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World of Warcraft

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g35twinturbo said:
Wanted to share the Pet I just caught,

Ew, a huntard.
g35twinturbo said:
don't be a hunter hater, you must be either a caster or a rogue :D
70 warlock rogue and priest. I dont have trouble with any hunter on my pvp geared rogue or warlock o.0 Just my healz priest that just dinged 70. =)


Has problems recognising girls
g35twinturbo said:
don't be a hunter hater, you must be either a caster or a rogue :D
DarkAngelYuna said:
70 warlock rogue and priest.


I wouldn't mind doing a Hunter seriously but the "Huntard" stigma, current Hunter population on local server, as well as the slightly complex Pet and TP system sorta put me off. But Orc Hunters kick arse, second best is easily Dwarf Hunters.


Anyone got a link to a good guide for the Shartuul event out in Blade's Edge? I haven't really been able to get past the 2nd boss yet....
border said:
Anyone got a link to a good guide for the Shartuul event out in Blade's Edge? I haven't really been able to get past the 2nd boss yet....
Wowwiki's is fine. Kinda.

For the 2nd boss are you having trouble getting to it with good HP or getting the boss down? If the former then remember to spam the hell out of the Eat Little Shithead Goblin ability every CD. Also don't let them summon cannons. And use the felbreath thing when you can. You can keep using the melee ability when you do it, just dont use normal melee attack or it cancels.

If the latter than just spam the hell out of your stuns. Just keep doing it. Stun, Strike, run out, repeat. Over and over. She goes really fast. Use the felbreath and try to run out and use stomp and get the little shits she summons too, and consume em. But ignore any cannons they summon unless they are right on top of you and you can strike em without stopping your stuns.

Shartuul is really, really boring after you get it down.


Thinking of rerolling a new toon, anyone have an updated guide on quests and crap, with the changed xp, I just want the most efficient way of leveling.


Well all quests between 20-60 give 30% more xp and it's like 30% less XP per level, so just take whatever levelling guides are already out there and use those, it'll just be even faster.
Alex said:
Son, you really shouldn't use cast sequences, even as BM, it clips your DPS by a fair bit. Hunters have *insane* PvE DPS that is rarely taken advantage of due to the type of people who play the class. We had an alt in Kara gear who picked up a Vashj bow and rocked over 1500 sustained DPS on Fathom Lord. 1500. Hunters rock so much face on raids, ranged fucking Rogues.

I'm the guild SV slut for the absurd Expose Weakness debuff and maintaining a 1:1.5 rotation manually on some fights is just WAY too fucking much to ask for. Staring at a goddamn autoshot timer for 8+ minutes at a time and self adjusting for latency, praying you don't screw up on multishots is no thank you.

Also I don't have a fucking clue how an undergeared BM hunter sporting the Vag bow of all things could pull off those numbers on Karathress. Especially nowadays when you are completely unable to recover from that fucking viper sting he does. Or maybe I should say especially because Zhan gear fucking blows for hunters.

and really SoG would be more accurate if he described 1850-2000 as the warlock/spriest fuck zone, for w/e reason that team is in abundance in that range
Dude, so like one week my 3s team (hunt/warr/druid) dropped into sub-1800s because I was too cheap to respec from PvE and didn't really care about points anymore. This started like three fucking weeks that dropped us at least 300 points total solely because we kept getting mage/JUSTABOUTEVERYDAMNCLASS combos on Nagrand and really hadn't seen many of the bastards for two-three months we flirted with 1900. Season ended before we could pull ourselves completely out of that rut, but I'm assuming the little headway back we made was only because we had fallen below the GODDAMNFROSTMAGEGAMUT.


Son of Godzilla said:
Dude, so like one week my 3s team (hunt/warr/druid) dropped into sub-1800s because I was too cheap to respec from PvE and didn't really care about points anymore. This started like three fucking weeks that dropped us at least 300 points total solely because we kept getting mage/JUSTABOUTEVERYDAMNCLASS combos on Nagrand and really hadn't seen many of the bastards for two-three months we flirted with 1900. Season ended before we could pull ourselves completely out of that rut, but I'm assuming the little headway back we made was only because we had fallen below the GODDAMNFROSTMAGEGAMUT.

if you are talking about 3v3 arena

Rogue/Mage/Priest is like the best or 2nd best composition in that bracket, and you will be facing that line up very much

so ya, gotta deal with them at any rating tbh


Keyser Soze said:
After all these years of dismissing it I am now thinking of buying WOW... and I don't know why :(

Personal rant: It's actually a fun game to play, even excluding the other people. That's what got me. I would easily have played this game a few years ago on Xbox or PS2 without the online components.

