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World of Warcraft

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border said:
My raiding guild just instituted a strict 5-nights-a-week/4-hours-a-night raiding calendar, with 75% attendance required by all raiders (which technically means you have to show up 4 nights outta 5). Recently we just lost a couple big people (mage class leader, druid class leader) and had a few nights when there weren't enough people on to form a balanced SSC group for Vashj attempts.

They're looking to crack down, but it's the end-of-summer doldrums and lots of people will probably be starting school again soon. Seems like a bad time to crack down....I think they're either headed for strong success or a huge trainwreck (more likely the trainwreck). Either way, I doubt I can show up 4 nights a week so I'm probably not going to be around much longer.

Which is just as well.....I'm burnt out on SSC and 25-mans in general. I had really wanted to stick around until Zul'Aman came out, but I'm not going to eat shit for something that is at least 2 patches away. I still strongly believe that BT/Hyjal attunement will be removed sooner or later, so hopefully I'll be able to check that out eventually with a different guild.

WoWJutsu strikes again! :lol

We're currently in a progress clusterfuck now at 8th, and our planning involves a new boss a week to not fall behind. Our MT wonders what a beast he's wrought (especially since it's crushing his server load.)


Kak.efes said:
Anyone on the Gorgonash server? I play my friends horde priest there.
Yeah I play horde on Gorgonash, 70 shaman called Malaki. Been playing an alt lately because i'm kinda sick of sitting around in Shattrath saying LF1M need tank, pst. :lol

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
WTF is up with the orc's shoulder pad size? Am i imaginating things or they got a shitload smaller? I've been away from the game since a while btw.

Tell me its just a joke on bliz's side and they'll put it back to the original? :(
Buggy Loop said:
WTF is up with the orc's shoulder pad size? Am i imaginating things or they got a shitload smaller? I've been away from the game since a while btw.

Tell me its just a joke on bliz's side and they'll put it back to the original? :(

The really dumb thing is if you go do the daily quests in shadowmoon valley that changes your appearance to one of those orcs, the shoulderpads are the correct size. It's just horde orcs with this problem it seems, so I think it's been done on purpose.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Anyone here on Frostwhisper? I started a couple of months ago, and am (Slowly) working my way to 70, my first char, decided to try a Warrior out, having fun so far, but am currently stuck at lvl 54, and running out of decent questage in felwood, but have been getting help from my guildies etc, so it's all good.


Buggy Loop said:
WTF is up with the orc's shoulder pad size? Am i imaginating things or they got a shitload smaller? I've been away from the game since a while btw.

Tell me its just a joke on bliz's side and they'll put it back to the original? :(
It's a bug in patch 2.1.3. Blizzard acknowledged it and said it would be fixed in patch 2.2, but ... well, we all know how things can be with Blizzard.


We're in the race too. No chance to win, but it would be pretty nice to be a solid top 5 guild on the server.

I feel for you, with the heavy schedule. Stinks of desperation and frustration.

I've found the best way to handle shit like that is figure out who you're best 25 are, and try to come up with a schedule that gets them into SSC or TK on nights after the scrubs have already cleared out the early bosses. That way the morons get their free loot, and they're happy, and the pro guys get down to business without devoting their every free moment to a stupid game.


border said:
My raiding guild just instituted a strict 5-nights-a-week/4-hours-a-night raiding calendar, with 75% attendance required by all raiders (which technically means you have to show up 4 nights outta 5). Recently we just lost a couple big people (mage class leader, druid class leader) and had a few nights when there weren't enough people on to form a balanced SSC group for Vashj attempts.

They're looking to crack down, but it's the end-of-summer doldrums and lots of people will probably be starting school again soon. Seems like a bad time to crack down....I think they're either headed for strong success or a huge trainwreck (more likely the trainwreck). Either way, I doubt I can show up 4 nights a week so I'm probably not going to be around much longer.

