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World of Warcraft

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Would HAVE

That being said, the Armory's been updated with an items database. Has loot tables for dungeons and raids that are updated as items are actually discovered by someone in the game. Pretty damn cool.


Has problems recognising girls
Test realm patch notes 2.1.2 are up. Will copy and paste into here for those that can't see it.


* Arena and Honor Rewards: As part of the inauguration of Season 2, the costs of all Arena items and Honor items has been reduced.
* Improved Mend Pet, Abolish Disease, and Abolish Poison no longer play sounds when there is nothing to dispel.
* Players can no longer fail with skinning at maximum skill.
* Spellcloth: Creating spellcloth will once again only summon one Angered Nether-wraith.
* Some new cooking recipes are available from Kylene in Shattrath City.
* A recipe for a superior resilience gem has been added and is rumored to be held by the residents of Halaa.
* Procs: Most procs are set to trigger only from spells which cost mana, but inadvertently disallowed spells which cost a percentage of base mana. That bug has been fixed and so such spells will now trigger many procs they did not previously trigger.


* Druids in Swift Flight form can no longer loot herb nodes.
* Force of Nature: This spell will no longer causes players it is cast on to enter combat with nearby creatures. All of the treants summoned will now attack a neutral creature they are summoned on.
* Tree of Life: The bonus healing aura from this talent will reactivate when a Banish effect wears off a Druid in Tree Form.


* Fixed bug with Misdirection where sometimes only two attacks were redirected instead of three.
* Entrapment: This talent will no longer causes Hunter to stand up or stop eating and drinking when it procs.
* Improved Mend Pet: This ability will no longer cause Hunters to stand or to interrupt eating and drinking.
* Poison Spit: These abilities will now appear in the correct order in the pet training menu.
* Scatter Shot: This ability will now trigger Thrill of the Hunt.
* Thunderstomp: These abilities will now appear in the correct order in the pet training menu.


* Molten Armor: This buff can now proc when the Mage is sitting.


* Corrected the amount of damage done by Seal of Vengeance on a target affected by Judgement of Crusader.
* Improved Concentration Aura: This ability now correctly reduces the duration of silence and interrupt effects by 30%. In addition, the reduction in duration of silence and interrupt effects from this ability will no longer stack with other such reductions.
* Judgement of Blood: Effects which increase your damage by a percentage will no longer cause Paladins to take excessive damage from casting this spell.
* Seal of Blood: Effects which increase your damage by a percentage will no longer cause Paladins to take excessive damage from this spell's procs.


* Feedback: This buff can now proc when the Priest is sitting.
* Shadowfiend: This creature will now reset to full health when it is summoned. It will also automatically attack your current enemy target when it is summoned.
* Surge of Light: The buff from Surge of Light will no longer prevent Inner Focus's charge from being consumed. In addition, it is no longer possible to get two free Smites when this ability procs.
* Touch of Weakness: This spell can now trigger Surge of Light when it does critical strikes.


* Sword Specialization: The change to Sword Specialization making its extra attacks appear in yellow has been reverted. Extra attacks will appear in white and act like any auto-attack. They will no longer reset the swing time of your weapon.


* Focused Mind: This ability has been changed to reduce the duration of silence and interrupt effects, rather than increase resistance to them.
* Frostbrand Weapon Rank 5: The damage on this spell was reduced slightly such that it will never do more damage than Frostbrand Rank 6.
* Lightning Shield: Procs from this buff will no longer cause neutral town guards to attack the Shaman. In addition, Nightmare Vine will no longer cause charges of this buff to be consumed.


* Overpower dims on the action bar when the player is affected by disarm spells.
* Sword Specialization: The change to Sword Specialization making its extra attacks appear in yellow has been reverted. Extra attacks will appear in white and act like any auto-attack. They will no longer reset the swing time of your weapon. Rage awarded will be calculated by damage dealt as with any normal auto-attack.


