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World of Warcraft

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You know what's not nice? All the prices of greens that went up pre-2.3. I found some low level greens that should have went for about 50s MAXIMUM going for 11g.

I can't completely outfit a level 14 character in basic greens for less than 20g sometimes.


Let me repeat:

bengraven said:
You know what's not nice? All the prices of greens that went up pre-2.3. I found some low level greens that should have went for about 50s MAXIMUM going for 11g.

I can't completely outfit a level 14 character in basic greens for less than 20g sometimes.


Let me repeat:


do the BC area starting zones, the quest rewards are quite well itemized. At least the Draenei area was when I did it on my warrior.

Also, if you are leveling a new character-don't miss out on Mudsprocket at level 38 or so. The quests there are good stuff.


IzumiK said:
He said 10 minutes.
Well you didn't specify in your post and I didn't care enough to read further up.

I've gotten almost 1.5k estimated in 16 minutes. Not on AV weekend. Again with AV daily.


bengraven said:
You know what's not nice? All the prices of greens that went up pre-2.3. I found some low level greens that should have went for about 50s MAXIMUM going for 11g.

I can't completely outfit a level 14 character in basic greens for less than 20g sometimes.


Let me repeat:

Welcome to the opportunistic market of WoW. This isn't the time to be buying, it's the time to be selling.

And people wonder how I got my flying epic mount so fast. :D


Got my netherdrake in about a week, started last friday + ended today.

I was extremely lucky on some spawns though, the egg quests cut my time to completion down quite a bit.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
bengraven said:
You know what's not nice? All the prices of greens that went up pre-2.3. I found some low level greens that should have went for about 50s MAXIMUM going for 11g.

I can't completely outfit a level 14 character in basic greens for less than 20g sometimes.


Let me repeat:


Battleground twinking has really helped (hurt?) the market for low level gear, especially gear around the BG level caps (19,29,39, etc.). It also allows you to sell junk greens for good gold too. :D


Has problems recognising girls
Mengy said:
Battleground twinking has really helped (hurt?) the market for low level gear, especially gear around the BG level caps (19,29,39, etc.). It also allows you to sell junk greens for good gold too. :D
This is the thing I want to know most about in regards to twinking - the revamped low dungeons in WoW clearly have unreal gear and I'm wondering how twinks have gone about this. They've done up their own little characters and spent several hundred gold on getting those two Assassin's Blades only to later have Blizzard slap them in the face by having several weapons that are just as good, if not better, than the bog standard twink gear and they're all BoP drops with an actual drop rate that isn't borderline stupid.

Surely some people have not enjoyed seeing their creation go from top of the line in 19 BGs to dust in a matter of a few weeks.
Just went into ZA for the first time last night. Place is wicked fun. We got Bear and Eagle down within the timer and might have had Dragonhawk if not for a lame wipe when we aggrod a pack through a wall. I really don't see how it can be feasible to do the miles of Lynx trash within the 50 minutes though.

About half the group was full t5 and half only Kara or less, with all the healers in the latter. We didn't run into any big trouble until Malacross, and this is with nobody really having done the instance before. We were well ahead of healer mana issues on Lynx, guess that might've been from having a hunter for tranq and our two best Karathress totem whores. I must say, the first time you see Malacross's shadowbolt shit is fucking hilarious. Not having a priest makes that pretty hellish.

We ended up not being able to get Zul'Jin though. P3 and P4 are both painful as all hell, and Lynx being able to instagib a couple of the healers with that charge + melee he does is just hilarious the few times we managed to get to P4 with most of us up.


We take three Paladins to ZA - three bops for the Zul'Jin fight is very helpful to save people while we burn that phase down.

I want Zul'jin's damn sword!

Also our guild has the world first kill of Hex Lord and Halazzi on Bosskillers. :D
WSG is completely fucking worthless

As horde , I never and never will go there for honor regardless of double weekends.

AV is the only to go it seems :/ , bgs need a time fix.

Oh and 2.3 honor estimation is complete utter crap , I had 15k one night and ended up with 11.4k the next morning.
SuperAndroid17 said:
WSG is completely fucking worthless

As horde , I never and never will go there for honor regardless of double weekends.

AV is the only to go it seems :/ , bgs need a time fix.

Oh and 2.3 honor estimation is complete utter crap , I had 15k one night and ended up with 11.4k the next morning.

