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World of Warcraft

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I'm a huge fan of Bongos. It can't do everything, but I don't care about everything. I just want a simpler looking UI. The ability to save and load profiles makes it great as well, even when everything gets borked, just load the profile and you're set again.

I also use Titan Panel and CT Mod (for the mouse-over stuff, buffs, etc.).


Ace 2
AG Unitframes
SW Stats
KTM Threatmeter
Bartender 3
Prat 2
Clearfont 2

That is a good start, and it is a partial list of what I use.


Heh, so I thought that I had the greatest PvP idea ever. Well, not the greatest, but pretty good. Basically, bring in my guild + friends to the entrance of TK and guard it. Since players respawn at the GY, there would be no corpse hopping and they'd be forced to fight their way through. Best of all, we'd have a steady stream of alliance to fight, with the hopes that they'd get organized and give us a good challenge.

I had actually been thinking of this for awhile, but there was never much of a reason to do it, since there was only like ... one guild on my server even doing TK all that much. I didn't care about some random 5-man alliance pug trying to run Mech or whatever.

Unfortunately, I realized today that players can just fly in, so it kind of defeats the purpose. Sigh. I really wish Warhammer would just be released (and not suck).


Worships the porcelain goddess

I've been away from WoW for awhile now, but Blizzard keeps tempting me with free discs and days and etc.

If I were to start over right now, which class/race kicks some ass, and makes for quick (relatively of course) leveling and crafting?


If you want quick leveling, I'd roll hunter, but then again, EVERYONE has some kind of hunter alt/main... leatherworking/skinning also levels fairly quickly profession-wise, but, again, a lot of people go that route.


don't do a hunter IMO. it levels the fastest but it's got a relatively big learning curve between soloing and grouping. and while it's a much better class in groups than it was before, there's so many hunters you won't get to do much. I'd either make a mage (fast leveling, extremely simple to play, almost always wanted in groups) or a warlock.


Worships the porcelain goddess
firex said:
don't do a hunter IMO. it levels the fastest but it's got a relatively big learning curve between soloing and grouping. and while it's a much better class in groups than it was before, there's so many hunters you won't get to do much. I'd either make a mage (fast leveling, extremely simple to play, almost always wanted in groups) or a warlock.

I tried an undead mage back in the day, but at that time, it felt really underpowered. But I was probably playing like shit too. I kept hearing about AOE xp farming and etc but never tried it =x


aoe grinding isn't completely bunk, but it's insanely hard to do and generally not worth the time. If you can pull it off, it's insane xp/hour, but that's if you can pull it off. Also, mages honestly level kinda slow at first, but they're one of the few classes that IMO levels faster as they get higher level (especially 50+). Just make sure that if you go with a mage, that you buy green cloth of fiery wrath and a few odd pieces of eagle/stamina gear, and/or if you can afford it, some of the lower level blues with stats and +spell damage on them. You don't need a whole lot of HP for grinding until you hit outland, when the quest rewards give you tons of stamina gear with spell damage on it anyway, while loading up on spell damage is awesome. Warlocks are also really good at grinding, but they don't seem as in demand as mages for most instances. Although, they're great for some higher level ones and some heroics, and they seem pretty underplayed (not sure why, they're an awesome class now) so you could probably get groups rather easily.

I have more experience with a warlock, but a large part of why I don't recommend it to people just starting out (or who haven't played in forever) is the pet management. It's gotten easier, but it's still pretty integral to soloing and to groups with the succubus. It makes the warlock slightly more complex than a mage.