* PvP Trinkets: Insignia of the Alliance, Insignia of the Horde, Medallion of the Alliance, and Medallion of the Horde have all been redesigned. The trinkets for all classes now have the same effect: Dispels all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character.
* Many raid items have had their art improved.
* Clefthoof Mace: This item's name is now spelled correctly.
* Crystalweave Bracers: This item and its depleted counterpart now have spell critical strike rating as intended.
* Ebon Mask: This item now has sound when moved in a player's inventory.
* Eye of Magtheridon: This trinket will now trigger when a Judgement of Vengeance is resisted.
* Relentless Earthstorm Diamond: The bonus damage to critical strikes from this metagem now applies to all types of damage, not just physical.
* Skyguard Rations: The stamina and spirit buff from this food has been decreased, as well as its duration.
* Talisman of the Breaker: The reduction in duration of silence and interrupt effects from this item will no longer stack with other such reductions.
* Vestments of the Devout Set: The damage absorb set bonus on this set will now absorb only 350 damage, matching its intended design and tooltip.
* Voidheart Raiment Set: The two-piece set bonus will now trigger from Death Coil.
* Voidstar Talisman: This item will now give the correct amount of resistance to Warloock pets.


* Vim'gol the Vile now has a 30 second respawn cooldown.
* A problem with interrupting Vim'gol the Vile's Unholy Growth spell has been fixed.
* Casting bar text was added when gathering a Corrupted Flower during the quest, “Botanical Legwork”
* A distance-related issue was resolved when attempting to use the Fel Crystalforges at Forge Camp: Terror and Forge Camp: Wrath in the Blade's Edge Mountains to create 5 Unstable Elixirs of the Beast.
* A problem that could result in Obsidia, Rivendark, Insidion, and Furywing not responding to their respective dragon eggs being used has been resolved.
* Sky Sergeant Vanderlip at the Skyguard Outpost in the Blade's Edge Mountains will no longer display her Exalted faction gossip to those who have not attained that faction rank.
* All classes will now properly get credit for siphoning the crystal in the quest "Bloodgem Crystals".
* Players will no longer fail to summon Insidion and Obsidia if the dragons are in combat when a player summons them.

Dungeons and Raids

* Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls

o Time-Lost Controllers no longer remove buffs from players who are
o Heroic Mode: Anzu, the Raven God may no longer be pulled far away from the location where he is summoned.
o Heroic Mode: Anzu's Spell Bomb is now a curse and he will no longer charge.
o Heroic Mode: The quantity and health of Minions of Anzu that spawn have been reduced.
o Heroic Mode: The frequency and duration of many of his abilities have been retuned to make the fight more forgiving.

* Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth

o The Cabal Summoner, Cabal Executioner, and Cabal Spellbinder mobs
that interact with Murmur in the Screaming Hall in Auchindoun Shadow
Labyrinth will no longer sometimes freeze their animations upon

* Black Temple

o It is no longer possible to engage the Shade of Akama without
completing phase 1 of the encounter.
o Ashtongue Spiritbinders may now cast heals on Ashtongue Sorcerors,
Channelers, and the Shade of Akama.
o The Illidan Stormrage fight encounter has received additional tuning
and improvements.

* Caverns of Time: Mount Hyjal

o The number of preliminary waves before each boss in the Caverns of
Time: Battle for Mount Hyjal event has been reduced from 12 to 8, and
some of the larger waves have fewer creatures than before.

* Karazhan

o The door leading to the Celestial Watch in Karazhan now starts open,
and Netherspite does not path so close to the door.
o The damage dealt by Netherspite's Nether Breath has been reduced.

* Tempest Keep: Mechanar

o Nethermancer Sepethrea's Raging Flames should now periodically change
their targets in Heroic mode.


* Fixed an issue with some AddOns where dropdown menus go away after showing the world map.
* Fixed some Lua errors on /castsequence macros with conditionals.

World Environment

* Chief Overseer Mudlump, Dragonmaw Pitfighter, Forgus, Goblin Merc, Gug, Horus, Lost Torranche, Officer Jaxon, Overlord Mor'ghor, Rumbpus, Telaari Jailor and Uriku: These creatures are no longer lootable.
* Darbel Montrose: This creature now always drops at least a good quality item.
* Lost Torranche: This creature is now skinnable.
* Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer: This buff will no longer give excessive critical strike rating to low-level characters.
* The Twilight Ridge: Burning Legion creatures in this region will now drop Marks of Kil'jaeden, Fel Armaments, and Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Samples.

I like how it took them this ****ing long to fix the PVP trinkets. There's a reason why my Insignia of the Horde trinket has been in the bank for months on my Shaman - because it was so useless.


nice changes on the pvp trinkets.

I did some questing on my pally, and once I get a few more drops (or 3400 more aldor rep for the revered chestpiece) I can hit crit immune with a prot spec. So now it's more a matter of getting more stamina so I can hit 10k-ish unbuffed. What may help is if some friends and I decide to make an arena team and I get the new caster mace. That's pretty much the best tank weapon in the game for a pally right now, since it's an awesome speed (1.6, which means if you get perfect timing with reckoning you get 5 bonus attacks), with loads of stamina, and nothing but pure +damage and some resilience.


