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World of Warcraft

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Right now I'd sooner believe Adam Nagourney's keen insights on politics than believe Blizzard's explanation for the hamhanded nerf to Druids and Priests, two of the most essential-and underplayed-classes in the game. Yes, there was content being bypasssed in a lot of the dungeons because of soothe. However, the solution to that isn't to gut an ability that I mainly use to pick herbs without getting aggro.

Bleh. I'll still play my priest though, he's 46 and a bundle o' fun.


firex said:
It's fun when a hunter feigns death vs my warlock... it doesn't clear dots so I just run up and melee them (have to reactivate attack) until they really die. I've gotten used to it because there's a couple really terrible night elf hunters who try to attack crossroads a lot and abuse the shadowmeld bug to kill people.

Heh. I don't feign death to fool people in PVP :p it's used to clear combat status so I can place another trap, which can't normally be placed after you enter into combat.


Funny bank video, although it's ruined ironforge until blizzard does something about it... logged on to shattered hand to find all the bankers dead in ironforge... they respawned and were killed again.

Keep it up rogues, make yourselves target for the blizzard nerf bat. hah
Razoric said:
Funny bank video, although it's ruined ironforge until blizzard does something about it... logged on to shattered hand to find all the bankers dead in ironforge... they respawned and were killed again.

Keep it up rogues, make yourselves target for the blizzard nerf bat. hah

Or how about this... Instead of nerfing a class that doesn't need it... Blizzard actually makes the bankers HARD to kill.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Razoric said:
Funny bank video, although it's ruined ironforge until blizzard does something about it... logged on to shattered hand to find all the bankers dead in ironforge... they respawned and were killed again.

Keep it up rogues, make yourselves target for the blizzard nerf bat. hah
Shattered Hand 4 lyfe!


All of TNL plays on that server if you're looking for a guild, send a tell to Dahvae or Mzo.


Ha, ha... I just signed on quickly to check on my auctions, and discovered that someone's pet Infernal had broken free while in front of the Ironforge Bank. Several people died taking it down.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Just crashed out of the game for like the 10th time. My latency bar goes red, and I can no longer cast or do anything for about 2 minutes before getting kicked.

I'm reading on the official forums that people are having loot lag and such since the servers came back yesterday, but no mention of latency issues. This is the first time this has EVER happened to me. Is it just COXs fault or what? O_O Anyone have any idea what's going on?


MrCheez said:
Just crashed out of the game for like the 10th time. My latency bar goes red, and I can no longer cast or do anything for about 2 minutes before getting kicked.

I'm reading on the official forums that people are having loot lag and such since the servers came back yesterday, but no mention of latency issues. This is the first time this has EVER happened to me. Is it just COXs fault or what? O_O Anyone have any idea what's going on?

Our server and login server been really shitty ever since the downtime the other day.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
So tired of this. I remembered in beta when we'd all just reassure eachother "Don't worry it won't be like this in retail!"
I just played for 2 hours. My server was fine.

Got my dexterity to 112 tonight, whoop. Thats pretty good for my level. Man, and Cheap Shot + Initiative Talent = ultra cheese. I usually open with Cheap shot (3 combo points thanks to initiative then use ghost strike for a quick additional point, and then sinister strike to hit 5 combo points. from there its rupture or evicerate.



People are making mountains out of molehills. These tiny changes affect balance, but not the amount that many pretend. IMO, WoW is close to balanced already- give them a couple months and it should be great. WoW is far more balanced at launch then Diablo 2 was, and Diablo 2 eventually turned out great. You have to give them time.


GameFan Alumnus
Ikse said:
Anyone know what this place is? Can you walk in it?

That's Dalaran, a city of mages, I believe. As of now, you cannot walk into there, but here's hoping they make it a cool instance later.


Korranator said:
I don't get why all the major 6 alliance and horde cities don't have AHs.

The way they created them doesn't allow them to link. At one point all cities had an AH, but no one ever used them really.
Ferrio said:
The way they created them doesn't allow them to link. At one point all cities had an AH, but no one ever used them really.

I don't believe.

Wasn't the AH in BB hooked up to the Gad AH, back before they removed it?


This is fucking bullshit. Cenarius was down for 16 hours the other day and now it's down again.. ruining our second run through the UBRS.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Second night in a row the game has been practically unplayable. Only now the servers are completely down.

Grrrr. Not happy with this at all. Not being able to play at all is one thing. But being left in the dark and wasting your time for lag and crashes to end and thus wasting hours of your time is another.


Yeah, servers are performing like shit... again. Illidan had massive lag. Loot lag wasn't there, but there was 5+ seconds between pressing a button and my actions. My instant shots took 5 seconds to fire. :x


Kilrogg crashed for at least an hour or so, but it's back up now and running ok.

I made a Tauren Druid on Gilneas named Padanda (third try with random name generator since the first 2 were taken) but I haven't played him very much.

and I just spent 5 gold unlearning my warlock's talents (and then probably another 3 gold training new spells) but so far I really like the change I just did. I went from 31 points into affliction talents and 8 into destruction to 34 destruction, 5 affliction and it rocks so far.

edit: holy shit, I really like my new talents. I just soloed a level 48 elite pretty easily (fear kited him about halfway through after he killed my vw because I wasn't paying attention) and then a level 50 elite.


I was having bad lag last night, even getting booted a few times, but it was interesting that my roommate was having the same problem with other games. Was something up with the internet in general, or maybe just some regions, last night?
firex said:
Kilrogg crashed for at least an hour or so, but it's back up now and running ok.

