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World of Warcraft

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Chris R

Going to start my new account tomorrow, can't decide what I want to roll or where :lol My last account had a 70 druid and rogue so I'm thinking either shaman, priest, or mage... maybe with a hunter alt or something.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Ie sigh...if only stealthers wouldn't go apefuckingshit ganking when they had their cooldowns and instead grouped up in deadly commando units to take and hold towers. Can you imagine that first poor schmuck to waltz in and eat triple Ambush? That sorta thing. That makes me kinda wanna play my guildmate's old Rogue main in there now; he don't use the account as anything other than a pair of AH mules anyways.

It happens a lot. My main's a Rogue and usually I can recruit 2 or 3 others to go straight for their towers right off the bat. One game got so bad they pulled 9 toons into a tower to try and get us out of there. They didn't care that they basically handed the game over at that point. :lol

The best is usually 2-3 Rogue's and a Druid. If more than one person walks in, sap as many as possible, and pick them off one at a time.

rhfb said:
Going to start my new account tomorrow, can't decide what I want to roll or where My last account had a 70 druid and rogue so I'm thinking either shaman, priest, or mage... maybe with a hunter alt or something.

Well, you'll fly through as a hunter that's for sure. I didn't look too close at my notes from the last patch, but my friend says Blizzard has a soft spot for his class apparently and buffed them big time.


border said:
Just put another major burn on the Allies in AV -- 606 Bonus Honor for us, 0 Honor for them :lol How you can go the whole game and not even kill Galv is beyond me.....maybe because some douchebag capped Snowfall again and forced them into a turtle. Only a 30 minute match though....probably not the best honor/hour, but like I said I'd rather murder them then get stuck on some treadmill of quick losses merely justified by a quick honor/hour rate.

And with that victory, I have 73899 Honor -- more than enough to buy my warrior the whole Gladiator armor set, plus the PVP throwing weapon.

What should I do for a weapon? I have Thunder, but it seems like Mace Spec took a huge nerf. Most proc nerfs are almost undetectable, but this spec went from proc'ing frequently to barely proc'ing at all! Should I save up for the Gladiator Sword, or just switch to being a Swordsmith for my Lionheart Blade? Or is Mace Spec still worth it? I doubt I'll be bothered enough to collect the Nethers for Deep Thunder or Lionheart Champion....

im using skillherald, mace spec seems to be about the same

some did some testing on like 25,000 swings or something, and i guess the nerf was from something like 11% to 9%

so its pretty negligible

for a class with 0 cc, it gives the class some versatility, ask ppl who dont play the warrior class, they all think mace spec is imba

but either way i wouldnt waste mats on crafting lionheart if you want to get a sword, get some honor and get s1 sword imo


lionheart is like the worst crafted epic I have seen. even the epic gun from engineering is at least useful for a tank or a warrior/rogue who just needs a good ~300 extra HP. I don't get how they screwed up swordsmithing so much in tbc, although at least they made macesmith a lot better.

maybe there's a good dw sword set from swordsmithing, but I kinda doubt it.


firex said:
lionheart is like the worst crafted epic I have seen. even the epic gun from engineering is at least useful for a tank or a warrior/rogue who just needs a good ~300 extra HP. I don't get how they screwed up swordsmithing so much in tbc, although at least they made macesmith a lot better.

maybe there's a good dw sword set from swordsmithing, but I kinda doubt it.

no that even fails

the crafted 1h mace is the best of the crafted, looks the best too


Well, I finally got around to getting an epic flying mount, and yeah it feels so much better than the regular mount :lol

Now working on my netherdrake. I haven't beaten that Skyshatter race yet (might have to come back for him, I'm not fond of him yelling something about preparing my funeral every time I start the event :lol)

I think I'm about 10-12 days away from getting one. After that it's 22 more badges to go for that new trinket, and I can finally retire my holy priest and go shadow (which I find a lot more fascinating to play than healing).


When the servers re-open today, do I have to go out to Netherstorm to pick up my Gladiator armor, or will they be selling it in the Hall of Legends?

yacobod said:
im using skillherald, mace spec seems to be about the same
Really? Can you tell the difference between the spec proc and the weapon's proc?