Lightning Shield: Procs from this buff will no longer cause neutral town guards to attack the Shaman.
You know, I had forgotten about this.

speedpop said:
I like how it took them this ****ing long to fix the PVP trinkets. There's a reason why my Insignia of the Horde trinket has been in the bank for months on my Shaman - because it was so useless.
Actually, against rogues, that trinket was sweet.


Has problems recognising girls
fallout said:
Actually, against rogues, that trinket was sweet.
I always just slapped down Earthbind, shocked with a Frost and spammed that cure poison button.. but then that was when I was as Resto with Earthshield bouncing around me so I could afford to fool around :lol


yeah, once I got a draenei shaman killed (on accident) by using mana tap at max range, and the guards just inexplicably aggroed them like 2-3 minutes later after I left combat.


So basically the PVP trinket will now work against pretty much every form of slowing or Crowd Control? Seduce/Charm, Fear, Stun, Polymorph, Wing Clip, Hamstring.....even Horror? Damn.....


speedpop said:
I always just slapped down Earthbind, shocked with a Frost and spammed that cure poison button.. but then that was when I was as Resto with Earthshield bouncing around me so I could afford to fool around :lol
It helped against a stunlock, especially in the arena where you were the primary healer. It wasn't so much about keeping my ass up as it was the other 4 guys, heh.

border said:
So basically the PVP trinket will now work against pretty much every form of slowing or Crowd Control? Seduce/Charm, Fear, Stun, Polymorph, Wing Clip, Hamstring.....even Horror? Damn.....
Keep in mind that it's still on a 5 minute cooldown. I think my chain would go like:

rogue stunlock
fear (tremor failing)

YMMV, of course, depending on class and stuff. I've obviously got tremor totem for fear and succy.

speedpop said:
I read somewhere that Cyclone actually uses Banish so I wonder if it would work against that.
From an indirect blue post ...

Yes, the trinkets will remove all "movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character." That includes Cyclone as you lose control of your character. The phrasing in quotes can be taken quite literally.


So I tried a few more heroics tonight... First up was pugging heroic arcatraz. Well, sort of pugging it. It was myself and 2 of my friends (feral druid and enhance shaman) so the other 2 slots were complete strangers. Man, that place is a bitch. We wound up skipping the first boss because he's an insane shadow resist check (although I think he could be doable without it, but it would require everyone to have about 9k unbuffed HP) but we got all the way to the last boss otherwise. If it weren't for the rogue being a goddamn retard we would've kicked ass and cleared it, though. Seriously, everybody out-dpsed him by like 2-3x. The only really good thing about it is I got Thacia's Self-Correcting Gauntlets, so I have some damn good tank gloves for my prot set now.

Later, my shaman friend had to log, so I went with my druid friend and 3 other people he knew in one of the bigger raiding guilds on the server, and we did heroic underbog. That shit was easy as hell. We wiped once when the dpsers didn't handle a runner and got like a billion adds before the second boss, but otherwise it was pretty much free badges.

I still think heroic arc could be pugged pretty easily. It's the toughest heroic I've done yet (which isn't saying much) but the bosses are pretty easy. It's probably not the same as the badge farming that is heroic mechanar, but it's kind of fun to actually have to use some of my cooldowns.

I just hate thrallmar rep so goddamn much... I'm sitting at about 8725 honored, which means most likely about 3-4 SH runs. If only I'd known SH would suck that much, then I would've just ran ramparts and furnace until I was honored off that rep alone, and then done quests.
I played some WarCraft 3 this morning and applied for a credit card. The World of WarCraft edition Visa:lol But I'm still pretty sure I don't have much reason to continue playing WoW for the time being. My account has 3 days left on it. We'll see.


the ID effect said:
Oh Jesus ... i'm back after a 3 month break. This time leveling up my warrior ... anyone by chance playing on Spirestone?

i am!! so is a friend from gaf and a few real life friends. whats your name on wow?


Attempted Mag tonight like last night.

