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World of Warcraft

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remember me
madara said:
Ouch, 3 types of mobs I tried in shadowmoon valley are immune to fear. I come back at 70 :lol

Were they undead? All undead are immune to fear. Besides undead, only some elites are ever immune to fear.
So, my guild went to Karazhan tonight for the first time. We got our asses handed to us by a bunch of horses. We just weren't working well together. Agro was all over the place, people were breaking frost traps, somebody was fear happy, the respawns were catching us off guard. It was a total mess. I don't know if we should head back in there or go to one of the lv60 raids for practice or do more 5 mans together or what.


johnsmith said:
Were they undead? All undead are immune to fear. Besides undead, only some elites are ever immune to fear.

Elemental rocks, a bird and birdmen. Last two seemed glowy so I imagine they are spirits.

Okay Dreadwing in Blade's Edge is either bugged or shadow priest's worst nightmare, immune to shadow magic. Gad that sucked. I even tried to MC crystal creature close but he ate through him like a fly. Guess I pass on that one. Morcrush and Maggoc are everywhere I go, really testing out panning of camera angles. :lol


madara said:
Okay Dreadwing in Blade's Edge is either bugged or shadow priest's worst nightmare, immune to shadow magic. Gad that sucked.

dreadwing isnt bugged, i killed him on saturday w/out any problem

might be immune, or has high resistance
So, my guild went to Karazhan tonight for the first time. We got our asses handed to us by a bunch of horses. We just weren't working well together. Agro was all over the place, people were breaking frost traps, somebody was fear happy, the respawns were catching us off guard. It was a total mess. I don't know if we should head back in there or go to one of the lv60 raids for practice or do more 5 mans together or what.

Go back to Karazhan, set a main assist, and mark all targets on the next pull (if you haven't been doing either of those things). Talk to anyone who doesn't follow the MA, doesn't shackle their mob, fears, w/e. Attumen trash respawns in a half hour so if you have problems you'll just have to wait until they're all up and start again.

My first answer was UBRS because I've read the Sebudai poster way too many times now. http://www.wowinsider.com/media/2006/12/sebspeakerwg2.jpg


remember me
madara said:
Elemental rocks, a bird and birdmen. Last two seemed glowy so I imagine they are spirits.

Yes, the birds and the birdmen in that zone are undead. You can see it by just mousing over them. I don't remember the elementals being immune to fear though.
cubicle47b said:
My first answer was UBRS because I've read the Sebudai poster way too many times now. http://www.wowinsider.com/media/2006/12/sebspeakerwg2.jpg

god what a complete twat this guy is.

its just a game and in 5 years your phat epix will be faint magnetic traces on blizzards servers running World of Starcraft.

but to me WoW dies endgame, running dungeon X, for chance at loot drop Y, Z many times isnt compelling or fun. I see myself quitting again when all there is to do is raid at 70.


Sullen said:
Already tried that, mod still doesnt seem to work.
Are you talking about an error that comes up, or that you can't do /dart when you log in, or something else? Also, what does it say when you click on the ADDONs button (at the character selection screen) and you go down the list of addons to where Discord Art is listed? Is a dependency missing? (You have to download Discord Library for it, if you haven't already.)


Mallika said:
What does it say when you click on the ADDONs button at the character selection screen and you go down the list of addons to where Discord Art is listed? Is a dependency missing? You have to download Discord Library for it, if you haven't already.

The only thing it says is 'out of date' which is to be expected I guess. I have the library, etc, no dependency issue as far as I can tell. When I load into game there is no sign of the mod, and typing /dart does nothing as well.


Sullen, try enabling the 'Load out of date AddOns' option in the Addon window (it's near the top right corner). I have that on, because even if some addons are considered 'out of date' by WoW, they still work in the game -- you just have to have the 'Load out of date AddOns' option checked.

Edited for a bit more clarity.


Mallika said:
Sullen, try enabling the 'Load out of date AddOns' option in the Addon window (it's near the top right corner). I have that on, because even if some addons are considered 'out of date' by WoW, they still work in the game -- you just have to have the 'Load out of date AddOns' option checked.

