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World of Warcraft

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Was wondering why Archimonde has a 500 queue (total hell for anyone who get disconnected). For some oddball reason everyone made alts on the highest population pvp server on that 16 hour maintenance. Now it seems that they still play them now everytime their server goes down.

I'm honestly amazed the server hasn't completely died.


And even i am moderately surprised
okay , so i got WoW sent to me today.

*spasticnoob* Which is the server to be on? *spasticnoob*


Cerebral Palsy said:
Actually, you should find a small letter in one of your bags, which gives you the Ravenholdt Manor quest line. The quest line is broken anyway, so I wouldn't even bother with it right now.

What's broken about the Ravenholdt quest? I don't remember having any problems with it.
You get the quest at level 24, but you can only learn disarm trap at level 30. If I recall correctlly you need disarm trap or you have to fight a level 30+ elite mob, which is hard at level 24.


The quest line isn't finished, it's not broken.

And yeah, you need to detect it and disarm it, if you choose to fight the mob, well, it hits like a wrecking ball for one, and secondly even if you kill him it makes no diff, still gotta disarm the...blue....thing...


Ahh yes, good point. I didn't receive it until later on in IF after I had Detect Traps so didnt think of that.

Since we're talking about Ravenholdt, I managed to get friendly status with the ravenholdt group. I was expecting new quests to open up, but nothing happened =/


after further review, I'm really torn on warlock talents (which is always a good thing) and think I may wind up going back to affliction with a little destruction. Shadowburn is awesome but I don't solo as fast as I do with affliction (tanking with drain life and doing massive sustained dps) and this little preview of destruction talents is enough for me. I think destruction may be better for instance groups, though - quick dps (as opposted to affliction where I could only really put corruption on mobs) and nice jumps in damage with conflagrate.


nah, the longest ever is the horde Onyxia key quest, which is a boring ass worldwide series of lame fetch quests, while the alliance gets an awesome event and a very short jaunt into lower BRS that can be completed with a 5 man group.
MrAngryFace said:
You get the quest at level 24, but you can only learn disarm trap at level 30. If I recall correctlly you need disarm trap or you have to fight a level 30+ elite mob, which is hard at level 24.

For the record the onl thing you need to do is to Detect traps on it. At that pt you get the quest item, and can continue. Greed makes you open the trapped chest, and greed gets you killed.

A point could be made that its unfinished as the next person they hint at talking to is Wolfe and he has no further quests. But the point of it all is to get in good with the new faction after bringing 30 talismans (forgot the name) back to the keep making your rating "Friendly"


Anyone have a hated bar and the At War button force ticked? I can't change it at all, I don't recognise the clan that hates me and I've no idea how I got it ><


firex said:
nah, the longest ever is the horde Onyxia key quest, which is a boring ass worldwide series of lame fetch quests, while the alliance gets an awesome event and a very short jaunt into lower BRS that can be completed with a 5 man group.

Heh, yeah I am fairly close to my Onyxia key being done.. but I seriously doubt even the Horde one is longer than this. I dunno why the quest listing on Alla ends when it does, but it leads to a step called Azsharite then is still longer. Apparently the final mob in the chain crits for upwards of 1600 too. Ouch.


My Human Pallie co-oped with a Tauren Shaman today. We both were heading into drywhisker gorge to mine - we couldn't heal or buff each other or even chat, but we helped each other kill mobs. At the end I saluted and he bowed and we went our separate ways.
I saved some Tauren guy from death today while I was out herb gathering. He was being chased by two Worg things. I was on a cliff above him. So I jumped down like freaking batman and saved the day. Then I gave him a few of my potions.

Some noobs are actually worth saving.


Lonestar said:
why oh why didn't you guys start this up earlier, back near launch :p
:lol That's what I was thinking. Anyway, created a character today (Druid). This is the only server where Rorschach was already taken >:|


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I'll make one in abit. Wonder if Archer is taken

Archer, Undeadish Rogue. I'm dying for a guild. Or Dead, actually.


MrAngryFace said:
I saved some Tauren guy from death today while I was out herb gathering. He was being chased by two Worg things. I was on a cliff above him. So I jumped down like freaking batman and saved the day. Then I gave him a few of my potions.

Some noobs are actually worth saving.

