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World of Warcraft

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I just finished the Deadmines (Van Cleef) and I was really really impressed... and this is lower level work here. Can't wait to see some of the upper level content as a move up in the ranks.


I'm level 30 now, am still too weak to try and get into the hard areas like Dustwallow Marsh and the Plaguelands (even Stranglethorn).

I came across some elite Dragonkin up in the very northeast corner of Ashenvale, and they charged at me. It only took one strike (which nailed me for a total of over 1100 HP's) to waste me.

Clearly I shant be going back there anytime soon.


My Warlock is 31, almost 32, and getting decent exp and loot in Arathi Highlands. He's Horde and there are a couple quests, otherwise I'm just grinding exp and loot on the Ogres in the middle of the zone that range from 31 to 35.
Eric-GCA said:
I'm level 30 now, am still too weak to try and get into the hard areas like Dustwallow Marsh and the Plaguelands (even Stranglethorn).

I came across some elite Dragonkin up in the very northeast corner of Ashenvale, and they charged at me. It only took one strike (which nailed me for a total of over 1100 HP's) to waste me.

Clearly I shant be going back there anytime soon.

I would recommend grinding for maybe one more level. If you go to the northern part of Stranglethorn, you'll find a TON of lvl 30-35 quests. The 2 locations are the Rebel Camp wayyyy north near the entrance to Duskwood, and the other being Nesingway's (sp?) Camp which is just west of the first bridge you run into. It is simply sick the number of quests available in that zone.

Southshore in the Hillsbrad Foothills is a good place... :lol... wait you're Horde aren't you?
Eric-GCA said:
I'm level 30 now, am still too weak to try and get into the hard areas like Dustwallow Marsh and the Plaguelands (even Stranglethorn).

I came across some elite Dragonkin up in the very northeast corner of Ashenvale, and they charged at me. It only took one strike (which nailed me for a total of over 1100 HP's) to waste me.

Clearly I shant be going back there anytime soon.

You could always try Thousand Needles. That's pretty good for 28-35 area of quests.
Doug and I were tearing crap up tonight. I won a couple duels too. the one against another rogue was the best, low level mages are laughable. Ill fear them at higher levels tho..maybe.. ;)


Apple Jax said:
I just finished the Deadmines (Van Cleef) and I was really really impressed... and this is lower level work here. Can't wait to see some of the upper level content as a move up in the ranks.

The VC dungeon is excellent - a great piece of game design. I'm a level 27 Paladin just finishing up the Tome of Righteousness quest which has taken me to the 'other' continent. This has been one heck of a journey that has taken me wonderful places across 5 levels.

Tonight I reached duskwood to follow up on a quest from killing some guy in the Stormwind stockades when "Stitch" attacked the city. On the outskirts I was calling for help and healing the guards and the players but he broke through the first line of defenders easily. A band of mages, level 40 warriors and paladins made a stand and we were finally able to take him down but he had killed a considerable number of PCs and it was AWESOME! If this is happening just out in the world, I can't wait to see what happens in the Battlegrounds or some of the other areas in the game.

Gnomeregan is a pain in the ass BTW. Anyone high level looking for some excitement - that place will keep you busy (running to your corpse) the whole night through.


Phoenix said:
The VC dungeon is excellent - a great piece of game design. I'm a level 27 Paladin just finishing up the Tome of Righteousness quest which has taken me to the 'other' continent. This has been one heck of a journey that has taken me wonderful places across 5 levels.

Tonight I reached duskwood to follow up on a quest from killing some guy in the Stormwind stockades when "Stitch" attacked the city. On the outskirts I was calling for help and healing the guards and the players but he broke through the first line of defenders easily. A band of mages, level 40 warriors and paladins made a stand and we were finally able to take him down but he had killed a considerable number of PCs and it was AWESOME! If this is happening just out in the world, I can't wait to see what happens in the Battlegrounds or some of the other areas in the game.

