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World of Warcraft

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Maxrpg said:
Blizzard is putting a lot of importance on Arena because they want their game to be also seen as a competitive gaming thing like FPS's.

how can blizzard make this game's pvp "e-sport" credible when class composition plays a larger role than skill? I think people (and blizzard) need to give up the dream of arena being anything more than bush league to the Counterstrikes and Starcrafts of the world.


paaronormal said:
how can blizzard make this game's pvp "e-sport" credible when class composition plays a larger role than skill? I think people (and blizzard) need to give up the dream of arena being anything more than bush league to the Counterstrikes and Starcrafts of the world.

I have no idea either, nor do I have any idea about who actually gives a shit about it other than the people actually competing in it.

Even on the snooty forums I visit, people scoff at the idea of 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments, because they're very literally unbalanced gimmick formats only put in to appease people who wanted to play with a friend or two.

5v5 is more open but still revolves around a handful of cookie cutter layouts (2345, drain team, 4 DPS, etc).

It's not so much the balance as the limitations. FPS and RTS you can pick up and play. WoW you need to level to 70, spend awhile at 70 gearing and repping up, start pvping, then have very specific team formats, etc.

2300 last season, and even I think arena needs a lot less focus.

Personally, I'd like to see arenas used for the off pieces and mother fuckin RATED BATTLEGROUNDS come in to play for real action! Wheee!

Man, rated WSG would be so fucking cool. Oh, and rule formats ffs. No 10 druid teams or some shit.


I really like Arenas, even if most are dominated by cookie cutter teams, etc. The people I play with aren't that great, so we'd be lucky to ever smell 2K, so most games are just for...fun.


Alex said:
I have no idea either, nor do I have any idea about who actually gives a shit about it other than the people actually competing in it.

Even on the snooty forums I visit, people scoff at the idea of 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments, because they're very literally unbalanced gimmick formats only put in to appease people who wanted to play with a friend or two.

5v5 is more open but still revolves around a handful of cookie cutter layouts (2345, drain team, 4 DPS, etc).

It's not so much the balance as the limitations. FPS and RTS you can pick up and play. WoW you need to level to 70, spend awhile at 70 gearing and repping up, start pvping, then have very specific team formats, etc.

2300 last season, and even I think arena needs a lot less focus.

Personally, I'd like to see arenas used for the off pieces and mother fuckin RATED BATTLEGROUNDS come in to play for real action! Wheee!

Man, rated WSG would be so fucking cool. Oh, and rule formats ffs. No 10 druid teams or some shit.

Ironically, on my mage main I enjoyed 2v2 the most out of the 3 brackets. I didn't care for the role of CC bitch and detect magic spamming in 5v5, and 3v3 I team hopped quite a bit. Managed to hit duelist with my rogue friend at the end of season 2 and took a vacation. Something like rated WSG would definitely entice me to resub. 33/28 FC killer spec with iceblock sounds mighty good.:lol
The Horde is so nice to each other. Just good people all around.

But seriously, fuck these motherfuckers who think 10-19 and 20-29 BG are for twinks only.

Do the GMs get what they say if you do a quick report of someone cussing you out with the report spam command?


Oni Link 666 said:
The Horde is so nice to each other. Just good people all around.

But seriously, fuck these motherfuckers who think 10-19 and 20-29 BG are for twinks only.

Do the GMs get what they say if you do a quick report of someone cussing you out with the report spam command?

it goes into a que for them to look into. I don't think think its live researched to be honest.


Has problems recognising girls
:lol "fucking homo" is at least a 72 hour ban. I hope he kills himself during the withdrawals stage.

Usually whenever a twink called me out for being too low or whatever, I just sit back and tell them to win the game for me so I can collect my honor. One time I was in it with my Priest and a twink tells me to heal him or get the hell out, so I started running around behind him and wanding anything he was hitting :D

edit: Also I find it amusing that most of the players in your group at Blood Elves - the only decent class for BE race in terms of racials (which matter a lot to twinks for some reason) would be for a Mage and/or Priest. At least if you're going to roll a Rogue twink for Horde, do it right and go Undead or Orc.


speedpop said:
:lol "fucking homo" is at least a 72 hour ban. I hope he kills himself during the withdrawals stage.

