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World of Warcraft

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Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
border said:
The nerfs to Insignia of the Alliance/Horde are pretty frustrating. Warriors need that trinket pretty badly to escape all manner of slowing effects that we get hammered it.....now it won't work for that. Intercept/Charge will not release us from slows and snares as we were promised they would, but they merely ignore the "slowing" effect for the duration of the charging movement. Instead the Insignia will now dispell polymorph, which is at best a one-shot trinket for very specific bosses, since I rarely if ever see warriors sheeped in PVP.

Warlocks also get their Insignia nerfed, losing the ability to dispell Polymorph and Charm. Instead we get to dispell Slows and Stuns. As if there's ever been an encounter where I said, "Man, I would have killed that guy if not for that slowing effect!" :( The stun release will at least be useful against paladins though.

I wouldn't really call it a nerf (maybe because I'm undead :lol ) but this is really awesome for warlocks and can actually stand a chance against rogues. Rogues were our main problem in the expansion since they could stun us from 100-20% and then use CloS to finish us off without getting touch.


SteveO409 said:
I wouldn't really call it a nerf (maybe because I'm undead :lol ) but this is really awesome for warlocks and can actually stand a chance against rogues. Rogues were our main problem in the expansion since they could stun us from 100-20% and then use CloS to finish us off without getting touch.
Rogues aren't that much of a problem for me, but then I'm not one of those Felguard fanboys. Seduce the rogue, gain some distance, Fear and lay DOTs.....when you see CloS go off, toss down a Netherweave Net and gain some more distance as you count out to five....then comes the usual Death Coil/Fear/DOTs/Shadowbolt/Fear free HK.


border said:
Not that it really matters, but do epic flying mounts increase your ground speed by 280%, or just flight speed?
Flight speed by 280% (which basically negates any need for using flight paths ... seriously ... OMGSOFAST ... seriously) and ground speed by 100%. Did I mention that the flying epic mount is OMGSOFAST? Because it is. I've had mine for a week and I still just fly around for fun.
Are there pics of the nether rays somewhere?

I use my flying mount when I go from Shattrath to Nagrand but, the flight path birds are a little faster and you don't have to be at the KB to get to where you're going so I just use them to go everywhere else.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Uh, warlock's tier6 set is fugly, just trying way too hard. Their tier 5 were awesome though.

I agree that the rest is rather bland though, no awesome looking nor downright ugly sets for any classes.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Hunter Tier sets just keep getting uglier and uglier. I think we peaked at Tier3 and it's been all downhill since.

I agree, T2 is my favorite in terms of looks. but it goes DOWNHILL fast after that :( no love I tell you.


Oni Link 666 said:
I use my flying mount when I go from Shattrath to Nagrand but, the flight path birds are a little faster and you don't have to be at the KB to get to where you're going so I just use them to go everywhere else.
You're kidding me? Epic flying mounts are way faster than a flight path. Just fly up high in the air, aim, and let it go. You'll be there so fast that there's no time to get up from the keyboard.

I should do some timing on the flight paths vs. flying epic mount ...


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
After being Ret for about two weeks I decided to spec back to Holy today. It's my true calling. I'm a nasty healer. I did have fun being Ret, and I did build a really good Ret set but it still just feels...Like it's a shunned tree. Everyone always LOLs at the Ret Paladin. Even though I could keep up with most dps in the 5-man's that I ran.

Now that I'm back to my Holy roots I'm really want to server transfer and join a guild that's in SSC and will be able to do Black Temple eventually.


Can someone give me a run down on how all the classes have changed in the past couple months? I'm contemplating rerolling and starting over. Where's everyone stand? Are Feral Druids and Crusader Strike Pallies still dominating everything? Do warriors still suck at anything other than tanking? What's going down?

Hunters in particular.


Black Temple images



If anyone has a good Alliance guild...On any server. That's on like Magtheridon and Serpentshine that needs a Paladin...Let me know. I also have a friend who would transfer with me who has a 70 Mage and 70 Priest.


ToyMachine228 said:
If anyone has a good Alliance guild...On any server. That's on like Magtheridon and Serpentshine that needs a Paladin...Let me know. I also have a friend who would transfer with me who has a 70 Mage and 70 Priest.

so what you are saying is that you'd like to piggyback into a guild that has a lot of progression lol
yacobod said:
so what you are saying is that you'd like to piggyback into a guild that has a lot of progression lol

I'm just looking for a guild that is recruiting a Paladin and dedicated to PvE progression. I'm a very good healer and my server is...Terrible. One guild has downed Magtheridon, and no guild has downed a boss in Serpentshrine. And there's like 6 guilds trying to do the 25-man's and none of them can, or hardly can. And the one that IS the furthest consists of like 150 people.

I used to lead a guild on my server that got up to Twin Emps in AQ40 and downed like four bosses in Naxx but the guilds on my server are just...All over the place. Not organized and committed.
We killed the Prince and Illhoof last night and started attempts on Netherspite tonight. We had a 1% (10K health left) wipe to end the evening. So ****ing sad.


So, I got my first mount tonight. (Not first epic, not first flying, first mount period.) This will all be old hat for most of you, but it's been a really interesting experience so far.

Had the money, had the rep with Darnassus so that I could get a real mount instead of that freakin' elephant, and worked my ass off the last couple days to get those few remaining levels that taunted me before I reached 40.