AoE grinding definitely is not bunk. The exp comes hard and fast -- I was getting about 40-45k experience an hour at times, sometimes up to 50k if I was lucky (edited to add: in Azeroth in the 40s-50s, not Outlands) -- but I do agree I'd rather quest. I didn't AoE grind so much as use it to make things like grinding rep, farming mats, and completing those 'get me 15 of xx item' (when you have to contend with the drop rate) done faster. Like, it really helped when my husband (holy/disc priest) and I (frost mage with frost AoE spec) were grinding for runecloth and Argent Dawn rep in Western Plaguelands. We'd stay at Felstone Field, pick off the casters first, and then I'd ice barrier, mount, he would cast another shield on me, I'd round up 10 or so undead, dismount, wait for them to come and smack me in a circle, do a frost nova, blink, take another 3 steps, turn, blizzard, blizzard, cone of cold, frost nova, strafe away, blizzard, and basically they're pretty much all dead by this point. An arcane explosion at the end usually takes care of things.

The main things here are your spec, your timing, and the order in which you do things. You need a frost spec that is geared toward AoE grinding, taking talents like improved blizzard, improved frost nova, permafrost, and various other things that will help with your damage and help to keep them slow and in a tight group. This means that you NEVER take the frostbite talent if you ever want to do successful AoE.

This is a link to the guide I read on how to do AoE grinding, and by reading it and understanding it and trying to perfect the technique (dying quite a few times in doing so as well) I learned how to do it:


I had to learn how many of certain mobs I can easily get, whether or not to use ice block, perfecting the timing of blizzards and the distance, etc. You need to not be afraid to die a few times while trying to get the whole sequence of things down pat.

Edited to add: I'm fire specced now at 70, and damn I miss being able to down a dozen guys without me losing any health. It's one of the most exhilarating things ever in a mage's life. :D


Anyone have a lvl 45-60 druid that they want to sell? Gear doesnt matter ill pay 60-100 bucks for it.

Ill take it completely stripped without a drop of armor or gold.


Akia said:
What's the best and most popular UI mod out there right now?
The current hotness in WoW UIs is the Ace development project. Ace is a library of common UI functions that can be used by just about any Add On you can think of. The idea is that if all your add ons share the Ace resources, they use less memory, perform better, don't lag your shit as much, etc. etc.

www.wowace.com is where you'll find the WoW Ace Updater, which is far and away the best part of the whole Ace movement. No more will you spend minutes browsing Curse of WoWUI.net for add on updates. With a single click, all of your Ace add ons update to their latest stable version. And these Ace guys are nutjobs. Shit sometimes gets updated 2 or 3 times a day.


That's where I'd start if you're interested in doing the whole UI thing.

http://uploads.evilavatarcomics.com/DRAFT/UI screen.jpg

There's my UI.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Mallika said:
*Good stuff*

Wow, nice post. I do have another friend who is interested as well, but not sure what class she's interested in.

Have Blood Elves taken over as the new mage hotness?


Has problems recognising girls
Kintaro said:
Wow, nice post. I do have another friend who is interested as well, but not sure what class she's interested in.

Have Blood Elves taken over as the new mage hotness?
It really all depends on your own preferences and playing style due to the racials you get assigned. Some people will still naturally pick up Undead because of Will of the Forsaken racial spell - it is a bonus in PVP so to speak.

I'm still quite happy with my BE Priest and again it all depends on the situation. I never thought I'd gain a big use for their lvl 20 racial spell which steals a Priest buff and replenishes a certain amount of mana but it has worked for me several times when I am facing death with no mana and all's I need is a Psychic Scream to fight another day.


Draft said:
The current hotness in WoW UIs is the Ace development project. Ace is a library of common UI functions that can be used by just about any Add On you can think of. The idea is that if all your add ons share the Ace resources, they use less memory, perform better, don't lag your shit as much, etc. etc.

www.wowace.com is where you'll find the WoW Ace Updater, which is far and away the best part of the whole Ace movement. No more will you spend minutes browsing Curse of WoWUI.net for add on updates. With a single click, all of your Ace add ons update to their latest stable version. And these Ace guys are nutjobs. Shit sometimes gets updated 2 or 3 times a day.


That's where I'd start if you're interested in doing the whole UI thing.

http://uploads.evilavatarcomics.com/DRAFT/UI screen.jpg

There's my UI.

If you use ANY auto-updating UI that has an updater you are ASKING for a keylogger.