Usually whenever a twink called me out for being too low or whatever, I just sit back and tell them to win the game for me so I can collect my honor. One time I was in it with my Priest and a twink tells me to heal him or get the hell out, so I started running around behind him and wanding anything he was hitting :D

haha. good work.
So we finally managed to get good at managing Druid/Warr teams and went on a 11 win streak, recouping a 100 point nosedive and then some. Shit on arenas all you like, they are really fucking fun.
After getting my Gladiator's Gavel I got my Gladiator's Shoulders today. Got them enchanted and socketed. I have 4K honor and hopefully by Monday morning I'll have my Gladiator's Chest or Legs. Plan on doing plenty of PvP, a few Heroics, and finishing Karazhan this weekend. Need the badges to get the spell damage shield for my Elemental Shaman. Really liking it.


Oni Link 666 said:
Do the GMs get what they say if you do a quick report of someone cussing you out with the report spam command?

You don't even need to use the report spam command. That's only for gold spammers and is likely handled by different people. Just report the retard with the time it happened and the GMs can see what he said and nail him.


I know Kara is old news at this point, but we went in tonight for the first time one our rerolled characters. It's like 6 of my WoW friends I've played with for years, 3 random guys we just met that are really cool (And good! So rare!), plus some random schmuck of a ret pally we let come. We cleared it all, including Nightbane (one of the random guys had a pally that could summon him) in around 5 hours I think, got everything down first shot except Prince and Netherspite.

I remember Kara being fairly easy back when I first did it, but a few 56Ker's kept us from going past Aran with d/cs and such, but it feels like it's been nerfed pretty good, am I wrong?


Ramirez said:
I know Kara is old news at this point, but we went in tonight for the first time one our rerolled characters. It's like 6 of my WoW friends I've played with for years, 3 random guys we just met that are really cool (And good! So rare!), plus some random schmuck of a ret pally we let come. We cleared it all, including Nightbane (one of the random guys had a pally that could summon him) in around 5 hours I think, got everything down first shot except Prince and Netherspite.

I remember Kara being fairly easy back when I first did it, but a few 56Ker's kept us from going past Aran with d/cs and such, but it feels like it's been nerfed pretty good, am I wrong?
It's been known for a while you can pug it.

Zul'Aman, however, is another story.


Maxrpg said:
It's been known for a while you can pug it.

Zul'Aman, however, is another story.

Well, as I said we all rerolled and have probably been 70 for less than a month. By pugging I assume you mean 1-2 random people coming along for the ride, I don't see a real PUG group getting very far still. :lol


You know what really sucks is that it's hard to run groups in old instances.

I've never seen Onyxia's Lair, DM, Strat, and a lot of other ones. No one ever wants to run lowbie old raids/instances.


If anyone is horde side on a PST server, let me know. I really need a group/guild to play with and I'll roll a new character there. Just let me know the server name and PM me your character name. Thanks.


Maxrpg said:
It's been known for a while you can pug it.

Zul'Aman, however, is another story.

Yeah, Zul'Aman was a little bit of a shock - it's not crazy difficult, but it's certainly significantly harder than Karazhan.


unifin said:
Yeah, Zul'Aman was a little bit of a shock - it's not crazy difficult, but it's certainly significantly harder than Karazhan.
Our guild cleared it the day the patch released, but good god was the last two bosses craAAAZy. Hex Lord Malacrass needs fine tuning.
ZA is the only dungeon in BC that I've seen that has noticable hard gear checks in it. Moroes, Curator, Prince, Gruul, VR, Kael, don't really have that general gasping for more feel that smart play and teamwork or one decked out tank can't fix. ZA, for a Kara guild, tests EVERYTHING from mana management, to queued spike heal poundin', to random spike damage, to having both mitigation and raw Stam vs. avoidance vs TPS for tanks, to constant self and environmental awareness even on trash. In other words, it's fun as hell.