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like I'm getting way less stuns off than I used to. If it's only a 2% change then that's nice, but it certainly doesn't feel like it's proc'ing 9% of the time.


border said:
When the servers re-open today, do I have to go out to Netherstorm to pick up my Gladiator armor, or will they be selling it in the Hall of Legends?

Really? Can you tell the difference between the spec proc and the weapon's proc?

Maybe it's just me, but it seems like I'm getting way less stuns off than I used to. If it's only a 2% change then that's nice, but it certainly doesn't feel like it's proc'ing 9% of the time.

the 9% is the talent mace stun, the mace stun on the thunder line is a very low proc, i dont know at least to me the mace stun seems to play the same

i havent noticed a decrease in performance in arenas or w/e, nerfing hamstring to 10 seconds is a bigger problem in 2.3 imo


what is everyone buying today

i finally got my dory's embrace last night, 60 heroic badges was a pain in the ass

from pvp vendor i will pick up:

new ring
new neck
new bracers
new belt

dont think i can afford the new boots, i have 75k banked, but i think i will be short by like 3k honor

for arena gear i will pick up

s3 helm and then i will try to farm 1850 by the week and get a new 2hander next tuesday

either that or i will get my helm and legs, then get the chest the following week, to get my 3 pieces of gear with armor pen


I wish Blizzard would explain why a PVP cape requires such a ridiculous number of badges (which can only be acquired in PVE)......as much as I 'd like it, I can't be hassled to run 20 heroics just for a moderate upgrade to the Honor-based cape. Instead of forcing me to run dungeons again and again, how about giving them as rewards for Halaa/Auchindoun PVP?

Any indication how popular the new PVP trinket is going to be? No resilience on it, but I guess the +1750HP will be good for clutch situations.


border said:
I wish Blizzard would explain why a PVP cape requires such a ridiculous number of badges (which can only be acquired in PVE)......as much as I 'd like it, I can't be hassled to run 20 heroics just for a moderate upgrade to the Honor-based cape. Instead of forcing me to run dungeons again and again, how about giving them as rewards for Halaa/Auchindoun PVP?

Any indication how popular the new PVP trinket is going to be? No resilience on it, but I guess the +1750HP will be good for clutch situations.

its like having last stand or life giving gem, i think it will have its uses, especially considering the fact warriors are often the target of heavy FF in arenas, w/the popular strat of lol lets gib the warrior
running karazhan should help you get some nice amount of badges no?

BTW , what the hell? Was AV honor weekend bugged 600max honor only? isnt that for normal AV or something? I guess I missed the memo.

not sure what Im getting today though , really tempted to get that battlemaster trinket :D


Why should I run Karazahn to get a PVP item? It's retarded.

AV typically does not display weekend bonus honor on the endgame scoreboard, but the extra points get added to your total. 650-700 is probably the most you can get....that's assuming you lose no towers, no generals, destroy all their towers and kill all their generals.
border said:
Why should I run Karazahn to get a PVP item? It's retarded.

AV typically does not display weekend bonus honor on the endgame scoreboard, but the extra points get added to your total. 650-700 is probably the most you can get....that's assuming you lose no towers, no generals, destroy all their towers and kill all their generals.

yeah , I won like 20 games last night. Alliance got nothing and we got all the towers capped/mines etc, still a 620 max game. There was a thread on the general forums about this as well, Blue posted that " They will look into it "

and yeah , Ive cleared karazhan a long time ago. Its boring and I hate PVE :D
I wish there was another way.


i ran kara 2 nights ago for badges and came away with pretty much a full tank set in the process, was pretty funny, but now i have a fully developed tank set

pretty much every boss dropped tank shit

in tank gear i have like 500 def and 14k hp, time to find a raiding guild lol


border said:
Badges drop in Zul'Aman too, and while I'd like to run it my warrior isn't really geared for it.

my friends guild said they cleared ZA in 80 minutes yesterday, lots of badges in no time = profit


Server is back up but the vendor for honor gear is totally mobbed -- is there any way to talk to them without clicking on them? Like a command or something? It might be at least a day before the crowds disperse :lol


border said:
Server is back up but the vendor for honor gear is totally mobbed -- is there any way to talk to them without clicking on them? Like a command or something? It might be at least a day before the crowds disperse :lol

cant you

/target Vendor Name

whatever hes called?


You can target the vendor's name, but once you have them targeted there is no way to talk.