Kintaro said:
Wow, nice post.

After reading the guide I linked to in my previous post, I started trying frost AoE grinding on the human farmers in Hillsbrad, not for the experience points but the EXPERIENCE with it, if you get what I mean. :D However, at that level (I was level 24, I think) AoE is quite dangerous, as you tend to run out of mana before you kill all the mobs. Plus, rounding them up is kind of a pain when you don't have either a mount or ice barrier. The mana barrier is 'teh suck' because it drains you of mana, and then you might as well stand there and get pummeled to death anyway. I suggest having a priest friend go with you to cast a shield and heal you, if you want to try it out.

This is what my frost AoE grind spec looked like when I was level 41:


It's always easier with a mount and ice barrier. Once you get the process down and such, you will have a complete blast doing this. I guarantee it. The first time you kill 15 mobs and you stand there with a pile of sparkly win at your feet (tm WoWInsider writer), you will be hooked. :)

This is what my build looked like at level 65, when I was still frost:


At that level, I decided to change to fire and see how it was. It was really weird at first, and I definitely felt naked without my ice barrier. I also missed cold snap, my water elemental, and the reduced cooldown on frost nova, but I slowly grew to love the fiery blaze of destruction I wrecked on mobs. :lol My spec at 70 is this:


Have Blood Elves taken over as the new mage hotness?
Heh, not really sure. My mage is a blood elf, but I play on an RP PvE server so the racials aren't as significant in impact. I do like the mana tap and arcane torrent, though. Getting about 550 mana back isn't much, but it helps with down time -- especially in instances. Oh, and also those times when you need a last spell or two to kill something that is pummeling your ass and you are out of mana. :)

(Sorry, kind of chatty today for some reason.)


So, it does seem like a new expansion will be announced soon and probably try to launch a few months after age of conan/warhammer come out.

My guess is:
Level cap raised to 80
Zones set in the Maelstrom and Undermine
Maybe a new class or two, but no new races (I know blizzard has said they wouldn't make a new class, but they'll have to do something major to draw in new players/keep people interested)
Underwater mounts/travel

It just seems like the most likely way to add new content without rushing for the rather obvious Northrend stuff, which I'd think they'd want to put off.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Mallika said:
*snip more good stuff*

(Sorry, kind of chatty today for some reason.)

Wow, good stuff. Thanks. =) I'll talk to my friend and she what she would like to do if she even wants to play. I usually am pretty melee oriented, but the melee in WoW doesn't really suit me very well for some reason.


firex said:
So, it does seem like a new expansion will be announced soon and probably try to launch a few months after age of conan/warhammer come out.

My guess is:
Level cap raised to 80
Zones set in the Maelstrom and Undermine
Maybe a new class or two, but no new races (I know blizzard has said they wouldn't make a new class, but they'll have to do something major to draw in new players/keep people interested)
Underwater mounts/travel

It just seems like the most likely way to add new content without rushing for the rather obvious Northrend stuff, which I'd think they'd want to put off.

Patience, my friend. All shall be revealed at BlizzCon.


firex said:
So, it does seem like a new expansion will be announced soon and probably try to launch a few months after age of conan/warhammer come out.

My guess is:
Level cap raised to 80
Zones set in the Maelstrom and Undermine
Maybe a new class or two, but no new races (I know blizzard has said they wouldn't make a new class, but they'll have to do something major to draw in new players/keep people interested)
Underwater mounts/travel

It just seems like the most likely way to add new content without rushing for the rather obvious Northrend stuff, which I'd think they'd want to put off.

Northrend files are already in the EXPANSION02 folder:
firex said:
So, it does seem like a new expansion will be announced soon and probably try to launch a few months after age of conan/warhammer come out.

My guess is:
Level cap raised to 80
Zones set in the Maelstrom and Undermine
Maybe a new class or two, but no new races (I know blizzard has said they wouldn't make a new class, but they'll have to do something major to draw in new players/keep people interested)
Underwater mounts/travel

It just seems like the most likely way to add new content without rushing for the rather obvious Northrend stuff, which I'd think they'd want to put off.