Ramirez said:
Well, as I said we all rerolled and have probably been 70 for less than a month. By pugging I assume you mean 1-2 random people coming along for the ride, I don't see a real PUG group getting very far still. :lol
I think that a PUG of people who are experienced with Karazahn would do totally fine. Problem is that most people in a PUG aren't going to have any experience past Attumen.


SatelliteOfLove said:
ZA is the only dungeon in BC that I've seen that has noticable hard gear checks in it. Moroes, Curator, Prince, Gruul, VR, Kael, don't really have that general gasping for more feel that smart play and teamwork or one decked out tank can't fix. ZA, for a Kara guild, tests EVERYTHING from mana management, to queued spike heal poundin', to random spike damage, to having both mitigation and raw Stam vs. avoidance vs TPS for tanks, to constant self and environmental awareness even on trash. In other words, it's fun as hell.
ZA is classic difficulty. I just got my bear mount today for my Orc Warrior. :D
My one complaint about ZA is how weak the 4 bosses are. Trash is really fun, Malacrass is fucking awesome, and Zul is great. The 4 avatars are chumps though.

Well, actually now that I think about it Zul is buggy bullshit, but the concept is great.
Alterac Valley in my Battlegroup is being ruined so fast...First of all this "StinkyQueues" mod is allowing premade groups of 40 into every other AV game. Second of all these premades are for whatever reason stretching AVs out to last 30-45 minutes. When both teams zerg, regardless of the winner, both teams can leave with 300-500 bonus honor in around 10 minutes. It's a win win. Now AV has again become a stretched out battle with little bonus honor involved.

Attention: You do not gain your team honor for playing defense in AV. You get your team bonus honor by destroying towers, capturing poitns and killing the NPCs.


I thought the whole point of a premade was so that the entire group could just zerg the whole map, or go straight to the general. With 40 people it doesn't even matter if you destroy the towers.....you can take on all the bosses at once.
border said:
I thought the whole point of a premade was so that the entire group could just zerg the whole map, or go straight to the general. With 40 people it doesn't even matter if you destroy the towers.....you can take on all the bosses at once.
You won't make any honor.


BloodElfHunter said:
You won't make any honor.
In a single game you don't get a lot of honor just for killing the general, but you roll through games so quickly that it's more efficient just to zerg like that (particularly on an AV weekend).
border said:
In a single game you don't get a lot of honor just for killing the general, but you roll through games so quickly that it's more efficient just to zerg like that (particularly on an AV weekend).
On my battlegroup AV lasts anywhere from 14-20 minutes. When it goes to 20 minutes we make anywhere from 500-670 honor, non av weekend. 14 minute games are 220-350 or so.
BloodElfHunter said:
On my battlegroup AV lasts anywhere from 14-20 minutes. When it goes to 20 minutes we make anywhere from 500-670 honor, non av weekend. 14 minute games are 220-350 or so.

The premades in my Battlegroup turtle. They put like 5 man groups at each point to defend it and have MAYBE 5 people on offense. It's really dumb.
Does PST not mean please send tell anymore? I see a lot of people use it like it doesn't. They say please pst me and shit like that. That would be like saying please please send tell me, which sounds ridiculous.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Been messing around on my Priest recently and well Shadow just ain't fun for me, thinking I might actual spec Healing (I didn't buy any healing spells till 70 xD) and was wondering what the norm was, thinking of PvP/Arena, and my gear blows.
Ikuu said:
Been messing around on my Priest recently and well Shadow just ain't fun for me, thinking I might actual spec Healing (I didn't buy any healing spells till 70 xD) and was wondering what the norm was, thinking of PvP/Arena, and my gear blows.




How did you survive till Shadowform?!?


Holy shit - AB weekend and AB premades fucking rock.

7K honor in 2 hours. @_@

This as an enhancement shaman with 150 resilience in glad/vind gear. >.<

If it weren't AB weekend, we'd be doing EOTS - EOTS premades are nuts.