Gnomeregan is a pain in the ass BTW. Anyone high level looking for some excitement - that place will keep you busy (running to your corpse) the whole night through.

gnomeregan isn't too hard... just near the end when you start hitting the dwarfs.

The real strategy to that section is to take pulls very slowly... just be patient with pulling.

Oh and hug the wall very tightly. And designate a mine/alarm clearer.

It's a relatively enjoyable instance really.

As for the boss, pull him to a wall, and have someone go around and hit the red buttons and clear the bombs.
Fun night. Logged on, got to level 12, got a new dagger 'expensive'. Traveled around and did some quests. Dueled some people. Dueling is a fun and guilt free to prepare for the real stuff, as mentioned above I dueled a couple of people. The mage was easy, at low levels they just cant compete. Second one was a Rogue and that fight as actually sorta hard. I dueled doug many times and he got closer the last time.

Then some level 37 guy dueled me naked, I was only able to wear him down to half health. Sighh. PIC of epic priest warlock duel.



Gnomeregan is a hoot, quite large with many quests to tinker with the surroundings on. But lord do they punish you if you screw up. Damn near instant respawns, we kept taking the main paths (BAD IDEA, BAD IDEA) and after about two or three absolute mobtastic beat downs, we caught on.

Attempted shortcuts dont seem to pan out well. The first time, we jumped down the platform, taking large damage, but skipping a chunk of the dungeon. Thought we were brilliant until all the enemies came spiraling down and proceeding to beat the snot out of us

Annoyingly enough, we actually made it to Thermaplugg the first time, he slaughtered us , simply due to those damn bob-omb thingies chasing people around. After we learned how to shut them down (although one reopened???) it was fairly simple.

Either way, after we got creamed, a Hunter chose to feign and idle and a Warlock chose to corpse idle and make the Paladin res him. Freaking jackasses. Had to tromp back down with 3 people, Warrior, Hunter and Paladin. (35, 32, 33).

Despite the massive repair fees, it was fun though, also nabbed a lot of xp and Thermaplugg's Left Arm (Very slick blue rarity 2H axe).

Usurpers! God, gnomes are annoying.
Thankfully Gilneas isnt full of jerks. It was hilarious. I was undead trying to chat with a night elf in my territory. He coulda squished me, but instead we attempted to act out what we were trying to say since we couldnt understand each other haha.


Is Gil a PvP or PvE? I remember when we were after some quest on ally characters, we had to go into the Barrens.

Upon finishing most of our junk, this Troll hunter proceeded to follow us around, talking in gibberish, emotes, ect, I play a PvE main, so wasnt much he could do. Although I wasnt looking while trying to fudge with my talents, and ran head first into a guard post.

Apparently, this triggers a "Call to Arms" or something, which auto flags the vicinity as PvP. Now, this guy meant us no harm. He mostly seemed amazed to see alliance people (underpopulated server at the time). But of course, when I recalled my pet bear after reviving (he was waiting by the bodies, but even though we were flagged, didnt attack us), it proceeded to maul his ass due to the PvP flag, so we had no choice other than put him down as he tried run off into the horizon, that, and I couldn't stop laughing as my bear chased him across the map at full speed.

Total hapless horde murders on said adventure: Poor troll guy, random wandering "bread vendor" for the heck of it.

I do wish I could engage in more PvP both real and silly, which is why I dig duels and am looking forward to battle grounds. I don't however, wish to relive Ultima Online and fear for my life while trying to do random quests and chores.


Yeah, I'm Tauren, and Thousand Needles is where I'm spending most of my time now. Though I really want to explore more of the world.
Blah, Gahz was a complete and total let down compared to all the shit you have to go through to summon him. Although, he did tail swipe me and sent me flying once. 800 dmg from falling :/

Also, I encountered the most amazing of "bugs" or something a few days ago in ZF. There was this basalisk that kept launching us back into the air as we got near it. Utterly hilarious stuff. Couldn't target the guy, and as we got near his tail would whack and we'd be punted into the air. He went away after maybe five minutes and we got on with the show.


