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World of Warcraft

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Zaptruder said:
After that, aimed shot, concussion shot, scorpid sting and pet will take them down a good amount, then raptor as they close in and take a few hit, wing clip and run away to finish them off.

It is amazing the amount of hunters that dont do that even, who just rely on only a couple of skills.


Rogues are tough to fight since they can snare/stun you almost all the time. Probably the hardest fight for a Hunter to win, since they can hardly do anything if they're not at range. Luckily we have a ton of skills to help keep a rogue away. FD+traps, concussion shot, scatter shot, wing clip. Scorpid sting is a massive STR and AGI reduction. Just have to make use of the skills available and hope things don't get resisted/miss.

The weekly realm maintenance normally scheduled for Tuesday morning has been moved to this Thursday, January 13, at 4:00 AM PST. As part of this week's maintenance, we will be making improvements to our current infrastructure to address recent performance issues. Please note that implementing these improvements will extend the duration of the maintenance window to approximately 16 hours. We thank you in advance for your patience during this time; we will work diligently to bring the realms up as quickly as possible.



MrAngryFace said:
Id probably just Sap you first, kill your pet real bad, then focus on you afterwards. Underestimate the power of Sap not! Plus I have a lot of ways to bleed the hell out of you.

You'd probably hit my freeze trap before you sapped :p After that you wouldn't be able to hide anymore.

(Freeze trap has a big radius... hard to avoid, impossible to avoid actually, just hard to avoid while still getting a hit in).
Guys, I have a question. I've seen people who aren't hunters and warlocks running around with little pets. I've seen a panda cub, and tonight I saw something I hadn't seen before. It was a tiny devil, all red with black horns with the name like "Tiny Hellord". It was different then a warlocks devil, in fact it kind of reminded me of one of the devils from the Doom. How does one get one of these things? If not, a panda cub at least?
Biff Hardbody said:
Guys, I have a question. I've seen people who aren't hunters and warlocks running around with little pets. I've seen a panda cub, and tonight I saw something I hadn't seen before. It was a tiny devil, all red with black horns with the name like "Tiny Hellord". It was different then a warlocks devil, in fact it kind of reminded me of one of the devils from the Doom. How does one get one of these things? If not, a panda cub at least?

Pandas, mini Diablos and Zerglings can only be possesed by those who bought the insanely sought after Collector's Edition of WoW.
Speaking of pets, got my Succubus today. The random whip sound effects and the sounds they make are, suggestive. Couldn't try the succubus out though, but looking at the stats, she seems to have better tanking ability than the imp and more damage than the voidwalker.
Zap: Rogues DO have detect trap ;P Plus I dont mind the waiting game, I dont see why I have to attack you if im perfectly hidden off in the distance. Unless you get a mark off of course ;) I dunno, im just not one of those crazy combat rogues (still a respected approach, but also still crazy), every talent ive earned so far has been put into subtlety.

Got my Rogue to level 25 tonight. Convinced the higher level you get the goofier you have to look. Sigh. Oh well, I do lots o the damage and dodge like crazy. Dex 103 and rising!



MrAngryFace said:
Zap: Rogues DO have detect trap ;P Plus I dont mind the waiting game, I dont see why I have to attack you if im perfectly hidden off in the distance. Unless you get a mark off of course ;) I dunno, im just not one of those crazy combat rogues (still a respected approach, but also still crazy), every talent ive earned so far has been put into subtlety.

Got my Rogue to level 25 tonight. Convinced the higher level you get the goofier you have to look. Sigh. Oh well, I do lots o the damage and dodge like crazy. Dex 103 and rising!


I am talking about duels.

Of course in a PVP area, who wins depends really on who sees who first. But Feign death can force me to leave combat mode whereupon I can place a new trap.


Does Hunter's Mark block Vanish though? If the Hunter gets the jump, I struggle alot to win the fight, especially with the pet dazing you as you run towards the hunter. If you Gouge the pet, you're more then likely going to be under Concussive shot from the hunter as you try to get to him.

I find Hunters harder to beat i must admit.


Big raid report on official forums:


Our guild Giant Communist Robots was disbanded at midnight central time without warning sending us into a fervor. Uniting virtually the entire horde we crushed Stormwind killing the General at the gates, took over the Tram, killed the Gnome King and attempted to kill the Dwarf King.

Unfortunately due to the 100 guards protecting the Dwarf King and his seemingly unlimited health we could not defeat him. We tried for well over 30 minutes. Ironforge and Stormwind were in chaos.