I made a Tauren Druid on Gilneas named Padanda (third try with random name generator since the first 2 were taken) but I haven't played him very much.

and I just spent 5 gold unlearning my warlock's talents (and then probably another 3 gold training new spells) but so far I really like the change I just did. I went from 31 points into affliction talents and 8 into destruction to 34 destruction, 5 affliction and it rocks so far.

edit: holy shit, I really like my new talents. I just soloed a level 48 elite pretty easily (fear kited him about halfway through after he killed my vw because I wasn't paying attention) and then a level 50 elite.

As a warlock, tell me more about your build. I've currently got 5 in affliction for the instant-cast corruption, and about 9 in destruction working on getting Shadowburn. Not really sure where to go from there. I've heard it really depends on what pets you plan to play with most of the time. Imp/Succubus go destruction, for more mana-effeciency and VW tanking, go affliction?

Builds are alot less talked about for warlocks when compared to something like mages.


Some ?? lvl undead rogue was in booty bay today ganking all the alliance. He eventually ambushed me, my bar went down so quick. Amazingly I got off a gouge, and it connected, and I had literally no health bar left , so i jumped into the sea and did vanish and he lost me :lol

Was a nice feeling, I went from no chance of surviving, to landing a lucky gouge and escaping. :D


Sal Paradise Jr said:
As a warlock, tell me more about your build. I've currently got 5 in affliction for the instant-cast corruption, and about 9 in destruction working on getting Shadowburn. Not really sure where to go from there. I've heard it really depends on what pets you plan to play with most of the time. Imp/Succubus go destruction, for more mana-effeciency and VW tanking, go affliction?

Builds are alot less talked about for warlocks when compared to something like mages.
It's the opposite from my experience, really: affliction you wind up tanking for your imp/succubus (I preferred using the succubus due to her being a mana battery that also contributes melee damage) and destruction, my voidwalker tanks for me. It probably doesn't make much sense, but basically, the voidwalker can hold aggro against immolate and shadowbolts (unless I get a crit, because they'll do like 400 damage for immolate's DD and 600 for shadowbolt) because it's big damage coming in bursts with only the immolate DOT, while with affliction he has to compete with like 100+ damage ticking every 3 seconds.

I think affliction may actually be better for soloing, but destruction seems to allow me to grind elites my level or +2 higher, and they give 600ish xp at level 48 without any rest bonus.

As for what I did - my 5 in affliction are into improved corruption. My 34 into destruction are broken down like this:
5 into improved shadowbolt
5 into bane
5 into devastation
1 into shadowburn
2 into intensity
2 into destructive reach
2 into pyroclasm
1 into ruin (this is what really allows for a lot of dps)
5 into improved immolate
5 into emberstorm
1 into conflagrate (haven't used this yet, but it seems if you time it so you cast it before the last tick of immolate's DOT you get a big boost in dps and can recast immolate and chain these two)

The main thing is, I do tons of burst dps now, and my sustained dps is still awesome. I have a little more downtime, but I can lifetap to get rid of that, plus first aid (or just eat food, or drain life, which the vw can tank through) and it really doesn't affect my dps much on bosses (well, that's not totally true - I do lose a 50% boost in curse of agony's damage due to not having amplify curse). What I'm getting next is 2 points into improved lifetap, then 5 points into improved drain life, and from there I'm not sure.

The affliction build is probably better to be honest when it comes to exp/hour soloing and questing, but it's like playing two totally different styles within the same class.

If you were to build for destruction, I'd hope you spent 5 into improved shadowbolt (though cataclysm is also ok, but the shadow weakness thing + the increased crits from destruction gives you a ton of damage) and then the rest into bane for your 9 points so far. Shadowburn is pretty nice, to be honest - it's what you use to finish off a runner since it'll give that soul shard right back, and does fireblast-ish dps. I'm still going for the stamina-heavy build in terms of equipment. I just find it odd that the voidwalker can't tank for shit past level 40 if you go affliction (where you'll never pull aggro in groups unless you dot a mob other than the main assist), but he can if you go destruction. I don't even miss the nightfall talent from affliction - while it gives some nice burst dps for an affliction warlock, I don't need procs of instant-cast shadowbolts when my vw can tank through immolate.

Also, I could probably try tanking for the succubus using searing pain, but I think that's only worth it if you get improved searing pain and ruin. I also think the downfall of a destruction warlock is resistances - on my affliction warlock, I've noticed that even mobs with high shadow resistance take full DOT damage from curse of agony and corruption, while if a mob resists my immolate/shadowbolt I lose the full damage, just like a mage does. Hence the reason why I'm going to pull with curse of the elements/curse of shadows from now on.
2 Questions, A rogues experience would probably help the 2nd one.

1) Completed a quest in Darkshire, 10 slot bag was my prize. I selected it and completed the quest but got no bag. What gives?

2) I just hit lvl 24 with my rogue. When I go to Rogue trainers they say they have something important for me. I select the "May I have it please" option and I get nothing. Anyway to fix this?
Biff Hardbody said:
2) I just hit lvl 24 with my rogue. When I go to Rogue trainers they say they have something important for me. I select the "May I have it please" option and I get nothing. Anyway to fix this?

Actually, you should find a small letter in one of your bags, which gives you the Ravenholdt Manor quest line. The quest line is broken anyway, so I wouldn't even bother with it right now.


damn, Kilrogg is down again for maintenance (here's betting they nerf some other spell for no reason), so I'm on my horde druid on Gilneas, named Padanda, for anyone else who's a major lowbie there.


I logged off gilneas after like a half hour, just too damn laggy. Kilrogg's problem hasn't been lag so much as it's been random crashes of either continent.


After a month of Spinebreaker being "invincible" its now useless. After being down 16+hrs on Friday, it was down 2-3hrs at least last night and now is impossible to log into.


yeah, I can't log into Kilrogg at all now. it's a shame, but at least I'm getting a ton of rested xp for my warlock.
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