We've got the killing of the Channelers down (except for the last one argh!) but so far we keep dying before we can even get to dpsing Mag. It's because we're short on healers (trying it with 7, need 9) and the people who click on the boxes are dead before they can get to them to stop Blast Nova.
firex said:
I just hate thrallmar rep so goddamn much... I'm sitting at about 8725 honored, which means most likely about 3-4 SH runs. If only I'd known SH would suck that much, then I would've just ran ramparts and furnace until I was honored off that rep alone, and then done quests.

In my opinion SH is one of the best level 70 5-man instances. I find it more enjoyable than Shadow Labs, Steamvaults ect. As a whole SH seems more polished. There is so much meaningless trash in SL, SV or Mech for example. I don't understand why Blizz makes content that is easily bypassed or content that is just completely worthless.

In Heroic mode SH is also one of the more difficult runs, or at least it used to be. Haven't been there since heroics got nerfed. I also like the Orc theme more so than the Naga of SV or the BE of Tempest Keep.

My guild is progressing through SSC atm (hydross and Fathomlord down) and I find the Naga/murloc etc etc theme pretty ****ing boring, not really looking forward to The Eye either. However Black Temple looks pretty ****ing sweet from what I've seen so far.


I like that SH is fast, but for twice the time I can earn 3x the rep in SL or any TK instance. I hate steamvaults too though.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Interesting. I got offered to join a guild name Paradox on Eredar, Luke Smith was previously guild leader and raid leader for it. I was about to apply to their guild but they guild died a day after they asked me to join. I'm in a guild atm on Mannoroth


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Maxrpg said:
Attempted Mag tonight like last night.

We've got the killing of the Channelers down (except for the last one argh!) but so far we keep dying before we can even get to dpsing Mag. It's because we're short on healers (trying it with 7, need 9) and the people who click on the boxes are dead before they can get to them to stop Blast Nova.

How many warlocks are you bringing to the raid? Make sure you guys are putting curse of tongues on the channelers so they don't heal and the rogues/mages/shamans could interrupt it. It's ideal to bring 3 warlocks to the raid and spread them out through the room and have them on banish duty.

Here's what my current guild is doing...Kill 2 channelers near the door and then have the tanks bring them over 1 by 1 so your DPS could focus and not run across the whole room. Good luck


My original 3 60's were on Eredar, and Paradox, while very much able to clear content, was full of douchebags, especially after Luke moved on. I had a bastard ass friend who dumped our guild(early AQ), and joined them(BWL) for lewts :lol :p
One day left on my account...But I get a free month if I am approved for, and use that World of WarCraft Visa.:lol I don't have a credit card, and I saw the one on the WoW site...No annual fee...So I said to hell with it. Might as well get it in case of an emergency on a vacation or something.


SteveO409 said:
How many warlocks are you bringing to the raid? Make sure you guys are putting curse of tongues on the channelers so they don't heal and the rogues/mages/shamans could interrupt it. It's ideal to bring 3 warlocks to the raid and spread them out through the room and have them on banish duty.

Here's what my current guild is doing...Kill 2 channelers near the door and then have the tanks bring them over 1 by 1 so your DPS could focus and not run across the whole room. Good luck
We had only four.. LOL we needed one more. The warlocks aren't that good on CC...


well, I haven't even completed a prot set, but if I can get 1500 more hp (without prot spec), I'm pretty much good to go for being a raid/heroic tank on my pally. I haven't even done the arena grind for the caster mace yet, but when I do, that's around 35 more stamina and a ton of threat from all that +damage.

Hopefully they continue buffing prot. I mainly made my pally to try and be a tank, but I've just stuck as holy for now because it's a lot easier to gear up for, and also pretty much the only reliable pvp spec. Still, I have to say that gearing up to be a pally tank is a bit bullshit compared to a feral druid/warrior. Even though I use lots of warrior gear in my set, it's a lot harder since you have to add in spell damage for threat, and that's a pain beyond using a caster weapon. At least the epic tank sets are decent... not really awesome (aside from the set bonuses) but still way better than the blues, and in some cases better than similar epic tank drops. But blues don't have enough points for itemization usually, although they'd be a bit better if they cut back on the int some. Reaching the 10k unbuffed HP mark is pretty hard to do compared to a warrior (much less a druid) though.


firex said:
well, I haven't even completed a prot set, but if I can get 1500 more hp (without prot spec), I'm pretty much good to go for being a raid/heroic tank on my pally. I haven't even done the arena grind for the caster mace yet, but when I do, that's around 35 more stamina and a ton of threat from all that +damage.