President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Hunters mark stays on you when you vanish and the Hunter can see you the entire time, but it does not stop you from vanishing and removing snares and roots. I have no idea if people other than the hunter can see you or not, as you still go into stealth and are transparent. o_O One day I will test this... but really it doesn't matter. If a hunter is snaring you and backing up, you're using the vanish to charge him - not to get away. You also have sprint for this purpose. Rogue's with preparation can use both these moves twice in one fight if they want to, also.
Bregor said:

I was on at the time, but I was not part of the raid. I was busy questing and a friend sent me a tell saying an enormous amount of people were getting together in orgrimmar to raid stormwind. I just thought to myself "this is so dumb, they're not gonna accomplish anything." Two hours later I'm in org and there's a message in general chat thanking everyone for participating in what was evidently a huge success. I should've joined. Dammit.
AM I the only one that thinks it makes sense for hunters not Pallys or warlocks to get a free mount as a class perk? Apperently on the offical froums I'm a crazy man.


Great Wasabi Man said:
AM I the only one that thinks it makes sense for hunters not Pallys or warlocks to get a free mount as a class perk? Apperently on the offical froums I'm a crazy man.

Yes, you train a pet to be a friend to fight for you, not to be a beast of burden. True Hunter should frown at people using mounts.
.hacked said:
Yes, you train a pet to be a friend to fight for you, not to be a beast of burden. True Hunter should frown at people using mounts.

yes but those huge ass thunder lizards don't seem like they would be burdened by a skinny NE :D


I don't believe any class should get a free mount, unless it also has some form of combat or class balance function.

It's not a big deal, had no problems raising the cash for mine, but it's kinda unfair really
.hacked said:
Yes, you train a pet to be a friend to fight for you, not to be a beast of burden. True Hunter should frown at people using mounts.

If I can train a pet to take an ass beating on my behalf, I should be able to train a pet to lug me around. I don't think anyone should get free mounts, but if ANYONE should qualify for it, it should be hunters.


I'm more bothered by Paladins getting them, at least you could justify a Warlock summoning a pet to ride, but why the fuck do Paladins get anything?

I'm firm on good support Paladins being very helpful and challenging to play, and that they aren't overpowered, IMO. However, even when you single out the 0.5% of talented Pallies, they're still fucking spoiled.


Pallies also got a horse in EQ, I see no problem with it. It kind of fits with the class really having them have an holy steed and all.

I wish there would be a shadow knight class for the horde side though, it would be pretty cool.
Malakhov said:
Pallies also got a horse in EQ, I see no problem with it. It kind of fits with the class really having them have an holy steed and all.

I wish there would be a shadow knight class for the horde side though, it would be pretty cool.

Death Knights are rumored to be one of the hero classes.

Another rumor going around is that the first bg Blizzard has planned for us is going to be capped at lvl 49? If they don't have one for 50+'s, there's going to be a ton of ppl pissing, moaning, and cancelling. Maybe that's the reason for the delay?

Anyways, they really should do something for those of us dying to get in them, maybe release preview 2?


Druid's should get their Stag's as a mount. Whether it be free or not. I think they have as much right as a warlock or pally.

Or bump their travel form 10 levels later and make it as fast as a mount.
I don't have an account yet. I'm waiting for the european release.

Would anybody be kind and go to the official forum and post a suggestion for me? Feel free to correct my grammatic and mathematical flaws.


There should be a lottery in wow. I mean come on. Who doesn't want to be a millionair?

Everybody should be able to buy a ticket. It should be fairly cheap. 5 silver maybe. All the money from the tickets go into a huge pool. Every friday the winner is found. If 50.000 people buys a ticket the winner receives 2500 gold.

It's not hard to do this. Each ticket should have a row of 6 random numbers ranging from 0-9. Blizzard then every friday picks 6 random numbers ranging from 0-9. If nobody hits the numbers the lottery continues and the pools just grows until somebody wins.

6 random numbers is one in a million chance.


No one should get a free mount. Period. You can have class specific mounts, but they must be bought. I don't care if one class has to spend more on training.

Free mount = bullshit.


Zaptruder said:
Goddamit, who let the under 13s into this forum again.

Hah! I'm surprised you didn't use the canned, "someone call the wah-mbulance!" response. Bet you call people on PvE servers "carebears" too.


My opinion still stands. Free mounts = bullshit.


Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
SaitoH said:
Hah! I'm surprised you didn't use the canned, "someone call the wah-mbulance!" response. Bet you call people on PvE servers "carebears" too.


My opinion still stands. Free mounts = bullshit.


Heh, my friend calls the entire game carebears because you can't loot corpses. Last MMORPG he played was Ultima. He makes playing funny.


SaitoH said:
Hah! I'm surprised you didn't use the canned, "someone call the wah-mbulance!" response. Bet you call people on PvE servers "carebears" too.


My opinion still stands. Free mounts = bullshit.


Paladin freemount is bullshit, but warlocks pay an arm and leg for their spells (about the same as other jobs + cost of mount).