Which is just as well.....I'm burnt out on SSC and 25-mans in general. I had really wanted to stick around until Zul'Aman came out, but I'm not going to eat shit for something that is at least 2 patches away. I still strongly believe that BT/Hyjal attunement will be removed sooner or later, so hopefully I'll be able to check that out eventually with a different guild.

this is what usually kills guilds by the way, when the game becomes a shitty part time job


Worships the porcelain goddess
border said:
My raiding guild just instituted a strict 5-nights-a-week/4-hours-a-night raiding calendar, with 75% attendance required by all raiders (which technically means you have to show up 4 nights outta 5). Recently we just lost a couple big people (mage class leader, druid class leader) and had a few nights when there weren't enough people on to form a balanced SSC group for Vashj attempts.

They're looking to crack down, but it's the end-of-summer doldrums and lots of people will probably be starting school again soon. Seems like a bad time to crack down....I think they're either headed for strong success or a huge trainwreck (more likely the trainwreck). Either way, I doubt I can show up 4 nights a week so I'm probably not going to be around much longer.

Which is just as well.....I'm burnt out on SSC and 25-mans in general. I had really wanted to stick around until Zul'Aman came out, but I'm not going to eat shit for something that is at least 2 patches away. I still strongly believe that BT/Hyjal attunement will be removed sooner or later, so hopefully I'll be able to check that out eventually with a different guild.

All right! Playing WoW for your job! Who honestly plays games like this? I could see a group getting on a hot streak for a week or two, but something like this sucks the fun out of any game.


yeah, what Border posted is exactly why I quit raiding in WoW and avoid it as best as I can. It always starts out ok, then people get caught up in this retarded dick-waving contest about who has the best raid progression and other catasses loling at you for not having as many epics as they do. Then your guild's higher-ups get their egos bruised and decide the guild has to keep going in order to not be loled at by the other raidtards on your server, and all the sane people with jobs and lives and responsibilities quit.

I mean, the actual raiding game isn't all that bad if it's not filled with bugs and stupid cockblocks (but that's how it was pre-TBC, so the raid game sucked) but it's not a stupid race... and there's no point in keeping up with other guilds.


Draft said:
I've found the best way to handle shit like that is figure out who you're best 25 are, and try to come up with a schedule that gets them into SSC or TK on nights after the scrubs have already cleared out the early bosses. That way the morons get their free loot, and they're happy, and the pro guys get down to business without devoting their every free moment to a stupid game.
Yeah, I think everyone is exasperated by the time we've cleared to Vashj, and then the nights come down for attempts and nobody is up for it. We are the #2 Horde guild and #4 overall on the server.....and those behind us are way behind (3-4 bosses back). I don't think it's competition that's making them force everyone to participate, but just the frustration of not having a lotta progress recently I'm not sure why they are cracking the whip so hard and so fast.....we've only been on Vashj for like 2-3 weeks. Chances are that the new regulations are really just aimed at a few people who have been fucking things up for everyone (healers that don't show up, tanks that refuse to come off their alts when raid time arrives).

At any rate, I'm probably going to start working on my warrior alt and looking at guilds that will have a good shot at Zul'Aman.


border said:
Yeah, I think everyone is exasperated by the time we've cleared to Vashj, and then the nights come down for attempts and nobody is up for it. We are the #2 Horde guild and #4 overall on the server.....and those behind us are way behind (3-4 bosses back). I don't think it's competition that's making them force everyone to participate, but just the frustration of not having a lotta progress recently I'm not sure why they are cracking the whip so hard and so fast.....we've only been on Vashj for like 2-3 weeks. Chances are that the new regulations are really just aimed at a few people who have been fucking things up for everyone (healers that don't show up, tanks that refuse to come off their alts when raid time arrives).

At any rate, I'm probably going to start working on my warrior alt and looking at guilds that will have a good shot at Zul'Aman.
I will never understand why people want to be in hardcore raiding guilds. I mean, I see the appeal of killing raid bosses and the elation of success with your guildmates ... but it just sounds like so much of the fun has been sucked out of it.


Raiding has a bit of responsibility attached to it. You need 25 people. Because a lot of dudes who play WoW are adults, with busy lives outside the game, that means scheduling. Scheduling is not a bad thing. It means you don't have to deal with the disappointment of getting 24 hard hitting dudes together, only to sit there and twiddle because of one missing tank.

