think flare.

So could he do that no matter what level I was at when putting on my hunter's mark, or does his ability to vanish depend on where he's at level wise compared to me?

And, of course, this just makes me hate rogues even more. One of the absolute most annoying things about being on a PVP server.


shidoshi said:
So could he do that no matter what level I was at when putting on my hunter's mark, or does his ability to vanish depend on where he's at level wise compared to me?

And, of course, this just makes me hate rogues even more. One of the absolute most annoying things about being on a PVP server.

you will come to learn that doing multiple things, ie. frost trap. or explosion or even mark is best for you. im a 61 hunter and i delt wiht rogues all the time and have not had a problem using my methods


as long as he's got flash powder and the 5 minute cooldown on vanish is up, a rogue can vanish.

getting ganked by higher level rogues is like half the reason why pvp servers exist, really.


I never get ganked by higher level rogues. They often try to take me out but find they woke up the sleeping bear. Then they try to run away and I have two stuns to stop them :lol

Consecrate even has a range beyond the damage aoe in the center that still catches Rogues, thanks blizz!


Never seen so many quests in one area, day three at bloodmyst isle. Does bloodmyst end in blue items like ghostlands?
Now that we are 19 I was thinking we try WSG tonight as its an easy bracket and good practice for my friend and I to improve. I presume we can go in as two into same battleground. Any shaman tips. Does the fire totem with AE happen break stealth if it hits?

P.S. I must have really crappy Uldaman group, only time I went we get only half way, felt very repetitive with so many troggs and dwarfs over and over. Guess I have try that again.


Thanks for posting the profession notes. The reduction to fishing time, as well as removing the case when no fish bites, is great. Don't really care about the enchanting ones, since the healing enchants are vastly superior over what will be offered through the spellpower, I guess it'll only beneft hybrids that don't want to have seperate sets of gears for DPS and healing. Alchemy changes kind of suck, except for the reduced vial price.

Still debating whether to purchase my epic flying mount for my main or my alt (who actually have the gathering professions that will benefit from the faster speed). I've had around 5k gold before the expansion, but never seriously considered buying one because I wasn't sure the value of it.


Zalasta said:
Still debating whether to purchase my epic flying mount for my main or my alt (who actually have the gathering professions that will benefit from the faster speed). I've had around 5k gold before the expansion, but never seriously considered buying one because I wasn't sure the value of it.
I thought about this too. Thankfully, my herb/alch alt is a druid. :D
The alchemy changes are pretty amazing. You get to choose between one flask or a defensive and offensive elixir and flasks are getting both their effects and reagent costs vastly reduced. And they're retuning content around these changes. Hot.


The actual Tigole quote from EJ:

--Flask powers have been GREATLY reduced.
--Reagent costs for flasks have been ****GREATLY**** reduced.
--Flasks take up both your offenseive AND defensive elixir slots. 1 Flask or 2 elixirs -- you choose.
--Raid DPS has gone up (Glancing Blow and Class Changes)
--Encounters where DPS was not a "flasking factor" (i.e. tuned around the HP flasks, elixir of mastery, defense etc). will be retuned.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
cubicle47b said:
The alchemy changes are pretty amazing. You get to choose between one flask or a defensive and offensive elixir and flasks are getting both their effects and reagent costs vastly reduced. And they're retuning content around these changes. Hot.


The actual Tigole quote from EJ:
So wait, I can't belive I haven't looked at it like this until now, but what they've basically done is to reduce the amount of money you need to spend on shit in order to go into an instance and actually have a shot at getting somewhere? :D that's awesome.


g35twinturbo said:
you will come to learn that doing multiple things, ie. frost trap. or explosion or even mark is best for you. im a 61 hunter and i delt wiht rogues all the time and have not had a problem using my methods

No, don't get me wrong, I know that I can't just rely on the Hunter's Mark to keep track of where a rogue is, and that frost traps are my friend. I'm just trying to figure out when the HM isn't going to be of any use against a rogue, and am kind of wondering why it even allows me to stop people from going invisibile if they can just instantly get rid of it.