Zaptruder said:
Paladin freemount is bullshit, but warlocks pay an arm and leg for their spells (about the same as other jobs + cost of mount).

The real problem is that the quest for the Paladin's mount isn't implemented yet.


Ok... so I'm going to finish of Maraudon this weekend...

but they're rewarding 2 truly excellent items for me as a hunter. I'm really conflicted as to which item I should get;

Thrash Blade


Verdant Keeper's Aim

On one hand, bows are my main weapon... and that bow will serve me until LV56+ or unless I can find a whirldwind or some such. I might not even be able to find a green replacement for the bow past LV56, but I'll definetly keep an eye peeled.

OTOH, the thrashblade is awesome. It's definetly a weapon that can still be used at 60, doing comparable to high level green DPS, with a great chance on hit effect.
.hacked said:
Do other classes get a quest spell/skill at 40?

damn this thread moves fast....

Hunters only get one set of quests at level 10.....at least they should give some lube when you create a hunter...or at least a diner. I love being a hunter but it feels like they left stuff out ESPECIALLY in the class quest area. I really don't see it being a problem saving for a mount it just annoies me hunters....who tame beast have to save up for a mount, yet pally just get one.

Hunters feel so f'din the ass. Track hidden doesn't track shit, Mark of the Hawk is broken, stables are broken, there are more beast you can't tame then you can, unless your an NPC you pet is a runt, you pets don't grow stat wise so you have to keep trading them in every so often (which I don't :p), if you have a cat you can learn 4 abilities 2 of which conflict (growl and cower) other wise too bad...which is odd cause i only played a warlock to about lvl 10 and it seems thier pets can lear alot more, can't make bows or arrows, we loose at least one bag slot and depending how hungry your pet is probally half a 10 slot bag for pet food. You get one lvl 10 class quest, and after 40 levels of BEAST MASTERY amonst other things you have to pay for your mount. Beast Mastery...it's in our skill tree....do Pallys have anything to do with baest besides killing them while uber buffed?

Ronaldo...there not lottery but players set up casino's usally near the AH in IF and sapm gen chat. Yeah thats what IF AH needs more people to create more lag.
I totally understand the free mounts not being fair (moreso for paladins), but if Warlocks didn't get the nightmare mount, NO ONE would play the class.

Slight exaggeration? Yes, but Warlocks are easily the least played class next to priests on most servers.


Well, not sure how many of you are priests in the game but all classes should take a second look at their skills.

Priests get a skill called mind soothe, basically it makes mobs non-agro unless you're very close to them. Basically a travel spell so you don't fight everything while you're walking around or collecting ingredients. This spell is harmless to players. Today (Thursday) there was a 16 hour maintenance on a few of the servers. These servers are reporting that Mind soothe, which was originally an instant cast on any mob, has now been changed to a 1.5-2 second cast time and only works on humanoids, where before it worked on everything, beasts, demons, humans, etc. Also before this "maintenance" it wouldn't agro the mob if it failed, now if it fails it agros the mob.

Now the fun stuff...The 16 hour maintenance was not suppose to change anything game wise, at least as far as anyone knew, but this change went in. There is no mention of it anywhere that this change was going to occur, it was basically a stealth nerf. To top it all off, the text for the spell still remains the same, instant cast on all mobs, but the actual spell is completely different.

Not sure if any other skills for other classes have been changed, but just as an fyi, if you notice your spells are a little different, even though the text is the same, they may have actually changed it during the 16 hour maintenance without changing the text.

BTW this is only affecting the servers that went down for 16 hours, all other servers still have the old instant cast spell.


OK, after further reading Druids have also been affected by this secret change with their spell Soothe Animal.

Also for some of you rogues out there, there are reports that some elite mobs have gained super stealth detection so that you can't sneak by them no matter what lvl you are. So be careful out there!

And also the following can no longer be charmed Hederine Initiate, Hederine Manastalker, and Hederine Slayers. Of course I have no idea what/who/where they are.


Zaptruder said:
I am talking about duels.

Of course in a PVP area, who wins depends really on who sees who first. But Feign death can force me to leave combat mode whereupon I can place a new trap.
It's fun when a hunter feigns death vs my warlock... it doesn't clear dots so I just run up and melee them (have to reactivate attack) until they really die. I've gotten used to it because there's a couple really terrible night elf hunters who try to attack crossroads a lot and abuse the shadowmeld bug to kill people.


Verdant Aim vs Thrash Blade

I went for the Thrash Blade but that's because I use a Gryphonwing Long Bow which does the same DPS as the Verdant Aim and provides AGI boosts to boot. If I were you, I would go with the Thrash Blade just because you can find a comparable bow if you put some work into it.
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