The rapid cavalcade of reppin', attunin', and trash-clearin' nerfs in mini-patches has me seeing it your way. They must want everyone in Tier 4 or better by Christmas.


I know they already have northrend "files" if you want to call it that (like 2 weapon/shield models) but they've also had emerald dream files (and even the actual unfinished/canned earlier version of the zone) in the game since original beta too. I just don't see them blowing their load on the Arthas stuff until they send the game off with a bang. Although at the same time, I guess I could see it being their way to keep people interested when Warhammer and AoC drop. But that would be pretty short-sighted... although if they've handed the game over to tigole, furor and kalgan for the most part, short-sightedness is exactly what we should see.

Anyway, as far as actual in-game stuff goes, I'm prot spec now on my pally and just barely over 10k hp. I finally hit exalted with sha'tar and bought the shield, then loaded it up with my last 2 solid stars of elune (well, last 2 until I get some more stars of elune) and it just barely pushed me over the top. I'm like 12 badges away from the heroic tank trinket too. As you can see from my armory profile I don't even have the best tank gear - ok, so I have some awesome stuff in some slots, but my cloak is still some reward from a crappy nagrand quest, and my second ring is only there because it actually has stamina, unlike the ring I got for completing black morass over a month ago (that one will stay banked until I have enough stamina elsewhere to take that ring for the huge dodge rating it provides). I doubt I'll be tanking heroic arcatraz tomorrow night or anything, since I've never run fully prot specced, but I'll definitely be tanking a few normal instances until I get the hang of it.

Oh yeah, I really lucked out when I ran heroic bot with my feral druid friend (he tanks, but he's got even better cat gear so he'll be dpsing with me now). Well, he lucked out big since he got the awesome epic feral staff that Warp Splinter drops on heroic... but I got the ultra-rare BOP epic JC form. Even though it's crappy (or at least sounds crappy), still, it's epic!


ManaByte said:
If you use ANY auto-updating UI that has an updater you are ASKING for a keylogger.
It's not a UI, it's a code based used for building UIs, and it's open source, so if you're sweating a keylogger, just crack that puppy open and take a look.


firex said:
I know they already have northrend "files" if you want to call it that (like 2 weapon/shield models) but they've also had emerald dream files (and even the actual unfinished/canned earlier version of the zone) in the game since original beta too. I just don't see them blowing their load on the Arthas stuff until they send the game off with a bang. Although at the same time, I guess I could see it being their way to keep people interested when Warhammer and AoC drop. But that would be pretty short-sighted... although if they've handed the game over to tigole, furor and kalgan for the most part, short-sightedness is exactly what we should see.

There's absolutely NO reason to have those files in the EXPANSION02 MPQ directory if the second expansion isn't using them. The Emerald Dream stuff has always been in its own folder.

The Outland stuff was in EXPANSION01 and they didn't go and change it to something different before release. There's no reason to assume differently this time.


Undocumented changes from the patch.



- The Poor and Common loot thresholds have been removed (presumably for the Vashj exploit).
- A new rank called 'Rival' has been introduced. and it seems you need a low rating to obtain it.
- All Marshal's/General's level 70 epics (the belt/boots/bracers that matched season 1 Gladiator's sets) have been removed from their vendors.


- Rogues can't Cloak out of Acid Geyser.


- Fire Elemental Totem now cause guards to aggro them when dropped in neutral cities.


- Warlock can no longer recast Banish to get it to break.


- The Skettis escort daily quest now rewards Unstable Mana Potions - not Super Mana Potions.


- Shiffar's Nexus Horn was changed: The trinket used to be bugged so that a proc lasted 15 seconds instead of the tooltip's described buff of 10 seconds. The fixed it so it now correctly lasts 10 seconds.
- Aquadynamic Fish Attractor is now 10 minutes not 5 as the tooltip says.
- Mageblood Potion (Zandalar one) now stacks to 20 like it should as its actually an elixir.
- A bug on "Mallet of the Tides" (tank mace from The Lurker Below) is fixed. The mace now gives +14 mace skill rating (~ 3,6 mace skill) instead of +14 mace skill, as it should be.
- Illidari marks are now Uncommon instead of Common.
- The zone-restricted potions from TK and SSC now stack up to 15 (instead of 5).