Ma'am, you're oh so fair.


Now I'm going to go watch a movie.


Ouch. Blizzard getting some negative press from PA because of this.

In other news, we hereby revoke 2004 Game of the Year status for Blizzard's "World of Warcraft," effective immediately.

If you are familiar at all with the newspost, you know that it has been a spigot of almost unmitigated goodwill towards the title. We've been playing it for months in another form, and even chose to write thirteen comics for the guide. Understand that we don't need to take or even entertain projects if they are not utterly delicious, your readership of the site itself guarantees that. We took it because we loved the game and had faith that any hitches in the experience would be ground down before release. This has not been borne out.

I would not disagree with you if you said that the game was good - indeed, as delivered, I still maintain that in the Massive genre it provides the greatest reward for the least nuisance. It also succeeds in many ways corollary to that, but I've said plenty of things along those lines, and the puff piece phase is over - particularly with the European launch en route. Now is actually a good time to appraise their technology. It is, in a word, wanting.

I'm putting aside issues like class balance or Gamemaster abuse, because honestly those things are only a problem when the !&$%ing server is up. They will no doubt be very interesting topics eventually, but it's actually four and five times a week at this point that I can't even log in to the game. It's not like I'm sitting here trying to connect at odd hours so I can catch them in something, either - this is in prime time, or on a weekend. The mail system works when it is good and ready. The servers themselves appear to have other things on their mind.

Every week, there is some new calamity that necessitates some huge response on their part, servers are coming down, but if you think that the servers coming back up again will represent an improvement in the basic functionality of the game you're mistaken. They took them down most of the day Thursday (and again for &quot;emergency service" on Sunday), and when they came back up it should have been something supernatural but it was actually utterly imperceptible. It should have been like when the Genesis device hit and a lifeless rock became a !&$%ing paradise. That didn't happen. So, if I say, as I'm about to, that their emergency service amounts to parlor tricks, what evidence can they give to the contrary? Because near as I can tell they've been doing &quot;emergency service" since release, only they used to credit people's accounts for it.

If this happened in Galaxies, or Dark Age, or AO, of course it'd be everybody everywhere piling on. But it's Blizzard, and since they made a few good games years ago now they can do whatever the !&$% they want to. Great policy, and it totally serves consumers. Good job. Where's Lum The Mad when you need him.

When a young person comes into a noticeable sum of money, it is often the case that strictures are placed on its expenditure. The thinking is that such a person will plow their inheritance in things that are critical to them at the time but do not represent a wise long-term investment, such as Sweet Tarts. A trust fund protects this amount and purifies its purpose. So it can be said for the coveted Game of the Year award - it was given too early, and they have squandered it. It is now withheld. It will be released only when they prove themselves worthy stewards of it.

(CW)TB out.



I'm not having any problems connecting to any of the servers I'm on, but then again the P/M servers have always been more reliable. I agree that if this was happening with any other MMORPG, there would be tons more hate abound.


While they provide some decent information, and are probably the best place for any real WoW discussion as far as I am aware, the Off. WoW boards are still the leading force behind sales of Asprin in most of America I'd assume.

No less than 50% of any class centric board is "Jesus Christ our class sucks/Nerf ____".

And yeah, the general forum is a riot now. I understand how aggrivating it can be for people on those with certain schedules, but the thin grasp of reality some of those lunatics have is very good entertainment.

Although personally, if they're having such problems, I wouldn't mind them simply shutting the shit off for a week or so and getting it together. Of course, I'm aware this would cause some people to ACTUALLY EXPLODE.


Well, i found out why pallys win against warriors in straight melee. Crusader and vengence is bugged.

Crusader doesnt maintain dps, but instead increases it by 40%. My dps goes from 70 to 120 when i use crusader.

Vengence increases crit chance aswell when it shouldnt. Lets just say that 3 crits in a row isnt a rare occurence for me.
Is it possible to have two accounts on same credit card? With two copies of the game...

I think I have to charge my brother some items/exp for paying his monthly fee....
Hopped a zep to Kalimdor, flew to crossroads, walked to ratchet, took a boat to booty bay, swam all the way up to where those defias jerks were, killed them and ta da. Poor undead rogues, no other way to do it that I know of.