Hopefully they continue buffing prot. I mainly made my pally to try and be a tank, but I've just stuck as holy for now because it's a lot easier to gear up for, and also pretty much the only reliable pvp spec. Still, I have to say that gearing up to be a pally tank is a bit bullshit compared to a feral druid/warrior. Even though I use lots of warrior gear in my set, it's a lot harder since you have to add in spell damage for threat, and that's a pain beyond using a caster weapon. At least the epic tank sets are decent... not really awesome (aside from the set bonuses) but still way better than the blues, and in some cases better than similar epic tank drops. But blues don't have enough points for itemization usually, although they'd be a bit better if they cut back on the int some. Reaching the 10k unbuffed HP mark is pretty hard to do compared to a warrior (much less a druid) though.

Keep at it. I would work on avoidance first, then Health. After you're comfortable with your dodge/parry/block ratings, you can start to worry about stam. Because the itemization is so weaksauce for tankadins, you're going to have to compensate with TONS of stam gems and stam enchants. You wont get by in some non-heroics without extra stam bonuses on pretty much every piece of armor.

..but yeah, gearing a pally tank is bullshit. :lol

Gear up, because when you're ready to tank pugs, you'll be rewarded with gems like:

"Paladins can tank?!"
"y r u waering warior gear"
"Crap. Why are there two healers in the party?"


Also: I finally saw the scarab mount for the first time last night

So ****ing awesome.


Maxrpg said:
Attempted Mag tonight like last night.

We've got the killing of the Channelers down (except for the last one argh!) but so far we keep dying before we can even get to dpsing Mag. It's because we're short on healers (trying it with 7, need 9) and the people who click on the boxes are dead before they can get to them to stop Blast Nova.
7 is actually the perfect amount of healers. Here are the webstats from our last Mag kill:


Please note- Lorah is a shadow priest, all his healing is from Vampiric Embrace. Hearthealthy is a holy priest who was apparently AFK that attempt, so we basically did it with 6 healers.

The hardest part of Mag is killing the channelers. It takes good CC from your locks (3 is preferred), good interrupts from your rogues, warriors and dps shaman, and good overall DPS. What we generally do is pull the two channelers closest to the door together and DPS them down in turn. One tank is assigned to each remaining channeler, and they are tanked where they start. One healer is assigned to each of those tanks, and the rest chain heal or whatever on the DPS and tanks doing the first channelers. After the second channeler dies, all shaman pop Bloodlust, and the whole group moves to the 3rd, 4th and 5th channeler in turn. Generally, we kill the last channeler as Mag pops, or a few seconds after.

If you can make that happen, the rest of the fight is cake. Just top everyone off at 30%, stop DPS, wait for a Blast Nova, banish and burn him to sub 30%. Everyone pops a healthstone or health pot, finish the fight, collect your purples.


Just reinstalled, finishing up BC now, but the Blizzard Downloader is going really slow for me. Is there an ftp or site that offers faster downloads?

A patch for retail to whatever the latest version is?


Got this game going last week for the first time and rolled a Horde Rogue.

Now I'm confused about the talent trees. Which way is the best to go; assassination, combat or subtlety? I've heard that you should just stick to one and load one tree, but then I've also heard to mix it up a little bit. Any tips?

I should also mention that I'm not too terribly interested in PVP, so I'm not sure I need to build to that. I was thinking of loading Assassination and going from there. Cheap Shot looks like a great opening move from what I understand.


As a rogue, when leveling, Combat tree is generally the best one. You get a lot of great leveling talents like Riposte, Blade Flurry and Adrenaline Rush. It's generally better to focus on one tree to start with.


Mike G.E.D. said:
Keep at it. I would work on avoidance first, then Health. After you're comfortable with your dodge/parry/block ratings, you can start to worry about stam. Because the itemization is so weaksauce for tankadins, you're going to have to compensate with TONS of stam gems and stam enchants. You wont get by in some non-heroics without extra stam bonuses on pretty much every piece of armor.

..but yeah, gearing a pally tank is bullshit. :lol

Gear up, because when you're ready to tank pugs, you'll be rewarded with gems like:

"Paladins can tank?!"
"y r u waering warior gear"
"Crap. Why are there two healers in the party?"
at least I have decent friends so it'll just be like, 1 or 2 pug members at most in a pug heroic. and I got extremely lucky doing heroic mana tombs the other day and won the +12 stamina gem form, so I can craft those (horde, rexxar if anyone here plays on that realm and wants one) to give me a bump once I have all the defense rating and other stuff that I need. I doubt I'd have enough block/dodge/parry for crushing blow immunity, but as soon as I actually get a tank cloak (probably devilshark cape) I'm at least crit immune with a prot spec. But yeah, eventually I'm shooting to get as much of the tank stats as I can, so I can junk my crappy +defense +stamina gems for the +12 stamina gems.
Miscommunication wipes on Magth make me cry. Those Blast Nova wipes...Not again...Not AGAIN!!!!