You have to do a Ctrl+V to display the names of everyone in the vicinity, then right-click on their name (which will be jumping all over the place with 100 people mobbing the 1 vendor).

I managed to get my stuff eventually -- all my stats (except resilience) actually took a bit of a hit as compared to my blue gear and crafted stuff.....maybe things will be brighter once everything is socketed and enchanted. I'm kicking myself for not stocking up on gems before S3 started.

So now that I have some semi-serious PVP gear, is it better for a warrior to stress strength or crit, when adding gems? What's the preferred PVP metagem?


border said:
You can target the vendor's name, but once you have them targeted there is no way to talk.

You have to do a Ctrl+V to display the names of everyone in the vicinity, then right-click on their name (which will be jumping all over the place with 100 people mobbing the 1 vendor).

I managed to get my stuff eventually -- all my stats (except resilience) actually took a bit of a hit as compared to my blue gear and crafted stuff.....maybe things will be brighter once everything is socketed and enchanted. I'm kicking myself for not stocking up on gems before S3 started.

So now that I have some semi-serious PVP gear, is it better for a warrior to stress strength or crit, when adding gems? What's the preferred PVP metagem?

+24AP + runspeed meta FTW with Surefooted enchant on your boots

id stock up +4str+4crit geams (inscribed noble topaz), or strict +8str, +8 crit gems

at least my warrior is socketed for pure dmg, everything is either str or crit


Yeah, I think a while back you said the goal was 1600AP/30%crit/11K HP with around 300-400 resilience.

Right now I am sitting at 1358 AP....28.6% crit (in Berzerker).....11.2K HP......314 resilience (-8% crit chance). Still have a few slots and enchantments to fill.

So yeah, I guess no more stamina enchants.....mostly need to stress Strength and a little crit. Is Resilience to chest worth it, or just stick with +150HP?


border said:
Yeah, I think a while back you said the goal was 1600AP/30%crit/11K HP with around 300-400 resilience.

Right now I am sitting at 1358 AP....28.6% crit (in Berzerker).....11.2K HP......314 resilience (-8% crit chance). Still have a few slots and enchantments to fill.

So yeah, I guess no more stamina enchants.....mostly need to stress Strength and a little crit. Is Resilience to chest worth it, or just stick with +150HP?

+6 stats to chest

i would do

+12 str to bracers (+24 AP)
+15 str to gloves (+30 AP)
cobrahide or nethercobra to legs (+40 or +50 AP)
get savagery on your weapon (+70 AP)
+12 agi to cloak

and stack all +str or +str/+crit gems

i used to roll with 300 resil on my warrior before upgrading my cape, after i upgrade my bracers and ring today, i probably have 350ish

but i think 300 resil is fine, i wouldnt waste time with resil to chest, your not a healer, your job is to do dmg in pvp/arena


My Pally should be right at the honor limit. I have no idea what I'm going to get, I need about everything. I have the pvp gloves now which are decent, but man the bonus on the s1 ornamented gloves is incredible. 2% crit increase to flash of light.


Brian Burke punched my mom
I had a little over 55,000 honor with my 69 rogue so I picked up the season 1 MH + OH maces and the Vindicator's belt. I made about 2000 honor in 10 minutes with an AV win + daily today :lol


MrToughPants said:
I had a little over 55,000 honor with my 69 rogue so I picked up the season 1 MH + OH maces and the Vindicator's belt. I made about 2000 honor in 10 minutes with an AV win + daily today :lol

Umm that's quite impossible. Max I got with an AV win with 500+ reinforcements, galv, and all towers saved was 1300.

And not to mention that taking a bunker takes 4 minutes, I doubt you soloed Dun Balder/Frostwolf's base towers in 6 minutes and killed 100 or so leftover reinforcements.

On the side note, Blizzard's approximations are off by one hour. Maybe they're approximating by the day. >_<
Considering activating over the break between semesters...Oh God. I've got a free month from that WoW Credit Card thing:lol

How much easier is it to level 1-60 now with the changes they made?

And has there been any Wrath of the Lich King news since it's announcement? I've been out of the loop.


my stats jumped up quite a bit after buying all my upgrades yesterday

i still need to get my boots, still need to farm another 1k honor or so for them

and get my chest piece next week


Brian Burke punched my mom
IzumiK said:
Umm that's quite impossible. Max I got with an AV win with 500+ reinforcements, galv, and all towers saved was 1300.