Really, there'll be enough PVP features on a PVE server to satisfy most people.

Only the really hardcore PVPers could be happy on a PVP server. There's nothing wrong with that, but you just have to realise that the main focus of a PVP server is... player vs player. Obvious as it may sound, alot of people go into a PVP server expecting some PVP and some PVE. That's not the case. PVP to a PVP server is like PVE is to a PVE server... similarly PVE on a PVP server is like PVP to a PVE server. They can both occur on both servers, but that's not their main focus.

That said, there's a decent amount of PVP on PVE servers; you get dueling, which is fun and a nice test out for real PVPing. Then you get the town raids. Finally we'll be getting Battlegrounds, always on PVP areas on any server with the main focus as large scale tactical PVP combat, with good rewards to boot.


I don't know..I'm on archimonde and I do alot of questing (those on the ffxi gaf linkshell knows I love doing quest. I've been unguilded for awhile also so its not like I have a readily group of guys to go questing with. A lot of alliance players just pass me by in the big contested zones (even give me a wave) and usually if they are a significally higher level I leave them alone too.

Sure alot of the so called hardcore are there to pvp, but they definitely do pve also. Anyone who lvls up in the pvp server will realize that you need to get to 60 and start getting good gear if you wanna be effective at all.

There is a fair amount of PvE on at least the archimonde server. Although its pretty fun when a group of horde and a group of alliance come face to face in the same questing area though. :)


shitting in the alley outside your window
Kweh said:
Where is the VC quest given? Is it a chain of quests that lead into it in Westfall or can I do it outright?

its a long chain starting in the shire town right outside stormwind


That mention of Gahzilla reminded me of a nice pvp episode with a group of us making our way to get the hammer for him.

We were at the temple getting ready to get started when a gruop of alliance came down to start the same quest. Of course we couldn't get along and they had numbers (5 to 4) and lvls (about 2 to 4) on us. We clashed and somewhat suprisingly we won with no deaths on our side. We started making our way up the temple knowing they will be back and sure enough they came up for revenge. We were in a tight spot with mobs nearby so we got ready for some chaos. They went straight for our priest but he did his instant fear and they ran right into a bunch of mobs surrounding us and with their druid and mage dead the rest were forced to retreat and we having a little chuckle on that fight.

We pressed on and of course here they come again. This time they lured our rogue who was checking out for them and took him out easily leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves and finally them getting the upper hand. After our corpse retrieval, we tailed them to the spot where we got the hammer. They were engaging the mobs there and of course we decided to um.....let them have the honor of doing the work. We engaged them and of course it was great chaos with horde and alliance and mobs flying all over the place.

We emerged the victor and got our hammers. Unfortunately we had to cancel the Zul'farrak run but we definitly had fun that night.


Funny, my tale about the hammer was quite the opposite. My party of alliance was helping and getting help from another party of Horde.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Last night there were some pretty large battle soutside Southshore on the Stormreaver server. There were about 30 Horde and 30 Alliance and we would push each other back and forth between Southshore and Tarren Mill. Usually the Aliance was winning until some jackass got to close to Tarren Mill and started a deathgaurd chain that would drive the rest of us back to Southshore.

After that died down, myself, two paladins, and a warrior (all level 40) decided to go do a Scarlet Monastery run. I love this instance. There are so many enemies to kill that I got a ton of XP. Plus since I was the only cloth user I made out like a bandit. I got a new staff, dagger, wand, helm, and two robes (although my existing one was better).


Ferrio said:
Funny, my tale about the hammer was quite the opposite. My party of alliance was helping and getting help from another party of Horde.

Yeah...well my server is just hardcore like that. :)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Kweh said:
So if you were Alliance and wander into Horde territory, can you not be attacked on a PvE server?

Basically you are never flagged until you either flag yourself, attack a guard of the opposite faction, attack someone who is flagged themselves, or take a step into a town of the opposite faction.