Dungeons and Raids

Black Temple
- Essence of Souls: You drop combat between phases now.

Serpentshrine Cavern
- New items have been added to SSC bosses loot tables (some of them can be viewed here)
- After killing Lurker Below, the water doesn't scald anymore, nor are there fishies.

World Environment

- AI changed on the Time Lost High Priests in Skettis.
- Apparently a lot of the mobs over at Netherwing Ledge don't drop cloth or silver anymore. They also skin a lot more Knothide Scraps instead of Fel Scales (seem to be completely removed), Crystal Infused Leather and Knothide Leather.
Apparently a lot of the mobs over at Netherwing Ledge don't drop cloth or silver anymore. They also skin a lot more Knothide Scraps instead of Fel Scales (seem to be completely removed), Crystal Infused Leather and Knothide Leather.

Man, I was making a killing off going over there and doing the dailies. Those big guys with the ravagers in the mines dropped silver and cloth and you could skin them. I was making like 300g a day while doing the Netherwing quests. Now everything there just drops quest turn ins and crap. I guess it helps keep people from just going there to farm and not letting others do the quests. I still go there to do the dailies because it's easy money.


Damn, a Kang dropped in a doomed BRD group. I rolled an 82, and the Shammy one with an 84. To be fair, he would have used it.. I was gonna sell it to him for cheap if I got it but still woulda been nice

edit: LOL i just got GBS drop off zombies in WPL. I've never had a character that gets so many great items. Did they kick up the drop rate of world drop blue/purps 60 and down?


Respeced to restoration from enhancement yesterday, put on my caster set (mostly +spell damage and healing with healing trinkets and a healing dagger/shield), all for my new guild.

My baptism by fire was Shattered Halls. Yeah. Healing is tough, but I'm learning to like it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
unifin said:
Respeced to restoration from enhancement yesterday, put on my caster set (mostly +spell damage and healing with healing trinkets and a healing dagger/shield), all for my new guild.

My baptism by fire was Shattered Halls. Yeah. Healing is tough, but I'm learning to like it.

Is that still the main role for Shaman's in Raids?


unifin said:
My baptism by fire was Shattered Halls. Yeah. Healing is tough, but I'm learning to like it.
How I learned to heal as a shaman: Healing Way (use Rank 1 HW to stack the buff), Chain Heal, Earth Shield and Nature's Swiftness. Though, mana efficiency is still a bitch at times.


cubicle47b said:
We have 1 elemental shaman, 1 enhancement shaman, and 3 resto shamans. The only hybrid class we have that exclusively heals is paladins.
GG Blizz. :(

This should not EVER be the case for Paladins.


Maxrpg said:

There's my interface thanks to SaitoH.

mate thats the coolest UI I have ever seen.

I have tried messing around with dart and stuff before, but I suck at it:( Is there any way that you can upload this package, and let us mortals download it?

I mean... if we did, would it all look like yours, or would we still have to configure everything?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Shoho said:
mate thats the coolest UI I have ever seen.

I have tried messing around with dart and stuff before, but I suck at it:( Is there any way that you can upload this package, and let us mortals download it?

I mean... if we did, would it all look like yours, or would we still have to configure everything?

Seconded. That is an AWESOME layout.


Heh, wanted to show you guys something. Behold, Spiderelf:


I missed the stairs a bit and ended up almost going into the sewer. My horse, however, decided he didn't want to get wet. :D


Made this guide for some friends a while back. Not exactly current but fairly. Oh, and I'm lazy so ignore grammatical errors and such. =P

Since I've had people ask how to do radical UI makeovers I thought I make a little tutorial to get everyone started.