Being a fan of endless RPGs like Elder Scrolls being a major factor, the gameplay (more entertaining combat than many offline RPGs like KOTOR), graphics, and story got me hooked.

Playing with people is annoying at times, but usually just awesome. Running into a town and seeing a few dozen other real people makes games like Oblivion feel hollow.

Eric P

bengraven said:
Free character transfers starting December 6th for however long.

Sorry for double post.

with specific limitations

We will be offering free character moves from selected high population realms to other, lower populated realms to assist in population dispersal. The ability to move a character on the selected source realms will become available on Thursday, December 6 at 12:01 PM PDT, and are scheduled to run until Thursday, December 13 at 12:01 PM PDT.

In the event that a realm meets our transfer goals before the scheduled end date, the transfers to that realm will be disabled. We highly recommend that if you are planning to transfer that you do so at your earliest convenience.

Once the transfers open you can begin your transfer by visiting the Character Move page located here: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account/character-move.html

Source Group A
Burning Blade
Laughing Skull

Destination Realm A

Source Group B

Destination Realm B

Source Group C

Destination Realm C

**An error was made in the original posting, Kel'Thuzad will not be available for transfers. Warsong was the intended realm for that group.

[ Post edited by Drysc ]


Eric P said:
with specific limitations

So only a few really, really high realms.

Damn, was kind of hoping we could move our Cenarius guild to a lower pop server away from some of the drama queens we deal with.


Can anyone confirm that there are no more elites (aside from named mobs) outside of instances for the levels 1-60 ?
Are areas like Stromgarde of any interest now ?

Eric P

sankao said:
Can anyone confirm that there are no more elites (aside from named mobs) outside of instances for the levels 1-60 ?
Are areas like Stromgarde of any interest now ?

that is not true. some things like giants are still elites

edit: but for specific areas, i don't think so. i could be wrong though. i know i haven't come across any


Eric P said:
that is not true. some things like giants are still elites

edit: but for specific areas, i don't think so. i could be wrong though. i know i haven't come across any
That's a bad move imo. These areas were interesting, especially in a mass pvp situation.


nearly every area with outdoor elites before is now soloable. Stromgarde, trash outside instances, the dragons in burning steppes... they didn't change every elite to a normal mob, like King B for the STV hunting quest is still elite, but the other top ones for panther/raptor mastery aren't anymore. For the most part, though, they downgraded the outdoor elite areas to normal mobs. I haven't checked out places like Jintha in hinterlands yet, but a lot of stuff is now soloable. And yes, this definitely includes trash outside instances... although not for old obsolete pre-tbc raid stuff. Like there's still elites outside of ZG, and the tainted scar guys are still elite as well.


sankao said:
That's a bad move imo. These areas were interesting, especially in a mass pvp situation.
When the hell has Blizzard ever given a shit about mass PvP situations, unless it's to nerf them? Hell, that was probably one of their considerations!

Dev1: Oh shit guys, PvPers are using these mobs to their tactical advantage.
Dev2: Well, we could just make them normal mobs, that would make it easier to get away.
Dev1: Alright, that should get the job done.
Dev3: How about we add in friendly guards that will attack them if they attack?
Dev1: Nah, too much work for the old instances. Good idea, though!


but ever so delicious
Hrm if i still played i could move my 2 chars from warsong to jaedenar, oh how tempting.

Edit: Actually seems the server is a pos, not tempting at all anymore. Damn
sankao said:
Can anyone confirm that there are no more elites (aside from named mobs) outside of instances for the levels 1-60 ?
Are areas like Stromgarde of any interest now ?

I leveled a character from 1-60 since 2.3 and there are very, very few outdoor area elites outside of Emerald Dream gates and other "special" areas. There still is the occasional quest elite (Arathi Princess, King B, etc.) but the effect it has on solo leveling is quite dramatic.

Also, quest XP was really put through the roof. Leveling is even more about about quests/hour versus mob kills than it was before the patch.


Azwethinkweiz said:

Any chance your in a 25 man raid guild? Im pretty kara epic'd out holy pally but my guild refuses to move on from Kara and I kinda want to make some sort of progression ;[


Fragamemnon said:
I leveled a character from 1-60 since 2.3 and there are very, very few outdoor area elites outside of Emerald Dream gates and other "special" areas.
Holy crap.....how do you find the time for all these games?
Azwethinkweiz said:
Thank you jesus. The 30 minute queue times on Mal'Ganis during primetime are getting very irritating.

It's because of all the people transfering there for the "best shot" at deep recruitment pools for raiding/pvp guilds, and vice versa with whole guilds doing the same. What part of "queue to log on" do they not understand?

Normal, regular High population servers are much better unless you wanna be butthole deep in Tier 6 guilds and dual vialed recruits.