And not to mention that taking a bunker takes 4 minutes, I doubt you soloed Dun Balder/Frostwolf's base towers in 6 minutes and killed 100 or so leftover reinforcements.

On the side note, Blizzard's approximations are off by one hour. Maybe they're approximating by the day. >_<

Are you sure? Bonus honor + all towers capped

When archers are out of combat and you cap a bunker they disappear.


Where do I go to buy the new elixirs with Apexis Crystals?

And what happened to the chicken PVP mount that Blizzard promised us?


Brian Burke punched my mom
border said:
Where do I go to buy the new elixirs with Apexis Crystals?

And what happened to the chicken PVP mount that Blizzard promised us?

The mount had bug issues apparently.

It would be nice of Blizz if you could exchange BG marks for honor.


My warlock is starting to look decent finally. 'Boodylicious' (I play on Smolderthorn)



Damn this netherdrake grind is driving me nuts :lol guess I'm getting too old for this.

I keep crunching numbers in my head so as to how quickly I can get the thing. By my estimate I'm two and a half days worth of daily quests away from getting it (7 rep dailies at 2800rep per day - curse me for being Draenei instead of human).

I'm dreading doing this again for another toon :lol So I'll probably skip it + just work on dailies for a mount.

Also I seem to be suffering from MAJOR healer burnout. ZA is a goddamn nightmare trying to get by on Kara only gear, and our new recruits have no better than the dungeon armor set, and it's seriously draining the fun out of the game trying to do the impossible.

We managed to down the bear boss easily, but stuff like Eagle, Lynx, Dragonhawk still absolutely murder us.

Lynx seems remotely doable, but Saber lash is hitting our tanks for 9k-9.5k (roughly 60% of their health), and none of our dps can survive phase 2 very well.

I'm getting some ridiculous numbers healing though (Recount parsed me at approx 1000dps healed with 10% overheal). Usually I'm about 46% of my raid's total healing at 26% overheal. In ZA I'm pulling about 55% of the total healing. And it's damn stressful trying to keep relatively undergeared people alive in there.

Overall, I think the problem with my guild is we don't have experience dealing with raid encounters that are AE heavy, or have someone randomly get one shotted by something like a chained lightning + 4.6k earthshock.

I'm not entirely faultless in this situation however, due to the healing nature of my priest and our lack of success at 25 man runs (we never got past Gruul), I just don't have the stamina gear to be able to stay alive at some of these things while still maintaining a decent amount of healing to keep pace with the damage everyone is suffering.


if you're looking for gear, just grind honor until you can buy the season 1 healer set. all you really want is stamina, resilience, healing and spell crit.
Pallys can heal in 5v5 arenas just fine in PvE gear so long as they don't look heinously undergeared. Prolly better that way as arena gear has no fucking mp5 for some reason, and the entire strat for dealing with pallies is to out mana them. Or CC them to hell. But that's less damning on 5s.


Next season they'll need to start adding some mild mp/5 on the Paladin arena set, but for now it's fine. I'm at about 34.50% Holy Light crit arena buffed in arena gear, want to hit 35% and stop, even if that's fairly arbitrary at this point.

Any decent team that sees you in PvE gear is going to drop you like a ton of bricks too, but for starting out you can easily get away with it, yeah.

On that note I really feel sorry for anyone TRYING to start out now. We did our first bit yesterday, (30 games, went 23 and 7, wound up at 1701 to finish gonna try for 1850 on monday) and EVERY fucking team was Gladiator or Duelist. I'm no Gladiator but I am a Duelist, so that probably makes me a hypocrite but I wanted to smash some bluebie teams. :(
EekTheKat said:
Damn this netherdrake grind is driving me nuts :lol guess I'm getting too old for this.

I keep crunching numbers in my head so as to how quickly I can get the thing. By my estimate I'm two and a half days worth of daily quests away from getting it (7 rep dailies at 2800rep per day - curse me for being Draenei instead of human).

I'm dreading doing this again for another toon :lol So I'll probably skip it + just work on dailies for a mount.

Also I seem to be suffering from MAJOR healer burnout. ZA is a goddamn nightmare trying to get by on Kara only gear, and our new recruits have no better than the dungeon armor set, and it's seriously draining the fun out of the game trying to do the impossible.