Edited for a bit more clarity.

Yeah, I just checked it and can access the options in game now. However, I cant get any of the custom ones to work properly. Tried both royalbar and yetanothershardslayout and both just give me errors when I try to load them.


Got a Coilfang Needler last night that looks pretty neat. Also got some socketed pants from Ramparts a few days ago that I put some gems in. Good stuff. :D I've just about got enough cash for my epic mount.. if someone would buy this damn Tome of Conjured Water IX I am trying to sell, I'd be set.


Sullen said:
Yeah, I just checked it and can access the options in game now. However, I cant get any of the custom ones to work properly. Tried both royalbar and yetanothershardslayout and both just give me errors when I try to load them.
I had problems too. It took some experimenting (and some swearing) until the light bulb finally dinged for me.

I have royalbar working, so let me tell you how I did it.

(By the way, make sure your image files are in the AddOns > DiscordArt > CustomTextures folder, and also note that whenever you type in a number or a name in the various fields within the DART window, you have to press the ENTER key afterwards for those changes to happen.)

When you're in the game, do /dart. In the window that pops up, click on the Misc Options tab (in the bottom left corner). Here you will see a place to create a new profile. Put in a name (e.g., 'test1') and click CREATE. Now, because royalbar has 4 different images, you need to tell DART that too. Below the area where you create the profile, there's a place where you specify how many textures are in that particular profile. Increase the number from 1 to 4.

Click the Texture Options button. At the top right, you can see a drop-down menu called Select Texture (with the generic names Texture1 / Texture2 / Texture3 / Texture4). You can rename them by selecting each one and typing a name in the Name field located below (not directly below, diagonally from it). I basically renamed them LeftImage, MiddleLeft, MiddleRight, and RightImage, just so I can distinguish which is which. When done renaming, select the first texture from the drop-down menu (let's just assume it's called LeftImage).

Now, right between the two columns with all the X and Y coordinates, there is a small blank space that has 'Click to set texture' at the bottom. Click the blank space just above the text. A small window will pop up, which has all the images and such that is included with DART. Click on the Custom tab at the top of that window.

What comes up is a blank page, with a place for you to type the filename near the bottom. With DART, it assumes that whatever filename you put in is located in the AddOns > DiscordArt > CustomTextures folder, so all you would have to type in there would be royalbar1.tga (or however the filename is called) and press enter, then click on 'Add Texture.' You'll see the texture added. Do this for all four royalbar files. Once done, click on the image you want to set to LeftImage.

Okay, now that the image has been set, click the 'Backdrop' tab that is located just below the 'Click to set texture' option. Check 'Hide Background' if it's not already done. Then go to the 'Texture' tab (right next to it) and UNcheck 'Hide' (no use in not seeing the texture, eh?).

Move the DART window around a bit -- the texture tends to show up right behind it. You might notice you can't drag it. Click on the Unlock Dragging option in the lower left corner of the DART window (where the Texture Options and Misc Options tabs are). Now you can drag the image.

Play around with the Height / Width / Scale / Alpha options located in the 'Textures' tab. Also try playing around with the Blend Options drop-down menu.

You do this for the three other images too. Just go to the 'Select Texture' and get the next one (e.g., MiddleLeft) and do all the steps above again, and align them however you want on the screen.

Hope this helps. :)


Being that I'm still a total newbie at this spec stuff, anybody want to give me a bit of advice on my Hunter? PVP server, I mostly solo, but I also like doing PVP stuf. So, those would be my two priorities currently.

Here's what I'm at right now:


My thought is that I probably don't need either Lethal Shot or Efficiency right now. I know I need to do more in Beast Mastery, but I'm not sure what to go for at this point. (Plus, I've been spending most of my points in MM because that's what I most enjoy.) My main problem is that I haven't played the game for long enough to really have a sense of how much (or how little) of an impact these various abilities really have in-game. Any suggestions?