If you want a few hours of PvP all you have to do is go attack a town, or follow the worlddefense channel spam. We PvPed for another 5 hours just last night. :)


I was quite pleased to see that we were finally high enough level to deal with the constant guards that spawn out of nothing in Astranaar. It was a blast and an interesting feeling to pretty much take over the entire city with two people. And many alliance came to defend... all failing until level 50+ guys showed up. XD But we still put up a fight for even them. ;)


MrCheez said:
Basically you are never flagged until you either flag yourself, attack a guard of the opposite faction, attack someone who is flagged themselves, or take a step into a town of the opposite faction.

And that basically explains why I like the pve servers instead of pvp.

anyway, just hit level 39 with my warlock... can't wait to hit 40 and get my free demonic horse.


Tam, Alex, still playing on Cenarius? I made it to lvl 19 so I'll wait 'till you guys catch up to me.

Time to grind with my Rogue! Gotta make lvl 40 and get a ton of gold for the mount :/
I'm now officially in love with Rogues.

Lvl20 on Shadow Moon and ejoying the hell out of the quests.



weird thing though....I'm using COSMOS but my profile doesn't upload even after running cosmos.exe as it suggests.


Rogues are SO fun, I'm almost 38 now and my undead Rogue is still very fun. Wait 'till you get cheapshot and a bunch of talents including cold blood :)


I'm taking a break for a few days, my friend got me Kingdom Hearts so I told her I'd play it through first:) At least it's fun.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ordinn reconfirmed twice today that Illidan is in the game.

So... when are we getting that dark portal opened? XD

P.S. I wish I was on the same server as y'all so we could duel and see who is the king of all rogues. :) I was soloing hunter and rogue players up to 7 levels above me last night (we took over Auberdine this time) :D


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Oh btw, funny story.

I first went to terrorize Auberdine by myself because I was bored... and after about an hour, one low level Night Elf runs up to me (as many were) any started saying some strange things in leet speak (which the translation filter does not alter).

She first said "FRIEND!" so of course my response was "<3". But then when she got my attention she started saying "JASON" over and over. After a minute it clicked that it was actually a real life friend's alt character that I didn't know about. He said as he was playing he kept hearing shouts of "Troll attacking the town and killing guards!!" from a million players and thought to himself "Man that would be funny if it were Knai." Then a few mintues later he heard me yell in orcish and came to find me. :D

Of course after this he logged his main and we trashed the city together for a few hours. :) What a night!


MrAngryFace said:
yeah im a rogue speccing in subtlety. I think tre` is speccing in assasination. Both of us are herbalist/alchemists
If you're on the same server one should go leatherworking and the other herbalist. Both can over for each other.

Also, do not understimate the power of mining/skinning. You'll have money to buy everything you need ie: Armor/Potions.

Also if you're on a pvp server: Engineering.


Hollywood Square
Some Horde was roaming through Ashenvale yesterday, through Maestra's Post and such, totally freakin' people out. It was funny. I still have not witnessed this myself. I did see an undead mage guy on a mount come through Westfall and fuck with people. That was funny.

... Anyone know when's the ETA for the next patch?
I started a while ago, he chose his stuff, I chose mine. However drinky went cloth enchantment I think, so we'll be able to work together there.

Leather working I found boring as my Hunter on Gilneas.
I'm considering leaving my hunter for an elf or gnome rogue. I like the Hunter and all, he's very cool. I like ability to charm animals, and I think it would be badass to have a gorilla with me later on. But, he might be getting a little boring for me. Plus leatherworking sucks so far. All the armor I can make I find better. I shoudl have chosen engineering for him.

I was on a raid, and I saw a rogue absolutely kickass. It was my first raid, and we were getting slaughtered. He stealhed in the middle of horde territory, killed a warrior, and then stealthed out. Meanwhile I was getting wrecked after they destroyed my pet very early on and I was meat when they got me up close.

I like the idea of a warrior too. That plate armor looks really cool.
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