We managed to down the bear boss easily, but stuff like Eagle, Lynx, Dragonhawk still absolutely murder us.

Lynx seems remotely doable, but Saber lash is hitting our tanks for 9k-9.5k (roughly 60% of their health), and none of our dps can survive phase 2 very well.

I'm getting some ridiculous numbers healing though (Recount parsed me at approx 1000dps healed with 10% overheal). Usually I'm about 46% of my raid's total healing at 26% overheal. In ZA I'm pulling about 55% of the total healing. And it's damn stressful trying to keep relatively undergeared people alive in there.

Overall, I think the problem with my guild is we don't have experience dealing with raid encounters that are AE heavy, or have someone randomly get one shotted by something like a chained lightning + 4.6k earthshock.

I'm not entirely faultless in this situation however, due to the healing nature of my priest and our lack of success at 25 man runs (we never got past Gruul), I just don't have the stamina gear to be able to stay alive at some of these things while still maintaining a decent amount of healing to keep pace with the damage everyone is suffering.

ZA is very healer-intensive; it's almost set up as a companion raid to Tier 5 like AQ20 was to BWL; guys from Kara can get their feet wet, but beyond 2 bosses, it's serious shit. Damn bitch Bear and Hex Lord won't drop my freakin' Spirit Gears of ZOMG MANAZ, either. Bleh.

@ survivability: That was my problem during early BC raiding, (the good PMC, it giveth; the good PMC...it taketh away). If you go back about 40 pages, I got into an argument with some loon who thought +STM was luxury and sloth for priests. Yah...uh, no. I lost like 2000hp as I went from whatever the hell my healing set was dinging 70 (3piece Transcendence intact), to PMC set done. Died like a bitch all the time; the cause of a few wipes. Granted, if I wasn't touched, the heal train kept a'rolling, but it was Deer Hunter scene at times when progression night turned dicey. I'm now close to 8100 self-buffed now and am less smearable again.

Also, Vashj down! WOOOOOOOOOO.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
BigJonsson said:
I reached level 8 tonight, go me!

Definitely need to start grouping though, can't solo against an entire dungeon of gnarl-dealies yet

You can solo all the way to 70 if you want. Dungeons with elite monsters are where you should group but i doubt its your case @ lvl 8.


MrToughPants said:
Are you sure? Bonus honor + all towers capped

When archers are out of combat and you cap a bunker they disappear.

Towers capped: 62 honour
Towers defended: 41 honour (82 on AV weekends)
Galv or Bal killed: 62 honour
Generals killed (or AV win): 82 honour
Wing Commanders saved: 20 honour

616 or 780 on weekend bonus honour. Bonus honour gives you 418 and I probably got a lot of honour from killing people. So that's how I got my estimated 1300. 2000 is impossible


IzumiK said:
Towers capped: 62 honour
Towers defended: 41 honour (82 on AV weekends)
Galv or Bal killed: 62 honour
Generals killed (or AV win): 82 honour
Wing Commanders saved: 20 honour

616 or 780 on weekend bonus honour. Bonus honour gives you 418 and I probably got a lot of honour from killing people. So that's how I got my estimated 1300. 2000 is impossible
I was in a 42 minute AV and ended up with about 1800 estimated honor. All towers capped, all towers defended, Bal killed, etc. etc. Plus it was an AV daily. Wasn't AV weekend, though.

I think it can be done, it'll just take a while. Plus, diminishing returns eventually kick in as you kill the team over and over and over.


TheOneGuy said:
I was in a 42 minute AV and ended up with about 1800 estimated honor. All towers capped, all towers defended, Bal killed, etc. etc. Plus it was an AV daily. Wasn't AV weekend, though.

I think it can be done, it'll just take a while. Plus, diminishing returns eventually kick in as you kill the team over and over and over.

He said 10 minutes. And mine was also about 10-15 minutes for 1300.

I think saving Galv gives 83 bonus honor as well.
ToyMachine228 said:
How much easier is it to level 1-60 now with the changes they made?

Looks like it will take me about two weeks from 1-60 with just regular nightly play with a new character with no real help. This was leveling a warrior, too, not something fast and quick like a hunter or something.

I did mining and skinning selling everythingalong the way and will have enough cash at 60 to get the 100% speed land mount/riding skill. BC-induced inflation of lower-level commodities is really nice in that regard.
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