New annoying habit I'm seeing: not defending the base. I'm tired of every DPS back on D hanging right around the FC. I gotta be there healing, but wtf at them letting one dude spy on us and report back our numbers and make up? We end up getting steamrolled. I'm putting forth a "seek and destroy" battle plan unless there are 2-3 healing classes from now on.


A buddy of mine having fun with someone begging for gold:



TheOneGuy said:
Well you didn't specify in your post and I didn't care enough to read further up.

I've gotten almost 1.5k estimated in 16 minutes. Not on AV weekend. Again with AV daily.

Again, the number crunching totally debunks your claim. To reach that, you had to kill 20 fresh players, solo, to achieve that 500 honor that isn't a part of the 616 + 418 honor in the game itself and daily. Somehow, it's completely doubtful that you are able to kill 20 people within 16 minutes via one on one which is the only way you could even achieve it. That'd be fighting the opposing team at a rate of 1min 15s each.

With the way AV goes, it's obviously unlikely. And if you capped all the towers, bal/galv, then you don't have the 400-500 people for group killing and getting that much honor.

Did Zul'aman yesterday with a lot of lagging people. Eagle boss wasn't fun with it happening but they seem pretty simple. The only problem is Bear boss resisting taunts was giving us a lot of problems. Is there another way to get around the bear boss resisting taunt?


I'm so conflicted lately.

I really would like to go Horde, but I've got Alliance alts of any of the classes I'd like to do as Horde.

But if I take those alts in it'll just be 10x as hard to gear them up in BGs.

But if I go Horde, then I gotta level the shit, and I'll be on a server with no contacts and no money.


This is a time where I'd like the expansion to be around the corner so I could swap characters easily, but sadly it seems like it's probably like 8 months off.


I'm kind of lucky that I did enough alliance stuff in beta that I don't really want to play through that side again. and I had horrible experiences going alone as alliance, compared to soloing to catch up to higher level horde friends.


I had a friend who rolled alliance and has a melee hunter and a mana burn spec priest (no essential healing, holy damage, or shadow damage talents). Safe to say he's not my friend anymore and I rolled horde to kill him.

Oh yes, does anyone have experience with gold spammers? Here's how I handled it.



IzumiK said:
Again, the number crunching totally debunks your claim. To reach that, you had to kill 20 fresh players, solo, to achieve that 500 honor that isn't a part of the 616 + 418 honor in the game itself and daily. Somehow, it's completely doubtful that you are able to kill 20 people within 16 minutes via one on one which is the only way you could even achieve it. That'd be fighting the opposing team at a rate of 1min 15s each.
I said almost 1.5k, I don't remember exactly. I know for sure it was definitely over 1.4k, though. Believe me or not, I don't care. I know what happened. D:

EDIT: Though I'm sure it was much lower than that once the honor was actually calculated for the day.
Finding myself missing WoW more and more lately. Actually looking forward to activating in between semesters. Hopefully it'll run on my laptop. I'll be playing my 66 Draenei Shaman on Magtheridon. He's been Enhancement the entire way but at 70 I'm not sure which way I'll go. I'll be mostly PvPing and running 5-mans so we'll see.
speedpop said:
Resto Shaman for life <3

Yeah I played a Holy Paladin for a long time, and I was a really good healer. I like healing in PvE a lot, but I was never a HUGE fan of it in PvP. It usually comes down to people just bitching. GG NICE HEALS! But I definitely would be interested in trying Resto...Also considering power leveling my second Rogue. This one's a Night Elf. My first one was a Human Rogue that at 60 had full Bloodfang, Thunderfury and Iblis. Was usually the top dps'er in my guild, and I really liked my Rogue. The first time I quit I uh...Rid of my Rogue. But I started another one around the time Burning Crusade came out and got him to around 30. The tuning of 20-60 content may be enough to provoke me to finish him alongside playing my Shaman once I get those last four levels that I need to 70. We'll see. My activation will be free thanks to the WoW credit card I have and I might get another month for one of those Scroll of Ressurection deals. We'll see. I just hope my laptop runs it:lol


Well, as I've said I got my Gladiator set for my warrior. I have a friend with a druid alt that has a mix of healing gear that is part Karazahn epics and part shitty greens. I'm trying to talk him into a 2v2 arena team, since people here have previously said that the warrior/druid combo is better than the warrior/pally combo.