At least now we've got it whittled down to people having different understandings of spatial reasoning (we've named each cube a number, a color of raid icon, and a cardinal direction) to fix this. We'll know Tuesday.


I'm trying to do Heroic Shattered Halls for my attunement to The Eye. If you wipe or fail, does the quest automatically reset or do you have to wait until the instance resets 12-24 hours later?


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
border said:
I'm trying to do Heroic Shattered Halls for my attunement to The Eye. If you wipe or fail, does the quest automatically reset or do you have to wait until the instance resets 12-24 hours later?

The event starts after you kill the first boss and enter the hallway. If you wipe then try to recover asap because the time limit is still going(even though the debuff isn't showing on your character). Kill the executioner in the back after Kargath. If the prisoners die then you have to wait till the instance resets


border said:
I'm trying to do Heroic Shattered Halls for my attunement to The Eye. If you wipe or fail, does the quest automatically reset or do you have to wait until the instance resets 12-24 hours later?
Tried that yesterday with a Fury warrior who respecced Prot for the attempt.

Wasn't pretty.
There are three prisoners and only one has to be living when you kill the executioner to complete the quest. The first dies in 55 minutes, then it's one every 15 minutes I think.


There are three prisoners and only one has to be living when you kill the executioner to complete the quest. The first dies in 55 minutes, then it's one every 15 minutes I think.
Yeah, I heard that. The quest must be bugged or something, since from the description it sounds like you should have to stop the executioner before he kills any of the prisoners.

Does the debuff get refreshed occasionally like when you do a 45min Baron run?

Any other tips for Heroic SH, to speed things along? Can you skip the 2nd boss or any of those big pulls after the gauntlet (the ones where the guys fight each other)? Heroic SH is fun, but pretty nasty.....for any non-tank to have aggro for more than a few seconds is certain death. Even non-elites can hit for 2000-4000. In regular SH you could be a lot more sloppy.
I think the executioner might use a new axe for prisoner but maybe that's just a rationalization.

I've had the debuff come back before after dying, it might have been after a prisoner died or when we reached a boss.

You can skip the sides on the hallway after the gauntlet but it's pretty easy to pull them by accident if you're not paying attention. Heroic SH isn't that bad since the patch. I remember the run pre-patch for the Nightbane quest (we didn't go further) and the amount of damage the tank was taking with just 2 mobs on him (on the 5-6 pulls) was hard to keep up with (especially since I was running from broken CC a lot). It's not bad at all now.


Has problems recognising girls
Well the Nihilum vs Illidan video was quite interesting. Not much in regards to lore.. it felt as if Blizz sorta rushed the entire Maiev thing and it feels slightly weird that Illidan won't be in the game universe anymore but who knows what Chris Metzen will do.
speedpop said:
Well the Nihilum vs Illidan video was quite interesting. Not much in regards to lore.. it felt as if Blizz sorta rushed the entire Maiev thing and it feels slightly weird that Illidan won't be in the game universe anymore but who knows what Chris Metzen will do.

Yeah I can't believe that Illidan would really be gone for good. Kel'Thuzad isn't so I wouldn't expect them to kill off Illidan either.
how do they even advance the storyline in WoW anyway, I never get into end game stuff... I mean if you 'kill' him in Black Temple, do people act in quests like he isn't a threat anymore? in the next expansion are people going to be like "WELL WITH ILLIDAN DEAD SO AND SO IS DOING SOMETHING NOW"

I suppose it's a problem inherent in MMO games in general, but yeah.
teacupcopter said:
how do they even advance the storyline in WoW anyway, I never get into end game stuff...

Yeah it's definitely not as good as story advancement in other type of games...Basically you have to read all the quests and whatnot. And then sometimes during quests or dungeons there are short dialogues with voice acting.

Eric WK

So I'm thinking about renewing my subscription and starting up a new character (Priest or Pally more than likely) or transferring my 70 Mage.

Does the majority of GAF play together? If so where and what faction?

If not, where do you guys play and is your server decent?
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