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World of Warcraft

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I'm doing the one thing I never thought I'd do and leveling fishing! I don't really see what's new about it compared to before, though.


Shoho said:
a mmo thats a ghost town is freaky and a hollow experience. its like a part of you dies:(

Ugh, I remember that. MMOs are fairly terrible to start playing at launch anyway, though. I'm not sure if it's improved; we started playing seriously about two weeks after the game came out, so things could be radically different now.


ToyMachine228 said:
Been PvPing like crazy now that my Draenei Elemental Shaman is 70 and I've got about 15K honor in I think...4-5 days. Going to buy the damage mace first and then pick up the rest of the Gladiator's pieces. I'm in a casual guild and hopefully I'll get to do a Kara or two before school starts back up.

If your goal is to PVP a lot, I would recommend saving up for S1 armor pieces instead of the mace. You'll get a lot more beneficial stats (i.e. resilience + stamina) from more pieces of arena armor than you will from just the mace. However, if you want to PVE more, the mace is equivalent if not better than the weapon Prince drops.
OK total noob tutorial time:

Never tanked in my life. Played to 70 on a rogue & warlock, but now I've rolled Druid on my friends server and I want to learn. I also want to be able to use my cat form for soling/lvling.

1) any good tanking guides you can recommend?

2) any gear suggestions at lvl 40? Good for DPS/tanking or are they completely separate (i.e. do I need two sets?)

3) any tips that work for you? Esp. Druid tanks but really anyone can help.

I feel like I'm new to the game but I've been here since beta. :lol


all I know is you really need the Survival of the Fittest talent if you want to tank high level stuff (I assume you already got the +threat in bear form talent). gear-wise it's hard to get good feral tanking stuff before outland... just so you know, though, there are some insanely good greens for feral druids that are better than some purples. All you really need before outland is stamina leather. Then in outland you can get +defense and +dodge rating gear. And of course, armor gear too.


venison crêpe
What's with all the guards in Booty Bay being asleep/drunk for New Years Eve? It's a PvP mess there :lol
Hero said:
If your goal is to PVP a lot, I would recommend saving up for S1 armor pieces instead of the mace. You'll get a lot more beneficial stats (i.e. resilience + stamina) from more pieces of arena armor than you will from just the mace. However, if you want to PVE more, the mace is equivalent if not better than the weapon Prince drops.

Yeah I'm not sure...I can get the big thing out of the way and get the Main-Hand tomorrow or the next day or buy one of the pieces now. Tough call.


So, I've been away from the game since summer, and I'm realizing that I'm a bit rusty on a few things. For example... I've got three unspent talent points that I have no idea how to use.

Currently a lv 57 Hunter, and my main gameplay is soloing. Occasionally group up with a friend or two, very rarely a PUG, and not much interested in the multi-hour-long large group game content. Enjoy PvP (am on a PvP server), mostly in the way of random world PvP stuff, but sometimes battlegrounds. (I'd say I'm much more interested in the BG stuff than I am the big raid, long dungeon stuff.)

So, with that in mind, here's where I currently sit. Any recommendations for what direction I should be going in points-usage wise?

Current build


if you have 3 points to spend, I'd just get 2/2 go for the throat and scatter shot. Seems like the best choices available to you...
Definently get scatter, but if you are leveling up at all get beastial discipline and keep going for wrath.

BTW hi mr lvl 65 warlock who randomly bumped into me in AV earlier.


ToyMachine228 said:
Yeah I'm not sure...I can get the big thing out of the way and get the Main-Hand tomorrow or the next day or buy one of the pieces now. Tough call.

The armor 2 piece bonus is going to be more beneficial.


I can't believe I'm about to roll a third priest. But at least this time I've learned my lessons about what to do and not paint myself into a corner with a "casual" guild who fields raiders that have very little grasp of basic concepts of how shit works.

It *REALLY* killed any interest I had in this game when I found myself having to beg the idiot mages to re-sheep a simple target in a ZA raid, and even then they managed to fuck that up badly.

This time I'm going Horde though. I've always had this impression that Horde had better skilled players.

Wonder when do I get my free jar of Grey Poupon and afternoon tea for rolling Horde.
EekTheKat said:
I can't believe I'm about to roll a third priest. But at least this time I've learned my lessons about what to do and not paint myself into a corner with a "casual" guild who fields raiders that have very little grasp of basic concepts of how shit works.

I worry about many WoW players; they never learn from painful mistakes. I fear they'll pick up the soap every night if they get thrown in prison, for example.