My problem is less in dealing with the rogues, and more with rogues (and, what, druids?) going invisible and then acting like they're big and bad. I've had players who are 5+ levels above me go into hiding, and then call me a chicken. Show yourself and fight like a man you f**king cowards. *heh* This is pretty much my big frustration/whine about PVP. I don't mine characters far higher than me one-hit killing me, I don't mind being ganged up on, I don't even mind (well, I do, but you know) getting ganked by some coward who waits until I'm in the middle of fighting a monster. But starting trouble, then going invisible and being a coward about fighting one on one, that bugs me.


shidoshi said:
No, don't get me wrong, I know that I can't just rely on the Hunter's Mark to keep track of where a rogue is, and that frost traps are my friend. I'm just trying to figure out when the HM isn't going to be of any use against a rogue, and am kind of wondering why it even allows me to stop people from going invisibile if they can just instantly get rid of it.

My problem is less in dealing with the rogues, and more with rogues (and, what, druids?) going invisible and then acting like they're big and bad. I've had players who are 5+ levels above me go into hiding, and then call me a chicken. Show yourself and fight like a man you f**king cowards. *heh* This is pretty much my big frustration/whine about PVP. I don't mine characters far higher than me one-hit killing me, I don't mind being ganged up on, I don't even mind (well, I do, but you know) getting ganked by some coward who waits until I'm in the middle of fighting a monster. But starting trouble, then going invisible and being a coward about fighting one on one, that bugs me.

You really should think about things from the other perspective though. Vanish removing Hunter's Mark was a relatively recent change. Until then, it was a nightmare for rogues. You realize it has a 100 yard range, right? How is it fair for one class to be able to cast a spell which has no cooldown or consumes a reagant, to be able to completely nullify an entire class for 2 minutes? Really, Hunter's Mark tooltip should've said:

Remove a rogue from the game for the next two minutes.

Wasting a 5 minute cooldown to counter an ability without one isn't a bad thing, because at least now the rogue has one less tool to stunlock you. But it's okay, just wait until you get to the higher levels and rogues can use Cloak of Shadows to remove Hunter's Mark too. (No reagant, 1 minute cooldown.) Oh, and it's also eats your traps.


-Flurry has had atk spd increases reduced to 5/10/15/20/25% from 10/15/20/25/30
-Death Wish and Enrage no longer stack
-Commanding Shout now increases your max health but your health stays a constant percentage

More reliable than Raison Bran -- It's the return of the Blizzard's famous "warrior nerfs in every patch" guarantee! I hope this is fake :(

Not being able to combine Death Wish and Enrage totally blows -- I don't care so much about the other two. Having Commanding Shout as an AoE heal was cool, but I guess that's not what it was really intended for so I guess it's a fair nerf.

-Spell Lock duration reduced to 5 seconds (Rank 1) and 6 seconds (Rank 2), cooldown reduced to 24 seconds

As a warlock I should be annoyed, but I hate the ridiculous length of Spell Lock when other locks use it :lol

-Heroic instances will now always drop epic loot off the end boss and all heroic bosses have a chance for epic gems

Well, at least I have some motivation to do some rep-grinding...


border said:
-Heroic instances will now always drop epic loot off the end boss and all heroic bosses have a chance for epic gems

Well, at least I have some motivation to do some rep-grinding...
Eh? Granted, I'm only keyed for one, but I garauntee you that if you just ignore the rep and run through the instances as you normally would, you'll hit revered in no time.


fallout said:
Eh? Granted, I'm only keyed for one, but I garauntee you that if you just ignore the rep and run through the instances as you normally would, you'll hit revered in no time.
Running the same instances over and over is pretty much grinding, as far as I'm concerned. Especially the crap-instances like Mana Tombs or Sethekk Halls...
Pretty sure those notes are fake.