If a dude signs up for a raid and then doesn't show, that sucks. If he doesn't show and doesn't bother to tell anyone ahead of time that he'll be late/MIA, that's rude. If a dude won't get off his fucking alt for a raid he signed up for, he can find a new goddamn guild as far as I'm concerned.


Draft said:
If a dude signs up for a raid and then doesn't show, that sucks. If he doesn't show and doesn't bother to tell anyone ahead of time that he'll be late/MIA, that's rude. If a dude won't get off his fucking alt for a raid he signed up for, he can find a new goddamn guild as far as I'm concerned.
Oh, well, of course, if he signed up for it. I just don't like the idea of mandatory attendance.


fallout said:
Oh, well, of course, if he signed up for it. I just don't like the idea of mandatory attendance.
Neither do I, but that is really something you square away before joining a guild. If it's a small, heavily raid-focused group, you can kind of infer that your recruitment is contingent upon being available for the majority of raids.
Chances are that the new regulations are really just aimed at a few people who have been fucking things up for everyone (healers that don't show up, tanks that refuse to come off their alts when raid time arrives).

Heh, yeah, crack down on healers and tanks. Always a good idea. I've burned out after 8 months on my paladin and decided to cut down to 3 (instead of 5) days per week. If I take any shit for cutting back I won't be raiding with my current guild anymore.
fallout said:
Oh, well, of course, if he signed up for it. I just don't like the idea of mandatory attendance.

Neither do I, and I'm not a raider at all, but I can understand why it's there at least. I mean you basically can't be a hardcore raiding guild without it.


Well, our guild never had sign-ups.....certain people were just expected to come, and if they didn't there was usually someone to fill in. If a tank is playing his alt or doing arenas or something, it's kind of a touchy issue as to whether or not they should be forced to join the raid.


Raiding blows, I quit because my RL best friend wanted to xfer off Duskwood and join a hardcore raiding guild on Doomhammer. My work schedule is so random, and with school on top of that, there's no way I could devoted 4-5 nights/4 hours to doing just raids. Bleh.
fallout said:
I will never understand why people want to be in hardcore raiding guilds. I mean, I see the appeal of killing raid bosses and the elation of success with your guildmates ... but it just sounds like so much of the fun has been sucked out of it.

Nah. I saw that, and my eyes went O_O.

That's a bad sign, open rebellion like that.


Looted my first epic ever today. Got Plans: Fel Hardened Maul off a Phase Hunter in Netherstorm. Once it sells, my flying mount will be paid for.


Zensetsu said:
Yeah I play horde on Gorgonash, 70 shaman called Malaki. Been playing an alt lately because i'm kinda sick of sitting around in Shattrath saying LF1M need tank, pst. :lol

It's an awful server. I'd give you a ring, but my friends account expired :(


post pics of your char time

op lock


op twink lock

ManaByte said:
Mage is now 69 will full rested exp to 70.

Why do you have 2 warlocks on one server; both on the same side?
I would guess that one is a BG twink, judging by the green lens its wearing. I've got 2 hunters on the same server too.


Good lord at that warlock twink.. nice gear. Makes your bracers stand out badly. You need to pick up the WSG bracers. You went all out with Soulfrost and everything


the wsg bracers are level 40.

i check the AH daily for bracers of shadow wrath or stamina, none are ever there. when i find some i'll put +15 spell dmg on them


Lock am OP


ironchefz = my 63 desto lock
#2 = 70 hunter
#3 = 64 rogue
#4 = 66 retadin

Maybe the hunter was bad, but still thats insane to outdps even a bad 70 hunter. I had the same thing happen on ramparts at level 60, outdpsing 66 and 68s by 10% of total dps at times.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Started a rogue, up to lvl 19 and about to enter BGs for a while.

Daggers or sword? Im heading for combat spec but @ 19 so far i have 7 assasination and 3 combat.

Pve = sword
pvp = dagger


Someone explain to meeee


Junior Member
I just picked up the 2$ trial edition. Any tips for me before I start? (I know nothing about the game)

It will be loaded in about 3 hours...