What should our general arena strategy be? How reliable is a druid without PVP healing gear? Will he have to spec/respec into Resto/Feral everyday? I'm wondering if it's really worth the hassle.

Chris R

So yea, loving this new boosted exp rate or whatever for 20-60. Really loving my mage too. 0/12/0 so far.

speedpop said:
Resto Shaman for life <3

I loved my resto shaman from the bad days, so I'm betting I'd really love a resto shaman now. It was so damn funny :lol I was basically a cow with so much +heal and mp5 so I wouldn't run oom :lol


border said:
Well, as I've said I got my Gladiator set for my warrior. I have a friend with a druid alt that has a mix of healing gear that is part Karazahn epics and part shitty greens. I'm trying to talk him into a 2v2 arena team, since people here have previously said that the warrior/druid combo is better than the warrior/pally combo.

What should our general arena strategy be? How reliable is a druid without PVP healing gear? Will he have to spec/respec into Resto/Feral everyday? I'm wondering if it's really worth the hassle.

2v2 with a Druid is mostly about the Druid, get some information from this:


He will need to get a set of gear from the Battlegrounds of course though, to start. I'd strongly advise working on that before jumping into the 1500 Duelist/Gladiator hellhole arena is at the moment.

Druid is a far better choice than Paladin for any piece of the game at the moment sans 5v5, where Disc Priest and Holy Paladin is the god combo.


border said:
Well, as I've said I got my Gladiator set for my warrior. I have a friend with a druid alt that has a mix of healing gear that is part Karazahn epics and part shitty greens. I'm trying to talk him into a 2v2 arena team, since people here have previously said that the warrior/druid combo is better than the warrior/pally combo.

What should our general arena strategy be? How reliable is a druid without PVP healing gear? Will he have to spec/respec into Resto/Feral everyday? I'm wondering if it's really worth the hassle.

there is no reason to not do arena immediately, might as well start earning points even if you wont be successful

and ya resto druid for a warrior is by far the best combo, if you dont have a decently geared druid to play with right now, by all means play with a holy pally, but once the druid gears up drop the paladin

druid is far more versatile in 2v2 arena, its so easy to lock down the paladin, that pretty much any 2 dps team will pwn you because they will be able to cc, interrupt, lock down your paladin


How does the druid avoid spell lockdowns and heavy burst damage, though? It doesn't seem like they'd be much better than a paladin.


border said:
How does the druid avoid spell lockdowns and heavy burst damage, though? It doesn't seem like they'd be much better than a paladin.

you have much to learn young padawon

druids posses the ability to kite easily with travel form, cat form, bear form w/the help of roots, nature's grasp, bash, feral charge, and cyclone

being able to heal on the run with instacast dots is there biggest strength, which allows them to easily get in and out of LOS to avoid interupts and fears, and NS+big heals if needed, where as a pally has to stand in LOS of his target and actually cast to heal his target

druids can always bear form mana burns, where as a paladin has to eat them, a druids mobility also allows them to go away and drink often in arenas to give your team a significant advantage in the mana war between healers, while the dots keep you up when they are drinking

having a druid allows you to control a fight with cyclones, can cyclone the opposing teams healer, can cyclone your focus target to prevent him from being healed ad nauseum

having problems dropping a SL/SL lock with voidwalker? cyclone his void and smash the warlock, i mean druids are so much better than paladins in 2s

i dont know but we can prolly think of many reasons why they are better, but this is a good starting point


border said:
Well, as I've said I got my Gladiator set for my warrior. I have a friend with a druid alt that has a mix of healing gear that is part Karazahn epics and part shitty greens. I'm trying to talk him into a 2v2 arena team, since people here have previously said that the warrior/druid combo is better than the warrior/pally combo.

What should our general arena strategy be? How reliable is a druid without PVP healing gear? Will he have to spec/respec into Resto/Feral everyday? I'm wondering if it's really worth the hassle.

Well, to start, if your druid doesn't have great gear right now I would advise against doing arenas for at least a week or two. Because Season 3 just started, 1500-1700 is just a clusterfuck of very well geared teams trying to scramble out of the lower bracket.

Also, as a Holy Pally, my Pally/War combo just stomps Druid/War; however, Druid/War would fair FAR better at the top tier teams in 2v2. Druid/Warlock, Shadow Priest/Warlock, Rogue/Warlock, Rogue/Priest... these are all teams Druid/War has a chance against. As a Pally/War team, the top tier combos are just too nasty for me since I can't pop a HoT and run around a corner. Paladins are too easily controlled against those other teams.