It *REALLY* killed any interest I had in this game when I found myself having to beg the idiot mages to re-sheep a simple target in a ZA raid, and even then they managed to fuck that up badly.


This time I'm going Horde though. I've always had this impression that Horde had better skilled players.

You get surly social misfits rather than babbling giggly airheads in the trade. Especially the BE rogues and UD locks for some reason.

Wonder when do I get my free jar of Grey Poupon and afternoon tea for rolling Horde.

You get a Haunch of Meat and the blood of your enemies. FOR THE HORDE.
I haven't even been back for 2 weeks and I'm already getting bored of this game. I'll probably quit after this month and wait for the expansion. They need a new battleground. Maybe they should do something like AV with a style like ZG and ZA since Blizzard loves trolls so much. I also firmly believe that they should re-balance the raid areas so that people can do them in 5 man groups. And I don't mean with shittier loot. I want the same loot. They should still be hard though. I can't believe they still insist on putting so much focus on these cool dungeons with important parts of the lore that hardly anyone ever gets to see. Seriously, what percentage of players are actually getting in those areas? How many people even got into shit like Ahn'Qiraj and Naxxaramas? No one is ever really going to raid in those places any more either. They're just sitting there taking up space on your HD. I'd like to see Blizzard give people a choice between playing these dungeons with either 25 or 5 man groups and see how many people would still do 25 man groups.

Let's see what I've done. I got 2 new swords, boots, bracers, gloves, and a cape, all epic and enchanted. The only thing I didn't get from PVP was the cape which I got with 25 badges of honor. I also went up some levels with a few factions. I was doing the Wintersaber grind pretty much all day today and it's really boring. I'm up to honored now but, I'm thinking of not even bothering with it. I've have to do the same 2 quests like 60 more times or something. For a white cat with purple stripes.

Armory link - http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Trollbane&n=Kunoichilink

Eric WK

SatelliteOfLove said:
You get surly social misfits rather than babbling giggly airheads in the trade. Especially the BE rogues and UD locks for some reason.


I've never played Horde really, but I've always imagined that being the case.
So I need 4.6K more honor to get my Gladiator's Spell Damage mace tomorrow and BGs are down...Damn it all. Thank God I'm going to get a 1H either from PvP or tonight in Karazhan because I'm sick of being an Elemental Shaman using a Staff:lol Did my first Arenas as a Shaman yesterday too. We went 5-5. Not too bad for just starting and having terrible gear.


They should've made wildly different game types for each BG, then periodically added maps.

But instead theres four BGs that are basically the same thing, with one map each, so lame.

Hopefully the new shit with siege weapons and the such is pretty cool in Lich King.


I've only logged on for a few attempts each day to do the BG daily, since our arena team took the week off since none of us could commit to a schedule.

Out of eight EOTS matches I've lost all eight, this is as a ridiculously well ranked and geared healer. I've utterly nobody to heal.

Half the team rushes the middle

half the team realizes how inept they are since they cannot pick a target and they cannot lay any CC down,

half the team then turns into incredible pussies and cowers in the road between the Mage Tower graveyard and the flag.

The Horde then effortlessly cap the flag, as all opposition is sitting in the street desperately trying to nab an HK, and communicates well drifting their cap force back to any node under attack from the 2-3 Alliance members whose balls have dropped.

The Horde are also usually peppered with a better mix of classes, and tend to defend their healing classes better as well.

One game that comes to mind I had several hundred thousand healing in an AB we lost a few weeks ago, as compared to the top Horde healer in that game, which was simply a Shadow Priest, as they had no genuine. But, like clockwork, a Draenei Enhancement Shaman with 5600 max hp goes off on a tangent screaming that we lost due to lack of healing.

I can't claim for more than just my Battlegroup; Nightfall, as it's all I've played in post-BC, but it's really hellish to put up with. Granted, it was at 60, but I used to be in Rampage, and the people there were far more civil and far more competent.

I think it's a good explanation for why 90% of the arena teams we fight in the high end brackets are Horde teams as well. :p

I really want to get my Horde character up to cap, but I really don't have the time nor energy to do it lately.

I'm just tired of having to grab 2-3 friends to win a fucking daily. 2-3 goodies is all it fucking takes, really. Get me a decked Elem Shammy and a Warrior and we go on a fucking rampage. Everything just explodes, it's great fun!
I've got 27K honor and I still haven't decided if I should get the Gladiator's Gavel or two pieces of Gladiator's instead...Tough call. I'll make my decision at some point today.