How do you want to custom UI to look?

I decided on my UI setup primarily because I couldn't read the chat windows unless I made the background on them black (which looked really ugly on the stock UI). I always liked have a separate window for guild chat and one for the rest because it was easier for me to keep track of what's happening in the guild. So with two blacked out chat window it seemed that setting them on the bottom was the best solution and that's where CTViewport comes in to play:

CT_Viewport (v2.0)

This mod allows the user to resize the viewable area:


Or more radically:


This allows you to have keep UI info off the actual viewing area. Tons of interesting and different ways you can use this tool.

Next is CTmod :

Might as well grab the whole package, which includes viewport because there are a bunch of useful tools in it. I use Bottombar and Barmod to hide all the stock UI bits.


With that done time to fire up Bongos :

Bongos is what I use to setup and arrange all my bars. There are other mods that do the same thing but this is what I use at the moment. I won't go into the details of how to work everything, but it's fairly simple. You just need to play with it a bit. Fairly powerful tool too!

This is the look when you first load up:


Button layout all done:


X-perl is the tool I use for the Party and Player bars. I like the look better than stock UI and there's a lot of tweaking you can do. I really like having the XP bar built into your player bar for example.


So in a relatively short amount of time we have created this:


Still have tons of tweaking to do, but this is where I'll leave off today lesson.

Next time on Extreme UI Makeover: Neaten up that chat window and Minimap!



Ok, for this episode first off we need to fix up those ugly chat windows. For that we need to do two things. First off we need to download Chatmod . Open up the options and make sure Mousewheel chat scroll, Edit box on top, hide chat buttons and colour nicknames are enabled.


This gets rid of the ugly scroll bars, colours characters name according to class, lets you use your mouse wheel to scroll up and down as well as placing the text input box to the top of the window. Depending on your games resolution you may want to change the font size to 12 point too.

With that all spiffy now, we move on to the Minimap. For that I use Simple Minimap . A nice little mod that allows you to resize, clean up the map interface and reskin if you see fit. Want a square map, corner map, or a cleaner version of the classic minimap they're all there.

I prefer the clean look like this:


Next is the big visual overhaul accomplished with Discord Art . Discord Art isn't particularily easy to use so I'm not going to go into full details on to how to use it at this point. Head to WoWtextures to get textures and they have tutorials to assist in how to use the mod. I also added Titan bar, which I'm sure everyone is familiar with.

From plain and boring:


To Fantastic:


With the basic UI aesthetics complete this brings us to the end of episode 2. If you have any specific questions (including ones about DART), please feel free to ask.


I love, love, LOVE xperl. Gives me so much info, especially in a party -- you can see who's targetting what, what they're casting, who has aggro, who doesn't have a buff I can give, who is affected by a curse/debuff ... plus they have 3D portraits. Awesomeness.

Oh, and if you use Bongos, might want to get cyCircled too, for options to turn the action bar buttons into different shapes. (There will be an icon on your mini-map with the options.) I use Serenity Gloss, which looks like this:


They were kind of small to me at first, but now I can't go back to the regular big, blocky square shape anymore. :)


I'll have to take a look at this stuff. I'm guessing if I took the time to figure it all out I'd have an awesome UI instead of just a highly modified default blizzard UI. Although really I just want to move the chat windows and the combat log away so they're easier to read.


That's an awesome guide, thanks! I'll toy around with mine later tonight.

So on our Kara run last night, our lock had a bad back so she left in the middle of the run to be replaced by the mage's favorite Oomkin. Very first pull after being replaced, that 21 stam, 51 Shadow Damage neckpiece dropped off a trash mob and we had to shard it. YOWCH.

Guild also decided to try Illhoof for the first time, without a lock, we made it to around 40% before there were just too many imps, but when the lock subbed back in we downed him with no deaths whatsoever.

I was just happy to get the Sunfire enchant and my bud go the Soulfrost enchant:)


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ugh, inching closer and closer to jumping back in to play a mage...at least for the 10 day free trail through this disc...
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