So don't get discouraged when a Pally/War teams destroys you though. :lol Just know better times are ahead if you can get past the end of the road for most Pally/War teams (probably around 1800-2000).
This was my problem when I was playing and doing Arena...A lot of the matches are somewhat determined by the classes you are playing against. Depending on if it's 2v2,3v3 or 5v5, and of course there are always exceptions when you can overcome a team your "supposed" to lose to. But a lot of it is determined in the class match ups. Maybe I'll get more into Arena more the next time I play through:D


Hehe rogue/resto sham group here. Getting crushed usually though, haven't been about 1670 rating last season. My shammy's gear isn't the best yet either, maybe 5 pvp pieces atm, but soon as you come across a team with a dispeller my main defense (earth shield) is nullified and using 900 mana to recast is pointless as they just dispel it again.
Without it I'm way too squishy, so yeah splat :lol

Hopefully they'll change dispel mechanics decently in 2.4, whenever that is >.< Until then, time to gear up my wife's disc priest I guess =P


So if I walk into arenas now and get beat down by a bunch of S2/S3 geared groups working their way up the brackets, will that affect my ability to get a good rating later on when the experts have moved up?


border said:
So if I walk into arenas now and get beat down by a bunch of S2/S3 geared groups working their way up the brackets, will that affect my ability to get a good rating later on when the experts have moved up?

No, in two or three weeks, most of the good teams will be 1900+. You should be able to get to 1800 without too much trouble if you have decent gear. But for example, I was a Duelist in Season 2 and I'm only sitting around 1650-1750 with 60 games already under my belt. It's just a mess right now. One game we'll play an absolutely horrible team, the next game will be one of the top 20 from last season.
Are you kidding? Right now is the best time to play arenas. Best to get the fuck above 1800 while the fields below it are still cluttered otherwise you will get stuck in a mage fuckzone.

I hate mages.

Also I've been running 5s with a geared ele sham on my pally. Their dps output is fucking hilarious.


Son of Godzilla said:
Are you kidding? Right now is the best time to play arenas. Best to get the fuck above 1800 while the fields below it are still cluttered otherwise you will get stuck in a mage fuckzone.

I hate mages.

Also I've been running 5s with a geared ele sham on my pally. Their dps output is fucking hilarious.

um honestly its way harder right now to get to 1850 than it will be in 2-3 weeks

in 2-3 weeks you will be able to get to 1850 in a few hours of play

the point spread is so low right now, that only the top teams are reaching 1850+, i mean its still pretty rare to see ppl with their s3 weapons and what not

in a few weeks, it will be easily doable in a day

i mean at the end of the season, we reformed our 2v2 and got up over 2k points in an afternoon playing, it will be much easier later in the season trust me


PatzCU said:
So don't get discouraged when a Pally/War teams destroys you though. :lol Just know better times are ahead if you can get past the end of the road for most Pally/War teams (probably around 1800-2000).

i play druid/warrior, we usually beat pally/war teams, only times we lose is if the paladin is smart and keeps JoJ up on the druid and doesnt allow him to drink

but with imp hamstring, mace stuns, intercept stuns, usually i can keep my druid relatively free from harassment, the only map that warrior/paladin has an advantage against warrior/druid is in RoL, as its not as easy to kite there for the druid


Son of Godzilla said:
Are you kidding? Right now is the best time to play arenas. Best to get the fuck above 1800 while the fields below it are still cluttered otherwise you will get stuck in a mage fuckzone.
:lol I don't know why that made me laugh so much. I'm not a mage, nor do I have problems with them! Still, I intend to steal that.


and really SoG would be more accurate if he described 1850-2000 as the warlock/spriest fuck zone, for w/e reason that team is in abundance in that range


yacobod said:
i play druid/warrior, we usually beat pally/war teams, only times we lose is if the paladin is smart and keeps JoJ up on the druid and doesnt allow him to drink

but with imp hamstring, mace stuns, intercept stuns, usually i can keep my druid relatively free from harassment, the only map that warrior/paladin has an advantage against warrior/druid is in RoL, as its not as easy to kite there for the druid

Haha, funny you say this. My number 1 priority when playing druid/warrior (or druid/anything for that matter) is to keep JoJ on the druid. If at any moment the druid breaks away without JoJ on him, the match is over.
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