(Oh, and I have one unspent point, so I actually have 24 possible points.)


For leveling, BM hunter is the way, I just poured points in that while keeping 5 points for crit in MM and 3 points for long distance.

BTW, anyone go back and solo the old instances like strat or BRD?
I can solo Zul'Farrak easy now. I know I can't solo Stratholme. There's just too many mobs and I can't heal myself (I'm a rogue). I haven't tried BRD.


Ripclawe said:
BTW, anyone go back and solo the old instances like strat or BRD?
I 3-manned LBRS in less than an hour to get some guys started on the Ony key (just so we can 5-man it at some point in the future, heh).


fallout said:
I 3-manned LBRS in less than an hour to get some guys started on the Ony key (just so we can 5-man it at some point in the future, heh).

I missed out on all the level 60 raids / instances... i'd def like to go through them at 70 real quick just to see what they are like and for storyline purposes (especially Naxx).


shidoshi said:
My thought is that I probably don't need either Lethal Shot or Efficiency right now. I know I need to do more in Beast Mastery, but I'm not sure what to go for at this point. (Plus, I've been spending most of my points in MM because that's what I most enjoy.) My main problem is that I haven't played the game for long enough to really have a sense of how much (or how little) of an impact these various abilities really have in-game. Any suggestions?

(Oh, and I have one unspent point, so I actually have 24 possible points.)

I've never played on a PVP server personally, so you may want to ask at the WoW Hunter forums for suggestions, but this might be something to look at with 24 points:


Essentially you'll want to get the improved concussive shot and branch out slightly into the Survival tree while sticking mainly to BM. Marksman has very little use in leveling up and even less in PVP basically.

BM provides the best soloing spec and has Intimidation and Beastial Wrath/The Beast Within which are our best pvp skills essentially. A lot of people like to get Improved Aspect of the Monkey, but I don't ever use it much even in pvp (although I probably should).


Meier said:
I've never played on a PVP board personally, so you may want to ask at the WoW Hunter forums for pvp server suggestions, but this might be something to look at:


Essentially you'll want to get the improved concussive shot and branch out slightly into the Survival tree while sticking mainly to BM. BM is definitely the best soloing spec and has Intimidation and Beastial Wrath/The Beast Within which are our best pvp skills essentially. A lot of people like to get Improved Aspect of the Monkey, but I don't ever use it much even in pvp (although I probably should).

I love Beastial Wrath / The Beast Within. The stupid Warlock fearbots (not all warlocks, just the ones that spam fear) get eaten alive. I should rename my pet "The Cloth Eater". :lol


Razoric said:
I missed out on all the level 60 raids / instances... i'd def like to go through them at 70 real quick just to see what they are like and for storyline purposes (especially Naxx).
It's hard to find people, since so many did them more times than you'd want to know. Personally, I never even killed Nef, so that's something I'd still like to do at least once.


fallout said:
It's hard to find people, since so many did them more times than you'd want to know. Personally, I never even killed Nef, so that's something I'd still like to do at least once.

Yeah I noticed. It was easy to get in groups for instances from 1-50 but then no one wanted to do any of the high level ones. I even had a hardtime getting people to do BRD and I've never actually finished it.

Blizzard should do something about that (make heroic versions?) because I feel like I missed out on a good chunk of content. And it also seems like a waste now since no one is doing them.


my pally could solo a lot of strath just at level 66 with a holy spec. I think for the most part it's going to depend upon what instance and what class/spec. Warlocks/Hunters shouldn't have much (if any) problems in all of the pre-expansion level 60 instances, especially demonology/BM specs. I'd also bet a frost mage would solo a lot of those instances pretty easily, though they may have it the worst against the bosses. One of my friends is a 70 enhance shaman and he can solo nearly anything except the wave of undead after you kill Ramstein in UD strath.