ToyMachine228 said:
I've got 27K honor and I still haven't decided if I should get the Gladiator's Gavel or two pieces of Gladiator's instead...Tough call. I'll make my decision at some point today.

doesnt really matter

at some point all of those pieces will be replaced by s3 gear or w/e

id get the weapon, because it will be easier for you to get points to buy the new armor pieces, if you are just starting out i doubt u will get to 1850 requirement to get a weapon right away, so armor will be easier to get


If you got some good pvp armor/season 2, and the weapon is less than it should be.. upgrade the weapon.. otherwise get new armors
I decided to go with the Gladiator's Gavel. At least now I can use a Shield instead of a Staff:lol Doubled my armor. In another two days I'll hopefully have the Gladiator's Shoulders. Going for something quick and easy next. And damn are the mats for +40 spell damage to weapon expensive. Going to cost me like 300G.


ToyMachine228 said:
I decided to go with the Gladiator's Gavel. At least now I can use a Shield instead of a Staff:lol Doubled my armor. In another two days I'll hopefully have the Gladiator's Shoulders. Going for something quick and easy next. And damn are the mats for +40 spell damage to weapon expensive. Going to cost me like 300G.

which server? 300g is cheap.
Do you guys know any secrets to gaining honor without botting? I've seen a few people on my realm making 18-26k honor a day during non weekends.. The most I can make is 9-10k and thats doing AV ALL day long. They claim they just do av all day so I dunno what I'm doing wrong. They talk and crap during the matches and everything so they're not afk botting or anything =\
BloodElfHunter said:
Do you guys know any secrets to gaining honor without botting? I've seen a few people on my realm making 18-26k honor a day during non weekends.. The most I can make is 9-10k and thats doing AV ALL day long. They claim they just do av all day so I dunno what I'm doing wrong. They talk and crap during the matches and everything so they're not afk botting or anything =\

Going with a team; preferrably 150 Res+ and doing WSG. Partialing it in EotS is possible (zerging the 3rd node), but you have to manipulate the sheeple who will inevitably follow the 10 guys all in the same guild for PHAT HK. Tell them to go to the other ally-side node and they'll hold the other barring a zerg over there.

Anything else is some guy reading or watching TV while jumping every 60 seconds unless death comes, at which time they ride to the next hotspot; who are scum.


Has problems recognising girls
BloodElfHunter said:
Do you guys know any secrets to gaining honor without botting? I've seen a few people on my realm making 18-26k honor a day during non weekends.. The most I can make is 9-10k and thats doing AV ALL day long. They claim they just do av all day so I dunno what I'm doing wrong. They talk and crap during the matches and everything so they're not afk botting or anything =\
The answer lies in the poopsock.


BloodElfHunter said:
Do you guys know any secrets to gaining honor without botting? I've seen a few people on my realm making 18-26k honor a day during non weekends.. The most I can make is 9-10k and thats doing AV ALL day long. They claim they just do av all day so I dunno what I'm doing wrong. They talk and crap during the matches and everything so they're not afk botting or anything =\

Thats impossible, including a 5 min wait to AV, a 10 min game, you are looking at 1400 HP given an average of 350 HP a game. Not taking into account differing wait times and games going long or even shorter. No way to make 18-26 K a day without botting.


Ripclawe said:
Thats impossible, including a 5 min wait to AV, a 10 min game, you are looking at 1400 HP given an average of 350 HP a game. Not taking into account differing wait times and games going long or even shorter. No way to make 18-26 K a day without botting.

even with a bot thats tough.

I've seen people do 30-40 a week non stop.. and bots just a little higher. But a day? No way


Playing again a bit on the holidays and have found that the long term effects of Arena and Arena gear and gear in general seems to have fucked up PVP to the point where most areas of PVP are worthless.

I don't want to grind for gear. Arena isn't even fun and the problem is that the as usual naive community thinks its the 'serious' pvp, for they eat whatever they are told. The reality is that Arena is one dimensional and full of one trick ponies, and thus gets redundant fast, even faster than BGs which are pretty redundant as is. WSG remains the only worthwhile PVP.
I'm convinced that there needs to be some sort of explosive fireworks and confetti that launch should you manage to defeat a Warrior/Druid on BEM. It's like the most goddamn broken fucking thing you can possibly imagine. There's absolutely nothing in the game like finally fucking killing a druid on BEM, or managing to off his bitch buddy while he's off molesting children in bear form or whatever the fuck.