Anyway got eternium greathelm from opera yesterday and got tier 4 gloves today. Then we wiped on Aran some more. 8% ugh. We've killed him 4 times now but it's totally random when we do.


border said:
Running the same instances over and over is pretty much grinding, as far as I'm concerned. Especially the crap-instances like Mana Tombs or Sethekk Halls...
See, part of the game is running instances over and over again. You did it for gear. Now you do it for rep and gear.


fallout said:
See, part of the game is running instances over and over again. You did it for gear. Now you do it for rep and gear.
Yeah, but running those non-heroics over and over will result in "lesser" gear -- so it's still a rep-grind as far as I'm concerned. Then you get to the heroics and it's closer to a gear grind :)


border said:
Yeah, but running those non-heroics over and over will result in "lesser" gear -- so it's still a rep-grind as far as I'm concerned. Then you get to the heroics and it's closer to a gear grind :)
:lol True. I dunno, I'm enjoying most of the new instances overall. It really shows who knows what the hell they're doing in this game and has exposed a lot of terrible players.


Uhmm, are shaman suppose die in two hits froms hunter in WSG at 11-19 bracket? First hit 60 percent gone, I go heal with his pet and second shot, always dead before first heal. Think I pass on pvp with this character and I thought my priest got ganked alot at least she had a shield.


you don't have a lot of hp and you're still wearing leather. that said, yes, shamans' basic role in pvp/arenas is "bloodlust your group before you die".

And it's good to see those 2.1 notes, assuming they're true, nerf the hell out of the definitive pally healing talent (which is the only role pallies are good at, at all, in raids/heroics right now) and nerf some other stuff. It's like my warlock all over again!


Has problems recognising girls
Ramirez said:
I really think Shaman is probably the absolute worst class to begin your PVP adventures on. :p
Psh. There's a reason why we were feared by the Alliance in PVP hence us being consequently "nerfed" and the 29-49 Shaman levels represent this. Some classes don't mature in abilities till 30-40+, whereas the Shaman gets Windfury at 30 and that's about all you need with a 2H'er just because of the sheer burst dmg you'll get alongside your shocks when it procs. Some of my favourite moments in PVP are when I am standing against the odds yet still end up on top cause I was lucky with the Windfury.

If the Hunter was drilling you, it's because they're twinked to the shithouse. Trust me madara - you will have a lot more fun in Battlegrounds in the next brackets (still some twinks in 20-29.. like Critadins, Hunters and Rogues but not as much as 10-19).


I was talking more end game really, enhancement shaman are a joke in PVP these days, I haven't tried elemental in a long ass time, mine is currently spec'd resto and I'm havin way more fun than when I was trying enhancement. People just have too much HP these days for WF to do what it used to :(
Hey, I rerolled a Mage a few days ago. up to lvl 18 and I'm enjoying it. But one thing I'm wondering, is there anything useful for us mages to do or excel at that others won't? I just can't think of anything I've ever heard great about mages..well besides that they're good vending machines.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
DarkAngelYuna said:
Hey, I rerolled a Mage a few days ago. up to lvl 18 and I'm enjoying it. But one thing I'm wondering, is there anything useful for us mages to do or excel at that others won't? I just can't think of anything I've ever heard great about mages..well besides that they're good vending machines.
Portals and sheep!


mages are awesome farming classes too, and honestly a top 3 DPS class pretty easily.

finally hit 70 on my pally and did mechanar like 5 minutes after buying my flying mount, heh. My regular flyer's slow, but awesome.
trh said:
Portals and sheep!
Haha, I just played some wsg to kill some time. While I'm not a killing machine like my high lvl warlock.. it was a ton of fun just running around sheeping people. I bet it pissed off people to be sheeped a million times by me. =)


Ramirez said:
I was talking more end game really, enhancement shaman are a joke in PVP these days, I haven't tried elemental in a long ass time, mine is currently spec'd resto and I'm havin way more fun than when I was trying enhancement. People just have too much HP these days for WF to do what it used to :(
Enhancement was always a joke. It just got a lot of attention because it relied on the insanely lucky burst damage. 30/0/21 was always the best PvP build and 40/0/21 is the best now. 0/11/50 is definitely a viable alternative.
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