Raids are a bit different. It seems like with people who know the instance and a couple tanks, you can 5 man the 20 mans (I'd only put in 2 tanks because of all the fights that needed 2-3 tanks at 60 with stuff like a mind control or threat-reducing attack) and somewhere between 10-20 man the 40 mans. Like I'd bet MC is doable with 10 people, and all the rest with 15-20. The bosses are the tough part, because for the most part the trash's spells/skills all get resisted/dodged/miss. I mean, despite all the raids being level 60, there's a BIG jump in difficulty from MC to BWL to AQ40 to Naxx, so I'd expect they'd take more people/better gear. Maybe after the next expansion people will be able to 5 man/solo parts of the old level 60 raids when everybody's level 80.


Meier said:
I've never played on a PVP server personally, so you may want to ask at the WoW Hunter forums for suggestions, but this might be something to look at with 24 points:


Essentially you'll want to get the improved concussive shot and branch out slightly into the Survival tree while sticking mainly to BM. Marksman has very little use in leveling up and even less in PVP basically.

BM provides the best soloing spec and has Intimidation and Beastial Wrath/The Beast Within which are our best pvp skills essentially. A lot of people like to get Improved Aspect of the Monkey, but I don't ever use it much even in pvp (although I probably should).

i agree that for 1v1 pvp/duels or arenas BM is probably the way to go, but if you like to do WSG, AV, AB, EoTS, i would prefer a heavy marks/survival build so you can pew pew

saying marksman has little use in pvp is pretty retarded, lethal shots, mortal shots, scatter shot, silencing shot, are all awesome pvp talents, your statement comes off as pretty dumb

at any rate 5/5 lethality is a must for pvp, 5% crit is 5% crit, crit is hard to come by in xpac anyways so far, it would be dumb to not take that with any build


yacobod said:
i agree that for 1v1 pvp/duels or arenas BM is probably the way to go, but if you like to do WSG, AV, AB, EoTS, i would prefer a heavy marks/survival build so you can pew pew

saying marksman has little use in pvp is pretty retarded, lethal shots, mortal shots, scatter shot, silencing shot, are all awesome pvp talents, your statement comes off as pretty dumb

at any rate 5/5 lethality is a must for pvp, 5% crit is 5% crit, crit is hard to come by in xpac anyways so far, it would be dumb to not take that with any build

Silencing Shot is not going to be very useful in anything but arena duels.. and hunters are considered one of the weaker classes in arena due to our dead zone and LOS issues being so easily exploited in the small space. The only way you'd get SS is if you went balls to the wall Marks and unless you're in a raiding guild, there's very little use for that. Until they add a spell interrupt component to it, the skill simply isn't that great in general.

You can't really include the first batch of talents from a tree in the actual tree itself when describing it as everyone has access to them -- as you'll see from the spec I drew up, it includes 5/5 Lethal and I can't imagine a hunter not getting this talent in any build personally. You'll find the absolute consensus best PVP build for Hunters in any fashion is mostly a BM/Survival mix. And yes, this includes AV, WSG, AB, etc.


silencing shot is awesome for any pvp that's not arenas. Most of those (and world pvp) you have the space to use it and it pretty much turns fights against mages/priests into an instant win.

That said, I've beaten the hell out of marks-specced hunters while fighting over Halaa, but they were like prototypical terrible NE players.


I guess it would be pretty darn sweet in world PVP and getting a jump on a caster (wasn't really taking that into account), but it's so far down the tree that it still is not worth it IMO. Intimidation offers a similar effect with the 3 second stun and you can get that at a MUCH lower level.


The only real advantage over intimidation is silencing shot's got a shorter cooldown. It's not like the greatest thing ever, but it's the cherry on top of the big ranged DPS sundae you get by going with marksmanship. I mean I wouldn't go 41 marksman until 60+ anyway. That's when it gets good. It's a great skill for pvp and pve since it provides a much more reliable spell interrupt. Plus, going down that tree also gets you scatter shot, which is good for the main weakness of hunters (the dead zone).