Monk said:
Well, i found out why pallys win against warriors in straight melee. Crusader and vengence is bugged.

Crusader doesnt maintain dps, but instead increases it by 40%. My dps goes from 70 to 120 when i use crusader.

Vengence increases crit chance aswell when it shouldnt. Lets just say that 3 crits in a row isnt a rare occurence for me.

Crusader increases attack speed by 40%, thus the increase in DPS.

I saw a post somewhere by someone who did a bunch of testing with crusader. At low levels, you lose damage per hit and gain some of it back due to the attack power bonus, but still are coming out ahead due to the increased attack speed.

The higher level versions of crusader, with the higher attack power bonus actually increase both your damage per hit and your speed.
So I finally got to Un'goro Crater last night. Oh my god that place is like Jurassic Park. The first time I saw a devilsaur I was in awe. Took some pictures. They're so awesome.



Wow, it looks like I've been lucky. My server has been lagged a ton more since the "16 hour maitenance", but we aren't crashing all the time nor do we have queue's.

I've got a 44 Rogue now and a 32 Priest. They are both pretty fun.

Is everyone else's server overrun with these "Casino" people? They spam yell like crazy wanting people to place bets.. then as 4/5ths of them are level 1 alt's they screw people out of the money, so those guys start yelling "Don't bet with blah blah blah, he's a scammer"

Duh. Why would you give some level 1 alt a 5G bet. It's annoying because I can't put people on ignore fast enough while in town.


Bregor said:
Crusader increases attack speed by 40%, thus the increase in DPS.

I saw a post somewhere by someone who did a bunch of testing with crusader. At low levels, you lose damage per hit and gain some of it back due to the attack power bonus, but still are coming out ahead due to the increased attack speed.

The higher level versions of crusader, with the higher attack power bonus actually increase both your damage per hit and your speed.

But from 70 to 120 dps?


Thats for level 4. That is 40% more dps and an additionally more for the attack bonus crusader gives.

Crusader is only supposed to increase attack speed at the cost of damage per attack plus a small damage bonus given from the att power.


Monk said:
Thats for level 4. That is 40% more dps and an additionally more for the attack bonus crusader gives.

Crusader is only supposed to increase attack speed at the cost of damage per attack plus a small damage bonus given from the att power.

Yeah, but at higher levels the bonus from att power is greater than the initial damage reduction, meaning you hit faster and harder.


But i do more damage per hit with crusader than without. It shouldnt be the case. The att bonus is only about 120, it shouldnt increase the damage by that much.
For Horde interested in the cool defias mask. (alliance has it too easy :( )

How to get Defias Mask as a Horde:

You cant walk to where you need to go, even at level 27. Trust me. At UC, hop a Zepplin to Kalimdor, First landing ramp.

When in Kalimdor either walk to crossroads or fly via flight path.

At crossroads go east to ratchet.

At ratchet, take boat to Booty Bay.

At Booty Bay, jump into the water, follow coast line north, past Vile Reef. Stay AWAY from shore, and at the level required to gather breath, this will keep you from aggro mobs.

You'll see a lighthouse eventually as you swim (you swim for about 20 minutes)

Come up on shore next to the pier. In this area you'll find level 15 ish, Defias Highwaymen and other members of the order. Its these people who drop the masks that bind on pick up. Note that they drop the masks around 1.2% of the time, so patience.

There is also a nice Elite mine nearby with good drops.

Thats how its currently done for horde, not sure of another way.


I've killed those Devilsaur a few times with a friend... probably about 10 times total. Killed every one of them but the Lv60 one. Never dopped a thing. I was able to skin Devilsaur Leather off it, though.


Monk said:
But i do more damage per hit with crusader than without. It shouldnt be the case. The att bonus is only about 120, it shouldnt increase the damage by that much.

Your attack power rating actually contributes a good amount to your final DPS. If you mouse over it, you can find out how much DPS your base attack power rating contributes. At my current level, Crusader increases it by 25% (+95 to att bonus currently).


And at the bottom :

"In several weeks time, we'll turn our gaze away from Battlegrounds and focus more on the new PvP Honor System, gaining ranks, and the bevy of rewards that awaits for those who engage in the honorable defense of their lifestyle against the encroachment of the enemy faction."

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