Buggy Loop said:
Started a rogue, up to lvl 19 and about to enter BGs for a while.

Daggers or sword? Im heading for combat spec but @ 19 so far i have 7 assasination and 3 combat.

Pve = sword
pvp = dagger


Someone explain to meeee

Combat swords will make your rogue leveling life so much easier.


Junior Member
"The file "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\World of Warcraft\World of Warcraft.lnk.Temporary" could not be created. If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game."


edit (WoW forums, hope this works..)
To get around this, right-click your World of Warcraft Shortcut (or patch executable, depending on what you run to get to the patch) and click on "Run as administrator".

8 hours later...finally got it to work. sleepy....


Maxrpg said:
Your paladin has horrible attack power. Why do you have spell damage gems and enchants in your retribution gear?? :lol

You need strict diets of +Strength and +Crit gems.

like my stuff:



I'd give up the 374 more ap you have to have 2k more mana and 280 more spell dmg/healing for healing when needed and higher crusader strike hits but to each his own I guess :p


autobot said:
I'd give up the 374 more ap you have to have 2k more mana and 280 more spell dmg/healing for healing when needed and higher crusader strike hits but to each his own I guess :p
Crusader Strike gets more coefficient from Attack Power than Spell damage.

You're just gimping yourself one way or another - medium healing, or medium damage. Pick a road and go down it.

yacobod said:
grats on the stormherald, but really you should have rolled a warrior, ret pallys are pretty garbage imo



speedpop said:
Are you all embarrassed to post the /played? HAVE YOU NO BALLS?!

hell when i sold my 1st warrior i had well over 110 days played, and that was pre-xpac

at the time i sold the warrior, the toon was only a year old, so essentially i spent 30% of 1 year of my life playing wow on my warrior

i dont recall my time played on my 2nd warrior that i sold, but i didnt raid, only pvp and arena, so i dont think it was anywhere as bad, my first warrior was rank 13 pvp grinder + hardcore raider, at my worst i was easily playing 12 hours+ a day of wow between the pvp grind and trying to make raids


Worships the porcelain goddess
yacobod said:
hell when i sold my 1st warrior i had well over 110 days played, and that was pre-xpac

at the time i sold the warrior, the toon was only a year old, so essentially i spent 30% of 1 year of my life playing wow on my warrior

i dont recall my time played on my 2nd warrior that i sold, but i didnt raid, only pvp and arena, so i dont think it was anywhere as bad, my first warrior was rank 13 pvp grinder + hardcore raider, at my worst i was easily playing 12 hours+ a day of wow between the pvp grind and trying to make raids

Do you still play?

I just picked up Warrior for awhile since my little group of friends needs a tank later on in the game. Also to give Mage a rest for awhile. It's pretty fun. Any tips?


Maxrpg said:
Crusader Strike gets more coefficient from Attack Power than Spell damage.

You're just gimping yourself one way or another - medium healing, or medium damage. Pick a road and go down it.


Unless you are actually interested in being a true hybrid :)


yes and no, i resubbed to the game a few weeks ago, but i havent really touched it since then, i cant stomach lvling another character, i got like lvl 9 and said fuck this, hard to keep my interest playing for whatever reason, i even tried rolling alliance, as i've always played horde side, i figured a change of scenery might be cool

so i think im pretty much done with the game unless i buy a lvl 70 account


Kintaro said:
I just picked up Warrior for awhile since my little group of friends needs a tank later on in the game. Also to give Mage a rest for awhile. It's pretty fun. Any tips?

if you are horde i dont think you can go wrong with Undead (wotf is nice for pvp), Orc (stun resist is nice for pvp and so is blood fury), or Tauren (prolly best for tanking with the hp bonus + war stomp has its use in pvp)

alliance side gnomes are ftw, i think escape artist is the best pvp racial for warriors by far

warriors are by far my favorite class in the game, when geared they excel in group pvp, i'd say they are prolly the 2nd best pvp class in the game atm behind warlocks, but its a toss up really, i like them for pvp, being able to tank is a nice bonus :lol

tanking is fun to learn, and it isnt as hard as ppl make it seem with a competent group, but its a thankless task much like healing
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