Even though WoW is just a video game, it's really amazing the actual feelings that can come from certain parts of the game. Before I hit 40, players with mounts were an amazing thing to me. The players with mounts were, to me, the "real" players - all of us lowely peons who actually had to hoof it everywhere were struggling to be that someday. You could take two characters, and have them be exactly the same in every way, expect one has a mount and the other doesn't, and the one with the mount would just have this larger than life atmosphere to them.

Now that I've got a mount, the main reason for having one - the boost in speed for travelling - almost seems like the secondary reason to have one. People in game really do treat you differently when you're on a mount. Groups of lower-level Horde that would have jumped me without a second thought when I was running around at 39 are now falling over themselves to get out of the way as I ride past just one level higher. The attitude that I felt towards people on mounts is now being directed at me from other Alliance members. And again, I know it's all just a game, but sitting there on your mount keeping watch for members of the other faction or making sure that lower level character off in the distance doesn't get overpowered by the monsters he's fighting - there's just a certain feeling there that wasn't there before.

There was also another thing; I flew into Astranaar, right when some Horde was attacking it. A few upper levels were fighting them, and now, I could also hop on a mount and follow along with them as they went around doing patrol for when the Horde rezed. Before, I would either have to have looked pathetic trying to keep up, or sat in Astranaar hoping that the action would come to me.

I just find it utterly amazing how something like an item to increase movement speed can really change the feeling and dynamic of the game in so many non-technical ways. I know I'm probably going a bit overboard on the whole thing, but it really is amazing how, even in a virtual world, real world emotions and attitudes can be so present. And it's funny how I feel like my character is "grown up" now thanks to her mount. *laughs*


Congrats on your first mount. It is an awesome feeling when you get it. Now start saving up for the epic mount riding.


Has problems recognising girls
Aye first mount is always a good feeling. But double that once you get the epic, you'll think of why you were stuck with the original in the first place.



Look at The Rulkster's hair. :lol Just noticed the Andy "The Macho Man" Savage reference too.. funny shit. I can't imagine the "More Pew Pew, Less QQ" will make it to the live servers.. but they do have that Nubless Pacifier or whatever.


Meier said:

Look at The Rulkster's hair. :lol

I wanna know where those bullets and arrows come from. I don't really see why Blizzard would put some more 50DPS ammo in the game when there was already Timeless ammo in the game (though at 2G a stack... and pretty hard to get).

It doesn't say it requires rep, or unique or anything...
Btw has anyone here ever got the Blizzard Downloader to actually work properly?

It's a piece of shit. I've opened all the ports turned off all firewalls and in 2 hrs it's done 36% going around the 10kb/s mark. Rediculously bad (yes I've turned off thottle and p2p is on and my router has the ports opened blah blah blah). It's never ever worked well.

All I wanna do is fart around on test for a bit. For the past 10 minutes it's been 2kb/s Ugh


nataku said:
I wanna know where those bullets and arrows come from. I don't really see why Blizzard would put some more 50DPS ammo in the game when there was already Timeless ammo in the game (though at 2G a stack... and pretty hard to get).

It doesn't say it requires rep, or unique or anything...
This seems like a temporary vendor for testing purposes - there's no reason a vendor would sell conjured water, and for free! I believe there was a similar NPC in Naxx while people were testing that raid instance. They removed him when it went live.

We got the Prince down to 1% last night and spent the rest of the night wiping thanks to bad infernal placements and people not paying attention to where they were going.

I'm trying to get my mage raid DPS up, meaning I may need to spec cookiecutter 10/48/3 - although I'm beating all the other mages with my current elementalist build, I'm still getting beat by almost everybody else. It doesn't help that melee DPS (warriors/rogues) get all the buffs and the warlock gets +15% from ALL his spells thanks to improved scorch and shadow weaving.


I've been trying to do the Dragon in hellfire ramparts. Every group I've been with we can not defeat this thing. Last time we got it got to almost 20% health. Then I die. As the the main tank after I go the whole group falls. We was doing good untill that point too. That dragon is really starting to make me angry.

here is my character updated with outland gear: My character


Yeah, that can be a tough fight. I am up to 68 now -- some of these quest rewards for quests in Nagrand and Blade's Edge are such shit compared to stuff I got from quests in Hellfire and whatnot.


zarkand said:
I've been trying to do the Dragon in hellfire ramparts. Every group I've been with we can not defeat this thing. Last time we got it got to almost 20% health. Then I die. As the the main tank after I go the whole group falls. We was doing good untill that point too. That dragon is really starting to make me angry.

here is my character updated with outland gear: My character

Fire resist gear.

Or get a better healer who knows that it's a full on spam heal mode. I tanked the thing with my warlock's Felguard:p


Tamanon said:
Or get a better healer who knows that it's a full on spam heal mode. I tanked the thing with my warlock's Felguard:p
Yep. Healer needs to know to save instant heals, shields, etc. for when the dragon starts burning you. They shouldn't be worrying about mana conservation or anything. He's got very little HP, so just spam the tank with heals and burn the thing down. Also, saving shield wall for when that happens is a good idea too, I imagine.


Can anybody recommend a good 1H tanking axe for early endgame? Preferably something that doesn't require a rep grind or access to heroics...
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