So we did some 5v5s tonight just to get me and some other guy some points for the week. I'm prot since we're doin Kara and shit atm, we went in with a DW enhance shammy, lock, spriest, druid, and me. Not a single healer, no healing debuff, no resilience really on any of us, and we managed to go 3-7. We beat one team that had two healers...no point to this other than to just say how stunned I am at how bad some people are at this game. :lol


ToyMachine228 said:
After getting my Gladiator's Gavel I got my Gladiator's Shoulders today. Got them enchanted and socketed. I have 4K honor and hopefully by Monday morning I'll have my Gladiator's Chest or Legs. Plan on doing plenty of PvP, a few Heroics, and finishing Karazhan this weekend. Need the badges to get the spell damage shield for my Elemental Shaman. Really liking it.

Even though I never played WoW I love reading your stories TM, it's like a mini WoW blog to me. Keep on updating this thread with your adventures!


ToyMachine228 said:
After getting my Gladiator's Gavel I got my Gladiator's Shoulders today. Got them enchanted and socketed. I have 4K honor and hopefully by Monday morning I'll have my Gladiator's Chest or Legs. Plan on doing plenty of PvP, a few Heroics, and finishing Karazhan this weekend. Need the badges to get the spell damage shield for my Elemental Shaman. Really liking it.

Well-fare epics.
People really shouldn't make fun of s1 gear being so easy to get. All the gear in wow is considered welfare epics compared to serious mmorpgs. Wow is so easy.


If the season 1 gear wasn't so easily attainable, it would be pretty much impossible for new characters to compete in PVP, and even with it they're still at a slight disadvantage compared to s2/s3 gear, which is understandable.


Maxrpg said:
Blizzard is putting a lot of importance on Arena because they want their game to be also seen as a competitive gaming thing like FPS's.

They'd have to copy the GW formula, because thats the current king for that sort of thing. I don't see them doing that ever though.

As a resto druid, let me tell you how you fuck us over: intercept our limited running angles in an enclosed area, nuke the other player when we're in bear and hots are removable heals so debuff like mad. I am surprised the rise of Resto druids hasn't seen a counter of Shamans since Shammies have all the stuff to tear up Druids, mainly purge, earthbind, frost shock spam and earth shock if we ever cast.


Has problems recognising girls
etiolate said:
I am surprised the rise of Resto druids hasn't seen a counter of Shamans since Shammies have all the stuff to tear up Druids, mainly purge, earthbind, frost shock spam and earth shock if we ever cast.
This is what gets me. I hear talk of how Druids are pains in the arse, and I can sort of attest in terms of what I was able to fiddle with on the PTR premade Druid judging solely on the abilities I was pulling off.

But with my Shaman main I used to eat Druids for breakfast even if I was Resto. There's a reason why I had purge and rank 1 frost shock/earth shock so easy to reach to because it was the difference between an easy fight and able to control most of it verses a long battle (and most likely resulting in me running out of mana and dying).


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
SatelliteOfLove said:



How did you survive till Shadowform?!?

Well obviously I'm not 100% serious, but I didn't buy the vast majority of healing spells till 70.


I don't play WoW anymore but Shamans are the Druid's worst enemy. I could never hope to beat one, but it is possible to escape via lifebloom spam / travel form
So, I just got my Wintersaber. It was the second stupidest, most boring, grind I've ever done in the game only surpassed by my pre-BC price drop grind for my epic ground mount. But, I've wanted that mount forever so I went ahead and did it. I made like 400g found about 50 frost protection potion recipes, like 300 winterfall beads, a ton of greens, a rare gun, and an epic gun while doing it. I also got exalted with Darnassus and I'm almost exalted with Exodar now thanks to all the runecloth I got.



Worships the porcelain goddess
So, I quit pre-patch because I didn't see a point in playing too much before the increase to xp. I was level 35+ on a BE Mage and BE Rogue. I enjoyed both, but I enjoyed Rogue a bit more. Sadly, the server I was on felt dead. Just straight up comatose (low population) and the friends I had in the game all just vanished. All that said, I'm thinking about going back in since I did enjoy it, on a new server and giving it another go with a class I haven't experienced with.

For those with experience, how is the game as a Priest, Paladin, Hunter and Warlock? These are classes I've never really gotten into and don't know too much about (I remember Shadow Priests being used to level with, Hunters being a pain pto me anyways] in PvP, and my Warlock friend exploding shit with reckless abandon [granted, low level junk]).
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