I run hunter/priest btw. I fucking hate Warr/Druid. At least Pally/Warr is an honest matchup, with each team being able to counter each other and the rub being in the execution.

And the arena is fun as hell, I have no idea what you are talking about. 2s are great, and so are 5s. 3s are kinda meh, but so what.


I've never done arena. I'm beginning to think I should on my shaman, but I wonder about arena as a resto shaman. seems like elemental is the only niche for them.


Osaka said:
Good luck with the eye, we ran MC for pretty much 2 years with no drop. :/

Just did MC last night eye, both bindings and ingots dropped.

Another PUG Guild also did MC earlier in the week and stated the same. Drop rates were brought up tremendously it seems for the older content.


Has problems recognising girls
In the same boat as etiolate. When Arena was announced I thought it would try and emulate something akin to world PVP but it doesn't. It's like PVP on rails. Everyone uses the same classes to get the best percentage of wins so they can get their loot.

It's as if every sense of the word PVP was thrown against the wall and shat on horizontally by Blizzard. They see world PVP happening and need to shut it down - their results of "controlled" world PVP are laughable at best. Halaa is a joke and I'm ashamed to admit that even Lake Wintergrasp will most likely be a fucking waste of time in WotLK. Blizzard just cannot let classes clash against each other in an environment where freedom reigns.

I will however agree that half of the blame should be thrown on the players themselves for letting the machine take hold of them.
I pretty much ignore PVP now. Arena is balancing the game in horrible ways. The other Battlegrounds are tedious to say the least. They need to do what CoH did and have two rule sets, one for their sad PVP setups and one for PVE.

I can't wait to see how Blizzard will overreact to the 2v2 Resto Druid "issues" and doom the class in 5v5 and PVE. :lol

When they killed World PVP they killed my interest in PVP altogether.


krypt0nian said:
I pretty much ignore PVP now. Arena is balancing the game in horrible ways. The other Battlegrounds are tedious to say the least. They need to do what CoH did and have two rule sets, one for their sad PVP setups and one for PVE.

I can't wait to see how Blizzard will overreact to the 2v2 Resto Druid "issues" and doom the class in 5v5 and PVE. :lol

When they killed World PVP they killed my interest in PVP altogether.

I have more fun with Halaa than Arenas. I did arena for like 3 weeks and when I realized its just another shit grind in a way.. passed on it.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
shidoshi said:
So, I've been away from the game since summer, and I'm realizing that I'm a bit rusty on a few things. For example... I've got three unspent talent points that I have no idea how to use.

Currently a lv 57 Hunter, and my main gameplay is soloing. Occasionally group up with a friend or two, very rarely a PUG, and not much interested in the multi-hour-long large group game content. Enjoy PvP (am on a PvP server), mostly in the way of random world PvP stuff, but sometimes battlegrounds. (I'd say I'm much more interested in the BG stuff than I am the big raid, long dungeon stuff.)

So, with that in mind, here's where I currently sit. Any recommendations for what direction I should be going in points-usage wise?

Current build

Weird build, imo. If solo is what you want, you've got to focus mainly on BM, and not stopping halfway. Your pet is your main source of solo kills and there's a lot of skills he can benefit if you take BM a bit further.

my build

Im lvl 57 just like you, i maxed the BM tree first (well as soon as i could get the beast within i respec'd), and have 7 points into the MM tree so far, @ 60 efficiency will be 5/5 and im going immediately for go for the throat.

Ferocity = 10% crit for your pet
Frenzy = 100% chance for your pet to gain 30% attack speed after dealing a crit strike
Serpent's swiftness = 20% attack speed increase for your ranged attacks and your pet's melee

Having those on your pet (and even you, 20% speed increase is no slouch in dps), will make it a shredding machine, bestial wrath will be your "win" button, when everything kicks in for your pet and he gets a crit hit + bestial wrath, its pretty much insane.

I dont know if you play in pve or pvp server but bestial wrath and beast within are not only good solo skills, they're very pvp centric aswell, i've been saved countless times with beast within when i got jumped by a rogue or fear by a lock.

improved concussive shot has little meaning while soloing, get 5% crit over it, you dont care too much about 20% chance on your CS to stun for 3 secs when your pet is shredding it to bits, once your pet is capable, you focus on your own dps.

just my 2c

edit, oh and if you can go quest that trinket, Devilsaur Tooth, Use: Your pet's next attack is guaranteed to critically strike if that attack is capable of striking critically. So if you want your pet to go into 0wnage mode manually and not wait for it to get a crit hit by chance, thats how its done, really one of the best hunter trinket for our level range.