Meier said:
Silencing Shot is not going to be very useful in anything but arena duels.. and hunters are considered one of the weaker classes in arena due to our dead zone and LOS issues being so easily exploited in the small space. The only way you'd get SS is if you went balls to the wall Marks and unless you're in a raiding guild, there's very little use for that. Until they add a spell interrupt component to it, the skill simply isn't that great in general.

You can't really include the first batch of talents from a tree in the actual tree itself when describing it as everyone has access to them -- as you'll see from the spec I drew up, it includes 5/5 Lethal and I can't imagine a hunter not getting this talent in any build personally. You'll find the absolute consensus best PVP build for Hunters in any fashion is mostly a BM/Survival mix. And yes, this includes AV, WSG, AB, etc.

what do you mean marks hunters don't have a spell interupt component? silencing shot and scatter shot both provide that function, what do BM hunters have? intimidation? i find that silencing shot and scatter shot are far more dependable interupts than intimidation

you can get scatter shot for 21 talent points, and its one of the best pvp hunter talents imo, hell most of the BM tree sucks, it doesnt shine until u have deeply invested points into the tree

for open world pvp and battlegrounds i still say a marks/survival build is far better than BM spec hunters, BM hunters are equivalent to a prep rogue or an AP mage, they are gimp when BW is on CD, bm shines in duels or arena where they can always pop BW and intimidation, so with BM you will be good for what 18 seconds? what about the 1 min 42 seconds when your skill is on CD lol

heres my hunter and u can check out my current spec http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/?#character-sheet.xml?r=Twisting+Nether&n=Felt


Sorry, I was referring to the fact that SS doesnt interrupt a spell that's in progress on a non-silenceable target (a la a boss) while other abilities that do similar things do (Shield Bash, etc.), so it's kind of an unfinished skill.


My current Hunter Build (very torn on where I want the remaining talent points to go, even might do a minor respec in a few levels): http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#character-talents.xml?r=Shattered+Hand&n=Razzic

I was Marksmanship up to about level 55 and decided to check out BM.

After playing this guy over 2 years (yes I take a while to level lol) I think I have a pretty decent grasp of the hunter class (aside from high level 70 pvp and the fact I missed some raids).

My opinion on Marks vs Beast is if you want pure pew pew DPS in a crowded PvP environment you can NOT do better than fully specced as Marks. The damage you will deal is ****ing insane if you have the right stats to go along with it.

That being said, I find BM to fit more my style for now. The build is very well rounded for both PvE and PvP and allows you do play around and not just be the 'pew pew' guy. I can CC, off-tank, and DPS whenever needed. The sacrific is my overall DPS isn't going to be as good as Marks and in crowded PvP I'll be a bit less useful than a full on Marks would be.

It's all about how you play and what you want to do with your character. Neither is better or worse imo.


I think the only class I could possibly be at this point if I started another character would be a druid or a warlock. Druids are just plain sick, and I've grown accustomed to having a pet so a warlock would be cool. **** warriors! :)


Meier said:
I think the only class I could possibly be at this point if I started another character would be a druid or a warlock. Druids are just plain sick, and I've grown accustomed to having a pet so a warlock would be cool. **** warriors! :)

I have a 35 Warlock, they are very fun to play as well. It's hard to keep leveling him though because im in the dreaded 30-40 leveling bullshit. I hate these 10 levels.

If they introduced Necromancers I'd be in WoW heaven.

Pet classes ftw. :D


Omg, I need to make alt so bad and take a break from being treated like second class citizen ala healing bot trash. I never seen mmorpg where a much needed class is treated so crappy all time, way too much BS with priest class. The sick stories I could tell from only last 24hrs, apparently my server thinks were are npcs created by blizzard with no feelings there to just help everyone else get items and never have to reciprocate. Me needs a vacation!

I assume Warlock or Hunter is a good get away for abit? Which one still gets dungeon invites? I seen so many crappy hunters back into extra mobs, never use that ice CC I assume invites are still plentiful for them even if you suck.

Which can actually solo these group quests so I dont have beg all day in general? I assume Warlock? I seen one in general brag that with enslave demon there wasnt group quest she couldnt solo in Nagrand.
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