Speaking of which, phase 4 Kael. Insanity!


Where do you get this pet?

I want it, but at the same time I don't, because now it's probably going to be quite the popular pet. Right now I have Deathskitterer the spider as my main pet. Spiders suck, so I'm pretty much the only one I've ever seen with her. But this ghost wolf is awesome. D:
Does your WoW account need to be active to post on the WoW Forums now? I tried to log in to post on the WotLK Forums, but it keeps saying Login Error. I tried logging in with my account to manage it (which currently isn't active, but will be soon) and it let me log in so I know my info's right.


ToyMachine228 said:
Does your WoW account need to be active to post on the WoW Forums now? I tried to log in to post on the WotLK Forums, but it keeps saying Login Error. I tried logging in with my account to manage it (which currently isn't active, but will be soon) and it let me log in so I know my info's right.

Yup, you need an active account to post.

Eric WK

Decided to hop on the Warrior I started before 2.3 and take it to 70 for PvP. I haven't played a Warrior since pre-BC. Can anyone shed some light and link to some standard arena specs?


Anyone here still play on Stormreaver? It was one of the more popular PvP servers until we lost various people to the realm transfers. Now we have the transfers from Jaedenar. Just curious if anyone's still playing on this server.


Warrior's PVP spec is pretty much the same as it was before BC :lol

There's actually tons of little variations you can do to the standard Mortal Strike build, but generally it's 3x/2x/3. I haven't seen anyone put together a definitive setup though.....I think it's largely debatable what support talents are the best.

There's lots of stuff like Imp. Thunderclap, Sweeping Strikes, Blood Frenzy, Improved Hamstring, Weapon Mastery, etc that are all helpful but you can't really have them all.


border said:
Warrior's PVP spec is pretty much the same as it was before BC :lol

There's actually tons of little variations you can do to the standard Mortal Strike build, but generally it's 3x/2x/3. I haven't seen anyone put together a definitive setup though.....I think it's largely debatable what support talents are the best.

There's lots of stuff like Imp. Thunderclap, Sweeping Strikes, Blood Frenzy, Improved Hamstring, Weapon Mastery, etc that are all helpful but you can't really have them all.

some things that i think are MUST haves

1/1 Mortal Strike
5/5 cruelty
5/5 deflection
1/1 piercing howl
5/5 iron will
1/1 Anger management
2/2 imp overpower
3/3 deep wounds
2/2 impale
1/1 DeathWish
2/2 Imp Intercept
2/2 2nd wind
5/5 Enrage
1/1 Sweeping Strikes
2/2 Weapon Mastery
5/5 Mace Spec LOL :lol

the rest of the shit is up to the player and his or her play style imo


I'm buying the WoW battlechest today and was thinking of making a draenai paladin or warrior. Which class would be better for the race?


I guess I'd agree for the most part. I tend not to see the point in Sweeping Strikes....maybe it's just that I always forget to use it (or look for situations to use it in), but rarely do I have more than a single target in melee range (in PVP). Since it's only 1 point I guess it's no big deal.

Weapon Mastery also seems somewhat questionable now....I'm not sure if the -2% Dodge is worth giving up the +2% Damage you could get from 2H Weapon Specialization (or the 4% Damage buff from Blood Frenzy).

I still see people without points in Tactical Mastery, but I have no idea how they manage. I hate losing a ton of range everytime I stance-switch.

This spec looks fun to play, though it's not gonna be too much of a powerhouse:


It's more for people that want to be a pain in the ass than a killing machine =)


border said:
I guess I'd agree for the most part. I tend not to see the point in Sweeping Strikes....maybe it's just that I always forget to use it (or look for situations to use it in), but rarely do I have more than a single target in melee range (in PVP). Since it's only 1 point I guess it's no big deal.

Weapon Mastery also seems somewhat questionable now....I'm not sure if the -2% Dodge is worth giving up the +2% Damage you could get from 2H Weapon Specialization (or the 4% Damage buff from Blood Frenzy).

I still see people without points in Tactical Mastery, but I have no idea how they manage. I hate losing a ton of range everytime I stance-switch.

This spec looks fun to play, though it's not gonna be too much of a powerhouse:


It's more for people that want to be a pain in the ass than a killing machine =)

i would agree with you if sweeping strikes was only usable in battlestance, but now that u can use it zerker stance, i use it quite often in arena, almost every match at some point if i have a full rage bar, its particularly great for killing warlock pets

and 2/2 weapon mastery is almost a must now, would u rather be disarmed for 5 seconds, or 10 seconds?


Got my warrior alt up to 50. Was considering stopping the leveling since AR/prep was actually a pretty decent spec but apparently Blizz devs don't want rogues to have a good PVP spec so they're nerfing hemo.
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