Son of Godzilla said:
I'm convinced that there needs to be some sort of explosive fireworks and confetti that launch should you manage to defeat a Warrior/Druid on BEM. It's like the most goddamn broken fucking thing you can possibly imagine. There's absolutely nothing in the game like finally fucking killing a druid on BEM, or managing to off his bitch buddy while he's off molesting children in bear form or whatever the fuck.

I run hunter/priest btw. I fucking hate Warr/Druid. At least Pally/Warr is an honest matchup, with each team being able to counter each other and the rub being in the execution.


i find priest/hunter to be very easy for war/druid and war/shaman


krypt0nian said:
I pretty much ignore PVP now. Arena is balancing the game in horrible ways. The other Battlegrounds are tedious to say the least. They need to do what CoH did and have two rule sets, one for their sad PVP setups and one for PVE.

I can't wait to see how Blizzard will overreact to the 2v2 Resto Druid "issues" and doom the class in 5v5 and PVE. :lol

When they killed World PVP they killed my interest in PVP altogether.

I'll never understand the Resto Druid hate. How is it acceptable that Warriors are the only class capable of topping all three ladders but Druids continue to get shitted on by the pvp community?


paaronormal said:
I'll never understand the Resto Druid hate. How is it acceptable that Warriors are the only class capable of topping all three ladders but Druids continue to get shitted on by the pvp community?

resto druids are by far the best healing class in 2v2 and 3v3 arena


yacobod said:
resto druids are by far the best healing class in 2v2 and 3v3 arena

For 2v2 no question but outside of a few 4 dps and drain teams, Druids have almost no place in 5v5.
I have a bad feeling about the "big pvp balance changes" in 2.4. It's gonna be like going to sleep and waking up in a post apocalyptic world that tuesday afternoon. :lol


"4 dps and drain teams" summarizes 50%+ of upper end 5v5. Resto Druids are not that rare in good 5v5s.

That said I still don't see how you could nerf the class in anything other than an irrelevant fashion or by crippling it.

Paladins and Shamans just need a few tweaks for lower bracket arenas, Priests are fine, period, leave Druids alone.

I play too many classes, and I play too much arena. I'd modernize the healing models of Paladin/Shaman a bit, give Mage some Mana tweaks and frost some pushback, give Shadow Priests some mana tweaks and spell pushback, tell the other hybrids that aren't working as well (Ret, Feral and Enhance) to hold on until Lich King and be fucking done with it.

Class balance is actually catching back up a bit to that peak it hit prior to 2.0. So of course I expect something to break woefully in 2.4

And on a side note, I like arena, I am very high rated in arena, but I want it to fuck off more than a little bit in the expansion. It's becoming much too much in terms of importance.


Alex said:
"4 dps and drain teams" summarizes 50%+ of upper end 5v5. Resto Druids are not that rare in good 5v5s.

That said I still don't see how you could nerf the class in anything other than an irrelevant fashion or by crippling it.

Paladins and Shamans just need a few tweaks for lower bracket arenas, Priests are fine, period, leave Druids alone.

I play too many classes, and I play too much arena. I'd modernize the healing models of Paladin/Shaman a bit, give Mage some Mana tweaks and frost some pushback, give Shadow Priests some mana tweaks and spell pushback, tell the other hybrids that aren't working as well (Ret, Feral and Enhance) to hold on until Lich King and be fucking done with it.

Class balance is actually catching back up a bit to that peak it hit prior to 2.0. So of course I expect something to break woefully in 2.4

And on a side note, I like arena, I am very high rated in arena, but I want it to fuck off more than a little bit in the expansion. It's becoming much too much in terms of importance.

Blizzard is putting a lot of importance on Arena because they want their game to be also seen as a competitive gaming thing like FPS's.


krypt0nian said:
I pretty much ignore PVP now. Arena is balancing the game in horrible ways. The other Battlegrounds are tedious to say the least. They need to do what CoH did and have two rule sets, one for their sad PVP setups and one for PVE.

I can't wait to see how Blizzard will overreact to the 2v2 Resto Druid "issues" and doom the class in 5v5 and PVE. :lol

When they killed World PVP they killed my interest in PVP altogether.

yeah, pvp is stupid now. pillar humping plus ive encountered lag glitching teams a lot lately too. i got full s2 on my rogue including both daggers with the s3 chest and im done with pvp now.
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